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Conflicts due to damage caused by wildlife pose serious threats to conservation. In addition, wildlife damage incurs severe economic loss to communities living in the close vicinity of the park, affecting the livelihoods and well-being of locals. While different studies have emphasised identification and quantification of crop damage problems, studies highlighting the means used for crop protection and their effectiveness are limited. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of means used by communities to protect their crops against wildlife. 117 households were visited at two Buffer Zone villages of Bardia National Park, Nepal. Findings suggested that crop depredation by wildlife was a function of several factors, such as the distance of the farmland from the park, the size of the crop raiding animals and the frequency of attacks on the farmland, and the type of crops. Ten different means were identified by communities which were used regularly to prevent crop damage. Households combined both traditional and modern means to guard their crop against the wild animals. Means differed according to the animals as well as crops being protected. Among all these means, Machan (i.e. watch towers) combined with other means such as throwing flaming sticks and group shouting were the most effective and safest modes of crop guarding for all kinds of animals and crops. Trench and Bio-fencing were effective mostly for deer species. However, crop guarding was an intensive process and no means were able to completely prevent crop damage. Problem animals differed according to the villages and crops being damaged, which suggests that employment of single means would be ineffective. Site-specific management strategies and economic as well as technical support from funding organisations would be most useful to minimise crop loss. In addition information exchange and learning between farmers and the park management about different mitigating means could support and prepare farmers for improvement in the means.  相似文献   

Beginning in the 1930s and continuing through the 1970s, rhesus macaques and patas monkeys were introduced to presumed secure locations, primarily coastal islets, in Puerto Rico. Escapes into the wild began almost immediately after introduction. Today the combined range of the two species covers approximately 600 km2 of southwestern Puerto Rico, where serious conflicts with agricultural interests have resulted. The Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture surveyed about 90% of commercial farmers in the range of the monkeys to begin quantifying damage by monkeys and the associated economic losses during the years 2002–2006. During that time, total economic losses by commercial farmers to monkeys increased from $1.13 million USD to over $1.46 million per year. Of these amounts, the economic losses due to farmers avoiding monkey damage by switching from fruit and vegetable crops to less rewarding land use (primarily hay or pastureland) increased from $490,000 to $1.33 million per year. The losses reported from the survey represent only a portion of economic losses to the invasive monkeys. Subsistence and other smaller farms and agriculture were not included in the survey. We also discuss many other economic issues surrounding the impacts of the invasive monkeys, but for which sufficient data are not available for economic analyses. These include concerns such as destruction of native (especially endangered) wildlife, threat of disease spread, and property damage, all of which would also have to be considered to fully evaluate invasive monkey economic impacts in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

在第四次全国中药资源普查工作中,采用查阅文献、样线和样方相结合的调查方法,对阳朔县药用植物资源的种类、分布及蕴藏量等进行调查和统计分析。结果表明:(1)本次调查和鉴定,阳朔县共有野生和栽培药用植物919种(包括种下单位),隶属于160科527属;其中野生重点调查药用植物70种,栽培重点调查药用植物6种,国家Ⅰ级保护植物1种,国家II级保护植物7种,广西重点保护植物8种。(2)对样方调查中发现的57种野生重点药用植物的出现频率和蕴藏量进行统计,其中60.00%的物种蕴藏量小于100 t,野生重点中药材总蕴藏量11 610.18 t;66.67%的物种出现频率低。可见,阳朔县药用植物资源丰富,珍稀濒危保护植物种类多,生态环境保护较好;但各物种的出现频率和蕴藏量差异大,很多物种野生资源稀缺,对部分药用植物的保护已刻不容缓;建议把旅游业与中药种植业相结合,保护自然景观与生态环境,确保经济与生态协调发展。  相似文献   

以海南省全域耕地资源为研究对象,综合考虑耕地资源的经济产出价值、生态价值和社会服务价值,并利用模型进行量化测算,得出海南省耕地资源总价值为1 082 400.12元/hm2,其中,耕地资源经济价值为80 794.64元/hm2,占7.46%,耕地资源生态价值为302 477.37元/hm2,占27.95%,耕地资源社会价值为699 128.11元/hm2,占64.59%。建议海南省以耕地资源综合价值为基础继续适当提高征收耕地的补偿标准,建立耕地生态价值补偿机制,采取政府逐年补贴方式,将耕地的生态价值按照一定比例进行折算,逐年补贴给保护耕地的农民。同时明确接受补贴的耕地就要划为永久基本农田,不得转为其他用途使用,切实加强耕地保护。  相似文献   

影响耕地数量变化的因素错综复杂,用单一的回归分析法不易得到一个满意的模型。在前人研究的基础上,以湖南省南县为例,首先用主成分分析法选择主要的影响因素,克服多重共线性问题;然后再对选择的因素建立回归模型,从而对影响耕地数量变化因素的影响力进行定量分析,得到南县耕地数量变化驱动力主要有四大类因素:经济发展、人口增长、国家政策和农业集约化。并且指出不能只靠政策手段来解决耕地保护问题,需要通过经济、制度和科技相结合的措施才能实现保护耕地的目标。  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):511-531

Over the course of millennia and most dramatically in recent years, agriculture has eroded natural capital as it has supplied human demands. These tendencies can be offset by infusions of fossil fuels for fertility, pest control and traction, but only partially and not over the long term. This could be called the “problem of agriculture,” in contrast to problems in agriculture. Natural ecosystems are unmatched for efficient nutrient recycling, solar energy use, and biodiversity preservation, but they cannot feed dense human populations. An ecological agriculture that is a synthesis of natural and agricultural systems can save soils from erosion and reduce chemical and water use. Reducing chemical pollution of air, water and soils will conserve wildlife habitat, improve water quantity and quality and protect human health. By practicing an agriculture that has conservation as a direct result, farmers can become better stewards of the land. Lower input costs and inherent sustained soil fertility will mean more profit for farmers and communities. Principles of natural systems agriculture (NSA) are applicable to any food- or fiber-production system worldwide. In the central Great Plains of the United States, agriculture should mimic the native prairie, which is a polyculture of herbaceous perennial plants. The Land Institute has spent 25 years studying the structure and function of prairies. Now we and other research organizations are breeding perennial grain crops, including cool- and warm-season grasses, legumes, and composites. We are following two parallel strategies: selecting wild perennials for greater seed production and other traits of domestication and hybridizing wild perennials with annual crops to combine desired traits. Although the breeding process will take many years, the effort will be repaid many times over if we achieve our goal: a lasting solution to the 10,000-year-old problem of agriculture.  相似文献   

The population density of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Northern Switzerland has increased dramatically during the last three decades and the species has become a major threat to agriculture, causing severe damage to crops and grassland. Vulnerable fields have to be protected from wild boar incursion, which is in most cases achieved by using electric fences. Alternatively, deterrents basing on optical, acoustical or gustative effect are available. The effectiveness of most of these systems has not previously been scientifically tested in the field. In our study we investigated the effectiveness of solar blinkers at baited luring sites. We conducted field experiments at 4 different sites with free-ranging wild boars from January 2007 to January 2008. Data from 504 inspections of the luring sites indicate that solar blinkers reduced the probability of wild boar visits at the luring sites by 8.1% compared to the control sites. We therefore evaluate deterrence effect of solar blinkers to be insufficient for effective crop protection. Probability of wild boar visits at the luring sites changed throughout the study period, showing seasonal variation of the extent of wild boar activity in the fields.  相似文献   

茶农生计恢复力测度及影响因素研究——以安溪县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据生计恢复力理论,结合可持续生计分析框架,构建茶农生计恢复力测度指标体系,选取福建省安溪县作为研究区域,运用综合指数法和多元线性回归模型,测度茶农生计恢复力并识别其影响因素.研究结果显示:(1)茶农生计恢复力指数由高到低依次为:务工主导型>务农主导型>纯农业型,总体呈现由非农收入主导向纯农业收入逐渐减弱的态势,并且不...  相似文献   

Farmers repeated prioritisation of the need for improved methods of controlling insect damage to stored commodities in Zimbabwe led to the search for alternative grain protectants to the locally available organophosphate-based pesticides. In field trials the diatomaceous earth (DE) products, Protect-It® and Dryacide®, gave good protection to threshed maize, sorghum and cowpea from insect attack during 8 months storage, enabling households to increase both their food security and control over grain sales. However the initial trials, although on-farm, were researcher-managed and only evaluated by farmers at the end of the storage period. No information existed on how effective DEs were under real farmer management.

At the start of the 1999/2000 storage season, farmers in Buhera and Binga districts set up trials in their own granaries using their own maize and sorghum grain, respectively. During a 7 months storage period they evaluated the application of 0.1% w/w Protect-It® compared to their typical grain protection methods. At 5 and 7 months storage, farmers compared the treatments using the parameters they view as important such as insect damage, expected ‘sadza’ yield and quality and sale price. The DE treatments outscored other practices for all parameters and farmers were keen to purchase DEs to protect their future harvests. Grain samples from the same trial were also analysed in the laboratory at 5 and 7 months for insect populations, damage and moisture content. Although grain damage and insect numbers were higher in the typical grain protection treatment than the DE treatment, the differences were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Wetlands have immense poverty-fighting potentials and in Nigeria,more and more people are dependent on wetlands for their livelihoods.To examine the social factors affecting the current status of the wetlands utilization for agriculture in Nigeria,a simple random sampling technique was used to select 200 farmers cultivating wetlands and a structured questionnaire was applied to elicit the information on the social factors.Data collected were described using frequency and percentage and a multiple regression analysis was used to identify significant variables that are determinants of wetland utilization.The results of the analysis showed that significant variables included crop preferences,farming system,culture,taste,land tenure,knowledge of wetland cultivation,perceived suitability,farmers' tribe,location of wetland,and farmers' age.It was concluded with suggestions for the right combination of policies,public awareness,and appropriate farming methods in order to improve wetland utilization in Nigeria.  相似文献   

为解决知识信息缺乏对小麦绿色生产技术应用的限制,探索基于手机短信的新型农业技术服务方式对小农户绿色生产技术应用的影响,在充分了解地区生产现状的基础上,结合已有研究形成了小麦全生育期绿色技术规程,并将针对知识制约的关键技术环节编辑成10条农业短信,根据农户地块土壤、苗情、病虫草害诊断结果,于2017-2019年对山东省滨州市阳信县的55户农户进行为期两年的针对性技术服务,在每个生育时期田间操作管理前的3~15 d发送技术指导短信,并以入户调研和田间调查的方式评价了农户短信查收情况、田间管理情况及产量。结果表明,手机短信服务延续性有助于更好地实现短信技术的传播,短信的收到率从2018年的72.4%增加到2019年的92.2%。短信服务提高了农户绝大多数环节的操作科学性,2018年和2019年查看短信的农户科学管理比例分别为52.6%和62.3%,比未查看短信的农户科学管理比例高5.2%和2.6%,但短信服务不能改变那些受到生产设施制约的操作环节,如播后镇压技术因缺乏镇压工具而无法实施等。操作科学性的提高能显著提高产量,查看所有短信的农户冬小麦产量比不查看短信的农户平均增产11.2%和11.6%。由此说明通过手机短信能够进行农业技术的传播,并且利用手机短信进行农业技术服务的方式能够指导农户进行科学管理,实现冬小麦增产。  相似文献   

在沿海大开发战略的宏观背景下,江苏沿海地区各土地利用类型之间的竞争日益激烈,耕地资源由于其稀缺性越来越受到重视。本文阐述了江苏沿海地区耕地质量研究现状及发展趋势,分析了现阶段该地区耕地存在的问题,结合国内外耕地质量提升相关技术,提出新形势下江苏沿海地区地力提升和生态保护相结合的相关建议和对策,为促进该地区耕地质量可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

江西作为双季稻主产区,多措并举确保了早稻面积落实落地.然而,通过连续2a的追踪调查发现,种粮大户对促粮政策反应不一.同时,早稻可持续发展面临着农户种植意愿再度回落、政策性农业保险存在短板,促粮政策宣传和落实不到位、地方财政紧张、农田生产条件改善有限、防灾减灾压力大、农资价格上涨、农户缺乏高效种植技术等问题.建议提高早稻...  相似文献   

Populations of wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) and reports of crop damage by them have increased in Japan. In considering strategies for damage control, it is necessary to quantify both the environmental factors and the countermeasures affecting damage. We surveyed damage by wild boar in 1540 rice paddies on the Boso Peninsula. We obtained environmental factors by GIS: distance from forest edges, rivers and settlements; overground openness; and human population density. We recorded the weeding and fencing practices as countermeasures. We constructed cumulative logit models using Bayesian inference to predict damage and assessed the importance of the simultaneous evaluation of environmental factors and countermeasures by deviance information criteria. The best model incorporated both environmental factors and countermeasures, indicating that both are important for predicting damage. It showed that weeding around rice paddies, electric fencing and corrugated iron fencing were effective at reducing damage by wild boar. The risk of damage increased with lower values of distance from forest edges and rivers, overground openness, and human population density, and with higher values of distance from roads. These environmental factors allowed us to identify high-risk cropland where countermeasures could be introduced to reduce damage.  相似文献   

In this study, 151 households were randomly drawn from three randomly selected Kebele in probability proportional to size method. The demographic and socio-economic factors that determine the participation in improved varieties were household labor availability, education level of the household head, land holdings, distance to the nearest village market, proximity to the main market, and distance to access agricultural extension and access to the source of rice seeds. However, determinants of choice decision varied from cultivar to cultivar. The evidence of the study from the interdependence among the decision of adoption of improved rice varieties suggested that technology adoption will be accelerated by launching a progressively developing package and scheme of rice technology generation, and points to the importance of mobilising additional resources to augment households’ efforts at popularization and promotion of improved rice cultivars. The findings from Linearized Almost Ideal Demand Systems (LA/AIDS) model showed that compelling evidence for small proportion changes in own prices and cross price of improved rice varieties led to greater than unitary proportionate changes in their purchases. The results generally showed that farmers were very sensitive to changes in improved rice seed prices and incomes. The major implication of the findings was that any intervention to improve farmers’ seed purchases should take into account efforts to increase farmers’ purchasing power of agricultural inputs like improved seeds and fertilizers.  相似文献   

综述了我国热带野生动物资源保护与利用的现状,分析了当前主要面对的问题,提出了今后发展的建议。当前的主要问题表现为我国热区经济建设的快速发展破坏了野生动物栖息的环境,多种野生动物面临濒危的危险;野生动物开发利用仍处于初级阶段,经济价值不高;野生动物饲养标准不规范,疫病防治难度大。今后我国开发热带野生动物资源不仅需要严格限制对野生动物生存资源的掠夺,建立自然保护区,进一步规范和完善野生动物保护与利用的法律法规,而且需要加大科研投入,极力挖掘热带野生动物的潜在价值,推广热带野生动物驯养繁育技术,与国际接轨,尽快使我国热带野生动物资源得到科学、合理、充分利用。  相似文献   

农村土地利用存在多种问题,土地利用规划随意性大、农村土地产权不清、耕种地块分散、农地质量下降、休闲农业缺乏规范等问题共同制约环境友好乡村建设与发展。加强土地规划、明确农村土地产权、促进农业适度规模经营,推行环境友好型生产生活模式、建立农业生态补偿机制、培育新常态下的乡村休闲产业等举措将有利于推动环境友好乡村建设及发展。研究表明,环境友好型土地利用模式有助于推进两型农业生产体系的建设,是环境友好乡村建设的必要推动因素和解决“三农”问题的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

王立  吴迪  刘文明 《玉米科学》2022,30(3):178-183
农业社会化服务体系是衔接我国小农户与现代农业的有效途径,发展玉米生产社会化服务是促使吉林省农业生产方式升级的重要途径,也是促进农业生产经营规模化及提升黑土耕地质量的重要手段。本文采取二元Logistic选择模型,对吉林省玉米种植户购买生产社会化服务的意愿与行为相悖离的影响因素进行分析,结果表明,社会化服务认同感、土地总面积、土地细碎化程度和社会化服务质量4个因素最为显著,社会化服务了解程度和土地流转面积、受教育程度、家庭年收入、社会化服务主体数量和社会化服务价格等因素也具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Laser land leveling has been increasingly adopted in the irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system in the state of Haryana (India), located in the north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Still, many farmers have applied it to only a fraction of their land. In this study, we used data collected from 621 farm households in Haryana and applied a double-hurdle model for assessing the factors that determine the adoption and intensity of laser-leveling technology. The results show that large land holders are more likely to laser level their farm land; however, we found a negative association between land holdings and the proportion of laser-leveled land. Information about technology through farmer-to-farmer communication and through private traders, participation in agricultural training and membership in local agricultural institutions increased both the likelihood and the intensity of adoption. Our findings call for a closer collaboration among the various stakeholders, specifically to promote farmer-to-farmer communication through increased participation in local institutions and increase the rate of adoption of laser leveling technology.  相似文献   

While research on biological control of crop pests is quite popular, it seldom targets motivations of farmers for adopting this practice. A survey of 283 rice farmers was conducted in Mazandaran province of northern Iran to study farmers' motivations for biological control adoption as an alternative control method of Asiatic rice borer [Chilo suppressalis (Walker)] and explain potential differences in motivations among different groups of farmers. Face to face interviews were used to address farmers' motivations based on a list of motivation statements found in previous studies and modified by extension officers and farmers who had adopted biological control in the study area. Factor analysis of a motivation list with 15 items revealed four main groups of factors explaining the adoption of biological control by rice farmers; these were ‘health maintenance’, ‘economic benefit’, ‘social acceptance’, and ‘environmental protection’. Men gave high scores to motivations related to ‘economic benefit’ and ‘social acceptance’, whereas women preferred mostly motivations related to ‘health maintenance’. Well-educated farmers (e.g., some college education) preferred motivations for ‘health maintenance’ more than farmers with lower education or no education at all. Participation in extension programs was associated with preference of non-economic motivations of biological control adoption, while membership in local associations (such as rural cooperatives or producers' groups) encouraged motivations related to ‘social acceptance’. Farmers who used family labor force in their fields or farmers who perceived pesticides as harmful substances showed strong motivations primarily for ‘health maintenance’ along with ‘environmental protection’. Small area of land under cultivation and low annual farm income were strongly linked with motivations for ‘economic benefit’. Besides economic motivations, policies for the promotion of biological control adoption should embrace a wide set of farmers' motivations when developing new and properly tailored extension programs.  相似文献   

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