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Pyoderma is commonly seen in canine veterinary practice and usually occurs as a complicating factor in other primary conditions. Allergic skin disease is often the underlying cause but the precise relationship between allergy and infection is unknown. Our studies have investigated the relationship between bacterial proliferation at the skin surface and hypersensitivity reactions with the skin. Hypersensitive dogs were shown to have significantly higher surface counts of staphylococci than normal controls and these bacteria were concentrated in the more superficial layers of the stratum corneum. Intradermal injection of staphlococcal antigens in normal dogs elicited epidermal damage similar to that seen in clinical disease. Preliminary autoradiographic studies using a model of canine skin hypersensitivity reactions showed that percutaneous absorption of radiolabelled staphylococcal antigens was increased by mast cell degranulation. These findings suggest that a major role of hypersensitivity reactions in the pathogenesis of pyoderma may be via an effect on epidermal permeability, promoting penetration of staphylococcal antigens from the stratum corneum which then cause the lesions of pyoderma. Hypersensitivity reactions may also lead to changes in the skin surface microclimate leading to increased bacterial counts on the skin surface, so exacerbating the condition.  相似文献   

Canine pyoderma     
Bacterial skin disease (or pyoderma) is a common canine disorder. It is usually associated with coagulase-positive staphylococci which multiply on skin and induce disease as a result of a number of poorly understood mechanisms. Pyoderma usually occurs as a result of another underlying disorder. Primary causes include hypersensitivity, ectoparasites and metabolic and immunological disorders. A detailed and systematic investigation is mandatory so that the underlying cause is discovered if possible. A number of cases are idiopathic. Pyodermas may be classified according to depth of infection as this affects the type and duration of therapy required and the prognosis. Deeper forms require more aggressive and prolonged therapy. Management of pyodermas depends on the identification and correction of the underlying cause along with adjunct therapy using systemic and topical antimicrobial agents. Idiopathic cases may require protracted or even lifelong therapy with such medicaments. Glucocorticoids are generally contraindicated in the management of pyoderma.  相似文献   

犬脓皮病是一类主要由耐甲氧西林伪中间型葡萄球菌(MRSP)感染而引起的化脓性皮肤病。葡萄球菌是一种人与动物均易感的细菌,常引起各种化脓性疾病,其中,MRSP作为一种动物源葡萄球菌还会成为耐药基因贮存库,可将耐药基因通过环境或食物链传给人类。近年来MRSP造成的皮肤疾病病例大幅上升,给感染的控制带来挑战。笔者综合了犬脓皮病致病菌的抗菌药耐药性及其消毒剂抗性的相关研究,从MRSP的致病机制出发,总结了MRSP通过破坏细胞免疫系统的功能导致感染发生的相关机制,简述了多个国家MRSP对抗菌药的显著耐药性与相关耐药基因,如mecA和cat基因等,介绍了MRSP对胍类消毒剂与季铵盐类消毒剂的抗性及抗性机制,对外排泵、基因调控与抗性基因的可转移性等多种机制进行了论述,同时为避免MRSP对抗菌药与消毒剂的共同耐药性对犬脓皮病的治疗造成干扰,笔者从移动遗传元件介导的获得性抗性与依赖于细菌细胞结构的固有抗性等方面系统地分析了MRSP对消毒剂抗性和抗菌药耐药性之间的争议与联系,以期寻找一种科学合理的治疗方案,为犬脓皮病的临床用药提供参考。  相似文献   

Regional distribution of ten common skin diseases in dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the regional distributions of the most commonly diagnosed skin diseases in dogs from 17 North American veterinary teaching hospitals. Between January 1983 and December 1983, 11,456 diagnoses of skin disease were made. The 10 most common diagnoses were fleabite allergic dermatitis, skin cancer, pyoderma, seborrhea, allergy, demodectic acariasis (demodicosis), sarcoptic acariasis, immune-mediated skin disease, endocrine related skin disease, and acral lick dermatitis. Regional differences in the frequency of skin diseases were apparent. The northeast region had high frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis, allergy, and immune-mediated disease, and a low frequency of seborrhea. The midwest had a high frequency of seborrhea, and low frequencies of demodectic acariasis and allergy. In the plains region, low frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis, pyoderma, seborrhea, allergy, and demodectic acariasis were detected. In the west, the frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis, skin cancer, pyoderma, seborrhea, and acral lick dermatitis were high, whereas few dogs had allergic disease and sarcoptic acariasis. The southwest had high frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis and demodectic and sarcoptic acariasis. Fleabite allergic dermatitis, pyoderma, and demodectic and sarcoptic acariasis were frequently diagnosed in the southeast, but the number of dogs with seborrhea was low.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the historical, clinical, histopathological and microbiological features, as well as treatments and clinical outcome, of pyoderma where Pseudomonas aeruginosa alone was isolated on bacterial culture from lesional skin. Twenty dogs were included in this retrospective study. Seven dogs without prior history of systemic or skin disease presented with acute deep pseudomonal pyoderma characterized by a sudden onset of dorsal truncal pain. Skin lesions in these dogs consisted of erythematous papules, haemorrhagic bullae, ulcers and haemorrhagic crusts confined to the dorsum. An excellent clinical response was achieved with 3-4 weeks of treatment with oral fluoroquinolones. Thirteen dogs with a more gradual onset of skin lesions associated with pseudomonal pyoderma had a history of prior skin, ear or systemic disease and had previously been treated with antibiotics and/or immunomodulatory drugs. Skin lesions in these dogs were variable and similar to those described for superficial and deep staphylococcal pyoderma. In this group, one dog was euthanized prior to commencement of treatment, two dogs were lost to follow up, and 9 had resolution of lesions following treatment with topical silver sulfadiazine (one dog), fluoroquinolones (six dogs) or cephalexin (two dogs) administered orally for 3 to 12 weeks. Rod-shaped bacteria were not always detected on cytology. Histopathology of dogs with deep pseudomonal pyoderma was characterized by severe perforating suppurative folliculitis and furunculosis.  相似文献   

对来自湘桂地区6个宠物医院的48 127个确诊病例进行调查,对犬皮肤病的种类、发病率及其与年龄和季节的相关性进行分析。结果表明,皮肤病发病率为28.53%。在皮肤病中,脓皮病和疥螨最为常见,分别占28.03%和26.18%。皮肤病的发病率随着年龄增长而下降。不同季节流行的皮肤病种类也有区别,但各皮肤病在冬季发病率最低。  相似文献   

Two middle-aged dogs were presented with bilateral severe ulcerative otitis externa without previous history of disease or evidence of other skin disease. Based on the exclusion of microbial infection and other primary causes, histopathological findings and response to immunomodulatory treatment, a diagnosis of presumed immune-mediated ulcerative otitis externa was made in both cases. However, the two cases differed with regard to their histopathological characteristics and the course of the disease. This report indicates that primary ulcerative disease needs to be considered in cases of ulcerative otitis externa which are unresponsive to appropriate antimicrobial therapy.  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis is a common infection of animals and man, yet remains a rare disease. The disease appears in the offspring of mothers first infected during pregnancy and by relapse of chronic infection in immunodeficient animals and man. Toxoplasmosis can be prevented by the simplest of hygienic measures, such as handwashing. Further control can be achieved by widespread education of the public about the dangers of toxoplasmosis and the methods of prevention. Education of veterinary and zoo workers would reduce transmission in an environment where it is most likely to occur because of high concentrations of cats and cat feces. Toxoplasmosis of sheep and pigs on farms may be amenable to vaccination with the ts-4 strain of Toxoplasma. Finally, the new T-263 toxoplasmosis vaccine for cats offers the possibility of drastically reducing environmental contamination with oocysts, especially on farms. The reduction in numbers of viable oocysts in the environment would eventually reduce the infection of bird and rodent intermediate hosts, and ultimately, the infection of humans.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal skin infection (pyoderma) is a common clinical problem in dogs. The infection can be either superficial or deep. Most cases of staphylococcal pyoderma occur secondary to a definable underlying cause. Treatment consists of finding the underlying cause and correcting it, if possible, and treating the pyoderma with antibiotics. Antibacterial shampoos may be used as adjunct treatment, but corticosteroid drugs should not be used. When canine pyoderma recurs in the absence of an identifiable underlying cause, several treatment strategies can be effective in eliminating recurrence or limiting its severity. Frequent antibacterial shampoos are an easy and sometimes effective method. Immunomodulatory drugs are variably effective. Some commercially available bacterins are clearly helpful in treating recurrent pyoderma. As a last resort, the clinician may opt to keep the patient on long-term antibiotic therapy. Such therapy may promote development and dissemination of resistant strains of Staphylococcus and should be used only if absolutely necessary.  相似文献   

Demodex cati infestation was identified at lesional sites of multicentric squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen's disease) in five elderly domestic shorthaired cats. Lesions were observed on the face, neck, shoulders, stifles and limbs. Deep skin scrapings taken from lesional skin contained D. cati eggs, larvae and adults in four cases. D. cati were discovered histologically in four cases. Histopathology of skin biopsy specimens confirmed the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in situ in all cases. Serology for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) was positive in three cats. Remission of Bowen's disease lesions was obtained in 4–6 months using oral retinoids etretinate (one case) or acitretin (one case). It is suspected that local immunodeficiency due to epithelial dysplasia might have predisposed the skin to a focal multiplication of D. cati. Alternatively, FIV infection may have led to immune suppression predisposing the cats to both papillomavirus-induced epithelial dysplasia and D. cati infestation.  相似文献   

Lizards with dermatological disease are routinely encountered in veterinary practice and it is often challenging to establish a thorough and adequate case management for these otherwise highly visible conditions. Most skin diseases in lizards are primarily a consequence of environmental stressors such as substandard husbandry and underlying disease, facilitating the onset of mainly secondary bacterial and mycotic dermal infections. This review provides an overview of common dermatological problems in lizards and aetiology, treatment and prevention are discussed for both infectious and non-infectious conditions. Although investigational approaches may be directed by the primary clinical manifestation of dermatological problems, the importance of a multidirectional approach cannot be over-emphasized. Proper treatment can only be initiated when the correct diagnosis has been made and husbandry issues dealt with. Current information on susceptibility patterns and on the use of appropriate chemotherapeutics in lizards is limited for the treatment of infectious causes of dermatitis.  相似文献   

Pyoderma in dogs is most commonly caused by Staphylococcus spp., and significant emergence of methicillin resistance in staphylococcal pyoderma has been reported. This preliminary study of the prevalence of methicillin resistance in canine pyoderma cases in Canadian primary care veterinary practices revealed that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. were present in 12.1% of 149 staphylococcal positive skin culture cases.  相似文献   

Recurrent pyoderma is a relapsing bacterial infection of the skin. Evaluation of the primary predisposing factors is essential, but they are not always easy to determine. We reported that psychogenic factors should be considered as one cause of canine dermatoses featuring pruritic behavior such as grooming and scratching, and predicted that it could be added as a cause of recurrent pyoderma. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the roles of psychogenic factors in canine recurrent pyoderma. This study examined 21 dogs with recurrent pyoderma, which showed relapsing but antibiotic‐responsive skin lesions. Predisposing factors, especially allergy, infection, endocrine disorders, congenital factors and improper treatments, were carefully ruled out with standard diagnostic procedures. Diagnosis of psychogenic factors was based on fulfillment of the following features: (1) distinctive area of broken hairs or asymmetric erythema, (2) incidental pruritic behavior related to emotionally unstable situation or physiological intervention, (3) existence of environmental antecedent triggers or concurrent psychiatric symptoms, and (4) requirement for psychogenic treatment, consisting of behavior modification and psychopharmacological therapy in some. The incidence of psychogenic factors and the efficacy of the treatment in recurrent pyoderma were evaluated. In these 21 dogs, 10 cases (47.6%) were compatible with the presence of psychogenic factors, and seven cases (33.3%) were improved with behavioral treatment. Psychogenic factors should be considered in the aetiology of so‐called idiopathic canine recurrent pyoderma. Further investigation is needed to understand the relationship between skin barrier dysfunction and psychogenic factors. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

脓皮病是由化脓性细菌感染引起的皮肤化脓性疾病,又称为化脓性皮炎。根据致病原因可分为原发性的和继发性脓皮病。本文所描述的就是一例由真菌和螨虫混合感染后继发性脓皮病。在治疗过程中,根据病情和药敏试验的结果,调换局部涂抹和全身抗菌消炎的药物,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) infection resulting in clinical signs is invariably fatal despite clinical intervention. As FIP is an immune-mediated disease, treatment is mainly aimed at controlling the immune response triggered by the infection with the feline coronavirus (FCoV). Immune suppressive drugs such as prednisone or cyclophosphamide may slow disease progression but do not produce a cure. In nearly every published case report of attempted therapy for clinical FIP, glucocorticoids have been used; there are, however, no controlled studies that evaluate the effect of glucocorticoids as a therapy for FIP. Some veterinarians prescribe immune modulators to treat cats with FIP with no documented controlled evidence of efficacy. It has been suggested that these agents may benefit infected animals by restoring compromised immune function, thereby allowing the patient to control viral burden and recover from clinical signs. However, a non-specific stimulation of the immune system may be contraindicated as clinical signs develop and progress as a result of an immune-mediated response to the mutated FCoV.  相似文献   

Bacterial infection (pyoderma) of the canine skin is largely caused by Staphylococcus intermedius and may be a superficial or deep infection. Pyoderma may be a primary, idiopathic disease or secondary to a range of other dermatological disorders. In this study, the serum concentrations of IgG, IgA, antistaphylococcal IgG and antistaphylococcal IgA were measured by ELISA in normal dogs (n = 22), dogs with idiopathic deep pyoderma (n = 22), atopic dermatitis and superficial pyoderma (n = 24), atopic dermatitis without pyoderma (n = 25), flea bite dermatitis with superficial pyoderma (n = 8), pustular demodicosis (n = 8) and German shepherd dogs with anal furunculosis (n = 28). The serum IgG was significantly increased in dogs with atopy and superficial pyoderma (p < 0.001), and lower than normal in dogs with idiopathic deep pyoderma (p < 0.015). The concentration of serum IgA was significantly lower than normal in dogs with atopy uncomplicated by pyoderma (p < 0.015). The concentration of antistaphylococcal IgG in all clinical sera was significantly elevated (p < 0.001) when compared to normal dogs but concentrations of antistaphylococcal IgA were no greater than in normal dogs. Western blotting analysis for determination of the specificity of serum IgG antistaphylococcal antibody revealed that there were nine major epitopes. Discriminant analysis demonstrated that particular combinations of these epitopes were recognised more frequently by sera from dogs in different clinical groups.  相似文献   

Mites are frequent agents of skin diseases in veterinary dermatology, particularly in rodents. The authors report an original case of infestation in two guinea pigs of the same household. Two adult guinea pigs were presented with a 3-month history of alopecia, matted hair, erythema, scales and mild pruritus. The first guinea pig showed almost complete truncal alopecia with mild scaling, whereas the other one had only recently developed mild alopecia of the abdomen and mild pruritus. Numerous live, long-legged mites were present both in adhesive tape and skin scrapings. Mycology (Wood's lamp and DTM agar culture) was negative. Histopathological examination of a skin biopsy did not reveal any significant inflammatory disease and morphological changes were limited to hair follicles in the telogen phase. Mites were identified as hypopodes of Acarus farris ( Acaridae ), but no adult stages were present. Hypopodes were also found in the hay. Control was obtained with acaricidal treatment with Phoxim 0.05% once weekly for 4 weeks, and the elimination of contaminated hay. The lesions and the alopecia resolved rapidly. Hypopodes are additional nymphal stages of some mites of the suborder Astigmata . They develop for dispersing or dormancy under disadvantageous conditions. They can be active or inert, and some can be phoretic on the skin surface or intrafollicular. Although nonparasitic, they may cause dermatitis. Acarus farris have been rarely mentioned in the literature as a cause of dermatitis. This condition could be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in veterinary dermatology.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

Bacterial pyoderma is one of the most frequent skin diseases in dogs. Recurrent pyoderma is often secondary to an underlying skin disease, but no epidemiological study has been published on the subject to the authors' knowledge. This study was designed to prospectively evaluate the causes responsible for recurrent pyoderma in dogs. Dogs presenting with a history of more than three episodes of skin infection in the last year were included in the study. For each case, epidemiological and clinical data were collected. Pyoderma was confirmed by the clinical signs, the demonstration of bacteria on microscopic examination of cytological smears and a positive culture. Each animal was treated with an appropriate course of antibiotics until resolution of signs of pyoderma. Depending upon the presence of pruritus, appropriate diagnostic tests were performed: skin scrapings, acaricidal trial, flea treatment, elimination diet, intradermal testing, biopsies, endocrinological tests, leishmaniasis and ehrlichiosis serology, antinuclear antibody testing. Thirty dogs (14 males and 16 females) of 19 different breeds, aged from 1 to 12 years (mean 4.9 years) were included. Diagnosis was folliculitis (44%), folliculitis and furunculosis (20%), furunculosis (20%), cellulitis (10%). Staphylococcus intermedius was isolated in 97% of cases. The following underlying diseases were identified: atopic dermatitis (60%), food allergy (7%), flea allergy (7%), hypothyroidism (7%), hyperestrogenism (4%), demodicosis (4%), and zinc-responsive dermatosis (4%). In two dogs, no underlying cause could be identified. Atopic dermatitis is the most common disease associated with recurrent pyoderma in dogs.
Funding: Pfizer Animal Health.  相似文献   

The use of the penicillins in veterinary dermatology is discussed. An outline is provided of the main penicillins used in the veterinary field. These include benzyl penicillin, penicillin V, ampicillin, amoxycillin, co-amoxiclav and oxacillin. An increase in β-lactamase production among strains of Staphylococcus intermedius , the principal canine pathogen in pyoderma, has been seen in recent years. Thus only those penicillins with resistance to β-lactamase (co-amoxiclav or isoxazolyl penicillins) are likely to be of value in treating canine pyoderma. However, feline, porcine and equine staphylococcal dermatoses, and other veterinary dermatoses such as the actinomycoses, dermatophilosis and erysipelothrix, usually respond well to most penicillins, whether or not they resist β-lactamase.  相似文献   

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