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Performance of tomato when irrigated with sodic waters particularly under drip irrigation is not well known. A field experiment was conducted for 3 years to study the response of tomato crop to sodic water irrigation on a sandy loam soil. Irrigation waters having 0, 5 and 10 mmolc L−1 residual sodium carbonate (RSC) were applied through drip and furrow irrigation to two tomato cultivars, Edkawi (a salt tolerant cultivar) and Punjab Chhuhara (PC). High RSC of irrigation water significantly increased soil pH, ECe and exchangeable sodium percentage progressively; the increases were higher in furrow compared to drip irrigation. Effect of high RSC on increasing bulk density and decreasing infiltration rate of soil was also pronounced in furrow-irrigated plots. Higher soil moisture and lower salinity near the plant was maintained under drip irrigation than under furrow irrigation. Performance of the two cultivars was significantly different; pooled over 2002–03 and 2003–04 seasons, PC yielded 38.8 and 30.0 Mg ha−1 and Edkawi yielded 31.8 and 22.9 Mg ha−1 under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. At RSC10, cultivar PC produced 38 and 46% higher fruit yield than cultivar Edkawi under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. Reduction in fruit yield at higher RSC was due to lower fruit weight under drip irrigation and due to reduced fruit number as well as fruit weight under furrow irrigation. Decrease in fruit weight was more pronounced in cultivar Edkawi than in cultivar PC. Increase in RSC lowered quality of the fruits except the ascorbic acid content. High RSC under drip irrigation, in general, had lesser deteriorating effect on the fruit quality particularly for cultivar PC than under furrow irrigation. For obtaining high tomato yield and better-quality fruits using high RSC sodic waters, drip irrigation should be preferred over furrow irrigation. Better performance of local cultivar PC compared to Edkawi at medium and high RSC suggests that cultivars categorized as tolerant to salinity should be evaluated in the sodic environment particularly when irrigated with high RSC sodic waters.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out over a 2-year period on a loamy soil plot under corn in Montpellier (south-east France). The effectiveness of improved irrigation practices in reducing the adverse impact of irrigation on the environment was assessed. Different irrigation and fertiliser treatments were applied to identify the best irrigation and fertilisation strategy for each technique (furrow and sprinkler) to ensure both good yields and lower NO3- leaching. No significant differences in corn yield and NO3- leaching were found for the climatic scenario of 1999 between sprinkler and furrow irrigation during the irrigation season. Following the rainy events occurring after plant maturity (and the irrigation season), differences in N leaching were observed between the treatments. The study shows that both the fertiliser method, consisting of applying a fertiliser just before ridging the furrows, and the two-dimensional (2D) infiltration process, greatly influence the N distribution in the soil. N distribution seems to have a beneficial impact on both yield and N leaching under heavy irrigation rates during the cropping season. But, under rainy events (particularly those occurring after harvesting), the N, stored in the upper part of the ridge and not previously taken up by plants, can be released into the deeper soil layers in a furrow-irrigated plot. In contrast, the 1D infiltration process occurring during sprinkler irrigation events affects the entire soil surface in the same way. As a result the same irrigation rate would probably increase N leaching under sprinkler irrigation to a greater extent than under furrow-irrigation during an irrigation period. In order to assess the robustness of these interpretations derived from soil N-profile analysis, a modelling approach was used to test the irrigation and fertilisation strategies under heavy irrigation rates such as those occurring at the downstream part of closed-end furrows. The RAIEOPT and STICS models were used to simulate water application depths, crop yield and NO3- leaching on three measurement sites located along the central furrow of each treatment. The use of a 2D water- and solute-transport model such as HYDRUS-2D enabled us to strengthen the conclusions derived from the observations made on the N distribution under a cross-section of furrow. This model helped to illustrate the risk of over-estimation of N leaching when using a simplified 1D solute-transport model such as STICS.  相似文献   

Deep percolation and nitrate leaching are important considerations in the design of sprinkler systems. Field experiments were therefore conducted to investigate the influence of nonuniformity of sprinkler irrigation on deep percolation and spatial distributions of nitrogen and crop yield during the growing season of winter wheat at an experiment station in Beijing, China. Three experimental plots of a sandy clay loam soil in the 0–40 cm depth interval and a loamy clay soil below 40 cm were irrigated with a sprinkler irrigation system that had a seasonal averaged Christiansen irrigation uniformity coefficient (CU) varying from 72 to 84%. Except for the fertilizer applied before planting, fertilizer was applied with the sprinkler irrigation system. The corresponding seasonal averaged CU for fertigation varied from 71 to 85%. Daily observation of matrix water potentials in the root zone showed that little deep percolation occurred. Consequently, the effect of sprinkler uniformity on deep percolation was minor during the irrigation season for the soil tested. Intensive gravimetric soil core samplings were conducted several times during the irrigation season in a grid of 5 m × 5 m for each plot to determine the spatial and temporal variation of NH4-N and NO3-N contents. Soil NH4-N and NO3-N exhibited high spatial variability in depth and time during the irrigation season with CU values ranging from 23 to 97% and the coefficient of variation ranging from 0.04 to 1.06. A higher uniformity of sprinkler fertigation produced a more uniform distribution of NH4-N, but the distribution of NO3-N was not related to fertigation. Rather it was related to the spatial variability of NO3-N before fertigation began. At harvest, the distribution of dry matter above ground, nitrogen uptake, and yield were measured and the results indicated that sprinkler fertigation uniformity had insignificant effects on the parameters mentioned above. Field experimental results obtained from this study suggest that sprinkler irrigation if properly managed can be used as an efficient and environment-friendly method of applying water and fertilizers.  相似文献   

The use of partial root-drying (PRD) irrigation implies doubling pipelines instead of using a conventional single pipeline. However, pipelines can be spaced a short distance apart (e.g. 1 m) along the vine row (“D” layout) or joined with cable ties and laid as a single pipeline (“S” layout). Pipelines in “S” configuration are laid under the vine row, and in “D” at both sides of the vine row. These two different layouts can change the wetted soil zone and affect grapevine response to irrigation. The focus of this study was therefore on establishing the role of pipeline layout in vine-grape (cv. ‘Tempranillo’) response under semi-arid conditions in which PRD is managed as a deficit irrigation technique. Six irrigation treatments were applied, which resulted from the combination of Control (C, full irrigation), PRD and seasonal sustained deficit irrigation (SSDI), and “S” and “D” pipeline layouts. SSDI and PRD were irrigated to 50% C throughout the irrigation season, and C irrigation was scheduled according to a crop water balance technique. Midday stem water potential (Ψstem) and leaf conductance (gl) indicated that, on the whole, PRD treatments had a slightly higher water status than SSDI treatments, but a substantially lower status than C treatments. Use of the “D” pipeline layout significantly reduced Ψstem in both PRD and SSDI treatments and in some instances for Control conditions, too. Berry yield, vine intercepted radiation, leaf abscisic acid (ABA) and gl were highly correlated with Ψstem. Differences in water status between PRD-S and SSDI-S, according to a sub-surface irrigation test, seemed to be more related to changes in soil evaporation losses and irrigation efficiency than to any intrinsic PRD effect. PRD-S accounted for water savings equivalent to 10% according to the ratio between applied water and grape production for the SSDI-S treatment, whereas PRD-D berry yield was not significantly different from that associated with the SSDI-S treatment. In conclusion, under the growing conditions of this experiment, PRD-S offered the possibility of slightly improving water conservation when irrigation was applied to the soil surface.  相似文献   

The continuous flow furrow irrigation (COFFI), surge flow furrow irrigation (SUFFI), cutback flow furrow irrigation (CUFFI), variable alternate flow furrow irrigation (VAFFI), and tail water reuse system furrow (TWRSF) techniques with the same inflow rate of 0.072 m3 min−1 were compared in relation to the cotton yield and water use efficiency at a 3-year field study conducted on cotton (Gossypium spp.) in the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) area of Turkey. Yields revealed significant statistical differences between the furrow management techniques (P < 0.05). The maximum yield was obtained from the COFFI treatment (2,630 and 2,920 kg ha−1) in the first 2 years, and from SUFFI and CUFFI treatments (3,690 and 3,780 kg ha−1, respectively) in the last year. There were significant yield reductions, which varied from 10 to 35% in TWRSF and from 11 to 19% in VAFFI treatments although 43 and 28% more water was applied to the TWRSF than to CUFFI and SUFFI treatments, respectively. The average total water use efficiencies (WUEET) varied from 4.14 (VAFFI) to 2.59 (COFFI). The corresponding values were 0.37 and 0.36 kg ha−1 m−3 for CUFFI and SUFFI, respectively. The average irrigation water use efficiency (WUEIR) for CUFFI and SUFFI treatments were 0.30 and 0.23 kg ha−1 m−3, respectively.  相似文献   

High value crops such as carrot planted in coarse soils of the Southern San Joaquin Valley in California are prime candidates for nitrate leaching through irrigation nonuniformity. A 2-year study was carried out to explore the impact of irrigation uniformity on nitrate leaching. Irrigation uniformity was measured using catchcans. Soil nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonium (NH4-N) contents were measured from soil sampled at different depths and times during two growing seasons. Nitrate leaching was determined using ion-exchange resin bags at 1-m depth sampled three times during each season. Although, soil NO3-N as well as seasonal irrigation was significantly higher along the lateral irrigation pipe than between the sprinklers, nitrate leaching was not significantly higher. As expected, soil nitrate content decreased as percolation increased for both years. Nitrate leaching, as estimated by anion-exchange resin bags, was positively correlated to soil NO3-N content but was not correlated to irrigation depth, irrigation uniformity, or deep percolation. Field variation in saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), soil organic matter (OM), and soil water retention at field capacity had limited effect on NO3-N and NH4-N distributions in the profile and on nitrate leaching. The results of this experiment suggest that irrigation nonuniformity has less impact on nitrate movement than suggested by earlier studies.  相似文献   

Surface irrigation analysis and design require the knowledge of the variation of the cumulative infiltration water Z (L) (per unit area) into the soil as a function of the infiltration time t (T). The purpose of this study is to evaluate water infiltration and storage under surface irrigation in an alluvial clay soil cultivated with grape yield, and to determine if partially wetted furrow irrigation has more efficient water storage and infiltration than traditional border irrigation. The two irrigation components considered were wet (WT) and dry (DT) treatments, at which water applied when available soil water reached 65% and 50%, and the traditional border irrigation control. Empirical power form equations were obtained for measured advance and recession times along the furrow length during the irrigation stages of advance, storage, depletion and recession. The infiltration (cumulative depth, Z and rate, I) was functioned to opportunity time (to) in minute for WT and DT treatments as: ZWT = 0.528 to0.6, ZDT = 1.2 to0.501, IWT = 19 to−0.4, and IDT = 36 to−0.498. The irrigation efficiency and soil water distribution have been evaluated using linear distribution and relative schedule depth. Coefficient of variation (CV) was 5.2 and 9.5% for WT and DT under furrow irrigation system comparing with 7.8% in border, respectively. Water was deeply percolated as 11.88 and 19.2% for wet and dry furrow treatments, respectively, compared with 12.8% for control, with no deficit in the irrigated area. Partially wetted furrow irrigation had greater water-efficiency and grape yield than both dry furrow and traditional border irrigations, where application efficiency achieved as 88.1% for wet furrow irrigation that achieved high grape fruit yield (30.71 Mg/ha) and water use efficiency 11.9 kg/m3.  相似文献   

During three consecutive seasons, two different deficit irrigation strategies were compared with control fully irrigated trees regarding their capacity to induce early bloom and harvest in “Algerie” loquat. The first strategy, a continuous deficit irrigation strategy, consisted in a uniform reduction of 20% water needs through the entire season; the second strategy, a regulated deficit irrigation approach, while accounting for the same global reduction of 20% loquat water needs, concentrated water shortages after harvest from mid-May through the end of August. Regulated deficit irrigation resulted more successful. Postharvest regulated deficit irrigation advanced full bloom 10–20 days depending on the season. Such enhancement led to more precocious and valuable yield, with an average increase of fruit value of 0.21 € kg−1. The effects of continuous deficit irrigation were less noticeable and average fruit value was increased 0.08 € kg−1. Yield and fruit quality were not affected for the different deficit irrigation strategies. Water savings established around 1450 m3 ha−1 year−1. Deficit irrigation rose water use efficiency up to more than a 40%.  相似文献   

The salinity in the root zone increases with the application of relatively saline groundwater. Therefore, a limited water supply coupled with high pumping cost and salinity hazards, makes it more important than ever that irrigation water be used efficiently and judiciously. In the present study, farmer's practices of irrigation application methods (Field 1) were compared with the water saving techniques (Field 2) for crop yield and salinization for two years with maize–wheat–dhanicha cropping pattern. For maize crop, regular furrow method of irrigation was used in Field 1 and alternate furrow method of irrigation was used in Field 2. For wheat experiments, basin irrigation method of water application was compared with bed and furrow method. For dhanicha, basin irrigation was applied in both the fields. The results showed that about 36% water was saved by applying irrigation water in alternate furrows in each season without compromising the maize crop yield. The salt accumulation in root zone in alternate furrow field was less than that in regular furrow field. The salinity level near the surface increased substantially in both the fields. The water saving in wheat crop under bed and furrow was 9–12% in both seasons. The salinization process in both fields during wheat crop was almost same except redistribution of salts throughout the root zone in basin field of wheat. The salinity developed in root zone during two major growing seasons was leached in monsoon.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for irrigation water to secure food for growing populations with limited water supply suggests re-thinking the use of non-conventional water resources. The latter includes saline drainage water, brackish groundwater and treated waste water. The effects of using saline drainage water (electrical conductivity of 4.2–4.8 dS m−1) to irrigate field-grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv Floradade) using drip and furrow irrigation systems were evaluated, together with the distribution of soil moisture and salt. The saline water was either diluted to different salinity levels using fresh water (blended) or used cyclically with fresh water. The results of two seasons of study (2001 and 2002) showed that increasing salinity resulted in decreased leaf area index, plant dry weight, fruit total yield and individual fruit weight. In all cases, the growth parameters and yield as well as the water use efficiency were greater for drip irrigated tomato plants than furrow-irrigated plants. However, furrow irrigation produced higher individual fruit weight. The electrical conductivity of the soil solution (extracted 48 h after irrigation) showed greater fluctuations when cyclic water management was used compared to those plots irrigated with blended water. In both drip and furrow irrigation, measurements of soil moisture one day after irrigation, showed that soil moisture was higher at the top 20 cm layer and at the location of the irrigation water source; soil moisture was at a minimum in the root zone (20–40 cm layer), but showed a gradual increase at 40–60 and 60–90 cm and was stable at 90–120 cm depth. Soil water content decreased gradually as the distance from the irrigation water source increased. In addition, a few days after irrigation, the soil moisture content decreased, but the deficit was most pronounced in the surface layer. Soil salinity at the irrigation source was lower at a depth of 15 cm (surface layer) than that at 30 and 60 cm, and was minimal in deeper layers (i.e. 90 cm). Salinity increased as the distance from the irrigation source increased particularly in the surface layer. The results indicated that the salinity followed the water front. We concluded that the careful and efficient management of irrigation with saline water can leave the groundwater salinity levels unaffected and recommended the use of drip irrigation as the fruit yield per unit of water used was on average one-third higher than when using furrow irrigation.  相似文献   

Water consumption of table grapevines (Vitis vinifera cv. Superior Seedless) trained to a large open-canopy gable system was measured during six growing seasons (1999, 2001–2005) using 12 drainage lysimeters. The lysimeters (1.3 m3 each) were installed as part of a one-hectare vineyard in a semi-arid region in southern Israel. Water consumption of the lysimeter-grown vines (ETc) was used as the basis for the calculation of irrigation applications in the vineyard. Three irrigation treatments, 80% (high), 60% (medium) and 40% (low) of ETc of the lysimeter-grown vines, were applied in the vineyard. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated from regional meteorological data according to the Penman–Monteith equation. Seasonal curves for the crop coefficient (K c) were calculated as K c = ETc/ETo. Maximum ETc values in different seasons ranged from 7.26 to 8.59 mm day−1 and seasonal ETc (from DOY 91 through DOY 304) ranged from 1,087 to 1,348 mm over the six growing seasons. Leaf area index (LAI) was measured monthly using the SunScan Canopy Analysis System. Maximum LAI ranged from 4.2 to 6.2 m2 m−2 for the 2002–2005 seasons. A second-order polynomial curve relating K c to LAI (R2 = 0.907, P < 0.0001) is proposed as the basis for efficient irrigation management. The effects of the irrigation treatments on canopy growth and yield are presented. The high ETc and K c values that were observed are explained by the wide canopy layout that characterize the large open-gable trellis system.  相似文献   

Local infiltration tests on 1.5 m long blocked furrows were carried out on a loam soil to assess N fertiliser leaching under furrow irrigation where ridging operations entails placing nitrogen on the upper part of the ridge. This article focuses on the impact of flow depths, or water application depth (WAD), on nitrogen movement in seven 1.5-m long blocked furrows. For a first irrigation event, a WAD greater than or equal to 240 mm, significantly reduced the heterogeneity of the N concentration profiles measured at the top of the ridge and beneath the furrow. The virtually homogeneous N soil distribution with depth permitted the determination of the nitrogen balance throughout the season using soil samples obtained at the beginning and end of the season as well as the determination of nitrogen present in the crop tissue. This is not possible when there is a heterogeneous N soil profile at the end of the irrigation season, as observed under moderate WAD conditions. In addition, a substantial WAD delivered during the first irrigation event, and at a period where the plant N requirements are high, does not affect crop yield potential.  相似文献   

Soil water distribution, irrigation water advance and uniformity, yield production and water-use efficiency (WUE) were tested with a new irrigation method for irrigated maize in an arid area with seasonal rainfall of 77.5–88.0 mm for 2 years (1997 and 1998). Irrigation was applied through furrows in three ways: alternate furrow irrigation (AFI), fixed furrow irrigation (FFI) and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI). AFI means that one of the two neighboring furrows was alternately irrigated during consecutive watering. FFI means that irrigation was fixed to one of the two neighboring furrows. CFI was the conventional method where every furrow was irrigated during each watering. Each irrigation method was further divided into three treatments using different irrigation amounts: i.e. 45, 30, and 22.5 mm water for each watering. Results showed that the soil water contents in the two neighboring furrows of AFI remained different until the next irrigation with a higher water content in the previously irrigated furrow. Infiltration in CFI was deeper than that in AFI and FFI. The time of water advance did not differ between AFI, FFI and CFI at all distances monitored, and water advanced at a similar rate in all the treatments. The Christiansen uniformity coefficient of water content in the soil (CUs) was used to evaluate the uniformity of irrigated water distribution and showed no decrease in AFI and FFI, although irrigation water use was smaller than in CFI. Root development was significantly enhanced by AFI treatment. Primary root numbers, total root dry weight and root density were all higher in AFI than in the FFI and CFI treatments. Less irrigation significantly reduced the total root dry weight and plant height in both the FFI and CFI treatments but this was less substantial with AFI treatments. The most surprising result was that AFI maintained high grain yield with up to a 50% reduction in irrigation amount, while the FFI and CFI treatments all showed a substantial decrease of yield with reduced irrigation. As a result, WUE for irrigated water was substantially increased. We conclude that AFI is an effective water-saving irrigation method in arid areas where maize production relies heavily on repeated irrigation. Received: 16 October 1999  相似文献   

Effect of irrigation method and quantity on squash yield and quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Squash yield and quality under furrow and trickle irrigation methods and their responses to different irrigation quantities were evaluated in 2010 spring and fall growing seasons. A field experiment was conducted using squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) grown in northern Egypt at Shibin El Kom, Menofia. A randomized split-plot design was used with irrigation methods as main plots and different irrigation quantities randomly distributed within either furrow or trickle irrigation methods. Irrigation quantity was a fraction of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) as: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 ETc. Each treatment was repeated three times, two of five rows from each replicate were left for squash seed production. In well-watered conditions (1.0 ETc), seasonal water use by squash was 304 and 344 mm over 93 days in spring and 238 and 272 mm over 101 days in fall under trickle and furrow irrigation methods, respectively. Squash fruit yield and quality were significantly affected by season and both irrigation method and quantity. Fruit number and length were not affected by irrigation method and growing season, respectively. Interaction between season and irrigation quantity significantly affected leaf area index, total soluble solid (TSS), and fruit weight. Moreover, seed yield and quality were significantly affected by growing season and both irrigation method and quantity except harvest index, which was not affected by irrigation method. Significant differences for the interaction between season and irrigation method were only found for seed yield and 100 seeds weight. Except for harvest index, no significant difference was observed by interaction between season and irrigation quantity. Both fruit and seed yields were significantly affected in a linear relationship (r2 ≥ 0.91) by either deficit or surplus irrigation quantities under both irrigation methods. Adequate irrigation quantity under trickle irrigation, relative to that of furrow, enhanced squash yield and improved its quality in both growing seasons. Fall growing season was not appropriate for seed production due to obtaining many of empty seeds caused by low weather variables at the end of the season. The results from small experiment were extrapolated to large field to find out optimal irrigation scheduling under non-uniform of irrigation application.  相似文献   

Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study was designed to evaluate the crop water stress index (CWSI) for low-energy precision application (LEPA) irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) grown on slowly-permeable Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed, Torrertic Paleustoll) during the 1992 growing season at Bushland, Tex. The effects of six different irrigation levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% replenishment of soil water depleted from the 1.5-m soil profile depth) on corn yields and the resulting CWSI were investigated. Irrigations were applied in 25 mm increments to maintain the soil water in the 100% treatment within 60–80% of the “plant extractable soil water” using LEPA technology, which wets alternate furrows only. The 1992 growing season was slightly wetter than normal. Thus, irrigation water use was less than normal, but the corn dry matter and grain yield were still significantly increased by irrigation. The yield, water use, and water use efficiency of fully irrigated corn were 1.246 kg/m2, 786 mm, and 1.34 kg/m3, respectively. CWSI was calculated from measurements of infrared canopy temperatures, ambient air temperatures, and vapor pressure deficit values for the six irrigation levels. A “non-water-stressed baseline” equation for corn was developed using the diurnal infrared canopy temperature measurements as T cT a = 1.06–2.56 VPD, where T c was the canopy temperature (°C), Ta was the air temperature (°C) and VPD was the vapor pressure deficit (kPa). Trends in CWSI values were consistent with the soil water contents induced by the deficit irrigations. Both the dry matter and grain yields decreased with increased soil water deficit. Minimal yield reductions were observed at a threshold CWSI value of 0.33 or less for corn. The CWSI was useful for evaluating crop water stress in corn and should be a valuable tool to assist irrigation decision making together with soil water measurements and/or evapotranspiration models. Received: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

交替隔沟灌溉条件下玉米群体水氮利用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为探索交替隔沟灌溉条件下玉米优化水氮供给模式,通过遮雨棚内微区试验,研究了沟灌方式、灌水量和施氮量对玉米群体水氮利用的影响.结果表明:交替隔沟灌溉中水低氮处理的籽粒产量最高,是交替隔沟灌溉高水高氮处理的1.06倍.在相同水分和氮肥条件下,交替隔沟灌溉的籽粒产量分别是常规沟灌和固定隔沟灌溉的1.05、1.16倍.各因素对全氮累积总量的影响从大到小依次为:沟灌方式、施氮量、灌水量;灌水量对全氮累积总量影响显著.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability of nitrate in irrigated salad crops   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial and seasonal variations in NO3 -N concentration in soil samples and solution samplers and the N leaching of an irrigated crop cultivated intensively in the Mediterranean zone. Although much information is available from controlled field experiments concerning N concentration and its spatial variability, quantitative estimates of nitrate fluxes under normal farming conditions and when the field is directly managed by farmers are rare. This is particularly true for gardening crops in the Mediterranean zone, where high evapotranspiration rates lead to intensive irrigation and may be responsible for N leaching. A field experiment was conducted in the Departement du Gard under agricultural conditions. Salads (Cichorium endivia, Lactuca sativa) were planted in three consecutive periods. The field was irrigated with sprinklers. Local measurements with a neutron probe were made at two sites (row, interrow), and an experimental plot (95 m×25 m) was surveyed at 36 points located on a 10 m×10 m equilateral grid to analyze the spatial variability of water and NO3 -N balances. To analyze the basic statistical properties of our sampling scheme, random fields of soil concentration were simulated with the turning-bands method. Sampling strategy simulations indicated that when a spatial structure exists, sampling according to a regular grid was more efficient than a purely random sampling strategy. Global trends indicated high spatial variability for nitrate leaching with differences between periods of different irrigation intensity (97 kg ha–1 NO3 -N leaching during the spring and summer, and 199 kg ha–1 NO3 -N leaching during autumn and winter). Leaching caused temporal variations in the spatial distributions of NO3 -N. The origin of the spatial variability of N leaching was explained by first, the variability in NO3 -N concentration in the soil profile, and second, by spatial variability in irrigation. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of the NO3 -N concentration was time dependent, and NO3 -N spatial distributions became independent after approximately 2 or 3 months under our conditions. Our results show that better management of irrigation and fertilizer in spring and summer may reduce N leaching and, thus, improve ground water quality. Received: 15 March 1996  相似文献   

Vine water status, yield and berry composition are variables within a vineyard. There is current interest in defining zones of similar yield and berry composition. The aim of this study was to compare two methods for identifying zones of similar yield within a 7.5-ha ‘Pinot noir’ vineyard. The two methods were based on: spatial distribution of average midday leaf water potential (ΨL) and plant cell density (PCD?=?near-infrared/red) which is a vegetation index. A proposal for splitting the vineyard into eight new irrigation zones was assessed. A ‘blind’ zonation based on regular polygons of equal sizes was also established as a standard for comparison. Coefficients of variation (C v) in yield for both methods were compared with that of the blind zonation. In 2006 and 2007, a k-means cluster analysis indicated that variability in ΨL was mainly effected by soil properties. In both years, the vineyard was fully irrigated (100?% ETc). The two methods did not improve yield C v for full irrigation in 2006 and 2007 compared to blind zonation. In 2009, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) was applied resulting in higher variability in ΨL and yield. The ΨL method of zonation significantly reduced coefficient of variation under RDI but PCD method did not despite the reduction in C v by 16.7?%. We recommend irrigation zonation based on ΨL when RDI is applied.  相似文献   

Use of stem diameter variations to detect plant water stress in tomato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sensitivity of stem diameter variations (SDV) measured with linear variable transducer (LVDT) sensors as indicators of plant water status in tomato was evaluated. Two tomato crops were grown sequentially in a sandy loam soil in an unheated plastic greenhouse. These were an autumn–winter tomato crop (autumn crop) and a spring–summer tomato crop (spring crop). One drying cycle of 61 days was imposed to the autumn crop in winter at 92 days after transplanting (DAT). Two drying cycles, each of 29 days, were applied to the spring crop, to young (58 DAT) and mature plants (121 DAT). For each drying cycle, four replicate plots did not receive irrigation, and four were well watered. During each drying cycle, LVDT sensors continuously measured SDV, and daily measurements were made of leaf (Ψ leaf) and stem water potential (Ψ stem). SDV data was interpreted using the SDV-derived indices, maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) and stem growth rate (SGR). The response of SDV-derived indices to water deficit differed with (1) climatic conditions during stress imposition and (2) crop age. In the winter drying cycle of the autumn crop, the responses of the SDV-derived indices to soil drying were relatively small and slower than Ψ leaf and Ψ stem. Under warmer conditions, the SDV-derived indices were much more responsive to soil drying. In rapidly growing young plants, where SDV was characterized by high SGR and small MDS, SGR was the most sensitive SDV-derived index. In more mature plants with little stem growth, MDS was the most sensitive SDV-derived index. In mature plants grown in warm to hot conditions, MDS (1) responded at a similar time or earlier than Ψ leaf and Ψ stem and (2) had larger “signal” values (ratio of values from unwatered to control plants) than Ψ leaf and Ψ stem. However, there was appreciably more “noise” (coefficient of variation, CV) associated with the SDV-derived indices, giving lower “sensitivity” values, determined from “signal” to “noise” ratios, than for Ψ leaf and Ψ stem. Regression analysis between MDS of well-watered plants and climatic variables gave best results for a linear relationship between MDS and daily maximum vapor pressure deficit. There were strong linear relationships between MDS and Ψ leaf for each drying cycle. The slopes of these relationships differed with crop age indicating that there was no constant relationship between MDS and Ψ leaf for a whole season. Overall these results demonstrated that MDS and SGR can be sensitive indicators of the water status of tomato crops under conditions of moderate to high evaporative demand. However, the variability associated with the SDV-derived indices and the changing MDS–Ψ leaf relationship with crop age represent major issues regarding the development of irrigation scheduling protocols for tomato.  相似文献   

Efficiently controlling soil water content with irrigation is essential for water conservation and often improves potato yield. Volumetric soil water content (θv) in relation to irrigation, plant uptake, and yield in potato hills and replicated plots was studied to evaluate four water management options. Measurements of θv using a hammer driven probe were used to derive a θv index representing the relative θv status of replicated plots positioned along a hill slope. Time series for θv were determined using time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes at 5 and 15 cm depths at the center, shoulder, and furrow locations in potato hills. Sap flow was determined using flow collars in replicated field plots for four treatments: un-irrigated, sprinkler, surface drip, and sub-surface drip irrigation (40 cm depth). Irrigated yields were high/low as the θv index was low/high suggesting θv excess was a production problem in the wetter portions of the study area. The diurnal pattern of sap flow was reflected in the θv fluctuation it induces at hill locations with appreciable uptake. Hill locations with higher plant uptake were drier as was the case for the 5 cm (dry) depth relative to the 15 cm (wet) depth and for locations in the hill (dry) relative to the furrow (wet). The surface drip system had the lowest water use requirement because it delivers water directly to the hill locations where uptake is greatest. The sub-surface drip system wetted the hill gradually (1-2 days). Measurement of the θv index prior to experimental establishment could improve future experimental design for treatment comparisons.  相似文献   

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