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In Uganda, a low-income country in east Africa, African swine fever (ASF) is endemic with yearly outbreaks. In the prevailing smallholder subsistence farming systems, farm biosecurity is largely non-existent. Outbreaks of ASF, particularly in smallholder farms, often go unreported, creating significant epidemiological knowledge gaps. The continuous circulation of ASF in smallholder settings also creates biosecurity challenges for larger farms. In this study, an on-going outbreak of ASF in an endemic area was investigated on farm level, including analyses of on-farm environmental virus contamination. The study was carried out on a medium-sized pig farm with 35 adult pigs and 103 piglets or growers at the onset of the outbreak. Within 3 months, all pigs had died or were slaughtered. The study included interviews with farm representatives as well as biological and environmental sampling. ASF was confirmed by the presence of ASF virus (ASFV) genomic material in biological (blood, serum) and environmental (soil, water, feed, manure) samples by real-time PCR. The ASFV-positive biological samples confirmed the clinical assessment and were consistent with known virus characteristics. Most environmental samples were found to be positive. Assessment of farm biosecurity, interviews, and the results from the biological and environmental samples revealed that breaches and non-compliance with biosecurity protocols most likely led to the introduction and within-farm spread of the virus. The information derived from this study provides valuable insight regarding the implementation of biosecurity measures, particularly in endemic areas.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted on 172 farms belonging to the same company in order to ascertain the biosecurity measures applied and the importance that farmers attributed to each measure. A questionnaire about general data, the opinions of farmers about biosecurity measures, and a detailed checklist of the biosecurity measures actually applied on the farm was completed for each one of the participating farms. Opinion data were initially analysed by means of a cluster analysis (multidimensional scaling method); then, a logistic regression was used to analyse the relationship between the perceptions of the farmer and the measures applied on the farm. In general, farmers implemented measures to reduce risks of contamination from people and animals other than pigs. In contrast, biosecurity measures related to replacement stock were not applied as often. On average, the farmers scored the biosecurity on their own farms as 6.7 on a scale of 0-10. The most important measures, according to the farmers' perceptions, were the availability of a sanitary ford, a fence around the farm, the restriction of visits and vehicles, using bird-proof nets in windows, having changing facilities, applying quarantines, and the use of other measures related to replacement stock. The perception of a given measure was strongly influenced by the measures actually applied on the farm. Thus, for example, those who did not have a sanitary ford highlighted the importance of disinfecting vehicles while those who had one neglected this type of disinfection. In conclusion, knowledge of the relationships between perceptions and measures taken is important in developing effective biosecurity strategies on pig farms.  相似文献   

We surveyed Belgian pig herds to describe their biosecurity status and management practices. Our written questionnaire was sent to a stratified random sample of 609 pig farms. We achieved a 71.6% response, and 421/609 farmers (69.1%) returned questionnaires suitable for analysis. We used multiple-correspondence analysis followed by a two-step clustering procedure. Herd size, herd type and occupation (commercial or hobby herd) were used to describe different groups. We differentiated four biosecurity groups, which we interpreted as indicating low- to high-biosecurity status. Although we felt that most farms had acceptable biosecurity, few used measures such as showering (2.1%) and quarantine periods for people entering the premises (7.1%). We also found three management-practices clusters, although their interpretation was not straightforward. Despite the industrialised character of pig production in Belgium, 9.4% of pig herds were small, hobby herds that reported different biosecurity and management characteristics (such as the equipping pigs on pasture and feeding kitchen waste).  相似文献   

赵玉  屈勇刚 《中国猪业》2021,16(2):69-73
近年来,猪的口蹄疫疫情时有发生,面对具有高度传染性的疫病,尤其在国内规模化、集约化的养殖场中,一旦发生疫情不利于控制,极易造成疫情大范围暴发,因此采取必要的预防和控制措施仍然是关键所在.本文以口蹄疫为例,简述口蹄疫的特点,并通过选址与布局、生产管理、可移动风险和疫病防控等4个方面,阐明构建猪场生物安全体系是防控疫病的重...  相似文献   

The integrated commercial poultry system is a highly connected network in which routine activities keep farms within a geographic area in constant contact. Consequently, biosecurity practices designed to minimize the transmission of infectious diseases between and within farms are an important component of modern flock health programs. A survey of Georgia poultry growers was conducted in order to assess the level of adoption of standard biosecurity measures by farm personnel and visitors. The results showed that compliance with recommended biosecurity practices did not significantly vary by company, farm size, or number of farms owned by the same grower. However, biosecurity was higher in the northern part of the state, where the density of farms is higher, and where there was an ongoing outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis at the time of the study. The survey found that growers place more emphasis on biosecurity measures targeting farm visitors than those targeting farm personnel. Most growers reported that all visitors to the farm were required to wear shoe covers, although visitors were not typically required to park outside the farm entrance or to wash tires on their vehicles. No visitor type was reportedly excluded from poultry houses during grow out on all farms. The results highlight the need to evaluate the comparative efficacy of specific biosecurity measures in order to set priorities and attain feasible rates of implementation of targeted biosecurity practices.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out in France in 1999 in a Densely Populated Pig Area (DPPA) and a Sparsely Populated Pig Area (SPPA) from which 80 and 55 pig farms were respectively investigated. The two areas were compared regarding the number of respiratory disease outbreaks in fattening pigs on each farm per year with a multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering. The two areas exhibited different typologies: in the DPPA, high density was associated with a high proportion of finishing-pig units resulting in much moving of piglets within the area. Farrow-to-finish farms located in the DPPA had many contacts with external vehicles; this was associated with more than two respiratory disease outbreaks per farm per year. There also was a lack of biosecurity measures implemented on these farms. Conversely, the good health situation of the farms located in the SPPA was associated with few external contacts and good biosecurity measures. In a second step, risk factors for the occurrence of more than 2 respiratory outbreaks per year were studied. Having more than 4 pig farms within a 2 km radius area, more than 30 incoming rendering trucks per year, and storage of the carcasses of dead animals within the farm yard perimeter increased the risk of occurrence of more than 2 respiratory disease outbreaks per year on the farm. This risk was also increased when there were more than 2 animal-transport lorries entering the farm per month and more than 1 veterinarian's or technician's vehicle coming in every 2 months. These results were discussed because of possible bias due to the retrospective design of the survey and the sampling scheme (randomisation within two areas).  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) was first identified in Cambodia in 2010, causing serious problems on affected farms, although the costs of the disease have not been well defined. The household financial impact of a PRRS outbreak in Cambodia was investigated using partial budget analysis, examining the economic benefit of three proposed interventions: (i) quarterly PRRS vaccine use, (ii) biosecurity implementation, and (iii) implementation of vaccination and biosecurity. The analyses were applied to three farm models: (i) a two-sow breeder; (ii) a five-pig fattener; and (iii) a single-sow, three-pig farrow-to-finish/breeder. Data was derived from a knowledge, attitude, and practice survey of 240 smallholder farmers (61 with pigs) from 16 villages across 5 provinces, plus case studies of 12 farmers selected for more detailed financial analysis. The study indicated that financial losses associated with PRRS were severe, with a 25% mean loss to the annual household income of 61 interviewed farmers. Partial budget analysis identified a strongly positive incentive for vaccination and biosecurity to be implemented in combination, with the highest annual net benefit of USD 357.10 realised by the breeder system. However, due to current scarcity of the PRRS vaccine and its high cost to smallholders, biosecurity interventions may be more cost-effective, especially for low PRRS incidence regions. It was concluded that PRRS critically constrains the profitability of smallholder pig farms and that these findings will assist development of village-level livestock disease risk management programmes that encourage adoption of vaccination and biosecurity practices to enhance farmer livelihoods in Cambodia.  相似文献   

2018年8月开始,非洲猪瘟在我国快速多点发生,该病是高度接触性传染性疾病,目前无有效的疫苗和药物控制,各大公司和养殖户开始了猪场生物安全体系的升级改造。两年后我国大部分猪场的成功复产,全国生猪出栏量的大幅提升,证明了生物安全措施巨大效力;同时在严格的生物安全措施下创新了精准剔除、快速复产等操作,进一步证明了生物安全措施的有效作用。文章主要介绍猪场生物安全体系中入口(大门)和出口(后门)最为关键防线处的通道设计,方便所有的生物安全操作能够高效落实,切断病原轻易进出猪场的途径。  相似文献   

为了解山东省家禽养殖场的生物安全水平,以问卷调查方式,对养殖场基本信息、场内区域划分、免疫接种、引种购进、消毒、饲养管理等问题展开调查。经预调查后,2021年6—7月在全省范围内开展本次调查。在全省16个地级市,采用随机抽样方式,每地级市抽检1~2个县(市、区);应用配额采样方式,在县市域内选取蛋鸡养殖场、肉鸡养殖场以及种禽场各1家。共收到有效问卷141份,分别来自12个地级市36个县(市、区),其中来自蛋鸡养殖场、肉鸡养殖场和种禽场占比分别为63.83%、26.95%和9.22%。所调查养殖场中,按照管理区、生产区、生活区进行区域划分的133家,一半以上的养殖场能做到每周至少消毒1次;137家养殖场有免疫计划,而无免疫计划的只有4家,包括蛋鸡场1家、肉鸡场3家。肉鸡场没有隔离场所的占比最高,达44.7%。106家养殖场对患病动物进行无害化处理。结果表明,所调查家禽养殖场在区域划分、区域管理、消毒管理、环境控制等生物安全方面都进行了相关的设计和应用,在一定程度上,能够起到预防致病因子侵入、阻挡病原微生物扩散的作用,但不同类型养殖场的生物安全水平并不均衡,因此养殖场需继续提高生物安全意识,逐步建立适用于本场的生物安全体系。  相似文献   

Chile eradicated classical swine fever (CSF) in April 1998, following a 17-year eradication programme. The authors describe biosecurity levels of pig farms in Chile after the eradication of CSF. A formal survey was administered to 50 large integrated pig farms, which represented almost 60% of the swine population. The main topics on the questionnaire were production, health management, biosecurity, insurance and information about CSF outbreaks in the past. Biosecurity practices were analysed according to the criteria stated by Barcelo and Marco in 1998. A scoring system to measure biosecurity was designed and pig farms were classified according to this score. An adjusted specific measure is discussed as a potential indicator of risk for disease infections. The authors explore associations between biosecurity herd size and insurance policy against CSF.  相似文献   

Salmonella surveillance-and-control programs in pigs are highly resource demanding, so alternative cost-effective approaches are desirable. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a tool for predicting the Salmonella test status in pig herds based on herd information collected from 108 industrial farrow-to-finish pig herds in Portugal. A questionnaire including known risk factors for Salmonella was used. A factor analysis model was developed to identify relevant factors that were then tested for association with Salmonella status. Three factors were identified and labelled: general biosecurity (factor 1), herd size (factor 2) and sanitary gap implementation (factor 3). Based on the loadings in factor 1 and factor 3, herds were classified according to their biosecurity practices. In total, 59% of the herds had a good level of biosecurity (interpreted as a loading below zero in factor 1) and 37% of the farms had good biosecurity and implemented sanitary gap (loading below zero in factor 1 and loading above zero in factor 3). This implied that they, among other things, implemented preventive measures for visitors and workers entering the herd, controlled biological vectors, had hygiene procedures in place, water quality assessment, and sanitary gap in the fattening and growing sections. In total, 50 herds were tested for Salmonella. Logistic regression analysis showed that factor 1 was significantly associated with Salmonella test status (P = 0.04). Herds with poor biosecurity had a higher probability of testing Salmonella positive compared with herds with good biosecurity. This study shows the potential for using herd information to classify herds according to their Salmonella status in the absence of good testing options. The method might be used as a potentially cost-effective tool for future development of risk-based approaches to surveillance, targeting interventions to high-risk herds or differentiating sampling strategies in herds with different levels of infection.  相似文献   

刘纪玉 《猪业科学》2021,38(10):42-44
猪场的生物安全措施对该场的疫病预防和控制起到了非常重要的作用。文章介绍了在非洲猪瘟背景下,猪场需要在人员生物安全意识、猪群健康、猪场入口处、猪场出口处、猪场车辆管理等方面需要采取的一系列生物安全措施。供大家参考,以期提升猪场的生物安全管理水平,提高猪场疫病预防控制能力。  相似文献   

近年来中国养猪企业疫病频发,给养猪业带来很大的经济损失。为了减少养猪场猪的发病,保证猪场的正常生产秩序,猪场生物安全体系的建设尤为重要。笔者根据猪场的生产实际,总结出相应的实施方案,供广大养殖户参考使用。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟背景下的三元商品母猪养殖策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙亚楠  刘双  黄强  封伟杰 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):122-124
非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)是一种病毒分子巨大且复杂的DNA病毒,在无有效疫苗的情况下,会引起高度传染性且通常致命的猪瘟。目前非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)导致我国母猪存栏大幅度下降,猪场引种面临了巨大的生物安全风险,采用三元商品母猪留种成为了一种较好的选择。文章结合生产实践,旨在为三元商品母猪的饲养管理和营养调控提供指导意见。  相似文献   

BackgroundPorcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is a swine enteropathogenic coronavirus that has devastated the swine industry in South Korea over the last 30 years. The lack of an effective method to control the endemics has led to a surge in PEDV recurrences in affected farms throughout the country.ObjectivesIn the first step toward establishing systematic monitoring of and active control measures over the swine populations, we constructed an assessment model that evaluates the status of (1) biosecurity, (2) herd immunity, and (3) virus circulation in each of the PEDV-infected farms.MethodsA total of 13 farrow-to-finish pig farms with a history of acute PEDV infection on Jeju Island were chosen for this study. The potential risk of the recurrence in these farms was estimated through on-site data collection and laboratory examination.ResultsOverall, the data indicated that a considerable number of the PEDV-infected farms had lax biosecurity, achieved incomplete protective immunity in the sows despite multi-dose vaccination, and served as incubators of the circulating virus; thus, they face an increased risk of recurrent outbreaks. Intriguingly, our results suggest that after an outbreak, a farm requires proactive tasks, including reinforcing biosecurity, conducting serological and virus monitoring to check the sows’ immunity and to identify the animals exposed to PEDV, and improving the vaccination scheme and disinfection practices if needed.ConclusionsThe present study highlights the significance of coordinated PEDV management in infected farms to reduce the risk of recurrence and further contribute towards the national eradication of PEDV.  相似文献   

生猪养殖场的主要经济效益来源于母猪的生产力,如何挖掘母猪的生产潜力,做好母猪全阶段的饲养管理,是每个生猪养殖场需要解决的问题。该文主要论述后备母猪、妊娠母猪、哺乳母猪及空怀母猪的饲养管理要点及疾病的预防措施。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the presence of trichinellosis in backyard-farmed pigs and the risk factors associated with the infection in Zaria, Kaduna State. Serum samples were collected from 120 pigs selected at random from 50 small backyard farms, and the presence of Trichinella spp. antibodies was determined using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Data on farm management practices from the farms were obtained through the use of a structured questionnaire. The overall seroprevalence of Trichinella spp.-specific antibodies was 40 % (48/120) by ELISA. All the extensive farms sampled had at least one Trichinella-positive animal. The age and sex of the animals were not significantly (p?>?0.05) associated with the infection; however, the management systems, presence of rodents, rodent control, and access to dead pigs showed significant (p?<?0.05) association with Trichinella spp.-infected pigs on the farm. In conclusion, there was a high prevalence of antibodies to trichinellosis in backyard raised pigs in Zaria, and intensive pig farming with the adoption of proper biosecurity measures is advocated to prevent the transmission and spread of trichinellosis.  相似文献   

The recent outbreak of avian influenza in the poultry sector of Cameroon has raised a concern about the level of implementation of biosecurity measures (BM) on poultry farms. Therefore, a study using a questionnaire on 102 randomly selected poultry farms was undertaken. Some measures with high adoption levels (>?90%) included “protection of airing openings of poultry barns by a wire mesh,” “no external animal allowed to enter the farm,” “respect of all-in all-out principle,” “functional footbath,” “rodent control,” and “feedstuff protection from access to rodents.” The least implemented measures (less than 20%) were “wearing of dedicated clothing (clean coveralls and boots) by workers,” “disinfection of visitors,” and “presence of storage room for dead animals.” Only for “isolation” component of biosecurity, compliance with biosecurity measures was good, with more than 50% of farms having an adoption rate greater than 75%. The mean biosecurity score for the assessed farms was 19.29?±?1.89 for a maximum score of 38 points. The score was significantly and positively correlated (p?<?0.05) with the number of chicken and the geographic location of farms. The other results showed that the mean number of broiler per cycle was 550.82?±?76 for a stocking density of 27.20?±?6.64 birds per m2. In conclusion, broiler production in the Western highland is dominated by small-scale units with low level of biosecurity practices positively and significantly (p?<?0.05) influenced by some production characteristics. To improve biosecurity practices in the area, efforts must focus on measures concerning “sanitation” and “traffic control” components of biosecurity.  相似文献   

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