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森林生态精神文化是森林生态文化体系中的重要组成和核心,分析其生态精神文化的层次和内涵,有利于指导国家森林城市的创建和森林生态文化体系建设;分别从认知、情感及行为响应三个层次解读森林精神文化的层次和内涵,结合国家森林城市建设规划,提出个人、政府、企业的森林生态认知、森林生态情感和应有的森林生态响应,倡导个人、政府、企业对森林要有科学的认识、真挚的情感和积极的生态响应,从而形成健康的森林精神文化。  相似文献   

森林文化是以人类与森林和谐共存为指导思想和研究对象的文化体系,是反映人与森林关系的文化现象的总成,是林学教育不可或缺的组成内容。较长时期以来,我国林学本科人才培养主要以林业技术科学教育为主导,森林文化教育有所缺失。随着林业发展战略由"两大体系"向"三大体系"的转变,林学本科人才培养应由以理论技术为目标转向以理论技术与生态素养并举为目标。因此,应加强森林文化教育,充分发挥其启迪学生热爱森林、培植生态文明理念、强化学生的生态伦理观、培养生态文明的倡导者、培养学生良好的生态素养、增强践行生态文明的能力等功能。  相似文献   

森林文化是以人类与森林和谐共存为指导思想和研究对象的文化体系,是反映人与森林关系的文化现象的总成,是林学教育不可或缺的组成内容。较长时期以来,我国林学本科人才培养主要以林业技术科学教育为主导,森林文化教育有所缺失。随着林业发展战略由“两大体系”向“三大体系”的转变,林学本科人才培养应由以理论技术为目标转向以理论技术与生态素养并举为目标。因此,应加强森林文化教育,充分发挥其启迪学生热爱森林、培植生态文明理念、强化学生的生态伦理观、培养生态文明的倡导者、培养学生良好的生态素养、增强践行生态文明的能力等功能。  相似文献   

胡琴 《中国林业》2010,(24):36-36
目前,在构筑完备的林业生态体系、发达的林业产业体系和繁荣的生态文化体系组成的现代林业基本架构的过程中,人们对森林的生态、物质和文化价值的认识正日益完善。其突出表现是,随着社会进步和认识的深化,人们对于森林的理解已经开始超越物质性和生态性,上升到文化性的层面,对森林旅游、休闲、保健等功用及诸如其哲学、审美、文学、艺术、科学等方面的价值的认识日益明晰。  相似文献   

系统分析了景德镇市的森林生态安全状况,认为危害森林健康的两大主要因素是森林病虫害和森林火灾.构筑瓷都森林生态安全体系,必须建立评价体系、营建体系、支撑体系、防控体系和救治体系等5个配套的子体系.  相似文献   

建立森林生态效益计量评价体系和森林生态效益补偿体系,有利于合理制定和实施森林生态补偿制度,有利于加快无偿使用森林生态效益向有偿使用森林生态效益转变,是建立生态效益型林业的前提和保障。  相似文献   

生态文化是建设森林城市重要的源动力和催化剂,建设繁荣的生态文化体系是森林城市发展中一项促进人与自然和谐的规模宏大、艰巨复杂的系统工程。总结了森林城市生态文化体系建设的规划思路:应从深入挖掘生态文化、结合指标要求、解读相关法规政策三方面来确定规划内容。以三亚市为例,对生态文化体系规划内容进行了分析,旨在通过森林城市生态文化体系的规划和建设,助推城市生态文明发展。  相似文献   

森林生态连续清查是林业行业使命和职能。介绍了山西森林生态连续清查体系的主要内容,分析了森林生态连续清查现实基础和关键技术,为森林生态连续清查体系提供了初步理论指导。  相似文献   

我国将加快建设森林生态网络工程体系国家林业局有关负责人最近说,我国将抓住西部地区生态环境保护与建设的重点,加快建设由“点”“线”“面”三大类型组成的森林生态网络工程体系。这位负责人解释说,森林生态网络工程体系是指建立以林木为主体,乔、灌、草立体开发,集约式动态发展的网络系统,由“点”“线”“面”三大类型组成。所谓“点”,指5万多个城镇的绿化、美化;所谓“线”,指长江、黄河、淮河、珠江、辽河、海河、黑龙江等大江大河以及山脉、海岸线、公路铁路、干线等大规模的护岸护路林带;所谓“面”,指东北、西北、华…  相似文献   

结合新一轮绿化广东大行动的目标任务要求,在生态文明建设的时代背景下,分析广东省森林生态体系建设现状、总体布局以及存在问题,探讨森林生态体系布局调整与优化对策,阐述构建五大森林生态体系的总体思路、目标任务、功能定位和建设重点,并提出了构建完备的森林生态体系建设的支持保障体系。  相似文献   

流溪河林场森林资源调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过二类资源清查数据,分别从林地面积、林种、树种、龄组等方面对流溪河林场森林资源动态变化进行了分析和评价,并对林杨林业的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

以黑龙江省鹤北林业局为例,对该局10年间两次森林资源规划设计调查数据进行了对比分析,旨在根据森林资源消长变化情况探讨科学经营森林资源的方法和途径。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the response of the ant communities along a habitat regeneration gradient in the south Atlantic Forest comparing it with the ant fauna from a mature forest at the same biome. The survey was conducted according to standard collecting protocols, employing sardine baits and mini-Winkler apparatuses. The structure of the ground and litter-foraging ant community was compared in five habitats, representing a regeneration gradient within the Atlantic Forest. Furthermore, the composition of the leaf-litter ant fauna and the species richness were compared between the regeneration gradient and an area of mature forest. The results showed a higher number of leaf-litter ant species in the mature forest in comparison with the regeneration gradient habitat, as well a distinct species composition. There was a significant loss of ant diversity in the regrowth forest, compared to the mature Atlantic Forest. The composition of the ground-dwelling ant fauna does not consistently separate the sites of forest succession; but a gradient of ant species richness and composition was revealed when the leaf-litter ant fauna data set was included in the analysis. In this sense, the leaf-litter ant fauna is an important segment to characterize habitats also playing an important rule as bio-indicators. The data suggest that only primary forests (our data) and old secondary forests (in litt.) are capable of maintaining a substantial proportion of the biodiversity in areas of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

本研究以长沙市主城区556平方公里的城市森林为研究对象,应用GIS技术与野外调查相结合的方法,以城市森林生态学、景观美学原理为基础,分类型对城市森林空间布局、种群结构、树种构成、径阶分布等结构特征进行分析。结果显示:各森林类型在森林结构上都存在树龄较小,所用树种单调等特点,种群和群落结构配置不舍理。针对长沙市城市森林存在的问题,结合城市森林结构的特点和森林的可持续发展,对长沙市城市森林建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

赫章县森林植物区系及天然森林植被类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫章县拥有丰富的森林植物资源,已初步查明的木本植物有62科203属600多种,组成了北亚热带气候环境下的各种典型次生森林群落,在人为破坏状态下发生着向裸地逆行演替并存在着珍稀植物绝灭的严峻现实。本文探讨了该县的木本植物区系组成,并依照植被分类原则,以群落外貌及其建群种为基础,按群系(或群丛组)为单位划分了典型常见的天然林群落类型,对群落外貌、层片结构特征等作了简单描述。  相似文献   

根据适地适树和经济效益的原则,设计了一个国有林场森林资源结构秩序的理想换型,并对该国有林场森林资源结构秩序进行静态和动态的调整,使各树种的时空秩序趋于合理,达到森林资源永续利用的目的。  相似文献   


This study investigated the forest history, structural characteristics, the presence of fungal species suggested to indicate ecological continuity in old-growth forest, and the species composition of saproxylic beetles in 30 old forest ''woodland key habitats'' (WKHs), and compared them with production forest in the same age-class in south-eastern Norway. No statistically significant differences in forest characteristics, community of saproxylic beetles or number of red-listed beetles were found between the WKHs and the production forest, probably owing to a combination of profound long-term logging and a lack of will to delineate sufficiently large WKHs in the one area with significantly less forestry impact. The study indicates the advantage of including forest history information in WKH selection where such data exist, and the importance of restoring habitats in heavily exploited forest landscapes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of forest conversion on forest floor vegetation. ‘Ecological’ forest conversion, as defined by an interdisciplinary southern Black Forest project group, describes the transformation of even-aged spruce (Picea abies L. H. Karst.) stands to structured continuous cover forests consisting of spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). In order to analyse the conversion process, four conversion stages were defined in a conceptual forest development model. Four forest districts deemed to be representative of the southern Black Forest region were selected for the study. The ground vegetation was initially classified independently from the stand structures. Subsequently, the relationship between stand structures, as determined by development stage, and ground vegetation was analysed. It was revealed that forest conversion modified the ground vegetation. The main factors influencing ground vegetation were the influence of broadleaves, predominately beech (F. sylvatica), on the canopy composition and litter coverage on the one hand; and the canopy coverage of spruce, the proportion of needle litter and the associated light penetration on the other. The prevalence of moss and vascular plant species preferring acidic sites found in spruce forests decreased during the transition process, whereas, species requiring a moderate base supply increased in abundance. The continuous cover forest representing the final stage of conversion increasingly contained a mixture of ground vegetation species normally associated exclusively with either conifer or deciduous forest. Due to the fact that there is an associated ground vegetation specific to the different stages of forest conversion in stands dominated by Norway spruce or European beech and a mixture in the latest conversion stages, large-scale forest conversion should be avoided in favour of management promoting a diversity of silvicultural goals and treatments in neighbouring stands. Only a variety of treatments ensures the maintenance of floristic diversity in the long-term.  相似文献   

通过对日本森林的实地考察、学术交流以及文献查阅,本文介绍了日本自然森林植被的组成与分布特点,日本人工森林植被的种类与历史,以及日本森林存在的问题,以期对我国的林业发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

为了提高南京无想寺国家森林公园的生态和景观质量,对森林公园内典型林分类型进行了标准地调查,并分析了其物种多样性,探讨了林分结构调整的措施。结果表明:(1)物种组成较丰富;(2)各林分的物种多样性指数为阔叶混交林 > 针阔混交林 > 纯林;(3)各群落垂直结构分层明显;(4)各群落均处于顺行演替。最后根据群落结构特征,提出了适当间伐和增加林窗等林分结构调整的建议。本研究可为苏南城市近郊次生林的经营提供一定依据。    相似文献   

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