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渤海南部黄鲫幼鱼的季节分布研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
渤海南部黄鲫幼鱼随水温上升,迅速向外海回游,遍及整个渤海湾及莱州湾西部,随水温下降,幼鱼又向近岸回游,活动范围缩小。7-9月黄鲫幼鱼适宜水温为22.2-29.0℃,盐度12.96-33.31。数量分布与温度间呈密切负相关,与盐度呈抛物线相关。  相似文献   

<正> 为了开展东吾洋内湾长毛对虾(P.peni-cillanv)和东方对虾(P.orientalis)的增殖,搞清这两种对虾在内湾的活动规律,除已进行对虾标志放流外,我们于1983年1月份进行了湾内、外对虾越冬场的探捕调查,结果表明:内湾不仅有长毛对虾,也分布一定数量的东方对虾。说明湾内的理化环境条件,完全适合于这两种对虾的越冬。  相似文献   

为了解增殖放流中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)生长、分布、摄食和食物竞争等状况, 2011 年 5 月至 2012 年 4 月在莱州湾进行了 9 次底拖网调查, 其中仅 4 个航次的调查捕获了中国明对虾。体重瞬时增长系数的计 算结果表明, 7 月份是莱州湾放流中国明对虾的快速生长期, 7 月底至 8 月初达到生长拐点, 以后生长减慢。其活动 和分布规律表明, 中国明对虾放流后经过一段时间的生长和适应后才开始溯河, 8 月初移出河道向深水扩展, 集中 分布在莱州湾西部, 8 月中旬主要集中在莱州湾的西部和湾口, 9 月初至 10 月中旬主要分布在莱州湾湾口和湾外。 中国明对虾成虾的摄食范围较广, 是偏重摄食底栖动物饵料的杂食性种类, 摄食生态位宽度与三疣梭子蟹接近; 与 三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)及莱州湾渔业资源群落中的8种重要种类都存在中等程度或严重的食物竞争, 食 物竞争主要源自对双壳类饵料的竞食。本研究为探讨中国明对虾增殖放流的适应性管理策略提供了科学依据。 关  相似文献   

莱州湾中国明对虾增殖放流策略研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解增殖放流中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)生长、分布、摄食和食物竞争等状况,2011年5月至2012年4月在莱州湾进行了9次底拖网调查,其中仅4个航次的调查捕获了中国明对虾。体重瞬时增长系数的计算结果表明,7月份是莱州湾放流中国明对虾的快速生长期,7月底至8月初达到生长拐点,以后生长减慢。其活动和分布规律表明,中国明对虾放流后经过一段时间的生长和适应后才开始溯河,8月初移出河道向深水扩展,集中分布在莱州湾西部,8月中旬主要集中在莱州湾的西部和湾口,9月初至10月中旬主要分布在莱州湾湾口和湾外。中国明对虾成虾的摄食范围较广,是偏重摄食底栖动物饵料的杂食性种类,摄食生态位宽度与三疣梭子蟹接近;与三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)及莱州湾渔业资源群落中的8种重要种类都存在中等程度或严重的食物竞争,食物竞争主要源自对双壳类饵料的竞食。本研究为探讨中国明对虾增殖放流的适应性管理策略提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

整理统计了莱州湾主要有机污染物入海通量,并于1998年7月,调查了莱州湾湾顶部对虾养殖区进、排水中氮、磷及COD的浓度,初步估算出了对虾病害发生后(1993年),对虾养殖过程中排入海中COD的增量增量平均约为1173.4t/a,为黄河年排放量的0.54%,小清河年排放量的0.29%;无机氮的增量平均为45.1t/a,为黄河年排放量的1.79%,小清河年排放量的1.10%。对虾病害发生后(1993年后)莱州湾沿岸对虾养殖的有机污染较黄河和小清河小的多。  相似文献   

山东省荣成县的两对渔船的干部、渔民,掌握了对虾回游规律,改革成功一种渔民称为"漂网"的上层拖网,为捕捞"起水"(浮游到水上层)的对虾和鱼类,闯出了一条新路.山东省水产局向这两对渔船颁发了奖金.多年来,在渔业远洋捕捞生产中,人们总是采用底层拖网进行捕虾,而对于浮游到上层的鱼虾则无可奈何.对虾昼沉夜浮,因此只能白天作业,晚上站锚.一九七七年秋  相似文献   

1。迁移、分布和渔业概貌 在黄海中部越冬的对虾有两个种群。一个称朝鲜种群,数量少,个体小;另一个称中国种群,数量多,个体大。中国种群的产卵场分布广,从鸭绿江口到海州湾,主要产卵场位于渤海3个湾:辽东湾、莱州湾和渤海湾。约4月下旬,对虾游抵产卵场。从越冬场到最北的产卵场辽东湾相距约1000公里左右。  相似文献   

为了评价崂山湾中国对虾的增殖效果,2012年5月在崂山湾分两批次放流中国对虾15673万尾。2012年7–9月开展了中国对虾跟踪与回捕调查,进行了中国对虾放流苗种存活生长状况、洄游分布及回捕情况的研究,并应用“Bhattacharya”法区分了中国对虾的自然群体与放流群体。结果显示,8月中旬中国对虾放流苗种主要生活在崂山湾中部海域,第1、2批放流苗种的平均体长分别达到144.9、130.5 mm,随着水温的降低,作季节性短距离的由浅水向深水区移动,放流种群和自然种群分别占总群体的92%和8%;由于受到竞争生物及栖息地环境因素的影响,中国对虾放流群体的回捕率仅为0.58%。虽然相比其他海域中国对虾的回捕率较低,但是崂山湾中国对虾增殖放流仍然取得了一定的生态、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

今年3、4月份,我队从红湾、沙角等地捕回亲虾,经过粗选后,暂养子网箱中.由于环境的变化,很易引起亲虾在运输途中产卵或退化,因此对选择后的亲虾采取以下方法取得受精卵:(1)加温或降温刺激;(2)适当增加营养,投喂亲虾喜食的新鲜蟹肉、泥蚶、虾肉等.对虾产卵量很大,  相似文献   

杨日晖 《海洋渔业》1987,9(6):257-260
<正> 对虾(主要是墨吉对虾、长毛对虾和中国对虾,以前两者居多),湛江市郊区(石匈)洲渔民俗称大虾或大明虾,是一种经济价值很高的甲壳类海产动物。随着国内外市场对对虾需求量的日益增加,其经济价值越来越高。广东省的广州湾、雷州湾海区和(石匈)洲岛  相似文献   

大亚湾水交换的数值模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对大亚湾的潮流场进行三维数值模拟,分别用Lagrange质点追踪法和保守物质输运扩散2种方法研究大亚湾的水交换能力,并把大亚湾分成7个子区域,计算整个海湾和各子区域的水体平均存留时间和更新时间,比较各子区域的水交换能力的大小,分析2种方法结果差异产生的原因。大亚湾的水交换能力受潮致余流流场结构支配。质点追踪模拟结果显示,大亚湾南部及大鹏澳区域质点迁移出海湾的速度较快,哑铃湾、大亚湾北部及范和港区域较慢;保守物质输运扩散模型计算结果显示,大亚湾东南部水体的更新时间最快,水交换能力最强,其次分别为大亚湾中东部、西南部、范和港、大亚湾北部、大鹏澳、哑铃湾。  相似文献   

Thirteen adult bluefin tuna were tracked with electronic pop‐up satellite tags during their reproductive migration towards Mediterranean spawning grounds as they entered the Strait of Gibraltar. Fish were caught in tuna traps and tagged either underwater, with the aid of a modified spear gun, or on the deck of the boat. Fish tagged on board initially showed a shallower behavior than those tagged in the water. The pattern of horizontal movements was also different between both groups. Shortly after tagging, the eight fish tagged in the water entered the Mediterranean Sea. Six of these fish reached the spawning ground located southwest of the Balearic archipelago before heading back for the Atlantic, whereas the other two traveled farther east, reaching its easternmost longitudes between Formentera and Sardinia and the South Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively. In contrast, two out of the five fish tagged on board never entered the Mediterranean Sea, and another one did enter the Mediterranean when the reproductive season was already over. These results suggest an impact of the tagging procedure on the post‐release behavior of bluefin tuna. Excluding the tags that popped‐off east of the Strait of Gibraltar, bluefin tuna stayed in the Mediterranean Sea for 22–28 days. Analysis of the median depth indicated a shallow behavior during both day and nighttime throughout the return phase of the fish from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean with the exception of the area around the Strait of Gibraltar, where they showed a deeper behavior that coincided with a marked vertical gradient in the currents.  相似文献   

利用2007年12月和2008年6月三门湾海域渔业资源调查资料,研究三门湾蟹类密度的时空分布,分析优势种、地形地貌和水文等因素对蟹类分布的影响。结果表明,12月和6月蟹类重量密度分别为38.44 kg/km2和75.20 kg/km2,尾数密度为1.99×103ind/km2和3.66×103ind/km2。蟹类重量密度分布呈三门湾西北部水域高于东南部水域趋势,尾数密度分布则呈三门湾西北部水域低于东南部水域趋势。依据相对重要性指数分析的结果,日本蟳是本海域蟹类第一优势种,其次为经济品种三疣梭子蟹。两季蟹类大部分为幼体,夏季比冬季种类数有增加。上述优势种对三门湾蟹类数量的变化有较明显的回归贡献。  相似文献   

大亚湾黑鲷标志放流技术   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
林金錶 《水产学报》2001,25(1):79-83
1997年在大亚湾标志放流平均体长为60.2mm的黑鲷(Sparus marcrocephalus)共11986尾,标志放流效果明显,共同捕标志鱼955尾,回捕率达8.0%,主群分布移动物湾顶沿岸浅水区,只有少部份分散于湾中岛礁间,生长良好,放流后的240d平均体长达235mm。  相似文献   

Eels (Anguilla spp.) are in decline worldwide, and the signs of reduced recruitment have been observed in continental Europe since the early 1970s. To aid recovery of the European eel, stocking is used by many European countries as a management option. In this study, tagging experiments were conducted to follow eel migration from Lake Mälaren and four sites along the Swedish east coast in the Baltic Sea. The recaptured tagged eels were retrieved from fishermen, allowing for the opportunity to investigate their origin (brackish water, stocked in freshwater or a mix in between) by otolith microchemistry and to assess for morphological differences after tagging. Several changes took place; for example, eye index increased while weight and condition decreased with migrated distance and time until recapture. In Lake Mälaren, the majority of tagged eels did not migrate out of the outlets, irrespective of their origin. Most of them were caught in the opposite direction and continued to be caught in the lake 1–3 years after tagging, with significant weight losses. Overall, overwintering is suggested to be an inferior option, but it is uncertain whether this is a natural behaviour or a result of translocation and restocking. For coastal eels, origin had no effect on migratory behaviour; a majority of the tagged eels migrated towards the outlet of the Baltic Sea. Interestingly, a minority of the recaptured eels originated from stocked fish. Instead, recaptures were dominated by natural immigrants that had spent most of their lives in brackish waters.  相似文献   

Results from an acoustic telemetry study revealed for the first time a northerly migration route for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts leaving the east coast of Ireland. Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged in spring 2019 in the Castletown and Boyne rivers. Three tagged smolts registered on disparate deep‐water offshore marine receivers as they travelled northwards out of the Irish Sea through the North Channel. One fish had migrated an estimated 250 km in a period of 32 days. The remaining two individuals were detected on receivers located off the Northern Ireland coast, further corroborating the northward migration of salmon smolts through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

大亚湾黑鲷标志放流及回捕率调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为评价大亚湾海域黑鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)增殖放流效果,使用塑料椭圆标志牌(plasticovaltags,POTs),开展了黑鲷幼鱼标志保持率与生长实验。结果显示,背鳍鳍棘基部第4~6鳍棘下方5mm左右的背部肌肉为最适标志位置, 90 d后标志保持率为81.76%。POTs标志黑鲷幼鱼45 d内生长与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05),而90 d后标志组生长显著缓于对照组(P<0.05)。并于2014—2016年每年1次在大亚湾开展黑鲷幼鱼标志放流试验。采用有奖回收方式进行标志鱼回捕,测量体长、体重,收集回捕日期、回捕地点、回捕方式等信息,整理分析相关数据。3年共放流标志黑鲷幼鱼60115尾,共2758尾回捕标志鱼被定置网、流刺网及垂钓捕获(总回捕率4.59%);大规格放流苗种回捕率高于小规格放流苗种;垂钓回捕鱼数量占总回捕数量的比例为62.08%。通过对反馈信息的分析,认为放流后的标志鱼最初主要沿湾内和湾外两个方向呈近岸辐射状扩散,最远扩散距离约70 km。放流后1~2个月标志黑鲷生长较慢,随后相对加快,放流5~7个月后,黑鲷幼鱼体长、体重分别增长59.51%~127.20%和322.75%~989.83%。结论认为,POT是黑鲷幼鱼体外标志的适宜选择;在研究海域,放流后的标志黑鲷更易于被垂钓方式捕获;丰富的食物和可供躲避敌害的空间是影响其扩散、生长的因素。  相似文献   

Intensification in the commercial culture of prawns can have a significant impact on the water quality and hence on the survival, growth and the surrounding environment. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of stocking density on the water quality and performance of the western king prawns (Penaeus latisulcatus) and the nutrient budget of the culture environment. Four stocking densities of 4, 8, 16 and 32 prawns m?2 were tested in 12 recirculating systems. Prawn weight and specific growth rate increased with decreasing stocking density, while the survival rate showed the reverse trend. The mean total ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus were significantly higher (P<0.05) at the higher stocking density. The nutrient budget revealed that the prawns could assimilate only 9.34–20.13% nitrogen and 4.97–11.25% phosphorus of the total nutrient inputs. The drained water at harvest was the major sink of phosphorus and nitrogen at stocking densities of 4, 8 and 16, which accounted for 45.59–64.82% and 44.28–65.62% of the total inputs, respectively, while a significant proportion of nitrogen sunk into the sediment at 32 prawns m?2. The study suggested that the stocking densities of western king prawns can be up to 16 prawns m?2 in the recirculating water environment.  相似文献   

夏季莱州湾及附近水域理化环境及营养现状评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据2007年8月对莱州湾及附近水域的调查资料,讨论了温度、盐度、pH、溶解氧(DO)、溶解无机氮(DIN)和活性磷酸盐(PO4^3--P)等理化因子的分布特征,并对该水域的营养水平和有机污染状况进行了评价。结果表明,莱州湾西部和西南部水域表层和底层的DIN含量较高,均呈向东北方向递减的趋势;表层PO4^3--P含量分布较为均匀,在湾口中部水域有一小范围的高值区,并呈向四周逐渐递减分布。底层水平基本与表层一致,但其高值区范围较大,等值线较为密集。营养盐与盐度的相关分析表明,DIN与盐度呈显著负相关,表明DIN主要来自河流径流的输送;而PO4^3--P与盐度相关性不十分显著,这表明莱州湾PO4^3--P的补充并非主要来自河流径流输入,而是以有机物的分解矿化再生为主,同时,浮游植物的大量繁殖也是一个重要的影响因素。由水域环境质量评价结果看,N/P值均大于Redfield比值16,P显得相对缺乏。根据营养化评价模式和有机污染指数计算结果,2007年夏季莱州湾水域营养水平基本属于磷中等限制潜在性富营养,有机污染程度属3级,表明该调查水域受到轻度有机污染。  相似文献   

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