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本文以海南省30个不同荔枝优株为研究对象,研究了不同荔枝优株花药数、花药散粉量、花粉形态特征和花粉萌发率,发现不同荔枝优株单花花药数、散粉量、形态及花粉萌发率不同;以紫娘喜、白糖罂、妃子笑等3个海南主栽荔枝品种为研究对象,研究了5个花期及3种不同类型花的花药散粉量和花粉萌发率,发现从雄花的铃铛花期至完全开放阶段(花药变褐之前)的花粉散粉量和萌发率最高。这为荔枝杂交育种父本的选择、花粉的收集提供重要参考。  相似文献   

测定了桃的72个品种(系)的花粉量以及其中大部分品种的花药重量,结果表明,花粉量的总体分布为两个分布的集合分布,花粉量和花药重量极显著相关(r>0.95),一些品种的花粉量差异显著或极显著。将品种的花粉量(粒·花粉-1)分为:无可育花粉(<350)、少(351~750)、中(751~1200)、多(1201~1500)、极多(>1501)。正常花粉量的品种花粉发芽率没有显著差异。  相似文献   

以203份切花小菊(Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)品种为材料,通过图像处理方法对盛花期花序开放角度进行量化评价,调查叶柄夹角、花序直径等11个花序开放角度相关性状发现,切花小菊花序开放角度变异丰富(变异系数为22.87%),其中‘南农羞风车’花序开放角度最小(62.12°),‘Q1-79’最大(218.29°)。相关性分析表明,花序开放角度与舌状花轮数(0.39)、舌状花宽(0.35)和心花直径(0.31)等呈极显著正相关,与花冠筒长度(–0.46)、花冠筒基部融合程度(–0.45)和舌状花长(–0.21)等呈极显著负相关。通过多元回归分析建立切花小菊花序开放角度的最优回归方程:Y(花序开放角度)=85.59+30.28X4(花序直径)–63.66X7(舌状花长)+21.78X8(舌状花宽)+21.57X9(花冠筒长度)–62.31X10(花冠筒基部融合程度),决定系数为0.69,可初步用于预测切花小菊花序开放角度。主成分分析将12个性状综合成舌状花相关性状、花序大小、叶部夹角等5个主成分因子,累积贡献率为89.07%。表型聚类将203个切花小菊品种划...  相似文献   

桃92个品种的花粉量及其萌发特性的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在离体条件下,以92个桃品种为研究对象,探讨其花粉量及其萌发特性的差异。结果表明:单个花药的花粉量变化范围为0 ~ 3 500粒,可萌发花粉量为0 ~ 2 696粒,花粉萌发率为0 ~ 89.33%,花粉管生长长度为0 ~ 1.56 mm,品种间存在明显的差异。上述指标品种出现频率均不符合正态分布。对上述各项因子分别进行聚类分析,供试品种中可萌发花粉量少且花粉管生长速度慢的品种相对较多,占45.65%,这类品种在生产上应合理配置授粉树。  相似文献   

磨山4号是我们于1984年从野生中华猕猴桃资源中选出的雄性新品种。花期20天,花期与中华猕猴桃品种和开花早的美味猕猴桃品种相遇;60.00%花序有5~8朵花,每粒花药有花粉40100粒,花粉萌发率75.00%;株形紧凑,宜密植;该品种作授粉树,雌株平均单果重、种子千粒重大,单果种子数少,风味品质好;果实维生素C含量和可滴定酸含最高,可溶性固形物含量也较高。2006年12月通过国家林业局品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

梨部分优良品种授粉组合选配与自花结实性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李秀根  杨健  王龙  谭晓风 《果树学报》2008,25(1):107-110
以中梨1号、中梨2号、新高、黄金梨、早美酥、红香酥、长寿、金二十世纪、红太阳等为试材,通过对各品种花药散粉状态进行镜检观察和杂交组合授粉与自花结实性试验,结果表明,中梨1号、早美酥、红香酥、长寿、金二十世纪6个品种的花药散粉正常、花粉量大,所配组合坐果率很高,生产上可用作授粉树;新高、黄金梨、红太阳3个品种花粉发育不良、散粉异常或花粉败育,生产上不能作为授粉品种。中梨2号、红香酥、长寿、金二十世纪、新高、黄金梨、红太阳7个品种自花不结实,早美酥和中梨1号可自花结实。  相似文献   

桃花粉量的测定与分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
朱更瑞  龚方成 《果树科学》1998,15(4):360-363
测定了桃的72个品种的花粉量以及其中大部分品种的花药重量,结果表明,花粉量的总体分布为两个分布的集合分布,花粉量和花药重量极显著相关,一些品种的花粉量差异显著可极显著,将品种的花粉量分为;无可育花粉,少,中,多,极多。正常花粉量的品种花粉发芽率没有显著差异。  相似文献   

研究了切花小菊绿心特性及影响绿心品质的关键指标,旨在为绿心切花小菊品种选育奠定基础。结果发现:(1)供试的切花小菊品种盛花初花心颜色L*、h、C*值变化范围分别为37.18~54.05、93.69°~114.76°、42.84~64.09,盛花初绿心相对面积变化范围为13.05%~100.00%,绿心持续期在0~15d之间;(2)选用综合计分法和主成分分析法,得出盛花初花心颜色、盛花初绿心相对面积、绿心持续期、花心变黄时间和盛花末绿心观赏性等5个指标的权重值依次为0.273、0.237、0.252、0.136、0.101;(3)通过各指标定级打分、计算权重及加权总分的聚类分析,将49个切花小菊品种分为优、良、中、差4个等级,其品种数分别为10、12、16和11。结果表明:切花小菊绿心特性主要由盛花初花心颜色、盛花初绿心相对面积和绿心持续期决定,切花小菊绿心特性综合评价标准可用于绿心切花小菊的评价与育种。  相似文献   

该研究以10个花毛茛品种为试材,通过调查和测定各性器官性状,发现不同品种各个性状在田间表现参差不齐,普遍存在着变异现象.说明购买的品种不是非常纯净的,有可能生产单位在授粉时搀杂了其它的花粉,或品种本身已经有了混杂,有提纯的必要.通过相关分析表明:各性状之间都是正相关,其中达到显著标准的有花药长度和花药量(0.6643),花药数量和花药量(0.8994),花药数量和散粉量(0.7264),花药量和散粉量(0.7707).此类高相关系数非常符合田间的表现.  相似文献   

毛花猕猴桃观赏与授粉的优株MG-15是从江西省抚州市野生毛花猕猴桃群体中选育而成。该优株花粉萌发率高达80%,单花中花粉量达8.57×10~4个。假双歧聚伞花序,每花序中花朵数10~15朵,每个春梢开花26~46朵,花枝率为80%以上。花量多、花粉量大、花粉活力高。MG-15在江西省奉新地区5月初开花,花期长达15 d。MG-15花瓣和花丝桃红色,花药黄色,单花序中花朵甚多,观赏价值高。  相似文献   

Anther wall development, microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis were compared between a normal male fertile chrysanthemum cultivar ‘NJAU04-29-2’ and the two male sterile selections ‘rm20-11’ (anther indehiscent) and ‘NJAU05-52-2’ (anther aborted). In both of the two male sterile types, the tapetum enlarged abnormally and showed signs of disorganization of walls at the onset of meiosis, the pollen was aborted, the anthers appeared shrunken, and the anther vascular bundle and connective tissue were degenerated by anthesis. In ‘rm20-11’, the two smaller pollen sacs began to degenerate at the microsporogenesis stage, so that only one or two microsporangia developed, while in ‘NJAU05-52-2’, only one or two microsporangia were formed following the archesporial cell stage, and most of the microspore mother cells degenerated during the course of meiosis.  相似文献   

Hydrangea (Hydrangea spp.) has two types of florets in an inflorescence. One has decoratively developed sepals and is termed as the decorative floret. The other has plain sepals and is termed as the non-decorative floret. Hydrangea is classified into two types according to its inflorescence: globular (hortensia) and lacecap. In hortensia, the surface of inflorescence is covered with decorative florets. In lacecap, decorative florets are situated around the periphery of the inflorescence. Japanese hydrangea phyllody (JHP) phytoplasma infection often leads to an increase in the number of decorative florets. JHP phytoplasma was inoculated into ten hortensia and five lacecap cultivars by grafting. The ratios of decorative florets to total florets were compared between the JHP phytoplasma-infected and non-infected plants. The infected plants showed lower decorative floret ratios in six hortensia cultivars and higher decorative floret rations in four lacecap cultivars. The composition of inflorescence was investigated using infected and non-infected plants of ‘Midoribanaajisai’ (hortensia cultivar) and ‘Libelle’ (lacecap cultivar). In ‘Libelle’, the lacecap type, an alteration in the lateral non-decorative floret to the decorative floret was observed and considered to be the main cause of increase in the decorative floret ratio.  相似文献   

天山天池二倍体棱叶蒜的开花动态及交配系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以分布于新疆天山天池的二倍体棱叶蒜(Allium caeruleum)为研究对象,观察记录了开花进程,测定其花粉活力和柱头可授性,并采用去雄、套袋、人工授粉等方法对其交配系统进行检测。结果表明:(1)伞形花序平均直径为(29.07±1.17)mm,花被片天蓝色,花期6—8月;两性花,平均小花数205.67±19.88个,密集,无株芽;小花开放历经弹头、张口、吐药、展开、抱合和萎蔫等过程,历时5~7 d;小花开放进程中花药和柱头间存在空间隔离,从第1枚花药伸出至6枚花药全部脱落以及柱头伸长至萎蔫各需要2~3 d;阴天比晴天分别延长散粉以及延迟柱头萎蔫0.5~1 d。棱叶蒜具有雄蕊先熟、雌雄异熟、雌雄异位以及吸引昆虫避免自交的花部特征。(2)花药开裂散粉4 h时花粉活力最强(79.23%±1.97%的花粉具有活力),36 h后降至很低,属于短寿命花粉。(3)联苯胺—过氧化氢和MTT法检测柱头可授性;花丝、花柱等长期部分柱头开始具有可授性,花丝、花柱合拢期至花丝萎蔫期柱头可授性最强。同一朵花雄蕊和雌蕊的可育期存在部分时间重叠,防止了杂交失败。(4)单花花粉量为31 275±3 651,胚珠数6,P/O值为5 212±608;杂交指数OCI为5;无自发的自花传粉现象,不存在风媒传粉和无融合生殖;倾向于异交为主、自交可育,具备兼性异交并需要传粉媒介的混合交配系统的特征。天山天池二倍体棱叶蒜还以种子休眠、鳞芽无性繁殖的生殖补偿方式保证特殊地理环境下的种群繁衍。  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum multicaule is an annual herbaceous ornamental species. The inflorescence is gynomonoecious and consists of bisexual tubular florets and female ray florets. The pistils consist of two stigmas which are of the open type with a hollow stylar canal. At the base of the tubular floret style, the pistil is surrounded by oil gland cells. The anthers are tetrasporangiate and the young anther wall is composed of epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The mature anther wall comprises only thickened endothecium after the release of the pollens. In the tubular florets, simultaneous microsporocyte meiotic cytokinesis results in mostly tetrahedral with a small proportion of decussate tetrads. The mature pollen grain is tricellular. The ovules are unitegmic and tenuinucellate, and the nucellus degenerates during the development of the megasporocyte. The development of the embryo sac follows the Polygonum type. At 4–6 days after blooming, the embryos reached the globular stage, thereafter passing through the heart- and torpedo-shape stages before maturing into the cotyledon embryos. From blooming to seed maturity, it takes about 3–4 weeks under our conditions.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术对托桂型菊花和非托桂型菊花的花发育过程以及花瓣的组织机构进行观察。结果表明:菊花的花芽分化可分为花序分化和小花分化两个阶段,托桂和非托桂型菊花的花芽分化过程在小花花冠伸长期开始出现差异,桂瓣的发育过程中组织结构的变化更类似于舌状花;成熟的桂瓣和舌状花一样,其花瓣结构均由上下表皮细胞和内部多层叶肉细胞构成,而非托桂花型菊花管状花花瓣仅有上下表皮细胞。桂瓣内层细胞旺盛的分裂能力以及发达的维管束组织可能是菊花形成托桂花型的重要原因。  相似文献   

基于表型和SRAP 标记的切花菊品种遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用45 个表型性状和SRAP 标记分析56 个切花菊品种的遗传多样性。表型变异分析结果 表明:21 个性状表现出品种内一致性高及品种间特异性强;主成分分析发现,主成分贡献值较大的性状 有花序直径、花序类型和瓣型等花部性状,其次是叶部和茎杆性状,说明所选用的切花菊品种在分类时 应以花部性状为主,叶部和茎杆性状为辅;表型性状基于遗传距离UPGMA 聚类,将56 个切花菊品种分 为平瓣类、匙瓣类、桂瓣类、匙瓣-平瓣类和管瓣类,聚类结果大致按照花径-瓣型-花型分类。14 对 SRAP 引物组合扩增56 个切花菊品种的DNA,共扩增出454 条带,其中多态性带423 条,占扩增带数的 93.17%,多态性含量PIC 值在0.72 ~ 0.89 之间,平均为0.82,说明切花菊品种在分子水平上具有丰富的 遗传多样性。基于SRAP 标记的UPGMA 聚类分析显示:品种间遗传相似系数在0.64 ~ 0.97 之间,将56 个切花菊品种分为平瓣类-匙瓣、桂瓣类和管瓣类,聚类结果大致按照花径-瓣型-花型分类。Mantel 检验相关性系数为0.682,两种聚类结果有相似之处,均能很好体现试验切花菊品种间的遗传关系。  相似文献   

An improved in vitro pollen germination assay was developed to assess the viability of stored Hedychium pollen. The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) (10, 15, and 20%, w/v) on pollen germination and tube growth was evaluated for Hedychium longicornutum and two commercial Hedychium cultivars, ‘Orange Brush’ and ‘Filigree’. Overall, the inclusion of PEG 4000 in the medium improved both pollen germination and tube growth for the three different genotypes tested and the results varied depending on genotype. In vitro germination was used to assess the viability of Hedychium pollen stored up to two months. Pollen nucleus status was determined for four Hedychium cultivars, ‘Orange Brush’, ‘Anne Bishop’, ‘Filigree’, and ‘Daniel Weeks’. Pollens of ‘Orange Brush’, ‘Anne Bishop’, and ‘Daniel Weeks’ were found to be binucleate but ‘Filigree’ was shown to possess both binucleate and trinucleate pollens. High pollen:ovule ratio values were obtained in several Hedychium taxa. The results obtained on the nuclear pollen status and pollen:ovule ratios will further our understanding of the pollination biology and help clarify the taxonomy and phylogeny of Hedychium species.  相似文献   

The effects of three set-sizes (12.5, 17.5 and 22.5 mm in diameter) and seven storage temperatures (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C) on bolting, bulbing and seed yield in two onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars ‘Hygro’ and ‘Delta’ were investigated. The incidence of bolting increased linearly with set-size and curvi-linearly with decreasing storage temperature. Time to inflorescence emergence and floret opening showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the earliest inflorescence emergence and floret opening occurring at 5 °C and the latest at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’. Seed yield per umbel also showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the lowest seed yield occurring at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’ and the highest seed yield at 5 °C. For a seed crop, storage of large sets (22.5 mm) of these cultivars at 5 °C for 120 days appeared to be optimum with 5–12% higher seed yield per umbel than that of 90 days storage. Bulb yield showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the highest bulb yield occurring at 25 °C and the lowest at 5 °C.  相似文献   

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