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‘幻想’矮牵牛幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用迁光的方法测定‘幻想’矮牵牛的幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期。结果分析表明: ‘幻想’矮牵牛的幼龄期约在6片真叶期结束, 其限界性诱导光周期为3周。与连续诱导光周期相比, 限界性诱导光周期能明显抑制‘幻想’矮牵牛株高的生长, 对株幅和分枝数无明显影响。建议在‘幻想’矮牵牛8叶期时给予长日照处理以促进开花; 3周以后再给予短日照处理以节约能源, 同时可以控制株高。  相似文献   

以在自然生长条件下不能开花的长沙藤蕹为试材,采用迁光的方法测定长沙藤蕹的临界光周期、限界性诱导光周期和幼龄期。结果表明:藤蕹的临界光周期为12 h光照/12 h黑暗,限界性光周期为16 d,幼龄期在4片真叶时结束。当光周期暗期持续长度达到13 h时,更有利于长沙藤蕹的花芽分化;当诱导光周期少于限界性光周期时,已分化的花芽会发生逆转,说明长沙藤蕹是一种严格的专性短日照植物。  相似文献   

‘银春’是‘满天红’(Prunus persica Batsch.)ב白花山碧桃’(P. davidiana Franch)的杂交后代中的96-6-12单株经自交,通过对种子冷藏处理,温室育苗获得的优良观赏桃品种。需冷量450 h,需热量低,开花较早。花朵白色,新颖别致,能弥补早春白色桃花的空挡。保护地栽培,能在春节前开放;露地栽培可以作为早花白色桃花品种。  相似文献   

郑宝强  许长杰  王雁  刘博  魏浩  汤志勇 《园艺学报》2014,41(11):2365-2366
‘顺科红韵’蝴蝶兰是以‘红龙’为母本,‘V31’为父本杂交育成的新品种。花深紫红色,花朵数 10 ~ 12朵;花大,花径 11.2 ~ 12.1 cm;在北京地区夏季夜温18 ~ 20 ℃,30 ~ 35 d可完成花芽分化。  相似文献   

 兜兰新品种‘南之霞’(Paphiopedilum ‘SCBG Xia’)是以‘神秘宝石’兜兰(Paph. Mystic Jewel)为母本,‘瓦莱丽’兜兰(Paph. Valerie Tonkin)为父本,通过人工授粉杂交后选育出的。该品种 株形飘逸,叶片灰绿色,有深绿色斑点。花单朵,直径13 ~ 15 cm,萼片白色,有淡绿色条纹;花瓣淡绿 色,边缘褐色;植株抗性强,易开花,花期长达20 d 以上。  相似文献   

秋海棠新品种‘开云’(‘银珠’× 歪叶秋海棠),‘星光’(‘银珠’× 光滑秋海棠)和‘昴’(‘银珠’ב白王’)均通过有性杂交从其后代群体中选择培育而成,其株形好,是一类既可观叶又可观花的室内草本观赏花卉。  相似文献   

‘凤剑1号’是以丽穗凤梨‘红宝剑’(Vriesea‘Margot’)ב精宝剑’(V.‘Ginger’)育成的新品种。平均花序总高40.2 cm,宽5.5 cm,侧花序3.6个。苞片酒红色,先端勾状。株形紧凑,花序挺直、宽扁,苞片色彩艳丽,观赏期达5个月,且易于催花。  相似文献   

两种光周期下矮牵牛‘幻想粉红’生长发育特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
 将矮牵牛‘幻想粉红’分别培养在长日照和短日照条件下, 观测其始花期及株高、株幅、分枝数和开花数的变化; 将短日照下培养的‘幻想粉红’分别于2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16片真叶时移入长日照下进行培养, 观测从长日照处理至第1朵花开放的时间。结果分析表明: 长日照下, ‘幻想粉红’株型松散, 短日照下生长紧凑; ‘幻想粉红’为量性长日照植物, 短日照下要达到较大的营养生长量才能开花; ‘幻想粉红’的幼龄期约在8片真叶期结束。初步建议在8叶期之前采用短日照处理‘幻想粉红’,以得到紧凑的株型, 而在8叶期以后给予长日照, 以促进开花。  相似文献   

‘天香台阁’桂花花芽分化及其台阁形成过程的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用石蜡切片方法观察桂花四季桂品种群的‘天香台阁’(Osmanthus fragrans‘Tianxiang Taige’)花芽分化的过程。研究表明,‘天香台阁’具3种不同的花芽,即普通花芽、特殊花芽、叶状花的台阁花芽。普通花芽和特殊花芽形态分化相同,分为总苞分化期、花原基分化期、顶花花被分化期、雄蕊分化期及雌蕊分化期共5个时期,历时约5个月;而叶状花的台阁花芽除了这5个时期,最后还经历台阁形成期,共历时约6个月。3种花芽雌蕊均发育异常,台阁花芽中本应着生雌蕊的部位分化为枝条。  相似文献   

 ‘玉桃石斛兰’是以‘蒙娜丽莎’(Dendrobium. Chian-Tzy Darumanes‘Monalisa’)为母本, ‘久美石斛兰’(Den. Hamana Lake‘Kumi’)为父本进行杂交育成的新品种,植株中小型,生长势强, 花淡粉紫色,具香味,开花性好,花期长,抗性佳,易栽培。  相似文献   

 苹果无融合生殖砧木‘青砧1 号’是1999 年通过杂交育种获得,母本为平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.),父本为柱型苹果株系CO(Malus × domestica Borkh.)。该砧木树体柱形,无融合生殖坐果率97.0% ~ 98.1%,种子繁殖,实生苗整齐,可以直接作为基砧嫁接‘嘎拉’、‘乔纳金’、‘烟富3’ 和‘烟富6’等主栽品种,表现亲和性好,成苗率高;嫁接树抗重茬病能力强,并且成花早,产量高,果实品质优,适于在环渤海湾、黄土高原等中国苹果主产区应用。  相似文献   

Avocado production is dependent on the singular synchronous protogynous dichogamy of the species that promotes outcrossing. With the objective of selecting potential pollinizer avocado genotypes for ‘Hass’, the most important avocado cultivar worldwide, we have monitored during two consecutive years the flowering phenology of 27 avocado genotypes in South-eastern Spain. The average length of the flowering season was 45 days ranging from 18 days for ‘Harvest’ to 50 days for ‘Fuerte’. The earliest genotypes to flower were ‘Fuerte’ and ‘Shepard’ that started blooming during the third week of March. The latest genotypes to flower were ‘Colin V-33’, ‘Adi’, ‘OA184’ and ‘Harvest’, which started blooming in the second week of April. ‘Hass’ blooming lasted 30 days, from the first week of April until the second week of May. Since a good pollinizer must present not only an overlapping in the flowering season but also an overlapping in sexual stages with the pollinated cultivar, a group of 12 genotypes (‘Hass’, ‘Fuerte’ and 10 genotypes producing ‘Hass-like’ fruit with good overlapping in the flowering season with ‘Hass’) was studied with more detail determining daily the stages of male and female overlapping every 2 h. Results herein indicate that ‘Marvel’ and ‘Nobel’ showed a high sexual overlapping with ‘Hass’. Taking into account the flowering phenology, the overlapping in sexual stages and the fruit set obtained with hand-pollinated flowers in the field, those two genotypes could be an interesting alternative to the current use of ‘Fuerte’ as pollinizer for ‘Hass’ in South-eastern Spain.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that nitrogen fertilization immediately after commencement of SD exposure enhanced the floral induction effect of SD in June-bearing strawberries (Sønsteby et al., 2009). In order to optimize the timing of such fertilization under field conditions, seasonal timing of floral initiation in the strawberry cultivars ‘Frida’, ‘Polka’, ‘Korona’ and Florence’ was studied in the field at five contrasting latitudinal and altitudinal geographic locations in Norway and, for comparison, under controlled environment conditions with 12 h photoperiod and temperatures ranging from 9 to 18 °C. Serial collections and dissections of crowns from the various locations revealed that floral initiation was successively delayed with increasing latitude and altitude of the location, and with decreasing temperature under controlled environment conditions. Both in the field and in the phytotron, floral initiation was earliest in ‘Frida’ closely followed by ‘Polka’ and in due course by ‘Korona’ and finally ‘Florence’ which was particularly slow to respond. Floral initiation in the phytotron was progressively advanced with increasing temperature and was optimal at 15–18 °C. Flowering time in the field was mainly determined by thermal relations in the spring and early summer, and accordingly, it was strongly delayed with increasing latitude and altitude of the location. In addition, late floral initiation in autumn also delayed flowering in the spring. Based on these observations, optimal timing of autumn fertilization for the various locations and cultivars are suggested.  相似文献   

‘西伯利亚’百合花香随开花进程变化及日变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 采用动态顶空套袋-吸附技术,采集东方百合‘西伯利亚’不同花期和一天不同时间点释 放的花香,并利用自动热脱附-气质联用(ATD–GC/MS)技术分析花香成分和释放量。结果表明:‘西 伯利亚’百合花香成分主要包括萜烯类、醇类、醛类、酮类、酯类、芳香族类和烷烃类7 大类;其释放 量和化合物数量在初开期较少,半开期逐渐增加,盛开期最高,衰败期急剧下降。在4 个时期分别检测 出12、46、55 和20 种成分,其中萜烯类化合物最多,释放量最大;在一天当中其释放量和化合物数量从 早到晚同样表现出先增加后减少的变化,15:00-16:00 时间段总释放量最高,成分最多,而在7:00- 8:00 和19:00-20:00 这两个时间段成分及释放量明显减少;从7:00 到20:00 的7 个时间段释放的 花香中分别检测出27、42、51、57、45、40 和16 种化合物,萜烯类化合物最多,释放量最大。花香成 分中含量最高的芳樟醇、β–罗勒烯和β–月桂烯等萜烯类化合物可能是‘西伯利亚’百合花香的主要致 香成分,而光强的变化是引起‘西伯利亚’百合花香日变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

Mango flowering appears to be determined by a temperature-regulated florigenic promoter (FP) synthesized in leaves and translocated to buds in phloem. The number of leaves required for flowering was investigated in ‘Keitt’ and ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango trees exposed to tropical conditions in Colombia. Data were compared with a previous study conducted under cool, floral-inductive conditions in Florida (Davenport et al., 2006). Leaf-number treatments consisted of 0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, or 4 leaves on each of 20–40 stems per branch. The long distance translocation experiment consisted of a terminal donor stem and five defoliated receiver stems on each treatment branch. Treatments were 0, 1, 3, or 5 leaves on the donor stem. Every treatment branch in both experiments was girdled to isolate it from the rest of the tree, and developing panicles were removed to stimulate lateral shoot initiation at a time when conditions were right for floral induction in those buds. Treatment stems bearing no leaves produced only vegetative shoots in both cultivars in both experiments. The minimum number of leaves per stem (1/8 of a leaf and 1/4 of a leaf) was sufficient to induce 6% and 1% reproductive shoots with 94% and 99% vegetative shoots in Tommy Atkins’ and ‘Keitt’ stems, respectively. Branches bearing 4 leaves per stem in ‘Tommy Atkins’ trees produced the maximum mean flowering response with 45% reproductive shoots and 55% vegetative shoots. The maximum ‘Keitt’ response was 22% reproductive and 78% vegetative shoots with 4 leaves per stem. The donor stem of the 1-leaf treatment and the donor and first receiver stem of the 3-leaf treatment in the translocation experiment were induced to flower in ‘Tommy Atkins’ trees. The more distal receiver stems from the donor were vegetative. The 5-leaf donor treatment-induced reproductive shoots as far as the third leafless receiver stem located 52 cm from the donor. Proportions of flowering shoots decreased with distance from the donor, and the level of the FP was apparently insufficient to reach the fourth and fifth receivers since their shoot responses were vegetative. Only vegetative shoot responses were obtained in the translocation experiment conducted in ‘Keitt’ trees. The leaf number and translocation experiment results support the hypothesis that far less FP is synthesized in both ‘Tommy Atkins’ and ‘Keitt’ leaves during warm, tropical conditions than is synthesized in ‘Keitt’ leaves exposed to cool, subtropical conditions.  相似文献   

null 《园艺学报》2012,39(7):1415
 ‘台绿1 号’是分别以日本青花菜品种‘绿雄90’和‘Br60’为原始材料经连续多代自交选 育的自交不亲和系‘B19-10-1-2-1’和‘Br60-2-2-1-2’为母本和父本杂交育成的青花菜新品种。生长势较 强,植株半直立,叶片长椭圆形,叶色深绿,蜡粉中等。花球紧实,高圆形且圆整,蕾粒中细,单球质 量0.76 kg,产量约23 000 kg · hm-2。中晚熟,从定植到采收约95 d,保鲜和速冻加工兼用。适合长江流域秋、冬季栽培。  相似文献   


Our objectives were to identify the critical daylength and number of short-day (SD) cycles necessary for flowering in Kalanchoe glaucescens, K. manginii, and K. uniflora. In Experiment I, plants were grown for 20 weeks under 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 h photoperiods at 300 µmol m–2 s–1 for 8 h 55 min (9 h photoperiod), or 9 h and extended with dayextension (3 µmol m–2 s–1) lighting (10 – 15 h photoperiods). All species flowered when grown under photoperiods ranging from 9 – 12 h. The percentage of flowering plants decreased for all species as the photoperiod increased from 12 h to 14 h. No flowering occurred on plants grown under a 15 h photoperiod. Node numbers below the terminal inflorescence increased from 18 nodes to 28 nodes on K. glaucescens, from 12 nodes to 14 nodes on K. manginii, and from 12 nodes to 16 nodes on K. uniflora as the photoperiod increased from 12 h to 14 h, from 10 h to 12 h, and from

12 h to 13 h, respectively. Total flower numbers on K. uniflora decreased from 45 flowers to 13 flowers as the photoperiod increased from 9 h to 13 h. In Experiment II, plants were exposed to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 weeks of SD (8 h photoperiod) before being placed under night-interruption lighting (2 µmol m–2 s–1; between 22.00 – 0.200 h). One-hundred percent of K. glaucescens, K. manginii, and K. uniflora plants flowered when they received more than 1, 3, or 6 weeks of SD, respectively. The node number below the terminal inflorescence in each species was not affected by SD cycle-number. Total flower numbers per plant, and days to first open flower, were unaffected as the number of SD cycles exceeded the number required to induce flowering for all species.  相似文献   

‘青研黄瓜2号’是适合春提早栽培的华南型黄瓜一代杂种。植株长势强,主蔓结瓜为主。瓜短圆筒形,瓜皮浅绿色,瓜条顺直,表面光滑无棱沟,刺瘤白色,小且稀少。平均瓜长21.4 cm,横径3.2 cm,单瓜质量121.2 g。苗期人工接种鉴定,高抗黄瓜白粉病、霜霉病和褐斑病。商品性好,风味品质优良。折合产量为78 340.5 kg · hm-2。适宜在山东省春保护地栽培。  相似文献   

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