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Gene contributions of foreign populations as well as coefficients of inbreeding and relationship were calculated in 1918 South German Coldblood horses registered in Bavaria in 2003. Based on nearly complete 8-generation-pedigrees (index of pedigree completeness: 76%) the mean coefficient of inbreeding was 23%. After considering missing pedigree data, the mean coefficient of inbreeding was 3%. The rates of inbreeding per generation in the current population amount to about 0.43% over the last eight generations and to about 0.15% in the forthcoming generation. In the total current population, the mean degree of relationship was 6%. The proportion of purebred South German Coldblood horses in the current population is about 43%. As the Noric horse is of same origin as the South German Coldblood, these two breeds can be considered as an entity and thus the proportion of purebred genes in the current Bavarian South German Coldblood population reaches more than 93%. The Suffolk Punch and Thoroughbred Horse were the most important contributors to the current South German Coldblood population, whereas the Rhenish-German and Black Forest Draught Horse as well as the Percheron had neglectable influences. The effective population size in the current Bavarian South German Coldblood population is Ne = 332.  相似文献   

Summary We analysed a 610-bp mitochondrial (mt)DNA D-loop fragment in a sample of German draught horse breeds and compared the polymorphic sites with sequences from Arabian, Hanoverian, Exmoor, Icelandic, Sorraia and Przewalski's Horses as well as with Suffolk, Shire and Belgian horses. In a total of 65 horses, 70 polymorphic sites representing 47 haplotypes were observed. The average percentage of polymorphic sites was 11.5% for the mtDNA fragment analysed. In the nine different draught horse breeds including South German, Mecklenburg, Saxon Thuringa coldblood, Rhenisch German, Schleswig Draught Horse, Black Forest Horse, Shire, Suffolk and Belgian, 61 polymorphic sites and 24 haplotypes were found. The phylogenetic analysis failed to show monophyletic groups for the draught horses. The analysis indicated that the draught horse populations investigated consist of diverse genetic groups with respect to their maternal lineage.  相似文献   

Gene contributions of foreign populations as well as coefficients of inbreeding and relationship were evaluated in 699 Black Forest Draught horses of Baden-Württemberg actually registered in the year 2002. Based on nearly complete 5-generation-pedigrees and after taking into account the remaining incompleteness, the mean coefficient of inbreeding for the total population was 6.5%. The recently by incrossing with different breeds newly established lines of stallions showed significantly lower mean coefficients of inbreeding. High rates of inbreeding of about 1.6% in the last five generations could also be faced by incrossing stallions of foreign coldblooded populations what resulted in a decrease of inbreeding in the last generation. In the total population the mean degree of relationship was 16%. The mean degree of relationships within lines of stallions was between 18.3 and 26.8%. The coefficients of relationships between lines of stallions varied between 5.1 and 16.6%. Especially, the newly established lines of stallions showed a lower mean degree of relationships to the other different lines of stallions. The proportion of purebred Black Forest Draught horses in the total population was nearly 70%. Assuming that most animals of unknown origin were purebred, the proportion of purebred Black Forest Draught horses reached about 90%. Austrian Noric, Swiss Freiberg and South German Coldblood stallions were the most important contributors to the Black Forest Draught horse population.  相似文献   

The prevalence of pastern dermatitis was investigated in 917 German Coldblood horses aged 2.5 to 26 years. Pastern dermatitis was prevalent in Black Forest Draught horses with 47.5% and in South German Draught horses with 58.5%. High prevalences were found in Mecklenburg (76.4%), Saxon-Thuringa (84.3%), Schleswig (86.0%), and Rhenisch German Coldblood (96.1%) horses. All four legs or both hind legs were affected most frequently. The most prevalent forms of pastern dermatitis were crusted and hyperkeratotic-hyperplastic. The occurrence of pastern dermatitis was dependent of age. The statistical analysis using a generalized linear model and a probit function showed the significant influence of the breed, age at examination, sex, position of the leg, interaction of breed by age at examination, and breed by position of the leg. So the analysis indicated that pastern dermatitis is a serious problem in all German Coldblood breeds investigated here.  相似文献   

This study was the first to analyze the polymorphic characteristics of a wide range of genetic markers in three Lithuanian horse breeds. Genetic variation at seven red blood cell alloantigen (blood group) loci, 10 biochemical genetic loci and 16 microsatellites was examinated in 31 Zemaitukai, 30 large-type Zemaitukai and 24 Lithuanian Heavy Draught horse and compared to that of other domestic horse breeds. Genetic variability of the Zemaitukai breeds based upon blood groups and biochemical loci was higher than average for domestic horse breeds. For microsatellite loci, the variability of the large-type Zemaitukai and the Heavy Draught breeds also was high compared to the mean variation for domestic breeds; however, for the Zemaitukai breed, variation levels were very near the average for horses.  相似文献   

The pedigree of the current Austrian Noriker draught horse population comprising 2808 horses was traced back to the animals considered as founders of this breed. In total, the number of founders was 1991, the maximum pedigree length was 31 generations, with an average of 12.3 complete generations. Population structure in this autochthonous Austrian draught horse breed is defined by seven breeding regions (Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria and Vorarlberg) or through six coat colour groups (Bay, Black, Chestnut, Roan, Leopard, Tobiano). Average inbreeding coefficients within the breeding regions ranged from 4.5% to 5.5%; for the colour groups, the coefficients varied from 3.5% to 5.9%. Other measures of genetic variability like the effective number of founders, ancestors and founder genomes revealed a slightly different genetic background of the subpopulations. Average coancestries between and within breeding areas showed that the Salzburg population may be considered as the nucleus or original stock whereas all other subpopulations showed high relationship to horses from Salzburg. The target of draught horse breeding in the 21st century does not meet the breeding concept of maximizing genetic gains any more. Stabilizing selection takes place. In this study, we show that demographic factors as well as structure given by different coat colours helped to maintain genetic diversity in this endangered horse breed.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of Norwegian horse breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evaluation of the genetic structure of four native Norwegian horse breeds was investigated using 35 genetic markers including nine biochemical loci and 26 microsatellites. The proportion of genetic variation measured as heterozygosity and the number of alleles indicated high variation in Fjord Horse and Coldblooded Trotter, but somewhat reduced variation in Døle Horse. No clear signs of bottleneck effects were found in either of the breeds, but significant inbreeding estimates in Nordland/Lyngen Horse may indicate subdivision of this breed. Significant population differentiation was detected between all breeds, also between the recently diverged Døle Horse and Coldblooded Trotter. The principal component analysis supports the close genetic relationship between these two breeds.  相似文献   

Genetic variability at 7 blood-group and 10 biochemical genetic loci was examined in 3 South African horse breeds, the Nooitgedacht, Boerperd and Basuto Pony. Observed heterozygosity for these breeds was intermediate for domestic horses, with the highest heterozygosity in the Boerperd and the lowest in the Basuto Pony. The 3 breeds show greater genetic similarity to each other than to other domestic horse breeds. Compared to other breeds, the South African breeds show greater genetic similarity to breeds such as the Thoroughbred, Holstein, Trakehner and Hanovarian and also to North American breeds such as the Saddlebred, Standardbred and Morgan Horse.  相似文献   

The global biodiversity crisis extends to autochthonous local breeds of livestock. There is an increasing danger that these rare breeds become extinct and with them their locally adapted gene pool. Modern molecular tools such as parentage testing using microsatellite genotyping are powerful in guiding management and conservation. We tested nine microsatellite markers in three Croatian horse breeds and obtained high exclusion probabilities (EPs) for the most common test scenario ‘one parent and offspring known and the other parent tested’ (99.9% in Posavina and Croatian Coldblood and 99.3% in Lipizzaner), despite that Lipizzaner has an overall lower genetic variability at microsatellite loci. To become a useful tool in breed management in countries with developing economies, genetic screening systems must be designed to be statistically powerful yet economically viable. Therefore, a suite of six markers that can be run in two multiplex systems and which still gives high exclusion probabilities (99.5% in Posavina and Croatian Coldblood and 98% in Lipizzaner) was chosen.  相似文献   

The mean gestation periods of mares belonging to different horse and pony breeds common in The Netherlands have been calculated using data from the birth registers of five stud-book societies. The following mean values have been determined: Fjord pony: 342.2; Haflinger pony: 341.3; Draught horse: 343.3; Shetland pony: 337.2; and Frisian horse: 337.7 days. The variation in the mean gestation period is greater in horses than in cows, sheep or pigs. Colts are carried a little longer than fillies. Differences between years are not significant, but differences between the various breeds have been determined. Shetland foals born before 1 June are carried longer than those born after 1 June. The gestation period for mares of this breed mated at 2 years, is significantly longer than for those mated at more than 2 years.The length of the gestation period in horses is possibly affected by physiological factors other than those influencing the gestation period in some other farm animals.  相似文献   

本研究以8个牛品种为研究对象,利用与大理石花纹评分基因相关的7个微卫星位点结合DNA池分析技术,探讨微卫星DNA多态性与8个牛品种大理石花纹评分间的关系,并根据性状同质性原理预测品种组合,以加快生产出高端"雪花"牛肉。结果表明:日本和牛与荷斯坦牛、安格斯牛、渤海黑牛的相似性系数均超过0.8,而日本和牛与其他牛品种的的相似性系数均小于0.8。利用MEGA4软件采用邻接法进行聚类,利木赞牛与西门塔尔牛先聚合在一起,再与草原红牛聚合;渤海黑牛与鲁西黄牛2个地方良种聚合在一起,以上5个品种聚为第1大类。荷斯坦牛与日本和牛聚合,再与安格斯牛聚在一起,它们聚为第2大类。根据本研究结果和国外肉牛杂交生产实践,从牛肉大理石花纹性状的同质性出发,建议利用日本和牛、荷斯坦牛为亲本,杂交生产高档"雪花"牛肉,以解决我国的肉牛牛源短缺问题。  相似文献   

Diagnosis of chronic progressive lymphoedema (CPL) in draught horses, including the Belgian Draught Horse, is mainly based on clinical evaluation of typical lower limb lesions. A deficient perilymphatic elastic support, caused by a pathological elastin degradation in skin and subcutis, has been suggested as a contributing factor for CPL. Elastin degradation products induce the generation of anti-elastin Ab (AEAb), detectable in horse serum by ELISA. For a clinically healthy group of draught horses, a significantly lower average AEAb-level than 3 clinically affected groups (mild, moderate and severe symptoms) was demonstrated previously. To improve CPL-diagnosis, we evaluated the AEAb-ELISA as an in vitro diagnostic aid in individual horses. Test reproducibility was assessed, performing assays independently in 2 laboratories on a total of 345 horses. Possible factors associated with AEAb-levels (age, gender, pregnancy, test lab and date of blood collection) were analyzed using a mixed statistical model. Results were reproducible in both laboratories. AEAb-levels in moderately and severely affected horses were significantly higher than in healthy horses. Nevertheless, this was only demonstrated in barren mares, and, there was a very large overlap between the clinical groups. Consequently, even when a high AEAb cut-off was handled to obtain a reasonable specificity of 90%, a very low sensitivity (21%) of AEAb for CPL-diagnosis was obtained. Results on the present sample demonstrate that the described ELISA procedure is of no use as a diagnostic test for CPL in individual horses.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Chronic progressive lymphoedema (CPL) is a recently recognised disease of the lymphatic system characterised by lesions in the skin of the lower legs in several draught horse breeds, including the Belgian Draught hourse. Clinical signs slowly progress and result in severe disfigurement of the limbs. Ideally, supportive treatment should be started early in the disease process. However early diagnosis and monitoring progression of CPL is still a challenge. HYPOTHESIS: Elastin changes, characterised by morphological alterations as well as increased desmosine levels, in the skin of the distal limbs of horses affected with CPL are probably associated with a marked release of elastin degradation products, which elicit production of circulating anti-elastin antibodies (AEAbs) in the serum. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of serum AEAbs may document elastin breakdown. METHODS: An ELISA technique was used to evaluate levels of AEAbs in sera of 97 affected Belgian Draught horses that were clinically healthy except for possible skin lesions, associated with CPL in their distal limbs. The horses were divided into 5 groups according to the severity of these skin lesions: normal horses (Group 1, n = 36), horses with mild lesions (Group 2, n = 43), horses with moderate lesions (Group 3, n = 8), horses with severe lesions (Group 4, n = 10) and, as a control, healthy Warmblood horses, unaffected by the disease (Group 5, n = 83). RESULTS: Horses with clinical signs of CPL had significantly higher AEAb levels compared to clinically normal Belgian Draught horses and to healthy Warmblood horses. These levels correlated with severity of lesions. CONCLUSIONS: CPL in draught horses is associated with an increase of serum AEAbs. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Evaluation of serum levels of AEAbs by ELISA might be a useful diagnostic aid for CPL. Pathological degradation of elastic fibres, resulting in deficient support of the distal lymphatics, is proposed as a contributing factor for CPL in Belgian Draught horses.  相似文献   

The blood values of the German Brown, N'Dama and their three-quarter, half and quarter hybrids were studied to ascertain if and how some haematological parameters changed with crossbreeding. It was found that the red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) count and packed cell volume percentage (PCV) were significantly higher (P less than 0.01) in the N'Dama than in the German Brown; the crosses had values which were intermediate as compared to the two parent breeds. Generally, the changes in the mean blood values paralleled changes in the expected genotypes resulting from crossbreeding of the two parent breeds. The tendency of the blood values to change in direct proportion to the degree of N'Dama contribution was strongest for the WBC, followed by the PCV and RBC, respectively. A small random sample for leucocyte differential count did not reveal any differences amongst the genotypic groups.  相似文献   

The roan coat color in horses is characterized by dispersed white hair and dark points. This phenotype segregates in a broad range of horse breeds, while the underlying genetic background is still unknown. Previous studies mapped the roan locus to the KIT gene on equine chromosome 3 (ECA3). However, this association could not be validated across different horse breeds. Performing a genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) in Noriker horses, we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (ECA3:g.79,543.439 A > G) in the intron 17 of the KIT gene. The G -allele of the top associated SNP was present in other roan horses, namely Quarter Horse, Murgese, Slovenian, and Belgian draught horse, while it was absent in a panel of 15 breeds, including 657 non-roan horses. In further 379 gray Lipizzan horses, eight animals exhibited a heterozygous genotype (A/G). Comparative whole-genome sequence analysis of the KIT region revealed two deletions in the downstream region (ECA3:79,533,217_79,533,224delTCGTCTTC; ECA3:79,533,282_79,533,285delTTCT) and a 3 bp deletion combined with 17 bp insertion in intron 20 of KIT (ECA3:79,588,128_79,588,130delinsTTATCTCTATAGTAGTT). Within the Noriker sample, these loci were in complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the identified top SNP. Based upon pedigree information and historical records, we were able to trace back the genetic origin of roan coat color to a baroque gene pool. Furthermore, our data suggest allelic heterogeneity and the existence of additional roan alleles in ponies and breeds related to the English Thoroughbred. In order to study the roan phenotype segregating in those breeds, further association and verification studies are required.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine which continental European draught horse breeds harbour a mutation in the glycogen synthase 1 gene (GYS1) that is known to be responsible for type 1 polysaccharide storage myopathy in quarter horses and North American draught horses. Of a non-random selection of continental European draught horses belonging to 13 breeds, 62 per cent (250 of 403) tested were found to carry the mutant allele. The horses were located in Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and Sweden. The mutation was identified in animals from each of the breeds examined. In the breeds in which more than 15 animals were available for testing, the highest percentages of GYS1-positive horses were found in the Belgian trekpaard (92 per cent; 35 of 38 horses tested), Comtois (80 per cent; 70 of 88), Netherlands trekpaard (74 per cent; 17 of 23), Rheinisch-Deutsches kaltblut (68 per cent; 30 of 44) and Breton (64 per cent; 32 of 51).  相似文献   

本文用核仁组织区银染法对西北地区4个品种42头猪Ag-NORs的数目和分布作了较详细的研究。结果表明,猪的NOR位于8号和10号染色体的次缢痕区,每个细胞Ag-NORs的分布范围在1~4个之间。杜洛克、巴克夏、关中黑和八眉猪每个细胞Ag-NORs数平均为2.05、2.00、3.33和2.95个。Ag-NORs在品种、个体和细胞间具多态性,这种多态性与猪的起源和杂交育种时所用亲本品种的血缘有关。同时,对八眉猪以及中国猪种的起源问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

川渝部分山羊品种(类群)遗传多样性微卫星标记研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析川渝山羊品种(类群)的遗传多样性和系统发生关系,利用30个微卫星标记,对6个山羊品种(类群)进行分析。结果表明:金堂黑山羊遗传多样性最丰富,群体多态信息含量、平均杂合度和有效等位基因数分别为0.777、0.819和6.54;大足黑山羊各项指标最低,分别为0.736、0.787和5.57。对6个品种(类群)聚类分析表明,金堂黑山羊与南江黄羊的首先聚类在一起,然后依次与板角山羊、川东白山羊、大足黑山羊和波尔山羊聚类。各山羊品种(类群)的聚类关系与其来源、育成史及地理分布基本一致。  相似文献   

Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED), a fatal condition recently identified in fetuses and neonatal foals of the Quarter Horse and Paint Horse lineages, is caused by a nonsense mutation in codon 34 of the GBE1 gene, which prevents the synthesis of a functional GBE protein and severely disrupts glycogen metabolism. The aims of this project were to determine the mutant GBE1 allele frequency in random samples from the major relevant horse breeds, as well as the frequency with which GBED is associated with abortion and early neonatal death using the tissue archives from veterinary diagnostic laboratories. The mutant GBE1 allele frequency in registered Quarter Horse, Paint Horse, and Thoroughbred populations was 0.041, 0.036, and 0.000, respectively. Approximately 2.5% of fetal and early neonatal deaths in Quarter Horse-related breeds submitted to 2 different US diagnostic laboratories were homozygous for the mutant GBE1 allele, with the majority of these being abortions. Retrospective histopathology of the homozygotes detected periodic acid Schiff's (PAS)-positive inclusions in the cardiac or skeletal muscle, which is characteristic of GBED, in 8 out of the 9 cases. Pedigree and genotype analyses supported the hypothesis that GBED is inherited as a simple recessive trait from a single founder. The frequency with which GBED is associated with abortion and neonatal mortality in Quarter Horse-related breeds makes the DNA-based test valuable in determining specific diagnoses and designing matings that avoid conception of a GBED foal.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for chronic progressive lymphedema (CPL)‐associated traits in Belgian Draught Horses were estimated, using a multitrait animal model. Clinical scores of CPL in the four limbs/horse (CPLclin), skinfold thickness and hair samples (hair diameter) were studied. Due to CPLclin uncertainty in younger horses (progressive CPL character), a restricted data set (D_3+) was formed, excluding records from horses under 3 years from the complete data set (D_full). Age, gender, coat colour and limb hair pigmentation were included as fixed, permanent environment and date of recording as random effects. Higher CPLclin certainty (D_3+) increased heritability coefficients of, and genetic correlations between traits, with CPLclin heritabilities (SE) for the respective data sets: 0.11 (0.06) and 0.26 (0.05). A large proportion of the CPLclin variance was attributed to the permanent environmental effect in D_full, but less in D_3+. Date of recording explained a proportion of variance from 0.09 ± 0.03 to 0.61 ± 0.08. Additive genetic correlations between CPLclin and both skinfold thickness and hair diameter showed the latter two traits cannot be used as a direct diagnostic aid for CPL. Due to the relatively low heritability of CPLclin, selection should focus on estimated breeding values (from repeated clinical examinations) to reduce CPL occurrence in the Belgian Draught Horse.  相似文献   

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