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南高丛越桔是美国科学家用四倍体北高丛越桔Vaccinium corymbosum与美国南部常绿的兔眼越桔(V.ashei)杂交选育的一类杂种四倍体品种,耐湿热、耐瘠薄的能力显著高于北高丛越桔,适宜在我国长江中下游地区及其他拥有类似生态气候类型的地区发展[1].据笔者2年的试验观察,在云南昆明的生态条件下,南高丛越桔品种"夏普蓝"试管苗定植后表现为抗病性强,花芽分化好,结果早,着色好,品质佳,综合性状优异,可以在该地区推广栽培.  相似文献   

黑龙江省大兴安岭地区属高寒地区,有丰富的强酸性土壤资源,适合栽植矮丛越桔。为筛选适于当地栽培的品种,2005年我们从吉林农业大学引进美登、北春、北陆和北青4个越桔品种,建立2·7 hm2试验园,经3年栽培试验,只有美登品种在我区可安全越冬并丰产,栽后第3年每667 m2产量501·2 kg。(1)园地的选择土壤pH值是影响越桔栽培最重要的因子。适宜矮丛越桔生长的土壤pH值为4·0~5·5,最适值为4·3~4·8。土壤pH值过高易诱发越桔缺铁失绿,并导致钙、钠吸收过量;土壤pH值过低易导致重金属元素铁、锌、铜、锰等吸收过量而中毒。除土壤pH值外,选择栽培…  相似文献   

2014年由克莱姆森大学及美国农业部(USDA-ARS)公布了一些越桔属新品种,包括蓝莓新品种33个,具体包括北高丛蓝莓10个、南高丛蓝莓14个、兔眼蓝莓7个,还有2个未知类别的蓝莓新品种;除公布蓝莓新品种外,还公布了1个蔓越桔新品种。从公布的这些数据可以看出,近年来蓝莓的育种趋势多集中于早熟品种和晚熟品种,另外,鲜食品种多于加工品种,以及一些具有其他功能的蓝莓新品种也日益受到重视;蔓越桔品种的育种方向依然是开发大果、高产和抗病性好等优异性状的品种。结果可知,开发具有多种优异性状的南高丛品种是蓝莓育种的大趋势,其次是北高丛蓝莓和兔眼蓝莓,这也为开发出具有我国自主知识产权的蓝莓新品种指引一定的方向。本文主要介绍蓝莓、蔓越桔新品种及其特征。  相似文献   

乌饭树嫁接高丛越桔技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栽培越桔(蓝莓)Vaccinium spp.主要类群有高丛蓝莓(南高丛和北高丛)V.australe L.、矮丛越桔V.angustifolium Ait.和兔眼越桔V.ashei Reade。其中,高丛越桔商品性较好,栽培价值较高,栽培要求也较高;兔眼越桔适应性最强,栽培最容易。我国于20世纪80年代开始引种越桔,但由于品种资源、种苗繁育、土壤条件等多种因素影响,越桔尚未得到较好的发展。越桔繁殖多采用扦插方法,也有采用组织培养的,但不同品种对培养基的要求不同,且生根困难。据报道,与苹果、樱桃相比,高丛越桔在试管内生根较慢且生根率低[1]。为了探究高丛越桔新的良好繁育方法,…  相似文献   

越桔优良品种北村引种初报   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
越桔属于杜鹃花科 ,为多年生落叶或常绿灌木 ,具有较高的经济栽培价值 ,继美国栽培越桔之后 ,世界各国先后引种栽培 ,并呈现快速发展的趋势。 1 983年吉林农业大学率先在我国开展越桔引种和栽培技术研究 ,到 2 0 0 0年先后引入 4大类 70余个品种 ,于 1 989年在长白山区建立引种栽培基地 ,经过 1 0年的栽培 ,筛选出适宜在长白山、大小兴安岭高寒山区大面积发展的越桔品种北村 ,现将其主要性状介绍如下。1 品种来源及引种经过  北村 (Northcountry)是 1 986年美国明尼苏达大学北方浆果实验站从 B-6 (高丛越桔品种群 )与 R2 P4(矮丛越桔品…  相似文献   

越桔在我国商业性栽培历史很短.目前适宜生产栽培的品种很少。1989年吉林农业大学从美国引入一批抗寒性较强的越桔品种.在吉林省东部山区和中部平原地区经过多年多点试验研究.从中筛选出了抗病力和抗寒力强、丰产性和稳产性好、中早熟的越桔新品种‘北春’(原名Northcountry),2005年1月通过吉林省农作物品种审定委员会审定并定名。  相似文献   

耐热耐贮草莓新品种“硕丰”与“硕蜜”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硕丰、硕蜜为两个草莓优良新品种,其植株长势壮,耐热性强,果实大,耐贮性好。硕丰又为晚熟、丰产、稳产品种,适于加工与速冻;硕蜜为早中熟品种,风味鲜美,品质优良,维生素C含量高。该两品种已于1989年11月通过省级鉴定,认为可在长江中下游及其适宜地区推广。  相似文献   

越桔在重庆地区引种试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越桔为越桔属 ,落叶或常绿小灌木。北美是目前世界最大的越桔栽培区。本课题 1999— 2 0 0 0年从日本和吉林引进 13个品种 (有两个品种重复 ) ,在重庆进行试栽。1 材料与方法  从日本引进的北高丛类型有 8个 ,兔眼类型 1个 ,均为两年生扦插苗。从吉林引进北高丛类型 3个 ,兔眼类型 1个 ,均是 1年生组培苗。在两个海拔进行试验 :西南农业大学盆栽场 ,海拔 2 0 0m左右 ,紫色土 ,土壤 pH值 7左右 ,栽植扦插苗和组培苗共约 30 0 0株 ;北碚鸡公山 ,海拔 4 0 0m左右 ,黄壤 ,土壤 pH值 5左右 ,栽植组培苗 10 0 0株左右。管理水平一般 ,无任何特…  相似文献   

越桔对长白山区酸性土壤的适应性   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
李亚东  郝瑞 《园艺学报》1994,21(2):129-133
在长白山区3种类型的酸性土壤上栽培越桔,研究结果表明,`北空'、`美登'、`斯卫克'在暗棕色森林土上生长结果较好,树体营养关系合理;在草甸沼泽土上3个种生长结果均较差,`北空'在水湿地潜育土上生长旺盛,但产量低,综合分析认为,矮丛越桔类型品种对我国长白山区酸性土壤条件的适应性较强,半高丛越桔则适应性差,针对长白山不同类型的土壤,以美登最为适宜暗棕色森林土栽培,斯卫克次之;水湿地潜育土可栽培美登品种  相似文献   

越桔开花结果特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引种到大连地区的8个越桔品种开花结果特性进行了观测研究.结果如下:高丛越桔、半高丛越桔和矮丛越桔的群体花期分别为9~11 d、10~13 d和18 d.美登、斯卫克和北陆单株花量较多,公爵最少.坐果率由高到低依次为半高丛越桔、高丛越桔和矮丛越桔.北蓝单果发育时间为68 d,北村为53 d,其余品种为60 d左右.果实生长曲线均呈双"S"型.果实发育的2个高峰持续时间、生长速度因品种而异.果实纵径发育动态与横径大致相似.越桔成熟果实品质特性因品种而异.这些结果为杂交育种和合理栽培提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

笃斯越桔研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对笃斯越桔的研究现状进行了综述,系统地介绍了笃斯越桔资源的分布及遗传学研究、生物学特性、栽培与繁殖、采收与加工技术及营养保健成分等方面的研究现状及展望,以期为笃斯越桔相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

以牛乳和红豆果汁为主要原料,配以各种辅料及添加剂制成红豆果汁乳饮料.并从稳定剂、乳化剂方面对其稳定性进行了探讨.确定了产品的最佳稳定剂配方:CMC-Na 0.25%,果胶0.20%,单甘脂0.15%.最佳辅料配方:有机酸0.08%,乳含量45%,蔗糖8%,红豆果汁8%.  相似文献   

以乌饭树单芽茎段和幼嫩叶片为试材,通过比较不同消毒方法、取材部位、茎段放置方式以及激素对乌饭树初代培养的作用,研究了不同因素对其初代培养中芽诱导效果的影响。结果表明:75%酒精30s+0.1%升汞6min消毒效果最佳,污染率为0,褐化率较低,萌芽率较高,展叶天数较早,且消毒后的外植体生长状况最佳;乌饭树单芽茎段较其叶片用作试验材料较好;放置方式以茎段横置于培养基中较佳;相较其它激素,ZT对乌饭树的诱导效果好,而各浓度的ZT中,以4mg/L效果最佳。  相似文献   

越桔,又称蓝莓、蓝浆果,是杜鹃花科越桔属植物,原产北美,现已引种到大洋洲的澳大利亚、新西兰,非洲的南非,南美洲的智利,欧洲的德国、法国、英国和波兰等国家。在北美,人们每年消费9.072万t越桔,越桔的年产值达1亿多美元。越桔适应性较强,较耐干旱、瘠薄,喜酸性、透气性好而富含有机质的沙壤土,  相似文献   


Micropropagation techniques are important for clonal multiplication, germplasm improvement, and gene conservation of three commercially cultivated and medicinally important Vaccinium species: cranberries, blueberries, and lingonberries. The in vitro propagation of Vaccinium species using axillary bud proliferation and adventitious shoot regeneration has been investigated in a number of previous studies. The morphogenesis seems to be highly dependent on plant growth regulators and media used for culture, which is again genotype specific. This review presents the progress in-depth of various aspects of Vaccinium propagation in vitro for its commercial production. It also discusses the issues that still need to be addressed to utilize the full potential of plant tissue culture techniques in mass propagation of Vaccinium species.  相似文献   

对兔眼蓝莓灿烂组培苗的增殖、生根及瓶外驯化技术的研究并优化.经过试验,确定灿烂最佳增殖培养基为wpm+1.5mg/LZT+0.5mg/L6-BA;最佳生根培基为wpm+1.5mg/L+0.2g/L活性炭,并进行7d的暗室处理后,生根率达到80%;最适炼苗基质为腐殖土∶园土=3∶1,保持湿度84%,温度35℃,组培苗成活率达到85%.  相似文献   


The F1 allotetraploid Vaccinium uliginosum♂ Vaccinium vitis-idaea♀ was found to be fertile and genetically compatible at different cross levels with taxonomically and geographically remote Vaccinioideae species. This genotype offers a wide application for artificial selection in V. vitis-idaea breeding by the remote hybridization method and for the production of genotypes with predetermined properties adapted to a wide range of growth conditions.  相似文献   

以1a生“南高丛”蓝莓茎段为试材,对其进行了外植体消毒、丛生芽诱导和增殖培养研究.结果表明:茎段在75%乙醇湿润30 s,0.1%升汞灭菌5~8 min的条件下较易获得无菌外植体;丛生芽诱导最适宜培养基为改良WPM+ZT 1.0 mg/L,萌动率达95%,芽体饱满,健壮;丛生芽增殖培养最适宜培养基为改良WPM+KT 0.5 mg/L,增殖系数为4.1.  相似文献   


Jam from wild bilberries and from the blueberry culti vars ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Berkeley’ were analyzed by means of sensory profiling and by instrumental measurement of anthocyanins, color, pH and soluble solids. The study shows that bilberry jam has more “bluish black color,” compared to a more “reddish-blue color” and “glossy” surface of the jam from cultivated blueberries. Bilberry jam was less “smooth” and higher in “viscosity” and “berry density” as well as less distinct in “flavor of flowers and fruits,” while the “blueberry flavor and odor” were more distinct in the bilberry jam than that made of highbush blueberries. Analysis of color by means of sensory hue and instrumental a Hunter lab corresponded well, as did saturation measured by the sensory method and chroma instrumentally measured.  相似文献   

AIM: To explore the effect of Vaccinium vitis procyanidin on the growth of glioma cells. METHODS: Glioma C6 cells were cultured and divided into control and 10, 20 and 40 μg/L Vaccinium vitis procyanidin groups. The influence of Vaccinium vitis procyanidin on the growth of C6 cells was measured by MTT assay and the observation under inverted microscope. The apoptotic rate was detected by Annexin V/PI staining. The protein expression of Bcl-2 and Bax was determined by immunocytochemistry. The protein levels of Bcl-2, Bax and caspase-3 were also examined by Western blotting. RESULTS: The growth of C6 glioma cells was inhibited by Vaccinium vitis procyanidin at concentrations of 10, 20 and 40 μg/L. The growth was significantly inhibited in 40 μg/L Vaccinium vitis procyanidin group at 24 h and 48 h, and in 20 and 40 μg/L Vaccinium vitis procyanidin groups at 72 h (P<0.01). The density of the cells was decreased when the concentration of Vaccinium vitis procyanidin increased. The apoptotic rate was increased when the concentration of Vaccinium vitis procyanidin increased either. The expression of Bcl-2 was decreased and Bax was increased after 10, 20 and 40 μg/L Vaccinium vitis procyanidin treatments. The ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 was increased when the dose of Vaccinium vitis procyanidin increased (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The expression of Bcl-2 was decreased (P<0.01), and Bax and caspase-3 were increased after 10, 20 and 40 μg/L Vaccinium vitis procyanidin treatments. The ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 was increased when the dose of Vaccinium vitis procyanidin increased (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Vaccinium vitis procyanidin inhibits the growth of glioma cells by down-regulating Bcl-2 protein and up-regulating Bax protein to activate caspase-3, thus inducing apoptosis.  相似文献   

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