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臭氧水对黄瓜和青菜中6种有机磷农药残留的去除效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考察了臭氧水浸泡处理对黄瓜和青菜上6种有机磷类农药残留的去除效果。发现臭氧水浸泡的去除效果优于自来水处理,在通臭氧30 min后,其对青菜和黄瓜中乙酰甲胺磷、二嗪磷、马拉硫磷、毒死蜱、喹硫磷和三唑磷的总去除率分别为26.4%~65.2%和22.7%~75.4%,净去除率分别为6.8%~17.3%和4.4%~45.4%。对6种农药在臭氧水中降解速率的研究表明,臭氧处理对残留农药的去除效果与果蔬种类、处理时间及残留物种类有关。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨果蔬解毒清洗机的应用效果。【方法】通过检测清洗果蔬菌落总数和农药残留来衡量清洗效果。选取了8种果蔬,6种方式清洗,用标准平板菌落计数法检测果蔬表面细菌数量,对除菌率进行多重比较;另选4种有农残的蔬菜,以不同的机洗时间清洗,用农药速测卡定性检测农药残留,分析清洗时间对农残的清除效果的影响。【结果】在清洗水量和温度相同条件下,机洗效果优于手洗,机洗3遍,每遍清洗0.5 min除菌效果最好;机洗4 min除农残效果较好。【结论】从去除果蔬表面微生物和农残综合考虑,机洗3遍,每遍清洗1~1.5 min效果最好。  相似文献   

为尽可能减少稻田农药的使用量,更好地保障稻米品质及保护农田生态环境,通过优化药剂组合和施药次序,综合田间防效、消解动态、最终残留及水稻产量等因素,研究评估了江苏省溧阳市水稻田农药减量施用的可行性。分别设置常规施药组合和减量施药组合2套方案,以水稻主要病虫害稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟及纹枯病为例,比较了2种施药方案下对病虫害的防效,分析了相关药剂在水稻中的残留消解动态以及在稻米和谷壳中的最终残留,并对水稻产量进行了考察。结果表明:减量施药方案对水稻上3种典型病虫害的防效均优于或与常规施药方案相当;此外,不同施药次序对水稻病虫害的防治效果差异较大;2种施药方案下,供试药剂在稻米中的最终残留量均未超过其残留限量 (MRL) 标准;与常规施药方案相比,减量施药方案下水稻每公顷产量增加了621 kg,但二者差异不显著。减量方案施用农药总制剂量为4 410 g/hm2 (有效成分1 353 g/hm2), 而常规方案为6 885 g/hm2 (有效成分1 553 g/hm2)。研究表明,在试验期间,该减量施药方案能有效防控水稻病虫害,保证水稻产量,同时还能减少环境中农药及助剂的投入,降低对环境的危害。  相似文献   

水果、蔬菜中农药残留的清洗去除研究是进一步提升食品安全的保证。臭氧处理技术是去除农药残留的常用方法之一。本文主要介绍了用于去除水果蔬菜上农药残留的臭氧处理技术,包括:臭氧产生方式、应用形式以及臭氧与其他方法联合处理技术的应用,综述了影响农药残留去除效果的因素,也介绍了臭氧去除农药残留的同时对果蔬外观、营养等影响,进一步探究了臭氧去除农药残留的作用机制和应用价值,旨在为臭氧清洗技术用于去除果蔬农药残留的研究提供理论和应用参考。  相似文献   

(1)流水冲洗加浸泡法:污染蔬菜的农药主要为有机磷类杀虫剂。有机磷杀虫剂难溶于水,此种方法仅能除去部分农药污染。但水洗是清除蔬菜水果上其他污物和去除残留农药的基础方法,主要用于叶类蔬菜,如菠菜、金针菜、韭菜花、生菜、小白菜等。一般先用水反复冲洗掉表面污物,然后用清水浸泡15分钟后,再用流水冲洗两三遍。果蔬清洗剂可增加农...  相似文献   

随着国家政策优化,农药的使用量日渐减少,但是农药残留仍是严峻的问题。清洗等是普通家庭中去除果蔬农药残留的主要手段,研究不同家庭处理方式对农药残留去除效果有着重要的意义。本文对国内残留现状和不同处理方式进行了介绍,包括普通清洗方式、电解水清洗、臭氧清洗、超声清洗,同时也介绍了不同果蔬、不同农药种类清洗方式的较优条件,为普通家庭选择清洗方式提供了参考。  相似文献   

桃中残留有机磷农药去除方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文选用洗洁精、食用碱、洗洁精加食用碱水溶液和自来水。对喷施过有机磷杀虫剂甲基对硫磷、毒死蜱的桃子进行浸渍处理。结果证明,食用碱水溶液对农药残留去除效率可达34.26%~57.23%,对毒死蜱药后7d采摘的鲜桃处理后基本可达食用标准.而甲基对硫磷仍然超标,供试洗洁精无去除作用。  相似文献   

不同清洗和储藏方式下戊唑醇在黄瓜中的残留变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以田间施药后的黄瓜为研究对象,模拟家庭清洗和储藏方式,利用液相色谱串联三重四级杆质谱(ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry,UPLC-MS/MS)对不同清洗和储藏方式下黄瓜中的戊唑醇残留进行测定,旨在探究从田间到餐桌,鲜食黄瓜时农药残留的去除方法,为膳食风险评估提供理论参考。结果表明,在不同的清洗方式下清洗15 min后,黄瓜中戊唑醇的去除率达到31.82%~78.79%。其中5%乙酸溶液对戊唑醇去除效果最佳。室温22℃时放置48h戊唑醇去除率达到67.42%。超声波清洗15min后戊唑醇的去除率为76.51%。  相似文献   

采用荟萃分析方法探讨加工过程对大米中农药残留的影响,获得的响应比可为膳食风险评估提供加工因子。通过对多个数据库进行文献检索、数据采集、荟萃分析计算,以获得不同加工方法对大米中农药残留影响的响应比及相关参数。结果表明:单一加工方法中,脱壳、碾磨、抛光、浸泡、清洗1次、清洗2次、清洗3次、普通蒸煮和高压蒸煮的响应比分别为0.376、0.310、0.212、0.518、0.450、0.338、0.162、0.356和0.144,其中脱壳、碾磨和抛光的响应比均小于0.4,可有效降低大米中的农药残留量;随着清洗次数增加,清洗对农药残留量的去除效果增强;高压蒸煮对降低农药残留量的效果最佳;而浸泡效果较差。组合加工方法的响应比与单一加工方法响应比的乘积基本一致。所获得的响应比作为加工因子用于食品安全风险评估中,可提升大米风险评估结果的准确性,并可为大米中农药最大残留限量标准的制定以及居民安全膳食引导提供参考。  相似文献   

1、如何清除果蔬中的农药残留? (1)将蔬菜先用清水冲洗干净。对包心菜可从中间切开后放在清水中浸泡1小时左右,再用清水冲洗干净。用淘米水清洗蔬菜的效果并不可靠,因淘米水本身可能就含有从大米中溶出或搓洗下来的农药,反而对蔬菜造成二次污染。  相似文献   

The degradation of DE-498 (proposed common name flumetsulam) was studied in 21 US soils as a first step in developing a management plan for this new herbicide. Degradation half-lives were shorter in soils that adsorbed the compound less. Adsorption was lower in soils with higher pH and lower organic carbon content. Degradation half-lives were thus influenced by both pH and organic carbon: they were in the range 2–4 weeks in higher pH soils (pH 5 7.0) unless the organic carbon content was above 2.5%, at which half-lives were in the range 1–3 months. In medium pH soils (6.4 pH 6.9) half-lives were 1–2 months, while in lower pH soils (5.9 pH 6.3) they were 1–4 months. The laboratory data were supported by the response of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) planted 1 year after application of flumetsulam to different soils. A quantitative model relating half-life to sorption Kd (r2= 0.85) was coupled with an additional equation relating sorption Kd to the proportion of neutral and anionic forms of the compound at different pH values. The study allows estimates of this herbicide's degradation in soil to be made if its pH and organic carbon content are known. Degradation d'un herbicide sulfonamide en fonction de la capacité d'absorption du sol La dégradation du flumetsulam a étéétudiée dans les sols aux Etats Unis comme premier stade dans le développement d'un plan d'utilisation de ce nouvel herbicide. Les demi-vies de dégradation étaient plus courtes dans les sols qui absorbaient moins le produit. L'absorption était plus faible dans les sols à pH élevé et à faible teneur en carbone organique. Les demi-vies étaient ainsi sous l'influence du pH et du carbone organique: elles étaient de 2 à 4 semaines pour les pH de sols élevés (pH 7) sauf si le carbone organique était au dessus de 2,5%, dans ce cas, les demi-vies etaient de 1 à 3 mois. Dans les sols à pH moyen (6,4 pH 6,9) les demi-vies étaient de 1 à 2 mois, tandis que dans les sols à pH faible (5,9 pH 6,3) elles étaient de 1 à 4 mois. Les résultats de laboratoire ont été confirmés par le comportement de tournesols plantés un an aprfès l'application de flumetsulam dans différents sols. Un modèle reliant la demi-vie au coefficient d'absorption Kd (r2= 0.85) a été couplé avec une équation additionelle reliant le coefficient d'absorption Kd à la proportion de particules neutres et anioniques de la molécule aux différents pH. L'étude permet de faire des estimations de la dégradation de cet herbicide dans le sol dès que le pH et la teneur en carbone organique sont connus. Abbau eines Sulfonamid-Herbizids als Funktion der Bodensorption Der Abbau von Flumetsulam (DE-498) wurde in 21 Böden untersucht, um eine Grundlage zur Produktentwicklung dieses neuen Herbizids zu gewinnen. Die 50%ige Verlustrate (DT50) war in schwächer sorptiven Böden kürzer. Bei hohem pH-Wert und geringem Gehalt an organischer Substanz war die Adsorption schwächer. Die DT50 wurde durch den pH-Wert und den Gehalt organischer Substanz wie folgt beeinflußt: Sie betrug 2 bis 4 Wochen in Böden mit pH >7,0 (wenn der Corg-Gehalt nicht über 2,5% lag; dort dann 1 bis 3 Monate), 1 bis 2 Monate bei 6,4 < pH < 6,9 und 1 bis 4 Monate bei 5,9 < pH < 6,3). Die Ergebnisse der Laboruntersuchungen wurden durch Untersuchungen an Sonnenblumen gestützt. die 1 Jahr nach Applikation von Flumetsulam auf verschiedenen Böden angebaut wurden. Ein quantitatives Modell über das Verhältnis der Verlustrate zum Sorptionskoeffizienten Kd (r2= 0,85) wurde mit einer zusätzhchen Gleichung der Beziehung des Sorptionskoeffizienten Kd zum Verhältnis der neutralen und der anionischen Verbindungen des Wirkstoffs bei verschiedenen pH-Werten verknüpft. Aufgrund der Untersuchungen kann der Abbau dieses Herbizids in Böden bekannten pH-Werts und Corg-Gehalts abgeschätzt werden.  相似文献   

A Geographical Information System (GIS) was combined with a model for simulating leaching and degradation of herbicides. The model uses first–order kinetics to simulate degradation, and a cascade model to simulate transport. This system was tested with data from a 16 km2 research catchment in northern Germany. Geometrical, topological, and soil data of this area were stored in a GIS. For the whole area, divided into small homogeneous sites (ecotopes), model runs were carried out. The system is able to handle data for all ecotopes automatically and to present calculated results on the behaviour of herbicides as distributed over time and depth for the area. An application of ethofumesate made in sugar–beet in spring and recropping of winter wheat after beet harvest was modelled. Degradation/sorption parameters were estimated from similar soils. Simulation results showed slower degradation in the sandy sites of the catchment, compared to the more loamy regions. Residues of herbicide remaining after beet harvest were greater than 20% of the applied dose in the sandy soils after 150 days. Hence, high risk of damage to the following crop of winter wheat was predicted. At the other sites residues remaining were between 2% and 20% of the applied dose. Einbindung eines Simulationsmodells zum Herbizidverhalten in ein Geographisches InformationssystemBeispiel zur schlagspezifischen Anwendung Ein Geographisches Informationssystem (GIS) wurde mit einem Simulationsmodell für Herbizidabbau und –einwaschung kombiniert. Grundlage der Abbausimulation ist eine Kinetik 1. Ordnung, der Transport im Boden wird mit Hilfe eines Kaskadenmodells berechnet. Das System wurde in einem Intensiv–Untersuchungsgebiet (16 km2) in Norddeutschland getestet. Geometrische und topologische Daten der Fläche sowie Bodendaten sind im GIS gespeichert. Für die gesamte Fläche, die in kleine homogene Teilflächen (Ökotope) aufgeteilt wurde, wurden Simulationsberechnungen durchgeführt. Das System ist in der Lage, Daten für alle Ökotope automatisch bereitzustellen und die Ergebnisse zum Einwaschungs– und Abbauverhalten für die gesamte Fläche in ihrer Verteilung über Zeit und Tiefe darzustellen. Als Szenario wurde die Applikation von Ethofumesat in Zuckerrüben im Frühjahr mit einem Nachbau von Winterweizen nach der Rübenemte gewählt. Abbauund Sorptionsparameter waren in ähnlichen Böden ermittelt worden. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigten einen langsameren Abbau in den sandigen Böden verglichen mit den lehmigen. In den sandigen Böden lagen die Rückstandsgehalte nach 150 Tagen übe 20 % der Ausgangskonzentration, wodurch ein hohes Nachbaurisiko für Winterweizen prognostiziert wurde. Für den Rest der Fläche lagen die Rückstände zwischen 2% und 20% der Ausgangskonzentration.  相似文献   

I. TUNÇ  A. INCI 《EPPO Bulletin》1995,25(3):467-471
Observations were made on a caged batch of Schistocerca gregaria from a swarm which invaded Antalya (TR) on 1988-12-03. Females did not change their colour, and this might be a sign of lack of sexual maturity. Only 1.5% of the eggs deposited were viable. Mortality, apparently due to exhaustion during the crossing of the Mediterranean sea and unfavourable local winter conditions, and inviability of the eggs produced are proposed as detectable causes of the decline of S. gregaria in Antalya.  相似文献   

A total of 146 samples of different kinds of cheeses produced in Spain were analysed in order to ascertain the specific contamination pattern. The organochlorine compounds studied were those most commonly investigated in previous surveys: α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH (lindane), γ-HCH, chlordane, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and the isomers and metabolites of DDT. α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, chlordane, p,p′, DDT, and p,p′-DDE were found in more than 76% of samples; p,p′-DDE and γ-HCH were the most frequently detected, with frequencies of 100 and 97.9% respectively. γ-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD and o,p′-DDD were observed at lower frequencies. No residues of endrin were detected in any sample. Insecticides exceeding the maximum residue limits (MRLs) were chlordane, β-HCH, α-HCH and γ-HCH, with 42, 20, eight and six samples respectively. Mean residues of organochlorines found were as follows (μ kg?1 butterfat): α-HCH = 46.3; β-HCH = 46.5; γ-HCH = 54.2; δ-HCH = 16.9; aldrin = 16.7; dieldrin = 9.7; heptachlor = 15.9; heptachlor epoxide = 14.8; chlordane = 50.2; o,p′-DDT = 5.1; p,p′-DDT = 12.4; o,p′-DDT = 19.6; p,p′-DDD = 46.7; o,p′-DDE = 6.9; p,p′-DDE = 40.7 (.DDT = 55.0). Estimated dietary intakes (EDIs) from cheese consumption were compared to acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) for the pesticides where residues exceeded the MRL. EDIs calculated were in all cases below ADIs, and, therefore, based on the ADIs, there is no health risk involved in the consumption of cheese from Spain arising from organochlorine residues.  相似文献   

Wang  Yao  Luo  Wenbo  Huang  Yun  Xu  Luyang  Yin  Yong 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2017,124(1):67-71
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The mixtures of 10&nbsp;% cyazofamid SC and 25&nbsp;% methiadinil SC were selected at different concentrations in root irrigation treatment of...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most insect‐resistant transgenic crops employ toxins to control pests. A novel approach is to enhance the effectiveness of natural enemies by genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Before the commercialisation of such transgenic plants can be pursued, detailed fundamental studies of their effects on herbivores and their natural enemies are necessary. The linalool/nerolidol synthase gene FaNES1 was constitutively expressed from strawberry in three Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, and the behaviour of the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae L., the parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae McIntosh and the predator Episyrphus balteatus de Geer was studied. RESULTS: Transgenic FaNES1‐expressing plants emitted (E)‐nerolidol and larger amounts of (E)‐DMNT and linalool. Brevicoryne brassicae was repelled by the transgenic lines of two of the accessions, whereas its performance was not affected. Diaeretiella rapae preferred aphid‐infested transgenic plants over aphid‐infested wild‐type plants for two of the accessions. In contrast, female E. balteatus predators did not differentiate between aphid‐infested transgenic or wild‐type plants. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the genetic engineering of plants to modify their emission of VOCs holds considerable promise for facilitating biological control of herbivores. Validation for crop plants is a necessary next step to assess the usefulness of modified volatile emission in integrated pest management. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A citrus ringspot isolate from Star Ruby grapefruit (RS-SR) was mechanically transmitted to Chenopodium quinoa. RS-SR was partially purified by differential centrifugation, fractionation in a sucrose gradient, and agarose gel electrophoresis of selected fractions. Infectivity of concentrated extracts on C. quinoa was lost in individual fractions of the gradient, but it was recovered by combining a top and a bottom component. Both components contained a 48-kDa protein not found in similar preparations from healthy plants. After further purification the 48 kDa protein was detected at the top edge of the agarose gel. In the initial experiments a 38-kDa protein was found in the same fractions that later contained the 48-kDa protein. An antiserum obtained to the 38 kDa protein reacted in Western blots with both the 38- and the 48-kDa proteins, whereas another antiserum raised to the Florida isolate CRSV-4 (also containing a 48-kDa protein) did not react with the 38-kDa protein, indicating that the latter was probably a degradation product of the 48-kDa protein. Filamentous flexous particles were observed by serologically specific electron microscopy in crude extracts from RS-SR-infected C. quinoa plants. These results indicate that RS-SR is associated with a two-component virus similar to those associated with several psorosis and ringspot isolates, and serologically related to CRSV-4.  相似文献   

A function that approximates the curve of the growth rate of the mycelium of the imperfect fungusSphaeropsis sapinea in relation to temperature is proposed. This function contains three free parameters, representing maximum growth rate, optimum temperature and shape of the curve. It was applied to data from an experiment with 27 isolates, in which the growth rate was measured in two replications at ten temperatures ranging from ?2 °C to 45 °C. Fitting the function to data from each isolate in each replication resulted in estimates of three parameters in which the information about the curve contained in the ten original observations is compressed. The estimates of the optimum temperature and of the shape were used in a further statistical analysis aimed at comparing the isolates and at ascertaining whether they could be divided into a few distinct groups, possibly related to different strains. The latter proved not to be the case.  相似文献   

Kriss AB  Paul PA  Madden LV 《Phytopathology》2012,102(9):867-877
A multilevel analysis of heterogeneity of disease incidence was conducted based on observations of Fusarium head blight (caused by Fusarium graminearum) in Ohio during the 2002-11 growing seasons. Sampling consisted of counting the number of diseased and healthy wheat spikes per 0.3 m of row at 10 sites (about 30 m apart) in a total of 67 to 159 sampled fields in 12 to 32 sampled counties per year. Incidence was then determined as the proportion of diseased spikes at each site. Spatial heterogeneity of incidence among counties, fields within counties, and sites within fields and counties was characterized by fitting a generalized linear mixed model to the data, using a complementary log-log link function, with the assumption that the disease status of spikes was binomially distributed conditional on the effects of county, field, and site. Based on the estimated variance terms, there was highly significant spatial heterogeneity among counties and among fields within counties each year; magnitude of the estimated variances was similar for counties and fields. The lowest level of heterogeneity was among sites within fields, and the site variance was either 0 or not significantly greater than 0 in 3 of the 10 years. Based on the variances, the intracluster correlation of disease status of spikes within sites indicated that spikes from the same site were somewhat more likely to share the same disease status relative to spikes from other sites, fields, or counties. The estimated best linear unbiased predictor (EBLUP) for each county was determined, showing large differences across the state in disease incidence (as represented by the link function of the estimated probability that a spike was diseased) but no consistency between years for the different counties. The effects of geographical location, corn and wheat acreage per county, and environmental conditions on the EBLUP for each county were not significant in the majority of years.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation, organic synthesis and ecotoxicology were used to investigate the fate of diuron after spreading on soils. Quantitative biodegradation assays were performed with fungal strains, showing that diuron was degraded but not entirely mineralized. The modifications observed consisted in demethylation of the terminal nitrogen atom. The identified metabolites were synthesized in sufficient amounts to confirm their structures and determine their non‐target toxicity using four biotests. The two metabolites exhibited higher effects than parent diuron. This limited biodegradability and potential aquatic toxicity suggest that diuron is of higher environmental concern than previously recognized. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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