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日本水稻增产因素分析与稻作技术评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了日本水稻产量增长的原因,认为提早播种和机械化程度高是日本水稻产量提高的最主要因素,是通过改善作物和资源管理水平来实现的.并对日本稻作技术进行了总结.  相似文献   

北方水稻机插秧技术发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻机械化种植是我国现代化稻作技术的发展方向。通过分析我国北方水稻的生产特点,介绍了北方稻区的机插秧育秧技术、机插技术和配套高产栽培技术的发展和现状,探讨并提出北方稻区机插秧技术的对策及发展趋势,以促进我国水稻机械化种植技术水平提升。  相似文献   

江苏省麦草旋耕还田轻简稻作实施效果及其配套栽培技术   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
麦草旋耕还田轻简稻作技术既遵循了高产、优质、轻型栽培理论体系,又集成了秸秆还田、旱育秧、机械化、高产栽培、无公害生产等稻作技术与模式,能够确保水稻高产、优质、高效、生态、安全,符合现代农业生产发展要求,是现代稻作技术的重大集成与革新,在江苏具有较好的推广前景.  相似文献   

杂交水稻全程机械化制种技术研究初步进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据稻作农业机械的发展现状,提出了杂交水稻全程机械化制种的技术路线、关键技术、农机装备和基础条件,总结了母本机插秧、母本机械穴直播、种子机械烘干和无人直升机辅助授粉及喷施赤霉素等关键环节技术的试验研究进展,分析了实施全程机械化制种的经济、社会及生态效益。  相似文献   

杜永林 《中国稻米》2008,14(2):26-28
从发展现代农作制度、推进现代农业发展和水稻生产可持续发展角度阐明了现代稻作技术体系的功能定位,重点介绍了江苏省近几年研究并应用的精确定量栽培技术、稻田种养结合技术、机械化生产技术、规范化轻简栽培技术、少免耕稻作栽培技术等主要现代稻作技术体系原理及模式,并提出了发展现代稻作技术的思路与对策。  相似文献   

通过分析盐都区机插秧面积徘徊不前的障碍因子,探索水稻机插配套栽培技术开发与技术集成,以减轻劳动强度,轻简栽培,提高水稻单位面积产量和效益,实现稻作全程机械化。  相似文献   

一九八四年我省曾派出本所吴吉人同志赴日本进修和技术交流、他的进修报告引起了诸多同行者的兴趣,根据各方要求,我们邀请他写了《日本稻作概况和发展动向》一文,共分主要情况概述;机械化稻作体系;今后发展动向三部分。限于篇幅,从本期起将陆续刊登。——编者  相似文献   

为全力推进麦草旋耕轻简稻作技术的示范推广,走农业生态化、资源节约化、稻作轻简化、操作规范化的农业可持续发展道路,进而促进新农村建设。全文概述了全量麦草旋耕还田轻简稻作技术的意义和作用。根据试验示范结果,提出机械旋耕埋草技术及还草田抛秧、机插秧、直播稻等轻简稻作技术。  相似文献   

正2004年,我国制定了《农业机械化促进法》,推进了我国水稻种植机械化水平不断提高,尤其是黑龙江、江苏和吉林等水稻主产区发展迅猛[1-4]。为适应水稻生产形势的发展需要,加快轻简稻作技术的推广速度,扬州市政府先后于2005年和2012年出台《扬州市轻简稻作工程建设规划》和《关于实现农业机械化和加快农机工业发展的意见》,重点推广水稻机插栽培技术。  相似文献   

2006年,黑龙江省桦川县推广寒地稻作机械化作业集成技术2万hm2,创效益3 422万元,通过2万hm2寒地稻作机械化作业节本增效栽培技术的实施,在水稻生产中实现了省工、节支、增产增效的目标,极大地提高了农民种稻的积极性,对发展桦川县水稻生产具有重要意义。文章从充分利用资源优势,狠抓技术组装配套;强化目标管理,认真抓好落实工作;规范技术标准,提高科技成果转化率几方面做以阐述。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下稻作幼苗酯酶等同工酶的 分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用电泳技术对稻作异养期幼苗在水分胁迫下的茎叶、根进行酯酶等同工酶的分析,以探讨稻作抗旱性和生化基础。研究结果表明:(1)水分胁迫后,水旱稻一些品种茎叶的SOD(超氧化岐化酶)和过氧化物酶的若干同工酶酶带活性增强,但在根系中酶带活性均出现不同程度的减弱。(2)水分胁迫后,水旱稻茎叶中的酯酶同工酶出现一条新的酶带A3。(3)水分胁迫后,早稻根系的酯酶同工酶A1酶带活性减弱程度明显轻于水稻。水旱稻杂种  相似文献   

Today in Japan, agricultural productivity of rice cropping farmers is low. In order to get sufficient agricultural productivity, Japanese government is encouraging enlarging core farmers' farm sizes to 10–20 ha by borrowing farm lots from retiring farmers of small farms and carrying out the land consolidation projects to construct large rice paddy lots. In order to realize large rice paddy lots of more than several hectares, it is necessary to consolidate small scattered leased farm lots of core tenant farmers, but it is supposed to be very difficult. In order to clarify how to consolidate those leased lots into large rice paddy lots, I investigated five land consolidation project areas in which large rice paddy lots of more than several hectares were constructed for core tenant farmers. The result shows that (1) large rice paddy lots for core tenant farmers were settled in relatively inferior areas of the project areas, for instance, far from the land owners' residence area. (2) Basically land lenders do not accept their substitute lots settled into large rice paddy lots in such inferior areas, (3) but some land lenders who were eager to lend their farmland to core farmers accepted their substitute lots in such inferior areas. (4) Even in cases that tenant farmers could not consolidate substitute lots of their tenant land into large rice paddy lots, they could consolidate their cultivating lots by adjusting user rights, that is, exchange of user rights of lots between land lenders whose substitute lots were located outside of a large rice paddy lot area and owner farmers whose substitute lots were located in the area. (5) Owner farmers accepted this adjustment on their farmland as they could cultivate superior lots, consolidate their scattered cultivating lots into one place and so on.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):245-269

Historical changes in planting area, yield improvements, and production of both paddy and upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Tokyo and the whole of Japan from 1877 to 2003 were reviewed. The area of rice in Tokyo was at its peak (17,000 ha) at the beginning of the 20th century but dramatically reduced thereafter except for the period of 1950s, to200 and 30 ha for paddy and upland rice, respectively, in 2003, due to urbanization. After the 1950s, the land-use efficiency rate in Tokyo was reduced from 180 to 100% and rice self-sufficiency rate from 4 to 0.1%. There was historical yield improvement of paddy rice in Tokyo particularly after 1960s in the Southern and Northern Tama regions, but the current yield level in Tokyo (ca. 400 g m-2) is lower than that in the whole of Japan (more than 500 g m-2) eventhough crop damage due to low temperatures is not serious.The reasons were discussed from the viewpoints of (1) less agricultural inputs and agronomic management, (2) declining rice research after the 1970s, (3) higher elevating air temperature(e.g. 1.4°C for the last 40 years), in Tokyo, and (4) yield component differences. Upland rice in Tokyo has a planting area comparable with paddy rice (ca. 7,000 to 8,000 ha) during the 1950s, but yield improvement during the last 50 yearsis not noticeable (ca. 150 g m-2) with no development of cultivars, and with greater fluctuation of crop situation index due to drought compared with paddy rice. This review paper discusses the importance of urban rice production system, along with a proposal of the alternatives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to launch a new platform for advocating three functions of paddies including economics, society and environment through the cross-field integration of the agricultural hydrology, information technology and children’s picture book, which is novel. We translate literatures of paddy agriculture to popular content. Scientific visualization is applied to develop digital value-added content for enhancing effects according to computer graphics technologies. For developing the Internet channel, we take web-based architecture coupled with Java3D and Flash visualization as the main solution for engaging attention of virtual communities. With a web browser, we present paddy knowledge that is based on the above-mentioned popular content related to three functions of rice paddies. Furthermore, for the general public, the tiled display wall is employed to build up a fixed-site channel. In this paper, the demonstration of promoting interest in paddy fields has been established. Through exploring this digital paddy, not only children could be encouraged to learn, but also the public could accumulate the knowledge related to paddy agriculture.  相似文献   

为探索水稻晒田最佳时期,以杂交水稻中迟熟组合岗优827为材料,进行了不同叶龄期晒田处理试验。结果表明:叶龄11叶晒田处理岗优827产量最高,为887.1 kg/667 m2;10叶晒田处理次之,其产量为831.5 kg/667 m2;12叶晒田处理第3,其产量为804.8 kg/667 m2;不晒田处理产量最低,为753.7 kg/667 m2。说明在有效分蘖期或稍前够苗晒田能大幅度提高水稻岗优827产量。  相似文献   

 在山区半山区缺硅多病(稻瘟病)水田进行了施硅肥效果的研究。7年间多点试验结果,施硅使稻瘟病病情指数下降54.6%.平均增产21.5%.亩增稻谷45.8公斤;试验还表明,在这类水田.因受低洼制约,增氮效果难以期望.但以增硅为基础,增氮效果则可正常发挥,所以提高这类水田供硅能力,是实现增肥(N)增产的基础。据此认为,施用硅肥是提高山区半山区多病水田生产力的一项基本措施。  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,以普通单质肥和"洋丰"牌高浓度复合肥为对照,研究了"湘珠"牌水稻专用配方肥在湖南省8种不同类型水稻土条件下早稻上的施用效果。结果表明,在供试水稻土条件下,"湘珠"牌水稻专用肥对早稻的生长发育与养分吸收、经济性状的改善以及产量的提高都有明显的效果。在施用等养分量条件下,"湘珠"牌水稻专用肥比单质肥平均增产7.96%,比洋丰牌复合肥平均增产5.05%,比不施肥处理平均增产75.5%。"湘珠"牌水稻专用肥主要增加了有效穗数和穗长,提高了结实率和千粒重,减少了水稻的空瘪粒。"湘珠"牌水稻专用肥处理的土壤养分有效性高,有利于水稻对土壤养分的吸收,收获后土壤速效氮、钾养分含量均低于其他处理。不同土壤条件下水稻对肥料氮、钾养分的当季利用率为"湘珠"牌水稻专用肥〉洋丰牌复合肥〉单质肥料,对肥料磷的利用率为洋丰牌复合肥〉"湘珠"牌水稻专用肥〉单质肥料。  相似文献   

张义勇 《北方水稻》2011,41(3):73-74
针对盘锦市水稻生产存在水田灌溉用水量较高、水田埝梗利用率低、稻菜复种面积少、稻田养殖面积有待扩大、水田化肥利用率较低、水田污染时有发生等问题,提出大力推广节水、节地、节肥、节种、节药等技术,大力推进水稻机械化和建设生态节约型农业模式,大力推广水稻无公害、绿色、有机生产技术等对策。  相似文献   

为了全面准确地了解稻瘟酰胺和醚菌酯在稻田中使用后的生态环境安全性,借助气相色谱分析技术,通过添加回收试验研究并建立了同时测定稻田样品稻瘟酰胺和醚菌酯残留量的方法。结果表明:稻田水样品用二氯甲烷直接萃取;稻田土壤和水稻植株样品用丙酮-水(体积比9∶1)混合液提取,经二氯甲烷萃取后,过弗罗里硅土层析柱净化,再用GC-ECD检测。当稻瘟酰胺和醚菌酯在稻田水、土壤和水稻植株中的添加质量浓度分别为0.05、0.50和1.00 mg/L时,平均回收率为91.0%~106.7%,相对标准偏差为2.3%~12.3%。  相似文献   

Paddy rice is the staple food in Taiwan, where rice farming always plays an important role in agricultural activities. The paddy fields and irrigation activities hold diversified functions, such as production, eco-environmental and living-associated functions. This paper is to provide information regarding the potential magnitude and monetary value of seven functions of paddy fields in Taiwan, including flood mitigation, fostering water resources, preventing soil erosion, purifying water, cooling air temperature, refreshing atmosphere and recreation. For quantification of the above values, replacement cost method (RCM), contingent valuation method (CVM), and the travel cost method (TCM) are adopted. In addition, the ratio of monetary value and their rice production commodity value (R) was also estimated. The results indicated that the flood mitigation function had a monetary value of US$ 389 million each year, and the ratio to the rice production value R was estimated at 37%. Water resource fostering function was US$ 501 million and R at 47%; soil erosion reduction function was US$ 433 million and R at 41%; water quality purification function was US$ 3 million and R at 0.3%; cooling air temperature function was US$ 961 million and R at 91%; refreshing air function was US$ 196 million and R at 19%, health and recreation function was US$ 987 million and R at 93%, respectively. Due to the significant importance of these externalities, it is recommended that the government should properly take into account the multifunctionalities in policy making to ensure sustainable development of agriculture.  相似文献   

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