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为建设美丽中国云南篇章,与全国同步实现小康社会。通过以云南省为研究空间载体,拟克服突破生态环境偏重单要素的传统评价方法,筛选构建区域生态环境综合评价方法,运用GIS空间分析手段,探讨云南省生态环境及空间分异特征,并针对性的提出云南省生态文明建设的空间思路对策。结果表明:云南省环境容量中等、生态环境较脆弱、生态环境重要性较高、自然灾害频发;生态环境空间分异明显,可分为综合平衡区、效率主导区、环境主导区3个功能区。  相似文献   

Economy is a major force in determining the hierarchy of urban system. As regional economy globalizes, urban systems in many countries are making their transition from the scale-based hierarchy to the networked system, while that in China still maintains an administrative stratification. The paper discussed the triumph of Baigou Town in the East Baoding Sub-center Campaign. It significantly shattered the administrative hierarchy of the urban system in China, which owes largely to the new type of economical development, i.e. government-led fixed assets investment and real estate development, as demonstrated in the urban expansion. Under the pattern of "territory" logic, spatial planning not only lost efficacy, but also stimulated bottom-up over development in local areas. The paper recommended foreign action- and collaboration-oriented urban planning theories, and that the absolute top-down spatial blueprint planning must be abandoned, and a harmonious synergy of planning roles, work content and methodology be facilitated.  相似文献   

根据2008—2017 年闪电定位监测和雷电灾害统计资料,分析地闪活动的时空分布规律,建立包含雷电风险、地域风险和承灾体风险的雷灾易损性综合评价指标体系,运用层次分析法(AHP)构建指标权重判断矩阵,得出易损性综合评价指数R 的换算方程并确定各州(市)雷灾易损性等级,形成云南省雷电灾害易损性风险区划。结果表明:昆明、玉溪地闪致灾因子活跃,雷灾易损性综合评价指数高,是雷电灾害极高易损区,受灾涉及行业及影响范围广;普洱、曲靖、丽江、楚雄、红河、西双版纳为雷电灾害高易损区,该等级区域所占比例最大,分布范围最广;保山、昭通、临沧、文山、大理为雷电灾害中易损区;迪庆、怒江、德宏为雷电灾害低易损区,通过加强雷电防御设施建设,扩大预警覆盖面,强化防雷科普宣传能够提高承灾体抵御雷击的能力。  相似文献   

Using annual surveys of industrial firms in China from 1998 to 2007, this paper applies the non‐linear least squares (NLS) method based on a grid search to analyse the effect of city size on firm total factor productivity (TFP). The results show that overall, the agglomeration effects in large cities, but not selection effects, significantly promote improvement in firm TFP. The optimal agglomeration scales of different industries differ as follows: those of capital‐ and technology‐intensive industries are larger than those of labour‐intensive industries. The agglomeration effects are also robust to different spatial areas without considering administrative boundaries. An inverted U‐shaped relationship exists between firm size and agglomeration effects, while the relationship between firm age and agglomeration effects is U‐shaped. State‐owned firms experience weaker agglomeration effects than non‐state‐owned firms. Cities higher in the administrative hierarchy and those with special economic zones have stronger agglomeration effects. However, cities higher in the administrative hierarchy and those with a larger economic development zone index can provide more resources to increase the survival rate of low‐productivity firms; thus, selection effects are not significant in Chinese cities.  相似文献   

With the deepening of the globalization,citizens have realized the mega-cities space elements largely through media,instead of all-over contact with real physical environment,and dominance hierarchy of urban functions constructed by all media has represented certain groups’selective transmission of space images.Taking downtown areas of Shanghai City for example,this study explored space images embodied in internet media on the basis of statistical analysis of place name frequency in the media texts.First,by reviewing relevant theories of media languages and city space image,media-based methods for collecting and analyzing space image were reviewed and sorted out,and theoretical bases for the space images embodied by different media were established and compared.Second,in empirical researches,word frequency of place names in economic news texts was calculated in terms of landmark constructions/buildings,roads,rivers,and sections,spatial accumulative calculation was adopted to describe space images of downtown areas in Shanghai.Third,differences and similarities of space images of these downtown areas in economic news reports and citizens’internet posts were further compared.  相似文献   

In recent years, the endogenous development (ED) approach has gained influence within the rhetoric of European rural development policies (RP). This paper provides a fundamental critique of the approach and shows that neither the economic elements of RP in general nor ED in particular are targeted towards the specific economic needs and capabilities of rural areas. The second part of this paper consists of the search for possible alternative concepts for a more targeted and effective RP. Based on a synopsis of existing theories, an integrated approach is proposed that builds upon the different coordination mechanisms for economic activity suggested by different theories. The new, integrated perspective enables an economic characterisation of rural areas and indicates that the successful support of local coordination of economic activity is determined by specific local conditions. It also makes evident that localised approaches usually cannot compensate rural areas for the lack of agglomeration advantages. Therefore, programmes for the economic development of rural areas which support the local coordination of economic activity remain a second‐best policy. As such, they do not free the state from policies of spatial redistribution if the political aim is the creation of comparable living conditions.  相似文献   

北京郊区粮田高产施肥技术咨询系统的设计和实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据土壤数据的特点和北京市京郊粮田高产施肥的要求,设计和实现卫个管理土壤各种空间数据(包括图形数据和属性库数据)和集成土壤施肥模型的地理信息系统。具备对土壤数据进行图形与属性库之间的相互查询、土壤施肥模型计算,以及制图输出等功能。该系统可为京郊粮田土地的合理和科学利用、实现粮食作物的高产、维持土壤的可持续利用提供技术支持。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The success of economic development initiatives in achieving a significant and sustained improvement for a target area is strongly influenced by the size of the local multiplier. New economic activity is generally site specific and the proportion of spending and re-spending that generates local multiplier effect will vary with the hierarchical level of community in which the activity is located. Leakages in the form of outshopping by community residents and expenditures in the community that constitute payments to agents outside the home community are estimated for communities in six functional levels that, combined, represent the complete trade center hierarchy in Saskatchewan. The resulting multipliers are found to vary with functional level, with the smallest communities having the smallest multipliers. When rural areas are being targeted for economic development, more rural economic activity can be generated by focusing on relatively large rural communities.  相似文献   

A small but growing body of empirical research underscores the relationship between a city's status as a political capital and its status within an urban hierarchy. Both theoretical and empirical work has attributed this to the agglomeration effects of government activity in the capital. The hypothesis of this paper is that this agglomeration is driven by distance‐based transaction costs of oversight. This hypothesis is tested using a sample of U.S. metropolitan statistical areas for the years 2001–2008. The results are consistent with the hypothesis. Specifically, the empirical results indicate that greater distance from the capital is related to lower levels of government employment and expenditure per government employee among noncapital metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

高标准基本农田分区建设研究-以舞阳县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]高标准基本农田建设是依据土地利用总体规划,在一定时期内通过土地整治规划改善耕地质量,保障粮食安全。[方法]本文依据《农用地分等定级规程》并结合实际情况,运用层次分析法和ARCGIS空间数据分析,对舞阳县耕地质量作出评价,并提出分区建设意见。最终得出:[结果](1)舞阳县耕地质量分值最高为97.2,最低为64.8;(2)舞阳县耕地划分为核心保护、适宜调入、重点整治和退耕改善4个耕地类型区;[结论](3)不同耕地类型区特点各不相同,提升耕地质量,建设高标准基本农田的途径不同;(4)核心保护区是全区的优等耕地,是高标准基本农田的首要目标;适宜调入区整体质量较核心保护区较弱,但无明显的限制因素,可通过加强土壤保水保肥,建立健全灌溉设施等措施,提高其耕地质量并作为基本农田划定象;重点整治区整体耕地质量偏低,各方面都存在一定的障碍因素,需加强管理,通过土地整治提高其耕地质量并作为高标准基本农田建设的备选区域;退耕改善作为全区的劣等地在加强改善的同时应退耕还林还草。  相似文献   

This paper examines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of human capital across regions within the U.S., ranging from densely populated city centers to isolated and sparsely populated rural areas. To do so, we classify detailed geographic areas into categories along the entire urban–rural hierarchy. An occupation‐based cluster analysis is then used to complement the conventional measure of human capital, based on college attainment, by measuring the types of skills available in the regional workforce. We find that differences in human capital across the urban–rural hierarchy are related to both the types of work performed in urban and rural areas and that a higher share of college‐educated workers is present in urban areas regardless of the skills typically required to perform the job.  相似文献   

Many rural hierarchies are becoming increasingly dominated by a few regional growth centers while the retail sector in adjacent smaller communities either stagnates or declines. This study tests the hypothesis that the rate of adjustment of the retail sector to changing consumer spending patterns is uniform across different ordered communities in a rural hierarchy. Neoclassical investment theory is combined with central place theory to develop a conceptual model of the relationship between the retail sector and investment in a community. A three tiered 49 community hierarchy is constructed using data from the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Report of Condition and Income of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. A crosssectional time series ordinary least squares regression model is employed to estimate retail coefficients of adjustment for the hypothesis testing. Regional estimates indicate only partial adjustment in the retail sector across the whole hierarchy to shifts in consumer spending patterns. Community estimates, which decompose the regional estimate, indicate retail businesses in the largest and mid-sized communities adjust totally in one period, but that retail businesses in the smallest communities do not. The faster rates of adjustment by retail businesses in the larger communities to changing consumer spending patterns may augment the development of regional growth centers in rural areas.  相似文献   

The capabilities of central office (CO) telephone switches in four southeastern states (Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee) provide detail on spatial variation in telecommunications technologies. A proposed six‐level hierarchy of switch capability was used. Switches with digital capability are concentrated disproportionately in metropolitan areas, largely in response to larger numbers of business establishments. The overall picture in the Southeast is one of tremendous variation—variation across states and variation within the four states being studied. Rural (nonmetro) counties generally, but not always, have both fewer switches overall and fewer switches with digital capability. North Carolina and Tennessee, the two most urban of the four states, also have seen the greatest entry by new telecommunications competitors. These two states have the largest percentages of advanced (digital) switches in both metro and rural counties. At the county level, the number of switches is primarily a function of a county's population but, even more significantly in three states, of the number of business establishments in the county. On the whole, it is residents of metropolitan—not rural—areas who are most likely to be served by newer forms of digital telecommunications.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Cities and metropolitan regions face several challenges including urban sprawl, auto dependence and congestion, and related environmental and human health effects. Examining the spatial characteristics of daily household activity‐travel behavior holds important implications for understanding and addressing urban transportation issues. Research of this sort can inform development of urban land use policy that encourages the use of local opportunities, potentially leading to reduced motorized travel. This article examines the potential household activity‐travel response to a planned metropolitan polycentric hierarchy of activity centers. Behavioral observations have been drawn from an activity‐travel survey conducted in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area during the mid‐1990s. Evidence presented from exploratory analysis indicates an urban/suburban differential, with less daily travel and smaller activity spaces for urban households. Investigation of the travel reduction potential of the proposed land‐use strategy suggests that location effects could be offset by adjustments to household sociodemographic and mobility characteristics.  相似文献   

Kain's spatial mismatch hypothesis (SMH) (1968) highlights the segregation of Black population in the inner city as well as the decentralization of jobs, both of which played a role in the poor labor market outcomes for Black residents in the inner city. Demographic and economic changes in U.S. metropolitan areas since the late 20th century have transformed the urban spatial structure. This paper aims to revisit the SMH and investigate whether the spatial pattern of mismatch has changed as a result of geographic shifts in the Black population. This paper specifically examines how the suburbanization of the Black population has affected the geographic patterns of mismatch and whether the mismatch is disappearing in the major U.S. metropolitan areas. Using spatial measures of mismatch, this paper presents intra-metropolitan spatial mismatch patterns that capture the clustering of jobs and the Black population based on their relative distributions, showing that the overall level of spatial mismatch declined in major U.S. metropolitan areas between 2000 and 2015. However, geographical evidence reveals that the spatial mismatch has shifted to the outer suburbs, replicating city-suburb spatial inequality, implying that although mismatch may have declined in the inner city due to Black suburbanization, spatial mismatch continue to persist in U.S. metropolitan areas in Black suburbs. The findings also demonstrate that although spatial mismatch generally declined in the inner city, it increased in cities with high inner city polarization, particularly New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle.  相似文献   

Maritime industrial development areas (MIDAs) are spatial tools designed to accelerate economic growth in backwards coastal areas and thus alleviate regional disparities, and they have widely expanded in both developed and developing countries over the past sixty years. This paper reviews the global development of MIDAs in different historical periods and compares them with cases on China's Liaoning coast in terms of their structure, location, administration, national political‐economic climate and theoretical justification. The results indicate that although those countries have different institutional environments they seemingly once took the same path in their specific stages of development. However, the experiences of developed countries and other developing ones and the current dilemma of MIDAs in coastal Liaoning together demonstrate that MIDAs cannot achieve the policy targets anticipated by decision makers, especially during the economic transitions of China. This finding cautions backwards countries and their lagging areas, such as northeastern China, that the traditional pattern tried by the first developed countries may not be appropriate when the development tool (e.g., MIDAs) is examined in both the framework of international comparison and the socioeconomic setting of a specific country.  相似文献   

1990~2015年四川省茶叶生产空间演变格局及特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为加快四川省茶产业区域化布局、专业化生产,推动茶产业发展,以1990—2015 年茶叶生产数据为基础,采用重心模型和ESDA方法,对四川省茶叶生产重心演变轨迹和空间格局进行分析。结果表明:(1)茶叶生产发展迅速,已经形成了川南、川西、川东北3 个主要产区。(2)四川省茶园面积重心迁移较小,重心整体向西南方向迁移。(3)四川茶园全局Moran’s I 指数在0.35~0.457,具有显著的正向空间自相关,呈现出高度的空间集聚特征。(4)在局部上,H-H象限单元主要是地处乌蒙山区、邛崃山区、秦巴山区的最适宜区,L-L 象限单元大多属于川西北高原、川中丘陵区的不适宜区或低适宜区。2000 年以后,川东北产区集聚趋势的显著性降低,川南产区、川西产区始终保持着显著的聚集趋势。四川茶叶生产格局是以自然资源禀赋为主导的作物生理适宜性格局,在后期的发展过程中,产业规模、龙头企业、区域品牌、替代产业、扶持政策等因素成为四川茶叶生产空间演化的主要塑造力量。  相似文献   

[目的]构建合理的空间规划体系是落实国家生态文明战略的重要举措和落实用途管制制度的重要抓手。研究围绕建立和落实用途管制制度的目标提出了我国空间规划体系构建的思路和整体框架、层次与组成、功能与内容,以期为我国空间规划体系的建立提供理论基础。[方法]通过文献研究和综合分析的方法分析了我国现行的空间规划体系、发达国家的空间规划体系、我国“多规合一”的试点成果和围绕落实用途管制制度的我国空间规划体系改革的思路与框架等。[结果]研究表明我国现行的空间规划体系存在众多问题,但可以通过构建更为科学的空间规划体系予以解决。我国空间规划体系的构建可以借鉴发达国家空间规划体系的成熟做法和吸取我国“多规合一”试点取得的经验。围绕落实用途管制制度构建“全国——省级——地级——县级”四级的“国土空间规划+专项规划”的规划组成的空间规划体系,每一级的规划是基于落实用途管制制度且对应于该级政府事权和相关部门事权的规划。“国土空间规划”是全域性国土空间保护与开发的战略性、纲领性和基础性规划,是划定“用途区”的规划;“专项规划”是落实用途管制制度和精细化管理的需要而编制的部门性规划,是“用途区”的保护和开发的规划。[结论]研究坚持“层次清晰、功能明确、上下衔接”和“宏观、中观、微观,远期、近期,刚性、弹性”相结合的基本要求和原则,构建了基于落实用途管制制度的空间规划体系思路和整体框架、层次与组成、功能与内容,这将为国国内空间规划体系和落实用途管制制度构建提供理论基础。  相似文献   

探究2000—2015年间酉阳县土地利用演变特征规律及地理生态过程,为实现区域土地资源可持续利用提供科学依据。本研究运用图谱理论信息学探究区域土地利用空间分布特征和时空演变规律。结果表明:15年间研究区不同地类呈现不同的发展趋势,土地利用结构主要以林地和草地为主,面积比例分别为86.79%、88.54%、86.13%和85.86%,林地占据一定优势地位。3个时序单元的主要图谱单元类型及面积存在一定的差异性;土地利用涨势和落势图谱中,林地涨势面积最大,占新增面积比例的38.67%,草地落势面积最大,占萎缩面积的比例为38.03%。该研究为今后酉阳县土地利用可持续发展和生态建设提供理论依据和科学支持。  相似文献   

赵祥涛 《粮食储藏》2007,36(3):25-27
运用层次分析法对粮食干燥进行评价,并提出全面的定量化和定性化的层次结构评价模式和总体评价方法.首先,建立粮食干燥品质优选的层次分析结构模型及判断矩阵,然后进行层次排序,并对判断矩阵进行一致性检验,在定性、定量指标转换的基础上形成评价方法.生产试验证明该方法简易可行,结论符合实际.  相似文献   

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