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唇鱼骨肌间小骨的骨化过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用整体骨骼染色的方法,对唇(Hemibarbuslabeo)早期发育阶段肌间小骨的形态发生进行观察,结果表明:在受精后35 d(dpf)之前,除了肌间小骨,唇所有其它骨骼均已骨化完成。肌间小骨在35 dpf(相应的体长为23.67 cm)开始在尾部区域骨化,髓弓小骨首先出现在尾部的第37~41肌节之间,脉弓小骨首先出现在尾部的39~40肌节之间,然后依次往前;到62 dpf(相应的体长为30.03cm)肌间小骨骨化全部完成。骨化过程中,唇肌间小骨是从简单的I型,到卜型,再到Y型,再分化为各种复杂形态。唇肌间小骨出现的时机和形态形成规律与其它鲤科鱼类相似,提示鲤科各亚科鱼类肌间小骨的骨化过程可能受同样的遗传机制控制。研究亮点:目前关于鲤科鱼类肌间小骨骨化模式的研究仅限于鲢亚科的鲢和模式动物斑马鱼,通过比较其它亚科鱼类肌间小骨的骨化模式,有助于探讨鲤科鱼类肌间小骨骨化模式的保守性。本文发现亚科唇的肌间小骨骨化模式与鲢非常相似,提示鲤科肌间小骨的骨化过程可能受同样的遗传机制控制。  相似文献   

A dentary of the oldest known monotreme, the Early Cretaceous Teinolophos trusleri, has an internal mandibular trough, which in outgroups to mammals houses accessory jaw bones, and probable contact facets for angular, coronoid, and splenial bones. Certain of these accessory bones were detached from the mandible to become middle ear bones in mammals. Evidence that the angular (homologous with the mammalian ectotympanic) and the articular and prearticular (homologous with the mammalian malleus) bones retained attachment to the lower jaw in a basal monotreme indicates that the definitive mammalian middle ear evolved independently in living monotremes and therians (marsupials and placentals).  相似文献   

Ovine bones are the major by-products after slaughtered. The present study was conducted to extract and characterize acid soluble collagens (ASC) and pepsin soluble collagens (PSC) from ovine bones (Ujumuqin sheep). Ovine bones collagen were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) as type I collagen. The results of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra analysis testified the existence of triple superhelical structure in both ASC and PSC, showing pepsin did not disrupt the triple helical structure of ovine bones collagen. Glycine, accounting for one-third of total amino acids, was the major amino acid for ovine bones collagen. Higher imino acid content was responsible for higher thermal denaturation temperature of ovine bones collagen compared to fish collagens. The isoelectric point of ASC was lower than PSC due to the higher content of acidic amino acids. Therefore, this study provides the potential reference for collagen extraction and application of ovine bones by-procduct.  相似文献   

黄河鲤肌间骨发育的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用整体骨骼染色、形态学解剖的方法,对黄河鲤(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus)仔稚鱼肌间骨的形态发生及成鱼肌间骨数目、形态、分布进行研究。结果显示,黄河鲤14 dpf(day post fertilization,体长11.29mm)肌间骨首先在尾部出现,此时其他骨骼包括主轴骨及附肢骨均已骨化完全。伴随鱼体生长,肌间骨由尾向头依次骨化,26 dpf(体长15.60 mm)肌间骨骨化全部完成。黄河鲤肌间骨数在93~104之间,平均为98根;鱼体一侧髓弓小骨平均为34枚,脉弓小骨平均为15枚。黄河鲤肌间骨存在7种形态:"I"形、"卜"形、"Y"形、一端多叉形、两端两分叉形、两端多叉形和树枝形,越靠近鱼体前端肌间骨形态越复杂。研究结果为今后揭示黄河鲤肌间骨骨化的分子机制,培育少肌间骨甚至无肌间骨的黄河鲤提供了形态学基础。  相似文献   

筋骨并重是平乐正骨主要学术思想之一,平乐正骨把筋骨并重思想贯穿于骨伤治疗的始终。理论上平乐正骨注重“筋骨”并重,认为人体筋骨相互依赖、相互影响;整复、固定手法上平乐正骨强调骨折固定时要护筋、用筋、调筋,要“动静结合”;辨证用用药上平乐正骨遵循肝肾同治、筋骨并重。但平乐正骨筋骨并重思想并非一蹴而就,是在《黄帝内经》《诸病源候论》《医宗金鉴》以及现代医学等历代理论发展与临床实践的影响下逐渐形成并成熟的。因此,从中医学及现代生物力学探讨平乐正骨“筋骨并重”学术思想的源流,有助于理解平乐正骨学术思想的内涵。  相似文献   

采用大体解剖学方法对羊驼头骨的外形进行观察、研究,并与马、牛、骆驼等家畜比较。结果发现:羊驼头骨的主要特征是:颅顶部主要由额骨和顶骨构成;颞骨发达,鳞部为蚌壳状隆起的扁骨;泪骨、鼻骨、额骨和上颌骨交界处形成一圆孔;下颌骨头后下方有一钩状突起;左右枕骨髁背侧窝中各有一大的乳突孔。结论:羊驼的头骨与马、骆驼相似,但有其自己的特征。  相似文献   

灰胸竹鸡骨骼系统的解剖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为研究灰胸竹鸡的生物学特性及其开发和利用奠定基础。[方法]对灰胸竹鸡骨骼系统的形态学进行研究,并分析其结构特征。[结果]灰胸竹鸡的骨骼系统是由头骨、躯干骨、前肢骨和后肢骨组成。躯干骨包括脊柱骨、肋和胸骨。前肢骨包括肩带骨和游离前肢骨。后肢骨包括盆带骨和游离后肢骨。所测骨骼参数在雌雄灰胸竹鸡之间均存在显著差异。与其他雉科鸟类相比,灰胸竹鸡属于较小型的种类。[结论]灰胸竹鸡灵活好动,与其体型较小有关。  相似文献   

瓯江彩鲤肌间小骨的骨化模式   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
分别利用形态解剖和整体骨骼染色的方法,对瓯江彩鲤(Cyprinus carpio var.color)成鱼肌间小骨的形态、分布,以及仔、稚鱼肌间小骨的形态发生和出现进行观察。结果表明,瓯江彩鲤肌间小骨有I形、卜形、Y形、一端多叉形、两端两叉形、两端多叉形和树枝形7种类型,肌间小骨越靠前端形态越复杂。肌间小骨出现前,其他骨骼均已骨化完成,肌间小骨在32 dpf(day past fertilization)首先出现在尾部,然后往前依次出现,到53 dpf全部出现。各种复杂形态的肌间小骨均是从I形发展而来。经比较,鲤科不同亚科鱼类肌间小骨在骨化时机和骨化形态方面具有相似的形态发生规律,为今后研究肌间小骨发生的分子机制提供了形态学基础。  相似文献   

采用常规煮沸剥离方法分析斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)骨骼系统的组成,得到了斑点叉尾鮰的完整骨骼标本和单个骨骼标本。对标本进行摄影、分析、处理,并总结出相应的骨骼特征。结果表明:斑点叉尾鮰骨骼系统由269块骨骼组成,其中脑颅区40块、咽颅区79块、附肢骨骼52块、躯干部98块,有鳍棘。  相似文献   

采用烧煮法研究了澳洲银鲈(Bidyanus bidyanus)骨骼系统的组成,并观察了各骨骼的形态特征。结果表明,其骨骼系统由300块骨骼组成,其中脑颅区38块,咽颅区89块,附肢骨骼118块,躯干部55块。单个犁骨,顶骨被上枕骨分开;背鳍、腹鳍、臀鳍分别有12、1、3枚硬棘,具有5对背肋和8对腹肋,无肌间骨。  相似文献   

金鳟骨骼系统解剖观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用常规煮沸剥离方法对金鳟骨骼系统的组成进行观察,得到了金鳟的完整骨骼标本和单个骨骼标本。结果表明:金鳟由353块骨骼组成,其中主轴骨骼277块,附肢骨骼76块。筛骨区发达,其中围眶骨6对,各围眶骨中皆有感觉管穿过。牙齿在口咽腔中分布很广,捕食能力强。金鳟的躯干部由150块骨骼组成,体型侧扁,背鳍基部短,在背鳍之后还有1个小脂鳍。附肢骨骼中无坚硬的鳍棘出现。附肢骨骼中的腰带,构造非常简单,仅为1块三角形骨板,起到承重的功能。  相似文献   

Fossilized bones from extinct taxa harbor the potential for obtaining protein or DNA sequences that could reveal evolutionary links to extant species. We used mass spectrometry to obtain protein sequences from bones of a 160,000- to 600,000-year-old extinct mastodon (Mammut americanum) and a 68-million-year-old dinosaur (Tyrannosaurus rex). The presence of T. rex sequences indicates that their peptide bonds were remarkably stable. Mass spectrometry can thus be used to determine unique sequences from ancient organisms from peptide fragmentation patterns, a valuable tool to study the evolution and adaptation of ancient taxa from which genomic sequences are unlikely to be obtained.  相似文献   

[目的]揭示家猪和野猪骨骼的发育规律,探讨家猪与野猪的亲缘关系。[方法]对野猪和长白猪头骨、躯干骨和四肢骨的数量、长度、重量等解剖学特征进行比较。[结果]野猪全身骨骼总数246块,躯干骨骼80块,四肢骨骼数134块,比长白猪少,但野猪的头骨总数比长白猪多,为38块,野猪比长白猪多1块吻骨;野猪四肢骨的长度和数量均低于长白猪,但其重量与长白猪的差异不大;野猪胸廓的横径与纵径大于长白猪,表明野猪的血液循环系统和呼吸系统均强于长白猪。长白猪头小体长,腿臀部较发达,表明其在多年的选育和人为环境中已逐渐向肉用性能方面发展。[结论]该研究可为更好地利用野猪资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Diving mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and humans develop dysbaric osteonecrosis from end-artery nitrogen embolism ("the bends") in certain bones. Sixteen sperm whales from calves to large adults showed a size-related development of osteonecrosis in chevron and rib bone articulations, deltoid crests, and nasal bones. Occurrence in animals from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans over 111 years made a pathophysiological diagnosis of dysbarism most likely. Decompression avoidance therefore may constrain diving behavior. This suggests why some deep-diving mammals show periodic shallow-depth activity and why gas emboli are found in animals driven to surface precipitously by acoustic stressors such as mid-frequency sonar systems.  相似文献   

 【目的】通过全基因组扫描,鉴别影响猪四肢骨骨骼长度,股骨和肱骨的骨髓腔长度、骨髓腔直径以及股骨骨壁厚度的数量性状位点(QTL)。【方法】在白色杜洛克×二花脸资源群体中测定132头240日龄阉割公猪29类四肢骨骨骼的长度、6类四肢骨骨骼直径以及股骨和肱骨骨壁厚度、骨髓腔长度和骨髓腔直径等表型性状。选择多态信息含量丰富并覆盖猪全基因组19条染色体的183个微卫星标记,采用最小二乘区间定位法进行猪全基因组扫描,定位猪四肢骨骼各性状QTL。【结果】在39个表型性状中定位到14个基因组1%显著水平QTL,14个基因组5%显著水平QTL和47个染色体5%显著水平QTL。除SSC11没有检测到QTL外,其它各染色体都存在影响四肢骨骼QTL。【结论】定位75个影响猪四肢骨骼性状QTL,在SSC7上57~59 cM 发现影响多种骨骼生长的QTL。  相似文献   

The separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible is considered a defining feature of all modern mammals. But did this event happen once in a primitive mammalian ancestor or independently in the monotreme lineage and therian (marsupial and placental) lineage? As Martin and Luo discuss in their Perspective, a new fossil-the dentary bone of an ancient toothed monotreme-suggests that the middle ear bones formed independently in these two mammalian lineages, providing a remarkable example of homoplastic evolution.  相似文献   

Stacked mammoth bones at the Colby site in northern Wyoming reflect human cultural activity that is believed to have been peripheral to the butchering and processing of the animals. A projectile point found beneath the first bones placed in the pile leaves no doubt of human involvement in the stacking of the bones, but the significance of this kind of cultural activity is open to several interpretations.  相似文献   

The discovery of butchered and modified bones of extinct Pleistocene fauna from Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory, and the Dutton and Selby sites, Colorado, provides some of the earliest evidence for man in the New World. However, the significance of these discoveries rests entirely on the ability to determine whether these remains were modified by man. The results of experiments of elephant butchering, bone fracturing, and bone tool manufacturing support the hypothesis that these modified bones can be used to identify the presence of cultural activities.  相似文献   

Ikeya M  Miki T 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1980,207(4434):977-979
Ages of fossil bones were determined by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The electron spin resonance signal is associated with lattice defects or trapped centers produced by natural radiation in the bones and gives a measure of the total dose of natural radiation, or the archeological dose. Archeological doses were determined for samples of known age from a variety of sites and used to estimate apparent average annual rates of natural radiation at the sites. The method has the advantage that the sample need not be ground or heated, and it should be useful for dating biological materials.  相似文献   

The morphometrical peculiarities of tubular bones of autopodies of sheep in Karakul and Gissar breeds at postnatal ontogenesis were studied by using morphometrical methods.Proximal and distal joint cartilages of bones were thicker at new-born animals and till 60 months age it gradually became thinner.The terms of ossification of metaepifizar cartilage of tubular bones of autopodies at postnatal ontogenesis depended on their placement in the skeleton of extremities,habitat conditions and breed of animals were determined.  相似文献   

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