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A multidimensional understanding of poverty includes the access of poor groups to decision‐making processes based on their needs and aspirations. However, the realisation of this ‘right to make decisions’ faces multiple obstacles. Over the last 20 years in Indonesia, in a context of a more democratic political environment and policy decentralisation, poverty alleviation policies have followed institutional arrangements to provide communities with opportunities for greater participation in development projects. Poverty data show a clear improvement in the living conditions of urban poor citizens in Indonesia; however, it is unclear whether poor communities have become stronger and more independent from public grants and better able to make their own decisions. This research analysed two urban poor communities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and found that some communities working on participatory poverty alleviation strategies still face obstacles to becoming more independent and making their own decisions because they remain part of an historical legacy of top‐down approaches to poverty, highly dependent on government support and working only within ‘invited spaces’. Conversely, those communities with more limited access to government funding have been more innovative in their strategies and have created ‘invented spaces’ for collective action that allows them to be more independent and empowered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the relationship between U.S. metropolitan county employment growth and poverty. Differential job growth–poverty linkages are found across metropolitan size and type of county. Own‐county employment growth significantly reduces central‐county poverty in large metropolitan areas relative to suburban county poverty. Compared with larger metropolitan areas, broader metropolitan‐wide job growth has more poverty reducing benefits in medium and smaller metropolitan areas, suggesting fewer metropolitan‐wide job‐accessibility constraints. The results suggest that targeted place‐based efforts to spur job growth may help reduce poverty.  相似文献   

Commuting ties between rural places of residence and urban places of employment are among the most visible forms of rural–urban integration. For some rural areas, access to urban employment is a key source of population retention and growth. However, this access varies considerably across rural areas, with distance representing a primary deterrent. In addition to distance, the size of the urban community will also influence rural‐to‐urban commuting opportunities. In this paper, using Canadian data, we empirically estimated the influence of local rural population and job growth on rural out‐commuting within the urban hierarchy. We find consistent support for the deconcentration hypothesis where population moves to rural areas for lifestyle and quality of life reasons, while retaining urban employment. Further, we find some evidence that in addition to distance from the nearest urban center being a deterrent, increased remoteness from the top of the urban hierarchy exerts a positive influence on out‐commuting. Recognition of these types of rural–urban linkages through commuting is essential in designing Canadian rural policy and targeted programs that may effectively support local rural populations. In particular, they point to the need to have reasonable transportation infrastructure for urban accessibility, which should be complemented by other “built” infrastructure to improve the livability of rural communities.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to reflect critically on the role which telephone call centers might play in the economic development of rural places in the ‘information age’, drawing mainly on a case study of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. It argues that although call center employment tends mainly to be urban‐based, the growth of this form of work does present opportunities for some rural areas. The paper considers the locational factors rural areas would have to possess or develop in order to attract such work. It suggests call centers can make a valuable, though limited, contribution towards rural economic development, principally through the creation of additional employment opportunities and the stimulation of new skills and competencies. It also suggests that call centers do not represent a panacea for rural areas and that, indeed, it would be dangerous for rural areas to become over‐reliant on employment in this sector.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the U.S., people are more likely to be poor if they live in a nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) than in a metropolitan (metro) area. A common explanation for this phenomenon is that nonmetro places offer relatively few economic and social opportunities. This article explores another plausible explanation, asking if the disproportionate poverty in nonmetro areas partly reflects attitudes of people with personal attributes related to poverty: they may be attracted to nonmetro places or otherwise reluctant (or unable) to leave them. To test this hypothesis, data from nine waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) are used to track economic well‐being and nonmetro–metro residential choice among a sample of 2,007 low‐income householders. A series of multivariate regression models are estimated in which the dependent variable is a householder's income to need (adjusted for spatial cost‐of‐housing differences), and regressors are individual attributes, a binary variable for nonmetro residence, and state fixed‐effects. Regression results show that controlling for householder educational attainment reduces the negative association between nonmetro residence and income to need; but controlling for unobserved, time‐invariant heterogeneity via individual fixed‐effects increases the magnitude of this negative association. Study findings thus appear to indicate that enduring nonmetro poverty is explained both by a sorting of low human capital individuals into nonmetro areas and by reduced economic opportunities in nonmetro compared to metro places.  相似文献   

推进贫困地区女性就业脱贫对增强女性自我发展能力,促进家庭可持续发展具有重要意义。本文借鉴参与式农村评价法、可持续生计框架理论,对新疆喀什地区2020年脱贫县典型乡镇进行实地抽样调查,从个人禀赋、家庭特征与社会保障层面对少数民族女性脆弱性贫困进行分类识别,建立少数民族女性弹性就业可持续生计资产评价体系,测算其家庭生计资产,对比分析女性弹性就业生计资产稳定性差异,探讨贫困地区少数民族女性弹性就业脱贫效益与生计可持续诉求。研究表明:(1)研究区农村女性弹性就业意愿较为强烈,个人资源禀赋、家庭环境以及社会保障因素均可产生脆弱性贫困风险。(2)研究区4县农村女性弹性就业生计资产指数水平总体偏低且差异较大。(3)依据资产指数与脆弱性特征,将莎车县、叶城县界定为个人禀赋、家庭环境脆弱型区域,英吉沙县、伽师县界定为家庭环境、社会保障脆弱型区域,据此提出相应对策建议,实现优化女性生计资产配置,维护就业脱贫可持续发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper documents the investigation of the impact of metropolitan structure on the commute behavior of urban residents in the Netherlands. Not only has the impact of monocentrism versus polycentrism been analyzed, but the influence of metropolitan density and size has also been considered, together with the ratio of employment to population and the growth of the population and employment. Furthermore, data are used at a variety of levels of analysis ranging from the individual worker to the metropolitan region rather than being drawn from aggregate level statistics alone. Multilevel regression modeling is applied to take account of the interdependencies among these levels of aggregation. With regard to mode choice, the results indicate that the probability of driving an auto to work is lower in employment‐rich metropolitan regions, and rises as the number of jobs per resident has grown strongly. Furthermore, women in most polycentric regions are less likely to commute as an auto driver. All else being equal, commute distances and times for auto drivers are longer in most polycentric regions than in monocentric urban areas. In addition, commute time as an auto driver rises with metropolitan size, whereas commute distance depends on employment density and the growth of the number of jobs per resident. The investigation shows that metropolitan structure, although significantly influencing commute patterns, explains only a small part of the variation of individuals’ commute behavior.  相似文献   

Over the past one and a half decades, smaller cities and nonmetropolitan areas in Mexico have attracted manufacturing plants, led by the export manufacturing sector. Maquiladoras in particular are increasingly locating their plants in such places in the “deep interior” Mexico—outside of the border states. Using 1980 and 1990 Mexican census data for 19 growth centers and 27 high‐emigration municipios (counties) in Central Mexico, this paper suggests that foreign‐owned assembly (maquiladora) jobs decentralized significantly over the 1980s, locating closer to emigrant municipios. An examination of 17 emigrant municipios in the industrialized states of Jalisco and Guanajuato found that an emigrant municipio's accessibility to maquiladora jobs, and jobs indirectly related to maquiladora growth, was positively related to its overall employment growth, which was, in turn, negatively related to its U.S. migration rate over the decade. Although the migration reduction inherent in these relationships is relatively small, it could be accelerated by U.S. and Mexican policies giving incentives for more peripheral locations of export‐oriented and other manufacturing.  相似文献   

In New Zealand while women dominate leadership positions in constitutional, political and business areas, gender inequality remains entrenched. Despite significant gains in rights (employment, pay equity, property), as a group women earn less and perform more family care and unpaid work than men. In part these disparities result from the economic restructuring of the last 15 years which saw a loss in unskilled manufacturing jobs, less social support and greater rewards to business and public sector elites. Maori and Pacific Island women are the most disadvantaged groups. Labour/Alliance government initiatives to reduce poverty particularly among Maori and Pacific Island peoples by strengthening access to health and education services and supporting and replicating successful community initiatives are also likely to benefit other low income women.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article uses a shift‐share model to investigate the growth of creative occupations in U.S. metropolitan areas during the 1990s. Empirical findings indicate that the performance of the creative economy varied widely across the U.S., and that the highest competitive growth rates of the creative workforce occurred in the Rocky Mountain, Southeast, and Southwest regions. Further analysis focused on whether high competitive workforce growth between 1990 and 2000 translated into high competitive employment growth from 1999 to 2003. The results show that many of the areas with the highest competitive growth rates of creative economy employment from 1999 to 2003 were some of the weakest regions in terms of creative workforce growth during the 1990s. This raises questions about the extent to which jobs follow people in the creative economy, and suggests that an initial strong presence in the creative economy is not a prerequisite for future growth.  相似文献   

Some authors have suggested that a leading problem associated with US factory employment for blacks may be that the nonfarm jobs--specifically manufacturing--have tended to go to heavily white counties rather than to the mainly black counties of the Deep South. This study is limited to the 1959-1977 period, the time of the most vigorous nonmetropolitan employment growth. To test the hypothesis that factory jobs have bypassed heavily black counties, a 100% sample of nonmetropolitan counties was used from 13 Southern states for the 2 time periods, 1959-1969 and 1969-1977. Results show that the minority counties were not bypassed by Southern rural factory job growth either in the 1960s or the 1970s, but their gains were not as sizeable as those of more heavily white counties. Both the neoclassical economics of discrimination--with its individualistic "taste for discrimination"--and the stinging critique by Marshall in 1974 that such analysis ignores the important role of institutionalized racism--can "explain the empirical conclusions of this article." Traditional "smokestack-chasing" methods are by no means hopeless. While co-ops and community development corporation strategies can be combined with traditional methods, it is important that foundations, government agencies, anti-poverty programs, and black leadership also focus on projects to competitively attract jobs in the traditional fashion.  相似文献   

目前,在中国存在数量较多收入徘徊在贫困线上、且缺乏有效的脱贫手段的群体,在中国区域、城乡之间,暂时贫困率存在显著差异。通过对于中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据的研究与分析,对上述假设进行了检验。结果表明:(1)在CHNS的有效样本中,25.87%的家庭出现了暂时贫困状况,远大于样本中出现的贫困率与长期贫困率;(2)就区域、城乡比较而言,经济落后地区与农村地区的暂时贫困率要高于发达地区与城市地区。依据该研究结果提出政策建议:加大“能力扶贫”的力度,特别是对于贫困人群初、中级应用技术、技能的免费培训工作;继续推进各项一体化政策,重点关注欠发达地区、农村地区的经济发展。  相似文献   

贫困是当今世界普遍面临的问题之一,阻碍着中国的经济发展、社会稳定以及环境保护。近年来,中国的脱贫工作取得了显著成效,但长期以来对贫困区认定缺乏科学、合理的识别方法,扶贫资金和项目指向不准等问题仍较为突出。因此,贫困区域的有效瞄准和识别对新时期扶贫开发具有重大意义。本文以山东省30经济贫困县和30经济强县中的12个县为样本。首先通过对贫困县的县年鉴查询,确定以农民人均纯收入作为贫困度标准,对比年鉴数据筛选判别贫困县的指标,不同年份进行对比,选取距海洋距离、人均粮食面积、公路里程和人均新增建设用地面积为遥感指标,确定指标权重,然后构建贫困度遥感评估模型。结果表明,模型决定系数为0.5934,两者极显著相关。基于数据分析和遥感影像对比得出的贫困县的评价标准以及指标评估分析得到的贫困度县域均与现有贫困县有很好的对应,与山东省贫困县分布现状基本吻合,综合考虑了贫困现状及其潜在可能性,评估更加全面和深入。因此基于遥感进行县域贫困度识别评价具有一定的可行性。该研究可为县域贫困度评价和动态监测提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects on wage growth of management practices applied on public lands in the Northern Forest region of the United States are quantified. A central objective is to determine if the management of public lands for preservationist uses results in lower average wages. This is a frequent claim made by critics of land preservation who argue that preservationist management, by prohibiting resource extraction, causes the composition of employment to shift from high‐wage jobs in resource‐based manufacturing to low‐wage jobs in the service sector. A model of simultaneous employment and net migration growth is estimated with data on non‐metropolitan counties over the period 1990 to 1999 and applied in a recursive relationship to wage growth. In earlier studies, models of this type have typically been specified in levels. Time‐series evidence that supports a preference for growth rates is provided as the form for such models. Exogenous variables in this model include the 1990 shares of the county land base that are publicly owned and managed for preservationist (non‐extractive) uses and multiple (including extractive) uses. It was found that wage growth rates are not significantly affected by the shares of land under either management regime. As well, recent declines in national forest timber sales are found to have no effect on wage growth.  相似文献   

Using the PUMS files of the 2000 U.S. Census and 2005–2007 merged ACS data, we study the metropolitan destination choices made by newly arrived immigrants from seven top source countries between 2000 and 2007. Using a multinomial logit model, we find that the dispersion of new immigrant groups varies by origin, although all groups were subject to 1) the attraction of co‐ethnic communities, and 2) the positive effects of labor market conditions in the destination (especially the employment growth rate). However, co‐ethnic concentration is much more important than labor market conditions in the destination choice decision, particularly for the poorly educated. Conversely, there is a strong negative effect of co‐ethnic concentration on highly educated new immigrants, revealing a dispersed geographical pattern of these highly educated immigrants. We also find the importance of employment share growth rate for highly educated immigrants which suggests that they are more sensitive to the upward employment structure at the destination than a specific job growth rate, and they may not be attracted by a metropolitan area with a low‐quality employment structure, despite whether there was an increase in high‐level jobs.  相似文献   

Return migration has been considered advantageous to the productivity of labor and the economic development of origin regions and countries. However, how and why return migrants make their investment decisions and how such processes contribute to poverty alleviation remains unclear. This study evaluated how migration experience influences rural families' choices for productive investments and the underlying mechanism of village poverty alleviation. The result indicates that, when all are given the same monetary budgets, return migrants are more inclined to invest in single agricultural-related subjects rather than multiple subjects. A concentrated investment implies the investor's intention of expanding the production scale, which can further lead to a more organized, professional agricultural production that can be considered beneficial for community poverty alleviation. Moreover, different approaches of human capital accumulation led to varied capacity growth, among which migration experience effectively enhances the non-cognitive ability of return migrants. Based on these findings, we suggest that more returnee-preferential policies, supporting production and organization services should be established to promote agricultural entrepreneurship among the returning groups in poor rural areas.  相似文献   

Using data from a survey of directors of not-for-profit industrial development groups in the United States and from a variety of secondary sources, we test the hypothesis that the presence of an active industrial development group was a significant factor in the economic growth of its service area over the 1977-to-1982 period. The data permit us to control for different levels of organizational resources among growth promotion groups as well as other traditional factors of local economic change in a regression analysis. While growth promotion groups are judged to be effective in terms of the number of jobs that are created or preserved relative to their direct expenditures of resources, neither their presence nor the levels of their organizational resources are significantly related to service area net employment change. The efforts of growth promotion groups are simply overwhelmed in importance by factors such as population size, metropolitan accessibility, location in a growth region, and manufacturing wage rates that characterize the respective service areas.  相似文献   

Functional economic areas have long been recognized as the appropriate unit of analysis for examining the spatial organization of regional economic activity. While easily defined conceptually, few fine-tuned empirical delineations based on either trading or commuting patterns have been produced. In this paper, labor market areas (LMAs) based on commuting patterns of Saskatchewan residents are constructed for two points in time, 1981 and 1991. Detailed Statistics Canada data on place of work and place of residence for the experienced labor force were used 38 distinct LMAs were identified for 1991, and 37 for 1981. The 15 largest LMAs, which included just under one-half of all rural municipalities (RMs) in southern Saskatchewan, grew in absolute terms and gained in relative importance during the decade. Another 23 (22) smaller LMAs in 1991 (1981), provided jobs for modest but declining numbers of both commuters and noncommuters. The remaining 30 percent of all RMs had such low or diffused levels of commuting that they were not included in any LMA in either year. A pattern apparent for all LMAs was an intensification of commuting within the labor market area. Although there was a reduction in the number of commuters from centers of employment to surrounding areas between 1981 and 1991, there was an even larger increase in commuters to centers of employment. While commuting to a job in an urban center is still a distinct possibility for the rural labor force living within the 15 largest LMAs, it is increasingly less likely for those residing elsewhere in rural Saskatchewan. In these remote areas, alternatives to urban-based employment are required.  相似文献   

广西国家级贫困县贫困类型划分与扶贫对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢玲  黄晓玲 《中国农学通报》2018,34(26):157-164
贫困长期以来备受世界各国政府关注,广西是我国西南地区贫困人口分布较为密集的地区之一,贫困问题呈现多样化特点,为进一步探讨广西贫困乡村类型,推进广西精准扶贫工作。本文以广西区国家级贫困县为研究对象,从人口、经济、资源、社会四个方面选取影响贫困的28个指标,利用SPSS进行主成分分析,得出制约广西贫困的主成分,并在此基础上将影响贫困的主成分作为变量,对广西的贫困县进行聚类分析。结果表明:1)制约广西贫困的主要的因子为:“人口”因子、“经济收入”因子、“交通基础设施”因子,“工业化程度”因子、“农业机械化水平”因子、“通讯”因子、“教育”因子;2)广西贫困县的地域类型可划分为三类:农业生产力-工业化水平较低型贫困县,交通通讯基建落后型贫困县,文化教育落后型贫困县三大类,并针对各类型贫困县提出相应的减贫脱贫对策建议。  相似文献   

To respond to the problems that the previous research mainly targeted the poverty at larger scale and ignored individual effect or contextual effect during exploring poverty contributing factors, we attempt to use spatial cluster analysis and multilevel linear regression model to target the poverty at village level from the perspective of spatial poverty, so as to identify where the poor villages are, and why they are so poor, thereby targeting poverty interventions. Specially, we adopt four types of spatial cluster indices to detect the spatial aggregation distribution of villages, and design HLM model to examine the poverty contributing factors from both village level and county level. The case study from Wuling contiguous destitute area show that: (1) The overall distribution shows a spatial pattern of large scattered but small concentration, scatters‐polar core‐axis‐clump coexisted. (2) Poverty contributing factors at village level from high to low are: per cultivated area, safe drinking water access ratio, terrain type, suffered frequency of natural disasters, road access ratio, and distance from the nearest town’s bazaar. The contribution degree of county‐level factors to the villages’ poverty from high to low are: second gross enrollment ratio, per capita GDP. (3) 45.1% of the difference among the villages’ poverty degrees comes from the development differences among poverty‐stricken villages themselves, and 54.9% from that among counties they belong to. Contributing factors at village level account for 61.4% of the variation of village‐level independent variables, and factors at county level contributed to 65.3% of the variation of county‐level independent variables.  相似文献   

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