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In more than 10 Spanish dairy cows, a bovine herpesvirus 4 (BHV4) associated postpartum metritis was confirmed by virus isolation, BHV4-glycoprotein B (gB) PCR and/or serology. In this study, 12 cows with, and, at the time of sampling, 3 cows without clinical signs of acute postpartum metritis from one large dairy herd in Spain were examined for bacterial and viral infections. Blood, placenta/caruncles and uterine contents were collected between day 1 and day 20 post-calving, and examined for the presence of bacteria and for viruses by virus isolation, BHV4 DNA by BHV4-gB PCR and/or BHV4 antibody titres. Bovine herpesvirus 4 was detected in 83% of the cases with clinical signs of acute postpartum metritis by virus isolation and/or BHV4-gB PCR. An increase of BHV4 antibodies was detected in all examined postpartum metritis cows and in the 3 cows without clinical metritis. Two of these 3 cows developed severe metritis a few dayss after collecting the first blood sample. A concurrent infections of BHV4 and bacteria, mainly Arcanobacterium pyogenes and Streptococcus sp., were detected in 73% of the examined uterine contents collected from postpartum metritis affected cows. This case-report study showed a clear association between BHV4 infections and acute postpartum metritis in dairy cows. In addition, the BHV4-associated postpartum metritis appeared to be an emerging syndrome in this Spanish herd.  相似文献   

Haemophilus somnus was consistently isolated from vaginal discharges of dairy cows submitted from field cases of vaginitis, cervicitis and/or metritis in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands during the period July 1995 - December 2000 and from the East Griqualand area in November/December 2000. The purulent vaginal discharges, red granular vaginitis and cervicitis, and pain on palpation described in these cases was very similar to that reported in outbreaks of H.somnus endometritis syndrome in Australia, Europe and North America. In all the herds involved in these outbreaks, natural breeding with bulls was employed. Although there was a good cure rate in clinically-affected animals treated with tetracyclines, culling rates for chronic infertility were unacceptably high. Employment of artificial insemination in these herds improved pregnancy rates in cows that had calved previously, but many cows that had formerly been infected failed to conceive.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of metritis and subclinical hypocalcemia on reduction of uterine size in dairy cows using ultrasonography and sonomicrometry. Four piezoelectric crystals were implanted via laparotomy into the myometrium of the pregnant uterine horn of 12 pluriparous Holstein Friesian cows 3 weeks before the calculated calving date. Sonometric measurements were conducted daily from 2 days before parturition (= Day 0) until Day 14 after calving and then every other day until Day 28. Distances between adjacent crystals were expressed in relation to reference values obtained before calving. The diameter of the formerly pregnant uterine horn was measured using transrectal B-Mode sonography starting on Day 10. Cows were retrospectively divided into the following groups: cows without metritis (M–; n = 7), cows with metritis (M+; n = 5), cows with normocalcemia (SH–; Ca > 2.0 mmol/l on Days 1 to 3; n = 5) and cows with subclinical hypocalcemia (SH+; Ca < 2.0 mmol/l in at least one sample between Days 1 and 3; n = 7). Metritis did not affect (P > 0.05) sonometric measurements, but the diameter of the formerly pregnant horn was larger (P ≤ 0.05) between Days 15 and 21 in M+ cows than in M‒ cows. Reduction in uterine length in hypocalcemic cows was delayed (P ≤ 0.05) between Days 8 and 21 compared with normocalcemic cows, but the uterine horn diameter was not related to calcium status. In conclusion, both diseases affected reduction of uterine size until Day 28. Cows with metritis had a larger uterine diameter, possibly attributable to accumulation of lochia, and cows with subclinical hypocalcemia had delayed reduction of uterine length, presumably related to reduction of myometrial contractility.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the associations between peripheral blood neutrophil (PMN) function, energy status, and uterine health in periparturient dairy cows. Data were collected from 83 multiparous Holstein cows. Blood samples for PMN function determination were collected weekly from 1 week prior to calving (week -1) through 4 weeks after calving and again at 8 weeks after calving. Energy metabolites were measured and dry matter intake (DMI) was determined from weeks -2 to 5 to evaluate energy status of cows during the periparturient period. All cows were examined for uterine health disorders. Blood PMN killing ability was evaluated by determining myeloperoxidase activity and cytochrome c reduction activity in isolated blood PMN's. For cows that were diagnosed with puerperal metritis and subclinical (SC) endometritis and puerperal metritis, blood PMN functions were significantly (P<0.05) impaired during the periparturient period, compared to cows with normal uterine health. Cows with subclinical endometritis and puerperal metritis or SC endometritis also had significantly (P<0.01) higher NEFA and significantly (P<0.001) lower DMI during the periparturient period, and significantly (P<0.05) higher BHBA during early lactation, compared to cows with normal uterine health. Neutrophil function was also significantly (P<0.01) impaired in cows with peripartum negative energy balance, which was characterized by elevated blood levels of NEFA and decreased DMI. Decreased PMN function and energy balance were associated with uterine health disorders and the decreases in PMN function and energy balance occurred prior to parturition and prior to the detection of these uterine disorders.  相似文献   

Bovine lymphotropic herpesvirus (BLHV) was detected for the first time in the UK in December 2005 in a dairy herd suffering from chronic, non-responsive post-partum metritis (NPPM). A small-scale investigation was undertaken in order to determine whether this was an isolated case. Samples of vaginal exudates or vaginal swabs were collected from cows in 13 UK dairy herds with a history of post-partum metritis that had not responded to standard treatment regimes for this condition. Cows in 9/13 herds and 1/13 herds were positive for BLHV and bovine herpesvirus-4, respectively, by pan-herpesvirus polymerase chain reaction. No consistent pattern of infectious agents or nutritional/metabolic factors commonly associated with post-partum metritis was observed at the times of sampling. The detection of BLHV in association with NPPM indicates that further work is warranted to determine the impact this virus has on cattle health.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) is the causative agent of Q fever both in humans and animals. The objectives of this study were to investigate seropositivity and bacterial shedding in heifers and primiparous cows in an endemically infected herd and to assess the effects on post‐partum diseases, fertility and milk production. At the age of 9 months, 96 Holstein heifers were included. Sampling was performed reproduction‐orientated: at the beginning of the study, at detection of first pregnancy, 3 weeks before expected calving date (blood serum), at parturition and after 21, 42, 100 and 150 days in milk (DIM) (blood serum, vaginal swabs and milk). Serum samples were investigated by a commercial ELISA for the presence of specific antibodies and vaginal swabs and milk samples by PCR to detect C. burnetii DNA. Individual animal data (calving ease, stillbirth, retained foetal membranes, puerperal metritis, endometritis after 42 DIM, presence of corpus luteum after 42 DIM, interval calving‐first service, interval calving‐conception, number of inseminations until 150 DIM, proportion of pregnant cows until 100 and 150 DIM, proportion of pregnant cows after first service and data of the dairy herd improvement test) were documented. All heifers were seronegative at the age of 9 months and 3 weeks before the expected calving date. Subsequently, the proportion of seropositive animals and the antibody score increased significantly towards 42 and 100 DIM, respectively. Vaginal C. burnetii shedding was highest at parturition (30.9%), while the most positive milk samples were detected after 100 DIM (15.3%). Coxiella burnetii seropositivity and shedding had no impact on parameters of reproduction. However, milk fat yield was declined in puerperal vaginal shedders and cows which seroconverted during their first 42 DIM, respectively.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to document the maximum retention times of antimicrobial residues in milk after their use in intrauterine treatment of metritis in lactating cows and to evaluate several risk factors hypothesized to influence the retention time of these drugs. Oxytetracycline (3 g), lincomycin-spectinomycin (2 g of one-third lincomycin and two-thirds spectinomycin), or povidone-iodine (6 g) were given to cows with metritis by intrauterine route. The Bacillus stearothermophilus var calidolactis disk assay was performed on each milk sample. Of the 61 cows treated with oxytetracycline, 30 had residues in their postinjection milk for variable periods (range, 12.5 to 44.0 hours; mean, 26.6 +/- 10.3). Of the 47 cows treated with lincomycin-spectinomycin, 17 had residues in their postinjection milk for various periods (range, 14.5 to 24 hours; mean, 19.5 +/- 8.9). Povidone-iodine was not detected in milk. Because a high number of cows (n = 61) were treated with oxytetracycline, only data from these cows were used in testing the influence of 3 factors (severity of metritis, time after parturition when cows with metritis were treated, and parity) on maximum retention of the drug in milk. Severity of metritis did not have a significant influence (P greater than or equal to 0.1) on the maximum retention time of the drug. The retention time decreased linearly with the increase of time after parturition when the cow with metritis was treated. First lactation cows had a significantly (P less than or equal to 0.01) shorter retention time than did older cows.  相似文献   

Uterine disease after parturition is present in up to 40% of dairy cows and can cause cow infertility,which restricts efficiency of the cow production and leads to large economic loss.System administration and intrauterine infusion are widely utilized to treat cow endometritis.In recent years,the balloon technique is used gradually.Uterus washing pipe is used to inject liquid into the uterus and then the liquid and the inflammatory substances are discharged by the veterinarian.After the inflammatory substances cleaning up,the drug is delivered into the uterus.In order to provide a new method that can treat the infertility in dairy cows with metritis,323 cows which were diagnosed with metritis were used to detect the efficiency of balloon technique,the location of the balloon and the different drugs perfusion against infertility in dairy cows with metritis.The results showed that the balloon technique was showed remarkable effect against cow metritis comparing to the conventional technique.The pregnancy rate of the balloon technique was more than 60%,by contrast,the conventional technique was about 35%.Compared with being placed in the cornua uteri,the efficacy was more obvious when the balloon was placed in the uterine body,and the pregnancy rate was more than 60%.However,the pregnancy rate of another method was almost 40%.There were prominent curative effect of the three drug combinations.The pregnancy rates of the saline+Oxytetracycline,Lutajing+Gongdekang and saline were more than 70%,60% and 55%, respectively.Therefore,compared to the conventional technique and cornua uteri technique,balloon technique(uterine body)significantly increases the pregnancy rate,which is beneficial to be widely used in production.So it is significant that the new technique used widely is important for improving the production efficiency of dairy cows.  相似文献   

分娩后奶牛发生子宫炎症的概率高达40%,子宫炎引发的不孕症是制约奶牛业生产效率的主要因素之一,造成了巨大经济损失。对于子宫炎的治疗主要有传统的子宫内灌注给药和系统给药方法。近年来,气囊子宫冲洗法逐渐被应用,其利用专用子宫冲洗管,将气囊置于奶牛子宫,注入液体冲洗子宫后,人工把液体及炎性物质全部排出,冲洗干净后投药。本研究利用323头被诊断为子宫炎的奶牛,进行气囊法与常规法治疗效果、气囊所放位置和冲洗用药对治疗效果的影响研究。结果表明,与常规法相比,气囊子宫体冲洗法提高了子宫炎奶牛的配种率,气囊法配种率达60%以上,而常规法配种率仅为35%左右。气囊子宫体冲洗法治疗效果明显优于子宫角放置法,气囊子宫体冲洗法配种率达60%以上,而气囊子宫角冲洗法治疗后其配种率仅为40%左右,且子宫体冲洗法节省时间、易于操作,安全系数高。3种药物组合都取得明显效果,生理盐水+土霉素子宫注射剂法的配种率达70%以上,露它净+宫得康法的配种率达60%以上,只用生理盐水冲洗的配种率也达55%以上。因此,与子宫内灌注给药、气囊子宫角放置冲洗等方法相比,气囊子宫体冲洗法显著提高了子宫炎奶牛的配种率,适用于在规模化生产中进行应用。这一新方法的推广对提高奶牛生产效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Intrauterine swabs were obtained from cows after calving on two commercial dairy herds with contrasting hygienic environments and incidence of leucorrhea, and cultured aerobically and anaerobically. Of 26 cows with a normal calving and puerperium, eight of 14 (57 per cent) were sterile on farm B where hygiene was poor, compared with five of 12 (42 per cent) on farm A where hygiene was better. Two cows on farm B retained their placentas and subsequently developed metritis/endometritis. Actinomyces pyogenes was the commonest bacterial isolate and Fusobacterium nucleatum, Proteus mirabilis and Bacteroides melaninogenicus were also frequently observed. Similar isolates were obtained from cows on farm B with parturient or puerperal disorders. The contrasting hygienic environments had no influence on either the quantitative or qualitative uterine bacterial flora. Thus, the difference in the incidence of endometritis must have been due to factors other than hygiene.  相似文献   

Bacteria on the genital mucosa have been studied less in healthy, non-puerperal cows than in cows with puerperal endometritis. We have thus analysed bacteria in swabs from the vagina and cervix of post-puerperal cattle (n = 644). Out of the animals, 6.8% had aborted within the last 12 months, 2.6% and 11.6% showed signs of vaginitis and endometritis, respectively. In 17.2% of cervical swabs pathogenic gram-positive and in 11.5% pathogenic gram-negative bacteria were found. Arcanobacterium pyogenes was isolated from 41.3% of cows with endometritis and from 3.5% without endometritis (p < 0.05). From 12.5% of cows with abortion but from no cow without abortion, Staphylococcus aureus was recovered (p < 0.05). Out of 383 vaginal swabs, 88.3% were positive. In 3.4% of swabs pathogenic gram-positive and in 16.7% pathogenic gram-negative microorganisms were found. The percentage of positive vaginal swabs did not differ between pregnant and non-pregnant animals. In the genital tract, the percentage of swabs positive for normal mucosal bacteria decreased from caudally to cranially (p < 0.05). Pathogenic bacteria were found more often in cervical than in vaginal swabs (p < 0.05). In conclusion, bacteria on the vaginal and cervical mucosa in cattle involve a wide range of species. In animals without endometritis or vaginitis, colonization of the mucosa rather than infection has to be assumed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the causes, impact, treatment, and prevention of retained placenta (RP), metritis, and endometritis in dairy cows. The occurrence of each of these diseases largely depends on immune function in the transition period. Retained placenta affects 5-10% of calvings and greatly increases the risk of metritis and endometritis. More field studies are needed to validate criteria for treatment of metritis, but cows with at least two of RP, fever, dullness, and fetid uterine discharge appear to merit treatment with systemic antibiotics. Clinical endometritis affects 15-20% of cows at 4-6 weeks postpartum; an additional 30-35% have subclinical endometritis between 4 and 9 weeks postpartum. Under specific conditions, treatment of cows with endometritis improved pregnancy rate. Systematic use of prostaglandin F(2alpha) at 5 and 7 weeks postpartum may improve pregnancy rate. The economic benefit of efforts to identify and treat endometritis is herd-specific.  相似文献   

Antibody in serum, uterine and vaginal secretions was measured following local immunisation and experimental infection with the organism of contagious equine metritis (Taylorella equigenitalis). Intrauterine immunisation with killed T equigenitalis stimulated a systemic IgG titre and a uterine IgA and IgM response. Subsequent challenge with the organism, however, resulted in a characteristic metritis in both control and vaccinated mares. Antibody in serum and secretions was increased following challenge infection, dwarfing the response to immunisation. The local response was restricted to the IgA and IgM classes in both uterine and vaginal secretions. There was no elevation in local IgG antibody, although there was an increase in serum IgG in response to challenge infection. A second experimental challenge, following natural resolution of the initial infection and a period of reimmunisation, resulted in reduced clinical signs and bacterial isolation rates from both control and vaccinated mares, but no absolute protection from infection.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of puerperal metritis on the immune response, changes in the differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts were analyzed during the peripartum period in cows with or without metritis. Multiparous Holstein cows were examined for uterine health disorders and classified into two groups: healthy (n = 11) or metritis (n = 5) cows. The lymphocyte and monocyte counts and the proportion of CD8+ lymphocytes were higher in cows with metritis compared to healthy cows. Moreover, the effects of puerperal metritis on the lymphocyte counts and CD4+/CD8+ ratio persisted weeks after the uterine inflammation had self‐resolved. Taken together, the findings of the present study indicate the possible long‐term alterations of systemic immune responses in cows with puerperal uterine inflammation. © 2015 Japanese Society of Animal Science  相似文献   

A commercially available enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in human urogenital and conjunctival specimens was compared with isolation in cell culture for the detection of Chlamydia psittaci in vaginal and placental swabs from aborting ewes and swabs of aborted fetal tissues. The EIA on vaginal swabs collected from 10 ewes experimentally infected with C. psittaci had a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 85.7%. Vaginal swabs collected at the time of abortion or within 3 days were the best samples for detection of chlamydial infection. The 29 vaginal swabs collected during this period from experimentally infected ewes were all strongly EIA-positive, and chlamydia were isolated from 28. The EIA on vaginal swabs from 78 field cases of abortion had a sensitivity of 78.0% and a specificity of 76.8%. The EIA on swabs of cotyledons from 65 placentas had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 75.0% compared with isolation in cell culture. The EIA on 57 swabs of fetal tissues or body fluids from 10 aborted fetuses or weak lambs from experimentally infected ewes had a sensitivity of 26.6% and a specificity of 88.1% compared with isolation in cell culture. Limitations of the EIA are discussed.  相似文献   

The association between overfeeding before calving, metritis and ketosis in seven dairy herds was investigated. The overall rate of ketonuria in 695 adult cows tested routinely between seven and 14 days post partum was 18 per cent and that of post parturient uterine diseases was 56.5 per cent. Eighty per cent of all cows with ketonuria concurrently suffered from post parturient uterine diseases. Ketonuria was found by a retrospective analysis to be independently associated with both overfeeding before calving and post parturient uterine diseases. In view of the additional risks of both metritis and ketonuria associated with overfeeding before calving and the fact that the risk of ketonuria in cows which had metritis was also found to be associated with overfeeding, it is argued that the term 'complicated' rather than 'secondary' ketosis should be applied to such cases, and that appropriate therapeutic measures should be taken accordingly.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of uterine biopsy as a sampling procedure for bacteriological examination, and to assess the importance of obligate anaerobes in the bovine uterus. The aerobic and anaerobic uterine flora of cows with postpartum metritis, cows in postpartum period without metritis and repeat-breeder cows was examined by using swab and biopsy sampling techniques. Obligate anaerobes were isolated in all the 11 cows with postpartum metritis and in three of the five normal cows. No obligate anaerobes were isolated from the six repeatbreeder cows. There was a significant difference (p < 0.01) in the number of bacterial isolates obtained from samples collected by biopsy and by swabbing. A total of 72 isolates was obtained with the biopsies compared to 48 by swabbing. Obligate anaerobes make up an important part of the postpartum uterine bacterial flora, and it seems that in some instances uterine biopsy would be more satisfactory than swabbing for bacteriological examination of the uterus.  相似文献   

This Case Report describes severe complications associated with uterine prolapse in a mare. A 6‐year‐old Trakehner mare was examined for depression, moderate pain and vaginal discharge 3 days after correction of a uterine prolapse. The clinical examination and haematology revealed that the mare had an infection with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and shock. Due to the uncontrollable, persistent pain, an exploratory celiotomy was performed which revealed severe metritis. During anaesthesia, the mare developed severe cardiovascular compromise and died in recovery. In previously reported cases of uterine prolapse in the mare, the authors warn of uterine injury, broad ligament haemorrhage, metritis, endotoxaemia and laminitis but often have a successful outcome with conventional therapy. This case describes a mare that developed severe complications and death after uterine prolapse. Mares with uterine prolapse require appropriate treatment and vigilant monitoring post treatment to prevent life threatening complications.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究奶牛产后子宫内优势菌群随时间的动态变化及细菌种类与子宫黏液性状之间的关系,以便于临床的快速诊断及治疗。选取分娩日期临近、产后子宫黏液性状不同的荷斯坦奶牛42头,于分娩后10、20、30和40d采集子宫黏液,体外培养法进行细菌分离、鉴定。结果显示,产后奶牛子宫内分离率最高的细菌分别为大肠杆菌(85.7%)、变形杆菌(64.3%)和葡萄球菌(61.9%);除大肠杆菌在整个试验期分离率均较高外,产后10、20、30和40d优势细菌分别为葡萄球菌、产气荚膜梭菌、沙门氏菌和葡萄球菌。白色或灰白色脓性黏液,黄色或土黄色黏液中细菌平均分离株数(5.6±0.4,5.5±1.4)高于清亮透明黏液(3.5±1.6),其中沙门氏菌、变形杆菌、链球菌和化脓隐秘杆菌产后30和40d的分离株数高于清亮黏液,说明其可能与白色或黄色脓性黏液的出现相关;产后40d黄色或土黄色化脓性黏液可能与产气荚膜梭菌的出现相关;而粪肠球菌和嗜酸乳杆菌产后20、30、40d在脓性黏液中分离数高于清亮黏液,说明其作为有益菌可能在分泌不正常黏液的子宫内具有抵抗病原菌的作用。结果表明,产后奶牛子宫内优势菌群呈动态变化,子宫黏液性状与特异病原菌的出现有关。  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to determine the interrelationships between ambient temperature, age at calving, postpartum reproductive events and reproductive performance in dairy cows. The data used in the analysis were collected on 226 Holstein-Friesian cows calving in a commercial dairy herd during a 17 month period (May 1, 1981 to October 1, 1982). The data were obtained from a double blind study evaluating the effects of gonadotrophin releasing hormone and cloprostenol in postpartum cows. Rectal palpation to assess uterine involution and ovarian activity was performed on each cow on days 15, 24 and 28 postpartum. At the same time, blood samples were collected for subsequent progesterone assay. Data were recorded on the occurrence of reproductive diseases and events from the time of parturition until the diagnosis of pregnancy or until the cow left the herd in the case of culled cows. There was an increase in the incidence of retained placenta, in the percentage of cows with abnormal vaginal discharge in the early postpartum period as well as a delay in uterine involution during the winter months. In addition, cows calving during the winter had prolonged intervals to first estrus, first service and conception compared to cows calving during the summer. (Cows calving during the warmest months, on average, were seen in estrus 24 days sooner, received first service 42 days sooner and conceived 27 days sooner than cows calving during the coldest months of the year).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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