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苹果树腐烂病是特克斯县林果业发展中的主要病害。幼树发病原因主要为树势弱、果沟深和抗寒性差;挂果园发病主要原因为果树承载量大、肥水失调、树势弱、冻害等。发病品种以富士较重。一、苹果树发生腐烂病的原因苹果树树势衰弱,并伴随有较多的伤口(剪锯口、冻伤、病伤、桠杈生长伤)。树势的强弱直接决定着腐烂病菌侵入后病菌扩展的快慢,腐烂病菌的弱寄生性决定了它不易侵染生长旺盛的  相似文献   

笔者对方山县苹果树主要栽植区的苹果树腐烂病进行了调查。结果发现,随着树龄增大,腐烂病发病率逐渐提高;幼龄树枝枯型腐烂病发病率较高,壮年树溃疡型腐烂病发病率较高,老龄树枝枯型腐烂病发病率较高,但壮年树和老年树2种腐烂病发病率差别不是很大;不同品种果树与苹果树腐烂病发生关系不是很大。最后提出了腐烂病防治措施。  相似文献   

梨树腐烂病俗称臭皮病 ,是危害梨树最严重的病害之一 ,十年以上树龄的结果树受害尤重。果树腐烂病的冬季防治树皮发病后 ,外表呈圆形或不定形的红褐色略隆起的病疤。病疤皮层组织变软 ,水渍状湿腐 ,有酒糟味 ,用手指压即下陷 ,并流出黄褐色至红褐色汁液。后期病部失水干缩而下陷 ,四周与健部交界处发生裂缝。皮表有疣状黑色小粒点——子座 ,其中着生分子孢子器或子囊壳 ,夏秋发病时形成溃疡。晚秋初冬 ,菌丝穿透栓层侵入内层健皮 ,产生分散的红褐色或黑褐色小坏死点 ,经扩展与融合 ,即可导致大块树皮腐烂。苹果树腐烂病俗称串皮病、烂皮病或…  相似文献   

苹果树腐烂病是苹果树的主要技干病害,在黑龙江省多次发生,造成巨大损失。此病主要为害苹果结果树,也侵害幼树和幼苗,还能侵害沙果、海棠等苹果属果树。1 苹果树腐烂病大发生的主要原因1.1 栽培管理粗放 凡发病严重的都是管理粗放的荒草园,这类果园,由于长期很少管理,果树生长表现为长势衰退,叶片淡黄而薄,新梢发育不足20厘米长,食叶害虫猖獗。 苹果树腐烂病病源是1种弱寄生菌。病菌侵入后,因受树体抗力影响,并非所有的侵染点都能发病。只有在树势衰弱,抗病能力减弱时,病菌才能扩展致病。所以栽培管理粗放是易染腐烂病的主要因素。  相似文献   

腐烂病是苹果树的一种多发病,通常以春季的3月~5月为顶峰,新生病斑与重新感染的占全年的69%,秋季的8月~11月占20%,其余时期仅占11%。由此说明,在树体缓慢生长期内,生理活动变弱,潜伏病菌乘虚而入,发病进入高潮。我们通过对侯马市高村乡5个果园的抽样调查发现,在1400块新生病斑中,有520块是冻害引起,只有160块是健康表皮上发病。可以得出这样的结论:凡因修剪不当,蛀干害虫多,人为机械损伤多,均易导致腐烂病的发生。根据腐烂病的侵染程度,我们制定了防治措施,效果很好。1 预防措施俗话说:“果…  相似文献   

选取渭南市白水县具有代表性的苹果园,对黑蚱蝉Cryptotympana atrata (Fabriciu)在果树枝条上的产卵危害规律进行了调查分析.结果表明:该地区苹果园最大受害株率可达94%,且受害株率与树龄成正相关;果树不同方位枝条受害程度与栽培走向密切相关;间作不同的果园受害差异不显著.黑蚱蝉趋向于在直径2.6~6.1 mm幼嫩枝条上产卵,产卵部位长度在5.8 ~35.2 cm之间,产卵部位基部与枝梢顶端的距离为10.8~56.2 cm;单枝平均刻槽数为35.1个,单刻槽平均卵量为6.8粒,单枝平均卵量为241.3粒.产卵枝条直径、产卵部位长度、单枝刻槽数和单枝总卵量两两之间均存在极显著相关性.应结合黑蚱蝉产卵规律,通过科学修剪、冬季深翻园土、喷施药剂等综合措施有效降低黑蚱蝉卵及若虫的数量,逐步控制该害虫对果园的危害.  相似文献   

香梨果树遭受冻害后,常会出现腐烂病发生严重,树势衰弱或枯枝甚至整株树死亡现象,产量大幅降低,畸形果率增高。结合栽培管理,总结经验,归纳为以下几种补救措施。1防治腐烂病1.1预防为主,重点刮治香梨树遭受冻害后会大面积发生腐烂病,2-10月份  相似文献   

寒地苹果树腐烂病的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黑龙江省属寒地苹果产区,每年因腐烂病而造成的树体断枝、死亡不计其数,同时也造成了果实产量、品质的下降。究其原因,主要有树体养分供应不均衡,果树修剪不合理,树体负载量过大,不良气候条件对树体造成冻伤,果农对腐烂病发病规律认识不足,防治不利。因此生产中应注重农业措施,同时加强化学防治,综合运用化学农药和生物制剂,全面有效地防治苹果树腐烂病。  相似文献   

冬季果树修剪,要根据树体状况,自然条件来掌握修剪程度和修剪量,因此,做到“五看、四注意”是必不可少的。下面分别介绍一下:一、果树修剪“五看”1、看树龄。幼树、初结果树修剪量要小,修剪程度要轻;盛果期果树要适当重剪;衰老期果树要重剪。2、看花芽量。花芽...  相似文献   

<正>去冬今春以来,北方地区气候异常,特别是去年11月初突然降雪降温、冬季的持续极端低温,部分果园冻害发生严重,有枝条受冻、有骨干枝受冻、有主干受冻,有的甚至全株死亡,对区域果树生产造成很大影响。不同程度的冻害,势必会造成园象不整、树势衰弱、病虫发生,严重影响果品产业效益。因此,对受冻果园提出如下管理建议:  相似文献   

果树小叶病发生原因及小叶病果园综合管理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小叶病是果树普遍发生的一种生理性病害,主要是由于土壤缺锌以及树体内锌和磷的营养比例失调所致。小叶病严重影响果树的生长发育、产量和品质的提高。介绍了苹果、桃、葡萄、核桃、梨等果树的小叶病症状,并论述了小叶病发生的原因,提出了小叶病果园的综合管理措施,即应在改良土壤、增施有机肥的基础上,通过增施锌肥、合理浇灌、适当修剪来根治果树小叶病。  相似文献   

Most farm-based agroforestry projects focus on the integration of trees on arable or livestock enterprises. This paper focuses on the integration of understorey crops and/or livestock within high value tree systems (e.g., apple orchards, olive groves, chestnut woodlands, and walnut plantations), and describes the components, structure, ecosystem services and economic value of ten case studies of this type of agroforestry across Europe. Although their ecological and socio-economic contexts vary, the systems share some common characteristics. The primary objective of the farmer is likely to remain the value of tree products like apples, olives, oranges, or nuts, or particularly high value timber. However there can still be production, environmental or economic benefits of integrating agricultural crops such as chickpeas and barley, or grazing an understorey grass crop with livestock. Three of the systems focused on the grazing of apple orchards with sheep in the UK and France. The introduction of sheep to apple orchards can minimise the need for mowing and provide an additional source of revenue. Throughout the Mediterranean, there is a need to improve the financial viability of olive groves. The case studies illustrate the possibility of intercropping traditional olive stands with chickpea in Greece, or the intercropping of wild asparagus in high density olive groves in Italy. Another system studied in Greece involves orange trees intercropped with chickpeas. Stands of chestnut trees in North-west Spain can provide feed for pigs when the fruit falls in November, and provide an excellent habitat for the commercial production of edible mushrooms. In Spain, in the production of high quality walnut trees using rotations of up to 50–60 years, there are options to establish a legume-based mixed pasture understorey and to introduce sheep to provide financial and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

通过对梨树不同品种、不同树龄以及不同立地条件下对晚霜抗性差异的分析表明,不同品种对晚霜抗性有显著差异,老树抗性强于幼树,无防护林果园不同高度的树冠受冻率差异显著,有防护林果园不同高度的树冠受冻率差异不显著,采用立木式和棚架式2种栽培方式的梨树受冻率差异不显著。  相似文献   

韩城市苹果树主要病虫害变化动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据韩城市果业发展三个阶段的病虫害发生危害情况得出韩城市苹果主要病虫害的动态变化:主要病害由苹果腐烂病(Valsa mali Miyabeet Yamada)为主逐步演变为以苹果黑红点病[Mycosphae-rella pomi(Pass.)Waltonet Orton]和早期落叶病[Marssonina mali(P. Henn)Ito]为主;主要虫害由桃小食心虫(Carposina niponensis Walsingham)为主逐步演变为以叶螨(Tetranychus viennensis Zacher)和球坚蚧(Didesmococcus koreanus Borchs)为主。  相似文献   

山地苹果园穴贮肥水技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决洮南市北部半山区在山地发展苹果树水资源缺乏的矛盾,以洮南市北部半山区果树试验场20年生的123苹果树为试材,研究山地苹果园采用穴贮肥水技术措施对苹果树生长发育的影响。结果表明:穴贮肥水技术可提高新梢生长量21.6%,提高叶绿素含量14.7%;平均单果质量比清耕提高22.3%。特等果率较对照提高27.3%。穴贮肥水可使苹果树增产2161.64 kg.hm-2,纯增收1689.07元.hm-2。  相似文献   

河西走廊地区梨园生草栽培试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫春鸣 《防护林科技》2010,(6):16-17,74
西北干旱区荒漠绿洲光热资源充足,水资源短缺,严重制约了梨园的发展。通过连续4 a对梨园进行生草栽培覆盖防水试验研究,结果表明:以种植白三叶草效果最为明显,种植多花黑麦草次之;白三叶草和多花黑麦草处理单株平均产量比清耕园提高14.9%~42.2%,平均单果质量比清耕园提高8.7%~10.5%;果实维生素C含量和可溶性固形物含量均高于清耕园;白三叶草、多花黑麦草生草处理的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾均高于清耕园,地面和20 cm深土层土壤日温差明显低于清耕果园;自然生草有一定的效果,但与清耕梨园差别不大。因此,建议在西北干旱区梨园推广以白三叶草为主的生草栽培。  相似文献   

梨叶枯病是在早酥梨上发现的一种新病害,病原菌为Mycovellosiella pyricola。通过调查早酥梨叶枯病在田间的消长动态,实测不同病情指数下1年生早酥梨苗的高、粗生长量、7-8年生结果树平均单果重、单株产量,建立了苗期生长量和结果树产量损失估计模型,推算出该病害防治指标病指苗期为12.74%,结果树为13.84%。  相似文献   

We studied the relief of water stress associated with fruit thinning in pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees during drought to determine what mechanisms, other than stomatal adjustment, were involved. Combinations of control irrigation (equal to crop water use less effective rainfall) and deficit irrigation (equal to 20% of control irrigation), fruit load (unthinned and thinned to 40 fruits per tree) and root pruning (pruned and unpruned) treatments were applied to pear (cv. 'Conference') trees during Stage II of fruit development. Daily patterns of midday stem water potential (Psi(stem)) and leaf conductance to water vapor (g(l)) of deficit-irrigated trees differed after fruit thinning. In response to fruit thinning, gl progressively declined with water stress until 30 days after fruit thinning and then leveled off, whereas the effects of decreased fruit load on Psi(stem) peaked 30-40 days after fruit thinning and then tended to decline. Soil water depletion was significantly correlated with fruit load during drought. Our results indicate that stomatal adjustment and the resulting soil water conservation were the factors determining the Psi(stem) response to fruit thinning. However, these factors could not explain differences in daily patterns between g(l) and Psi(stem) after fruit thinning. In all cases, effects of root pruning treatments on Psi(stem) in deficit-irrigated trees were transitory (Psi(stem) recovered from root pruning in less than 30 days), but the recovery of Psi(stem) after root pruning was faster in trees with low fruit loads. This behavior is compatible with the concept that the water balance (reflected by Psi(stem) values) was better in trees with low fruit loads compared with unthinned trees, perhaps because more carbon was available for root growth. Thus, a root growth component is hypothesized as a mechanism to explain the bimodal Psi(stem) response to fruit thinning during drought.  相似文献   

Naor A  Naschitz S  Peres M  Gal Y 《Tree physiology》2008,28(8):1255-1261
The combined effects of irrigation rate and crop load on apple yield and fruit size were examined in two commercial apple orchards (cv. Golden Delicious) in a semi-arid zone. The irrigation rates applied were 1, 3 and 7 mm day(-1), and the two fruit thinning treatments involved adjusting crop load to 100 and 300 fruits per tree at Ortal and 50 and 150 fruits per tree at Matityahu. Unthinned trees served as the control. The fruit from each tree was picked separately, and fruit size distribution was determined with a commercial grading machine. Midday stem water potentials varied from -0.9 to -2.8 MPa, crop load varied from 80,000 to 1,900,000 fruit ha(-1) and crop yield varied from 10 to 144 Mg ha(-1). Midday stem water potential decreased with increasing crop load in all irrigation treatments at Matityahu, but only in the 1 mm day(-1) treatment at Ortal. The extent of the lowering of midday stem water potential by crop load decreased with increasing soil water availability. At both orchards, a similar response of total crop yield to crop load on a per hectare basis was observed. Mean fruit mass and relative yield of fruit > 70 mm in diameter increased with midday stem water potential, with the low crop loads having similar but steeper slopes than the high crop load. The responses of mean fruit mass and relative yield of fruit > 70 mm in diameter to midday stem water potential were similar at both orchards, perhaps indicating that thresholds for irrigation scheduling are transferable to other orchards within a region. Factors that may limit the transferability of these thresholds are discussed.  相似文献   

A water deficit during stage III of fruit growth was established with the aim of determining if it is possible to achieve an improvement in tree water status by summer pruning and fruit thinning. The experiment was set up as a randomized block split-plot design across trials (irrigation) where pruning was assigned to the main plot and fruit thinning to the sub-plots. The irrigation treatments were (1) standard full irrigation (FI), and (2) suppression of irrigation during stage III of fruit growth until leaves visibly withered (LWI); the pruning treatments were (1) experimental summer pruning (EP), and (2) standard summer pruning (CP); and three fruit thinning intensities were applied to facilitate analysis of the effects of the treatments in relation to fruit load. Changes in amount of light intercepted and in tree stem water potential (Psi stem) were evaluated. The EP treatment reduced the amount of light intercepted by the tree. In the FI treatment, there was a significant reduction in fruit growth measured as both water accumulation and dry mass accumulation. Under FI conditions, reductions in fruit load as a result of EP were not accompanied by a significant improvement in Psi stem. In the LWI treatment, EP produced a significant improvement of 0.17 MPa in Psi stem, but there was no improvement in fruit growth compared with CP trees. A reduction in fruit load from 350 (commercial load) to 150 per tree significantly improved Psi stem by 0.3 MPa at the end of stage III of fruit growth. These results indicate that improvements in water status in response to pruning may be insufficient to promote fruit growth if the pruned trees are unable to provide an adequate supply of assimilates to the developing fruits.  相似文献   

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