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Relationships of nutrition and skin problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The treatment of large skin defects of the distal limbs of dogs and cats can be difficult due to the lack of skin available for primary wound closure or the creation of local skin flaps. Distant pedicle skin flaps provide an acceptable alternative for wound closure with full thickness skin and provide a cosmetic result. Fourteen animals (10 dogs and four cats) that had distant pedicle skin flaps are reviewed. The technique allowed 100 per cent wound coverage in 10 of 14 animals and greater than 95 per cent skin flap survival occurred in 12 of 14 animals. Complications associated with the procedure were most commonly wound infection and partial suture line dehiscence, however these did not detract from the final outcome. Flap release was in one or two stages, however the outcomes did not appear to be affected by the release protocol.  相似文献   

Because of the shortage of human skin for research purposes, porcine skin has been used as a model of human skin. The aim of this study was to identify the region of German Landrace pig skin that could be used as the best possible substitute for human abdominal skin. Porcine samples were collected from the ear, flank, back and caudal abdomen; human abdominal skin samples were excised during plastic surgery. Histological and ultrastructural assessments were carried out on the epidermis and dermis, with emphasis on the dermo‐epidermal interface length, dermo‐epidermal thickness ratio as well as densities of; hair follicles, arrector pili muscles, blood vessels and sweat glands. In the pig, the barrier function of the four anatomical regions was assessed. Results showed that both histologically and ultrastructurally, all four regions of porcine skin were similar to human skin. These include the shapes of keratinocytes, structure of cell contacts and presence of Weibel Palade bodies in endothelial cells. Other parameters such as the thickness of epidermis, the thickness of stratum basale, spinosum and granulosum and the number of cell layers in the stratum corneum were similar in human abdominal and in all four regions of porcine skin. However, there were also significant differences especially in the thickness of the stratum corneum, the dermo‐epidermal interface length and the blood vessel density.  相似文献   

昆明某动物医院接诊1条杂交犬,因车祸造成皮肤大面积的缺损,利用有蒂皮片移植技术进行治疗。在邻近的供皮部位皮肤切割一块与创口形状相同、稍大于创口的有蒂皮片,通过单侧旋转的方法将有蒂皮片牵拉、覆盖在创口的受皮部位表面,用丝线进行缝合。经过20多天术后护理,患犬的皮肤预后良好。  相似文献   

Three trials were conducted to evaluate the influence of dietary fat and light programmes during rearing on skin quality of a total of 7800 broilers to resist plucking stress. Experimental treatments were two light programmes of light:dark hours in trials 1 (24:0 and 16:8) and 2 (21:3 and 16:8), and two dietary fat sources of animal fat (AF) and soy bean oil (SBO) in trial 3. Within each trial the broilers were reared in separate pens of each replicate (n = 4) in two similar houses. The total frequency of skin tears and downgraded skin tears caused by the plucking process were registered by visual examination of 325 broilers from each replicate after plucking, and all carcasses were weighed individually. Broilers with intact skin and with skin tears were removed from the slaughter line and after air chilling, breast skin samples with dermis and hypodermis were cut and used for skin tensile strength and elasticity measurement.

Light programmes with long dark periods during raising of broilers reduced skin tearing at the processing plant. The use of soy bean oil as dietary fat source in comparison with animal fat increased the skin tearing frequency (P = 0.066) and showed slightly reduced skin elasticity. Skin tears were more frequent among female broilers, and they had a lower skin tensile strength (P < 0.001) and elasticity (P < 0.01). An overall positive correlation between broiler weight and skin tears was found and a negative correlation between frequency of skin tears and breast skin elasticity was found for female broilers, whereas skin strength showed less connection to skin tear occurrence.  相似文献   

Plasma and skin concentrations of orbifloxacin (Orbax tablets, Schering-Plough Animal Health) were assessed in 14 clinically normal dogs and 14 dogs with pyoderma following oral administration of the drug at 7.5 mg/kg once daily for 5 to 7 days. Skin biopsies and whole blood samples were obtained before dosing and at the time of the expected maximum concentration in skin (3 hours after dosing) on the first and on the fifth to seventh day of dosing. Skin biopsies and plasma were analyzed for orbifloxacin concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatography. Dogs with pyoderma had significantly higher mean skin concentrations of orbifloxacin within 3 hours of administration (Day 0: 7.80 +/- 3.40 mcg/g, Days 4 to 6: 9.47 +/- 6.23 mcg/g) than did dogs with normal skin (Day 0: 3.85 +/- 1.08 mcg/g, Days 4 to 6: 5.43 +/- 1.02 mcg/g). After dosing on Day 0 and after five to seven daily treatments, dogs with pyoderma had significantly higher mean orbifloxacin skin:plasma ratios (1.40 and 1.44, respectively) than did clinically normal dogs (0.81 and 0.96, respectively). The accumulation of orbifloxacin in diseased skin may contribute to the efficacy of this compound for the treatment of bacterial skin infections.  相似文献   

宜都市柑桔产业快速扩张,带来过去一些次要害虫上升为主要害虫。从2006年开始,柑桔 吉 丁虫类的溜皮虫、爆皮虫局部地方为害渐趋严重。通过2年的防治试验,对其防治方法进行了探讨和改进,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病(LSD)是由牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)引起的一种牛急性、亚急性病毒性传染病,临床主要表现为发热,皮肤出现结节,母牛流产、产奶量下降,公牛不育。文章对牛结节性皮肤病的病原学、流行病学、临床症状及病理变化、诊断、防控措施等方面进行了较全而的阐述,以期为该病的诊断和防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>皮肤是代谢活跃的组织,对蛋白和其它的营养都有高的生理需要。营养供给上的细微变化,会对动物皮肤和毛发状况产生显著影响。饮食可能在皮肤疾病的发生和治疗上起重要的作用。  相似文献   

Parasitic skin diseases of dogs and cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Although there are over 250 zoonotic diseases, only 30-40 of them involve dogs and cats. Transmission of zoonotic infections occurs via bites, scratches or touch; exposure to saliva, urine or feces; inhalation of particles or infectious aerosols; contact with a transport or intermediate host (e.g. ticks, fleas); or exposure to contaminated water, soil or vegetation. This paper summarizes the most important common zoonotic dermatological diseases of dogs and cats. The most common dermatological zoonoses are flea and tick infestations and the diseases they transmit; dermatophytosis; and mite infestations (Sarcoptes and Cheyletiella). Prevention of zoonotic infestations or infections can be accomplished easily by the use of routine flea and tick control, screening of new pets for dermatophytosis, and routine hand-washing.  相似文献   

皮肤解毒汤治疗犬的皮肤病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬的皮肤病在犬病临床上很常见。一些犬饲养管理良好,营养良好,但仍好发一类以皮肤反复红斑皮疹、瘙痒溃烂、或因犬啃咬脱毛出血渗出、渗出液增多、结痂物皮肤疾患,溃疡面呈现炎性渗出的多的特点,或表现为较典型的红斑、丘疹、水疱、腕疱、糜烂、痂皮及鳞屑等湿疹症状。通过对临床上诊疗的七个品种(德国牧羊犬、罗威纳犬、沙皮犬、松狮犬、大麦町犬、西施犬、腊肠犬)36种例犬的治疗,皮肤解毒汤疗效可靠,治疗方法便利,特将此方剂介绍给同行,  相似文献   

Methicillin resistance rates of 41% for Staphylococcus aureus, 16% for S. intermedius, and 40% for S. schleiferi have recently been reported in canine patients. These were deemed to be reflective of referral and clinician-selection biases, which would imply significantly lower methicillin-resistant staphylococcal carriage rates in less-biased canine populations. In this study, swabs for bacterial culture were collected from five cutaneous sites on each of 50 healthy dogs and 59 dogs with inflammatory skin disease to determine prevalence of carriage and relative frequency of methicillin resistance in coagulase-positive staphylococci and S. schleiferi ssp. schleiferi. These were identified morphologically and by Gram's staining, catalase and coagulase testing, and biochemical speciation. Coagulase-positive staphylococci and S. schleiferi ssp. schleiferi were isolated from 88% (52 of 59) of affected dogs. Species identified in the culture-positive dogs were: S. aureus in 12%, S. intermedius (92%), S. schleiferi ssp. schleiferi (10%), and S. schleiferi ssp. coagulans (10%) with methicillin resistance rates of 17%, 8%, 20% and 20%, respectively. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were isolated from 74% (37 of 50) of healthy dogs: S. aureus (16%), S. intermedius (92%) and S. schleiferi ssp. coagulans (5%). Methicillin resistance rates were 0%, 3% and 50%, respectively. Of total methicillin-resistant isolates, 11 of 13 were positive for PBP2a via latex agglutination. Methicillin-resistant S. intermedius and S. schleiferi ssp. schleiferi isolates were all positive for the mecA gene via PCR. There was no significant difference in staphylococcal isolation or methicillin resistance between study groups. While present, methicillin-resistant coagulase-positive staphylococci are significantly less common in these less-biased populations than in the clinical isolates previously reported from this institution which provided the impetus for this study.  相似文献   

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