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为加强对杀鼠剂生产、销售、使用的管理,促进农牧业健康发展,维护生态平衡,预防和打击利用杀鼠剂进行的违法犯罪活动,保障公民生命财产安全,根据《农药管理条例》和《危险化学品安全管理条例》等有关法律、法规的规定,特通告如下:一、严禁任何单位和个人制造、买卖、运输、储存和使用、持有毒鼠强、毒鼠硅、氟乙酰胺、氟乙酸钠、甘氟(又名三步倒、闻到死、气死猫)等国家禁用剧毒杀鼠剂。二、严禁任何单位和个人违法生产、加工、销售国家允许使用的杀鼠剂。禁止在城镇、农村摆摊设点或者走街串巷兜售杀鼠剂。三、凡有上述违法行为的单位和个…  相似文献   

杀鼠剂(Rodenticide),是指用于预防、控制鼠类等有害啮齿类动物的农药。有毒杀鼠剂食饵的投放对人类及宠物、家畜等非靶标生物存在安全风险。为降低杀鼠剂应用过程中的安全风险,美国环保署2008年出台《杀鼠剂风险消减决定》(Risk Mitigation Decision for Ten Rodenticides)。本文简要介绍了美国杀鼠剂风险消减的管理措施,仅供参考。  相似文献   

我国杀鼠剂应用现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓辉 《植物保护》2018,44(5):85-90
杀鼠剂研究与应用是害鼠生物学研究的主要内容之一,化学治理则是鼠害综合治理的关键技术之一。本文针对我国主要杀鼠剂种类及特征,简要介绍了目前我国杀鼠剂应用技术现状以及存在的问题,提出在目前生态文明建设要求下,及以生态学理念为指导的鼠害综合治理的发展趋势中,在有效避免鼠类为害的前提下,如何有效降低杀鼠剂应用可能带来的负面效应,同时最大化发挥鼠类的生态学功能,将是害鼠生物学及杀鼠剂应用研究的基本发展方向。  相似文献   

根据应用范围的不同,在当前欧盟新法规体系下主要有两部法规对杀鼠剂类产品进行具体约束。农业上应用的杀鼠剂作为植物保护剂产品(Plant Protection Product,PPP)主要受到欧盟农药管理法规[Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009]的制约;而作为生物杀灭剂产品(Biocidal Product,BP)的杀鼠剂则受到欧盟生物杀灭剂管理法规[Biocidal Product Regulation,BPR:Regulation (EC) No 528/2012]的管制。在欧盟对农药实施再登记后,杀鼠剂在新的管理体系下主要作为生物杀灭剂进行登记和应用。  相似文献   

采用6种常用杀鼠剂进行田间和室内药效综合测试,结果表明:农田在以黑线姬鼠为优势种下,防效最好为氯敌鼠钠盐,其次为溴鼠灵和溴敌隆,再次为杀鼠醚、生物猫和敌鼠钠盐;农舍在以褐家鼠为优势种下,防效最好为溴鼠隆和氯敌鼠钠盐,其次为溴敌隆;城镇室内在以小家鼠为优势种下,防效最好为溴敌隆、其次为溴鼠隆和氯敌鼠钠盐。取得了田间害鼠日摄食量和死亡时间观察资料。在农田中等鼠密度下,每666.7 m2投饵量为:溴鼠隆75 g、氯敌鼠钠盐75 g、溴敌隆150 g、生物猫170 g、杀鼠醚200 g、敌鼠钠盐250 g。  相似文献   

<正>美国联邦环保局(EPA)与杀鼠剂制造商利洁时集团达成协议,取消12种畅销的敌鼠钠盐杀鼠剂。利洁时集团同意2014年年底前停止生产这12种产品,2015年3月31日前停止向经销商供货。这项协议结束了EPA与利洁时集团关于敌鼠钠盐产品安全性的长期争辩。争辩始于2008年,政府要求该公司采取新的减少风险的措施来限制该产品对儿童和野生生物的风险,或者该公司主动取消有风险的登记。EPA要求利洁时集团  相似文献   

一段时间以来,南京等一些地方相继发生了使用违禁剧毒杀鼠剂“毒鼠强”投毒的恶性案件,给人民的生命安全造成了严重危害,已引起我国政府的高度重视。2002年12月13日,农业部等5部委组织召开了“加强剧毒杀鼠剂和高毒农药监管工作全国电视电话会议”。农业部、国家经贸委、公安部、国家工商管理总局、国家质检总局等部门,都在按照会议要求,组织力量,采取措施,严厉打击生产、销售和使用违禁杀鼠剂的行为。为了进一步加强杀鼠剂监督和管理,使广大灭鼠工作者买到合法的杀鼠剂,做好灭鼠工作,现将我国杀鼠剂登记情况作一介绍,供大家参考。  相似文献   

1前言在美国,特殊农药(special pesticide或specialty)又称非农用化学品(non-agrochemi-cal或Non Ag),主要包括家居和花园护理产品、草坪专用护理产品、害物专用护理产品、公共卫生产品、杀鼠剂、园艺及花卉产品。众所周知,美国化学农药登记费用高,费时长,所以很多中国企业不敢  相似文献   

根据美国国家环境保护局(EPA)对9种杀鼠剂的环境危害进行评估结果,抗凝血杀鼠剂溴鼠灵(brodifacoum)对鸟类及非靶标哺乳动物的综合危险排在首位。排在溴鼠灵之后的是磷化锌(zincphosphide)、噻鼠灵(difethialone)和敌鼠(diphacinone)。其它被评估的杀鼠剂还包括溴鼠胺(bromethalin)、溴敌隆(bromadiolone)、氯鼠酮(chlorophacinone)、脱氰胆甾醇(cholecalciferol)和杀鼠灵(warfarin)。来自258篇相关报告表明,鸟类及非靶标哺乳动物受害于一些杀鼠剂,尤其是溴鼠灵。危害途径包括直接食用谷物毒饵和食用被杀鼠剂毒死的动物。评估的重点在用于…  相似文献   

为了贯彻党中央、国务院领导同志最近关于强化对农药特别是剧毒杀鼠剂管理的重要批示精神及农业部等5部委召开的“加强剧毒杀鼠剂和高毒农药监管工作全国电视电话会议”精神,严厉打击违法生产、销售和使用违禁农药的行为,市政府于2002年12月19日召开由市农委、市经委、市工商局、市公安局、市安全生产局、市卫生局、市供销社、市法院等参加的“北京市加强剧毒杀鼠剂和高毒农药监管工作电视电话会议”,安排我市下一阶段剧毒杀鼠剂和高毒农药专项整治工作,副市长刘志华参加会议并做重要讲话,各有关局委对前一阶段的工作进行了总结并提出…  相似文献   

Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are considered inhumane, show increasingly limited efficacy due to acquired resistance, and carry environmental consequences associated with non-target species uptake. In a questionnaire study of 499 UK farms that all deployed chemical rodenticide we found a high mean reliance (79%), on second generation ARs with just over half of the respondents using no other rodent control methods. Additional methods where deployed, alone or in combination, included predation (41%), kill-trap deployment (16%) and shooting (1%). Nearly 40% of all respondents deployed rodenticides year-round. There was no evidence to suggest that “tidy-farm” measures, such as clearing food spills and minimising on-farm rodent harbourage sites aimed at minimising rodent-associated problems, were associated with a lower likelihood of year-round deployment; in fact trends in our analyses suggested the opposite. We therefore encourage operators to fully evaluate the true necessity of rodenticide deployment before AR use.  相似文献   

The action necessary for resistance management is specified and compared with what has actually been done, with reference to executive, extension and research activities and to the role of rodenticides and rodenticide development. Some obstacles to resistance management are discussed. To account for the fact that no plausible programme to manage resistance has been developed over the last 36 years, the hypothesis is examined that resistance management is injurious to the parties concerned and, hence, that resistance is perceived not as a problem but as an exploitable asset. If correct, this hypothesis yields the prediction that the action necessary for resistance management will be taken when such action is judged to be economically efficient. The establishment of the Rodenticide Resistance Action Committee indicates that this time may be approaching.  相似文献   

Developing additional techniques for reducing animal feed contamination by rodents and controlling rodent populations is critical to efforts aimed at reducing the occurrence of Salmonella spp infection on poultry farms. Capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers of the genus Capsicum, produces a burning sensation in the mouth of mammals and is used effectively as an animal deterrent for some pest species. Applied to poultry feed, capsaicin may be effective as an aversive agent to deter rodent feeding and enhance acceptability of rodenticide baits. We tested capsaicin-treated poultry diets (2000 and 3000 Scoville Heat Units, SHU) in no-choice feeding trials at four active New York farms in the winter of 1997-1998. At all farms, consumption of the 2000 SHU diet by rodents (Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus (Berk), and house mice, Mus musculus L) was significantly less than consumption of a control diet. Consumption of the 3000 SHU diet by rodents was significantly less than consumption of a control diet at three of the four farms. Overall, consumption of treated diets was 58-97% and 55-98% less than consumption of the control diet, for the 2000 and 3000 SHU diets, respectively. These reductions appeared to be related closely to the availability of alternative feed sources at these farms. Two-choice feeding trials involving a rodenticide bait (0.05 g kg(-1) brodifacoum) and the 3000 SHU diet demonstrated that Norway rats preferred the rodenticide to the capsaicin-treated poultry feed. Overall, rodenticide bait acceptance was high (95.6%) when offered simultaneously with capsaicin-treated poultry feed. Although poultry managers must utilize several techniques to manage rodent pests, the use of capsaicin-treated diets to reduce feed losses and increase rodenticide bait acceptance appears promising. Use of capsaicin-treated feed on poultry farms may substantially reduce feed contamination by rodents and ultimately the incidence of Salmonella infection in poultry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Minimising the concentration of active ingredient in rodenticide bait is desirable economically and for the protection of the agroecosystem. This study aimed to identify a zinc phosphide concentration that balances palatability and efficacy for common vole (Microtus arvalis Pall.) management and to compare the attractiveness of two bait carriers. RESULTS: Bait uptake of voles was reduced by 87–98% compared with plain bait when bait contained 0.4–3.2% zinc phosphide. There was an almost 50% decrease in the uptake of zinc phosphide when the zinc phosphide concentration of bait was doubled. Red dye used in commercially available bait decreased bait consumption by 10%. Daily consumption of zinc phosphide bait on days 2 to 5 was half the consumption on the first day of exposure. In bait choice tests, wheat kernels were preferred initially, but within 12 h similar amounts of wheat‐based pellets and wheat kernels were eaten. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results from the laboratory trial, a zinc phosphide concentration of 2.1% seemed to balance uptake/efficacy best and may be most appropriate for the management of common vole populations. This concentration is substantially lower than the concentration used in many registered products. A reduced concentration of active ingredient and the use of pellet bait instead of wheat which is highly attractive for birds may have advantages for agroecosystem health when applying zinc phosphide for rodent control. © Jens Jacob, Mechthild Budde and Angela Leukers, employees of the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany. Printed with permission.  相似文献   

长江中下游稻区毒饵灭鼠后害鼠种群数量的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江中下游稻作区大面积毒饵灭鼠后,褐家鼠种群密度下降很快.相对而言,小型鼠小家鼠(农舍区)与黑线姬鼠(农田区)及栖息在房屋上层的黄胸鼠,容易漏灭.在多种鼠并存而灭鼠效果较差的地区,甚至会出现灭后小型鼠捕获率上升的情况,则是先前受种间竞争抑制其活动之故,所以制定灭鼠技术方案应注意当地鼠种组成.灭鼠质量的好坏和灭鼠面积的大小,对灭鼠后的数量回升速度有较大的影响.灭鼠率越高,灭鼠覆盖面积越大,害鼠种群保持在较低水平的时间越长,害鼠种群回升的速度越慢.但无论如何,若生态环境条件不变,毒饵杀灭后害鼠种群密度总会回升,即仅单纯依靠毒饵灭鼠手段,难以持久控制鼠害.所以既要因地制宜提高化防质量以抑制害鼠数量,更应大力提倡生态防治为主的综合措施.  相似文献   

Resistance amongst rats to second-generation anticoagulants, notably difenacoum, has been recognised since the 1970s. Although initially considered to be of practical significance, doubts were subsequently expressed that the degree of resistance was sufficient to explain ineffective rodenticide treatments. Research published elsewhere demonstrated the overriding importance of poor poisoned bait consumption, caused by the influence of certain ecological factors on rat behaviour, in reducing the effectiveness of second-generation anticoagulant treatments on farms in southern England. In this paper we consider, however, the subtle effects of resistance to anticoagulants on treatment outcome. The prevalence of resistance was increased amongst survivors of treatments and bait consumption by resistant survivors was higher than amongst susceptible survivors. The overall prevalence and degree of resistance to second-generation anticoagulants does not, however, currently represent a practical problem. Nevertheless, selection favouring increased resistance remains a long-term threat to the effectiveness of both difenacoum and bromadiolone.  相似文献   

为确定适于防治南疆农区鼠害的抗凝血类杀鼠剂, 在喀什地区疏勒县采用夹捕法、食饵法、粉迹法评估了杀鼠醚、溴敌隆、溴鼠灵的防治效果, 并采用灌胃法给药测试3种杀鼠剂对家鸡Gallus domestiaus和鸽子Columba livia的安全性。结果表明, 连续投放毒饵10 d后, 与溴敌隆防治区相比, 杀鼠醚防治区的阳性粉块和无毒小麦取食量的下降幅度均无显著差异, 但无毒小麦取食量下降的农户比例更高;且防治后褐家鼠比例更低, 防治期间毒饵消耗量更高。连续单独投放溴敌隆30 d的灭鼠效果可达90.9%, 但10 d溴敌隆与20 d溴鼠灵联合防治防效仅为65.9%。灌胃法测试表明, 对当地家禽类的毒性从低到高依次为杀鼠醚、溴敌隆和溴鼠灵。因此, 建议优选毒性较低的杀鼠醚或溴敌隆用于南疆农区鼠害防治。  相似文献   

Resistance to the first successful anticoagulant rodenticide, warfarin, was detected in the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) in 1958, and it has since expanded to cover other commensal rodent species (R. rattus L., Mus musculus L.) and the majority of later-developed anticoagulant compounds. The purpose of this paper is to give an up-to-date picture of the current distribution of anticoagulant resistance in Europe, as revealed by the questionnaire dispatched by EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) to its member countries in 1992. Replies were received from 13 countries (43% of EPPO members), and it was found that broad-spectrum resistance occurred in practically all those countries that reported testing activity. A likely conclusion based on this finding is that true distribution of resistance is certainly more extensive than documented by the questionnaire replies. Another conclusion drawn by the EPPO Rodent Control Panel was that the existing resistance detection protocols were no longer adequate to cover the whole array of existing anticoagulant rodenticides. Consequently, a new guideline including novel methods particularly for detecting resistance to single-dose anticoagulant compounds was urgently needed. This guideline is currently under review.  相似文献   

Vertebrate pest control in California is often accomplished through the use of rodenticide grain baits. These grain baits are composed of steam-rolled oats (SRO), a toxicant, an indicator dye and an oil combination. A series of tests were performed to determine the effects of various dye and oil formulations on acceptance of grain bait by Norway rats [Rattus norvegicus (Berk)], California ground squirrels [Spermophilus beecheyi (Richardson)] and pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae Eyd & Gerv). Seven different dyes, four oil formulations and clean (untreated) oats were tested for acceptance. The addition of the selected oils and dyes to grain resulted in no significant differences in consumption. This indicates that there is a wide variety of dyes that could be used in the formulation of rodenticides. These alternatives could aid in proper pesticide use, the deterrence of bait consumption by birds and possibly in ingredient adhesion to the finished bait.  相似文献   

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