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通过种植百喜草、保留自然生杂草和清耕(对照)3种小区处理,在自然条件下,分别于5月、7月和8月共选取3次典型降雨,测定成熟脐橙果园梯田里的水土流失面源污染情况。结果表明:产流和产沙量方面,种植百喜草保留自然生杂草对照;全氮、全磷和全钾流失量方面,总体上为种植百喜草保留自然生杂草对照;径流水样中重金属Ni、Cu、Cr、Zn、Pb、Cd和Hg流失方面,种植百喜草对照,保留自然生杂草与种植百喜草相近。种植百喜草、保留自然生杂草在拦蓄径流和泥沙、消减重金属污染以及减少氮磷钾流失方面有显著效果。  相似文献   

佛手(Citrus medica var sareodactylis Swingle)为芸香科柑桔属枸橼的变种,根据产地不同又分为广佛手、闽佛手、金华佛手、川佛手等。佛手植株叶色常绿。果实形态奇特美观,形如不完全开裂的拳状和完全开裂的指状,色泽金黄,香味浓郁持久。果期一般长达数月之久,极具观赏价值。因佛手音谐“福寿”之意,被视为吉祥之物,以其制作的盆  相似文献   

金华佛手对HF的剂量反应及其急性伤害阈值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过熏气模拟试验研究金华佛手对氟化氢(HF)的剂量反应。结果表明,佛手出现典型伤害症状,幼叶先于老叶受害,叶绿素含量下降,丙二醛(MDA)含量上升;HF熏气质量浓度越高、时间越长,受害越严重,叶片氟含量越高。根据HF熏气质量浓度、时间和伤害程度,确定HF对金华佛手叶片的急性伤害阈值:1 6mg/m3×8h、2 0mg/m3×6h、2 8mg/m3×4h。  相似文献   

分析了金华佛手的生产现状和存在的问题,阐述了实施金华佛手标准化生产的必要性,提出了实施金华佛手标准化生产的对策和建议。  相似文献   

金佛手是金华的传统名特产品。在阐述金佛手生产经营现状的基础上,分析了金佛手产业化所具备的3个有利条件,提出了金佛手产业化的指导思想和4个方面的对策。  相似文献   

佛手是一种名贵的观赏果木,果形奇特,香味浓郁,又是出口年宵佳品。果可入药,又可制成蜜饯供食用。广州有些公园,试栽少量盆栽佛手,但多年来,由于座果问题没有得到很好的解决,影响盆栽佛手的正式投产。每年春节,广州各公园陈列的和组织出口的盆栽佛手,则多从河南郑州和浙江金华购进的。河南气候冷凉,佛手不能露天越冬,但却能成功地盆栽。河南省盆载佛手,已有三百多年历史,近十多年来,郑州市紫荆山公园盆栽佛手,畅销全国16个省市,有部分供应出口。为了解决广州佛手盆栽技术问题。我们曾于1980年10月和1981年5月,两次到郑州市和鄢陵县产区调查,本文汇报郑州佛手盆栽经验,并分析比较郑州、广州两地自然气候条件,探讨广州佛手盆栽技术措施。  相似文献   

间作茶园中茶树生态生理特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐小牛  李宏开 《林业科学》1991,27(6):658-664
茶树(Camellia sinensis(L.)O.Ktze.)是亚热带常绿阔叶灌木,具有喜光、耐荫、喜湿、畏寒的特性,其生长发育与茶园生态环境密切相关,尤其在强光、高温、低湿条件下,对茶芽的生长带来不利的影响,致使夏秋茶低产劣质。为此,近20年来,国内外不少学者广泛地开展了间作茶园生态效应及效益的研究,认为适度遮荫(即种植遮荫树)能明显地提高茶叶产量和绿茶品质。但是,对间作茶园的生态条件与茶树主要生理活动(诸如光合、呼吸、蒸腾作用等)的关系报道甚少。为此,我们研究了茶园间作对茶树主要生理活动的影响,并与单作茶园比较,以揭示生态生理特性,从而为建立茶园复合生态系统提供一定的理论依据和具体措施。  相似文献   

西芹菜(Apium gfavcolensL.)是西方国家普遍栽培、人民非常喜食的一种蔬菜.为了适应改革开放的需要我们应大力推广种植这种蔬菜.西菜和本芹(中国芹菜)虽同为一个种,但两者生长特性有一定的区别,故在栽培方式上也不尽相同.某些生产者由于不甚了解西芹的生长发育特性,不能  相似文献   

广佛手为芸香料柑桔类常绿小乔木,因其果实顶部仿佛如人的手指形状,故名广佛手,佛手柑,为常用中药材,具有理气行气,止呕和胃,健脾开郁、化痰等功效。可治胃痛,胸中滞气,腹部胀满,停食积聚等病。广佛手除药用外,还可提取香精,加工成佛手糖,果脯蜜饯、佛手解酒茶、佛手戒烟糖等保健食品,国内外市场需求量大,产品供不应求,广佛手从原来每公斤14元猛涨到100元,出口价更高250元~300元,亩收入3万元以上。成了市场抢手货,药材市场经常断档脱销,因此发展广佛手生产前景十分广阔。 选种与选地:选择高产良种为好。大果种单果重1公斤以上,果形较大产量较高,质量特优,是重点发展的优良品种,小果种佛手单果只有0.2公斤左右,不仅产量低而且品质差,只能作盆景用,千万别贪图便宜引进劣质假苗规模种植,以免减产失收。选购扦播苗及嫁接亩均可。广佛手喜温暖湿润的环境条件,适应性强,对土质气候要求不严,凡山区丘陵的坡地,平地及地势较高的水稻田,只要能排干积水,阳光充足,不论黑上、黄泥土、沙质土;房前屋后,只要能种植柑桔的地方均适宜种植广佛手。 合理密植与立体间种,选好地后应及时深翻二遍,按株行距2米~2.5米或2米~3米的规格种植,每亩种140株...  相似文献   

佛手的经济价值及栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佛手(Citrus medica L.var sarcodactylis(Noot)Swingle)是柑橘枸橼(Citrus medica L.)的一个变种.因其果实中、上部呈条状开裂,状如手指,有的果实指状条张开,翻卷,形似观音菩萨的"兰花指",因而得名"佛手";有的果实指状条开裂不深,伸直合拢,不开裂、翻卷,形似胖娃的拳头.这两种果形往往共生于一树,甚为奇特,引起人们的关注和喜爱.花和果香气浓郁宜人,长久不散.佛手的原产地是中国中亚热带地区(北纬28°30'以南),由于人们的喜爱,北亚热带至暖温带地区也大量引进栽植.由于冬季需要保护越冬,都是盆栽.近年来,山东省的大、中城市和主要乡镇的公园、花木基地及部分居民纷纷从南方引进,盆栽佛手较为普遍.我们从事此项工作的时间不长,谨将我们的认识和实践中的体会介绍给有志于佛手栽培的读者,不妥之处,尚祈指正.  相似文献   

佛手间歇弥雾绿枝单芽扦插快速繁育技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
佛手间歇弥雾绿枝单芽扦插试验结果表明,通过建立插床、基质处理、选取健康无病的插穗,并采用吲哚丁酸作为生根剂,管理得当,生根率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

银杏引种丹东地区以后,经长期栽培驯化,已经能完全适应该地区的气候条件,且生长稳定。在丹东地区栽培的银杏品种有10个。调查表明,生长表现的排序依次为大梅核、小梅核、佛指、大园铃、大金坠、大马铃、大白果、龙眼、卵果佛手、洞庭皇。  相似文献   

通过对金华、绍兴2个薄壳山核桃种10多年引种调查认为:薄壳山核桃2年生苗移栽后,4~7 a进入结实期,10 a后进入大量结实期,其中:金华13年生最高株产16 kg;果形大,种实单粒重6.5~9.4 g,种壳厚0.9~1.1 mm,出仁率51%~56.9%,粗脂肪76.9%~78.5%,蛋白质8.5%~9.7%,可作为主栽品种发展。绍兴13年生最高株产14.6 kg,平均7 kg;单果较小,核果重5.5~6.3 g,核壳厚1.1~1.2 mm,出仁率52%~53.8%,种仁饱满,粗脂肪74.1%~74.4%,蛋白质7.5%~8.3%,可为供种或授粉树适当发展。上述2个品种适宜红河州海拔800~1 600 m的地方推广栽培。  相似文献   

An understanding of the inter-relationships between the traits characterising tree-to-tree variation in fruits and kernels is fundamental to the development of selected cultivars based on multiple trait selection. Using data from previously characterised marula (Sclerocarya birrea) trees in Bushbuckridge, South Africa and North Central Region of Namibia, this study examines the relationships between the different traits (fruit pulp, flesh/juice mass, and nut shell and kernel mass) as a means to determine the opportunities to develop cultivars. Strong and highly significant relationships were found between fruit mass and pulp mass in trees from South Africa and Namibia, indicating that size is a good predictor of fruit pulp production. However, fruit size is not a good predictor of nut or kernel production, as there were weak relationships between fruit and nut and/or kernel mass, which varied between sites and landuses. Generally, the relationships between fruit mass and kernel mass were weaker than between fruit mass and nut mass. Relationships between kernel mass and shell mass were generally weak. The lack of strong relationships between fruit and kernel mass does, however, imply that there are opportunities to identify trees with either big fruits/small nuts for pulp production, or trees with large kernels in relatively small fruits for kernel oil production. However, within fruits from the same tree, nuts could contain 0–4 kernels, indicating that even in trees with an inherent propensity for large kernels, improved pollination may be required to maximise kernel mass through an increase in kernel number. Finally, the relationships between percentage kernel oil content and the measured morphological traits were also very weak. The conclusions of these results are that there is merit in identifying different combinations of traits for the selection of trees producing either pulp or kernels. Consequently, fruit and kernel ‘ideotypes’ are presented as guides to the selection of elite trees for cultivar development. These results have important implications for the domestication of the species as a producer of fruits or kernels for food/beverages or cosmetic oils.  相似文献   

Baobab fruit are harvested and used throughout Africa as an important source of food and are sold to generate income. Commercial use is increasing rapidly as derivatives of the fruit such as baobab seed oil and fruit pulp are being exported to Europe and North America. The cash derived from the sale of fruit support thousands of rural people. This study examines baobab fruit yields in an area being harvested for commercial use. It represents baobab populations and harvesting scenarios typically found in Southern Africa and is the first study in Africa to combine demographic and production data in determining baobab fruit yields.Fruit production was examined across five land-use types (nature reserves, rocky outcrops, plains, fields and villages) and over three consecutive years. Factors assessed included differences in life-stage, tree size, land-use type, inter-annual variation and quantifiable fruit predation.Results showed that adult trees produced 8 times more fruit than sub-adult trees. Fruit production fluctuated between size-classes and exhibited weak linear and logarithmic trends between fruit production and dbh and crown volume, respectively. There was high variation between trees with 41% of adult trees consistently producing <5 fruit per year, which we classed as ‘poor-producers’. Different land uses showed no significant differences in fruit production per tree, but where baboons were present, in nature reserves and rocky outcrops, predation of immature fruit resulted in up to 85% fruit loss. Villages and fields had the highest tree density and yielded the most fruit/ha. Inter-annual variation was significant with a two and a half fold difference between the highest and lowest year.The results of this study are important for economic planning and management and are key to determining sustainable harvesting levels of baobab fruit in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Fruit load was altered by flower thinning on three- and four-year-old, field-grown apple trees. Increasing fruit load led to increases in dry matter production per unit leaf area and partitioning to fruit and to decreases in fruit size, percentage fruit dry matter, dry matter partitioning to new shoot growth, thickening of existing woody tissue and root growth. Flower bud production for the following spring was also negatively affected by an increase in fruit load. Leaf photosynthesis was increased in cropping trees in July and August at the time of maximum fruit dry weight increase. Calculated light interception was linearly related to leaf area. The efficiency of conversion of intercepted photosynthetic active radiation to dry matter energy equivalents was 3.3% in heavily cropping trees and 1.8% in non-cropping trees. Total dry matter production was linearly related to both leaf area and light interception, but the variance accounted for by the regression was more than doubled if fruit dry matter or fruit number was included in the regression.  相似文献   

马尾松开花结实规律的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
马尾松开花结实习性及球果丰歉规律,是良种生产的主要研究内容之一。例如幼林期初始开花结果年龄、雌雄球花的比例;成林期的结实数量、年度之间的差异以及球果在树冠层的分布情况;立地条件对林木开花结实的影响等问题,无论是实生种子园还是无性系种子园甚或采种母树林,都应当有所了解,掌握规律以指导园地管理与种子采收。探明这些问题不仅对于良种生产,同时在杂交育种等科研工作方面也是必不可少的。为此,我们对实生马尾松开花结实规律进行了初步研究,现总结如后。  相似文献   

文章通过分析2003年广东省所选樟树优树的生长与叶果性状,从多个角度证明了5株优势木法选出的樟树优树是合理的,大部分数量指标完全超过5株优势木,樟树优树的叶果性状在个体及种源间均呈极显著差异。动态聚类分析显示樟树优树叶果有7种类型,其中长叶重圆果型、圆叶轻圆果型和圆叶重圆果型较多,分别占所选优树的23.0%、41.4%和23.0%。  相似文献   

Most umbrella pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands are managed as agroforestry systems, whose main production is fruit, due to the edible and highly nutritious kernels, and are frequently associated to natural or seeded pastures and grazing. The stands have low density, in order to enhance crown growth and fruit production. Nevertheless, cone production, both with regard to number and weight, varies greatly between stands, trees and years. In this study were selected three agroforestry systems, representative of umbrella pine stands whose main production is fruit, and one stand representative of the timber production system, where fruit is the secondary production. It was evaluated the variability in cone production as a function of the tree’s diameter at breast height and crown diameter and the individual tree’s competition status. The results indicate that stands managed in agroforestry systems with lower competition and individuals with larger diameter at breast height and crown diameter tend to produce more and heavier cones per tree. The first two principal components of the principal component analysis explain 84 % of the variance in cone production, trees’ dimensions and competition index. Tree competition status has a negative impact on production per tree.  相似文献   

Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. and S. delavayi Franchet are among the most valuable species in the genus Sapindus for their commercially exploitable plant oils and chemicals. However, few studies have addressed genetic variation and improvement for either species. We evaluated the genetic diversity of germplasm from selected plus trees within a wide region and established the relationship between fruit traits and molecular markers. An association analysis based on inter-simple sequence repeats(ISSRs)provided a genetic basis for studies of fruit traits. A total of 247 loci were detected by scanning 61 trees of S. mukorossi and S. delavayi using 16 ISSR markers. Genetic diversity parameters were estimated for selected superior trees(or germplasm) and S. mukorossi and S. delavayi were categorized into two main groups, as well as into four groups within S. mukorossi. An association analysis between the ISSR markers and 14 fruit traits used the TASSEL MLM model. A genetic structure analysis differentiated S.mukorossi and S. delavayi. Eighteen ISSR loci associated with 13 fruit traits(P<0.005) were identified, with 13, 1,and 4 loci associated with seed oil production, fruit saponin production, and fruit quality, respectively. Using this information, a core collection was selected with adequate genetic diversity and good seed oil characters. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of effectively estimating fruit trait associations in Sapindus using ISSR markers, and the method is applicable and valuable for select germplasm conservation. The markers obtained in this study are potentially useful for molecular-assisted breeding of Sapindus spp.  相似文献   

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