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Many existing parks are currently experiencing difficulties in achieving their conservation aims, yet they remain an important option for maintaining and enhancing the conservation of biological diversity and ecosystem processes. Critics have claimed that many national parks cannot continue to protect the biological resources within their borders, and the sustainability of these areas over the long-term is in question. Ways need to be found to strengthen those that are failing, and to understand and replicate those that are succeeding. This paper presents the empirical results from a systematic evaluation of how effectively six case study national parks and national park reserves in Canada and South Africa have been protecting ecological integrity. Several parks were effective at addressing the priorities for which they had monitoring data, however the effectiveness rating of each park decreased when all indicators, including those identified as priorities but lacking monitoring data, were analysed. This indicates that the parks had generally identified more priority indicators than they were actually able to address (for many reasons, including lack of budget or trained staff, managerial challenges). Overall, a systematic approach to evaluating ecological integrity in national parks is recommended as the managers of protected areas cannot be expected to conserve the biological diversity and ecosystem processes within their borders if they are unaware of the ecological status of the park’s biodiversity. The paper concludes with several practical recommendations for monitoring ecological integrity in national parks.  相似文献   

The continuing alteration of global ecosystems has put a high premium on the development of a system of representative conservation reserves. In addition to existing national parks and reserves, and a developing international system of biosphere reserves, state and provincial parks can serve to strengthen the network of protected natural areas. An analysis of Texas state parks shows that they are a viable supplement to national park areas in the state. The level of resource protection within the parks is generally high, and they contribute to the representation of the state's eight natural regions and several subregions.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, the mountain pine beetle (MPB) population has exploded in western Canada. In national parks, MPB has the potential to impact visual quality and safety of visitors, and to spread beyond park boundaries to the industrial forest landbase. Control measures have been initiated in some parks to lessen these impacts. A study was undertaken to examine public attitudes, knowledge, issue salience, and management preferences for MPB in Banff and Kootenay national parks. Data were collected by mail survey in 2003 from 1385 residents living in or near the parks. MPB was an important issue for the majority of respondents and they had low knowledge of MPB, expressed negative attitudes towards it, and supported measures to control it. Preferred control measures included those directed at the current infestation. Proactive approaches in uninfested forests were generally not supported. Issue salience and knowledge were the best predictors of attitudes toward the MPB. Attitudes were the best predictors of support for no intervention in beetle infestations in national parks. Management implications include the lack of knowledge and support for natural disturbance and ecological integrity policies in national parks.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1956, China has built a large protected areas system, but has struggled to implement effective management. There remain ongoing problems with administrative authority, unclear regulations, inadequate funding, inappropriate development within protected areas, a dearth of professional capacity, and more. To address these concerns, since 2001, international nongovernment organizations led by The Nature Conservancy have encouraged various levels of government in China to experiment with an international model of national parks. The government in Yunnan province, the center of China’s biological and cultural diversity, has acted to create a national park experimental system with new administrative bureaus, comprehensive regulations, park master plans, and several national park pilots. We review two of these pilots, Pudacuo National Park and Laojun Mountain National Park, to evaluate whether this park model, as it is being applied in Yunnan, offers an improvement to existing nature reserve regulations and implementation. Though the experiment is in its early stages, issues remain around regulatory authority, community participation, park funding and staff capacity.  相似文献   

Following a request from the Minister of Agriculture of Panama, a long-term plan for six national parks has been prepared for that country. The Volcán Barú proposed national park is of primary interest. IUCN, with financial support from the WWF US National Appeal, organized an ecological reconnaissance of this area. The rare Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) and other unusual wildlife occur there. The higher regions of the volcano are largely covered with primary cloud-forest and is of great geological interest. Protection of the watershed would be an important benefit of the park, as would tourism.  相似文献   

河北沧州国家农业科技园区发展模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国国家农业科技园区从2001年开始建设以来,取得了长足的发展。经过10多年的发展,许多国家农业科技园区成为了区域农业科技创新基地、区域农业新品种新技术新模式的示范基地和先进农业成果的转化基地,为区域粮食增产、农业增效和农民增收作出了重要贡献。但是,不同国家农业科技园区因建设背景、基础条件和发展方向的差异,其存在不同的发展模式,而不同的发展模式均面临一些问题。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,通过分析现有国家农业科技园区的不同发展模式及其存在的问题,结合河北沧州国家农业科技园区总体规划,从建设背景、规划思路、建设目标、功能定位、产业发展分析和功能分区及可实施的发展模式等方面阐述了河北沧州国家农业科技园区的规划思路和发展模式。河北沧州国家农业科技园区的发展模式从组织发展模式、技术运行发展模式和空间布局模式3个方面进行,是以政府引导、协会组织参与和企业(农户)为主体的组织发展模式,以专业合作社、家庭农场和科技示范户为主体的3级并行的技术运行发展模式和以圈层布局模式的核心区、示范区和辐射区的空间布局模式。该园区的组织发展以政府为主导、协会和企业参与成立园区管委会,制定相应的政策,负责园区统一规划、建设和经营。在技术运行方面,通过科技创新园研发和引进先进技术成果然后通过技术站、基地站和科技特派员对专业合作社、家庭农场、科技示范户等不同经营主体进行技术培训和示范推广。最后建立以南皮渤海粮仓试验示范区为核心区,整个沧州市为示范区,环渤海河北、山东、辽宁和天津"三省一市"的辐射区空间布局。  相似文献   

Exploitation of wildlife for meat in the tropics (‘bushmeat’) is a critical threat for biodiversity, particularly in Africa. Here, we investigate the importance of protected areas (National Parks and other forest parks) as sources for the trade by exploring patterns in pricing and condition of bushmeat carcasses. We surveyed carcass prices in a large sample of trading points (87 markets surveyed, over a 35,000 km2 area) in Cameroon and Nigeria in the Cross–Sanaga region of West Africa. We assessed evidence for national parks as the source of animals traded as bushmeat. The study area included rural and urban centers (Calabar, Nigeria, and Douala, Cameroon) close to important protected areas: the Cross River National Park in Nigeria, and Korup National Park in Cameroon. Both parks host very high species diversity, including a range of endemics. Prices increased with distance from national park boundaries, particularly in Cameroon, where parks may be less depleted than in Nigeria. There was evidence that trading points closer to parks were more likely to function as wholesalers, with meat moving onto further trading points, rather than being sold to the end consumer. Carcasses were more often smoked (a treatment aimed at preservation) if they were not sold to their final consumers; smoking was also commoner at larger trading points. Prices were higher close to the road network, where opportunities for further trade were more available. We consider how wildlife harvests in and around protected areas may be managed to minimize depletion of animal populations, and if protected areas may, on the principle of marine no-take zones, be sustainable sources for regulated harvests.  相似文献   

The transformation and degradation of tropical forest is thought to be the primary driving force in the loss of biodiversity worldwide. Developing countries are trying to counter act this massive lost of biodiversity by implementing national parks and biological reserves. Costa Rica is no exception to this rule. National development strategies in Costa Rica, since the early 1970s, have involved the creation of several National Parks and Biological Reserves. This has led to monitoring the integrity of and interactions between these protected areas. Key questions include: “Are these areas' boundaries respected?”; “Do they create a functioning network?”; and “Are they effective conservation tools?”. This paper quantifies deforestation and secondary growth trends within and around protected areas between 1960 and 1997. We find that inside of national parks and biological reserves, deforestation rates were negligible. For areas outside of National Parks and Biological reserves we report that for 1-km buffer zones around such protected areas, there is a net forest gain for the 1987/1997 time period. Thus, it appears that to this point the boundaries of protected areas are respected. However, in the 10-km buffer zones we find significant forest loss for all study periods. This suggests that increasing isolation of protected areas may prevent them from functioning as an effective network.  相似文献   

In forest ecosystems where infrequent, severe fires have been an important process in shaping ecosystem structure, understanding the effects of introduced livestock on post-fire recovery of the vegetation is essential for effective forest resource management and preservation. In Nahuel Huapi National Park in northwestern Patagonia, we studied the effects of livestock on the post-fire recovery of a Nothofagus dombeyi-Austrocedrus chilensis forest that was burned in 1999. We experimentally excluded cattle by fencing plots and compared the vegetation characteristics of fenced and unfenced control plots over a 5-year period. Although cattle did not significantly reduce total plant cover or total species richness, they did reduce maximum heights of woody species including the dominant tree species. Chusquea culeou, a tall understory bamboo, can impede establishment and height growth of the dominant tree species. Although C. culeou accounts for the largest percentage of cattle diet, its mean cover and mean maximum height were not strongly affected by cattle. The reduction in the height growth of seedlings of N. dombeyi and Austrocedrus in the unfenced areas implies that presence of cattle in the recently burned areas may contribute to a post-fire transition from tall forest to bamboo-dominated shrubland that is already widespread in this landscape. Thus, these results provide support for the fencing of recently burned Nothofagus and Austrocedrus forests in the national parks for periods long enough to allow the dominant tree species to grow to heights at which they are no longer severely inhibited by cattle browsing.  相似文献   

The fish fauna of mountain streams in the Jiri (440 km2) and Seorak (373 km2) National Park areas of South Korea was investigated from September 1998 to May 2001. A total of 5979 fish were collected and classified into 22 families and 60 species from both national parks. At Jiri, 30 species in 12 families of fishes were collected, while at Seorak there were 42 species in 17 families. Zacco temmincki [relative abundance (RA) 47.9%] was dominant at both parks. Subdominant species were Rhynchocypris kumkangensis (RA 10.8%), Zacco platypus (RA 9.4%), and Pungtungia herzi (RA 5.3%). A total of 20 species were found to be Korean endemic species, representing seven families. The relative abundance of Korean endemic species was higher at Seorak (30.5%) than Jiri (18.5%). One exotic species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and two species translocated outside their native catchments (Hypomesus nipponensis and Coreoperca herzi) were collected. The proportion of Korean endemic freshwater fish species in both parks (33.3%) was higher than the overall proportion on the Korean peninsula (23.6%). Within the 14 South Korean mountain-area national parks as a whole, larger parks tend to have higher fish diversity. We conclude that South Korean national parks are important for conservation of the regional fish fauna, especially for endemic and endangered species. Current threats to conservation of fishes within South Korean national parks are identified and management solutions are suggested.  相似文献   

Nicaragua, a Central American country, has established two national parks recently and more reserves are in the planning stage. Saslaya National Park, 11,800 ha of virgin tropical rain forest and cloud forest, was established in 1971. Management of the park is as yet minimal, and few data have been collected. Masaya Volcano National Park, 4400 ha, contains an active volcano, a crater lagoon, and lava flows supporting successional stages to the dry deciduous forest. A Master Plan prepared for the area will soon be implemented. An inventory of other potential wildlands is being conducted, from which other reserves will be established. Obstacles to the management of a wildlands system include lack of a responsible government agency, principally, and also lack of trained manpower and funds.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and discusses the consistency and effectiveness of an inexpensive modification of Pollard transects for assessing the diversity and abundance of tropical butterfly communities in two national parks in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To measure butterfly abundance, students walked simultaneous timed transects at the interface of forest and cleared areas. They either counted the number of individuals observed or tabulated the number of specimens collected with nets. After a short training period, the number of butterflies observed or collected on simultaneous transects was statistically indistinguishable among student groups, and there was a significant positive correlation between observation counts and collected number of individuals. As a measure of species richness, the number of butterfly species sampled on each simultaneous transect was tabulated and did not differ statistically. To measure diversity, alpha of the logseries model was calculated for each collected sample, and statistical fit to a logseries model was determined. Although virtually all daily samples and the year's accumulated sample at one park fit the logseries model, about 35% of the daily samples and the entire year's sample did not fit at the other park. Despite these differences between the two parks, values for alpha from daily samples at both parks varied similarly (from 15 to 50 in almost all cases), and values from the entire year's samples were statistically indistinguishable. The repeatability of results among novices, such as students, suggests that timed transects have great promise for furthering our understanding of butterfly community demographics.  相似文献   

The ten National Park Authorities of England and Wales are concerned mainly with landscape conservation and provision for outdoor recreation. Nature conservation is not primary park purpose and only authority has its own nature reserves. Nature conservation purposes are pursued in the parks as elsewhere by the Nature Conservancy Council and by the appropriate County Conservation Trust. The achievements of these two organisations—the former national and governmental, the latter local and voluntary—are compared and contrasted.The number of national Nature Reserves established by the Nature Conservancy nationally assessed. The Conservacy appears to have treated the parks much as it has treated the rest of the country. Local Conservation Trusts have also accorded the parks no more—but also no less—attention than elsewhere. Trust reserves tend to be more or less uniformally distributed throughout the counties of England and Wales. This pattern corresponds with the distribution of Trust members and arises because membership rates tend to be highest in the more rural areas (including the National Parks) where absolute population levels are low. Finally, the National Park Authorities themselves have all but neglected nature conservation purposes in the parks. This lack of interest is consistent with the low priority afforded to nature conservation by local authorities in general and by rural authorities in particular. But whilst past achievements have been slight, future prospects are, by comparison, quite bright.  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) often depend on landscapes surrounding them to maintain flows of organisms, water, nutrients, and energy. Park managers have little authority over the surrounding landscape although land use change and infrastructure development can have major impacts on the integrity of a PA. The need for scientifically-based regional-scale land use planning around protected areas is acute in human-dominated landscapes to balance conservation goals with livelihood needs for fuelwood, fodder, and other ecosystem services. As a first step, we propose the designation of a “zone of interaction” (ZOI) around PAs that encompasses hydrologic, ecological, and socioeconomic interactions between a PA and the surrounding landscape. We illustrate the concept by delineating the ZOI in three Indian PAs - Kanha, Ranthambore, and Nagarahole - using remote sensing, population census, and field data. The ZOI in Ranthambore is three times the size of the park and is largely defined by the socioeconomic interactions with surrounding villages. Ranthambore is located in headwaters and wildlife corridors are largely severed. In Nagarahole, the ZOI is more than seven times larger than the park and includes upstream watershed and elephant corridors. Kanha’s ZOI is approximately four times larger than the park and is mostly defined by contiguous surrounding forest. The three examples highlight the differing extents of ZOIs when applying equivalent criteria, even though all are located in densely-populated landscapes. Quantitative understanding of which activities (e.g. collection of forest products, grazing, road construction, tourism development) and which locations within the ZOI are most crucial to conservation goals will enable improved land use planning around PAs in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Ph, Zn, Mn, Fe) and other elements (Mg, Na, K, Ca) were determined in the samples of Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens from 12 Polish national parks. The significant differences in the concentrations of all heavy metals between particular parks were found. The lowest concentrations of these metals were recorded in the mosses from the national parks in northern Poland, the highest in southern Poland. Significant differences in the heavy metals contents of the mosses between central and peripheral park areas, between green and brown parts of mosses, as well as between moss species were also found.  相似文献   

The Adelaide Metropolitan Development Plan of 1962 set out the policy for guiding the growth of metropolitan Adelaide up to the year 1991. The documents were prepared by the Town Planning Committee and submitted to Parliament in 1962.In preparation of the plan, the Town Planning Committee made an assessment of outdoor active and passive recreation facilities, revealing that the provision of open space was insufficient to meet the future needs of metropolitan Adelaide. It recommended that land suitable for open space should be reserved long before it becomes subject to developmental pressures, and delineated on the plan areas to be set aside as regional parks and major district open spaces.The proposals for regional parks aimed at creating a series of large parks along the eastern margin of Adelaide's expanding urban areas, making use of the Mount Lofty Ranges's scenic beauty and the variation in flora and fauna. Black Hill was one such area delineated. Having an area of approximately 800 ha, it was proposed that it form the nucleus of one of the parks. The land possessed an outstanding cover of native dry sclerophyll forest with fine views of metropolitan Adelaide and the southern ocean. The ruggedness of the site meant that it would be most suitably developed for informal recreation such as bushwalking or picnicking.The potential of the whole area for conservation, education and recreation was recognised in 1973 by the State Government of South Australia, which gave an undertaking to develop Black Hill into a major Australian flora park and bird sanctuary. What follows is a discussion as to how this concept became a reality.  相似文献   

Tourists represent important stakeholders in the management of natural disturbance in protected areas. This study examines tourists’ attitude towards large-scale bark beetle infestation in the case of Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany. Three alternative conceptual models for predicting attitude are specified and compared using structural equation modelling (SEM) and a post-hoc modified model is derived. We find that tourists overall have a neutral attitude towards the bark beetle and are slightly against controlling the insect in the park. Tourists with higher affinity for the national park, better knowledge about the bark beetle and who expect a recovery of the affected areas have a significantly more positive attitude. Our results support a policy of selective non-intervention in the case of natural disturbance. This should be combined with educational measures aimed at raising awareness of the ecological mandate of protected areas and increasing tourists’ knowledge of the specific disturbance.  相似文献   

Three main sources of landscape maintenance and nature conservation in Germany are identified: the British landscape garden, the official conservation activities, and a private association of nature park promoters. Among their achievements are the German Nature Conservation Act of 1935, the establishment of about fifty nature parks and one national park, a well-developed theory and practice of landscape planning, and three university departments of landscape architecture. The three sources, however, have not yet generated one comprehensive stream of activity, and they seem to lack a common basis of work. To overcome these difficulties, the author proposes a landscape strategy based on a pattern of ecosystems in different successional stages. The strategy is derived from the history of land-use in Central Europe and from the resulting Man-Nature relationships. They created a characteristic landscape pattern defined as the ‘European savanna’, the diversity of which provided for a high degree of ecological stability. The diversity can be maintained even in today's land-use, which consists of four main types. In a given area, one of these types is allowed to prevail, but there is repeated inclusion of the three other use-types in a finely-grained mixture. This should result in a diversified make-up of the landscape, which is both productive and ecologically stable enough to provide for an optimum natural environment of balanced Man-Nature relationships.  相似文献   

La Campana, a new Chilean national park, includes examples of all the major biotic communities of central Chile: Nothofagus forest, hygrophilous forest, sclerophyll forest, matorral, bamboo thicket, succulent scrub, high altitude communities, and palm forest. Although the exact boundaries have yet to be determined, the park includes approximately 15,000 ha, and lies less than 75 km from both Santiago and Valparaiso. The unique natural features of the park are discussed and the current movement to support its development are described.  相似文献   



Forests play a key role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling. Fire is a global phenomenon occurring in many forest ecosystems, which has several environmental and ecological effects. The objective of this review was to improve our understanding of the effect of fire on soil gross N transformations in forest ecosystems.

Methods and results

We have reviewed the published studies using 15N pool dilution technique with analytical data analysis method to study the effect of fires on gross N transformations in forest ecosystems. Wildfires increased gross N mineralization rates in the short term and the effect disappeared from 3 years after the fire, while the effect of prescribed fires disappeared from 2 years after the burning. Both wildfires and prescribed fires reduced gross nitrification in the short term, while their effects varied from 6 months following the burning.


The different responses of gross N transformations to the fires in forest ecosystems depended on many factors including forest types, the intensity and frequency of fires, the time elapsed between the fires and sampling events, incubation conditions (field or laboratory incubation), climatic conditions and so on. In view of many factors influencing the effect of fires on gross N transformations, more comprehensive studies with physical, chemical, microbial and ecological characterization are needed to improve our knowledge about the effect of fires on soil gross N transformations and then N cycling in forest ecosystems.

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