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Two experiments were conducted to determine whether exposure to a photoperiod of artificial long days in autumn increased milk yield in subtropical goats milked once (Exp. I) or twice daily (Exp. II). In Exp. I, starting at d 10 of lactation, 1 group of does was kept under naturally decreasing photoperiod (DD1X; n = 8), whereas the other group was submitted to an artificial photoperiod of long days (LD1X; n = 8; 16 h light:8 h darkness). The kids were weaned 28 d after parturition, and dams were manually milked once daily. Milk yield and milk components (fat, protein, and lactose) were assessed up to 140 d of lactation. From d 0 to 28 of lactation (suckling phase), mean daily milk yield did not differ between DD1X and LD1X goats (2.3 ± 0.2 kg vs. 2.4 ± 0.2 kg; P = 0.717). However, between d 29 and 84 (early milking phase), mean daily milk yield was greater in LD1X does than in DD1X does (2.6 ± 0.1 kg vs. 2.1 ± 0.1 kg; P = 0.001). Finally, between d 85 and 140 (late milking phase), mean daily milk yield was greater in LD1X goats than in DD1X goats (P ≤ 0.05) only during the first 2 wk. In Exp. II, one group of goats was exposed to a photoperiod of naturally decreasing days (DD2X; n = 8) and another group was submitted to an artificial photoperiod of long days (LD2X; n = 7). In both groups, kids were weaned on d 28 of lactation and the dams were manually milked twice daily. During the nursing phase, mean daily milk yield did not differ between the DD2X and LD2X groups (2.5 ± 0.3 kg vs. 2.6 ± 0.2 kg; P = 0.767). In the early milking phase, mean daily milk yield was greater in LD2X than in DD2X goats (3.3 ± 0.2 kg vs. 2.8 ± 0.2 kg; P = 0.022), whereas during the late milking phase, milk yield did not differ between the 2 groups (P = 0.946). In both experiments, milk composition was not significantly influenced by exposure to long-day photoperiod. We conclude that, in subtropical female goats that start lactation in late autumn, exposure to an artificial long-day photoperiod stimulates milk yield, even if goats are milked once daily. In addition, combining exposure to long days with twice-daily milking will increase further milk yield in such goats without affecting milk components.  相似文献   

Weekly milk samples were taken from mammary halves from 30 goats from 8 different herds each with from 2 to 5 experimental animals throughout their lactation periods. The physiological variations in the cell counts of goats milk during lactation were investigated by a projection microscope. Only small variations were found in the average cell counts in milk samples from goats in the same herd, but big variations from one herd to another (Table I and Fig. 3.). The curves of the average cell counts in milk samples of 5 herds showed a rise at the beginning of the season at pasture (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). Also in the housed periods the cell count showed transitory rises. The herd with the lowest average cell count (220,000/ml) was milked by an ordinary bucket milking system, while the herd with the highest average cell count (1,490,000/ml) was milked by a pipeline milking system. Five herds milked by machine had an average cell count of 720,000/ml and three herds milked by hand 540,000/ml. All the herds in the material had an average cell count of 680,000/ml.  相似文献   

Goats are important in the low-input systems of West Africa and their main importance lies in their role for income and saving. In addition, it is known that milk offtake for home consumption is also important. In order to obtain information about the real importance of milk offtake, a recording scheme was operated in 27 villages in the Central River Division of The Gambia from July 1998 until January 2000. Detailed information was obtained from about 1500 kiddings. In the recording scheme, any sheep being milked as well as the goats of the International Trypanotolerance Centre nucleus flock were also recorded. In the villages, 36% of all lactations were used for milk offtake, but the fraction milked was lower for the first two lactations. The average length of lactation was 127 days and the average daily milk offtake was 0.18 L. Goats are milked once a day and the residual milk is left for the kids. Milking starts about one week after parturition and stops when the goat becomes pregnant or the kid(s) die or the goat is drying off. The repeatability of the 90-day milk offtake was 0.24 ± 0.09. Sixty-five percent of goat owner were women and a large fraction of goat owners also owned cattle. Goat milk was used exclusively for home consumption. It is concluded that in breeding and extension work more attention should be given to aspects of milk production.  相似文献   

Forty female goats in the third parity were randomly divided into four similar groups. The experiment was started 20 days before mating and lasted until the end of the suckling period for 60 days and weaning their kids. The first group were fed diet without supplementation and kept as control while in the second, third and fourth groups, each doe was fed diets with rumen protected choline (RPC) at the rate of 10, 20 and 40 g/day, respectively. Results showed that number of doe kidding twins and triplets and litter weight of kids born per group increased with increasing the level of RPC in the diet of goats and viability rate of born kids during the suckling period improved due to RPC supplementation in the diets of their mothers. Duration of estrous, days from weaning to estrous, days from kidding to estrous and kidding interval decreased significantly, while conception rate increased due to adding RPC. Milk choline concentrations and total choline secretion though milk were progressively increased significantly with increasing the level of RPC supplementation. Live body weight and daily body gain of their suckling male and female kids at weaning increased significantly with increasing RPC levels in the diets of their mothers.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to investigate whether increasing milking frequency for a short period (21 days) increases milk yield and milk components and improves udder health throughout lactation in Turkish Saanen goats. Two groups were formed (control, n = 14, treatment, n = 14); balanced by parity, bodyweight and birth type to make them homogenous. Feeding and management practices were the same for both groups. The treatment group was milked four times a day (4×) for 21 days after weaning whereas the control group was milked twice a day (2×). All the animals were milked twice daily thereafter. The pyronin methyl green stain method was used to estimate the somatic cell count (SCC), which is an indication of udder health. This method provided a count that excluded RNA and background noise while including cells with DNA. Repeated measures analyses indicated that overall differences between the 2× and 4× groups were significant for the morning, evening and total test day milk yields, in that values for the 4× group were increased 14.7, 8.8 and 12.1%, respectively. Differences between the groups for SCC were not significant. The results of this study indicate that increasing milking frequency to 4×, even for a short time (21 days), increases overall milk yield throughout lactation in dairy goats.  相似文献   

To determine milk yield and composition, total microbic count (TMC) and somatic cell count (SCC) of browsing goats throughout the first lactation, 100 goats of Sarda breed, equally distributed in four flocks (F1, F2, F3 and F4), were selected. They were exclusively fed pasture and hand‐milked once daily. Individual milk samples and daily milk yield were taken from each goat at monthly intervals, from March to July. Milk samples were analyzed for: total protein, fat, lactose, urea, freezing point (FP), pH, TMC and SCC. The data was subjected to analysis of variance and to correlation matrix. On the whole, in all the flocks, milk yield showed the highest production in April and May. Fat content increased (P < 0.01) throughout the lactation. Protein content showed the lowest value (P < 0.01) in June (4.15%). Urea and pH values were fluctuating. FP was lower (P < 0.01) at the start of lactation (?0.562 Hortvet degrees). TMC log10 values were low, considering the hand milking and inadequacy of facilities on the farms. SCC increased (P < 0.01) throughout the lactation and, on the whole, SCC and TMC were not correlated.  相似文献   

Transmission and control of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus was isolated from goat milk and transmitted most efficiently to kids through both milk and colostrum. In addition, it appeared that transmissions through other secretions of the doe occurred, but were less important than transmission in milk and colostrum. Intrauterine infection may have occurred in 2 of 32 cesarean-derived goats, but postpartum horizontal transmission could not be ruled out. Transmission by the aerosol route was not demonstrated, and even short-term direct contact between virus-infected bucks and virus-free does during breeding did not result in transmission. Prolonged direct contact for over 12 months between weaned cesarean-derived goats and virus-infected goats was necessary before horizontal transmission could be demonstrated under nondairy conditions. However, when uninfected does were milked with infected does, a high percentage became infected in less than 10 months. Heat inactivation (56 C) reduced approximately 10(5) median tissue culture infective doses of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus to below titratable levels, and virus was not transmitted to kids fed virus-infected colostrum that had been heated at 56 C for 1 hour. A program of eradication is discussed in which kids are removed from their dams at birth, fed safe sources of colostrum and milk, and isolated from other goats until weaning.  相似文献   

A functional herd dynamics model was developed to estimate the effect of culling age on milk and meat production for Japanese-Saanen goats in relation to changes in prices of milk and meat. The model simulates life cycle production of bucks and does and their kids. Every production trait is first modelled as an individual trait and thereafter as a trait in the herd using a herd dynamics model. At the individual level, the survival curve function, the litter size function and the production traits function are combined. Data on growth and lactation were used to fit growth and lactation curves to estimated parameters using non-linear least squares regression technique and used in the production traits function. Using herd dynamics, the individual level functions are combined with the total number of animals function to estimate the total herd output and income efficiency at the herd level. Here, variables of culling days including the effect of difference in meat price value among goat categories (bucks, does, male kids and female kids) are used. Analysis of interrelations among the culling days of does, the price ratio and the income efficiency indicated that optimal culling days of does was shortened with an increase in the price ratio of meat to milk. However, when meat price value was different among goat categories according to actual situation of Japanese goat production, the optimal culling days of does could be fixed regardless of the change in price ratio and was calculated as 1730 days. This functional herd dynamics model can aid in decision-making regarding culling under several situations especially when there is a wide fluctuation in prices at local markets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to elucidate, whether the impaired insulin sensitivity with regard to glucose utilisation in ruminating goats compared with suckling goat kids may be due to a reduced expression of the glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT4 in skeletal muscle. Muscle samples were removed from red, oxidative muscles (M. masseter, diaphragm) and white, glycolytic muscles (M. longissimus dorsi, and M. semitendinosus) of five goat kids fed with milk exchanger and nine adult goats of different stages of life. Samples were analysed for their GLUT1 and GLUT4 contents. The muscles were characterised metabolically by measuring the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) and of lactate dehydrogenase. In all four analysed muscles the GLUT4 contents of adult goats were significantly (p < 0.05) lower than in goat kids. Significant differences concerning the GLUT4 contents in skeletal muscles were not detected in adult goats of different stages of life. The GLUT1 contents differed to a lower extend between goat kids and adult goats. The results of this investigation indicate that the impaired insulin sensitivity of adult compared with suckling ruminants is accompanied by or leads to a decreased GLUT4 expression.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effect of suckling regime on calf growth and milk yield and offtake of zebu cattle in Mali, 59 zebu cow–calf pairs were allocated to suckling regimes: RI, cows were milked completely and the milk was bottle-fed ad libitum to their calves; RII, calves were suckled ad libitum by their dams prior to milking; RIII, cows were milked partially then allowed to suckle their calves; RIV, ad libitum suckling of calves prior to milking during the first three months of lactation and partial milking prior to suckling thereafter. The highest lactation milk yield (1150.6 kg) and offtake (647.6 kg), but the poorest calf growth (261 g/d to weaning) were observed in RIII. RIV significantly improved calf growth, 310 g/d, while allowing a milk offtake of 294.4 kg.  相似文献   

Goat kids from a herd endemically infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) virus were raised according to 3 methods. One group of ten goat kids was removed from infected does at birth before suckling or licking by the doe could occur (snatch birth technique). Kids were fed on goat colostrum, which had been heated to 57 degrees C for ten minutes and then held in a thermos flask for one hour. Subsequently the kids were fed reconstituted spray dried cows' milk powder. They were raised apart from infected goats with separation maintained by a wire fence. Contact occurred across-the-fence. Passively acquired serum antibody to CAE virus was detected in some kids at two to three months of age. Nine of the ten goats were negative for serum antibody to CAE virus when tested at 5-6, 9 and 12 months of age. One goat was positive at three and nine months of age but was negative when tested at 12 months of age. A second group of four kids was removed at birth and fed heat-treated goat colostrum, followed by milk from CAE virus-infected does. All four kids became infected with CAE virus; they developed serum antibody to CAE virus between 5-6 and 9 months of age. A third group of two kids was not removed from their infected dams. Both kids were infected at 5-6 and 9 months of age.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted on Martina Franca jennies. Experiment 1 tested Wood's model for evaluating the lactation curve. Data from the entire lactation period of 12 jennies were used. The results showed that Wood's model was able to recognize the shape of the lactation curve from pooled data (r(2) = 0.11; P < 0.01), with the lactation peak occurring at 48 d. Individual curves showed wide variability. Experiment 2 aimed to evaluate the effects of the daily number of milkings (1, 3, or 6) and the interval between the separation of foals from dams and milking (2 or 3 h) on milk yield and udder health. Four groups of jennies (n = 5) were considered: 1 × 3H, milked once per day (1×) with a 3-h interval from the time of foal removal (3H) from the dams to mechanical milking (3-h interval); 3 × 3H, milked 3 times per day with 3-h intervals; 3 × 2H, milked 3 times per day with 2-h intervals; and 6 × 2H, milked 6 times per day with 2-h intervals. The milk somatic cell count (SCC) was monitored. Better efficiency was observed for 3 vs. 1 milking per day and for 3-h vs. 2-h intervals. The regimen of 6 daily milkings at 2-h intervals did not increase milk yield and was related to an increase in the SCC compared with 3 daily milkings. In Exp. 3, the effects of the interval from foal removal to milking (3, 5, or 8 h) on yield, gross chemical composition, organoleptic characteristics of the milk, and udder health of the jennies were evaluated. The effects of milking time were also evaluated. Twenty jennies milked twice daily (2×) were subdivided into 4 groups (n = 5): 2 × 3H, with milkings at 1200 h and 1900 h and an interval of 3 h; 2 × 5H, milked at 1200 h and 1900 h with a 5-h interval; 2 × 8H(1), milked at 1200 h and 2200 h with an 8-h interval; and 2 × 8H(2), milked at 0700 h and 1900 h with an 8-h interval. Milk yield was greater by 28.4% when an 8-h interval was used compared with a 3-h interval and at the morning vs. the evening milking. The milk yield per milking was greatest at 0700 h, indicating the existence of a circadian rhythm in milk secretion processes. Intervals of 5 and 8 h caused significant decreases in the fat and lactose content and organoleptic characteristics of the milk, whereas an 8-h interval led to an increase in the SCC. In conclusion, a milking regimen of twice-daily milking at 0700 h and 1900 h with an 8-h interval provided the maximum yield per day. In terms of milk quality, a 3-h interval yielded the best results.  相似文献   



Suckling can be a peaceful or vulnerable event for goats and kids, whereas, separation is suggested as stressful. The aim of this study was to investigate physiology and behaviour in these two different situations in dairy goats.


Four studies were performed with seven goats kept with their first-born kid in individual boxes. The goats were videotaped and heart rate and arterial blood pressure were recorded every minute by telemetry from parturition until 24 hours after separation. One to two days after parturition, Study 1 was performed with analyses of heart rate and blood pressure around a suckling. In Study 2, performed 3-5 days after parturition, blood sampling was done before, during and after suckling. Study 3 was performed 4-6 days post partum, with blood sampling before and after a permanent goat and kid separation. In addition, vocalisations were recorded after separation. Blood samples were obtained from a jugular vein catheter and analysed for plasma cortisol, β-endorphin, oxytocin, and vasopressin concentrations. Study 4 was performed during the first (N1) and second nights (N2) after parturition and the nights after Study 2 (N3) and 3 (N4). Heart rate, blood pressure and time spent lying down were recorded.


The kids suckled 2 ± 0.2 times per hour and each suckling bout lasted 43 ± 15 s. In Study 1, heart rate and blood pressure did not change significantly during undisturbed suckling. In Study 2, plasma cortisol (P ≤ 0.05 during suckling and P ≤ 0.01 five minutes after suckling) and β-endorphin (P ≤ 0.05) concentrations increased during suckling, but oxytocin and vasopressin concentrations did not change. In Study 3, the goats and kids vocalised intensively during the first 20 minutes after separation, but the physiological variables were not affected. In Study 4, heart rate and arterial blood pressure declined gradually after parturition and were lowest during N4 (P ≤ 0.05) when the goats spent longer time lying down than during earlier nights (P ≤ 0.01 during N1 and N3 and P ≤ 0.05 during N2).


Suckling elevated plasma cortisol and β-endorphin concentrations in the goats. The intensive vocalisation in the goats after separation, earlier suggested to indicate stress, was not accompanied by cardiovascular or endocrine responses.  相似文献   

本文分析研究了西农萨能奶山羊、英国萨能奶山羊和关中奶山羊末乳中脂肪、乳糖、蛋白质、总干物质、灰分及钙和磷的含量及其变化,同时也对3个被试品种羊奶中氨基酸含量进行了测定。研究结果表明末乳中 pH 值、灰分和蛋白质含量达到整个泌乳期最高水平,而酸度和乳糖含量则较低.蛋白质含量高于脂肪含量。3个品种间氨基酸含量基本相近。山羊奶里酪蛋白中谷氨酸与组氨酸的比值明显高于牛奶.这是山羊奶酪蛋白的特点之一。山羊奶中游离氨基酸含量明显高于牛奶。  相似文献   

Multi-trait analyses were carried out to quantify the (co)variation in meat production traits in Zaraibi goats. The data were obtained from a research station. There were birth weight records on 6610 kids, of which 5970 and 5237 had also pre-and postweaning gain record, respectively. The kids were progeny of 115 bucks and 1387 does, which had altogether 3603 litter size and milk yield records in different parities and which were daughters of 109 sires and 721 dams. Single-trait analyses were carried out as preliminary to a three-trait (litter size, birth weight, early growth) and five-trait (litter size, milk and growth traits) analyses. The analyses containing birth weight data required the highest number of iteration rounds in estimating the variance components using AI REML. The maternal genetic component was important for the genetic variation of birth weight and preweaning gain. In general, direct heritability was low (0.03–0.12) for growth traits, possibly due to the low-input environment. The estimates on genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects within these traits indicated mostly favourable relationship. Genetic antagonism was found between birth weight and early growth. Heritability (repeatability) for 90-day and total milk yield was 0.16–0.23 and 0.23–0.24 (0.28 and 0.39–0.40), respectively and 0.04–0.05 (0.10–0.11) for litter size. The genetic correlation between 90-day (total) milk yield and litter size was 0.45 (0.22). The correlation between the milk yield and the maternal genetic effects for the preweaning gain was very high (0.94). Selection schemes aiming to improve meat (litter size and growth) and milk production simultaneously are feasible. The increased milk production serves also for the acceleration of early growth in kids.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to investigate if increasing milking frequency for a short period of 3 weeks had any effects on the persistency of milk yield and the persistency of the somatic cell score (SCS). The methyl green–pyronin method was used for the direct microscopic SCS, converted to SCS for the analyses. Two groups were formed (control, n = 14 and treatment, n = 14). The treatment group was milked four times a day for 3 weeks after weaning. Both groups were milked twice a day outside this 3‐week period, throughout lactation. For the milk yield, persistencies were higher in the treatment group when the distance between the test days was equal to or less than 3 months. The exact opposite was true for the SCS; that is, the treatment group had higher persistencies when the distance between the test days was more than 3 months. Overall, persistencies related to milk yield were higher than persistencies related to SCS. For fat corrected milk yield, treatment persistencies were always higher than the control group persistencies, regardless of the distance between the tests. The same was true for the fat content. Increasing milking frequency for a short period of time (3 weeks) after weaning may help to increase the persistency of the milk yield, fat corrected milk yield and fat content. A 3‐D plot of least squares means indicated that the milk yield tended to show a classical lactation curve in lower SCS values while forming an unstable curve in higher SCS values.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to 1) determine milk yield of sows that were machine milked up to four times daily; 2) determine the effect of pig substitution on milk yield; 3) assess litter weight changes for sows that are milked; and 4) determine milk composition. Eight sows were milked four times daily to d 51 postpartum. Sows either maintained their own litter or had a week-old replacement litter to replace 25-d-old pigs. Individual gland milk yields were obtained on random days throughout lactation, and different diameter and weighted teat cups were rotated so that all glands received all combinations. Composite milk samples were analyzed for fat, protein, and somatic cells. Milk yields peaked at about 19 d postpartum and declined to 45 d postpartum in sows with their own litter, whereas milk yields peaked earlier and had a more dramatic decline after fostering of a younger litter. Litter weights were 17.1 +/- 1.0 kg at farrowing with 13.6 +/- .6 pigs born alive. Final litter weights were 34.4 +/- 11.7 kg for sows with replacement litters and 74.4 +/- 13.5 kg for sows with their own litters, and numbers of pigs weaned were 6.5 +/- 1.3 and 9.7 +/- 1.5, respectively. Milk fat was influenced by route of oxytocin administration (6.53 +/- .12 for i.v. vs 7.21 +/- .19% for i.m. administration; P < .05). Milk fat percentage was highest on d 2 and declined to 13 d postpartum. Milk protein was influenced by time of day of milking (lowest at the fourth milking, 5.57 +/- .11%) and followed a pattern similar to that for milk fat. Milk protein was affected in a linear manner by milk yield, with highest protein associated with lowest milk yields. Somatic cells in milk were influenced by litter replacement (P < .05) and oxytocin administration (P < .01). There was a linear increase in somatic cells from about 8 x 10(6) cells/mL milk at d 2 to more than 12 x 10(6) cells/mL milk at d 51 postpartum. These results show that pig replacement affects the amount of milk obtained. Moreover, milk composition changes throughout lactation. However, milk removal from sows has a severe impact on litter weight gains, and in systems where sow's milk is needed for commercial purposes, pig supplementation is necessary.  相似文献   

This study has been carried out in the Western Mediterranean Region of Turkey on seven different Honamli goat flocks. The aim of this study was to determine the growth characters, survival rate (till weaning, 105th day), some reproductive characteristics and marketable milk yield. The data were collected from 516 does and 210 kids (125 buckling and 85 doelings). The results indicate that the numbers of multiple birth and litter size were 32.8 % and 1.35 respectively. Survival rates of kids at the 30th, 90th, and 105th days were 98.5, 97.2, and 97.2?%, respectively. The average birth weight for the buckling and doelings was 4.1 and 3.7?kg, respectively. The average weaning weights for buckling and doelings were 26.9 and 23.4?kg, respectively. The effects of dams?? age, on sex and birth type on the growth of Honamli kids were statistically significant (p?<?0.05, p?<?0.01, and p?<?0.001). While the diameters of erythrocytes of Honamli goats are smaller, the density of hemoglobin in the erythrocytes is more than Asian, Indian, and American caprine breeds. The average lactation length and marketable milk yield was assessed to be at 210.3?days and was 89?L, respectively. The growth characteristics of Honamli kids at weaning age were assessed to be higher than most of the other goat breeds in Turkey. The results further indicated that there is a significant variation in the production traits among the different Honamli goat flocks. Production traits of Honamli goats at different breeding conditions should further be investigated to come to a definite conclusion.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the concentration and expression of lactoferrin (LF) in cows selected for once a day (OAD) milking compared to twice a day (TAD) milking. Milk samples were collected from the Massey University TAD and OAD herds. Milk traits and expression of LF and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) were analyzed with a general linear model that included the fixed effects of milking frequency, lactation number, interaction between milking frequency and lactation number, and as covariates proportion of F, heterosis F × J and deviation from the herd median calving date. Cows milked OAD produced milk with higher (p < .01) concentrations of protein and lactose than TAD milked cows. Compared to TAD cows, cows milked OAD had higher expression of the LF gene (1.40 vs. 1.29 folds, p = .03) and the IGF‐1 gene (1.69 vs. 1.48 folds, p = .007). The correlation between the expression of LF gene and the concentration of LF in milk was strong (r = .66 p < .001), but the correlation between the expression of the IGF‐1 gene and LF concentration was stronger (r = .94, p < .001). These results suggest that milking frequency affects the milk composition and expression of milk composition genes at early lactation.  相似文献   

The present work was aimed at evaluating the effects of maternal exposure to potassium cyanide (KCN) during lactation in goats. Twenty-seven lactating female goats were orally dosed with 0 (control), 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 mg KCN/kg body weight/day from lactation days 0 to 90. After this period, all male kids and one mother from each group were killed for a pathological study. Cyanide treatment promoted the clinical signs of maternal toxicity in the highest KCN group but did not affect body weight. Both cyanide and thiocyanate presented increased levels in both dams and kids from the treated groups. Microscopic lesions, but without alterations on the biochemical panel, were found in the brain, thyroid, liver, and kidneys of both dams and kids from the treated groups. These findings suggest that lactating offspring can be indirectly intoxicated by maternal exposure to cyanide.  相似文献   

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