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生物多样性是自然发展过程中形成的一种自然状态,也是自然可持续发展的重要基础。本文对兰坪生物多样性的现状以及保护生物多样性的措施进行分析和探讨,旨在保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

娄军玲 《花卉》2017,(4):81-82
林业作为生态建设的主体和生态文明建设的主要承担者,肩负着建设和保护森林生态系统、保护和恢复湿地生态系统、治理和改善荒漠生态系统及维护生物多样性、弘扬生态文明的重要职责。加强生态建设,维护生态安全,是21世纪人类面临的共同主题,也是我国经济社会可持续发展的重要基础。林业发展应以生态建设为主,扎扎实实打好基础,稳步发展,不断探索,不断创新,营造理想的人居环境,实现人类与自然和谐共存。  相似文献   

冯玉能 《广西园艺》2010,21(2):44-45
乡土树种具有严格的地域性、独特的群落结构、复杂的生态系统和自然的景观特色,是区域植被的基本组成单元。合理地利用乡土树种,科学地进行物种规划和有意识地建造生态廊道是生物多样性保护的基础,而自然植被的重点保护,乡土树种的合理应用则是城市生物多样性保护的前提。  相似文献   

浅议生物多样性保护思维下的生态旅游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛丹  哀建国  殷倩  宋哲岳 《北方园艺》2012,(11):198-202
简要介绍了有关生物多样性保护的相关会议与议题,概述了生态旅游等相关概念,从农业观光、森林浴、文化保存等方面系统阐述了生态旅游与可持续发展的关系,认为生态旅游既符合旅游业发展趋势,又是生物多样性保护和旅游业可持续发展的最佳契合点,也是有效解决当前农业发展中深层次矛盾的需要,对于转变农业与农村经济发展方式、推动农村经济的发展和文化繁荣、促进国民经济健康发展具有极大的积极影响,是促进生态文明建设、恢复人类与自然之间的友好共生关系的有效途径。  相似文献   

农业生物多样性是一个社会与自然相互作用的区域综合体内人类文化多样性与自然生物多样性相互作用的产物,它是以自然多样性为基础,以人类的生存和发展需求为目的,以生产生活为动力的一个新科学概念。它是人类未来产业发展和资源开发最直接的战略性种质资源库和国家生物安全的重要组成部分,  相似文献   

罗启亮 《现代园艺》2022,(3):182-183
国家森林公园是自然保护地中的精华,是天然的物种基因库、缤纷多彩的生物世界、自然的珍藏。构建以国家森林公园为主体的自然保护地体系,要突出国家森林公园的首要地位。建设国家森林公园,要坚持生态保护优先,突出生态系统整体保护和系统修复,按照山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体理念,保护国家森林公园和自然生态系统的原真性和完整性,保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

浅谈城市园林绿化中的生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
城市园林绿化建设是城市生态环境建设的主体。保护和增加生物多样性是城市绿化建设的目的之一,也是提高其生态功能的主要手段。本文概述了城市绿化建设中保护和增加生物多样性的必要性,探索了生物多样性保护的有效途径。  相似文献   

在分析研究国内外有关群落生态设计对于生物多样性影响的相关研究成果的基础上,以金堂县滨水护岸自然缓坡式与混凝土式的生态群落保护与营建为例,提出不同护岸条件下群落生态设计的途径与方法.通过群落生态设计,使城市生态绿地稳定、协调地发展,从而创建稳定、和谐的近自然群落,同时也达到丰富生物多样性的目的.  相似文献   

从生物多样性保护浅谈我国森林保护与利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆少龄 《现代园艺》2011,(5):104-105
森林是物种多样性最丰富的区域,森林对生物多样性具有重要影响。但我国森林总量不足、质量不高、分布不均、结构不良,局部生态环境有所改善而整体恶化的趋势未能有效地控制,严重威胁着生物多样性。因此,采取有效对策,保护和利用好现有森林,对保护我国生物多样性具有重大意义。文章就生物多样性保护角度从8个方面分析了我国森林保护与利用应采取的对策。  相似文献   

生物多样性水平是一个地区生态环境建设的重要标志之一。在分析大同市生物多样性现状的基础上,提出了生物多样性保护的对策,使生物多样性得到切实保护,实现大同市生态系统的良性循环和发展。  相似文献   

周曙  吴淑平 《中国园艺文摘》2012,(6):110-111,132
从东西方美学以及哲学自然观角度,分析法式古典园林中的"现代设计观"在中国传统观念下产生的审美经验,得出两国在传统园林审美方面的差异,并分析这种差异下法式风格在中国现今园林设计中可能存在的消极反应,了解其顾虑存在的原因,有助于我国现代园林建设中更好地吸收和融合外来园林文化。  相似文献   

This paper reviews biotope mapping methods in nature conservation and shows that the perspectives of biotope mapping have changed from protection of valuable biotopes for rare and endangered species to a modern nature conservation strategy, i.e. maintaining and increasing biodiversity as a component of human daily life. Two key issues of biotope mapping are highlighted: how to increase the chances of people having contact with urban biodiversity based on biotope mapping, and how to develop an effective method of biotope mapping in order to obtain much more urban biodiversity information. It is found that comprehensive surveys of all land parcels are important in urban biotope mapping, and especially investigation of small-scale biotopes close to people’s living places that still have potential biodiversity value. Many studies show that there is a close relation between vegetation structure and biodiversity. A modified biotope classification method integrated with structural variables is proposed for biotope mapping as a basis for urban biodiversity development.  相似文献   

Conserving urban biodiversity is often promoted as a ‘win-win’ nature-based solution that can help align public health and biodiversity conservation agendas. Yet, research on the relationship between biodiversity and psychological well-being reveals inconsistent and complex results. This body of research is also restricted to a few socio-cultural and environmental contexts and tends to ignore differences in individual characteristics, such as nature relatedness (i.e., emotional affinity to nature) and ecological knowledge, that can influence people’s experience of biodiversity. The aim of this interdisciplinary research is to explore the relationships between biodiversity and psychological well-being, and test the moderating effect of nature relatedness and ecological knowledge on these relationships. An ecological survey was conducted in 24 small urban gardens in Israel to measure the richness and abundance of birds, butterflies and plants, as well as land cover characteristics. In parallel, a social survey (close-ended questionnaires) was conducted in-situ to measure psychological well-being, nature relatedness, ecological knowledge, perceived species richness and socio-demographic variables. Psychological well-being measures were mostly associated with the cover of woody species, perceived species richness, and to a lesser extent, with actual species richness and abundance, for all taxa. Nature relatedness moderated these relationships. Respondents with high nature relatedness demonstrated positive well-being-richness relationships, while those with intermediate, or low nature relatedness showed no, or even negative relationships, respectively. Opposite relationships were recorded for bird abundance. Overall, individuals demonstrated poor ecological knowledge and this variable moderated only few relations between well-being measures, perceived butterfly richness and bird abundance. Our results demonstrate that one-size-does-not-fit-all when considering the relationship between psychological well-being and biodiversity, and that affinity to nature is a key moderator for this relationship. Designing urban green spaces that provide inclusive and meaningful nature experiences and foster emotional affinity to nature, is therefore key to aligning ecological and social objectives for sustainable urban planning.  相似文献   

The replacement of natural environments with urban centers has increased the distance between people and nature, which generates an indifference and apathy towards natural areas. Such a phenomenon is particularly concerning when children are involved because they represent future generations. In the present study, we investigated the effect of ‘contact with a forest’ versus ‘no contact with a forest’ on the knowledge of biodiversity in children under the same socioeconomic and educational conditions. We recruited 267 children for our study; 110 children maintained contact with a forest, while 157 had no contact with an urban forest. We encouraged the children to express their knowledge of the natural environment through drawings. Our results showed that contact with a forest granted children greater knowledge of the native animals, but it did not seem to affect their knowledge of the vegetation. However, the lack of contact with a forest caused the children to give greater importance to human components as part of the forest. Proximity to a natural area, even in an urban environment, seems to help draw attention to its components and sets the groundwork for knowledge construction. Hence, it is highly important to encourage contact between urban children and natural environments, as it enables future generations to have a better connection with nature, which is essential for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

由于高速城市化引发的一系列生态环境问题,导致城市生物多样性急剧降低,城市生物多样性的保护已成为全世界关注的焦点问题和人类实现可持续发展过程中面临的首要任务。鉴于生物多样性面临的严峻局面,我国各级政府都纷纷采取措施,致力于生物多样性的保护与可持续利用工作,制定了一系列生物多样性保护行动计划与规划,为城市的生物多样性保护和生态建设提供依据和保证。  相似文献   

While the ecological mechanisms involved in biodiversity loss within urban environments are widely studied, the literature often overlooks its social-ecological drivers. One of these drivers is the relationship between perceptions and representations of ecosystems and species within specific residential contexts. This study therefore aims to address the following questions: how do residents perceive biodiversity in relation to their social representation of nature within specific residential environments? Are there differences in the social representation and perception of greenspace types and species based on residents' demographic attributes (gender and age) and characteristics of their place of residence (district and housing types)? Through a quantitative survey and the analysis of 148 responses from Lausanne residents using textometry, cartography, and inferential statistics, this research demonstrates two main findings. Firstly, it confirms that the perception of species remains limited, which aligns with previous scholarly work. Secondly, it reveals that the social representations of nature and biodiversity can either correlate with or be disconnected from the perceptual process at the ecosystem level, depending on the residents' living environments. The impact of residential environments on biodiversity perception and representations is discussed, along with the implications of iconic biodiversity traps for raising public awareness about biodiversity preservation in cities.  相似文献   

Globally, biodiversity offsetting is used to balance negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by exploitation. In Sweden, there is an increasing interest in biodiversity offsetting in urban planning. However, there is limited understanding about the use of the concept in a municipal context. This study aims to examine and critically reflect on the uptake and use of biodiversity offsetting at a strategic level in urban planning in Sweden. We study urban planning documents, and included Sweden’s 290 municipalities in the study. The result shows that more than 50% of Sweden’s municipalities mention biodiversity offsetting in their planning documents, targeting both regulatory offsetting of protected areas and voluntary offsetting of urban green space. The uptake is highest in urban areas experiencing high exploitation pressure, and many municipalities include both biodiversity and ecosystem services in their strategic work with offsetting. Most municipalities do not relate to the mitigation hierarchy (avoid, minimize, restore, offset), nor the goal of no net loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. There is an ambiguity in the translation between losses and offsets, i.e. what type of offsetting (like-for-(un)like), what replacement ratios, and where to place the offsets. Few municipalities have developed processes, guidelines, strategic plans, etc., to integrate offsetting into the planning process. We conclude that the uptake of biodiversity offsetting is substantial, but with a fragmented, and often immature use in relation to ecological knowledge, and the planning process. We argue that, to develop biodiversity offsetting into an approach that delivers sound outcomes for nature and people in urban planning, municipalities must have a capacity in terms of organisational structures and resources.  相似文献   

Urban greenery in cities is important for human health, for resilient and sustainable cities, and for flora and fauna. The importance of urban greenery is highlighted in numerous global, national and local policies. However, the rapid increase of urban sprawl and densification globally has reduced access, availability and quality of urban greenery. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), cities “do not know how to incorporate nature and nature contribution to people into city planning”. Perhaps this limitation is because urban planners, architects, landscape architects (urban designers) and urban ecologist (nature conservationist) view nature in cities differently. In addition, few studies on cities focus on nature and ecology. In this paper, we highlight the need to develop new designs and nature conservation approaches that promote biodiversity in cities. Science fiction (SF) and science have a history of inspiring each other and inspiring innovative solutions. For example, SF blockbusters have affected people’s engagement in climate change. Here, we evaluate how 44 of the most viewed American SF movies depict nature in cities, including diversity of species and how characters interact with nature. We reveal that these movies tend to ignore nature in their depictions of future cities. If nature is depicted in SF it is very similar to contemporary cities with monoculture lawns and ornamental gardens. Moreover, SF movies do not depict innovative ways of including nature in cityscapes, they illustrate unrealistic settings without basic ecological functions (e.g., pollinators), and their characters do not interact with nature when nature is depicted or only frame the scene as a façade. We suggest that urban designers, urban ecologists, and SF artists collaborate to imagine how to integrate nature and biodiversity into the depictions of future cities, a strategy that could help change norms about urban greenery.  相似文献   

Synergies between biodiversity conservation objectives and ecosystem service management were investigated in the Succulent Karoo biome (83,000 km2) of South Africa, a recognised biodiversity hotspot. Our study complemented a previous biodiversity assessment with an ecosystem service assessment. Stakeholder engagement and expert consultation focussed our investigations on surface water, ground water, grazing and tourism as the key services in this region. The key ecosystem services and service hotspots were modelled and mapped. The congruence between these services, and between biodiversity priorities and ecosystem service priorities, were assessed and considered in relation to known threats. Generally low levels of overlap were found between these ecosystem services, with the exception of surface and ground water which had an 80% overlap. The overlap between ecosystem service hotspots and individual biodiversity priority areas was generally low. Four of the seven priority areas assessed have more than 20% of their areas classified as important for services. In specific cases, particular service levels could be used to justify the management of a specific biodiversity priority area for conservation. Adopting a biome scale hotspot approach to assessing service supply highlighted key management areas. However, it underplayed local level dependence on particular services, not effectively capturing the welfare implications associated with diminishing and limited service provision. We conclude that regional scale (biome level) approaches need to be combined with local level investigations (municipal level). Given the regional heterogeneity and varied nature of the impacts of drivers and threats, diverse approaches are required to steer land management towards sustainable multifunctional landscape strategies.  相似文献   

Private gardens have an enormous impact on urban biodiversity, making individual householder behavior critical to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in urban areas. Nature connectedness is considered to be a prerequisite for proenvironmental behavior, but how it manifests in private gardens is largely unexplored. Nature connectedness has also been found to be associated with several well-being dimensions. The present study investigates the associations between nature connectedness, biodiversity of private gardens, and mental well-being during the Covid-19 lockdown, a stressful period in many people’s lives. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to analyze data from an online survey of private gardeners in two cities, one in Germany and one in New Zealand, in May 2020, approximately two months after the beginning of the first Covid-19 lockdown. Garden characteristics explained a significant amount of variance in depression symptoms during the Covid- 19 lockdown. In light of rising pressures on urban green spaces, the findings point to the importance of private garden qualities for mental health and well-being. Nature connectedness emerged as a significant predictor of feature richness, a measure of the heterogeneity of habitats that support wildlife, and plant growth form richness in people’s gardens in both city samples. Nature connectedness was also a significant predictor of the extent to which people experienced positive emotions during the Covid-19 lockdown but not negative emotions and depression symptoms. Our results suggest that nature connectedness can provide benefits for both the environment and people through its positive association with private garden biodiversity and positive emotions.  相似文献   

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