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通过对不同区域藏猪的胴体、肉质性状和肌肉营养价值的比较分析,找出不同区域藏猪性能的差异性及优势,为藏猪的开发利用提供理论依据。该研究以6头西藏昌都藏猪、6头香格里拉藏猪(各自为3头公猪和3头母猪)为试验对象,通过屠宰测定、肉质检测、肌肉营养价值测定等,对两个不同区域藏猪的性能进行比较分析。结果发现:1)两个区域的藏猪在胴体性状方面无显著差异(P 0.05);2)在肉质性状上,香格里拉藏猪宰后24 h的大理石纹评分下降的程度比西藏昌都藏猪多,差异显著(P 0.05);3)氨基酸含量,香格里拉藏猪的苏氨酸、缬氨酸、蛋氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸含量比西藏昌都藏猪高,差异极显著(P 0.01);谷氨酸、组氨酸、必需氨基酸含量比西藏昌都藏猪高,差异显著(P 0.05);甘氨酸、丙氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸、脯氨酸、鲜味氨基酸含量比西藏昌都藏猪低,差异极显著(P 0.01);4)脂肪酸含量,西藏昌都藏猪的油酸、单不饱和脂肪酸(总)、不饱和脂肪酸(总)含量比香格里拉藏猪高,差异极显著(P 0.01);辛酸、十二酸、十四酸、十五酸、十七酸、亚油酸、二十碳二烯酸、多不饱和脂肪酸(总)、饱和脂肪酸(总)、必需脂肪酸(总)含量比香格里拉藏猪低,且差异极显著(P 0.01)。结果表明,两个区域的藏猪在胴体性状方面没有差别,但肌肉营养价值区别较大,可为不同区域在藏猪的养殖及推广方面提供参考。  相似文献   

藏猪是生长在我国青藏高原地区的独有品种猪,由于青藏高原独特的环境,在长期自然选择过程中,藏猪进化出一套独有的生殖代谢体系,目前对藏猪相关的研究主要集中在藏猪对高原低温低氧环境相关适应机制、藏猪与其他品种猪间的脂肪沉积相关基因差异性分析、高原特殊环境对藏猪肠道菌群的影响和藏猪特有机制基因甲基化水平验证等方面。研究的主要手段包括转录组学测序、基因组学测序、蛋白组学分析及代谢产物分析等,目的是研究藏猪与其他种类猪的相关差异,结合胚胎工程相关技术将藏猪的优势性状转换于实际生产中。本文从目前对藏猪的研究热点出发,根据相关文献报道,结合实际生产流调结果,较为全面地对藏猪的生产与其他品种间的差异进行综述,为藏猪的研究提供了较详细的参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了松潘藏猪生活的自然和社会环境及其生物学性状,提出了保种和合理利用的必要性及措施,为藏猪保护和利用提供指导。  相似文献   

藏猪是分布在我国青藏高原的一种典型的高原型猪种,由于其极强的耐寒、耐低氧等高原适应性及优良的肉质性状而倍受关注,特别是其作为稀有的种质资源而成为遗传多样性保护首要考虑的问题。作为藏猪群体遗传结构、遗传多样性及遗传资源保护的初步研究,本文采用mrDNAd-loop长度为427bp核苷酸片段对藏猪遗传多样性及系统发生关系进行了分析。在26个合作藏猪个体中发现了20个单倍型,其中19个为其所特有,控制区的核苷酸多样性为0.82,远远高于本研究所分析的其他藏猪群体,据此认为合作藏猪作为特有的遗传资源而应该得到优先保护。同时,通过邻接树和中介网络关系分析表明藏猪起源于亚洲野猪,合作猪是藏猪中早期分化的一个分枝。  相似文献   

藏猪是我国青藏高原特有的珍贵品种,但因其繁殖能力低下,使得藏猪产业的发展受到严重阻碍,影响农牧民经济效益。为探究藏猪繁殖性状效应的基因分子机制,本文以藏猪及大约克猪的卵巢组织为研究对象,利用RT-q PCR技术从m RNA层面对调控藏猪繁殖性状的SMAD4基因的表达情况进行分析。结果表明,在卵巢组织中,藏猪SMAD4基因的表达量高于大约克猪,两者间差异极显著(P<0.01),推测SMAD4基因可能是参与调节藏猪繁殖性能的重要功能基因。本研究可为下一步开展SMAD4基因对藏猪繁殖性能的影响提供参考依据。  相似文献   

藏猪是我国较为古老的原始品种,为我国至今仅存的高原、高寒放牧猪种.四川省甘孜州纯种藏猪仅存近万头,面临种群灭绝的危险,为保护藏猪这一珍贵的种质资源,在甘孜州畜科所姑咱试验场及稻城、乡城等建设藏猪原种资源场和扩繁基地.甘孜州畜科所与四川农业大学联合进行藏猪种质资源保护及藏猪在舍饲条件下的适应性观察.为此对甘孜州畜科所姑咱试验场藏猪舍饲基本情况进行访问、现场考察,调查藏猪繁殖、疫病、开发、推广等状况.了解到经过5年多舍饲的藏猪不仅保持了原有的血统,扩大了种质资源,为各地区研究舍饲藏猪适应性和各种生理指标提供了科学依据,扩大了纯种藏猪的种质来源.通过充分了解藏猪的基本情况和舍饲管理的状况,对纯种藏猪的保护、开发利用提出了相应的对策与建议.  相似文献   

藏猪是分布在我国西藏高原极其宝贵的猪种资源。围绕藏猪体型小、适宜高原山区放牧的体型外貌;耐受高原缺氧、极为低劣饲养条件的组织器官;极强的抗寒、抗逆性能;极优的猪肉品质.肌纤维细、肌间脂肪多、色泽鲜艳、肉质好等特征特性进行探讨。提出在未来猪遗传资源开发利用中,应用藏猪上述优良性状.改良、提高猪肉品质,增强猪的适应性,培育微型试验猪等具有十分珍贵的价值。  相似文献   

藏猪是世界上珍稀的高原型猪种.现主要产于青藏高原,包括云南迪庆藏猪,四川阿坝及甘孜藏猪,甘肃合作藏猪,西藏自治区林芝、山南、昌都、那曲等地藏猪.分布于西藏自治区的藏猪是上述4个藏猪类型中分布面广、数量多、品种特性最具代表性的类型.  相似文献   

近日,四川省畜科院牵头、生猪育种攻关团队历经12年培育的"川藏黑猪"配套系通过了国家畜禽遗传资源委员会办公室组织的现场审定。这是四川省第一个以地方猪种为基础育成的优质猪配套系。"川藏黑猪"以藏猪、梅山猪等地方猪种为核心育种素材,克服了藏猪体型小、外观差、繁殖力低等缺点,聚合了藏猪和引进猪的优良性状。该配套系生产效率高、抗逆性强、胴体  相似文献   

藏猪在我国的生猪养殖中有着得天独厚的竞争优势,为了使藏猪的生产效率得到有效提高,增加藏猪的繁殖能力,促使藏猪的规模化养殖,本文分析对藏猪生长的主要影响因素,针对藏猪养殖的粗放型管理方式、防疫意识薄弱以及选育工作没有得到重视的现象进行浅析,供同行参考。  相似文献   

1-(2-Chloroethyl)3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (CCNU) is an alkylating agent in the nitrosourea subclass. A prospective evaluation of CCNU was done to determine the maximally tolerated dosage of CCNU in tumor-bearing cats. Response data were obtained when available. Twenty-five cats were treated with CCNU at a dosage of 50-60 mg/m3 body surface area. Complete hematologic data were available for 13 cats. Neutropenia was the acute dose-limiting toxicity. The median neutrophil count at the nadir was 1,000 cells/microL (mean, 2,433 cells/microL; range, 0-9,694 cells/microL). The time of neutrophil nadir was variable, occurring 7-28 days after treatment, and counts sometimes did not return to normal for up to 14 days after the nadir. Based on these findings, a 6-week dosing interval and weekly hematologic monitoring after the 1st treatment with CCNU are recommended. The nadir of the platelet count may occur 14-21 days after treatment. The median platelet count at the nadir was 43,500 cells/microL. No gastrointestinal, renal, or hepatic toxicities were observed after a single CCNU treatment, and additional studies to evaluate the potential for cumulative toxicity should be performed. Five cats with lymphoma and 1 cat with mast cell tumor had measurable responses to CCNU. Phase II studies to evaluate antitumor activity should be completed with a dosing regimen of 50-60 mg/m3 every 6 weeks.  相似文献   

Continuous rate infusion (CRI) of furosemide in humans is considered superior to intermittent administration (IA). This study examined whether furosemide CRI, compared with IA, would increase diuretic efficacy with decreased fluid and electrolyte fluctuations and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in the horse. Five mares were used in a crossover-design study. During a 24-hour period, each horse received a total of 3 mg/kg furosemide by either CRI (0.12 mg/kg/h preceded by a loading dose of 0.12 mg/kg IV) or IA (1 mg/kg IV q8h). There was not a statistically significant difference in urine volume over 24 hours between methods; however, urine volume was significantly greater after CRI compared with IA during the first 8 hours ([median 25th percentile, 75th percentile]: 9.6 L [8.9, 14.4] for CRI versus 5.9 L [5.3, 6.0] for IA). CRI produced a more uniform urine flow, decreased fluctuations in plasma volume, and suppressed renal concentrating ability throughout the infusion period. Potassium, Ca, and Cl excretion was greater during CRI than IA (1,133 mmol [1.110, 1,229] versus 764 mmol [709, 904], 102.7 mmol [96.0, 117.2] versus 73.3 mmol [65.0, 73.5], and 1,776 mmol [1,657, 2.378] versus 1,596 mmol [1,457, 1,767], respectively). Elimination half-lives of furosemide were 1.35 and 0.47 hours for CRI and IA, respectively. The area under the excretion rate curve was 1,285.7 and 184.2 mL x mg/mL for CRI and IA, respectively. Furosemide CRI (0.12 mg/kg/h) for 8 hours, preceded by a loading dose (0.12 mg/kg), is recommended when profound diuresis is needed acutely in horses.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of H. placei and of other gastrointestinal nematodes in yearling dairy cattle was examined on two farms in Kiambu District, central Kenya during each of 13 one-month periods from April 1993 to April 1994. On each farm, 32 newly weaned dairy calves were given a single dose of albendazole and then placed on experimental pastures. Twelve of the animals were designated for bi-monthly slaughter (n = 2) and analysis of worm population characteristics and 20 were designated for blood and faecal collection and for weighing. Two parasite-free tracer calves were grazed alongside the weaner calves each month throughout the study period and were also slaughtered for analysis of worm populations. Faecal egg counts, haematological and serum pepsinogen determinations, herbage larval counts, and animal live weight changes were recorded monthly. The study revealed that Haemonchus placei, Trichostrongylus axei, Cooperia spp. and Oesophagostomum radiatum were responsible for parasitic gastroenteritis and that H. placei was the predominant nematode present in the young cattle on both farms. Faecal egg counts from resident cattle and necropsy worm counts revealed that pasture larval levels were directly related to the amount of rainfall. The total worm burdens in the animals were highest during the rainy season (March–June and October–December) and lowest during the dry seasons (July–September and January–February). The very low recovery of immature larvae of H. placei from the tracer calves indicated that arrested development is not a feature of the life cycle of this parasite in central Kenya. The maintenance of the parasite population depended on continuous cycling of infection between the host and the pasture. The agroclimatic conditions of the study area were such that, in general, favourable weather conditions for the development and survival of the free-living stages of gastrointestinal nematodes existed all year round.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ectoparasites in sheep flocks is frequently reported but seldom quantified. Sheep production used to be a predominantly family activity in the state of Sa~o Paulo (Brazil), but it began to become a commercial activity in the past decade. Thus, information about the ectoparasites existing in sheep flocks has become necessary. The present data were obtained by means of questionnaires sent to all sheep breeders belonging to the `Associaça~o Paulista de Criadores de Ovinos' (ASPACO; Sa~o Paulo State Association of Sheep Breeders). Response reliability was tested by means of random visits paid to 10.6% of the respondents. Most of the properties (89.5%) reported the presence of one or more ectoparasites. Screw-worm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) was the most frequent ectoparasite (72.5%), followed by bot fly larvae (Dermatobia hominis, 45.0%), ticks (Amblyomma cajennense) and Boophilus microplus, 31.3%) and finally lice (Damalinia ovis, 13.8%). Combined infestations also occurred, the most common one being screw-worm with bot fly larvae (36.0%) followed by bot fly larvae with ticks (13.9%), screw-worm with ticks (9.3%), bot fly larvae with lice (6.9%), and ticks with lice (5.0%). The most common triple combination was screw-worm, bot fly larvae and ticks (12.8%). Breeds raised for meat or wool were attacked by bot fly larvae and ticks more often than other breeds. Lice were only absent from animals of indigenous breeds. The relationships among these ectoparasites are discussed in terms of sheep breeds, flock size, seasonality and the ectoparasitic combinations on the host.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study disappearance of C14 to C18 fatty acids, lag times and biohydrogenation (BH) rates of C18 fatty acids of ground soya bean and canola seeds in situ. Three ruminally fistulated Dallagh sheep were used to determine ruminal BH of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs). Differences in the disappearance of fatty acids through the bags and lag times were observed between the oilseeds. We saw that the longer the incubation time of the oilseeds in the rumen, the lower the content of C18:2 and C18:3. Significantly higher lag times for both C18:2 and C18:3 were observed in ground canola compared to ground soya bean. BH rates of C18:2 and C18:3 fatty acids in soya bean were three times higher than those of canola. These results suggest that the fatty acid profile of fat source can affect the BH of UFAs by rumen micro‐organisms. So that UFAs of canola had higher ability to escape from ruminal BH. It seems that fatty acid profile of ruminant products is more affected by canola seed compared to soya bean seed.  相似文献   

Serum biochemical values and the wet weight to dry weight ratios of tissues were determined in yaks in Shandan county of Gansu province. The liver, kidney, heart and muscle contents of seven elements in yaks were also analysed. Most serum biochemical values were similar to those of cattle, camels and sheep, but the calcium concentration was considerably above the normal range for other ruminants. The liver contained the highest concentrations of copper, manganese and cobalt and the kidney of selenium, iron and calcium.Abbreviations Alb albumin - ALT alanine aminotransferase - AST aspartate aminotransferase - BUN blood urea nitrogen - Chol cholesterol - Glob globulin - -GT -glutamyl transpeptidase - IP inorganic phosphorus - TP total protein  相似文献   

A knowledge of the microbiological status of milk and of the different structures in the mammary glands has great importance in elucidating the pathogenesis of mammary gland infections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological status of various structures in the mammary glands from naturally infected dairy cows following slaughter. A total of 94 samples of milk, 184 samples of mammary parenchyma, 168 samples of gland cisterns, and 168 samples of teat cisterns were collected for microbiological examination. Microorganisms were detected in 59.9% of all samples, 67.0% of the milk samples, 70.1% of the mammary parenchymas, 55.9% of the gland cisterns and 48.8% of the teat cistern samples. When all samples were considered, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus were the most prevalent (35.7%) followed by coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (12.2%), Corynebacterium bovis (2.4%), Prototheca sp. (1.9%), and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (1.5%). There was a significantly higher occurrence of microorganisms in the milk and mammary parenchyma compared to the gland cisterns and teat cisterns. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Four grass plots were sequentially contaminated with goat faeces containing known numbers of unembryonated eggs of predominantly Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus spp. between October 1982 and April 1983. Four other plots were similarly contaminated with sheep faeces between February and May 1987. An additional plot was repeatedly contaminated with sheep faeces from February to April 1987. Populations of free-living stages in faeces and of infective larvae (L3) in the herbage were subsequently monitored until the end of April and June of 1983 and 1987 respectively. During February and May 1987 two control cultures of sheep faeces were incubated in the laboratory at 25°C–30°C and at a constant temperature of 50°C and the free-living development was also monitored. L3 developed very readily in the faeces cultured at 25°C–30°C and in those spread on a grass plot in October, at the end of the wet season, but developed less on the plot contaminated in May at the start of the wet season. Worm eggs in faeces deposited on plots during the hot dry season (December to April) or incubated at 50°C died and disintegrated after 24–48 h exposure to the high environmental temperatures. The results indicate that it is unlikely that gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep and goats can develop or survive on open pasture during the dry season in the Nigerian derived savanna zone.  相似文献   

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