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为了研究线粒体基因组在小麦族物种中的遗传变异与进化关系,选用小麦族的14个二倍体及7个多倍体物种,对其线粒体rrn18-trnfM 基因区域进行PCR扩增并对扩增所得的片段进行克隆测序。获得大小不同的2种片段类型,大片段为513或515 bp,小片段为447或449 bp。其主要差异在trnfM区,即大片段存在trnfM基因,小片段缺失trnfM基因,再次证明以前报道的大麦属和小麦属间的分歧。而中间偃麦草同时存在两扩增片段类型,表明多倍体物种mtDNA具有双亲遗传现象。中间偃麦草的RT-PCR分析发现小片段没有转录,大片段能转录,因而考虑高频重组和选择性表达作为中间偃麦草的线粒体基因组独特的进化系统,这与核基因组进化系统不同。  相似文献   

为了研究线粒体基因组在小麦族物种中的遗传变异与进化关系,选用小麦族的14个二倍体及7个多倍体物种,对其线粒体rrn18-trnfM基因区域进行PCR扩增并对扩增所得的片段进行克隆测序。获得大小不同的2种片段类型,大片段为513或515bp,小片段为447或449bp。其主要差异在trnfM区,即大片段存在trnfM基因,小片段缺失trnfM基因,再次证明以前报道的大麦属和小麦属间的分歧。而中间偃麦草同时存在两扩增片段类型,表明多倍体物种mtDNA具有双亲遗传现象。中间偃麦草的RT-PCR分析发现小片段没有转录,大片段能转录,因而考虑高频重组和选择性表达作为中间偃麦草的线粒体基因组独特的进化系统,这与核基因组进化系统不同。  相似文献   

5S rDNA(即5S r RNA基因)是由120 bp的编码区和非转录间隔区(nontranscribed spacers,NTS)组成的串联重复序列,及其NTS区碱基序列和长度在不同的种间甚至在种内都有差异,从而形成种内和种间特有的不同重复单元类型,不同单元类型各自代表不同的基因组型,因此5S r DNA多基因家族是研究物种基因组结构的有效工具。本研究以生长在不同地区的四个新疆春小麦地方品种(黑芒麦)作为供试材料,通过TA克隆法获得了128个5S r RNA基因重复单元,每个品种都有长度为326~422 bp之间的短5S r DNA片段和长度为481~491 bp之间的长5S r DNA片段。通过多次序列比对,Blast比对,聚类分析等方法将所有序列分为不同的5S r DNA单元类型。在ZM5291和ZM52300中发现了Short A2、Short D1、Short G1、Long A1、Long D1和Long{S1等6种不同的单元类型,而在ZM5306和ZM5343中只发现了Short A2、Short D1、Short G1和Long{S1等4种不同的单元类型,丢失了Long A1和Long D1。依据5S r DNA各单元类型在山羊草属和小麦属二倍体物种及其异源多倍体物种中的分布情况确定这四个春小麦地方品种的基因组型为AABBDD,确实是普通小麦。本研究首次在普通小麦中发现了六种不同的5S r DNA单元类型,6种单元类型在这4个地方品种中的分布情况表明ZM5291和ZM5300 5S r DNA序列的一致进化程度比ZM5306和ZM5343弱,推测生长在不同地区的黑芒麦多倍体物种形成的时代不一样,并ZM5291和ZM5300比ZM5306和ZM5343可能具有来自各基因组祖先的丰富基因资源。本研究结果为鉴别新疆春小麦种质资源的基因组类型以及亲本选配和育种工作提供新的依据。  相似文献   

本文论述了远缘杂交和多倍体化结合利用基因组间和多倍本杂种优势,开创水稻育种新途径的策略。纵观水稻育种的历史,无论是常规杂交育种,还是杂交稻育种,其研究战略都是建立在有性生殖和二倍体基础上的,归根结底,都是利用栽培稻同一基因组(A基因组)内优良基因的重组以及从野生稻向栽培稻引入少数优良基因。从作物进化趋势看,水稻是二倍体,基因组小、DNA含量低、染色体小,增加基因组数,提高倍性水平,利用异源多倍体杂种优势将是水稻育种新途径。针对同源四倍体水稻结实率低的关键问题,可采取拉大亲缘关系距离、减少多价体形成,应用广亲和、无融合生殖基因等措施,从遗传机理上提高多倍体水稻结实率。按三步实施战略:一、选用极端类型籼粳稻、爪哇稻,诱导亚种间杂种多倍体;二、诱导亚洲栽培稻和非洲栽培稻以及非洲野生稻种间杂种多倍体;三、诱导AA基因组的栽培稻与其它不同基因组野生稻(BB、CC、BBCC、CCDD、DD、EE、FF、GG、HHJJ)的种间多倍体。在实施过程中发挥一特殊基因材料的特殊作用,如广亲和基因对于克服籼粳杂种一代不育性、特别是雌败育的作用,无融合生殖缺乏减数分裂发生和受精过程对于克服染色体配对分离而导致的杂种败育的作用,以及类似于小麦中存在的抑制部分同源染色体配对的Ph基因对于防止水稻异源多倍体的基因组间部分同源性配对形成多价体、染色体桥、落后染色体等现象的作用,为选育异源多倍体水稻、无融合生殖水稻提供可靠保证。近三年的实践已经初获良好的结果,利用无融合生殖水稻品系籼粳交,亚洲稻与美洲稻杂交已获得杂种优势明显、结实率高达85%的优良多倍体株系,为实现这一育种新战略打下了良好基础。  相似文献   

比较分析了同一四倍体小麦Langdon与5个不同粗山羊草在合成六倍体小麦前后A、B、D染色体组不同染色体上的微卫星变异, 旨在通过分析异源多倍化引起的微卫星位点和序列变异以期探讨异源多倍体的进化机制。在所检测的位于A、B染色体组上各125个特异微卫星(G-SSR)标记中,分别有5个(4.0%)和6个(4.8%)位点发生变异;而在76个A/B染色体组上的表达序列标签微卫星(EST-SSR)标记中,只有2个(2.6%)发生了变异,比A、B染色体组G-SSR变异频率小,说明功能基因区的变异小于重复序列非编码区。在D染色体组上的103个G-SSR标记中,3个位点(2.9%)发生了序列变化。对表现差异的微卫星位点序列分析发现,人工合成小麦中多倍化引起的微卫星序列变异主要表现为简单序列重复单元次数的增加或减少;发生消除的微卫星序列比普通的微卫星序列更易发生不同类型的序列改变。微卫星序列在异源多倍化过程中对新物种基因组的形成可能起到重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

普通小麦rDNA的ITS区及其基因组起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱锦  孙毅  段永红 《作物学报》2009,35(6):1021-1030
采用特异引物对普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.) rDNA的ITS区片段进行PCR扩增并测序,通过邻接法聚类分析, 得到3种类型的扩增产物。结果表明,ITS区序列长度是602 bp,其中ITS1和ITS2分别有8个和20个变异位点,ITS区揭示的遗传分化距离变化范围为0~0.038,平均值为0.021。通过从GenBank搜索并下载普通小麦野生近缘种ITS序列与本研究获得的普通小麦ITS序列进行比对,并用MEGA、PAUP、PHYLIP软件分析,按Kimura-2参考模型计算分化距离,以旱雀麦(Bromus tectorum)为外类群邻接法构建聚类树。根据杂交后代具有亲本的ITS序列遗传特点,认为小麦形成较晚,尚未同步进化完全,从分子水平上为普通小麦是异源六倍体提供了证据。通过与其A、B、D基因组可能供体的ITS区序列进行比对分析发现各自有不同程度的变异,认为普通小麦在多倍体形成过程中发生了序列消除现象,结合我们提出的“同步进化”对于不同的基因或者说不同类型的DNA序列是不同步的假说,解释了无法找到真正供体的原因。综上所述,我们认为A、B、D基因组的原初供体可能分别是乌拉尔图小麦(T. urartu)、山羊草(T. speltoides)和节节麦(T. tauschii)。  相似文献   

很早就认识到多倍化在小麦的进化上有很大的作用。Kihara(1924)分析了不同倍性小麦的种间杂种,表明普通小麦是由ABD3个染色体组构成的异源多倍体。以后的研究证明A、D两染色体组分别由野生一粒小麦(T、aegilopoides)和塔斯其小麦(T、tauschii.Aeg、sgurrose)提供。关于B染色体组的起源,尽管进行过  相似文献   

普通小麦B基因组的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通小麦(T.aestivum L.)为一个异源六倍体物种,具有A、B、D三个染色体组,它们具有不同程度的同源性。对各个染色体组进行有关起源、进化、基因定位及基因与产量、性状的关联分析,可更好的发掘和利用各染色体上的有利基因,拓宽小麦的遗传变异基础,为在小麦育种中如何引进新的遗传变异及杂优选育提供理论依据。遗传多样性是进行小麦改良的基础,B基因组含有丰富的抗病、抗虫、抗寒、优质等有益基因,多态性最高。本文对小麦B基因组的组成特点、起源、遗传多样性及基因定位等进行了综述,并对其以后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

同源多倍体化效应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
同源多倍体在自然界中的分布非常广泛。为了全面了解与掌握同源多倍体的相关研究进展,明晰相关的研究重点与薄弱环节。对国内外相关研究成果进行了综合分析,重点介绍了多倍体的各种类型以及同源多倍体植物中基因表达变化的特点, 包括基因的沉默、激活和基因表达水平的变化, 探讨了基因表达变化的分子机制。另外,对基因组加倍在进化中的效应也做了阐述。研究发现,与典型的同源多倍体显著不同的是,不少二倍体化的同源多倍体基因组出现缩减的现象。有限的研究资料显示,基因组加倍后的最初几代内没有经历剧烈的基因重构,也没有经历广泛的基因组重组。生物地理学及生态学研究发现同源多倍体的产生与环境的改变有紧密的联系。与异源多倍体相比,同源多倍体的研究还没有得到应有的重视。今后应对同源多倍体基因组的大小和基因表达模式进行不同层次与系统的研究。可以预见同源多倍体在农作物品种改良及农业生产上的积极作用将非常深远。  相似文献   

异源多倍体广泛地分布在植物王国中,它们的成功生长可以用不同基因组上的部分同源基因的正向互作来解释,这与杂合二倍体基因型中引起杂种优势的一个基因的不同等位基因间的正向互作相似。异源多倍体纯合基因型中也会发生这种互作,因此被称为“固定杂种优势”。据我们所知,目前尚无实验数据来支持这种假说。  相似文献   

Identification of a new family of tandem repeats in Triticeae genomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new family of cereal tandem repeats was isolated, characterised and designated as spelt-1. The family of repeats comprises about 2% of the Aegilops speltoides genome; however, its content differs considerably in the genomes of various Triticeae species. Copy number of the constituent sequence, relative to Ae. speltoides, proved to be 40-60 times reduced in the genomes of tetraploid wheats, 400-fold reduced in the genome of Triticum monococcum, and 1200-2400 times in the genomes of the other 19 Triticeae species studied. Drastic difference in the copy number and homology extent of the spelt-1 family sequences between Ae. speltoides and other diploid species allows the utilisation of these sequences as species-specific telomeric markers for Ae. speltoides, provided stringent hybridisation conditions apply. RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphisms) analysis of spelt-1 reveals polymorphism between the above species. This study of spelt-1 organisation in different Triticum species provided further substantiation of the polyphyletic origin of the B genome of polyploid wheat. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to isolate genome‐specific markers from the genomes of tetraploid wheats and the putative donor diploid species on the basis of random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis followed by cross‐hybridization. Twenty different Triticum and Aegilops species and accessions were analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 30 random primers. The polymorphic PCR fragments were then isolated, labelled and used in cross‐hybridization screenings. The hybridization results established that one marker was specific to the Ae. speltoides S genome, two to the A genome, one to the B genome and five to the G genomes of polyploid species (and to the genomes of the corresponding progenitor species). Four markers were identified that were specific to both the B and G genomes. Analysis of the Triticum and Aegilops species and accessions supported the notion that Ae. speltoides is more closely related to the B and G genomes of polyploid wheat species than were other members of the Sitopsis section. The data also indicated that the B and G genomes had originated from different accessions of Ae. speltoides.  相似文献   

利用RAPD分子标记技术对棉属24个种进行了种质资源遗传多样性研究,并用棉属近缘植物杨叶肖槿为参考对照,旨在从DNA分子水平上进行亲缘关系鉴定和系统分类。在40个RAPD引物中筛选出多态性高的引物26条,多态性条带比率为2l.0%。使用NTSYS-pc(Version 2.00)软件,及Jaccard’s相似系数UPGMA法进行聚类,表明材料之间存在较大的遗传多样性,对20个二倍体棉种进行遗传相似系数比较,说明旱地棉和绿顶棉、澳洲棉之间的亲缘关系最远;对异源四倍体棉种与A和D染色体组棉种的遗传相似系数比较结果表明,异源四倍体棉种与A染色体组中的草棉和亚洲棉,相似系数都较高,说明在四倍体棉种演化过程中草棉和亚洲棉起的作用是等比例的;异源四倍体棉种与雷蒙地氏棉的遗传相似系数显著高于与其他参试的D染色体组棉种,证明异源四倍体棉种的D染色体组供体种为雷蒙地氏棉,并支持异源四倍体棉种单系统发育起源学说,A染色体亚组的草棉或亚洲棉与D染色体亚组的雷蒙地氏棉两者杂交和染色体加倍后形成原始的异源四倍体棉种,并随着地理和遗传的趋异而分化形成不同的四倍体棉种;RAPD分子标记聚类结果与传统的分类结果基本相符,说明RAPD分子标记资料可用于棉属植物的分类和系统发育研究。  相似文献   

以普通小麦农家种、野生二粒小麦和野生二粒小麦与节节麦合成的双二倍体为材料,运用SSR分子标记方法对野生二粒小麦与普通小麦A、B染色体组的同源性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)野生二粒小麦与普通小麦A、B染色体组的遗传相似系数仅为0.189,存在较大的差异,推测野生二粒小麦与普通小麦的A、B染色体组在长期的进化过程中,  相似文献   

B. Keller  N. Stein  C. Feuillet 《Euphytica》2001,119(1-2):131-133
The hexaploid wheat genome is too complex for direct map-basedcloning and model genomes have to be used to isolate genes from wheat.Comparative genomic analysis at the genetic map level has shown extensiveconservation of the gene order between the different grass genomes inmany chromosomal regions. However, little is known about the geneorganization in grass genomes at the microlevel. We have investigated themicrocollinearity at Lrk gene loci in the genomes of four grass species:wheat, barley, maize and rice. The Lrk genes, which encodereceptor-like kinases, were found to be consistently associated with anothertype of receptor-like kinase (Tak) on chromosome groups 1 and 3 inTriticeae and on chromosomes homoeologous to Triticeae group 3 in theother grass genomes. On Triticeae chromosome group 1, Tak and Lrk together with genes putatively encoding NBS/LRR proteins form acluster of genes. Comparison of the gene composition at orthologous Lrk loci in wheat, barley and rice revealed a maximal gene density of onegene per 5 kb. We conclude that small and large grass genomes containregions which are highly enriched in genes. Microrearrangements betweendifferent grass genomes have been found and therefore, the choice of agood model genome is critical. We have recently started to work on theT. monococcum model genome and confirmed its usefulness foranalysis of the Lr10 leaf rust disease resistance locus in wheat.  相似文献   

No DNA loss in autotetraploids of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. Ozkan    M. Tuna    D. W. Galbraith 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(3):288-291
To address the issue of genome evolution in autopolyploids and particularly to investigate whether rapid sequence elimination also occurs in autopolyploids as in allopolyploids, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting was employed to examine a large number of genomic loci in F1 hybrids between two different autotetraploids of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, namely Ler and Col. Using this approach, perfect additivity in the F1 hybrids was found between the newly‐formed autopolyploids when compared with their parental lines. Using flow cytometry, the study was extended in a quantitative manner, in which the nuclear DNA contents in one autotetraploid A. thaliana accession Ler, was determined. The increase in genome size of the autotetraploid line was additive. Taken together, no evidence was found for genome size reduction due to autopolyploidization of A. thaliana. The results indicating that there was no DNA loss in autotetraploid A. thaliana suggest that a different type of genome evolution may occur in autopolyploids during the initial stages of their formation when compared with allopolyploids.  相似文献   

The cultivated Gossypium A genome diploid species G.arboreum and G.herbaceum and the allotetraploid species G.hirsutum and G.barbadense share common morphology for various floral traits,which offers an ideal system in which to investigate genetic mechanisms that differentiate diploid and tetraploid genomes.For example,knowing how a single phenotype behaves in the diploids,and comparing the same trait with different dosage effects in the tetraploids,may provide a means to study inter- and intra-genomic interactions in the polyploid genome.  相似文献   

Previous studies in several Triticeae species have suggested that salt tolerance is a polygenic trait, but that genes on some chromosomes confer better tolerance to salt stress than others. This suggests an intriguing possibility that there may be a similar basis for salt tolerance in the species of the tribe Triticeae. In this study, chromosomal control of the tolerance to sudden salt stress, measured as the mean rate of leaf elongation in solution cultures with a single increment of 200 mM NaCl, was investigated in the genomes of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), and Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Can-dargy by using disomic addition lines of individual pairs of chromosomes or chromosome arms of each of the three species in the ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat genetic background. It was observed that the chromosomes of homoeologous groups 3, 4, and 5 in barley, 5 and 7 in rye, and 4 and 6 in D. villosum carry loci with significant positive effects on salt tolerance. Increased doses of chromosomes of group 2, however, reduce or do not increase the tolerance to salt stress. These results are in agreement with a previous study of the tolerance of this salt stress regime in wheat and wheatgrass Lophopyrum elongatum. A ranking analysis of the chromosomal effects within each genome of the five Triticeae species investigated in this and previous studies revealed that the chromosomes of homoeologous groups 3 and 5 consistently confer large positive effects on the tolerance of sudden salt stress, while the chromosomes of homoeologous group 2 in increased dose have no or negative effects on the tolerance. This strongly suggests that species of the tribe Triticeae share some common genetic mechanisms of tolerance of sudden salt stress. The findings in this study give credence to the proposal that wild relatives can be exploited in the development of wheat cultivars with greater tolerance to salt stress.  相似文献   

Summary The banana cultivars are originated from the intra- and inter-specific hybridization of two wild diploid species, Musa acuminata Colla and Musa balbisiana Colla, contributing the A and B genomes, respectively. They are classified into genomic groups by scoring morphological features. Molecular markers provide a quick and reliable system of genome characterization and manipulation in breeding lines. In the present study a PCR based molecular marker specific for B genomes is been reported. The IRAP primer, designed based on the LTR sequence of banana Ty3-gypsy-like retroelement (Musa acuminata Monkey retrotransposon, AF 143332), was used to identify the B genome in the banana cultivars. Further a primer pair designed from B specific bands of Musa balbisiana `Pisang Gala' was used to classify AAB and ABB cultivars in the collection. Among the 36 cultivars tested with this primer, the B specific band was absent in the AA and AAA cultivars (except in one AAA and AAB cultivar) but present in all other AB, AAB and ABB cultivars. Among the triploid AAB/ABB, the PCR products with B specific primers showed restriction pattern polymorphism with AluI. In ABB genomes the band intensity was high whereas low intensity band observed in AAB genomes. Four cultivars reported to have the ABB genome showed a pattern similar to AAB, and one cultivar reported to have AAA genome showed a pattern similar to ABB genome, suggesting missampling or misidentification. The primers used in this study are useful to identify the presence of B genome in banana cultivars, and band intensity may be a preliminary indicator of ploidy level of the B genome but needs further studies with competitive PCR for clarification. These authors contributed equally in this paper.  相似文献   

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