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动物肠道内寄居着大量微生物,通常被称为共生菌群。它们对动物的生长、代谢和免疫状态至关重要,还与许多疾病的发生密切相关。病毒、细菌和寄生虫感染都会使机体的肠道菌群发生紊乱,表现在益生菌丰度减少而有害菌丰度增加。其机制包括引发宿主的炎症反应和抑制机体的免疫细胞两方面。同样肠道菌群也会调控病原菌的感染,如肠道菌群对不同的病毒会产生颉颃或促进作用,对细菌和寄生虫分别产生抑制和促进作用。肠道菌群抑制病原菌的机制包括与病原菌竞争代谢产物和诱导宿主的免疫反应。肠道菌群促进病毒感染的机制包括3点,分别为提高病毒的稳定性及其与靶细胞的黏附作用、抑制机体免疫系统和刺激靶细胞的增殖。肠道菌群促进寄生虫感染的可能机制包括降低Th2细胞因子(如IL-4和IL-13)并提高调节性T细胞的表达频率。肠道菌群、病原微生物和宿主不断相互作用,形成一个动态的平衡关系,并在感染过程中不断进化。作者主要综述了病毒、细菌和寄生虫感染对动物肠道菌群的组成和丰度的影响,动物肠道菌群如何影响病毒、细菌和寄生虫的感染进程并分析相关机制,以期了解疾病的发病机理,为疫苗佐剂的研发及制定更有效的预防和治疗策略提供新视角和理论依据。  相似文献   

人和动物的肠道内定植着数量众多的微生物,它们对宿主正常生理功能至关重要。肠道菌群与宿主不断地进行相互作用,形成互利共生的关系,影响机体健康。病毒感染会通过影响肠道菌群进而影响机体的免疫和代谢功能。肠道菌群或益生菌也会影响病毒的感染和疫苗的免疫效果。了解病毒与肠道菌群或益生菌的相互作用及肠道菌群对疫苗免疫效果的影响,有助于揭示疾病的发病机制,通过调控肠道菌群来治疗疾病。现主要从病毒与肠道菌群的相互作用,益生菌对病毒感染的影响和肠道菌群对疫苗免疫效果的影响三方面进行综述。  相似文献   

肠道寄生虫与菌群互作关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肠道菌群是动物机体的重要组成部分,与寄生虫和宿主的关系十分密切。寄生虫感染往往会对宿主产生不利影响,其致病作用与寄生虫种类、寄生部位及其与宿主的相互作用有关。寄生虫感染可导致肠道微生态的改变、失调和炎症性疾病;肠道菌群也影响寄生虫在宿主体内的定植、增殖和毒力。肠道寄生虫包括寄生蠕虫和原虫,近年来对肠道寄生虫与菌群相互作用研究发现,无论是原虫还是蠕虫感染均可导致肠道微生物组成和多样性的改变,对宿主产生致病作用,而蠕虫对炎症性肠病的潜在治疗作用一度颠覆了以往人们对于寄生虫的认知。肠道菌群可促进或抑制寄生虫对宿主的致病作用,且益生菌对肠道寄生虫感染有一定的预防或治疗作用。目前对寄生虫与菌群相互作用的研究仍然处于初期阶段,对其相互作用的机制尚不清楚。明确寄生虫与肠道菌群的相互影响及其作用机制,对深入理解寄生虫-肠道菌群-宿主的相互关系、研发有效的抗寄生虫微生态制剂具有重要意义。作者就近年来肠道蠕虫和原虫与菌群相互作用的研究进展进行了综述,并对该领域未来的研究方向进行展望,以期为预防和控制寄生虫病提供新的策略和理论依据。  相似文献   

肠道菌群是动物机体的重要组成部分,与寄生虫和宿主的关系十分密切。寄生虫感染往往会对宿主产生不利影响,其致病作用与寄生虫种类、寄生部位及其与宿主的相互作用有关。寄生虫感染可导致肠道微生态的改变、失调和炎症性疾病;肠道菌群也影响寄生虫在宿主体内的定植、增殖和毒力。肠道寄生虫包括寄生蠕虫和原虫,近年来对肠道寄生虫与菌群相互作用研究发现,无论是原虫还是蠕虫感染均可导致肠道微生物组成和多样性的改变,对宿主产生致病作用,而蠕虫对炎症性肠病的潜在治疗作用一度颠覆了以往人们对于寄生虫的认知。肠道菌群可促进或抑制寄生虫对宿主的致病作用,且益生菌对肠道寄生虫感染有一定的预防或治疗作用。目前对寄生虫与菌群相互作用的研究仍然处于初期阶段,对其相互作用的机制尚不清楚。明确寄生虫与肠道菌群的相互影响及其作用机制,对深入理解寄生虫-肠道菌群-宿主的相互关系、研发有效的抗寄生虫微生态制剂具有重要意义。作者就近年来肠道蠕虫和原虫与菌群相互作用的研究进展进行了综述,并对该领域未来的研究方向进行展望,以期为预防和控制寄生虫病提供新的策略和理论依据。  相似文献   

微生物菌群对动物机体健康至关重要,其变化可能引起病原菌的感染。病原菌可以利用微生物源性碳源和氮源作为营养物质,并利用调节信号实现自身的生长繁殖。炎症反应下,肠道环境会发生改变。研究旨在阐明微生物菌群、宿主和致病菌之间的相互作用以及微生物菌群在疾病中的作用。  相似文献   

温度是一个重要的非生物环境变量,能够驱动动物谱系的适应轨迹和动物群落的组成。环境温度作为影响动物肠道微生物菌群变化的众多因素之一,能够影响肠道微生物菌群的组成及丰度,进而调控宿主生长、发育、繁殖、免疫等生物学过程及功能。动物肠道核心菌群的组成及其代谢产物在不同温度下存在显著差异,在单胃动物、反刍动物等中都有相应的报道。极端温度主要通过诱导肠道微生物菌群产生结构和功能上的差异,进而对宿主表型产生影响。目前,对于温度如何影响动物肠道菌群的了解仍非常有限。本文针对不同环境温度条件下,肠道微生物菌群结构和功能的差异及相关研究进行了总结及综述。探讨由环境温度引起的肠道微生物菌群与宿主适应机制之间的关系,包括对宿主产热机制、消化系统和免疫系统等其他方面的影响并开展研究,将为肠道微生物对宿主健康的调节提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

微生物菌群及其基因组在动物机体健康中起着关键作用。宿主和微生物间的相互作用和微生物产生的代谢产物对宿主的免疫、代谢、发育和行为有所影响,并可能通过肠道菌群失调导致疾病。尽管不同条件下微生物菌群的变化仍在研究中,宿主和微生物间的信号机制仍然难以捉摸。因此,对微生物代谢产物的合成、吸收及对宿主生理的潜在影响进行综述。  相似文献   

肠道微生物群是一个相互依赖的微生物网,宿主和微生物相互作用形成稳定的胃肠道环境。同时,肠道菌群的组成和生物多样性通过对宿主胃肠道环境及其功能作用从而影响宿主的健康和生长。总结微生物的代谢过程如何控制共生菌群组成、病原菌入侵和肠道屏障功能等新的概念,有助于进一步了解形成和维持肠道菌群多样性的因素,以期更好的促进机体健康、预防和治疗疾病。  相似文献   

动物肠道中栖息着大量的微生物,这些微生物菌群及其代谢产物与宿主免疫系统间协同进化,并在多个水平以多种方式调控免疫系统发育,共同维持黏膜内稳态平衡。建立和维持健康的肠道微生物菌群,对促进宿主免疫功能正常发育和保障机体健康成长至关重要。试验对微生物菌群及其代谢产物促进宿主免疫系统发育及调节机体免疫系统的可能机制进行综述。  相似文献   

猪的肠道微生物与宿主营养代谢   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肠道中栖息着数量庞大复杂多样的微生物菌群,肠道微生物在宿主健康中发挥着重要作用,既影响着饲料消化、营养物质吸收和能量供应,又调控着宿主正常生理功能及疾病的发生与发展.动物胃肠道不仅是消化器官,还是感应器官,肠道对营养物质的感应可以通过脑肠轴调节机体生理活动.肠道微生物还能代谢蛋白质产生宿主细胞不能合成的肽类物质,并通过小肠上皮的肽类转运系统影响机体代谢,因此可能存在微生物-肠道-大脑轴.肠道微生物还可以与机体形成宿主-微生物代谢轴,对动物机体营养物质代谢和免疫稳态起重要作用.饲粮对宿主代谢的改变,常伴随有肠道微生物区系的变化,肠道微生物的代谢可能通过微生物-肠道-大脑轴以及宿主-微生物代谢轴调节宿主很多生理过程,进而影响机体整体代谢.本文概述了猪肠道微生物区系与宿主肠道营养物质代谢的关系,以加深关于肠道微生物对机体代谢贡献的认识.  相似文献   

Combatting antimicrobial-resistant bacteria is a high priority for both public health and agriculture in the United States and globally. Antibiotic use in animals and humans is considered a major risk factor in the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in animals, humans, and the environment. A worldwide emphasis on research into the development of new alternatives to antibiotics is ongoing. Alternatives to antibiotics are broadly defined as any substance that can be substituted for therapeutic drugs, which are increasingly becoming ineffective against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites. One promising approach involves host-directed immunomodulatory therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host are exploited to enhance therapeutic benefit. The objective is to initiate or enhance protective antimicrobial immunity while limiting inflammation-induced tissue injury. The interaction between poultry nutrition, nutrients, and dietary factors and the bird’s immune response has long been known. However, the interplay between nutritional processes and the immune system is incompletely understood. Specifically, precise cellular and molecular immune responses invoked by feed components and the role of the gut barrier and microbiota on the interaction between the immune system and nutrition remains to be fully elucidated. Further, this review will point out some of the areas that have been either neglected when studying the effects of nutrition and nutrients on immune function (the effect of the gut microbiome) or the non-intentional effects of over-feeding various nutrients on the avian immune response (feed-induced inflammation and meta-inflammation).  相似文献   

The skin is a complex and dynamic ecosystem, wherein epithelial cells, immune cells and the skin microbiota actively interact and maintain barrier integrity and functional immunity. Skin microbes actively tune the functions of the resident immune cells. Dysbiosis – alterations in the resident microbiota – leads to the dysregulation of host immunity. Microbiome analyses in humans and dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD) have shown shifts in microbial diversity, and in particular, an increased proportion of staphylococci. Monogenic diseases that manifest AD-like symptoms provide insights into the pathogenesis of AD and the mechanisms of dysbiosis, from both the epithelial and immunological perspectives. The symbiotic relationships between the host and microbiota must be maintained constitutively. Detailed mechanisms of how host immunity regulates commensal bacteria in the steady state have been reported. The skin harbours multiple tissue-resident immune cells, including both innate and adaptive immune cells. Recent studies have highlighted the fundamental role of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the maintenance of barrier functions and tissue homeostasis. ILCs directly respond to tissue-derived signals and are instrumental in barrier immunity. Epithelial cells produce alarmins such as thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and interleukins (IL)-33 and IL-25, all of which activate group 2 ILCs (ILC2s), which produce type 2 cytokines, such as IL-5 and IL-13, boosting type 2 immune reactions. Dysregulation of the epithelial–ILC crosstalk results in allergic inflammation. This review highlights our understanding of the active interactions between the host epithelial and immune cells, and microbiota, providing a foundation for novel therapeutic strategies for inflammatory skin diseases.  相似文献   

Polyphenols are a class of non-essential phytonutrients, which are abundant in fruits and vegetables. Dietary polyphenols or foods rich in polyphenols are widely recommended for metabolic health. Indeed, polyphenols (i.e., catechins, resveratrol, and curcumin) are increasingly recognized as a regulator of lipid metabolism in host. The mechanisms, at least in part, may be highly associated with gut microbiome. This review mainly discussed the beneficial effects of dietary polyphenols on lipid metabolism. The potential mechanisms of gut microbiome are focused on the effect of dietary polyphenols on gut microbiota compositions and how gut microbiota affect polyphenol metabolism. Together, dietary polyphenols may be a useful nutritional strategy for manipulation of lipid metabolism or obesity care.  相似文献   

肠道微生物在调节宿主生理机能、代谢和免疫功能等方面发挥着非常重要的作用,是影响猪健康和重要经济性状表型的重要因素之一。近年来,人们对猪肠道微生物的研究和了解越来越深入,了解猪肠道微生物组成将有助于为从肠道菌群方向入手改善猪群健康和提高生产性能提供参考。作者首先综述了不同发育阶段、不同肠道部位以及主要商品猪和中国地方猪肠道核心菌群组成;其次系统总结了宿主遗传背景、饲粮种类、性别、环境以及抗生素、益生菌和饲料添加剂使用等因素对猪肠道微生物组成的影响;最后概述了猪肠道微生物主要功能及其对饲料利用率、脂肪沉积、宿主行为和免疫炎症等方面的影响。  相似文献   

The gut microbiota is comprised of a diverse array of microorganisms that interact with immune system and exert crucial roles for the health. Changes in the gut microbiota composition and functionality are associated with multiple diseases. As such, mobilizing a rapid and appropriate antimicrobial response depending on the nature of each stimulus is crucial for maintaining the balance between homeostasis and inflammation in the gut. Major players in this scenario are antimicrobial peptides (AMP), which belong to an ancient defense system found in all organisms and participate in a preservative co-evolution with a complex microbiome. Particularly increasing interactions between AMP and microbiota have been found in the gut. Here, we focus on the mechanisms by which AMP help to maintain a balanced microbiota and advancing our understanding of the circumstances of such balanced interactions between gut microbiota and host AMP. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview on the interplay of diverse antimicrobial responses with enteric pathogens and the gut microbiota, which should have therapeutic implications for different intestinal disorders.  相似文献   

猪肠道细菌培养组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪肠道菌群是由所有定殖在猪肠道里的大量细菌、病毒、真菌和古菌等构成的集合。已有研究表明,很多疾病以及猪重要经济性状都与肠道菌群有关。目前,肠道菌群研究使用较多的技术是16S rRNA基因测序和宏基因组测序,但这些技术并不能了解具体菌株的实际功能和生理特性。肠道细菌的分离培养具有特殊重要的意义。近几年来,肠道细菌的培养取得了重要进展,基于培养条件的多样性分离培养出了更多的肠道细菌类别,这对促进肠道菌群在菌株水平的研究以及推广应用有重要意义。本文主要从猪肠道菌群组成结构、培养组学发展、猪肠道细菌培养组学的研究现状等方面进行论述和展望,为后续猪肠道菌群菌株的功能和影响表型的机制研究提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Gut microbiota is generally recognized to play a crucial role in maintaining host health and metabolism. The correlation among gut microbiota, glycolipid metabolism, and metabolic diseases has been well reviewed in humans. However, the interplay between gut microbiota and host metabolism in swine remains incompletely understood. Given the limitation in conducting human experiments and the high similarity between swine and humans in terms of anatomy, physiology, polyphagy, habits, and metabolism and in terms of the composition of gut microbiota, there is a pressing need to summarize the knowledge gained regarding swine gut microbiota, its interplay with host metabolism, and the underlying mechanisms. This review aimed to outline the bidirectional regulation between gut microbiota and nutrient metabolism in swine and to emphasize the action mechanisms underlying the complex microbiome–host crosstalk via the gut microbiota–gut–brain axis. Moreover, it highlights the new advances in knowledge of the diurnal rhythmicity of gut microbiota. A better understanding of these aspects can not only shed light on healthy and efficient pork production but also promote our knowledge on the associations between gut microbiota and the microbiome–host crosstalk mechanism. More importantly, knowledge on microbiota, host health and metabolism facilitates the development of a precise intervention therapy targeting the gut microbiota.  相似文献   

近年来,蛋白酶体的分子组成、亚基、生化机理、胞内功能等方面的研究受到广泛关注,发展迅速.蛋白酶体的主要生物学功能包括:降解细胞内蛋白质、调节细胞周期、促进细胞凋亡、调节转录因子、增加抗原提呈等.在寄生虫中,蛋白酶体不仅参与胞内寄生虫的生长发育调节,同时对宿主造成损伤,并可诱导宿主产生对其的免疫应答.对寄生虫蛋白酶体的研究有助于深入了解寄生虫的入侵机制,为寄生虫病的防治提供新思路.作者对蛋白酶体的结构、功能及寄生虫蛋白酶体的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

It has been well recognized that interactions between the gut microbiota and host-metabolism have a proven effect on health. The gut lumen is known for harboring different bacterial communities. Microbial by-products and structural components, which are derived through the gut microbiota, generate a signaling response to maintain homeostasis. Gut microbiota is not only involved in metabolic disorders, but also participates in the regulation of reproductive hormonal function. Bacterial phyla, which are localized in the gut, allow for the metabolization of steroid hormones through the stimulation of different enzymes. Reproductive hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and testosterone play a pivotal role in the successful completion of reproductive events. Disruption in this mechanism may lead to reproductive disorders. Environmental bacteria can affect the metabolism, and degrade steroid hormones and their relevant compounds. This behavior of the bacteria can safely be implemented to eliminate steroidal compounds from a polluted environment. In this review, we summarize the metabolism of steroid hormones on the regulation of gut microbiota and vice-versa, and also examined the significant influence this process has on various events of reproductive function. Altogether, the evidence suggests that steroid hormones and gut microbiota exert a central role in the modification of host bacterial action and impact the reproductive efficiency of animals and humans.  相似文献   

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