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用更具创新精神的思路引领大学生管理理念,用更具实效性的工作推动大学生管理的实践。从高校大学生管理中面临的问题入手,对高校大学生管理工作进行探索。  相似文献   

主要探讨了对施工现场管理、施工管理创新和后期施工管理等问题的基本认识和做法。  相似文献   

一、管理创新的内涵和必要性 管理创新是指对企业管理理想、管理方法、管理工具和管理模式的创新,它是企业面对技术和市场的变化,所做出的相应的改进和调整。一般地讲,管理既是一门科学,也是一门艺术,它既有工具属性,又有一定的社会属性。因此,可以认为,管理创新就是一个非常重要而复杂的过程,它既包括管理技术的创新,也包括管理制度的创新。成功的管理创新实质是管理技术和管理制度两方面创新的综合体现和必然结果。  相似文献   

分析电力企业管理的现状和面临的诸多难题,指出了电力企业管理创新的发展趋势及发展思路,以期为电力企业的管理创新提供绵薄之力.  相似文献   

信息技术在森林公园管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息技术已广泛应用于人类社会的各个方面,而当前森林公园的管理迫切需要技术上的创新。在分析我国森林公园发展现状和简要介绍信息及信息技术含义的基础上,阐述森林公园管理中运用信息技术的必要性,对信息技术在森林公园管理中具体如何应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

金融危机下的资金缺乏,使珠三角中小企业倒闭。资金缺乏包含内因和外因。外因自己无法改变。人们可通过解决内因渡过金融危机,其中一个方法是管理创新,本文对管理创新中涉及人力资源、组织和财务创新等方面进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

试论管理会计在企业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从管理会计在企业中应用的核心问题--成本管理出发,分析管理会计在我国企业中的应用现状、我国理论界关于成本管理创新及加强成本管理可借鉴的方法等几个大问题,力求推动企业管理会计工作的开展,充分发挥管理会计在企业生产经营管理和决策中的作用。  相似文献   

陈辉  沈丽  谭天玲 《绿色科技》2012,(9):220-221
分析了国有林场需要管理创新的内容,探讨了国有林场管理创新的方法途径。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的力量源泉,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。提高我国自主创新能力,建设创新型国家,是党中央、国务院作出的重大战略部署,是国家发展战略的核心和提高综合国力的关键。创新决定着林业企业发展的成败。而创新作为林业企业管理最具有革命性的因素和知识经济的特征之一,又必须在管理职能和经营环节中得到体现。随着知识经济的到来,现代企业必然会面临新的社会经济环境的挑战,林业企业创新已势在必行,而管理创新又成为企业创新的重中之重。  相似文献   

浅谈城市园林绿化数字化管理的实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国城市园林的快速发展下,传统的管理模式已经不适用于现代城市园林的需求,此时需要现代化的管理方法来完善园林绿化工作。随着数字应用的技术发展,给城市园林绿化管理带来了便利。目前,我国利用的数字技术主要集中在城市园林绿化管理工作中的财务管理、数据处理以及网络信息等方面,缺乏在管理辅助工具上的分析。城市园林绿化数字化管理中最为关键的是利用数字化技术对园林绿化做定性分析,通过先进的科技和软件以及网络信息建立完善的城市园林绿化数字化管理体系。目前,我国常用GIS技术建立园林数字化管理体系,其涵盖了网络信息交流、数字管理和辅助决策、监督维护等功能,力在实现精细化、科学化以及系统化的园林管理模式。  相似文献   

张霞 《吉林林业科技》2009,38(4):39-41,51
本文以当前我国企业薪酬管理存在的问题为切入点,对企业薪酬管理存在问题的成因进行了分析,并提出了企业薪酬管理改革创新的主要对策。  相似文献   

科技创新作为推进林业科学技术发展的源动力,在推进科技兴林的同时,也在促进包括林业制度、森林经营理念、森林管理水平的不断完善、创新和提高。从科技创新和科技兴林的关系认识出发,针对木兰林管局所处的区位条件、森林经营现状、科技营林水平以及科技兴林面临的主要问题,提出了深化体制改革、加强科技队伍建设、提高科技含量以及完善创新体系4个方面的木兰林管局科技兴林途径,同时从不同的科技兴林途径出发,结合木兰林管局现有的经济水平和管理体系,提出了科研信用制度、内引外联、科技培训、交流合作等具体的解决办法。  相似文献   

论林权制度改革后林业生物灾害管理的体制机制创新   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在全面分析集体林权制度改革后林地经营出现的新情况和林业生物灾害管理面临的新问题的基础上,从完善与市场经济相适应的法律法规及相关政策,转变基层林业管理部门和森防机构的工作职能,建立和完善多种组织形式的社会化防治服务体系,不断创新以林权抵押贷款为主的防治投入机制,积极探索以政策性保险为主的森林保险制度等五个方面论述了林业生物灾害管理的体制机制创新。  相似文献   

本文结合工程中的经验、教训实例 ,阐述了改革管理体制和技术革新对中小路桥企业经营的重要性。提出管理和技术革新、人才培养、多方联合、灵活经营是小路桥企业的生存之道  相似文献   

From a conceptual point of view, national forest management standards in Latin American countries have progressed significantly in recent years. Examples include the Costa Rican Standards and Procedures for Sustainable Forest Management and Certification, developed by the National Commission for Forest Certification and in Nicaragua, the National Institute of Forestry proposal of principles, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In line with general approaches worldwide, these national standards primarily focus on the fulfillment of sound forest practice. There is comparatively little emphasis on the assessment of management outcomes or changes in key components of the eco- and social-systems that result from management impacts. Essentially, there is little emphasis on adaptive management, though arguments that management cannot be sustainable if it is not adaptive are persuasive. This study sought to contribute to the development of standards that include elements for adaptive management that define, communicate and evaluate sustainable forest management in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Elements from the national standards and the CIFOR generic C&I template (predominantly focused on forest management outcomes) were used as a starting point. The basic research process consisted of three phases of evaluation (in-office, desk and field). The evaluations were carried out by multidisciplinary, international groups of experts in forest ecology, management and policy. This study demonstrated the value of forums and workshops that facilitate exchange between forest scientists and policymakers; the innovation and application of a practical, applicable and scientifically based methodology for developing national level C&I; and acceptance of this methodology by key players in the fields of forest management and policy. These experiences and the resulting proposals of C&I for the evaluation of ecologically sustainable forest management are expected to be used as points of reference for future development of forest policy in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and to contribute to the overall understanding of C&I development processes in the region.  相似文献   

《Forest Policy and Economics》2008,10(7-8):435-443
This study evaluated the role of rural communities in the conservation of natural resources in South Africa. South Africa has sufficient legal instruments that promote interactive participation of rural people in the management of natural resources. These national laws operate within the policy frameworks provided by the multilateral environmental conventions and protocols to which South Africa is signatory. However, these legal commitments to participatory management of natural resources are not matched by the practice on the ground by South African conservationists. Grassroots conservation officials who are responsible for administering participatory processes primarily focus their attention on the establishment of participatory natural resources management forums. However, these forums typically die out, as they fail to meet local people's expectations. Lack of capacity, experience and innovation underlie the absence of institutional culture for effective integration of rural people's needs into the management of protected natural resources. Strategic recommendations are provided to overcome these inadequacies identified in the implementation of participatory management of natural resources in South Africa.  相似文献   

Our comparative analysis of forest research networks indicates the emergence and strengthening of a new model of knowledge co-production involving knowledge producers and users, with the goal of fostering innovation and addressing challenges facing the forest sector. However, effective movement towards this model requires attention to design and to management, particularly in relation to the expectations of partners (both university and non-university) who are used to traditional models of knowledge production and linear processes of knowledge extension. Based on our survey and literature review, we argue that in the short-term, the objective of producing applied research requires that forest research networks prioritize diverse and tailored knowledge mobilization strategies, rather than emphasizing knowledge production. With regards to the longer-term objective of facilitating new avenues for innovation in the forest sector this requires a knowledge mobilization strategy that entails a level of engagement with partners that is creative and transformative rather than mainly informative. Building an organizational culture of innovation requires a different approach to producing applied research, although many of the same skills are required. Our analysis suggest that if networks are to be effective in both these short and long term objectives, they should foster openness by establishing transparent and responsive organizational processes. Although such policies may exist and be available to partners, we found relatively little information available on the processes of transparency, accountability and conflict resolution within the websites of the networks we compared. Establishing clear roles and consistent channels of communications is imperative to facilitate the efficient and effective management of the network and manage partners' expectations, regardless of the partnership model.  相似文献   

在新经济时代的特殊背景下,创新成为未来管理的主旋律,而企业人力资源管理的创新成为管理创新的主题。本文对新经济的内涵和特征,新经济时代的企业所需人才的类型和素质进行论述,提出了在新经济时代的人力资源管理创新。  相似文献   

国有林场制度创新路径探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国有林场的制度创新从根源来讲必须进行价值创新,并以此去支撑制度创新。其价值理念的真正实现取决于政府对国有林场的放权。国有林场制度创新路径包括管理体制创新、经营机制创新、产权制度创新以及治理结构创新。  相似文献   

经营管理是企业永恒的主题。企业核心竞争力的提高有待于经营管理机制的创新,企业通过经营管理创新,形成新的动力源,以激发全员的积极性和创造性,为国有建筑施工企业的持续、健康、快速发展提供有力的保障。  相似文献   

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