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不同培养养料栽培金针菇比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验用醋槽,麦秸,高梁秸和玉米秸为主料,适当塔配棉籽壳培金针菇。试验设五个配方,配方1、2、3和4为试验组,配方5为对照组,试验结果表明:除配方2外,其余试验组的生物效率均高于对照组,其中以配方4最好,菌丝生长速度快,长势好,产量高,品质好,生物效率高达132%,对对照提高33.3%。  相似文献   

以醋槽、麦秸、高梁秸和玉米秸为主料,搭配少量棉籽壳,采用袋栽法试栽金针菇。试验设5个配方,其中配方5为对照。结果表明,配方1、2、3、4菌丝生长速度、鲜菇产量及质量均高于对照,生物学效率分别比对照高43.4%、73.6%、52.8%和113.2%。  相似文献   

杨小弟 《食用菌》2001,23(4):22-22
茶薪菇味鲜脆嫩可口,气味香浓,是一种食用价值很高的食用菌。近几年来,全国各地都有人栽培,且栽培面积逐渐扩大,但都遇到生物转化率太低这个问题。为了提高其生物转化率,我们于2000年进行了不同培养料配比栽培试验,现将结果简报如下;1 材料与方法1.1 菌种来猿 母种于1994年我所筛选获得,并经出菇试验和大面积栽培。1.2 试验设计 采用随机区组设计方法,设 4个水平,每个水平重复3次。配方1:杂木屑73%,麦麸20%,茶枯饼粉4.8%,碳酸钙1%,磷酸二氢钾0.2%,糖1%。配方2:棉子壳40%,杂木屑…  相似文献   

褚丽丽  魏玉华 《食用菌》2001,23(5):22-22
为了寻找香菇栽培新原料,笔者进行了酸枣核壳栽培香菇试验,现将试验结果简报如下:1供试菌种 菌种为L26。原种和栽培种均用木屑为原料,广口瓶培养。2 试验配方①酸枣核壳88%;②酸枣核壳40%,棉子壳40%;③酸枣核壳40%,木屑40%;④对照组木屑80%。以上配方均加麸皮18%,糖、石膏各1%,调节含水量为 60%~65%,pH4~6.5。3 试验方法 将料装入15cm×55cm袋中,每袋装干料1kg,每配方为200袋,按照常规灭菌14小时,冷却至 25~30℃,在无菌条件下接种,然后置于 24~28…  相似文献   

据测定花生壳中粗蛋白含量为7.7%,粗脂肪为5.9%,粗纤维为59.9%,可溶性碳水化合物为10.4%,花生秧中粗蛋白含量为6.6%,粗脂肪为1.2%,粗纤维为33.2%,可溶性碳水化合物为41.3%。以上原料经过实验适合平菇栽培,现将有关技术介绍如下:1配方花生壳(花生秧)粉碎50kg,麸皮10%,玉米粉8%,石灰2%,磷酸二氢钾0.3%,多菌灵(含量50%)0.2%,石膏2%,含水量50kg干料加水60~75kg。按配方先将花生壳花生秧晒2天,然后与麸皮、玉米粉、石膏、磷酸二氢钾掺在一起拌匀…  相似文献   

1 选用材料美国固信公司生产的53.8%可杀得2000。2 果园类型3年生初挂果密植脐橙园。3 使用办法3-1 药液浓度为1000倍。3-2 99年度喷施3次,第1次3月31日,第2次6月20日,第3次8月22日,期间未用其它任何杀菌剂。第1次用药混用杀虫剂和10元素微肥,第2、3次用药均混用杀虫、杀螨剂和10元素微肥。4 观察效果4-1 可溶性好。该药兑水后迅速溶解,药液底层不留残渣。4-2 防病性能好,持效性长。该果园截至8月底为止,既未遭受4月上、中旬普遍发生的落叶性炭疽病为害,也未发生急…  相似文献   

1998年8月我们受国家农业部有关部门的委托,在进贤县红壤项目区和金溪县红壤项目区的柑园进行“迦姆丰收”液肥叶面喷施试验。分别在两地的5年生 柑园设立试验点,每个点面积为1333.4hm2。按常规对比试验方法进行。全试验共喷布3次,第1次为8月29日,第2次为9月18日,第3次为10月18日,喷施浓度为每包(10ml)对水800倍液全树喷布。对照组亦按上述时间喷3次,使用的液肥为0.5%尿素加 0.5%磷酸二氢钾。试验结果表明,迦姆丰收处理的 柑树果实显著提早着色,11月4日在试验点现场测定,果实…  相似文献   

为进一步提高中管棚设施利用率,充分发挥中棚搭架蔬菜的小气候环境,我站与蔬菜技术推广站协作进行了中棚秋刀豆套种鸡腿菇试验,经过两年的试验,取得了成功。现将试验情况总结如下:1材料与方法1.1供试品种①鸡腿菇;②黑籽长箕刀豆。1.2试验方法菌袋制作:配方为棉子壳42%,茵糠40%,玉米粉15%,尿素1%,石灰2%。把上述配方按比例混合,料含水量62%~64%,pH7.2~7.5,堆制7天,中间翻堆2次。料堆制好装17 × 33cm袋中,装料高16cm,每袋干制重300g。接种、发菌同常规。1.3蔬菜播…  相似文献   

为提高猕猴桃的食用品质,笔者进行了本试验。1996和1997年在吉首大学猕猴桃园内分别以9和10年生美味猕猴桃“米良1号”为试材。单株区组,重复3次。花前在单株上选方向各异的3个大枝,设3个处理:Ⅰ.0.2%2,4-D羊毛脂涂花梗;Ⅱ.0.2%GA3...  相似文献   

本试验主要为探索广东宏远生物工程有限公司生产的保得生物肥(土壤接种剂和微生物叶面增效剂)对柑橘生长结果的影响,为生产应用提供依据。现将试验结果总结如下。1材料与方法 试验于2000年在台州市黄岩区院桥镇东家峰村橘园进行,试材为种植在平原水稻田上的15年生积砧宫川温州蜜柑,栽植密度为2.8m×3.2m,树势中等,按常规管理。 试验设5个处理:(1)土壤接种剂浇施2次;(2)叶面增效剂1000倍液喷雾2次;(3)土壤接种剂浇施2次加叶面增效剂1000倍液喷雾2次;(4)0.3%KH2PO4液叶面喷雾2…  相似文献   

以糖化率为指标对比白腐菌I.lacteus C与G.lucidum E、褐腐菌Fomitopsis sp.IMER2与P.cocos F预处理玉米秸秆的效果,结果表明:不同菌株处理效果差异很大,白腐菌预处理效果优于褐腐菌,木质纤维素网状结构中木质素去除比纤维素结晶度降低利于提高糖化率。I.lacteus C预处理优势明显,处理30 d糖化率最高,比对照提高135.7%,达62.0%;G.lucidum E处理后仅20 d样品糖化率提高,达42.1%;Fomitopsis sp.IMER2处理后糖化率稍有提高;P.cocos F处理降低糖化率。进一步研究发现I.lacteus C通过改性玉米秸秆提高糖化率:处理30 d可溶性还原糖含量提高287.5%,转化率提高178.3%。  相似文献   

AIM: To study the effects of intrathymic inoculation of liver specific antigen (LSA) on hepatocyte apoptosis after liver allotransplantation. METHODS: Orthotopic liver transplantation was used in this study. Group Ⅰ: syngenic control (Wistar-to-Wistar); Group Ⅱ: acute rejection (SD-to-Wistar); Group Ⅲ: thymus inoculation of SD rat LSA day 7 before transplantation. The observation of general situation and survival time, hepatocyte apoptosis and LAT expression in liver transplants were used to analyze immune state of animals in different groups. RESULTS: The general situation of group Ⅰ was very well after transplantation. Recipients of groupⅡ lost body weight progressively and all died within day 9 to day 13 post transplantation. As for group Ⅲ, the general situation of recipients was remarkably better than that in group Ⅱ. The positive cells of apoptosis in group Ⅲ detected by TUNEL were not significantly different from that in group Ⅰ, but was significantly lower than that in group Ⅱ. LAT was detected at any time in group Ⅱ with peak expression at day 5 and day 7 post transplantation. In contrast, LAT was not detected in any other groups. CONCLUSION: Intrathymic inoculation of LSA protects hepatocytes from apoptosis after liver allotransplantation.  相似文献   

AIM:To develop a modified uremic rat model of peritoneal dialysis. METHODS:A 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy was performed during 2 operative procedures to establish a uremic rat model. A modified silicon catheter was inserted into the peritoneal cavity with an incision in the back of the rats. The tunnel exit was made in the skin of the posterior neck, 2~3 cm below the middle of the 2 ears. Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups. Group A (n=6) was subjected to sham operation. Group B (n=6) was subjected to nephrectomy without silicon catheter insertion or peritoneal dia-lysis. Group C (n=6) was subjected to nephrectomy with silicon catheter insertion, but no peritoneal dia-lysis. Group D (n=6) was subjected to nephrectomy with silicon catheter insertion and received daily peritoneal injections through the catheter using 4.25% glucose-based dialysis solution for 2 weeks. Twenty-four hours after dialysis in group D, the rats in all groups received peritoneal equilibration test. The ultrafiltration volume, the white blood cell (WBC) counts in peritoneal effluent and the thickness of the mesothelium-to-muscle layer of peritoneum were also measured. RESULTS:Serum levels of creatinine in group B, group C and group D were 2~3 times higher than that in group A (P<0.05), suggesting the successful establishment of uremic rat model. The ultrafiltration volume in group D decreased significantly as compared with group A, group B and group C (P<0.05). The WBC counts in peritoneal effluent in group B, group C and group D were slightly higher than that in group A (P<0.05). However, no episode of infection in any group was observed. Hematoxylin-eosin staining demonstrated a dramatic increase in the thickness of the mesothelium-to-muscle layer of peritoneum exposed to high glucose (group D) as compared with group A, group B and group C (P<0.05). Peritoneal tissue showed significant pathological features of chronic injury induced by high glucose dialysis fluid. CONCLUSION: We established an ideal uremic rat model of peritoneal dialysis by a modified catheter insertion method.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate effects of hypoxic response elements (HRE) on expression of hVEGF165 gene transferred to myocardiocyte under anoxic and normoxic conditions in vitro.METHODS:Myocardiocytes from neonatal SD rats were isolated and cultured in serum-free medium.The r-AAV vector packaged with 293T cells was used to transfer cultured myocardiocytes.Myocardiocytes were divided into eight groups: Group Ⅰ: myocardiocytes were cultured for 24 hours under normoxic conditions as control;Group Ⅱ: cells was cultured under hypoxia for 8 hours;Group Ⅲ: infected cells were cultured for 24 hours under normoxic conditions;Group Ⅳ: infected cells were cultured under hypoxia for 8 hours;GroupⅤ: infected cells were cultured under hypoxia for 8 hours and normoxia for 4 hours;GroupⅥ: infected cells were cultured under hypoxia for 8 hours and normoxia for 8 hours;GroupⅦ: infected cells were cultured under hypoxia for 8 hours and normoxia for 12 hours;Group Ⅷ: infected cells were cultured under hypoxia only for 20 hours.hVEGF165 protein was quantified from culture medium using ELISA,hVEGF165 protein in myocardiocytes was detected with immunofluorescence and expression of hVEGF165 mRNA was also determined by RT-PCR.RESULTS:95% myocardiocytes showed beating rhythmically with 86% of cTn-I positive staining.87% virual transferred efficiency was achieved.The contents of hVEGF165 protein in group Ⅳ,Ⅴ and Ⅷ were higher than those in other groups (P<0.01).Immunofluorescence positive cells were observed in group Ⅳ,Ⅴ and group Ⅷ.RT-PCR revealed that a 484 bp strip was also found in the same groups.CONCLUSION:rAAV-HRE9-hVEGF165 vector infected cultured myocardiocyte successfully.Under hypoxia,expression of hVEGF165mRNA and hVEGF165 protein were regulated by HRE,whereas under normoxic conditions the expression of hVEGF165 mRNA and hVEGF165 protein were ceased.  相似文献   

Yield, fruit quality, growth and the levels of 12 elements in the leaves were measured for 12-year-old Marsh Seedless grapefruit trees on six rootstocks. Trees on rough lemon and Cleopatra mandarin were larger than those on sour orange and consistently produced 67 and 23 per cent more fruit respectively than on sour orange. Trees on Palestine sweet lime, Troyer and Morton citranges were the least productive. Three-year means of total soluble solids ranged from 9·4 per cent for fruit from trees on Palestine sweet lime to 11–2 per cent on Cleopatra mandarin. Fruit size was good on all rootstocks but effects of rootstock on levels of Mg, Na, Cl and B in the leaves were statistically significant.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate whether hepatocyte apoptosis is contributed to liver ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and the relationship between liver caspase-3 activity and hepatocyte apoptosis in cirrhotic rats. METHODS:Liver ischemia-reperfusion is induced by Pringle maneuver. The cirrhotic rats were randomized into two groups: Group A: simple hepatic blood inflow occlusion (HBIO); Group B: HBIO + inhibitor, before HBIO, ZVAD-fmk 15 mg/kg was injected via dorsal penis vein; Group C: healthy rat, simple HBIO. The ischemia time was 30 min in these groups. Serum aspartate aminotransferase(AST), liver caspase-3 activity, and apoptotic hepatocytes were examined in the three groups. RESULTS: After 6 h of reperfusion, the liver caspase-3 activity was markedly elevated and reached its peak, which was statistically higher than that of before I/R . The same change occurred in hepatocyte apoptosis between 6 h of reperfusion and before I/R (20.9%±4.9% vs 0.5%±0.3%, P<0.01). As the reperfusion prolonged, the caspase-3 activity and apoptotic hepatocyte decreased gradually. The 7th-day survival rate was 62.5% in group A. The serum AST, liver caspase-3 activity and apoptotic hepatocytes were significantly higher in group A than those in group B and C, representing the most severe liver injury among the three groups. CONCLUSION:Hepatocyte apoptosis is the major form of cell death in liver ischemia-reperfusion injury in cirrhotic rats. Hepatoctye apoptosis induced by I/R is caspase-3 dependent, and inhibiting caspase-3 can alleviate liver injury. The caspase-3 dependent hepatocyte apoptosis is highly contributed to the pathological phenomenon that the ischemic sensitivity of cirrhotic liver is higher than normal liver.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the role of myocardial nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB)and manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) in the mechanism underlying cardioprotective effect of delayed preconditioning mediated by adenosine A1 receptor agonist R-phenylisopropyladenosine ( R-PIA). METHODS:Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups(n=12), Group normal saline, Group R-PIA and Group R-PIA plus DPCPX (an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist). Twenty four hours after administration of above drug, left ventricular myocardial samples of 4 rats in each group were obtained for assessment of myocardial Mn-SOD content (ELISA) and NF-κB binding activity (EMSA). Eight rats in each group, 24 hours after pretreatment as above, were subjected to chest-open and subjected to 30 min of regional myocardial ischemia followed by 120 min of reperfusion, and then the hearts of the rats were isolated to determine the infarct size (TTC stain ). RESULTS: The infarct size in group R-PIA was significantly less than that in group normal saline (P<0.01), and there was no significant difference between group R-PIA+DPCPX and group normal saline in infarct size (P>0.05). Myocardial NF-kappa B binding activity and Mn-SOD content in group R-PIA were all higher than those in group normal saline. There was no significant difference between group R-PIA+DPCPX and group normal saline in NF-κB binding activity and Mn-SOD content (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS:This study suggested that there might be a close relationship between delayed preconditioning mediated by adenosine A1 receptor agonist R-PIA and myocardial nuclear factor-kappa B binding activity and Mn-SOD protein expression.  相似文献   

灵芝的磁生物效应及其超微结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次报道了用电镜观察到喷浇磁水的灵芝其菌肉细胞密度比对照组高1/3左右,且厚壁细胞彘薄壁细胞多1/3左右,而对照组则是厚壁细胞比薄膜细胞少1/3左右。在喷浇磁水的灵芝菌管细胞内不可见到较多的线粒体和密集的糖原颗粒。孢子内外结构及大小基本相同。并阐明灵芝超微结构2的变化与磁生物效应的关系。  相似文献   

以苹果、梨、桃、李、杏、樱桃、葡萄、中华猕猴桃、枣、石榴、板栗和核桃等12个属计17个种或品种为试材,运用光镜和电镜观测了新鲜花粉、戊二醛固定花粉及风干花粉的形状及大小,比较了不同固定及脱水方法的扫描效果。结果表明,(1)杏、枣和葡萄等果树新鲜花粉与戊二醛固定花粉的形状及大小均无差异。(2)苹果、梨、桃、李、杏和中华猕猴桃等果树的风干花粉与戊二醛固定花粉比较,极轴增长40.70%,赤道轴缩短38.22%,变成椭球形(赤道面观),戊二醛固定花粉则为扁球形或圆球形。(3)1%的番红稀释液是果树孢粉学研究较理想的染色液。(4)戊二醛单固定,50%、60%、70%乙醇脱水法扫描效果良好,且具有操作简便、成本低等优点。  相似文献   

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