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水稻种子检验分田间检验和室内检验。种子田间检验重点是进行田间隔离情况、病害感染情况、杂草和异作物混入情况、田间生长情况、种子成熟和质量情况、品种的真实性和纯度的检验;室内检验包括净度分析、发芽实验、真实性和品种纯度鉴定、水分测定、生活力测定、种子健康测定等。只有严格按照检验标准和规程操作,才能从源头上把住种子质量关,确保进入流通领域的种子质量。  相似文献   

朱迎春 《杂粮作物》2002,22(6):361-361
加强玉米制种田管理,提高种子质量,应抓好田间检验和室内检验,即全过程的质量管理,而实施制种措施的具体操作者是农户,检验应从增强制种户的质量意识,提高技术素质,从鼓励和激发农户生产优质合格种子的积极性、自觉性等基础工作抓起。1 田间检验田间检验项目很多,贯穿种子生产全生育期,在保证隔离距离的条件下,重点应进行制种田去杂、母本花期去雄质量的检验,检验队伍应由公司的繁育员、检验员和主管检验的领导共同组成。检验时间应采取定期抽查和每日普查相结合。1 1 检验标准 严格执行检验规程和国家标准,杂株率、母本散粉株率绝不…  相似文献   

为规范中药材种子市场,保证种子的质量,参照《国际种子检验规程》(ISTA1996)和GB/T3543-1995《农作物种子检验规程》及当前种子检验的研究成果,通过对青蒿种子扦样、净度分析、发芽试验、真实性鉴定、水分测定、四唑测定、重量测定等检验方法的研究,确定其标准检验方法,建立青蒿种子检验规程。  相似文献   

种子作为特殊商品,其衍生的价值可能是种子本身的几十倍,甚至是几百倍。种子质量的优劣,对于农业生产至关重要,同时影响种植农户的切身利益。种子质量一旦出现问题,将给种植农户造成减产乃至颗粒无收。田间损失是否由种子质量所引起,种子质量优劣的辨别尤为关键.田间现场鉴定作为当前进行种子真实性和纯度鉴定的重要手段,为种子案件办理、纠纷调解、民事诉讼提供重要依据,甚至是决定性的证据。而在实际操作中.田间现场鉴定也存在一些争议。  相似文献   

杜红  路红卫 《中国棉花》2008,35(11):30-31
棉花制种田的田间检验是保证和提高棉花种子质量的关键措施之一,抓好田间检验,就抓住了种子质量的关键.结合近几年棉花杂交制种实践,谈谈棉花制种田如何抓好以下几个时期的检验.  相似文献   

针对种子生产、经营和管理过程中存在的突出问题,立足于提高种子质量水平和监管手段,开展了玉米杂交种和小麦常规种子生产田间检验、种子扦样、商品种子质量监督检测等方面技术研究。通过研究总结出种子田间质量控制措施,种子扦样、分样方法和提高扦样代表性技术,简便高效的种子检测技术和种子质量监督检查方法实现了种子质量管理规范化。  相似文献   

品种纯度检验是玉米新品种保护及种子生产的技术依据.本文综述了玉米杂交种纯度室内鉴定的方法与技术,利用种子的形态鉴定、幼苗鉴定、电泳测定方法测定玉米纯度.经多年试验证明这些鉴定方法准确度高、检验周期短,是室内检验的可靠方法。  相似文献   

一、前言 水稻种子生活力通常都是以室内发芽试验来表示。但是,有些保持较高发芽率的种子,田间出苗率却很低,幼苗生长差。说明在发芽率降低以前种子内部已发生了很大的变化,已在劣变。因此发芽率并不能准确表示种子的质量。Stahl通过许多对比试验指出用发芽试验来测定种子在田间的植株生长能力是不可靠的。1953年国际种子检验协会(ISTA)新成立了种子活力检测委员会,公认种子活力是不同于生活力(主要是指发芽率)的一个单独的种子质量因子。把活力定义为:“所有决定种子群体在萌发和幼苗出苗过程中的潜在活性和性状的种子特性的总和”。 七…  相似文献   

随着国外合资种业的进入.其高标准质量的种子也进入市场。同时各级种子管理部门对质量抽查的次数和范围也不断加大。玉米种子室内检验工作是企业质量的一个重要的环节.如何更好地做好室内种子质量的各个环节不仅是种子质量最后的内控需要.也是增加市场竞争力的一个核心。  相似文献   

在棉种加工和硫酸脱绒过程中 ,由于机械损伤和化学物质的刺激 ,对棉子造成不同程度的损伤 ,老的检验规程 (GB3543— 83)中把这些受损伤的棉子列为废种子 ,不参与发芽试验 ,而新规程 (GB/T3543.3- 1 995)中则把这些受损伤的棉子归为净种子 ,参与发芽试验。为了解破损棉子的发芽和出苗情况 ,我们分别于 1 997和 1 998年春进行了室内发芽率和田间出苗率的测定 ,为棉种加工和大田生产提供依据。1 试验方法选用本地新收获的泗棉 3号一代种 ,经机械剥绒和硫酸脱绒后的种子 ,从大样中挑出所有破损种子 ,去除杂质 ,分成以下几类 ,以好种子为对照…  相似文献   

刘锐  刘冬青  李浩 《江西棉花》2009,31(2):63-64
实施棉花良种补贴是国家重视棉花生产的体现,其意义在于直接惠民,减轻棉花生产成本,调动棉农的植棉积极性,稳定植棉面积,优化品种结构,使农民在生产上获取适宜良种。山东省实行棉花良种补贴两年来取得很大成效,棉农们对棉补政策赞誉不绝。现结合良补实践情况,同时就如何做好良种繁育提出几点建议。  相似文献   

The physico-chemical properties of the seed and seed oil ofJatropha gossipifolia were assessed by standard methods. The seed contains 35.8% crude oil of iodine value 107.25, 13.40% protein, 9.25% fibre, 30.32% carbohydrate and 6.0 g/kg saponins. The fatty acid composition of the seed oil was determined by GC-MS. Caprylic, myristic, palmitoleic, palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, vernolic, arachidic, behenic and lignoceric acids were found.  相似文献   

The physicochemical composition ofSclerocarya birrea was assessed by standard methods and was found to contain 11.0% Crude oil, 17.2% Carbohydrate, 36.70% Crude protein 3.4% fibre and 0.9% crude saponins. The fatty acid distribution in the seed oil was obtained by fractionating the volatised fatty acid by GC-MS. The oil is made up of nine fatty acids of which palmitic, stearic and arachidonic acids are the most dominant.  相似文献   

Developing soybean cultivars with high seed protein concentration has been hampered by the negative correlation between seed protein and seed yield. While previous in vitro studies have documented the impact of assimilate supply to the seed in determining seed protein, in planta studies generally have failed to link seed protein accumulation directly with assimilate supply per plant during seed filling. It may be possible to reconcile this apparent contradiction by expressing the relationship between seed protein and assimilate supply in planta on a per seed basis. We evaluated the association between seed composition and assimilate supply per seed in closely related experimental lines varying in seed protein concentration and in several elite varieties from the Iowa State University breeding program. High seed protein content was associated with greater leaf area per seed at R5.5, which was a consequence of fewer seeds set per plant. The more favorable source/sink ratio provided greater assimilate per seed during grain filling, but limited the yield potential of the high protein lines because of reduced seed set. Depodding during grain filling increased seed size of low protein lines and increased seed protein concentration to levels comparable to those in the untreated high protein lines. Seed size was far less responsive to depodding in the high protein lines. These results suggest that high protein lines maintain assimilate supply per seed at or near saturating levels during seed filling. Improving seed protein levels in high yielding varieties will require increasing assimilate supply per seed without sacrificing seed numbers.  相似文献   

The effects of several certified Sebago seed stocks on potato stands and yields were studied in 1969 and 1970 with a USDA maintenance stock used as a control. Seed piece treatments —(i) nontreated stem-end, (ii) nontreated bud-end, and (iii) Polyram®-treated bud-ends —were incorporated into the 1970 test. Large differences among certified seed stocks and seed piece treatment for stands and yields were obtained due to the bacterial seed piece decay and/or black leg disease caused byErwinia carotovora (Jones) Holland. Yields of the USDA maintenance stock were significantly superior to three and seven of the certified stocks compared in 1969 and 1970, respectively. While treatment of seed from vigorous stocks did not significantly increase yields, treatment of seed from less vigorous stocks did result in significantly greater yields. In the nontreated, less vigorous seed, there was a tendency for the bud-end seed to produce greater yield than the stem-end.  相似文献   

丸化剂对水稻种子出苗和秧苗生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以早稻品种金优974、湘早籼31号和晚稻品种新香优80、湘早籼10号为材料,比较研究了自研的丸化剂与进口种衣剂对水稻萌发、出苗、秧苗素质、苗期抗病虫能力的效应.结果表明,用丸化种衣剂包衣有利于种子发芽和出苗,提高秧苗综合素质.其中,成秧率提高6.8%~9.4%,秧苗根系活力提高7.1%~32.4%,病虫害防治效果分别达到95.7%~98.5%和77.5%~90.35%.  相似文献   

大豆种子脂肪氧化酶的缺失对种子劣变的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用Suzuyutaka及其全套种子脂肪氧化酶缺失体近等位基因系作实验材料,研究评价缺失大豆种子脂肪氧化酶同功酶对种子劣变的影响。结果表明,在贮藏期间,所有缺失体类型与正常品种Suzuyutaka一样贮藏始期 都具有高的活力和发芽率,随着贮藏时间的推移,都以相似的规律和基本一致的速率丧失种子的发芽率和活力;而且酶活性的变化规律也基本一致。表明种子脂肪氧化酶的缺失对大豆种子劣变没有明显影响。  相似文献   

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