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马铃薯膜下滴灌节水及生产效率的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了探索膜下滴灌在马铃薯生产中应用的可行性,于内蒙古达茂旗进行了膜下滴灌试验。结果表明:膜下滴灌比露地滴灌平均增产26%,水分利用效率提高28.5%,灌水的平均生产效率提高26%,因此,膜下滴灌应该成为内蒙古西部地区马铃薯生产中有效的增产节水措施。一带双行滴灌模式下马铃薯平均产量显著高于一带一行处理,这种滴灌模式不仅节约管道设备,而且进一步提高了水分利用效率和灌水生产效率,值得在生产中广泛推广。尽管露地滴灌条件下马铃薯产量与滴灌带的密度有关,一带一行灌溉方式下产量高于一带双行,但总体而言,露地滴灌在水分利用效率上显著低于膜下滴灌,因此在水分不足的内蒙古西部马铃薯产区,不建议广泛推广露地滴灌。  相似文献   

在内蒙古通辽市辽河镇浅埋滴灌水肥一体化条件下,以DK159为研究对象,设置6.0万株/hm2(D1,CK,农民常规种植密度)和9.0万株/hm2(D2)两种种植密度处理和45 mm(I45)、90 mm(I90)、180 mm(I180)、270 mm(I270)、360 mm(I360)、450 mm(I450,CK,农民常规灌溉量)6个灌溉量水平,研究种植密度和灌溉量对玉米产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明,9.0万株/hm2密度下在360 mm的灌溉量下获得最高产量和较高的WUE;6.0万株/hm2密度下在270 mm的灌溉量下获得最高产量和较高WUE。与传统生产方式(D1-I450处理)相比,D1-I270处理的产量无显著降低,灌溉量降低40.0%,蒸散量减少19.7%,WUE提高25.1%;D2-I  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of drip irrigation regimes on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growth, tuber yield and quality, and water use efficiency (WUE) when grown under plastic mulch in an arid area of Northwestern China in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The 2008 experiment consisted of a drip irrigation check without plastic mulch and four different drip irrigation frequency treatments with plastic mulch: once every day, once every 2 days, once every 4 days, and once every 8 days. In 2009 and 2010 the drip check treatment without mulch was irrigated at −25 kPa soil matric potential (SMP) during three potato development stages and four different SMP drip irrigation strategies were compared during the potato development stages (using plastic mulch): S1 (−25 kPa SMP during the three development stages), S2 (−25 kPa SMP during tuber initiation and bulking and −35 kPa SMP during maturation), S3 (−25 kPa SMP during tuber initiation and maturation and −35 kPa SMP during bulking), S4 (−35 kPa SMP during the three development stages). Plastic mulch negatively affected tuber yield, WUE, and tuber quality. In the presence of plastic mulch, tuber yield, specific gravity, starch content, and vitamin C content seemed to be enhanced as the irrigation frequency increased, although the differences were not statistically significant. Irrigation frequency did not affect WUE for potato grown under plastic mulch. Analysis of plant height, tuber yield and WUE showed that a drip irrigation threshold of −35 kPa SMP led to obvious water stress for potato growth in this arid area. Under plastic mulch in 2010, S2 was the optimum drip irrigation regime because of the significantly higher yield than S3 and S4, the highest WUE and significantly firmer tubers than any of the other irrigation regimes tested.  相似文献   

Plastic film mulching is an important agricultural practice to save water and improve crop productivity in Northern China. Three field experiments were conducted to examine the effect of plastic mulch on soil temperature, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growth and evapotranspiration under drip irrigation in two typical regions of Northern China in 2001 and 2006. Results suggest that daily mean soil temperature under mulch was 2–9 °C higher than without mulch, especially during the early growth. Potato growth was restrained under mulching conditions in the North China Plain mainly due to the higher air temperature in this region and thus the higher soil temperature. The negative effects of mulching included a lower emergence and fewer marketable tubers per plant. Evapotranspiration and potato tuber yield were both reduced by mulch, especially in the North China Plain. In northwest China, mulch favorably increased the weight of jumbo tubers (W ≥ 300 g) per plant. Mulching duration had little effect on potato evapotranspiration in northwest China. However, both tuber yield and water use efficiency (WUE) decreased with increases in mulch duration, which suggests the plastic mulch should be removed early.  相似文献   

内蒙古马铃薯疮痂病发生与防治途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011~2012年对内蒙古自治区18个种薯生产单位和11个马铃薯县(旗、市)进行了马铃薯疮痂病(Streptomyces spp.)实地访问和调查。结果被调查的18个种薯生产单位有疮痂病率83.0%,病薯率0.0%~100.0%,11个县(旗、市)商品薯有疮痂病率100.0%,病薯率0.1%~38.0%。重复使用蛭石生产种薯、商品薯生产田轮作少、发病重。种薯较商品薯疮痂病问题更为严重。品种感病、条件适宜、重复使用蛭石、轮作少和缺乏有效杀菌剂是病害严重的主要因素。分析认为,使用效果显著的蛭石消毒剂或种薯处理剂是内蒙古马铃薯疮痂病防治的最佳途径。  相似文献   

近年来,滴灌节水农业技术及其与灌溉设施相配套的水肥一体化技术在乌兰察布马铃薯生产中的应用越来越广泛。但实际生产中,种植者常因将杂质含量大、难溶解的常规肥料应用于滴灌系统,而造成滴头堵塞。液体肥料具有溶解性好、杂质少等优点,是利用滴灌设施进行追肥的理想肥料。在田间试验条件下,研究了在适量降低基肥用量的同时,通过每667m2滴灌追施10、20、30kg农季高液体肥对马铃薯生长、产量及商品性状的影响。结果表明,追施农季高液体肥处理比传统追肥处理增产显著,马铃薯块茎产量增幅达13.52%-22.36%,商品率提高4.68%-6.55%,每667m2增收401.85-527.95元,经济效益显著提高。表明农季高液体肥可以在马铃薯作物上推广应用。  相似文献   

To improve potato yield in the Yinshan hilly area in Inner Mongolia of China, we implemented a novel cultivation method, i.e., the mini-ridge with covering and side planting (MCSP), based on local meteorological conditions and soil characteristics, and the growth and developmental process of potato. Data from four years of field experiments and laboratory simulation indicate that: 1) the yield of rain-fed potato under the MCSP method increased significantly, by 34% and 48% over yields obtained from the traditional methods of flat cultivation with covering (FC), and flat cultivation with no covering (FNC), respectively; 2) Compared to the FC and FNC methods, MCSP increased the rain water productivity by 15–53% and 28–74%; 3) MCSP increased water content in the top 20 cm of soil, and changed the distribution pattern of soil water by enhancing its vertical movement while reducing its lateral transport, thereby concentrating soil water into the root zone for improved root development.  相似文献   

外源硒对滴灌小麦籽粒硒含量及产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为给小麦高效富硒提供理论依据,通过田间小区试验研究了外源硒不同施用方式及用量对小麦籽粒硒含量及产量的影响。 结果表明,基施与喷施外源硒的小麦生物量和产量均随硒用量的增加而增加,滴施外源硒小麦的生物量和产量随硒用量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。在喷施20 mg·L-1外源硒处理下小麦产量最高,比对照提高了19.5%;滴施0.6 kg·hm-2处理,小麦产量提高14.3%;而基施外源硒对小麦产量无显著影响;喷施处理最高产量分别比基施、滴施处理最高产量增加4.5%和0.8%。在小麦籽粒硒富集上,滴施处理中籽粒硒富集量最大,分别是基施和喷施处理的2.6倍和1.6倍。基施、滴施和喷施外源硒处理下,小麦籽粒硒转化率分别比对照提高了45.5%、55.6%和67.8%,喷施处理小麦籽粒转化率最高。喷施处理小麦的硒利用率显著高于基施和滴施处理,分别是基施和滴施的2.2和1.7倍。分别在小麦孕穗期和灌浆期滴施0.6 kg·hm-2、喷施20 mg·L-1 Na2SeO3,既能使小麦籽粒硒含量达到国家富硒食品标准,又能增加小麦产量。  相似文献   

内蒙古河套灌区春小麦高产节水灌溉制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给河套灌区春小麦高产节水灌溉制度的建立提供理论依据,2006-2007年在内蒙古河套平原浅层地下水灌区,研究了不同灌水处理下春小麦产量形成、耗水组成及水分利用效率的特点.结果表明,随着灌水量的增加,小麦生育期总耗水量明显增加,而水分利用效率显著降低;总耗水的增加主要是由于灌溉水消耗增多所致,地下水补给量则随灌水量增加呈明显减少趋势.小麦生育期总灌水量与产量和水分利用效率均呈抛物线关系,产量达峰值时的灌水量大于水分利用效率达峰值时的灌水量.综合两年试验结果得出,在秋季浇足底墒水的基础上,春浇2水是实现春小麦节水与高产相统一的最佳灌溉模式,即在小麦分蘖至拔节期、抽穗至开花期灌2次水,每次灌水750~1050 m3·hm 2,产量和水分利用效率可分别达到6750 kg·hm-2和1.75 kg·m-3以上.  相似文献   

为提高旱地小麦自然降水和肥料利用效果以实现稳产高产栽培,通过3个不同降水年型田间试验,研究了晋南旱地麦田休闲期深翻时间和氮、磷施用方式对小麦群体、产量及水肥利用率的影响。结果表明,休闲期降水量及其分布、深翻时间和施肥方式共同影响旱地小麦播前0~200 cm土壤蓄水量、产量、水肥利用效率。休闲期丰水年较平水年和枯水年分别增产75.29%和170.39%,播前0~200 cm土壤贮水量分别多42.77 mm 和116.91 mm,水分利用效率分别高2.94和8.77 kg·mm-1·hm-2,氮、磷利用效率也较高。8月中上旬深翻蓄水效果较好,可促进小麦植株和籽粒对氮、磷的吸收,增加冬前茎数和穗数,8月中旬深翻较7月中旬深翻增产5.43%~18.15%,播前0~200 cm土壤贮水量增加12.12~18.45 mm,水分利用效率和磷素利用率也较高。与播种前配施氮、磷肥相比,8月中上旬深翻时配施磷肥,播种前施入氮肥,可提高冬前和拔节期茎数、穗数和穗粒数,促进氮、磷积累和转运,从而增产,同时提高收获期0~200 cm土壤贮水量和水分利用率。在当前气候、栽培条件下,晋南丘陵旱地不同降水年型下均以8月中上旬深翻配施磷肥,播种前施入氮肥可提高土壤渗水特性,最大限度纳秋雨蓄墒,增加小麦冬前和拔节期茎数和穗数,提高产量和水肥利用效率。  相似文献   

隔沟交替灌溉对我国半干旱地区马铃薯水分利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隔沟交替灌溉(Partialroot-zonedrying,PRD)被认为是一种节水灌溉的方法,它可以提高多种作物的水分利用率。本研究开展于我国甘肃与内蒙两个半干旱马铃薯种植区,比较常规灌溉与隔沟交替灌溉对马铃薯产量和水分利用率的影响。结果表明,由于两个试验点的气候条件与土壤条件不同,所以马铃薯产量存在显著的差异。但是在两试验点中,PRD。处理(隔沟交替灌溉,灌水量为经验灌水量的1/2)的产量与常规灌溉处理(c100,经验灌水量)的产量没有显著的差别,水分利用率却显著提高。研究显示,运用合理的灌溉方式,可以在保证产量不变的基础上节省用水量。另外,在易发生干旱的地区,选用适合的品种,同时采用覆膜技术对于增加马铃薯产量有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区马铃薯种植业发展现状及前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近几年,随着我国经济的发展,中央和地方政府扶持力度不断加大,内蒙古地区马铃薯种植业和相关产业迅猛发展起来,面积逐年增加,产量稳步提高,种植品种多元化,基地种植规模化、集约化、专业化,相关产业品牌优势化、国际化,正逐步把马铃薯种植业和加工业打造成内蒙古地区的特色产业和优势产业。马铃薯种植业和相关产业前景看好,但其在发展过程中还有许多问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

胡椒作为一种热带经济作物,对水肥管理的要求比较高。我国胡椒水肥管理包括浇灌、沟灌、喷灌和滴灌等灌溉方法,传统的施肥方法以及近几年发展起来的水肥一体化管理技术。本文针对各种水肥管理方法的优缺点,提出水肥一体化技术将成为胡椒水肥管理的主要方法。  相似文献   

随着马铃薯主粮化战略的实施,重茬种植现象普遍,黑痣病与黄萎病危害严重。目前主要应用化学药剂进行防治,造成环境污染与食品安全问题。枯草芽孢杆菌菌剂对一些作物土传病害防治效果较好,为明确其对马铃薯黑痣病和黄萎病的田间防治效果与应用方法,在重茬地进行了田间防治和马铃薯根围土壤酶活性的研究。结果表明,枯草芽孢杆菌对马铃薯黑痣病、黄萎病均有较好的防治效果。枯草芽孢杆菌与有机肥混合沟施(每667 m^2沟施枯草芽孢杆菌颗粒剂10 kg+有机肥500 kg)对马铃薯块茎黑痣病防治效果最佳,达到了63.65%,枯草芽孢杆菌与化学药剂混合拌种(每667 m^2种薯用枯草芽孢杆菌粉剂500 g+3%中生菌素43 g+70%甲基硫菌灵107 g拌种)对马铃薯黄萎病的防效达到了38.72%。这2种处理对马铃薯的增产效果也最为明显,分别增产20.00%和22.66%。对不同生育期马铃薯根围土壤酶活性的分析得知,枯草芽孢杆菌能够提高土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶的活性,但对过氧化氢酶活性的增加没有显著效果。化学药剂拌种对土壤蔗糖酶活性有抑制作用。  相似文献   

玉米膜下滴灌水肥一体化技术研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
回顾滴灌水肥一体化技术的发展进程,阐述玉米膜下滴灌需水需肥规律、水肥耦合机制、土壤水盐运移规律、灌溉制度等研究进展,提出深入挖掘水肥潜力和提高土壤生产力,构建"水肥土"综合调控技术体系,建立与推广实用轻简化、精准信息化、规范标准化、适宜区域性的水肥一体综合管理制度,是玉米膜下滴灌水肥一体化技术未来一段时间内发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

Plastic film or straw mulching cultivation under non-flooded condition has been considered as a new water-saving technique in rice production. This study aimed to investigate the yield performance in terms of quality and quantity and water use efficiency (WUE) under such practices. A field experiment across 3 years was conducted with two high-yielding rice cultivars, Zhendao 88 (a japonica cultivar) and Shanyou 63 (an indica hybrid cultivar) and four cultivation treatments imposed from transplanting to maturity: traditional flooding as control (TF), non-flooded plastic film mulching (PM), non-flooded wheat straw mulching (SM), and non-flooded no mulching (NM). Compared with those under the TF, root oxidation activity, photosynthetic rate, and activities of key enzymes in sucrose-to-starch conversion in grains during the grain filling period were significantly increased under the SM, whereas they were significantly reduced under the PM and NM treatments. Grain yield showed some reduction under all the non-flooded cultivations but differed largely among the treatments. The reduction in yield was 7.3–17.5% under the PM, 2.8–6.3% under the SM, and 39–49% under the NM. The difference in grain yield was not significant between TF and SM treatments. WUE for irrigation was increased by 314–367% under the PM, 307–321% under the SM, and 98–138% under the NM. Under the same treatment especially under non-flooded conditions, the indica hybrid cultivar showed a higher grain yield and higher WUE than the japonica cultivar. The SM significantly improved milling, appearance, and cooking qualities, whereas the PM or the NM decreased these qualities. We conclude that both PM and SM could significantly increase WUE, while the SM could also maintain a high grain yield and improve quality of rice. The SM would be a better practice than the PM in areas where water is scarce while temperature is favorable to rice growth, such as in Southeast China.  相似文献   

内蒙古甜菜制糖产业发展探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内蒙古自治区从1955年包头糖厂建成投产开始,已成为我国重要的甜菜制糖产业基地。近年来内蒙古甜菜制糖产业快速发展,甜菜制糖企业呈现集团化、多元化、专业化的格局,共有13家糖厂在生产,日加工甜菜能力达5.35万吨,食糖年产能70万吨。内蒙古具有较强的甜菜生产技术优势,甜菜种植的比较收益突出,通过甜菜制糖企业合理布局,建立甜菜种植保护区,依靠科学技术,规模化种植提高了甜菜生产机械化水平,合理轮作,避免甜菜重迎茬,建立环境友好型甜菜生产方式,形成稳定的甜菜生产能力,为制糖企业提供充足原料。采用先进的制糖工艺技术,降低糖分工艺损失,加快新产品开发,延伸甜菜制糖产业链,以效益为中心,推动甜菜制糖行业可持续发展。2018/2019榨季内蒙古食糖产量达到历史高位的65万吨,占国内甜菜糖总产量的49.04%,成为我国最大的甜菜糖产区。  相似文献   

中国马铃薯生产省域优势比较分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用2003~2005年全国20多个省(区)的农业统计年鉴,以产量优势指数、规模优势指数、集中度优势指数和综合优势指数分析了我国部分省(区)马铃薯生产比较优势状况,并通过GIS软件Acrview在1:4000000的地图上进行了空间表达。结果表明:我国马铃薯在单产、规模、集中度、综合反映上具有比较优势的省(区)分别有13个、9个、13个、11个。单产比较优势(省区)主要集中分布于我国西北、东北及与之相连的内蒙古等部分省(区)。规模优势区、集中度优势区、综合优势区分布大致相同,主要分布于我国西南(滇、黔)、西北、东北(黑、吉)的部分省(区)。  相似文献   

马铃薯已成为长乐市冬季农业生产的主要作物,但由于栽培技术与管理水平差异,年际气候变化较大,产量和品质也大不相同。马铃薯大棚套黑膜覆盖栽培技术通过构建温室大棚覆盖塑料无滴膜,起垄播种后覆盖黑色地膜,膜下铺设灌溉和施肥用的滴灌带等方法,为马铃薯生长发育提供了一个相对稳定的生态环境,可有效地提高马铃薯的产量和品质,且比露地栽培提早一个多月上市,稳定增加农户种植效益。  相似文献   

In the moist mid‐latitudes of eastern Australia, soil water dynamics, herbage production and water use efficiency (WUE) were monitored during 2006–2008, for five perennial pastures: digit grass (Digitaria eriantha), Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana), forest bluegrass (Bothriochloa bladhii), native grass (Bothriochloa macra and Rytidosperma bipartita dominant), lucerne (Medicago sativa); and two forage crops: oat (Avena fatua) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Ground cover formed more quickly in Rhodes grass and lucerne (>70% ground cover in 120 and 175 days after sowing [DAS] respectively) than in forest bluegrass and digit grass (245 and 365 DAS respectively). Values of maximum extractable water (MEW) for Rhodes grass and lucerne were similar (180–242 mm), while values for digit grass and forest bluegrass (129–175 mm) were equal to or greater than those for native grass, and two annual forage crops (77–144 mm). Lucerne expressed the maximum root depth (1.46 m), while values for the tropical grasses (0.96–1.39 m) were greater than native grasses and forage crops (0.87–0.96 m). Native grasses (6.5–12 t DM/ha) had the lowest herbage production, which resulted in values of WUE that were significantly less than most other treatments (16–21 vs. 23–43 kg DM ha?1 mm?1). Digit grass (33–34 kg DM ha?1 mm?1) had higher WUE compared with the other tropical grasses (20–27 kg DM ha?1 mm?1). The data collected here suggest that a forage system comprising digit grass, lucerne and forage oat would provide high production and WUE in this environment.  相似文献   

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