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倒置性毛囊角化病(inverted follicular kerato-sis)是一种良性皮肤病变。由于过去对此病认识不足,临床常易误诊为基底细胞癌、恶性黑色素瘤、寻常疣等肿瘤。病理组织学检查又易误诊为鳞状细胞癌、脂溢性角化病及毛母质瘤等,误诊率较高。2011年本实验室在接诊的病例中发现1例倒置性毛囊角化病,报告如下。1材料与方法  相似文献   

为了确定细胞学检查在犬皮肤肥大细胞瘤诊断中的诊断意义,采取细胞学检查和病理组织学检查相结合的方法对2例犬皮肤肥大细胞瘤临床病例进行诊断.结果显示:细胞学检查结果与病理组织学检查结果相符.由此可以得出,在犬皮肤肥大细胞瘤的诊断中,细胞学检查具有一定的诊断价值,为肿瘤的性质及分化程度分级提供参考,为该病临床诊断提供了一种新...  相似文献   

毛母质瘤(pilomatricoma)是一种良性的皮肤肿瘤,来源于毛囊的毛母质细胞[1],由于正常毛母质的生长过程受到阻碍,其凋亡受到抑制,进而增殖、  相似文献   

本研究旨在为犬毛囊肿瘤的诊断提供最优的免疫标记物,提高肿瘤诊断的准确性,缩短肿瘤的病理学诊断时间,为犬毛囊肿瘤病的临床精准治疗提供帮助。作者收集了26例临床犬毛囊肿瘤病例,分别用免疫标记物CK5/6、CK8/18、CK19、P63、CD34、CD10、Vimentin对肿瘤样本进行免疫组织化学标记(IHC)。26例犬毛囊肿瘤的IHC染色结果表明,CD34在86.9%的毛囊肿瘤中呈瘤细胞阳性;CD10和CK8/18在毛上皮瘤中呈瘤细胞阳性,在其他毛囊肿瘤中均为瘤细胞阴性;CK19在良性和恶性毛上皮瘤中分别为强阳性和中阳性,CD34在良性和恶性毛上皮瘤中分别为中阳性和弱阳性;CD10在毛母细胞瘤中呈周边间质特异性阳性;Vimentin在毛囊肿瘤中呈瘤细胞阴性,间质细胞阳性。结果显示,CK5/6、P63可用作本研究中所有毛囊肿瘤的阳性标记物;CD34可用作除毛母质瘤和毛囊瘤外的其他毛囊肿瘤的瘤细胞特异性阳性标记物;CD10和CK8/18可用作毛上皮瘤的瘤细胞阳性标记物;共同使用CK19和CD34可用于区分毛上皮瘤的良恶性;CD10可用作毛母细胞瘤周边间质特异性阳性标记物;Vimentin可用作毛囊肿瘤的瘤细胞阴性标记物。  相似文献   

对犬的皮脂腺瘤、肛周腺腺瘤、肛周腺癌、毛基质瘤、间叶性软骨肉瘤、腺样型基底细胞上皮瘤、囊样型基底细胞上皮瘤、水母样型基底细胞上皮瘤、混合型基底细胞上皮瘤、基底鳞状细胞上皮瘤、甲状腺腺瘤、肥大细胞瘤、组织细胞瘤、乳腺良性混合瘤(软骨腺瘤)、乳腺良性混合瘤(肌上皮腺瘤)、恶性肌上皮细胞瘤、乳腺恶性混合瘤(癌肉瘤)、汗腺囊性增生、汗腺腺瘤、汗腺癌等20种24例肿瘤(良性肿瘤14种,恶性肿瘤6种)作了详细的病理组织学描述。  相似文献   

文章旨在提升临床中对犬异位性皮炎的诊治效果,为相似病例诊疗提供参考,分别从临床症状、诊断过程及治疗方法对1例犬异位性皮炎继发浅表脓皮症的病例进行报道。病例接诊过程按照临床标准化流程的问诊、视诊、实验室检查和鉴别诊断等方法对患犬进行全身体表寄生虫检查、患处皮肤刮片、细胞学检查、过敏原筛查以及血常规和血液生化检查。结果显示,细胞学涂片中可见大量的炎性细胞,与血常规白细胞数目升高的结果吻合,过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白E (IgE)血清学检测阳性,且临床症状符合异位性皮炎的诊断要点。综合上述检查结果,诊断为犬异位性皮炎继发浅表脓皮症。该病例通过修复皮肤屏障、减少与环境过敏原接触、控制瘙痒和炎症的方式进行多模式管理,取得了良好的疗效。建议兽医遇到类似病例时,结合病史、典型的临床症状、细胞学检查和过敏原筛查等方法进行综合诊断,可提高疾病确诊率。  相似文献   

收集深圳市2010年-2012年部分宠物医院的犬肿瘤病例41例,采用组织病理学方法对犬肿瘤病例进行组织学分类,并对患病动物的年龄、性别和发生部位进行了统计分析。38例确诊肿瘤病例中,皮肤肿瘤有19例,包括鳞状细胞癌4例、基底细胞癌5例、乳头状瘤3例,皮脂腺瘤和肛周腺癌各2例,脂肪瘤、黑色素瘤、角化棘皮瘤各1例;乳腺肿瘤9例,包括乳腺癌3例、乳腺鳞状细胞癌2例、乳腺癌肉瘤2例、黏液癌1例,患犬以雌性为主;其他部位肿瘤分别有纤维肉瘤2例,血管瘤、肺癌、淋巴瘤、睾丸精原细胞瘤、睾丸支柱细胞瘤、组织细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌、乳头状瘤各1例。上述结果显示,犬肿瘤的高发部位是皮肤,其次是乳腺,其发生年龄以7岁以上为多,在发病动物的品种上没有明显差别;除乳腺肿瘤外,其余肿瘤的性别差异不大。本研究为犬肿瘤的流行病学及诊断提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

猫基底细胞癌的组织病理学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma,BCC)是一种常见的低度皮肤恶性肿瘤,又称基底细胞上皮瘤。其特征是发展缓慢,可破坏局部软组织,但极少发生转移。该病多发生于皮肤表皮的基底细胞层,是家畜中常见肿瘤,以犬、猫特别是6岁以上者多见。据研究资料报道,此病约占犬皮肤肿瘤性疾病的  相似文献   

正犬的皮肤病发病率较高,真菌性皮肤病有逐年增高的趋势。国内临床兽医对犬真菌性皮肤病的研究,主要是对皮肤表面微生态环境的探讨,针对不同的病原,结合流行病学及临床病理做出鉴别诊断;国外学者则侧重于皮肤组织学、皮肤细胞学及分子生物学的深度研究。一、病原及流行病学(一)病原分类与人和动物有关的病原约200种,多为条件性致病菌。按形态分为单细胞真菌和多细胞真菌,按菌落形态分为酵母菌和霉菌两大类。根据真菌入侵组织深浅不同,分为浅部真菌和深部真菌,浅部真菌主要指皮肤癣菌,包括毛癣菌属、小孢  相似文献   

目的:对犬猫皮肤真菌进行临床调查,并寻找有效的治疗方式。方法:选取某宠物医院院2011年至2013年1月收治的2328例患病犬猫,其中患皮肤病的有1516例,皮肤病患犬954例,皮肤病患猫562例。了解患病犬猫的皮肤被毛情况,使用Wood灯、显微镜和细胞学检查对患病犬猫进行检查。对皮肤病的犬猫进行治疗。结果:皮肤病在就诊宠物中的比例较大。其中真菌感染占皮肤病犬总数的46.75%,共446例,占皮肤病猫总数的57.47%,共323例。结论:犬猫皮肤病在犬猫患病中占有较大的比例,且绝大部分为真菌感染,必须采取有效的措施进行对症治疗。  相似文献   

Background — Fine needle aspiration cytology is being used for the diagnosis of various neoplasms, but we are unaware of reports dealing with the cytologic features of canine pilomatricoma.
Objective — The purpose of this report was to describe the cytologic features of pilomatricoma in 3 dogs.
Methods — Fine-needle aspirates were obtained from cutaneous masses using a 25-ga needle. Smears were prepared and stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa and hematoxylin and eosin. The cutaneous masses were excised and routinely processed for histologic examination.
Results — Cytologic features of all 3 tumors included high cellularity and numerous clusters of tightly arranged of basaloid cells with evenly distributed chromatin and small distinct nucleoli surrounding sheets of "ghost cells". Ghost cells were characterized by a central unstained zone corresponding to the site previously occupied by the nucleus. Amorphous keratinized material was observed in 1 tumor. Histopathologic findings confirmed the diagnosis of pilomatricoma in all 3 cases.
Conclusions — Basaloid cells in association with ghost cells are important cytopathologic criteria that may provide a definitive cytologic diagnosis of pilomatricoma in dogs, and may help avoid a false diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   

No significance has been shown yet between the cytological subtypes of canine lymphoma and clinical behaviour. This paper describes and illustrates the cytological and histological criteria for application of the National Cancer Institute Working Formulation classification system, a scheme with demonstrated prognostic capability for human non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, to a series of 285 canine lymphomas. The Working Formulation can be used without difficulty for canine lymphomas. Low grade follicular tumors were found to be much less common, and high grade, aggressive tumors much more common than these cell types in humans. Low grade tumors tend to have low mitotic rates and high grade tumors tend to have high mitotic rates. There may be an association between hypercalcemia and lymphoblastic cell type. A review of available literature data for canine lymphomas suggests that prognostic extrapolation of clinical behaviour based on human lymphoma data may be possible. These results suggest that there may be strong similarities of morphology and behaviour between human non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and canine lymphomas.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was undertaken in which cytological features of basal cell tumours from 18 dogs and 12 cats were examined. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed for cytological examination and diagnosis was confirmed on histopathological examination of excised tumour specimens. Cytological smears were analysed for occurrence of cystic areas, as well as frequencies of squamous cells, fibrocytes, fibroblasts, neutrophils, lymphocytes, mast cells, melanocytes and basal cells. Basal cell aggregates were examined for indicators of malignancy, evidence of basaloid cell structure, well defined cellular borders and cell aggregation patterns. Cellularity and quality of smears was moderate to good, although, in six aspirates, cellularity was poor due to a high amount of degenerate material within the tumours. Fifteen of the smears revealed between one and three nuclear criteria of malignancy. However, despite the less well differentiated appearance of basal cells that was sometimes seen, the tumours were considered benign based on histopathological examination. Basal cell tumours are therefore likely to be underdiagnosed on cytological examination due to non-specific features. The occurrence of other cell populations and lack of cells with basaloid structures and linear aggregation patterns might further confuse the tumour diagnosis. The authors conclude that the cytological diagnosis of basal cell tumours can be based on the criteria described in the present study.  相似文献   

Malignant lymphomas are one of the most common malignancies occurring in dogs; among them T‐cell tumours are less commonly recognized. Recently, many authors have recommended cytology as a sufficient diagnostic method for canine lymphomas, especially if supported by immunocytochemistry or flow cytometry. The aim of the study was to characterize animal‐dependent risk factors in canine T‐cell lymphomas (TCLs) in Poland, including specific cytological subtypes. Determination of the type and subtype of the tumour was made based on the updated Kiel cytological classification adopted for dogs as previously described. Two breeds turned out predisposed to TCL (dog de Bordeaux and Boxer) while no predisposition to B‐cell lymphoma could be evidenced. Dogs with low‐grade lymphoma were significantly older than those with high‐grade lymphoma.  相似文献   

The involvement of cyclin A, cyclin D1 and p53 proteins in canine and feline tumorigenesis was analyzed immunohistochemically. In the present study, a total of 176 cases were examined, among which there were 108 canine cases (75 mammary lesions, 16 squamous cell carcinomas and 17 basal cell tumors) and 68 feline cases (43 mammary lesions, 20 squamous cell carcinomas and 5 basal cell tumors). Speckled nuclear staining for cyclin A was observed in 19/38 (50%) canine malignant mammary tumors and 18/37 (48.6%) feline mammary carcinomas, while this was not seen in benign mammary tumors of either dogs or cats. Marked intense nuclear cyclin A staining was seen in 7/16 (43.8%) canine squamous cell carcinomas and 18/20 (90.0%) feline squamous cell carcinomas. Only 3/17 (17.6%) canine basal cell tumors showed slight and scattered staining for cyclin A. Expression of cyclin D1 was very rare in both canine and feline tumors. Nuclear staining of p53 was found in 7/37 (18.9%) feline mammary carcinomas. Intense immunoreactivity for p53 was found in 6/16 (37.5%) canine squamous cell carcinomas and 8/20 (40%) feline squamous cell carcinomas. These results suggest that cyclin A may have a role in the proliferation of canine malignant mammary tumors, feline mammary carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas of dogs and cats, and p53 may associate with the tumorigenesis of feline mammary carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas of dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Cytokeratin 5 and p63 have been described as basal and myoepithelial cell markers in human breast. Mixed tumors of the canine mammary gland have been associated with a myoepithelial origin. Cytokeratin 5 expression has not been evaluated in these tumors. We investigated the relation between cytokeratin 5 and p63 double-immunohistochemical expression in 23 mixed tumors of the canine mammary gland (10 benign mixed tumors and 13 carcinomas arising from benign mixed tumors) and their origin. Cytokeratin 5 and p63 co-expression was observed in myoepithelial cells of benign mixed tumors, as well as in squamous differentiation of carcinoma arising from benign mixed tumors. Though a few interstitial spindle cells of the mesenchymal components expressed both p63 and cytokeratin 5, the basal epithelial cells were labeled only by cytokeratin 5. The co-expression of p63 and cytokeratin 5 in myoepithelial cells and squamous differentiation suggest that, like in human breast, cytokeratin 5 can also be considered a myoepithelial- and squamous-cell differentiating marker in canine tumors. The presence of some interstitial spindle cells stained for p63 and cytokeratin 5 might be associated with a myoepithelial origin of the mesenchymal component of mixed tumors of the canine mammary gland. Moreover, contrary to p63, basal epithelial cells were labeled by cytokeratin 5, indicating that cytokeratin 5 may not represent an exclusive myoepithelial cell marker but also a basal epithelial cell marker in canine mixed tumors. According to these data, basal epithelial cells may be related to the origin of the epithelial component of mixed tumors of the canine mammary gland.  相似文献   

Background – Keratinocytes in the hair follicle bulge region have a high proliferative capacity, with characteristics of epithelial stem cells. This cell population might thus be an ideal source for generating the interfollicular epidermis in a canine skin equivalent. Hypothesis/Objectives – This study was designed to determine the ability of canine hair follicle bulge cell‐enriched keratinocytes to construct canine living skin equivalents with interfollicular epidermis in vitro. Animals – Four healthy beagle dogs from a research colony. Methods – Bulge cell‐enriched keratinocytes showing keratin 15 immunoreactivity were isolated from canine hair follicles and cultured on dermal equivalent containing canine fibroblasts. Skin equivalents were subjected to histological, immunohistochemical, western blot and RT‐PCR analyses after 10–14 days of culture at the air–liquid interface. Results – The keratinocyte sheets showed an interfollicular epidermal structure comprising four to five living cell layers covered with a horny layer. Immunoreactivities for keratin 14 and desmoglein 3 were detected in the basal and immediate suprabasilar layers of the epidermis, while keratin 10 and desmoglein 1 occurred in more superficial layers. Claudin 1 immunoreactivity was seen in the suprabasalar layer of the constructed epidermis, and filaggrin monomers and loricrin were detected in the uppermost layer. Basal keratinocytes in the skin equivalent demonstrated immunoreactivity to antibodies against basement membrane zone molecules. Conclusions and clinical importance – A bulge stem cell‐enriched population from canine hair follicles formed interfollicular epidermis within 2 weeks in vitro, and thus represents a promising model for regenerative therapy of canine skin.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MCs) are well known for their neoplastic transformation in solitary and multiple cutaneous mast cell tumours (MCTs), as well as visceral and systemic mastocytosis. Dogs have a unique risk of developing cutaneous MCTs, and they account for 7% to 21% of all canine skin tumours. The aetiology of canine MCTs is unknown but is probably multifactorial. This article reviews up-to-date knowledge on the pathogenesis, the clinical presentation, the clinical prognostic factors, the diagnostic workup including clinical staging, cytological findings, histological findings and the various grading systems which have been evaluated based on morphology, the assessment of proliferation markers and other factors such as vessel density. Furthermore, detailed information about current treatment protocols for canine cutaneous MCTs is provided.  相似文献   

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