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鸭瘟本是鸭的一种急性败血性传染病,在同病鸭密切接触的情况下,鹅也会感染发病,鹅的鸭瘟病以流泪、头颈肿大、泄殖腔溃烂为主要特征. (一)病原的特征 该病由鸭瘟病毒感染引起,存在于病鸭(鹅)的各个内脏器官、血液、分泌物、排泄物中.鸭瘟病毒不耐热,但对低温抵抗力较强,对乙醚和氯仿敏感,对常用的消毒药抵抗力不大.  相似文献   

黄文诚 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(9):32-33
2006年美国大陆有惊人数量的蜜蜂群死亡.随后的调查推测,这种不明原因的蜂群消失至少在最近两年是养蜂人经历过的.到2007年春季全美国有20多个州报道了蜜蜂灾难性的损失.蜜蜂飞出去采集花粉和花蜜,却神秘地不再返回蜂巢,目前还查不出原因.这种情况经过媒体的报道,特别是在万维网上迅速的传播(到2007年7月上旬"谷歌"网上已有621 000项关于蜜蜂神秘失踪的报道),引起了世界各国的科学家、养蜂企业和农场主的关怀.  相似文献   

一、澳洲美利奴羊 澳洲美利奴羊产于澳大利亚,是由西班牙美利奴羊(英国、南非)、兰布列羊(法国、美国)等进行杂交选育而成的著名细毛羊品种.我国引入多年,并以此为素材之一培育出了中国美利奴羊.澳洲美利奴羊具有毛丛结构好、羊毛长而明显弯曲、油汗洁白、光泽好、净毛率高、毛密度大、细度均匀的特点,对各种环境气候有很强的适应性.体型近似长方形,腿短、体宽、背部平直,后躯肌肉丰满;公羊颈部由1~3个发育完全或不完全的横皱褶,母羊有发达的纵皱褶.羊毛覆盖头部至两眼连线,前肢达腕关节,后肢达飞节.  相似文献   

2007年1月31日上午,秦皇岛市公安局刑警支队技术三大队接到指令:缉毒部门抓获贩毒嫌疑人员尤某,在其临时住所——秦皇岛市海港区某住宅查获了冰毒近30克,麻古近200粒。但查获数量  相似文献   

能用作军犬的犬种并没有严格的标准,广义地来说,只要能被训练后用在军事事务如:追踪、鉴别、警戒、看守、巡逻、搜捕、通讯、携弹、侦破、搜查毒品、爆炸物等任务,都可被认可为军犬.特别是在战场上,只要能作战就算是军犬.……  相似文献   

永康市龙川公园挽马1匹,体型高大。数月前,马背红肿,继而溃烂流脓。畜主多次用抗生素治疗无明显好转。经检查,马背左肩部大面积红肿,溃疡流脓,触痛明显,拒绝按压,体温略升。检查后发现马鞍偏小,属典型的大马配小鞍,因摩擦过度造成伤害,诊断为马鞍伤。治疗用大油剂青霉素2瓶(300  相似文献   

孙哲贤 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(1):43-43
鱼市有"鱼霸",菜行有"菜霸",乡村中有"村霸".而专门欺侮养蜂人的称为"蜂霸".每个转地放蜂的蜂农都有被"蜂霸"盘剥、讹诈、欺骗的经历.造成的经济损失,少则数百元,多则数万元.例如吉林省露水河椴树场地某林场,当地有一伙人,对外省放蜂的蜂场收1 000元所谓押金(属巧立名目),待摇蜜时蜂蜜必须卖给他们.这伙人限制其他人收购蜂蜜,而他们压级压价强行收购蜂蜜,转手就可渔利,蜂农违心地卖蜜.如不卖给这伙人,事先交的1 000元"押金"就难以讨回.内蒙古牙克石油菜场地,也有强行收蜜,压级压价的"蜂霸".  相似文献   

2007年5月15日园主前来我医院咨询,主诉:昆明动物园有一金钱豹,猫科,雌性,体重60 kg,年龄15岁,毛色金钱带黄棕色,不食有2 d,且呕吐、不排便、精神沉郁,曾用一些抗生素治疗无效,我院随园主前往治疗,现将总体情况表述如下:  相似文献   

张万合 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(12):21-21
巢脾是蜜蜂蜂巢的主要组成部分,其主要作用是繁殖幼蜂和贮藏蜂蜜、花粉.如不对以下异常巢脾及时妥当处理,则会严重影响蜂蜜的产量和质量,降低养蜂收益.  相似文献   

2006年12月初北安市杨家乡某猪场有38头猪食欲减退,体温升高到39℃左右,常突然卧地不起,呈侧仰状,耳、鼻、四肢冰凉;眼结膜潮红,口唇皮肤呈青紫色,肌肉颤抖,触之尖叫;颈脊椎骨稍强直,前肢软弱、呈游泳状,后肢麻木无力。有2头母猪和12只仔猪因医治不及时死亡。1治疗措施后即可运动自如,食欲明显增强。之后,每天颈肌注射复方当归针(10毫升)2支、祖师麻(10毫升)2支,一次注射,连续3天好转。2预防在寒冷低温季节,多给猪铺垫稻草等保暖物,让猪多晒太阳,并适当通风换气,同时,加强营养,并在新鲜饲料中添加微量元素。(012)猪冬季颈椎风湿症的治疗措施…  相似文献   

Roger Marshall was born in Christchurch on 27 May 1933 and died at his home in Palmerston North on 24 October 2001. He graduated BVSc from the University of Sydney in 1958 and began his professional career in clinical veterinary practice in Morrinsville. Wishing to specialise in veterinary microbiology, he later enrolled in the postgraduate course for the Diploma in Microbiology at the University of Otago under Professor JAR Miles. On gaining the Diploma in 1963, Roger was appointed a foundation lecturer in veterinary microbiology in the newly formed Faculty of Veterinary Science at Massey University.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the effect of immunosuppression by cyclophosphamide or methylprednisolone on the clinicopathological alterations in respiratory absidiosis in rabbits. Infected rabbits showed respiratory distress that was more severe in immunosuppressed groups. Leukocytosis due to neutrophilia was observed in the non-immunosuppressed group in the initial stages, whereas leukopenia was observed in both the immunosuppressed groups initially, owing to polymorphopenia in the cyclophosphamide-treated group and to lymphopenia in the methylprednisolone-treated group, followed by leukocytosis in both groups. Total serum proteins increased significantly in the non-immunosuppressed group but were significantly decreased in the immunosuppressed groups. Serum creatinine increased significantly in all the infected groups from 20 days post inoculation (DPI) onwards. Blood urea nitrogen increased significantly in the initial stages only in the methylprednisolone-treated group. AST and ALT also showed significant increases in the infected animals. Total serum immunoglobulins and circulating immune complexes increased gradually in all three infected groups, except for an initial significant drop in the immunosuppressed rabbits. Re-isolation of fungus was only achieved from the lungs of infected rabbits up to 15 DPI in the non-immunosuppressed group and 30 DPI in the immunosuppressed groups. Pathological lesions in all the infected groups were found mainly in the lungs and consisted of pyogranulomas. The lesions were most severe in the cyclophosphamide-treated group and least severe in the non-immunosuppressed group.  相似文献   

奶牛发情周期中毛 唾液和乳汁孕酮水平的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定了11头奶牛一个发情周期里毛、唾液、乳汁中孕酮(P_4)含量。经产牛(n=8)的毛和唾液中P_4水平变化与乳汁中P_4水平变化一致。青年牛(n=3)的毛和睡液中的P_4水平变化一致,并分别与经产牛毛和唾液中P_4水平变化一致。7头配种后的经产牛和5头配种后的青年牛分别取20和23天的样品进行妊娠诊断,与配种后60天的直检结果相对照,依据经产牛毛、乳P_4水平进行妊娠诊断的阳性准确率分别是85.7%(6/7)和100%(7/7),依据青年牛毛P_4水平进行妊娠诊断的阳性准确率为100%(5/5)。  相似文献   

The aim of this comparative study was to gain more information about the metabolism and excretion of glucocorticoids in cats and dogs in order to establish non-invasive methods for evaluating stressful conditions. Therefore, in a first experiment, [14C]cortisol was administered intravenously to 8 animals (two of each sex and species). Over a period of 6 days, faeces and urine were collected immediately after spontaneous defecation and urination. Marked species differences were found, as cats mainly excreted cortisol in the faeces (82%±4% of the total recovered radioactivity), whereas in dogs only a small portion was found there (23%±4%). The highest urinary radioactivity was observed after 9±3 h in cats and 3±1 h in dogs. Peak concentrations in the faeces occurred after 22±6 h in cats and after 24±4 h in dogs. Most of the radioactivity was not extractable with diethyl ether, indicating that the metabolites excreted in urine and faeces were mainly of the conjugated or polar unconjugated types. This was confirmed by RP-HPLC, which also revealed marked differences between cats and dogs concerning the metabolites formed. In addition, the immunoreactivity of the metabolites was tested in cortisol, corticosterone and 11-oxoaetiocholanolone EIAs. The latter, measuring 11,17-dioxoandrostanes (11,17-DOA) detected the highest quantities of immunoreactive metabolites in cats, but not in dogs. In a second experiment, the adrenal cortex of both species was stimulated by ACTH and, three weeks later, suppressed by dexamethasone. In this study, only faeces were collected over a period of 7 days. In both species, inter-animal variability in the basal and maximal/minimal faecal cortisol metabolite concentrations and the time course was observed. The 11-oxoaetiocholanolone EIA in cats and the cortisol EIA in dogs proved best suited for monitoring changes in adrenocortical activity. ACTH injections resulted in an increase above baseline values of 355% (median) in 11,17-DOA concentrations in cats and of 702% in the concentrations of cortisol equivalents in dogs by about 25 h and 22 h (median) after injection, respectively. Minimal concentrations after dexamethasone administration were about 17% in cats and 31% in dogs (in relation to baseline values) and were reached in 66 h and 72 h, respectively. It was concluded that measuring cortisol metabolites in faeces should be a useful non-invasive tool for monitoring stress in carnivores.  相似文献   

2年的牦牛放牧试验表明:除不同植物本身的生理特性外,降水和地温是影响小嵩草高寒草甸两季草场不同植物类群地上生物量绝对生长率的关键因素。小嵩草高寒草甸两季草场地上总生物量的绝对生长率1999年在7月份最大;1998年,冷季草场各放牧处理的绝对生长率在8月份达到最大,暖季草场的对照组和轻牧组在7月份最大,中牧组和重牧组在8月份最大。不同植物类群地上生物量生长率的变化不尽相同。1998年,冷季草场禾草和莎草地上生物量的绝对生长率8月份达到最大,暖季草场禾草和莎草地上生物量的绝对生长率7月份达到最大,且9月份出现了营养的再次积累;1999年,冷季草场禾草地上生物量的绝对生长率在6月份和8月份出现了两个峰值,暖季草场禾草地生物量的绝对生长率在7月份达到最大。对杂草类而言,1998年冷季草场的绝对生长率6月份最大,暖季草场重牧组的绝对生长率8月份达到最大,其他各处理7月份达到最大;1999年重牧组杂草的绝对生长率在6月份达到最大,其他各处理杂草在8月份达到最大。  相似文献   

Diarrhea in pigs has the potential to have a serious economic impact on the swine industry. Previously, we suggested that the likely cause of the presence of non-infectious diarrhea in pigs characterized by lactate accumulation was dyspepsia. In this experiment, the prevalence of enteropathogens and hyper-lactate accumulation in feces of piglets in 4 distinct growth stages was examined. The feces were collected when veterinarian experts recognized abnormalities in sporadic outbreaks. Prevalence of enteropathogens in diarrheal feces was 100% in fattening pigs (FP), 75% in weaning pigs (WP), 50% in suckling pigs (SP), and 42% in growing pigs (GP). Prevalence of enteropathogens in loose feces was 53% in WP, 50% in SP, 40% in FP, and 28% in GP. Prevalence of hyper-lactate accumulation in diarrheal feces was 33% in GP, 33% in SP, 25% in WP, and 25% in FP. Prevalence of hyper-lactate accumulation in loose feces was 40% in GP, 0% in SP, 7% in WP, and 5% in FP. Accordingly, non-infectious dyspepsia is frequent in growing pigs. In this period, pigs are potentially exposed to needless antimicrobial therapeutic treatments in sporadic cases.  相似文献   

本研究旨在观察禁食是否对生长期北京鸭腺胃ghrelin免疫阳性细胞生成有影响。用免疫组织化学的方法检测25、35、50日龄的北京鸭(已经禁食72 h)单位面积(mm2)腺胃组织中ghrelin阳性细胞数目。研究发现在这3个时期,不管是禁食组还是自由采食组,大量ghrelin阳性细胞多分布于腺胃深层复管状腺中;禁食组腺胃中gh-relin阳性细胞数目比自由采食组极显著增加(P0.01)。结果提示:禁食是影响腺胃产生有活性ghrelin的重要因素。  相似文献   

A recent study has suggested a central role for hyperactivated sperm motility in successful equine in vitro fertilization, as the highest apparent fertilization rates reported yet were obtained using exogenous stimulation of hyperactivated motility in sperm that had been incubated for capacitation. Hyperactivated motility has been studied intensively in other species, but little data are available in this area in the horse. Hyperactivated motility is associated with an influx of calcium from the extracellular space, and in other species this occurs because of an increase in intracellular pH during capacitation. Influx of calcium seems to trigger changes in flagellar function through calcium–calmodulin–calmodulin kinase-related effects on dynein function, but the exact mechanisms resulting in hyperactivated motility are still unclear. We have been exploring the physiology of hyperactivated motility in stallion spermatozoa and have found many of the mechanisms present in other species to be in place in the stallion. Further research is needed to determine why stallion spermatozoa seem to fail to undergo hyperactivation in response to capacitating environments that support this activity in other species.  相似文献   

本研究对规模化奶牛场产奶牛和育成牛粪中污染因子进行了四季监测,结果表明,鲜粪中含水率两类牛群夏季最高、春季最低;风干粪样中,除产奶牛夏季全氮和全磷外,产奶牛和育成牛5项检测指标及其年均值的季节变化规律均保持一致,即有机质>全氮>全磷>锌>铜;两类牛群全磷含量夏季最高、秋季最低,有机质含量春季最高、夏季最低,铜和锌含量夏季均最低;产奶牛全氮含量夏季最低、春季最高,铜含量春季最高,锌含量冬季最高;育成牛全氮含量夏季最高、秋季最低,铜含量秋季最高,锌含量春季最高.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the continuous changes in blood volume in response to fluid administration using an in‐line hematocrit monitor. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Research laboratory. Animals: Four healthy dogs. Interventions: Each dog received intravenous boluses of 80 mL/kg of 0.9% saline (S), 4 mL/kg of 7.5% saline (HS), 20 mL/kg of dextran 70 (D), 20 mL/kg of hetastarch (HES), or no fluids (control, C) on separate occasions. Fluids were administered at 150 mL/min in the S, D, and HES groups, and at 1 mL/kg/min in the HS group. Measurements and main results: Blood volume changes were measured every 20 seconds for 240 minutes using an in‐line hematocrit monitor. There was a rapid rise in blood volume during all infusions. Immediately after the administration of crystalloid fluids, the rapid rise in blood volume ceased. Subsequently, there was a steep decline in blood volume for 10 minutes, and a slower decline thereafter. In contrast, the rise in blood volume continued for at least 10 minutes after the infusion of the colloids was complete, and a plateau was observed for the remainder of the experiment. The blood volume effect, as measured by area under the curve, was significantly greater in the saline group than the other groups during the infusion time and for the 0–240 minutes time period. The areas under the curve for the two colloid solutions were not significantly different from each other during any time periods. The percent increase in blood volume immediately following the infusions was 76.4±10.0 in the S group, 17.1±3.2 in the HS group, 23.0±10.5 in the D group, and 27.2±6.4 in the HES group. At 30 minutes from the start of the infusion, the mean percent increases in blood volumes were 35.2±9.3 in the S group, 12.3±0.9 in the HS group, 35.9±7.3 in the D group, and 36.8±6.5 in the HES group. At 240 h post‐infusion, the mean percent increases in blood volume were 18.0±9.7 in the S group, 2.9±6.1 in the HS group, 25.6±16.1 in the D group, and 26.6±8.6 in the HES group. The C group had a mean percent change in blood volume of ?3.7±3.4 at the end of the experiment. Conclusions: This study indicates that the rapid administration of saline at clinically relevant doses leads to the largest immediate increase in blood volume, although this change is transient because of rapid redistribution of the fluid. Despite a brief increase in blood volume that was almost 3 times the volume administered, hypertonic saline led to the smallest increase in blood volume post‐infusion. The synthetic colloid solutions increased the blood volume by an amount greater than that infused and the effect was sustained for a longer period of time than seen following crystalloid administration, but the maximum increase in blood volume was significantly less than saline. The measurement of continuous changes in blood volume, using an in‐line hematocrit monitor, was a useful means of assessing the dynamic effects of fluid administration in dogs in a research setting.  相似文献   

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