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橘小实蝇成虫复眼结构及感光机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】研究橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis成虫复眼外部形态、内部显微结构和光感受机制。【方法】利用扫描电镜观察橘小实蝇成虫复眼外部形态,组织切片研究成虫复眼内部显微结构及在不同光环境下小眼结构的变化。【结果】橘小实蝇成虫复眼位于头部两侧,正面观呈半球形,表面光滑平坦;小眼间隙有感觉毛,单个小眼由角膜、晶锥、网膜细胞及其特化的视杆、基膜等构成,晶锥、视杆周围和色素细胞内均含有大量的色素颗粒。不同单色光处理后,小眼内的附属色素细胞色素颗粒沿小眼纵轴移动。白光、绿光和黄光处理后,附属色素细胞色素颗粒沿小眼纵轴均匀分布;紫光、蓝光和红光处理后,附属色素细胞色素颗粒主要集中在视网膜细胞远端和角膜的近端。【结论】橘小实蝇雌、雄成虫复眼在外形和内部结构上无差异,均属于并置像眼,屏蔽色素颗粒的移动是其复眼适应外界光环境变化的重要机制,该研究结果为筛选橘小实蝇成虫敏感光波并对其进行灯光诱杀提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

华山松大小蠹成虫复眼的外部形态及显微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】对华山松大小蠹雌雄成虫复眼的外部形态和内部结构进行研究,为进一步探索华山松大小蠹感光和光选择机制提供理论基础。【方法】应用扫描电镜与透射电镜对华山松大小蠹复眼的形态结构进行观察。【结果】华山松大小蠹复眼呈长椭圆形,位于头部两侧;眼表面光滑平坦,小眼间隙被覆有感觉毛。华山松大小蠹雌、雄成虫复眼的小眼组成数目分别为238~250和187~202;雌性小眼间隙着生有角膜乳突;复眼中心区域小眼呈正六边形,边缘区域的小眼为不规则的四边形或六边形。华山松大小蠹成虫复眼具有典型的无晶锥并列像眼。华山松大小蠹成虫复眼由1个角膜、1个晶锥体、2个初级色素细胞、8个小网膜细胞和其特化的视杆、若干个次级色素细胞和基膜构成。视杆属于半集中型视杆。【结论】华山松大小蠹雌雄成虫复眼具有相同的内部结构,但雌性成虫复眼分辨能力和可见距离稍优于雄性成虫。  相似文献   

利用电镜技术研究日本沼虾孵化前后复眼发育的超微结构,结果显示:(1)复眼内小眼折光系统包括角膜、角膜细胞及晶锥,晶锥周围有虹膜色素细胞分布。从产卵后第16 d到第Ⅰ期状幼体,小眼角膜厚度和晶锥直径逐渐增大,角膜细胞内细胞器数量逐渐增多;晶锥内电子致密颗粒区域由6块融合为4块,晶锥末端附近出现第8个小网膜细胞。(2)小眼感光系统由8个小网膜细胞组成,小网膜细胞伸出微绒毛组成“十足目型”感杆束,感杆束周围围绕一层较薄细胞质,胞质内外可见胞饮小泡及膜下储泡囊。随着胚胎发育,感杆束直径逐渐增大,小网膜细胞内线粒体、内质网等细胞器数量逐渐增多,并出现多囊体、板膜体、色素颗粒等结构。(3)胚胎发育过程中,小网膜细胞分化过程如下:产卵后第16 d,感杆束周围7个小网膜细胞间空隙较大,中间被第8个小网膜细胞4个分叶隔开,细胞内出现远端色素颗粒;第Ⅰ期状幼体,第8个小网膜细胞位置上升,其它7个小网膜细胞相互间排列紧密,细胞内出现大量近端色素颗粒。  相似文献   

用光镜研究了日本沼虾胚胎及幼体复眼外形和组织结构发育过程.外形发育研究结果表明:受精卵发育到第8 d,胚胎中出现点状复眼色素;9~11 d,点状色素逐渐连成线状,厚度逐渐增加;12~13 d,色素区明显,经戊二醛固定复眼区为桔红色;第14 d,小眼开始出现,随着胚胎发育,色素区越来越明显,小眼数量也越来越多,至第1期氵蚤状幼体,复眼内小眼发育已较完善.组织结构研究结果表明:受精卵发育第8 d,胚胎内复眼原基区可见两层细胞,表层为眼基细胞,内部为神经细胞;9~10 d,眼基细胞开始纵向分裂,形成放射状细胞簇;第16 d,复眼内小眼结构已十分复杂,小眼由角膜、角膜细胞、晶锥、晶锥细胞、虹膜色素细胞、小网膜细胞等组成.  相似文献   

用光镜研究了日本沼虾胚胎及幼体复眼外形和组织结构发育过程。外形发育研究结果表明:受精卵发育到第8d,胚胎中出现点状复眼色素;9—11d。点状色素逐渐连成线状,厚度逐渐增加;12—13d,色素区明显。经戊二醛固定复眼区为枯红色;第14d,小眼开始出现,随着胚胎发育,色素区越来越明显,小眼数量也越来越多,至第1期溞状幼体,复眼内小眼发育已较完善。组织结构研究结果表明:受精卵发育第8d,胚胎内复眼原基区可见两层细胞,表层为眼基细胞,内部为神经细胞;9—10d,眼基细胞开始纵向分裂,形成放射状细胞簇;第16d,复眼内小眼结构已十分复杂,小眼由角膜、角膜细胞、晶锥、晶锥细胞、虹膜色素细胞、小网膜细胞等组成。  相似文献   

【目的】研究美棘蓟马雌雄成虫复眼的外部形态和内部超微结构,为探索缨翅目成虫复眼与其他全变态类昆虫复眼之间的进化关系提供依据。【方法】应用扫描与透射电子显微镜,对美棘蓟马成虫复眼的外部形态和内部超微结构进行观察。【结果】美棘蓟马复眼呈肾形,位于头部两侧的触角基部。雌、雄成虫复眼的小眼数量分别为70~76和68~75个;小眼呈椭圆形,表面光滑,外凸,小眼之间排列疏松,有分布不规律的感觉毛。成虫复眼类型属于并列像眼,每个小眼由1个叠层的角膜、1个真晶锥体、8个视网膜细胞、1对初级色素细胞、数个次级色素细胞和基膜组成,晶体周围、视网膜色素细胞内和基膜处均含有丰富的色素颗粒。【结论】美棘蓟马雌、雄成虫复眼在小眼数量上略有差异,雌虫略多于雄虫,小眼的大小及排列方式均无明显差异;雌、雄成虫复眼的内部超微结构无明显差异。  相似文献   

【目的】研究柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama对不同光波的趋光性,探索其复眼结构及在光适应和暗适应下的结构变化并阐明其趋光机制,为发展柑橘木虱非化学防控技术奠定基础。【方法】选用趋光反应装置测定柑橘木虱成虫对不同光波的趋光率,利用扫描电镜技术和组织切片方法对成虫复眼形态和结构进行观察。【结果】柑橘木虱成虫对不同波长光的趋光率不同,对紫外光(365~370 nm)的趋光率为66.62%~71.38%,蓝光(470~475 nm)为47.17%~50.88%,绿光(520~525 nm)为39.37%~44.26%,黄光(590~592 nm)为28.18%~31.32%,红光(620~630 nm)为14.68%~18.33%。成虫复眼呈半球形,位于头部两侧触角基部,表面光滑无辅助结构,属于典型的并列相眼。小眼由角膜、晶锥、视网膜细胞、基膜和色素细胞组成,位于复眼中心区域的小眼呈六边形,边缘区域的小眼呈近圆形。雌、雄成虫每个复眼的小眼数分别为225~254和238~252个。【结论】柑橘木虱成虫对紫外光、蓝光和绿光的趋光率显著高于白光,雌雄成虫在复眼结构和形态方面没有明显的差异。研究结果为阐明柑橘木虱趋光行为的机制提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

为进一步探讨甲壳类光感受器的结构和功能,采用石蜡切片技术对虾蛄复眼组织结构进行了研究.分析发现虾蛄复眼呈短棒状,由折光系统、感光系统和反光系统组成.折光系统包括角膜和晶锥.感光系统由6个远端小网膜细胞和7个近端小网膜细胞构成,彼此之间通过突起相连接.感杆束较短,为闭合型.反光系统由色素组成.近端小网膜细胞之间分布有一种合胞体细胞,可能也有感光功能.  相似文献   

月光鱼色素细胞分布及特征的显微观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在显微镜下对月光鱼皮肤、鳞片、背鳍、尾鳍、腹鳍、胸鳍和臀鳍上的色素细胞进行了详细观察.结果表明, 皮肤和鳞片上有黑色素细胞、黄色素细胞、红色素细胞和虹彩细胞4种色素细胞,各鳍有除虹彩细胞外的其余3种 色素细胞.黑色素细胞较大,黑色,产生圆形黑色素颗粒,细胞有树突状分支和无分支2种类型;黄色素细胞为黄 色或桔黄色,产生圆形黄色素颗粒,细胞多为卵圆形、有的呈不规则形,也有黄色素颗粒聚集成弥散状;红色素细 胞为橙红色或深红色,产生圆形红色素颗粒,细胞多为卵圆形、也有细胞及红色素颗粒聚集成条状或弥散状;有的 细胞中心为黄色或桔黄色四周密集的红色素颗粒向外辐射,形成复合色素细胞;虹彩细胞最小,蓝灰色,产生短杆 状浅蓝色的色素颗粒,细胞为卵圆形,其色素颗粒大量分散分布在皮肤和鳞片上.  相似文献   

对培养15,25和35d的新疆紫草培养细胞的电镜观察结果表明:紫草素的合成部位在内质网上;色素颗粒通过两种方式分泌到细胞外,一是与细胞膜融合,通过细胞壁释放到细胞外,二是通过细胞裂解大量排出细胞外。不产色素细胞的生长和结构变化情况与产色素细胞都相类似,只是未见大量的色素颗粒。  相似文献   

The external morphology of the compound eye of the winged female and male Solenopsis invicta Buren and its microstructure in light and dark adaptations were observed using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The results indicated that the compound eye located on the lateral side of its head, is the a shape of a half ellipsoid and composed of approximately 510 ommatidia in the female, and a near hemisphere with about 805 ommatidia in the male. The ommatidium was made of a corneal lens, crystalline cone, 8 to 9 retinula cells and basement membrane. The cornea was a colorless, transparent and double convex lens. The crystalline cone, with an inverted cone shape, was approximately 14.50m long, formed by four equal parts, and surrounded by many pigment granules. The rhabdom beneath the crystalline cone, was about 75.00m long, with a thicker middle part and thinner ends. More pigment granules were scattered in the distal and proximal ends and less in the middle, and the basement membrane was on the most bottom area of the ommatidium. The primary pigment cells moved horizontally along the crystalline cone from its distal to proximal end during dark adaptation or moved reversely during light adaptation. There was no significant difference between the pigment granule distribution and the structure of the crystalline cone between female and male ommatidium under the same light or dark adaptation. It is concluded that the fire ant compound eye is an apposition eye, whose light-tuning mechanism is accomplished by the change of crystalline cone and the movement of the pigment cells.  相似文献   

冯志国  刘慧娟 《湖北农业科学》2012,51(18):4141-4143
采用免疫胶体金电镜技术研究光暗适应条件下不同Ca2+浓度对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergi)感光细胞中Gq蛋白α亚基亚细胞定位的影响.结果表明,对于光适应组,在高Ca2+溶液、生理溶液和低Ca2+溶液中细胞质与感杆束中胶体金密度的比值是3.51、2.13和0.93.对于暗适应组,在高Ca2+溶液、生理溶液和低Ca2+溶液中细胞质与感杆束中胶体金密度的比值是3.01、1.08和0.47.这些表明了罗氏沼虾感光细胞中Gq蛋白α亚基在暗适应条件下同时分配在感杆束和细胞质中.在光照和细胞质内Ca2+浓度适度升高的条件下,膜结合的Gq蛋白α亚基进而转化为可溶性的Gq蛋白α亚基.  相似文献   

Mechanism of polarized light perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As background for a report on our current selective adaptation experiments in decapod crustaceans, the various facts and hypotheses generally relevant to intraretinal sensitivity to polarized light in arthropods as well as cephalopods have been marshaled. On the basis of this review, the following working hypotheses have been made. 1) One ommatidium in the compound eye is the functional unit in image perception but contains in its component retinular cells subunits which can work independently in detecting other visual parameters, such as polarization. 2) Single retinular cells do respond differentially to light polarized in various planes. 3) Light sensitivity, including e-vector detection, is localized in the rhab domeres, which comprise closely packed arrays of microvilli protruding axially from retinular cells; the dichroism of the photopigment molecules, which are contained within the microvilli, provides the molecular basis of e-vector detection. 4) The visual pigment molecules have their major dichroic axis aligned predominantly parallel to the long axis of the microvillus containing them; typically all microvilli in a single rhab domere are closely parallel to one another, thus comprising at the cellular level a unit dichroic analyzer with maximum optical density to photons vibrating in the direction parallel to these microvillous protrusions. 5) In most decapod crustaceans, in cephalopods, and in some insects the microvilli in all rhabdomeres of a retinula are oriented in only two directions, perpendicular. to each other. Therefore, e-vector perception must depend at the retinular level on a two channel system consisting of a pair of dichroic analyzers with their major transmitting axes fixed at a 90 degrees angle determined by the two directions of microvillus orientation. Our new results on selective adaptation in the eye of Cardisoma provide direct experimental evidence for such a two-channel analyzer in which the pair of functional units have their maximum sensitivity to polarization in the same retinal directions as the rhab dom microvilli observed in electron micrographs. In turn, these directions correspond with the vertical and horizontal axes of the animal's normal spatial orientation. In e-vector detection the seven retinular cells of a single decapod ommatidium thus form two operational subgroups of four and three cells, respectively (39). The correspondence of the electrophysiological evidence for a dual polarization analyzer with the perpendicular directions shown by the microvilli in a single rhabdom strengthens the idea that one ommatidium is enough for detecting e-vector orientation. On this evidence we may conclude that the model developed above for a two-channel polarization analyzer effectively accounts for the relevant spectrophotometric, fine-structural, electrophysiological, and behavioral data currently available for a considerable number of arthropods and cephalopods.  相似文献   

Irreversible effects on visible light on the retina: role of vitamin A   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diffuse retinal irradiation by visible light produces in the rat the death of visual cells and pigment epithelium. Typically, cage illumination of 1500 lux from fluorescent light through a green filter leads to severe damage when continued for 40 hours. Vitamin A deficiency protects against this damage but experiments show that retinol released by light from rhodopsin is probably not the toxic agent. Protection against light damage depends on a long-range state of cell adaptation to light itself. The normal diurnal cycle of light and dark seems to be the essential factor in controlling visual cell viability and susceptibility.  相似文献   

Female moths of different species but belonging to the same subfamily produce an identical compound as their sex pheromone. The sex pheromone of the almond moth, Cadra cautella (Walker), and the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), has been isolated and identified as cis-9, trans-12-tetradecadienyl acetate.  相似文献   

The scarab beetle, Anomala corpulenta Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea), is a widespread and destructive pest in China. Vision is one of the most important means of acquiring information about the external environment. In order to contribute to the understanding of the perception of visual stimuli in this species, the light sensitivity and spectral responses of the scarab beetle, A. corpulenta, were measured by using an electroretinogram (ERG) technique. In total, 14 monochromatic light intensities, between 340 and 605 nm, were applied to the compound eyes of A. corpulenta under varying levels of adaptation to dark and light conditions. The results showed that all light stimuli induced an ERG response, with varied amplitudes. The spectral sensitivity curve of dark-adapted eyes showed one major peak (~400 nm; near-ultraviolet), a secondary peak (from 498 to 562 nm; yellow-green) and the third peakat 460 nm. By contrast, in light-adapted eyes, only a near-UV peak was observed. From these results, we conclude that the compound eye of A. corpulenta is likely to have at least three spectral types of photoreceptor. Significance of differences were also recorded in the responses of male and female compound eyes, as well as diurnally and nocturnally. The amplitude of ERG in response to white-light stimuli varied with the light intensity: The stronger the luminance, the higher the ERG value. This suggests that the compound eye of A. corpulenta adapts quickly to changing light conditions, enabling A. corpulenta to maintain nocturnal activities.  相似文献   

Dark adaptation: an interocular light-adaptation effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presentation of iight to the left eye simultaneously with adaptation of the right eye to light may accelerate dark adaptation in the right eye. The result is that the rod-cone-break and the final threshold of the rods are achieved earlier than when the right eye alone is adapted to light.  相似文献   

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