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植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾技术应用与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近十年来,我国植保无人飞机迅猛发展,应用的农作物范围越来越广,不仅在水稻、小麦、玉米等主要粮食作物得到了应用,在橡胶、槟榔等高大植株的病虫害防治中更有其独特优势,已经初步形成了我国植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾的喷头配置、配套药剂、飞防助剂、作业参数等技术体系,对于重要农作物病虫害如稻纵卷叶螟、水稻纹枯病、小麦蚜虫、玉米黏虫等防治效果均在80%以上,在各地病虫害防控中发挥了重要作用。但是,植保无人飞机喷雾作业过程中,还存在炸机或失控、雾滴飘移药害、药液分层结块、防治效果不稳定等问题。通过汇总分析植保无人飞机在重要病虫草害防治工作的成功经验和安全事故,本文提出植保无人飞机低容量喷雾技术将会得到更广泛的应用,植保无人飞机专用药剂和配套助剂、变量施药、多传感器数据融合、多机协同、精准施药、施药标准和规范等都将得到长足的发展,为现代农业和智慧农业发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   

卞悦  姜玉英  曾娟 《植物保护》2023,49(3):1-12
自《农作物病虫害防治条例》颁布以来,各省(直辖市、自治区)积极落实,先后公布了二类农作物病虫害名录。经系统整理,二类农作物病虫害有害虫、害螨、病原微生物、杂草、害鼠共计209种(属),其中虫害(害虫和害螨)112种,病害(病原微生物)64种,杂草23种(属),害鼠10种。分析认为,我国二类农作物病虫害名录涵盖种类多,且发生面积大、危害损失重、呈区域性聚集分布,基本反映了各区域农作物病虫害的经济重要性和防控实践需求。基于各地公布名录中反映出的引用不够准确、分类鉴定困难和缺乏配套监测调查标准等问题,提出应高度重视学名引用准确性,加强农作物病虫害分类鉴定基础性工作,进一步推进病虫害监控技术研究和标准化工作。  相似文献   

为了让农户能够直观了解及掌握常见病虫害的防治信息,帮助农户通过智能手机在农田、果园和茶园等现场方便快捷地获取作物病虫害图文识别要点与科学防治方法,为农户提供在线植保技术服务,本研究采用RESTful Web 服务架构设计,运用HTML5移动Web开发技术,借助微信平台作为用户访问入口,开发了一款跨平台 (android/iOS) 的农药速查软件系统,实现了农药信息查询、病虫害图谱查询及后台数据管理等功能。通过建立农药与病虫害间的关联关系,实现了从农药名称和病虫害名称两个途径查询农药信息;所构建的数据库涵盖了蔬菜、果树、水稻、茶叶及烟草等共30种福建省常规种植作物上的重要病虫害农药防治技术。初步运用验证结果表明,该系统整体实用性和稳定性较好,适合在农村基层推广应用。基于微信平台的农药速查系统能够满足植保新技术普及和应用的需求,可为农户提供简单便捷、对症下药的在线植保科技服务,对提高用户安全施药和科学防控能力、推进农药的增效减量均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Weed control is one of the most important crop protection activities undertaken in both intensive and low-input farming systems. However, even under intensive systems, crop protection which is less dependent on pesticides may require that weeds be managed to obtain a balance between crop and non-crop vegetation to encourage an increase in natural enemies of crop pests. In the low-input farming systems which sustain much of the rural population of Africa, weed control is usually done by hand and clean weeding is often beyond the labour resources of the farming family. The vegetational diversity of peasant agriculture in Africa to which weeds make their contribution, helps to decrease the risk of disease and pest epidemics. In addition to the pest control benefits of a diverse agroecosystem, weeds contribute to the resource base of the rural community, providing a source of secondary foods, medicines and insecticides. Weed control within an integrated crop protection system appropriate to the needs of the resource-poor farmer, requires that weeds are managed in such a way that their biodiversity is maintained and the more useful species retained within the field or field margin. Those weeds with high food potential or which have pesticidal or medicinal properties might be deliberately encouraged within the crop or field margins. Certain weed species may harbour important pests or diseases of local crops and therefore should be selectively removed. The paper reviews and discusses the literature on the beneficial and deleterious effects of weeds and argues for a weed management strategy which balances the effects of weed competition on crop production with the ethnobotanical and pest control attributes of individual weed species and weed communities.  相似文献   

周长建  宋佳  向文胜 《农药学学报》2022,24(5):1099-1107
传统农药施药方式大多依靠人工经验识别单位种植面积内作物的主要病虫草害并针对该症状均匀连续喷洒农药。该方法难以根据作物的不同病虫草害种类和严重程度及时调整农药种类及用量,可能会导致不足或过量用药,喷洒在非症状区域的农药还会对生态环境造成污染。精准施药技术在平衡使用农药与保护生态安全之间给出了一种有效的解决方案,值得大力推广。近年来,人工智能技术的发展推动了精准施药相关研究。为进一步总结人工智能在农药精准施药关键技术中的应用进展,探索人工智能在农药精准施药未来发展方向,本文分析了人工智能在农药精准施药关键技术领域的应用现状,并展望了人工智能在农药精准施药应用中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

航空喷雾植保技术的发展与探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
航空喷雾在我国农作物病、虫、草害防治中得到了广泛应用。为促进航空喷雾技术的发展,本文对国内外航空喷雾的发展历程、作业技术以及作业设备进行了简要概述和总结,并结合我国航空植保技术的现状,在航空喷雾作业机型、应用技术以及作业装置等方面进行了探讨。通过综述分析,作者认为在我国航空喷雾技术领域,应重视和逐步发展直升机、无人机的应用,加强作业设备控制系统的研发和喷洒部件的系列化与配套,深入进行航空喷雾飘移控制技术研究,以提高我国航空植保应用水平。  相似文献   

Integrated pest management systems were developed originally in response to the appearance of insect populations with resistance to common insecticides. Cotton with its heavy dependence on insecticidal sprays was one of the first crops in which the effectiveness of control declined due to resistance in the target pests. Although insecticide resistance is more of a problem in large scale production systems, the IPM approach can also benefit the smallholder by reducing the number of sprays required with consequent cost savings. Where crop growth is adversely affected by diseases, competition from weeds or poor management, the full benefit of insecticide spray programmes cannot be realised. To be fully effective, insect control should therefore be integrated with other crop protection activities. This paper reviews the insect pests, diseases and weed problems of cotton in Africa and discusses the possibilities for extending the principles of IPM to cover all the crop protection activities with practical examples drawn from both small scale and larger scale production systems.  相似文献   

N. S. MURALI 《EPPO Bulletin》1990,20(2):359-365
At the Danish Research Centre for Plant Protection, under the Information System Program, a Pest and Disease Monitoring System (PDM) and a Plant Protection Information System (PPIS) are being developed and maintained with the objectives of recording the pest and disease status of the country and integrating information pertaining to optimal plant protection measures, pests and diseases, spraying techniques, pesticides and beneficial organisms. PDM was initiated in 1983 and covers five pests and 11 diseases in seven groups of crops. Monitoring is done regularly by voluntary participants during the growing season and the system includes individual farm recommendations. In 1989 there were 692 participants in the programme. PPIS was initiated in 1987 and will be tested in 1990. The system integrates optimal plant protection strategies for individual farms with all relevant information on plant protection.  相似文献   

Plant breeding and selection, husbandry techniques and crop protection technology, including agrochemicals, have all made substantial contributions to the present-day level of crop productivity. However, yield losses due to disease, pests and weeds must continue to be minimized in order to meet the food supply demands from an ever growing population. Appropriate synthetic chemicals are becoming increasingly difficult to discover and develop due to stricter requirements on efficacy, selectivity, toxicology and general environmental impact. Consequently, there is a growing interest in understanding and utilising natural mechanisms as the basis for crop protection products. Plants themselves are a rich source of biologically active substances which could potentially be harnessed to modify crop growth or to protect crops against disease and pests. This review describes briefly the current status of understanding relative to plant–plant (herbicide and plant growth substances), plant–fungal (fungicide) and plant–insect (insecticide) interactions. Future prospects are considered in relation to directed synthesis, cell culture, microbial pesticides and plant genetic engineering. The opinion expressed is optimistic and suggests that science today can be utilised to secure the food supply of tomorrow. However, utilising either natural products or molecular biology may require an improved understanding of crop physiology and new developments in agronomy. Therefore, the time-frame for major impact of the ‘new’ technologies on crop productivity may be longer than is commonly predicted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Southern Nursery Integrated Pest Management (SNIPM) working group surveyed ornamental nursery crop growers in the southeastern United States to determine their pest management practices. Respondents answered questions about monitoring practices for insects, diseases and weeds, prevention techniques, intervention decisions, concerns about IPM and educational opportunities. Survey respondents were categorized into three groups based on IPM knowledge and pest management practices adopted. RESULTS: The three groups differed in the use of standardized sampling plans for scouting pests, in monitoring techniques, e.g. sticky cards, phenology and growing degree days, in record‐keeping, in the use of spot‐spraying and in the number of samples sent to a diagnostic clinic for identification and management recommendation. CONCLUSIONS: Stronger emphasis is needed on deliberate scouting techniques and tools to monitor pest populations to provide earlier pest detection and greater flexibility of management options. Most respondents thought that IPM was effective and beneficial for both the environment and employees, but had concerns about the ability of natural enemies to control insect pests, and about the availability and effectiveness of alternatives to chemical controls. Research and field demonstration is needed for selecting appropriate natural enemies for augmentative biological control. Two groups utilized cooperative extension almost exclusively, which would be an avenue for educating those respondents. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

北京市农作物重大病虫害远程预警信息系统的构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从北京市植保站病虫害监测预警体系内各区(县)的数据采集人员、市里的数据分析人员和数据发布人员的业务流和信息流出发,用Asp+Oracle研制开发了北京市农作物重大病虫害预警信息系统。系统以预警预测为目标,数据采集为基础,根据建立的预测模型及用户提交的病虫害情况和气象预报信息,实时监测预报北京市重大病虫害发生为害情况,预报结果以5级预警色地图和文字信息提供给用户。最终实现测报资料采集规范化、信息传递网络化和预报结果可视化。  相似文献   

中国农作物有害生物监控信息系统的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国农作物有害生物监控信息系统将计算机网络技术和植物保护专业技术相结合,构建了我国农作物病虫害监测预警和控制体系基础平台,实现了全国主要病虫害监控信息的网络传输、分析处理和资源共享,推进了我国农作物病虫害监测预警信息化进程。  相似文献   

Weeds may serve as reservoirs for new and invasive insect pests. The cassava root scale ( Protortonia navesi ) is a recent pest in the Brazilian 'Cerrado' that causes qualitative and quantitative damage by sucking plant sap. Recently, field surveys revealed that many common weeds in this region act as host for P. navesi in cassava fields. In a discrete survey, 15 weed species were identified that were hosting P. navesi . Among these, 13 species occurred during the cropping season and five were observed 4 months after cassava harvest. Eight months after harvest, only cassava volunteer plants were found to be hosting P. navesi . This survey provided a real example of the problem created when weeds host new crop pests. The management of weeds (including crop volunteers) needs to be considered as part of generalised pest management and pest invasion prevention schemes. Effective weed management can be a means of limiting the survival of new pests and the re-infestation of susceptible crop species in subsequent years. Simple studies like this point to a practical need to create greater collaborations between pest management researchers working within discrete pest categories.  相似文献   

The influences of cultural control measures on invertebrate pests and their natural enemies in cereals (wheat, barley and oats) are described and discussed, with emphasis on the major pests in north-west Europe. Possibilities for additive and synergistic combinations of cultural measures are identified, together with opportunities for integrating cultural measures with chemical and biological control where appropriate. Recent studies confirm the central role of cultural control measures in integrated pest management and integrated production of cereal crops. However, cultural measures often have opposing effects on different pests as well as diseases and weeds, so that appropriate measures must be selected on the basis of an assessment of the risks from key pests, diseases and weeds. Crop rotation is not an important means of controlling cereal pests, but its use is recommended for control of cereal diseases and weeds, as well as pests of crops grown in rotation with cereals. Diversification of crops and non-crop habitats in predominantly cereal growing areas is thought to increase numbers of certain parasitoids and polyphagous predators of cereal pests. The presence of weeds or an intercrop in a field together with cereals may reduce the severity of aphid and slug damage to cereals. Trap cropping has not yet been adequately tested in wheat, barley or oats. Cover crops reduce damage by wheat bulb fly in a following wheat crop, but increase the risk of slug damage. Resistance to a wide range of cereal aphid species has been identified in wheat and barley, but in Europe, more emphasis is placed on selecting cultivars with resistance to cereal diseases rather than pest resistance. Resistance in wheat to wheat bulb fly and wheat blossom midge is recorded, and resistance to slug damage has been reported in some laboratory studies. Early sowing of winter cereals results in more damage by certain dipterous pests and increased numbers of the aphid vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), but early sowing results in less damage by wheat bulb fly and slugs in autumn/winter and by late infestations of aphids in summer. Avoidance of ploughing results in reduced incidence of wheat bulb fly, yellow cereal fly and aphids, but increased numbers of slugs, wheat blossom midge and bibionid larvae. Avoidance of ploughing can result in greater numbers of certain polyphagous predators, particularly in the first weeks following crop establishment. The presence of straw residues results in increased slug populations, but reduced incidence of yellow cereal fly and wheat blossom midge. Preparation of fine, firm seedbeds discourages attack by slugs and wheat bulb fly on cereals. Drilling at slightly greater depth in rough cloddy seedbeds helps to protect wheat seeds from slug damage. Nitrogen fertiliser applied in spring can help cereal plants compensate for losses by wheat bulb fly or slugs. However, nitrogen applications tend to result in increased summer infestations of aphids.  相似文献   

随着我国农作物绿色防控体系的不断完善和升级,害虫治理由化学防治到综合治理再到生态防控进行转移,诱杀技术已成为害虫生态防控的核心技术之一。昆虫诱捕器的研制已发展成由简单到复杂,功能更加多样和实用,现广泛应用在蔬菜、果树、花卉、茶叶、森林等农作物和林业植被的害虫诱杀方面,并取得了显著成效,期望未来在绿色植保中发挥更大作用。本文从农林作物害虫的监测和诱杀防治的角度考虑,对不同构造以及诱集昆虫种类的诱捕器进行了分类,阐述了诱捕器的悬挂高度、布设密度、形状、大小和颜色以及诱芯载体颜色、光源波长等因素对害虫诱捕效率的影响,旨在为农林害虫的绿色防控提供专业的技术指导。  相似文献   

Relatively large amounts of pesticides are needed to control diseases and pests in modern, intensive potato production. Integrated crop management offers a way of reducing the need for pesticides. It aims to reduce costs and improve the quality of the product and of the production methods, while maintaining soil fertility and the quality of the environment. The components of integrated crop management are described. Prevention of diseases and pests has high priority. If diseases or pests are present, non-chemical control methods are preferred and chemical control is based on economic criteria and the monitoring of the soil and crops. The contribution of integrated crop management to the control of two important fungal diseases, late blight (Phytophthora infestans), and stem canker (Rhizoctonia solani) and of one pest, potato cyst nematode (Globodera spp..) is described. The prospects for further development of integrated crop protection are discussed.  相似文献   

小麦重大病虫害综合防治技术体系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陈万权 《植物保护》2013,39(5):16-24
小麦是我国的主要粮食作物,病虫害是影响其稳产、高产的重要生物灾害。本文综述了自“七五”以来,我国小麦重大病虫害综合防治技术体系的主要研究进展,内容涉及综合防治的指导思想与策略、基本思路以及不同麦区病虫害综合防治技术体系基本模式,并对现有综合防治体系中存在的问题和发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

作为一种新的农业微观经营管理方式,精准农业已成为农业发展的趋势之一。从新疆兵团棉花种植的实际情况出发,结合在试验区开展的精准棉花种植研究工作中采用的技术思想、方法、手段及取得的初步成果,从精准农业种植系统的农田信息采集系统、信息处理系统和实施系统3个技术环节入手,分析和评述精准农业技术体系的关键技术。然后,结合新疆农业生产自主开发及引进的系列数字农业技术软件产品,在以往精准农业关键技术研究成果的基础上,开发出基于GIS的农田资源和生产管理、土壤养分管理与变量施肥决策、农田变量灌溉决策、病虫害防治及测报等功能为一体的,适合新疆本地的精准农业技术平台,进行棉花精准种植信息系统集成软件设计与开发,可为新疆及其他地区棉花精准种植提供参考模式。  相似文献   

Convincing data now show that temperatures are increasing, and that changing precipitation patterns are already affecting agriculture. Predicted future impacts vary by region, but all are projected to suffer productivity declines by the late twenty-first century unless successful mitigation measures are implemented soon. Exacerbating the climate change challenge, doubling of overall crop productivity will be required by mid-century. Clearly, crop protection will become increasingly difficult as higher-yielding varieties present a larger and more tempting target to all pests, and the pests themselves extend their ranges poleward and into other new geographies owing to reduced winter kill and longer growing seasons. Fortunately, good progress on enhancing crop protection technology to meet these challenges is already being made, but the scope of this climatic provocation is such that complacency is not an option. Increased investment into new technologies and adoption of new agricultural practices with improved adaptive and mitigation potential are both essential.  相似文献   

专家系统在植保上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁建  白小玲 《江西植保》2004,27(1):40-41,39
专家系统在植保上主要应用于病虫害诊断、预测预报、决策管理等领域。植保专家的特点是应用范围广、实用性增强、新技术和新方法不断应用、有向综合性系统发展的趋势。文中还对植保专家系统存在的问题和发展对策进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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