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中蜂失王是常见的事,但若处理不当,则会使群势削弱、工蜂产卵,给蜂群饲养管理带来许多麻烦。我总结了一下,认为中蜂失王的原因如下:a. 与群势有关人们的主观愿望是强群分蜂,加速蜂群壮大,但中蜂则有所不同,有时新分群越强,蜂数越多,介入的王台越好或新王越大,则会适得其反。按广东蜂友的经验,分蜂群2~3框最为恰当,新王也容易交尾,交尾成功率高,产卵快;最好的做法是在新王产卵时不断抽调老熟蛹脾补入新群。b. 与子脾有关给中蜂分蜂,必须带子脾,因为无子必逃。分蜂时巢内只有蛹,没有幼虫和卵,显示着蜂群分蜂意念很强,雄蜂多,这种情况是新王易…  相似文献   

中蜂在江南一带,一年四季不断子,工蜂哺育力强。处女王和无王群的工蜂又易产雄蜂卵,这给中蜂生产雄蜂蛹奠定了一个较好的基础。特别在冬、春两季开展蜂蛹生产可以满足市场的需求。根据我们的实验结果,每3群中蜂配备一群专门产雄蜂卵  相似文献   

在患病蜂群中,雄蜂幼虫与工蜂幼虫一样患病,且雄蜂幼虫成活率较低,只有39.5%,中蜂囊状幼虫病对工蜂寿命影响很大,在病情严重的蜂群内只有33%工蜂可活15天,3.8%的工蜂可30天;病情较轻的蜂群有54% 的工蜂要中活15天,22%的工蜂可 活30天。药物中蜂囊状幼虫病的治疗作用不大,抗病育种是防治中蜂囊状虫病一条较好的途径。  相似文献   

<正>1.有可交配的雄蜂从优育角度讲,雄蜂最好是它系的,能防止近亲繁殖,蜂种退化。2.有供浆的工蜂处女王只有在饥饿的状态下,才到蜂房上吃蜜充饥。处女王只有吃王浆,才能发育良好,身体健壮,才能顺利交尾开产。3.安静稳定的箱内环境给处女王交尾期间一个安静稳定的环境十分重要。我的交尾群一般满足原址、原箱、原系3个重要条件。原址没有变动,工蜂进出箱不会错投;原箱群味没有改变,蜂群安静有利介台;原系是同一蜂种的王台蜂群易接受,很少另行急造王台。  相似文献   

王永坚 《中国蜂业》2003,54(4):28-28
你要想成为成功的中蜂饲养者 ,除了要熟悉中蜂的各项日常饲养管理技术外 ,还要学会中蜂的良种选育技术 ,其中包含优质中蜂蜂王培育技术和优质雄蜂培育技术。一般说来优质蜂王的培育 (养王部分 )比较受到重视 ,而优质中蜂雄蜂培育则常被忽视 ,不像培养意蜂雄蜂那样为人重视。我认为这也是广东一些地区引起中蜂种性退化的原因之一 ,具体说来就是蜂群群势越来越小 ,分蜂性越来越强。大家知道 ,同意蜂一样 ,中蜂雄蜂的基因在后代工蜂身上要起到一半的作用 ,也就是说 ,后代工蜂一半的特性来自于雄蜂。所以 ,若只注意培育蜂王 ,而不注重培育雄蜂 ,…  相似文献   

<正>中蜂防盗巢门系采用精密数控机床加工而成,它是利用中蜂与意蜂的个体大小特点,有效地避免中蜂群遭到其他蜂种的侵害,又能控制蜂王飞跑。中蜂防盗巢门使用说明:1.原设计是为防止意蜂入箱,使中蜂群严重受损,只要装上中蜂防盗门,中蜂群不再怕意蜂来作盗。2.装上防盗门,只要打开6.5 mm孔处女王和雄蜂可以完成交尾,成功交尾后关闭6.5 mm孔,蜂王是跑不出的,这样可以解决中蜂爱跑蜂的问题。  相似文献   

姜云光 《中国蜂业》2021,(3):24-24,36
浙西周边地区油菜花中期,中蜂进入全年大规模的分蜂高潮,几乎所有蜂群都会在油菜花结束前进行自然分蜂,管理不善损失之大让人难以预料。主要有下面三种情形:一是强群和分蜂性强或老王中等群,在惊蛰前后遇上高温晴热天气,不少蜂群在王台未封盖时,老王携大批工蜂飞出,相当一部分因收捕不及时而损失;二是遇数天阴雨,无法及时检查和处理蜂群,天气突然放晴,多个中蜂群在差不多时间飞出,甚至无台群也跟着飞出结成一个特大蜂团。处理不恰当,多只老王被杀,形成无王群和工蜂产卵群;三是因天气因素,处女王无法外出交尾或交尾失败,检查处理不及时会形成工蜂产卵群。新王群长时间无新蜂出房,新老交替失调,群势不增反降,严重影响油菜蜜产量。为了避免出现上述情况,应采用以下应对措施。  相似文献   

张河勇 《蜜蜂杂志》2020,40(7):42-43
近些年来,野生中蜂种群不断萎缩。究其原因是多方面的,如生态环境变化、西蜂引进后的盗杀、农药使用量增加等。除此之外,野生中蜂种群与家养中蜂之间的交尾,也是造成野生中蜂种群不断萎缩的主要因素。因为蜜蜂处女王和雄蜂的交尾不同于牲畜,可人为选择控制。处女王和雄蜂是在高空飞行中进行交尾的,那么野生中蜂群的处女王,就极有可能与家养中蜂群的雄蜂进行交尾,所产生的后代,就融入了家养中蜂群的遗传基因,也就使野生中蜂群的野外生存能力大大减弱,久而久之,就逐渐导致野生中蜂种群的萎缩。  相似文献   

中蜂蜂产品单一,只有蜂蜜与蜂蜡。实践证明,合理组织利用处女王群采蜜,蜂蜜产量会大幅度提高,原因如下:1)不会产生“分蜂热”,工蜂工作积极;2)新蜂大量出房而无产卵王产卵,将腾出大量空房供蜂群贮蜜,蜜成熟快;3)内勤蜂负担轻,将加强外勤采集力;4)短期内因无哺育任务,工蜂死亡率低,群势不易衰退;5)为培育新王创造条件。在组织处女王采蜜群时,应注意以下几个问题,以避免造成不必要的损失。1)处女王采蜜群数量不宜超出蜂场蜂群数的一半:中蜂处女王上午11:00左右开始出巢交尾,处女王群过多将会使摇蜜工作难度加大,并且造成一旦蜂群失王而处理不…  相似文献   

中蜂排放面积宽,不仅浪费人力,不便管理,而且往往因放蜂地点的限制,影响饲养的数量。为此,我们进行了中蜂蜂箱排放及育王试验。蜂箱方向一般座北朝南,和意蜂基本同。每放一箱间隔两个蜂箱的位置。蜂群强弱搭配。由于蜂群集中,群味相同,工蜂工作积极,在流蜜期,由于随时可以调整,蜂群不会发生分蜂热。在缺蜜期也不会互盗,可以做到繁殖、取蜜双丰收。中蜂蜂箱这样排放后,我们便采取新的方法育王。做法是:当选好的父母群王台封盖六至七天,就开始组织交尾群,在原空好的地方放一个蜂箱,从原箱中提出一个封盖的老子脾,移台进去。一至二天新蜂王即出房。交尾群均间隔排放,即一个原群,一个  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to detect leptospiral DNA by PCR in semen and urine samples of stallions to test for venereal transmission in horses. A total of 10 stallions from four herds were studied, and sampling was conducted in semen and urine for culture and PCR and serum for serology. From the 10 serum samples tested, 6 (60%) were seroreactive. No pure culture was obtained, but leptospiral DNA was detected by PCR in 50% of the semen samples and 30% of urine samples. The present study aimed to detect leptospiral DNA by PCR in semen and urine samples of stallions to test for venereal transmission in horses. Based on these findings, we suggest that there is potential transmission of leptospirosis in horses by sexual transmission.  相似文献   

Even though males represent only 8%-12% of the birds of a breeder flock, their role in infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) dissemination is largely unknown. We first assessed the effect of IBV replication in the chicken testes. Ten-week-old males were inoculated with Arkansas (Ark) or Massachusetts (Mass) IBV virulent strains. Seven days postinoculation (DPI) IBV RNA was detected in testicles of 100% of M41- and in 96% of Ark-infected males. Marginal nonsynonymous variation was detected in spike (S) gene of the predominant population of IBV replicating in the testes compared to the S gene of the predominant population of viruses prior to inoculation. IBV M41 and Ark were detected in spermatogonia and Sertoli cells of testicles of infected roosters by immunofluorescence, without evident histopathological changes. We next assessed venereal transmission of IBV by artificially inseminating 54-wk-old hens either with semen from IBV-infected roosters or with IBV suspended in na?ve semen. IBV RNA was detected in the trachea of all hens inseminated with IBV-spiked semen and in 50% of hens inseminated with semen from IBV-infected males. The egg internal and external quality was negatively affected in hens inseminated with semen containing IBV. These results provide experimental evidence for IBV venereal transmission.  相似文献   

影响雄蜂质量的因素很多,主要包括饲料营养、哺育群群势、蜂王质量以及天气情况等。作为主要营养源的花粉,对雄蜂质量的影响究竟如何?试验得知:花粉饲料的质与量对雄蜂的初生重、性成熟体重、采精量、精子密度和有效精子数量等方面均产生重要影响。充足优质的鲜蜂花粉是培育优良雄蜂的重要的必需因素。  相似文献   



Reproductive disorders associated with chlamydial infection have been reported worldwide in cattle and there are indications of potential venereal transmission.


Semen samples from 21 dairy bulls and cauda epididymidis tissue samples from 43 beef bulls were analysed for chlamydial agent by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) including an internal amplification control (mimic). Additionally, presence of antibodies against Chlamydophila (Cp.) abortus among the bulls was investigated with the commercial Pourquier® ELISA Cp. abortus serum verification kit.


No chlamydial agent was detected by PCR in either the semen samples or in the tissue samples. Additionally, no antibodies against Cp. abortus were detected.


The results suggest that Cp. abortus is very rare, or absent in Swedish bulls and thus the risk for venereal transmission of chlamydial infection through their semen is low. However, because Chlamydophila spp. infection rates seem to differ throughout the world, it is essential to clarify the relative importance of transmission of the infection through semen on cattle fertility.  相似文献   

In cattle, transplacental infection is the main route of Neospora caninum transmission, but postnatal transmission by the oral uptake of sporozoite-containing oocysts shed by dogs may also be possible. Other routes of horizontal transmission, such as the venereal route, have not been investigated. In this study, we evaluated the presence of N. caninum DNA by a nested-PCR in fresh non-extended semen and frozen extended semen straws of five Holstein-Friesian bulls with naturally-acquired neosporosis. The infection status was assessed by an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and confirmed by immunoblotting (IB). Because of inhibitory components of semen, a protocol was developed to purify N. caninum DNA from bovine semen. Sporadically, N. caninum DNA was detected in non-extended fresh semen samples and frozen extended semen straws of the five seropositive bulls. In all positive samples, specific DNA was consistently found in the cell fraction of semen and not in seminal plasma. The parasite mean load in positive fresh semen samples determined by a real-time PCR was low oscillating between 1 and 2.8 parasites/ml of semen (maximum parasite load detected in one sample was 7.5 parasites/ml of semen). In parallel, another three similar but uninfected bulls acted as controls and no N. caninum DNA was amplified in any of their fresh and straw semen samples assayed. Whether venereal transmission plays a role in the spread of bovine neosporosis needs to be determined.  相似文献   

Viral infection damages honeybee colony health. Viruses can be carried by queen bees and apicultural production materials when imported from foreign countries. We investigated seven honeybee viruses in worker bees (Apis mellifera) from 26 healthy apiaries in Gifu, Japan between 2018 and 2019. Black queen cell virus (BQCV) was detected in 23 (88.5%) of the apiaries, followed by Israeli acute paralysis virus (42.3%), deformed wing virus (DWV) (38.5%), and sacbrood virus (3.8%). In phylogenetic analysis, BQCV and DWV in Gifu were related to those in China and South Korea. Additionally, a high prevalence of BQCV was observed among worker bees in BQCV-positive colonies. Therefore, BQCV horizontal transmission among worker bees may contribute to the high prevalence of BQCV in Gifu.  相似文献   

Previous observations on the dissemination of Coxiella burnetii between laboratory animals strongly support the hypothesis of venereal transmission. Serum and semen samples, from 57 bulls used for artificial insemination, were assayed for specific C. burnetii phase 11 antibodies and the presence of the organism respectively. Viable C. burnetii were detected in the semen of seropositive bulls. These findings indicate the possibility of sexual transmission of C. burnetii between cattle and further our knowledge of the epidemiology of the organism. The procedures used for investigations into the source of infection and route of transmission should be modified to take these findings into account.  相似文献   

Although visceral leishmaniasis is primarily transmitted by a biological invertebrate vector, transmission in the absence of the vector has been reported, including venereal transmission in humans. Considering the possibility of venereal transmission, we studied genital lesions in dogs naturally infected with visceral leishmaniasis and shedding of Leishmania sp. in the semen. Approximately 200 dogs were serologically tested for anti-Leishmania antibodies and divided into three groups: 1) serologically negative dogs (n = 20), 2) asymptomatic serologically positive dogs (n = 20), and 3) symptomatic serologically positive dogs (n = 20). Samples from both testes, all segments of both epididymes, prostate gland, glans penis, and prepuce were histologically evaluated and processed for immunodetection of Leishmania sp. Semen samples were obtained from 22 symptomatic serologically positive dogs and processed for detecting Leishmania DNA by polymerase chain reaction. A significantly higher frequency of inflammation was observed in the epididymes, glans penis, and prepuce of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis, which was associated with a high frequency of immunohistochemically positive tissues (up to 95% of tissues from symptomatic dogs were positive by immunohistochemistry). Leishmania DNA was detected in eight of 22 semen samples from symptomatic dogs. Together these findings indicate that genital lesions and shedding of Leishmania sp. (donovani complex) in the semen are associated with visceral leishmaniasis. Additional studies should address the possibility of venereal transmission of the disease in the dog.  相似文献   

Attempted venereal transmission of Chlamydia psittaci in sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Attempts were made to transmit Chlamydia psittaci, the causal agent of enzootic abortion of ewes, in three different ways. Ten ewes were inseminated artificially with freshly collected semen containing 10(5) CELD50 chlamydia. Serological evidence of infection was found two weeks before parturition in nine ewes and the organism was recovered from three of them. By six weeks post partum antibody titres had fallen and were negative in six ewes. Twenty-four hours after service two groups of 10 ewes were infected intravaginally with 10(8) CELD50 and 10(3) CELD50 chlamydia respectively. Positive complement fixation titres were present in the first half of pregnancy in all the ewes in the high dose group but not the low dose group. None of the ewes showed evidence of infection at parturition. Fourteen ewes were served by four rams which had been intravenously infected with 10(8) CELD50 chlamydia four to six days earlier. Following service seroconversion occurred but titres became negative again by late pregnancy. No microbiological evidence of infection was detected in any of the ewes at parturition but complement fixation titres were positive in 12 of 14 ewes sampled six weeks post partum. The 14 ewes were sampled during their pregnancies the next year and none showed any evidence of chlamydial infection. It is concluded that venereal transmission of C psittaci is biologically feasible in sheep, but that under normal systems of flock management in Britain it is unlikely to contribute greatly to the epidemiology of enzootic abortion of ewes.  相似文献   

Artificial insemination is a valuable method for facilitating genetic exchange between captive colonies of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) and for the maintenance of genetically important remnant populations. However, to reduce potential disease transmission, their semen needs to be screened for venereal diseases caused by organisms such as Chlamydia species. Semen samples from 11 koalas, eight of them with clinical signs of cystitis, were examined for the presence of Chlamydia by an optimised PCR assay. Chlamydia was detected in semen from seven of the 11 animals.  相似文献   

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