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为研究兔支气管败血波氏杆菌致病机理及病理特征,对3月龄的家兔以1.5×1012cfu剂量滴鼻感染,观察家兔发病临床表现及死亡后病理变化。剖检并采集感染死亡后家兔各器官观察制作切片及组织学染色。结果显示家兔临床表现咳嗽、呼吸困难,窒息而死;死亡家兔剖检表现呼吸系统病变严重,主要为小叶性肺炎,气管黏膜充血和少量出血点;病理组织学表现为局部肺脏组织充出血及水肿,肺泡巨噬细胞显著增生,肺泡腔内充满浆液纤维素性渗出物和大量的嗜中性粒细胞,细支气管黏膜上皮脱落,周围可见淋巴细胞浸润。通过验证表明,败血波士杆菌主要引起肺脏病变,最终导致窒息死亡。  相似文献   

对甘肃省某动物保护中心1只病死金丝猴进行了详细的病原分离鉴定与病理学观察。病原分离鉴定证实为多杀性巴氏杆菌感染。剖检可见金丝猴肺脏体积增大,高度淤血呈典型的大叶性肺炎,心脏、肝脏、肾脏、脾脏及肠系膜淋巴结等实质广泛充血、出血。病理组织学观察,肺脏有严重的充血和水肿,肺泡内有出血性和纤维素性渗出物,呈大叶性肺炎的充血水肿期和红色肝变期。其他组织器官的实质细胞广泛变性、坏死。  相似文献   

为研究兔支气管败血波氏杆菌致病机理及病理特征,对3月龄的家兔以1.5×1012cfu剂量滴鼻感染,观察家兔发病临床表现及死亡后病理变化。剖检并采集感染死亡后家兔各器官观察制作切片及组织学染色。结果显示家兔临床表现咳嗽、呼吸困难,窒息而死;死亡家兔剖检表现呼吸系统病变严重,主要为小叶性肺炎,气管黏膜充血和少量出血点;病理组织学表现为局部肺脏组织充出血及水肿,肺泡巨噬细胞显著增生,肺泡腔内充满浆液纤维素性渗出物和大量的嗜中性粒细胞,细支气管黏膜上皮脱落,周围可见淋巴细胞浸润。通过验证表明,败血波士杆菌主要引起肺脏病变,最终导致窒息死亡。  相似文献   

为试验貉冠状病毒的致病性以及与犬冠状病毒的关系,用经电镜观察仅见冠状病毒的肠炎死亡貉粪便提取物,人工感染未吃初乳的新生仔犬2只和经犬瘟热和貉细小病毒弱毒免疫的健康貉2只。结果,4天后,2只仔犬拉稀死亡,剖检呈出血性胃肠炎病理变化,肠内容物经电镜负染观察,见有大量冠状病毒;2只试验貉分别于第4天和第5天拉带粘液的稀粥样粪便。粪便提取物电镜负染.见有大量犬冠状病毒样病毒。为进一步试验貉冠状病毒与犬冠状病毒之间的关系,分别用豚鼠抗貉冠状病毒和抗犬冠状病毒血清与提纯的貉冠状病毒作免疫电镜观察。结果,两种抗血清均可将貉冠状病毒凝集,呈阳性免疫电镜结果。  相似文献   

文章以北京动物园1例死亡狍子为研究对象,采用血液生理生化试验、病原菌分离培养及分子生物学鉴定、临床病理变化及系统病理学观察等技术进行诊断。结果表明,狍子发病后,血常规检测白细胞计数、淋巴细胞比率降低,中性粒细胞比率升高,提示该狍子发生细菌感染。动物死后,剖检可见口腔溃烂、主要脏器发生坏死性病变。无菌取肺脏组织经细菌分离培养,结果显示,病原菌为铜绿假单胞菌;组织病理学观察肺、肾呈明显的脓毒败血症症状,其余脏器呈菌血症症状。该病例在口腔溃烂后感染铜绿假单胞菌,随着病程发展,细菌并扩散至全身引发菌血症致动物死亡。  相似文献   

为了探究猪自然感染腐败梭菌后的病理组织学特征,试验采用病理剖检和病理组织学观察方法对2015年3月份黑龙江省某猪场爆发的猪腐败梭菌感染病例进行了研究。结果表明:病死猪全身皮肤发绀,血液呈紫黑色,凝固不良,心脏、肺脏、肝脏和肾脏淤血呈暗红色,有的表面有出血,质地变软,尤其是脾脏和肾脏软如泥状;病理组织学观察可见,肺脏、肾脏、心肌、脾脏等组织/器官变性坏死,其内有大量腐败梭菌,可见以中性粒细胞为主的炎细胞浸润。说明腐败梭菌主要引起猪各组织/器官发生变性坏死,从而导致临床感染猪猝死,病死亡率较高。  相似文献   

采用梅花鹿源坏死梭杆菌HNFnf分离株以不同浓度菌量于家兔耳缘静脉注射,尝试建立家兔感染坏死梭杆菌肝脓肿模型。通过观察家兔临床症状、剖检病变和病理组织学观察,建立了坏死梭杆菌分离株家兔感染模型。攻毒家兔7 d内全部死亡,死亡前家兔表现为采食减少、喜卧、后肢无力、消瘦等。尸体进行病理剖检可见明显病理变化,肺脏表面大量出血,且伴有结节样病变;肝脏质地较软,出现均匀的灰黄脓肿;脾脏严重肿大,呈暗紫色;肾脏多处出血斑;严重的肠道胀气,膀胱积尿。病理组织学观察可见肾脏近曲小管与远曲小管之间有少量的粉红色纤维素渗出;肝脏中形成明显的染色深蓝的脓肿结构,其周围有大量细胞核深染的炎性细胞浸润,肝脏肝小叶固有结构消失,肝细胞脂肪变性;肺泡和支气管内有大量红染的纤维素渗出。采取耳缘静脉攻毒方式,该细菌对家兔的最低致死量为1.2×1014 CFU。  相似文献   

赵坤 《四川畜牧兽医》2000,27(11):46-46
犬疱疹病毒(Canine herpes virus)是一种引发仔犬急性致死性、高度接触传染性呼吸道疾病(称疱疹病毒感染)的病原因子.1 临床症状 1999年6月,河南省新乡市某肉狗繁育场,16只10日龄幼犬突然发病.病仔犬食欲废绝,体温不高,呼吸困难,持续嚎叫,触摸轻压腹部,嚎叫更加厉害,粪便稀且多为黄绿色.24小时内死亡2只.2 剖检及组织学检查 胸腔、腹腔有大量红色浆液性液体;实质脏器表面有较多的米粒大小的灰白色坏死灶,尤以肺、肾居多;肺水肿,脾脏肿大;呼吸道呈卡他性炎症;多处淋巴结出血、肿大. 病理组织学检查可见肾、肝、脾和脑组织内有轻度细胞浸…  相似文献   

为了研究多杀性巴氏杆菌对感染动物的致病性,用多杀性巴氏杆菌按照不同浓度人工感染18只小白鼠,对接种小白鼠进行了临床症状、病理剖检和病理组织学观察。试验结果表明,人工感染多杀性巴氏杆菌24 h后,感染小白鼠开始出现死亡,且在36 h内全部死亡。病理组织学结果显示,在感染小白鼠的心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏组织上出现急性炎症,且多数器官以充血、瘀血病变为主。  相似文献   

为诊断玉溪市峨山县某竹鼠养殖场竹鼠2013年6月所发疫病,试验对发病竹鼠进行了临床观察、病理剖检、病原分离鉴定、组织病理学观察等。临床观察表明,竹鼠感染后表现为精神沉郁、腹泻(肛门被粪便严重污染)、后肢瘫痪等。剖检可见胸腔、腹腔有大量淡黄色积液;胃黏膜溃疡、糜烂,内容物呈黑色;十二指肠肠管呈红褐色、肠系膜胶冻样,盲肠鼓气;肝脏有针尖大小的出血点;下颔淋巴结、肺门淋巴结肿胀,肺脏有大量出血点;尾根两侧皮下出血等。组织病理学观察可见心肌明显出血;肝细胞变性、坏死,淋巴细胞浸润,门管区化脓、出血和瘀血;脾脏广泛瘀血;肺脏瘀血,肺泡管内有炎性渗出物,肺泡壁增厚;肾出血和瘀血,肾小球肿大,管腔内充满大量积液;结肠固有层轻度出血和水肿,杯状细胞增多,呈卡他性肠炎等。表明,玉溪市峨山县某竹鼠养殖场竹鼠2013年6月所发疫病为大肠杆菌感染。  相似文献   

Spontaneous pneumothorax caused by pulmonary blebs and bullae was diagnosed in 12 dogs based on history, clinical examination, thoracic radiographs, surgical findings, and histopathological examination of resected pulmonary lesions. Radiographic evidence of blebs or bullae was seen in only one dog. None of the dogs responded to conservative treatment with thoracocentesis or thoracostomy tube drainage. A median sternotomy approach was used to explore the thorax in all dogs. Pulmonary blebs and bullae were resected with partial or complete lung lobectomy. Ten of the dogs had more than one lesion, and seven of the dogs had bilateral lesions. The cranial lung lobes were most commonly affected. Histopathology results of the blebs and bullae were consistent in all dogs and resembled lesions found in humans with primary spontaneous pneumothorax. None of the dogs developed recurrence of pneumothorax. Median follow-up time was 19 months. The outcome following resection of the pulmonary blebs and bullae was excellent.  相似文献   

利用病理组织学方法对仔猪先天性震颠病病例进行诊断。病理组织学主要变化为大脑软脑膜血管充血,脑膜下水肿;大脑白质和脊髓部位的有髓神经髓鞘发育不全,横切面可见神经髓鞘相对数量少,疏密、大小不均,形态差别大。其他脏器见继发性细菌感染病变。  相似文献   

This study was carried out with the aim of identifying types of gross and histopathological lesions in lungs of camels slaughtered between October 2009 and April 2010 at Addis Ababa abattoir enterprise, Ethiopia. All camels were originated from Borana and Kereyu areas. A total of 387 slaughtered camel lungs were inspected during the study period. Of which, one or more gross lesions were encountered on 300 lungs. Lesions were further subjected for detail gross and histopathological examinations. The occurrence of pulmonary lesions was 77.5%. The gross and histopathological examination of these lesions had revealed 60.2% emphysema, 21.2% hydatidosis, 18.6% pneumonia, 10.6% atelectasis, 4.9% aspiration of blood, 3.9% pneumoconiosis, 2.6% pulmonary edema and congestion, 1.6% abscess, 1% pleurisy, and 0.8% granulomatous pneumonia. Most camels had one or more pulmonary lesions on postmortem examination, but they were apparently healthy during antemortem inspection. Therefore, the prevailing stressful environmental condition coupled with the existing poor level of veterinary service in camel-rearing areas of the country might reverse these hidden inactive lesions and thereby contributed for the higher occurrence of respiratory diseases in camels.  相似文献   

Pulmonary edema in a dog with acute pancreatitis and cardiac disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acute pancreatitis and cardiac disease were diagnosed in a dog with pulmonary edema. The early clinical course and initial thoracic radiographs suggested that the pulmonary edema was noncardiogenic. The late clinical course was complicated by heart failure. The dog died, and a necropsy was performed. Histologically, an acute, severe capillary-alveolar membrane lesion was found in the lungs. Review of the human medical literature indicated that respiratory complications, including pulmonary edema, are commonly recognized in people with acute pancreatitis. Furthermore, in acute pancreatitis of human beings, the existence of specific mechanisms of pulmonary injury is suspected. Retrospective consideration of this case suggested that the initial pulmonary edema was induced by acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between respiratory tract infection with bovine coronavirus (BCV), treatment for respiratory tract disease, pulmonary lesions at slaughter, and average daily gain in cattle in feedlots. ANIMALS: 837 calves in feedlots in Ohio and Texas. PROCEDURE: Nasal swab specimens were obtained from cattle at arrival in a feedlot (day 0) and at various times during the initial 28 days after arrival. Specimens were tested for BCV, using an antigen-capture ELISA. Serum samples were obtained at arrival and again 28 days after arrival and tested for antibodies to BCV, using an antibody-detection ELISA. Information was collected regarding treatment for cattle with respiratory tract disease and average daily gain during the feeding period. Pulmonary lesions were evaluated at slaughter. RESULTS: Cattle shedding BCV from the nasal cavity and developing an antibody response against BCV were 1.6 times more likely to require treatment for respiratory tract disease than cattle that did not shed the virus or develop an immune response against BCV. Additionally, cattle that shed BCV from the nasal cavity were 2.2 times more likely to have pulmonary lesions at slaughter than cattle that did not shed the virus. The BCV shedding or seroconversion status did not affect average daily gain. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bovine coronavirus infects feedlot cattle and is associated with an increased risk for cattle developing respiratory tract disease and pulmonary lesions. Development of appropriate control measures could help reduce the incidence of respiratory tract disease.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common endocrinopathy of cats and humans. Although few studies have examined the effects of DM on the pulmonary system, changes in pulmonary function and immunology in humans with type I and II diabetes, and pulmonary lesions in a murine diabetic model have been documented. Our objective was to determine whether pulmonary lesions occurred in cats with DM. Medical records and necropsy evaluations of 42 cats with DM were compared with those of 45 age-matched, nondiabetic cats for the presence of clinical evidence of respiratory disease and pulmonary histopathological findings at the time of necropsy. No statistical difference was noted in the presence of clinical evidence of respiratory disease between cats with diabetes and control cats. Nevertheless, there was a significant association between the presence of abnormal pulmonary histopathology and DM (P = .018, odds ratio = 3 inclusive of all cats; P = .005, odds ratio = 5 when non-DM cats with overt clinical evidence of respiratory disease were excluded). Pulmonary abnormalities detected by histopathological examination in cats with diabetes included congestion and edema, histiocytosis, pneumonia, smooth muscle hypertrophy, fibrosis, mineralization, neoplasia, and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia. The observed association between DM and pulmonary lesions in cats, independent of clinical evidence of respiratory disease, emphasizes the need for careful assessment of the respiratory tract in sick cats with diabetes.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus was diagnosed in a dog with concurrent nematode infection. The clinical signs of disease were unusually severe and included multiple neurologic deficits, polyarthritis, and weight loss. The dog was thrombocytopenic, and serotest results included positive lupus erythematosus test, positive rheumatoid factor test, positive antinuclear antibody test, hypergammaglobulinemia, and high platelet-associated IgG concentration. After treatment of hookworm, whipworm, and heartworm infections concurrently with corticosteroid and empiric treatment, the dog's condition improved. However, 10 days later, cyclophosphamide administration was necessary for continued immunosuppression. The dog was euthanatized because of progressive deterioration and development of canine coronavirus diarrhea. Serotest data generated from the dog's serum obtained at the time of referral suggested that autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes may have included IgE isotypes.  相似文献   

Adenovirus infection was the cause of an epizootic of hemorrhagic disease that is believed to have killed thousands of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in California during the latter half of 1993. A systemic vasculitis with pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic enteropathy or a localized vasculitis associated with necrotizing stomatitis/pharyngitis/glossitis or osteomyelitis of the jaw were common necropsy findings in animals that died during this epizootic. To study transmission of adenovirus infection in deer and susceptibility of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) fawns to adenovirus infection, six 3-6-month-old black-tailed fawns were divided into two treatment groups. One group was inoculated intravenously and the other group was inoculated through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth with purified adenovirus. Each treatment group also included two additional fawns (four total) that were not inoculated but were exposed to inoculated animals (contact animals). One fawn served as a negative control. Between 4 and 16 days postinoculation, 8/10 fawns developed systemic or localized infection with lesions identical to lesions seen in animals with natural disease that died during the epizootic. Transmission was by direct contact, and the route of inoculation did not affect the incubation period or the distribution of the virus (systemic or the localized infection). Immunohistochemical analysis using polyclonal antiserum against bovine adenovirus type 5 demonstrated staining in endothelial cells of vessels in numerous tissues in animals with systemic infection and endothelial staining only in vessels subtending necrotic foci in the upper alimentary tract in animals with the localized form of the disease. All inoculated or exposed animals had staining in the tonsillar epithelium. Transmission electron microscopic examination of lung and ileum from two fawns with pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic enteropathy demonstrated endothelial necrosis and adenovirus virions in endothelial cell nuclei. Adenovirus was reisolated in black-tailed deer pulmonary artery endothelial cells using lung homogenate of the first fawn that developed systemic adenovirus infection. Serum virus neutralization test results suggest that this deer adenovirus is a new serotype.  相似文献   

A 2‐year, 7‐month‐old female Chihuahua was admitted for a mammary mass measuring one cm in diameter. The dog had a history of demodicosis for 4 months and showed signs of pseudopregnancy at the time of the visit. Cytologic examination of an aspirate of the mass revealed a large number of macrophages containing nonstaining bacterial rods, which were acid‐fast in a Ziehl–Neelsen stain, suggesting mycobacterial infection. Histologic examination of the mass revealed a pyogranulomatous mastitis characterized by an infiltration with macrophages containing acid‐fast bacteria. Mycobacterium kansasii was subsequently cultured and identified by PCR. Surgical excision of the mass resulted in the growth of other dermal masses, but antimycobacterial treatment with rifampin and clarithromycin resolved these masses within 1 month. Three months after discontinuation of the treatment, similar organisms were found in aspirates of the enlarged bilateral inguinal lymph nodes by cytologic examination. Despite antimycobacterial treatment for another 4 months, there was no improvement and demodicosis also recurred. The dog eventually died of lymphoma 5 months after the relapse of mycobacterial infection. Although M kansasii is considered an important pathogen for pulmonary and cutaneous disease in people, there is only one report in a dog with an infection in a pleural effusion. As both adult‐onset demodicosis in dogs as well as mycobacterial infection in people have been associated with T‐lymphocyte deficiency, the M kansasii infection in this dog may have been associated with a condition of immune compromise.  相似文献   

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