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以甘肃皇城羊场羔羊时期患有奶结症的甘肃高山细毛羊为试验组,利用同一批与试验组饲养条件相同的甘肃高山细毛羊为对照组,研究羔羊奶结症对羊毛细度、长度、油汗长度和杂质含量的影响。结果:对照组平均羊毛长度比试验组长3.20 cm,差异显著(P<0.05);羊毛细度试验组与对照组相差仅0.6μm,差异不显著(P>0.05);油汗长度对照组的比试验组长4.59 cm,差异极显著(P<0.01);试验组杂质含量比对照组高19.93百分点,差异极显著(P<0.01)。研究证明高山细细毛羊羔羊奶结症对羊毛品质有严重的影响。  相似文献   

新生羔羊奶结症是高寒地区绵羊育种过程中的一种常见病和多发病,属急性消化不良性疾病,以羔羊真胃内形成数量较多、大而坚硬的凝乳块为主要特征,发病率和病死率较高,常给甘肃高山细毛羊的育种工作带来巨大障碍。笔者等就该病临床治疗的效果进行分析,提出了理想的防治方案。  相似文献   

新生羔羊奶结症是高寒地区绵羊育种过程中的一种常见病和多发病,本文结合甘肃省绵羊繁育技术推广站甘肃高山细毛羊育种过程中的实际情况,就导致本病发生的可能性原因进行分析,以期为临床有效防治本病提供参考依据,以最大限度降低本病带来的经济损失。  相似文献   

近年来,在羔羊疾病防治工作中发现一种急性消化不良的病羔羊,主要特征是:病羊真胃内有较多大而坚硬的凝乳块积聚(根据临床症状判断为奶结症)。它不同于一般的消化不良,此例病羊发病早期不见拉  相似文献   

本试验主要研究自由饮用酸化奶对羔羊生长性能的影响。基础母羊为小尾寒羊和蒙古羊杂交羊。在一胎多羔的羔羊中,随机选取1只随母羊生活、饮食母乳的羔羊列入对照组;其他羔羊出生第1天和母羊生活在一起,从第2天起与母羊分离,自由饮用酸化奶,列入酸化奶组(即试验组)。结果表明:(1)酸化奶可促进羔羊生长,在1~60d的试验期内,酸化奶组羔羊的平均日增重为224g/d,比对照组高了61%;(2)酸化奶组羔羊断奶后平均日增重比对照组高29g,提高幅度为10%;(3)饮用酸化奶可保障多羔存活,提高牧场效益。  相似文献   

正为了解决高寒牧区接羔育幼工作中由于气候严寒、新生羔羊抵抗力低引起拉稀、奶结、肺炎等问题,保育方法不合适或药物选用不当,造成羔羊成活率低。笔者于2016年2月5日-4月5日在肃南县康乐镇隆丰村开展了消维康对新生细毛羔羊的防治试验,现将结果报告如下。1试验区基本情况隆丰村,隶属肃南县康乐镇,地处县城东侧,依省道213线,距离县城10公里,属半农半牧村。  相似文献   

幼畜小结肠结症,为幼驹结症中常见病之一,由于结症在肠管后端,药物一时难以奏效,又无法进行查肠破结,只能进行手术破结治疗,笔者在临床中治过一例,简述如下:曲坛乡赵某骡驹一头,45日龄,因吃  相似文献   

治疗马骡结症应注意的问题齐学文(辽宁省绥中县兽医卫生站,125200)近年来,对马骡结症治疗中,仍有些兽医用药不当,造成一些继发症,甚至导致死亡。现提出治结中应注意掌握的几个技术问题,供参考。1在治结中必须了解掌握好病畜的病理变化、所用药物的药理作用...  相似文献   

新生羔羊乳积又称真胃积食,奶结。是一种高寒山区春产绵羔羊的一种常见多发病,死亡率高。本人在兽医临床门诊中,用中草药治疗此病45例,治愈41例,治愈率91.1%,效果显著,现予报道。  相似文献   

消维康口服液是含胃蛋白酶、氯化钙以及少量维生素和微量元素的溶液,具有广谱抗菌,助消化,预防维生素、微量元素缺乏,调整体内物质代谢,增强幼畜抗病能力的作用。用于防治羔羊、犊牛、仔猪细菌性腹泻,幼畜消化不良、奶结、肺炎以及因维生素、矿物质、微量元素缺乏引起的羔羊、犊牛“神经病”、白肌病等营养代谢障碍性疾病。该药临床效果显著,毒副作用小,价格低廉,深受广大用户青睐,但由于本品为橙黄色,颜色的存在影响了对  相似文献   

The study included 125 cows with reduced appetite and with clinical signs interpreted by the owner as indicating bovine ketosis 6 to 75 days postpartum. Almost all of the cows were given concentrates 2 to 3 times daily. With a practitioners view to treatment and prophylaxis the cows were divided into 5 diagnostic groups on the basis of thorough clinical examination, milk ketotest, decreased protozoal activity and concentrations, increased methylene blue reduction time, and increased liver parameters: ketosis (n = 32), indigestion (n = 26), combined ketosis and indigestion (n = 29), liver disease combined with ketosis, indigestion, or both (n = 15), and no specific diagnosis (n = 17). Three cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis and 3 with abomasal displacement were not grouped. Nonparametric methods were used when groups were compared. Aspartate aminotransferase, glutamate dehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyl transferase and total bilirubin were elevated in the group with liver disease. Free fatty acids were significantly elevated in cows with ketosis, compared with cows with indigestion. Activity and concentrations of large and small protozoas were reduced, and methylene blue reduction time was increased in cows with indigestion. The rumen fluid pH was the same for groups of cows with and without indigestion. Prolonged reduced appetite before examination could have led to misclassification. Without careful interpretation of the milk ketotest, many cases with additional diagnoses would have been reported as primary ketosis. Thorough clinical examination together with feasible rumen fluid examination and economically reasonable blood biochemistry did not uncover the reason(s) for reduced appetite in 14% of the cows. More powerful diagnostic methods are needed.  相似文献   

In 23 cows suffering from a secondary indigestion, in most cases with septicaemia, the syndrome of functional pyloric stenosis or vagal indigestion developed. The signs were anorexia, ruminal distension with fluid material, abomasal reflux into the ruminoreticulum, dehydration, hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis and uraemia. These signs often disappeared after treatment of both the primary causative disease and the secondary indigestion. The importance of recognising this condition is emphasised, because the serious signs of the secondary indigestion may dominate the causative disease. The prognosis depends upon the causative disease and is not necessarily bad.  相似文献   

Lamb, beef and cow's milk are common causes of cutaneous adverse food reactions in dogs. The aim of this study was to identify the proteins responsible for cutaneous adverse reactions to these foods. Ten dogs with allergen-specific serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E to lamb, beef and cow's milk were included in the study. These dogs had been diagnosed with cutaneous adverse food reactions by convincing clinical history and food-elimination diet trials followed by challenge exposure. Sera were analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with bovine proteins and SDS-PAGE immunoblots with lamb, beef and cow's milk extracts. All the dogs had specific IgE against bovine IgG, and it was the only protein in the cow's milk extract that bound IgE from the sera studied. In the lamb and beef extracts, the major allergens recognized by the specific IgE of most sera had molecular masses between 51 and 58 kDa, which were identified as phosphoglucomutase and the IgG heavy chain. Other IgE-binding proteins with molecular masses of 27, 31, 33, 37 and 42 kDa were also detected with some sera. Our results indicate that bovine IgG is a major allergen in cow's milk and hence it appears to be a source of cross-reactivity with beef and probably with lamb because of the high homology with ovine immunoglobulins. These results are similar to those found for meat allergy in humans. However, this is the first time that phosphoglucomutase has been identified as an important allergen involved in allergic reactions to lamb and beef.  相似文献   

羔羊代乳粉在羔羊早期断奶和肉羊产业化生产中起着重要的作用。在新疆当前羊肉供需不平衡,羊肉价格过高的情况下,在肉羊产业中使用羔羊代乳粉,发展肥羔肉和优质小羊肉生产,建设集约化、规模化、产业化的养羊业,是解决这种矛盾的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of maternal Se supply and plane of nutrition on lamb morbidity, mortality, and passive transfer of IgG, pregnant ewe lambs were used in 2 experiments with 2 × 3 factorial treatment arrangements. Supplementation of Se began at breeding and was either adequate Se (ASe, 9.5 μg/kg of BW) or high Se (HSe, 81.8 μg/kg of BW) in Exp. 1 or ASe (11.5 μg/kg of BW) or HSe (77.0 μg/kg of BW) in Exp. 2. On d 50 or 40 of gestation for Exp. 1 or 2, respectively, ewes were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 nutritional planes: 60% (RES), 100% (control, CON), or 140% (HI) of NRC requirements. This resulted in the following treatments: ASe-RES, ASe-CON, ASe-HI, HSe-RES, HSe-CON, and HSe-HI. Upon parturition, lambs were separated from their dams and serum samples obtained. Lambs were fed artificial colostrum for the first 20 h and then placed on milk replacer and grain pellets until completion of the study (Exp. 1, 57 d; Exp. 2, 21 d). Twenty-four hours after parturition, lamb serum samples were collected for IgG analysis. All lambs were reared similarly and morbidity and mortality assessed. Main effects were considered significant when P ≤ 0.05. In Exp. 1, there was a Se × plane of nutrition interaction (P ≤ 0.01) for lamb morbidity from birth to weaning and for 24-h IgG concentration. Lambs from ASe-RES and HSe-HI ewes were treated more frequently (P < 0.01) for respiratory and gastrointestinal disease, and lambs from HSe-HI ewes had the smallest (P < 0.01) 24-h serum IgG concentration. In Exp. 1, lambs from HI ewes also had the greatest (P < 0.01) mortality rates from birth to weaning compared with lambs from CON and RES ewes. In Exp. 2, there was an effect (P < 0.01) of maternal plane of nutrition with lambs from RES ewes having increased 24-h IgG compared with lambs from CON and HI ewes. There was no effect of maternal Se supplementation on lamb 24-h IgG in Exp. 2; however, there was a Se × plane of nutrition interaction (P < 0.01) for morbidity. From birth to 21 d of age, lambs from ASe-CON ewes had fewer (P < 0.01) treatment days compared with lambs from any of the other treatment groups. There also tended (P = 0.08) to be an effect of maternal Se supplementation on lamb mortality with increased mortality observed in lambs from HSe ewes. Results from the studies show a restricted maternal plane of nutrition can increase lamb serum IgG concentration. Selenium results were not consistent between the 2 experiments and may be due to differences in maternal Se.  相似文献   

Maedi-Visna is a lentiviral disease of sheep with a worldwide distribution. The transmission of the virus occurs primarily via colostrum and milk from the infected ewe to its newborn lamb but also horizontally between sheep. The most obvious clinical symptoms are progressive dyspnea and emaciation. In this prospective study an eradication based on serological testing and removing of seropositive animals was performed in 24 flocks of sheep of the breed "Walliser Schwarznasenschafe" leading to a reduction of the seroprevalence from 36% to 1% within two years. The control group consisted of 21 flocks of sheep. Lambs of seropositive ewes had a 7.6 times higher risk to seroconvert within their first two years of life compared to those of seronegative ewes. The dynamics of the spread of the infection were studied in birth cohort groups. Cohort animals of seropositive ewes showed an obvious trend to seroconvert slowly. Seropositive ewes had a significantly lower reproduction rate and their lambs suffered from significantly higher death and lower growth rates, probably due to a reduced milk production, resulting in economic losses.  相似文献   

选择巴音布鲁克羊健康羔羊20只,分别在40和60日龄实施早期断奶,同时饲喂2种不同粗蛋白质水平(20%、22%)的代乳料,测定血清中生长类激素水平,研究早期断奶对羔羊生长的影响。试验分为4个试验组(A、B、C、D组,2种断奶日龄分别对应2种粗蛋白质水平代乳料)和1个对照组(哺乳羔羊)。结果表明:①平均日增重,试验组羔羊均高于对照组,其中饲喂22%CP代乳料的2种断奶日龄组显著高于对照组(P0.05);22%CP的2组平均日增重显著高于20%CP的2组(P0.05);同一营养水平的代乳料,2种断奶日龄间平均日增重无显著差异。②血清中4种生长类激素的水平,试验组羔羊血清中IGF-Ⅰ、INS水平均高于对照组,其中B组(40日龄断奶,22%CP)IGF-Ⅰ显著高于对照组(P0.05);B、D组(22%CP)INS显著高于对照组(P0.05);B组IGF-Ⅰ显著高于A、C、D组(P0.05)。试验组羔羊血清中T3、T4浓度与对照组无显著差异(P0.05)。因此,本试验条件下,巴音布鲁克羊羔羊40和60日龄断奶可行,且以饲喂粗蛋白质水平为22%的代乳料效果较好。  相似文献   

羔羊痢疾是新生羔羊群体中的常发病和高发病,属于急性毒血症和急性传染性疾病。临床上主要表现为剧烈腹泻,肠道严重溃烂。该种疾病主要危害7日龄内新生羔羊,随着年龄的增长,抵抗能力增强,羔羊痢疾的发生率呈现逐渐下降趋势。新生羔羊痢疾具有发病急、发病过程短、致死率高的特点,发生流行后如果不能及时诊断,及时采取措施进行防控,短时间内会造成大批量的羔羊死亡,给养殖场带来不可挽回的经济损失。该文主要论述新生羔羊痢疾的发病原因和防治措施,缩短发病周期,提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

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