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正美国红鱼又称眼斑拟石首鱼、红拟石首鱼、红鼓鱼、斑点尾鲈等,属鲈形目,石首鱼科,拟石首鱼属。外型与大黄鱼、黄姑鱼、白姑鱼较为近似,肉性杂食鱼类,在人工饲养条件下也摄食人工配合饵料,红鱼生长速度比较快。上世纪九十年代,引进大陆养殖,目前为沿海常见的养殖鱼类。美国红鱼在南方网箱养殖比较普遍,尤其在广东、福建、海南等,但池塘养殖并不是主流。在养殖过程  相似文献   

美国红鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus)属鲈形目、石首鱼科、拟石首鱼属,为美国大西洋沿岸及墨西哥湾的重要鱼种。由于其肉质鲜美,深受美国广大消费者欢迎,已成为重要的养殖鱼类。国家海洋局第一海洋研究所1991年7月从美国得克萨斯州引进了30余尾红鱼仔鱼,经4年多的精心饲养,于1995年成功自然产卵,在我国培育出第一代红鱼鱼苗,证明美国红鱼可以我国养殖和繁殖。  相似文献   

美国红鱼(SciaenopsOceclatus)属鲈形目、石首鱼科、拟石首鱼属,又称红鼓鱼、河鲈、黑斑红鲈,其明显的特征为尾鳍基部有一黑斑且幼鱼身带淡红色,学名为眼斑拟石首鱼。红鱼为广温、广盐性,驯化后能在淡水中存活生长。近年来,闽、浙、台沿海网箱及池塘养殖户开发养殖新品种,陆续进行了红鱼养殖,其养殖成活率较高,生长速度快,生长旺季3个月即可增重250克左右,且鱼越大生长速度越快,其肉含丰富的不饱和脂肪酸,味道鲜美,不失为养殖的好品种。笔者于1997年9月至2001年9月多次在福建的宁德市三都镇进行了美国红鱼的…  相似文献   

<正>美国红鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus),又名眼斑拟石首鱼、红姑鱼,属鲈形目、石首鱼科。美国红鱼原产于北大西洋沿岸及墨西哥湾,因其肉质细嫩,且具有生长快、广温、广盐等适宜于人工养殖的优点,成为迄今世界上养殖产量最高的鱼类之一,也是我国海水网箱养殖的主要品种之一。  相似文献   

<正>美国红鱼属鲈形目、石首鱼科、拟石首鱼属。自20世纪90年代初从美国引入中国后,渐渐成为我国海水网箱养殖的主要品种之一,特别是在广东和福建地区,约有30%的海水网箱养殖美国红鱼。目前,美国红鱼的养殖主要是以投喂鲜杂鱼和部分海水鱼配合饲料为主。关于美国红鱼饲料蛋白质和脂肪的研究已有报道,从已报道的实验设计看都有欠缺,表现在同一饲料蛋白质水平下脂肪水平设计太少。本研究在  相似文献   

<正>美国红鱼抗病力强、成长快速、存活率高、又耐低氧、低温,非常适合高密度养殖。2005年后,美国红鱼在广东珠海的养殖面积曾一度快速扩张,似乎有与海鲈一争高下的势头。然而近三年水产品市场价格波动很大,往往是养殖户养出了鱼却卖不起好价钱,上市时鱼价有时甚至低于养殖成  相似文献   

美国红鱼属鲈形目,石首鱼科,拟石首鱼属,也称黑斑红鲈,生长在美国东海岸和墨西哥湾沿岸,1991年由国家海洋局第一海洋研究所引进稚鱼,经4年多的饲养,现已性成熟,并于1995年开始产卵,在我区港东育苗场育苗获得成功,从而揭开了美国红鱼养殖的序幕。 美国红鱼与其他鱼类比较有以下几个特点: 1.美国红鱼肉质鲜美,具有很高的食用和营养价值。 2.美国红鱼生产迅速,一年就可长到商品规格,平均每天生长4g左右。 3.美国红鱼的适温范围广,适温范围:2-33摄氏度,最适水温:15—28摄氏度。 4.美国红鱼属广盐性鱼类,对盐度的耐受能力要比对温度的耐受能力强,可在海水、半咸水和淡水中  相似文献   

美国红鱼的生物学特性、人工育苗及病害防治技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陆彤霞 《海洋渔业》2003,25(1):34-36
美国红鱼(Csiaenops ocellatus)属鲈形目,石首鱼科,拟石首鱼属,亦称眼斑石首鱼、红鱼、红姑鱼、黑斑红鲈、大西洋红鲈、斑点尾鲈等,系暖水性、广温、广盐、溯河性鱼类。该鱼原产于美国东南海岸,我国台湾和青岛分别于1987年和1991年引进此鱼,目前已在我国南方及北方部分地区大面积养殖。该鱼生长快、适应性与抗病力强、耐低氧,能在海水、咸淡水和淡水水域中养殖。  相似文献   

红拟石首鱼Sciaenops ocellata(Linnaeus)又称美国红鱼,原产墨西哥湾和美国西南部沿海。於1987年5月我国台湾从美国德克萨斯州引进一批红拟石首鱼。目前我国沿海各地均相继进行养殖试验,均获成功。本文作者就红拟石首鱼海水网箱养殖技术作扼要的探讨。  相似文献   

红拟石首鱼Sciaenops ocellatus(Linnaeus)又称美国红鱼,属鲈形目,石首鱼科,拟石首鱼属,首次从国家海洋局第一海洋研究所引进红拟石首鱼进行网箱试养,作者就养殖技术进行初探。  相似文献   

The structure and morphometry of the gills of the marine teleost, red drum, have been studied. The present analysis of gas exchange area of fish gills is one of the most intensive and the results are compared to less intense averaging methods. Based on the gill area estimates, red drum falls into the category of a fish of intermediate activity. Its gill clearly has an exchange area less than that of the tunas, but is slightly greater than that of trout or bass. The three components that contribute to total exchange area (filament length, lamellar density, and area of individual lamellae) are not all greater in species with a greater total exchange area. The best correlate is total filament length.  相似文献   

Red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) is a euryhaline fish commonly found in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast of North America. Because of high commercial demand and its euryhaline characteristics, aquaculture of this species has diversified from marine to low-salinity aquaculture systems. In recent years, interest in the feasibility of producing red drum in inland freshwater systems has grown and this prompted us to investigate its osmoregulatory capacity after rearing for 8 months in a freshwater aquaculture system. We compared the activities of several genes and enzymes involved in the osmoregulatory process in freshwater-acclimatized (FW) and seawater (SW) red drum. The gene expression profiles were variable: the expression of genes encoding Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) was slightly higher in SW than FW fish, while phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and the glucocorticoid receptor messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were higher in FW red drum. The total plasma K concentration was 60.3% lower, and gill NKA activity was 63.5% lower in FW than in SW fish. PEPCK activity was twofold higher in FW than in SW red drum. Similarly, liver glycogen was 60% higher in FW fish. In summary, both gene expression and the enzyme activity data support the phenotypic plasticity of red drum and suggest that the limited capacity for ion homeostasis observed, in particular the low plasma K concentration, was due to the composition of freshwater and does not necessarily reflect a physiological inability to osmoregulate.  相似文献   

This study surveyed conditions in the gills of wild marine fish in Tasmania to determine potential interactions between wild and cultured fish. Wild marine fish of 12 species were captured from three Atlantic salmon farm sites and three reference sites around Tasmania. The survey concentrated on three species, red cod, Pseudophycis bachus, sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis, and jack mackerel, Trachurus declivus. Seventy-six per cent of salmon pens contained wild fish species. The number of species found in a pen ranged from one to nine and the number of individuals ranged from one to 23. Trichodinids were prevalent and occurred on seven of the 13 species examined. Trichodina occurred on the gills of all but one specimen of red cod. Monogenean gill flukes were observed on all three major species sampled and were abundant on sand flathead. Other parasites and conditions observed in the survey included metacercariae of digenean trematodes, epitheliocystis and cysts of unknown origin. Infestations of trichodinids on red cod and monogenean gill flukes on sand flathead were significantly more intense at farm sites than at reference sites. Atlantic salmon sampled at the same time from the farms were only affected by amoebic gill disease and isopods.  相似文献   

A stock of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, held at an experimental facility, was found to be heavily infested with the lernmaeapodid copepod Salmincola californiensis. The efficacy and effects of treatment were compared with ivermectin or manual removal of parasites as a means of control of S. californiensis. One group of fish was orally intubated with 0.2 mg ivermectin active ingredient kg-1 fish. A second treatment was administered after a further 14 days. In a second group of fish, parasites were manually removed from the gills using forceps. These fish were sampled for up to 21 days post-first removal of parasites. In the ivermectin-treated fish adult parasites became inactive and changed colour within 18 h of the initial treatment. Copepods began to disappear by day 3 post-treatment and by day 31 almost all embedded female parasites had disappeared. Gills were clinically normal apart from cavitation deformity resulting from parasite attachment. Post-ivermectin treatment, there was an increase in the number of eosinophilic granular cells surrounding the bulla of attached S. californiensis, but from day 31 post-treatment these were replaced by macrophages and epithelioid cells to form a necrotic focus. In manually picked fish there was extensive haemorrhage in the interlamellar spaces as a result of parasite removal. At sites of parasite removal tissue necrosis was minimal and healing was rapid. At the end of the sampling period the structure of the gill was improved. The use of oral dosage with ivermectin is an effective treatment for S. californiensis and could be particularly beneficial for use with endangered salmon broodstocks infested with the parasite.  相似文献   

浙江自然海区逃逸美国红鱼食性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对浙江自然海区逃逸美国红鱼胃含物的分析,从食料生物组成、食性类型、摄食强度及营养级4个方面对浙江自然海区逃逸美国红鱼的食性进行了探讨。结果表明,美国红鱼属游泳动物食性。主要摄食鱼类、长尾类、短尾类和头足类,兼食口足类和多毛类。其食料生物组成和食性类型与原栖息地有较大差异。逃逸美国红鱼的摄食率为80.28%,最高饱满度系数达60.93‰,平均10.26‰。根据计算,其饵料的生境宽度为4.09,营养级为3.43级。浙江自然海区美国红鱼是一种凶猛的中级肉食性鱼类。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the nutritional value of various dietary proteins for juvenile red drum. In the first 8-week feeding trial, diets containing similar quantities of lipid, carbohydrate, available energy and ash with 35% crude protein from either lyophilized whole-body croaker (Micropogon undulatus), striated beef muscle, red drum processing waste or commercially processed menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) fish meal were fed to juvenile red drum in brackish (6 ppt) water along with a control diet containing lyophilized muscle of red drum. The control diet produced significantly (P<0.05) greater weight gain (WG), feed efficiency (FE), and protein efficiency ratio (PER) values than all other diets; intermediate responses were observed for fish fed diets containing protein from red drum waste and whole-body croaker, while diets containing striated beef muscle and menhaden fish meal yielded the lowest values. Some differences in tissue indices and body composition of red drum including hepatosomatic index, whole-body ash and lipid, as well as liver lipid and glycogen were induced by the various diets. In the second 8-week feeding trial, the control diet containing red drum muscle was compared with similar diets containing protein from whole-body croaker and menhaden fish meal. Again the control diet produced the greatest WG, FE, and PER values followed by whole-body croaker and then menhaden fish meal. Effects of the dietary proteins on tissue indices and body composition were limited. The excellent protein quality and low-temperature processing of lyophilized red drum muscle resulted in superior performance of red drum relative to the other evaluated protein products, and lyophilized whole-body croaker provided better performance than commercially processed menhaden fish meal.  相似文献   

Gillnets fished in North Carolina, USA, estuaries have high rates of bycatch relative to the target catch of southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma Jordan & Gilbert. This study tested whether rectangular‐mesh gillnets would maintain catch rates of southern flounder and reduce fish bycatch relative to conventional diamond‐mesh gillnets in two North Carolina estuaries. In the Neuse River estuary, catch rates of legal southern flounder were not different between the two mesh shapes, but the bycatch of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Linnaeus) and other fish species was reduced with rectangular‐mesh net. In the Newport River estuary, southern flounder and red drum catches were reduced in rectangular‐mesh net, but the decrease was greater for red drum. Catches of sublegal southern flounder were reduced in the rectangular‐mesh net in both estuaries. Reduced catch rates of sublegal southern flounder and bycatch species suggest rectangular mesh may help manage stocks of estuarine fish species in areas where gillnets are used to target flatfishes.  相似文献   

Dietary Threonine Requirement of Juvenile Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Threonine is an indispensable amino acid required by all animals for normal growth and metabolic functions. An experiment was conducted in a brackish water (5 ± 1 ppt) recirculating system to quantify the minimum dietary threonine requirement of juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus . The experimental diets contained 350/0 crude protein from red drum muscle and crystalline amino acids and 3.2 kcal available energy/g diet. Incremental levels of L-threonine were added to the diets and fed to juvenile red drum initially averaging 2.8 g/fish for 8 wk. Weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed the various diets were significantly ( P < 0.05) affected and increased linearly as dietary threonine increased until plateauing around 0.8% of dry diet. Protein efficiency ratio and protein conversion efficiency values for fish fed the different diets also were significantly affected by threonine level and indicated requirement values of 0.8–0.9% of dry diet. Free threonine in plasma also significantly responded to increasing dietary threonine but indicated a slightly higher requirement value of approximately 1.0% of dry diet. Based on these data, the minimum threonine requirement of juvenile red drum was determined to be approximately 0.8% of dry diet (2.28% of dietary protein). This requirement level is similar to values reported for some other fish species. Based on this information diets may be formulated more precisely for aquacultural production of red drum.  相似文献   

A series of growth trials was conducted to evaluate the use of soy protein as a replacement for fish protein in isonitrogenous practical diets for juvenile red drum Sciacnops ocellatus. Feeds were offered at or in excess of satiation to juvenile red drum maintained at 26–28 C and a salinity of 25–35 ppt. In the first growth trial, red drum were offered one of four diets containing graded levels of menhaden fish meal, replacing solvent-extracted soybean meal and soy-protein isolates. Differences in weight gain, survival and feed efficiency ratios of the fish corresponded to increases in fish meal content of the diets. Due to poor performance of the fish maintained on the low (15%) fish meal diet, a methionine supplement was introduced into this diet at the midpoint of the growth trial. A positive increase in growth indicated a dietary deficiency of methionine and/or total sulfur amino acids in the unsupplemented diet. A positive response to dietary fish meal also occurred in the second growth trial despite the supplementation of L-methionine in the test diets. In low fish meal diets the utilization of solvent extracted soybean meal or a soy-protein isolate resulted in similar growth responses. Hence, the presence of an antinutrient did not likely cause reduced growth rates. In the third feeding trial, weight gain also increased with increasing fish meal content of the diet despite the equalization of digestible protein and selected amino acids. There were no significant differences in whole-body compositions which indicated similar biological value of the diets (protein digestibility, amino acid balance and energy availability). The singular deletion of fish-solubles, glycine, lysine and methionine from the diet containing the lowest level of fish meal (10 g/100 g diet) did not result in significant changes in weight gain. This indicated that these components did not add to the nutritive value and/or palatability of this formulation. The final experiment was designed to evaluate the response of red drum to a control diet (high fish meal) as compared to a low fish meal diet with and without potential attractants/palatability enhancers. Weight gain and feed efficiency ratios of fish offered the low fish meal diet supplemented with seafood flavor or fish flavor #2 were not significantly different from the control (high fish meal diet). Based on the results of this study, with suitable formulation restrictions, soy protein is acceptable for inclusion in practical diet formulations for red drum. However, soy protein itself does not appear replete in sulfur-containing amino acids and does not have acceptable palatability properties. Consequently, feeds containing reduced levels of marine proteins could require suitable attractants and/or amino acid supplements.  相似文献   

Medium chain triglycerides (MCT), mostly C6–C12, are physiologically active compounds which are readily absorbed, transported and appear to be preferentially utilized as an energy source but are not deposited in lipid stores in a variety of terrestrial animals. Consequently, the incorporation of MCT in feeds may allow the utilization of higher levels of lipids, possibly increasing protein sparing, without affecting the proximate composition of the fish. To evaluate the response of red drum to varying levels of menhaden fish oil (MFO) and MCT's supplements, two growth trials were conducted utilizing a basal diet containing 44% protein and 5.7% lipid. The first growth trial utilized an incomplete factorial design to evaluate the general response of red drum to MCT's and MFO. The final weights and feed utilization of the fish was significantly affected by lipid source and level of supplementation as well as their interaction. In general, final weights of the fish and feed utilization were significantly higher for fish receiving diets supplemented with 0,4 or 8% MFO and lowest in fish offered the basal diets supplemented with 4% MCT. The performance of fish receiving diets supplemented with 8% MCT or a combination of 4% MFO and 4% MCT was intermediate. In the second experiment, low levels of MCT (0–4%) were evaluated in conjunction with low (3%) and high (8%) lipid supplement to the basal diet. Although, not significantly different from the high lipid basal diet, the largest fish and best feed utilization were found in fish offered the high lipid diet containing 1% MCT. However, as the level of MCT supplement was increased performance of the fish in terms of growth and feed utilization was reduced. Increasing the levels of MCT in the diet resulted in a reduction of intraperitoneal fat deposition. The fatty acid profiles of the intraperitoneal fat as well as the polar and neutral lipid fractions from the liver were determined. In general lipid content of the selected tissues reflected the FA profile of the diet. Based on FA profiles of the intraperitoneal fat, it appears that MCT are incorporated into fat stores of red drum. Based on the observed results, the response of red drum to MCT appear similar to other vertebrates but that MCT are incorporated into lipid stores. The incorporation of MCT in diets appears to be a suitable mechanism to reduce excessive lipid deposition in fish; however, with the exception of high lipid diet supplements may result in poor performance of the fish.  相似文献   

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