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普通油茶对炭疽病抗性的病理学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
普通油茶对炭疽病抗性的病理学研究张常青关键词普通油茶、油茶炭疽菌、抗病类型、孢子萌发与侵入由于油茶炭疽病菌(ColetotrichumcameliaeMassee)的危害,使普通油茶(CameliaoleifelaAbol)大量落花落果,这是严重影响...  相似文献   

低产油茶林施肥试验简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低产油茶林施肥试验简报陈章平(永泰县林业局)盘洋村是永泰县种植油茶最多的村庄之一。该村种植油茶历史久远,资源丰富,油茶种植区海拔350-430m,坡度12°-26°,黄壤,偏酸性。由于在管理上长期采取“一把锄”的粗放经营,导致油茶林地力衰退,土壤板结...  相似文献   

福建省油茶林发展思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条油是一种优质保健食用油。从营养学的观点分析不饱和脂肪酸中的油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸的含量来看,条油居首位,含量为89%~95%;茶油不易受黄曲霉菌污染,不含介忒、芥子、棉酚等有毒物质。长期食用茶油,有利于长年益寿。我省要立足本地资源,发展油菜生产。1福建省油茶林发展现状福建是油茶中心产区之一,除东山、平潭外,全省各地均有分布。面积由建初期的100万亩,至1983年妇展到400多万亩。1984年育林基金改革后,地方财政取消了对木本油料林的扶持政策,同时国家也取消了奖售政策,油茶林改种的改种,抛荒的抛荒,面积急剧缩小,…  相似文献   

我国油茶生产80年代以来是大滑坡的,由年产茶油总量1.6亿kg,下降到1.1亿kg.究其原因,主要是我们许多同志对油茶生产在认识上的片面性。目前油茶单产低,是由于经营粗放所造成的。湖南低产林改造工程9万亩,创造了亩产茶油20.24kg的成效,在原有产量的基础上提高了5倍。茶油在我国南方有1亿人长期食用,这是它的社会效益。丘陵红壤地区的生态环境是依靠油茶林来保护的。从1990年开终,国家农业综合开发领导小组,已将南方油茶低产林改造列为我国农业综合开发重点工程之一,分3年改造100万亩,投资3000万元,连同地方配套资金共计投资9000万元。这是推动我国油茶生产的强劲东风。  相似文献   

海南油茶产业发展现状及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索适合海南油茶产业发展之路,该文从海南油茶发展情况、土壤的适应性、高产油茶栽培种的选育及高产油茶的栽培技术方法、油茶经营和加工利用现状等方面进行分析。对油茶产业发展中存在的问题进行了探讨,最后有针对性的提出合理建议。  相似文献   

油茶是中国特有的木本食用油料树种,油茶种植是维护中国粮油安全,推动乡村振兴的特色产业。本文简述了油茶高效种植、林下经济、病虫害防治及油茶加工产业的发展进程,为国内油茶产业链的发展提供实践依据。  相似文献   

望漠红球是望谟油茶中的一个优良霜降类型,主要分布于贵州望谟县境内的城关、乐旺二区,面积约3000ha。该品种具有速生、早实、早期丰产、抗病性强的特性。试验表明:造林后次年开花率达12.4%,第3年开花率达90%,5年生开始大量结实,产果量达1032.75kg/ha,产油量60.95kg/ha。嫁接是望谟红球繁殖的主要途径之一,以撕皮嵌接、皮节枝接、芽苗砧接效果较好。并对其发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

野生油茶物种,是指处于野生状态的山茶亚属(Subgen.Camellia)各组的植物种类。经过多年调查研究,在贺县初步鉴定有6个种。它们分别为短柱茶、红紫花短柱茶、窄叶短柱茶。小果短柱茶、南山茶和糙果茶。现将其形态特征分别简单描述于后,供参考应用。显然,各地野生油茶物种的发现,这对研究我区油茶物种的分布和起源,和进一步培育良种与栽培,扩大木本油料植  相似文献   

通过对咸宁市油茶种植及产业调查,探索咸宁油茶产业发展实现路径。提出要科学谋划优化布局,培育精深加工龙头企业,拓宽融资渠道,做好油茶文章等几点思考。  相似文献   

[目的]探索油茶林间作鼠茅草对土壤质量的影响,为油茶林地的科学经营提供参考。[方法]采用随机定点取样法,测定分析鼠茅草腐解过程中油茶林地0~20 cm耕作层土壤含水量、养分含量及酶活性指标的动态变化。[结果]鼠茅草间作对油茶林地0~20 cm耕作层土壤含水量、养分含量及酶活性影响显著。与对照相比,7—10月鼠茅草间作的土壤含水量平均增幅达39.62%;鼠茅草间作不仅显著提高了油茶林地0~20 cm耕作层土壤有机质、全氮、全磷及全钾含量,而且也提高了土壤中的水解性氮、有效磷与速效钾的含量,其中,有效磷增幅最显著,在8月下旬为对照组的9倍;鼠茅草间作对油茶林地土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶与过氧化氢酶的活性影响显著,对蔗糖酶活性影响不显著。[结论]鼠茅草间作经营一定程度上提高了油茶林地土壤肥力水平,对油茶林地土壤改良和可持续生产具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

The major bioecological characteristics of Bracon intercessor Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the poplar clearwing moth, Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), were studied from 1987 to 2003. Poplar shoots infested with P. tabaniformis larvae were collected in 11 localities in Bulgaria and examined in the laboratory, and infestations were also studied in the field. B. intercessor was recorded in seven localities and was found to be a gregarious external larval parasitoid of P. tabaniformis. Two generations of the parasitoid developed on the host. The first (summer) generation was associated with early and mid-stage (up to third instar) host larvae, and the second (overwintering) generation with third- to fifth-instar larvae. The average number of parasitoid individuals feeding on a host was 4.5 and 12.4 in summer and overwintering generations, respectively. The maximum number recorded was 25 individuals per host in the overwintering generation. B. intercessor overwintered as a mature larva on the host and completed its development in early spring. The adults from the overwintering generation appeared in April, about 1 month prior to emergence of P. tabaniformis. The life cycle of B. intercessor was not in close synchrony with the development of P. tabaniformis in the spring, but the parasitoid adults which fed on honey-sugar solution lived for up to 31 days (males) and 86 days (females), respectively. This suggests that, in the field, B. intercessor females eclosing in the spring could survive until the host larvae appear if nectar is available. Adults of the summer generation emerge from July to September when sufficient suitable host larvae are available. B. intercessor was responsible for 1.5% of the average mortality of the P. tabaniformis overwintering larvae. The host mortality caused by the summer generation of the parasitoid ranged from 3.2% to 5.8%.  相似文献   

樟子松木蠹象生物学特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樟子松木蠹象主要危害樟子松枝和主干。在长春地区,1a发生一代,以成虫在枯枝落叶层下浅土层内和树皮裂缝内越冬。第2年4月下旬越冬成虫开始活动,5月中旬开始产卵,高峰期5月下旬;孵化高峰期为6月上旬;6月下旬化蛹,高峰期为7月上旬;7月上旬羽化,高峰期为7月中旬。卵期平均14d,幼虫期平均34d,蛹期平均12d,成虫期长达300~330d;幼虫分6个龄期。  相似文献   

[目的]日本学者Kosaka与Ogura发现松褐天牛成虫除携带松材线虫外,雌成虫卵巢内还携带有另一种线虫,他们将其命名为卵巢线虫,并认为这种线虫是松褐天牛成虫的寄生性线虫。我国对该种线虫的研究迄今未见报道。为了证明这种线虫在我国是否存在和分布,开展了本项研究。[方法]分期分批捕获刚羽化的松褐天牛雌雄成虫,采用解剖松褐天牛成虫松树木质部及感病的松褐天牛幼虫等方法,调查卵巢线虫的存在与分布。[结果]通过调查研究,发现我国的松褐天牛成虫体内有该卵巢线虫存在,分布于松褐天牛成虫、幼虫体内和松树木质部3个部位;在松褐天牛成虫体内的卵巢线虫通过松褐天牛雌成虫产卵而接种、进入寄主树木木质部中。同时,木质部的卵巢线虫也有一部分进入松褐天牛幼虫体内寄生,另一部分仍在木质部生活,当松褐天牛幼虫再次发育为成虫时,在木质部中的卵巢线虫和已被寄生的松褐天牛幼虫体内的卵巢线虫再次进入松褐天牛成虫体内,完成循环。卵巢线虫在松褐天牛雌、雄虫体内均有分布,携带率为44.4%,其中松褐天牛雌成虫携带率为43.8%,松褐天牛雄成虫携带率为45.0%,两者间无显著差异;每头松褐天牛成虫平均携带卵巢线虫574条,其中雌成虫平均携带816条,雄成虫平均携带308条,具显著差异。初步研究表明,卵巢线虫在松褐天牛成虫体内只能完成产卵到1~4龄的幼虫阶段,不能完成一个完整的世代;在松褐天牛幼虫体内寄生和在木质部生活的卵巢线虫能完成一个完整世代,但具体过程尚不清楚;调查中未观察到卵巢线虫对松褐天牛成虫有寄生致病或致死的现象,但对松褐天牛幼虫有寄生致死的能力;卵巢线虫常与松材线虫同时存在,而且侵入松树及离开松树的方式与松材线虫相同。[结论]我国松褐天牛体内也发现有卵巢线虫存在;目前尚不能证明该线虫对松褐天牛成虫具有寄生致死性,但对松褐天牛幼虫具有一定的寄生致死性;卵巢线虫的生活史与松材线虫相似,是否与松材线虫一样对松树具有危害性以及其病理作用还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), (= A. marcopoli Obenberger), is an important bark beetle attacking ash trees (Fraxinus spp.). It is very difficult to detect and control because of its highly concealed life history. This pest mainly distributed in partial Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia) and Far East Russia, while in China it presented in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Taiwan Provinces and Tianjin City, etc. The important timber species F. mandshurica and gardening tree F. velutina were damaged severely in northern China. Spathius agrili Yang (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is an important ectoparasitic wasp of the EAB larvae. This parasitoid has the potential to use as an excellent biological control agent for suppressing populations of EAB. The differences of emergence date between overwintered S. agrili and its host, parasitism rates at different periods, relations between parasitism rates and host densities, and relationships between ovipositions of braconid wasp and body sizes of host larvae were studied using methods of regular surveys in forests and observations in laboratory. Results revealed that the emergence of S. agrili was more than one month later than that of its host. It suggests good synchrony between parasitoid emergence and host availability. The overwintered S. agrili emerged from mid June to mid August with the peak in July in 2003, and it lasted from late May till late July with the peak during late June to early July in 2004. While the EAB emergence period ranged from mid May to late May in 2003, it ranged from mid April to mid May in 2004 (in laboratory). The emergence date of parasitoid asynchronously inosculated with the optimum developmental instars of the earliest host larvae, which was the result of a long-term co-evolution between the two species. It was also suggested that the parasitoid S. agrili could be a specialized natural enemy for EAB. The natural parasitism rates on the whole gradually increased in field with time. The body sizes of host larvae, i.e. larval instar, affected the decision of parasitoid S. agrili to lay eggs or not. Under natural conditions, this parasitoid usually oviposited only on those host larvae with a prontum and body width more than 1.5 mm, and a body length in excess of 12 mm, i.e. the third or fourth instar larvae. These findings would consequentially contribute to the further successfully biological control of the trunk borer. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(4): 1,103–1,109 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

筛胸梳爪叩甲监测技术及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
正害虫预测预报是进行害虫风险评估及制定防治决策的基础,使用有效的监测技术能准确地预测林间害虫发生的时间、种群动态等重要参数,可为害虫防治指标的确定和综合防治措施的实施提供参考依据。当前,我国已有近百种重要害虫建立了系统的监测技术[1]。金针虫是鞘翅目(Coleoptera)叩甲科(Elateridae)昆虫幼虫的通称,广布于世界各地,是一种极为重要的地下害虫[2-3]。金针虫隐蔽性强,且能随环境变化改变活动及危害深度,其虫口密度  相似文献   

小蜡绢须野螟Palpita inusitata(Butler)在浙江丽水1 a发生7代,以幼虫在虫苞内越冬。翌年3月上中旬幼虫开始活动,3月下旬出现成虫,以后各代成虫发生盛期分别为5月中旬、6月中旬、7月中旬、8月上旬、9月上旬、10月中旬。成虫趋光性和飞行能力均较弱,卵大多散产于叶背中脉附近,2~7粒排成一线。幼虫共5龄,织苞危害小蜡叶片,老熟幼虫在虫苞内或枯枝落叶中结薄丝茧化蛹。  相似文献   

[目的]通过连续12 a对金斑喙凤蝶的野外调查观察,研究成虫活动规律,并利用仿生态养殖,观察金斑喙凤蝶卵和幼虫的形态特征与生活习性,研究其生物学特性,以期为金斑喙凤蝶研究与保护提供有效数据。[方法]根据2004—2012年对金斑喙凤蝶成虫活动规律的观察研究,2013—2015年,在金斑喙凤蝶成虫活动期,采用样线踏查的方法,自海拔450 m往山顶海拔1 200 m搜索,调查视野内木兰科植物分布情况,寻找卵和幼虫,收集后带回驻地进行仿生态养殖,观察其形态特征和生活习性。[结果]金斑喙凤蝶在九连山为一年二代,以蛹越冬,第一代成虫发生期为4月上旬至5月中旬,第二代成虫发生期为8月下旬至9月中旬;2013年在木兰科植物金叶含笑上发现卵和幼虫,2014和2015年在深山含笑上发现卵和幼虫,深山含笑为新发现寄主植物,目前除九连山外尚未有报道;幼虫5龄,各龄级幼虫差异较大;预蛹成蛹经历两次蜕皮过程,这是金斑喙凤蝶研究中的一项重大发现。[结论]1)金斑喙凤蝶卵和幼虫的分布与寄主植物分布密切相关,且对生境质量有较高要求,成虫活动范围主要在寄主植物分布范围及其周边;2)金斑喙凤蝶选择生长良好的金叶含笑和深山含笑叶片上产卵,或嗜食深山含笑;3)温度、湿度等环境因子对卵的孵化、幼虫的生长发育以及化蛹和羽化影响较大;4)金斑喙凤蝶雌蝶少,卵孵化率低,幼虫发育历期长,幼虫成活率低,化蛹和羽化率低等是导致其种群数量稀少的主要原因。5)据查,目前尚未有其它蝶类化蛹过程中经历两次蜕皮的报道,预蛹化蛹蜕两次皮是金斑喙凤蝶异于其他蝶类的特殊现象。  相似文献   

First-generation adults of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel were collected from Yueqing (28.1°N latitude, 120.9°E longitude), Zhejiang, China, during late June and mid-July and reared on rice plants (cultivar Shanyou 63) in the laboratory (28±1 °C, 16L:8D) to examine their reproductive capacity. On plants aged 16–22 days, adults from the field and collected in mid-July could reach oviposition onset more rapidly and deposit more eggs than those collected earlier. Adults that emerged in late June and early July displayed a greater tendency to become reproductive, compared with those which emerged in mid-July. However, each of these groups of adults, either field-collected or newly emerged, deposited only 3–14 eggs within 60 days of feeding. Reproductive capacity was greatly related to plant age, with plants aged below 20 days being most favorable; on plants aged over 20 days, reproductive development could take place, but little oviposition was observed. These results indicate that the reproductive capacity of first-generation adults in Zhejiang is dependent upon the time of adult emergence and post-emergence, as well as on the age of rice plants.  相似文献   

竹篦舟蛾的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
竹蓖舟蛾是竹林重要害虫之一,分布于长江以南各省。浙江省一年4代,以幼虫在竹上越冬,中午气温高时,可以取食。成虫分别于4月初~6月上旬、6月上旬~7月中旬、8月上旬~9月中旬、9月中旬~11月上旬出现;幼虫取食期为4月底~7月初、6月下旬~8月底、8月中旬~10月中旬、10月初~下年5月上旬。各代幼虫食叶量分别为411.85、390.02、335.85、324.95cm~2。产卵量为80~490粒。天敌有黑卵蜂、赤眼蜂、猎蝽、内茧蜂、瘦姬蜂、啮小蜂等。防治方法以保护天敌、灯光诱蛾及药剂防治为主。  相似文献   

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