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海洋生物多样性研究进展及其热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在全球气候变化和人类活动的干扰下,海洋生物多样性及其可持续利用受到了严重威胁,对海洋生物多样性的研究也逐渐成为各国学者当前的研究热点。基于Web of Science核心合集的文献数据,利用文献计量学和知识图谱方法,对其发文量的增长趋势、来源期刊和区域分布以及学科类别等进行分析,并基于合作网络、关键词共现的知识图谱及突变检测等方法,探究全球海洋生物多样性的研究进展及其热点。结果显示,研究文献的年度发文量总体上呈动态递增趋势,且文献的科研影响力及国际关注度非常高;发文量较多的作者、机构间均形成了密切而稳定的合作关系,Miloslavich P、Danovaro R和Mouillot D等为该领域的核心作者,以詹姆斯库克大学、塔斯马尼亚大学及不列颠哥伦比亚大学等机构为核心的机构间建立了广泛的合作关系,主要涉及的学科类别为生态学、生物多样性保护、海洋淡水生物学及环境科学等。当前,全球海洋生物多样性的研究热点主要有5个方向:(1)人类活动和气候变化对海洋生物多样性的影响;(2)海洋生物多样性保护及其可持续利用;(3)国家管辖范围外海洋保护区及具有重要生态或生物学意义的海域生物多样性研究;(4)海洋生物多样性和生态系统变化的观测及其评价;(5)海洋遗传多样性和海洋生物多样性的地理变异研究。  相似文献   

基于SCI论文的中国水产科研态势分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用文献计量学、分类统计以及社会网络分析的方法,以2002—2011年Web of Science发布的SCI论文原始数据作为统计源,对中国作者(不含台湾地区,下同)发表的SCI论文从核心作者及机构、期刊及学科分布、国际合作、作者机构合作网络以及热点研究领域5个方面进行计量分析。结果表明,2002—2011年中国水产学科国际发文量及总被引次数呈快速增长态势。应用综合指数法进行核心指标排序,筛选出排名前70位的作者作为核心作者,对其发文和被引特征进行分析发现,他们的学科领域以海淡水生物学和水产学为主,与环境科学和生态学、海洋学和生物技术有较多的交叉;研究热点分布在生态环境、养殖与饵料、种群遗传多样性、分子免疫机制、污水处理等方面;核心作者的研究主题与当前的热门主题词切合度较高。国内学者间的合作网络规模较大的是以麦康森等为主导的学术合作网络,其研究方向为水产养殖和营养生理;另一个是以宋林生等为主导的学术合作网络,其研究方向为海洋生物分子遗传学、分子免疫学、海洋微生物及病害防治。国内机构合作方面,以中国科学院为主导合作机构,其主要合作机构为中国水产科学研究院、中国海洋大学、厦门大学和南京师范大学等。国际合作方面,中国与美国之间的水产科技合作次数最多,其次是与日本和澳大利亚。刊载中国水产学科论文最多的期刊是《AQUACULTURE》,发表于影响因子2~3区间的文章数量最多(1 761篇),发表文章的总平均影响因子高于该学科世界平均水平。本研究旨在为水产科研人员进行课题申报以及学术媒体进行专题策划与信息储备等工作提供科学参考。  相似文献   

基于文献计量的几何形态测量学在渔业中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王超  方舟  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2022,44(1):112-128
几何形态测量学是研究生物形态变异的重要分析方法,在渔业科学及众多领域得到广泛的应用。使用Web of Science核心合集数据库检索到733篇文献,运用基于CiteSpace软件的文献计量学分析方法,对发文量趋势、期刊、作者、国家/地区、研究机构、高被引文献进行分析,并结合关键词网络知识图谱、突变检测,探究了几何形态测量学在渔业领域中的应用研究热点以及未来发展趋势。分析结果表明,渔业领域研究发文量呈现出交替增减但整体上升的趋势,以美国为主的欧美国家在该领域有较多的研究,澳大利亚、日本及我国研究相对较少。软件应用、鉴别分类、发育和演化、生态形态学仍是目前研究重点,软件开发、立体几何形态学、人工智能形态学是未来研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

长江是中国水生生物的摇篮,大保护的核心要求在于处理好保护与发展的关系,要点是水生态优化和水资源合理利用。为助力长江渔业资源保护与利用,以2000-2019年《淡水渔业》期刊中发表的S93水产资源类论文为对象,梳理和汇总论文数据积累、发文热点等,为未来长江大保护具体措施的制定和实施提供理论支持和参考。从发文量、一级主题论文占比和渔业资源类评估及生境监测论文总被引状况等来看,《淡水渔业》在刊载文章内容上一直都非常重视长江渔业资源保护与利用主题高水平论文的选择,已发表的渔业资源保护与利用学科论文能帮助研究者和政策决策者了解当前长江渔业资源与环境现状,指导长江大保护规划制定;同时通过后续追踪这些高被引论文,有助于刊物本身对“长江大保护”研究新热点的挖掘,形成新的全面、科学、合理的指导意见。  相似文献   

为全面了解国内外南极渔业资源的研究现状及热点,以1990—2020年间Web of Science核心合集、中国知网、万方数据库收录的南极渔业资源研究主题的相关文献作为统计源,利用文献计量学方法对相关文献的增长规律、被引情况以及期刊分布进行统计分析,利用VOSviewer软件对关键词、作者以及国家/地区进行分析,并绘制科学可视化图谱。结果显示,南极渔业资源研究文献的发文量和总被引频次整体呈现良好的稳定增长趋势。载文期刊分布情况符合布拉福德的文献离散规律,排名前20的中英文期刊质量较高、学术影响力较大,其中《海洋渔业》和《Polar Biology》分别为中英文文献最热门的期刊。在国家/地区合作网络方面,北美洲和欧洲地区的国家合作较为密切,美国发文量最高并在合作网络中占据主导地位。研究热点主要集中在南极磷虾与气候变化、南极鱼类与进化、南极重要地理研究区域等,未来的研究方向将趋向于南极生物资源保护和管理、生物多样性以及罗斯海区域等。  相似文献   

李明  李文祥  赵威山  周伟钿  步夏莲  吴山功  邹红  王桂堂 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119414-119414
寄生虫是水产养殖中最主要的病原类群之一,对鱼类苗种直至成鱼各个阶段的危害都十分严重。我国的鱼病学即是从鱼类寄生虫的研究发端并逐步发展起来的。本文从病原生物学、生态学、药物学、免疫学四个方面回顾了我国淡水鱼类寄生虫自新中国建立初期至今70年间(1953年—2023年)的研究历程和已取得的成绩,并对未来的发展趋势和前沿热点进行了展望。本文为从事鱼类寄生虫学以及水产其他相关研究的读者提供了关于中国鱼类寄生虫研究的历史、现在发展水平和未来发展动向等较为全面的素材。  相似文献   

为客观地揭示全球主要渔业国家水产科学的研究态势及其研究热点,以2000—2018年InCites和Web of Science核心合集中文献数据作为统计源,利用文献计量学方法,对其文献的增长趋势、被引情况及期刊分布进行分析,并基于合作网络分析、关键词共现的知识图谱等方法,探究全球水产科学的研究态势及其研究热点。结果显示,在水产科学研究文献的年度发文态势方面,美国的文献数量总体维持在较高水平并呈现动态波动,近年来略有下降趋势;中国大陆的研究文献基本上呈指数增长,并呈稳步上升趋势,至2018年接近美国的发文数量;其他国家都呈现较为平稳的动态波动。载文期刊分布均符合布拉德福提出的文献离散规律,各国载文量排名在前20的期刊大多为国际顶级期刊,其学术上的影响力较大。优势学科领域基本集中在海洋淡水生物学、兽医学、海洋学、动物学、免疫学、湖沼生物学以及生物化学与分子生物学等,但各国侧重点不一致。研究表明,全球主要渔业国家研究热点主要为:①基于生物学参考点的渔业管理与保护研究;②渔业资源评估与管理评价研究;③开展渔业资源的基础生物学研究;④开展基于生态系统的管理措施及政策目标研究等主题。各研究热点间均呈现高度融合的现象,促进了综合性交叉学科的发展。  相似文献   

利用中国知网文献数据库,共检出473篇大鲵研究的文献,合作度为3.39,合著率为73.78%。共涉及作者1559人,40个机构,109种杂志。采用文献计量法,分析年发文量、合作度、合作率、期刊及地域分布、基金支持等指标和内容。定量的分析了我国大鲵研究的主要人物、地区分布及研究现状,明确了目前研究的重点、热点、核心人物和主要机构,对于大鲵的进一步研究和学科的发展有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

本文以中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web Of ScienceTM核心合集数据库中的论文为样本,采用文献计量学方法,对中外学者在1991年~2018年间渔业领域发表的研究文献,从国内外发文数量、主要刊文刊物、主要研究机构以及中外学者聚焦的渔业研究热点等方面进行对比分析,希望能为相关人员在渔业领域开展更多研究提供参考方向。  相似文献   

飘游鱼波豆虫,是分布十分广泛的淡水鱼类体外寄生虫,它寄生于鱼的鳃和皮肤。  相似文献   

西藏水资源丰富,鱼类进化与青藏高原隆起、自然环境隔离演变息息相关,与鱼类和水环境密切相关的鱼类寄生虫区系也逐渐引起关注和重视。初步的研究显示,尽管西藏鱼类种类单一,但鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫种类较多,显示较高的多样性,而且发现了一些裂腹鱼特有的复殖吸虫和棘头虫种类,以及一些以鸟类为终末宿主的线虫和绦虫种类。西藏特有的放生习俗和候鸟迁徙现象,水电工程兴建和水体污染现状,以及土著鱼类资源量下降和青藏高原气候变化等因素,都有可能影响西藏鱼类寄生虫区系的组成与演变。寄生虫区系调查可为该地区鱼类寄生虫的种类、分布和数量提供详细的数据,进而了解寄生虫的形成与演变过程,弄清环境与寄生虫多样性的关系,为西藏渔业资源的开发与利用提供科学依据。本文对上述问题进行了总结和论述。  相似文献   


Aeromonas spp are the most common devastating fish bacterial pathogens associated with a wide range of cultured freshwater fish resulting in mass mortality. The present study plots the Aeromonas research output in fish during 1998–2020 by means of the Web of Science (WoS) database. A total of 1944 publications were used for this investigation to evaluate the scientific productivity in this selected subject area. Global publication share, rank, and its development in terms of research and bibliometric indices such as overall citations, h-index, and average citation per paper were also analysed. China ranked first in terms of total publications among the most productive countries and accounted for 26.18% of the total publications. The network visualisation map revealed that the lead collaborating country was China; however, the collaboration between countries was found to be very less. Lokta’s law was noticed not to be valid for Aeromonas research. The study showed that the funding granted to the research investigations and their research productivity in terms of total publications were correlated positively. The results of the current study displayed the trend of “Aeromonas infection in fish” related research investigations published during 1998–2020. This study also highlighted the focused research areas on this topic on which the future areas of research can be determined by fellow researchers in this specific field. This study also suggests enhancing the research efforts on this bacterial pathogen which has the potential to implicate huge economic loss to the fish farming population in the world.


  1. To understand the ecological factors behind the decline of functionally important threatened species with complex life cycles, many different life‐cycle stages need to be investigated. The highly threatened unionoid freshwater mussels, with their complex life cycle, including a parasitic stage on host fish, often have a large influence on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
  2. The overall aim of the present article is to summarize and discuss the impact of two articles published in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (AQC) on biotic interactions and adaptation of a threatened unionoid mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) to its host fish (Salmo trutta).
  3. The two AQC publications described research on the influence of population size and density of mussels and host fish, and host–parasite interactions between mussels and their host fish, on the recruitment of juvenile mussels.
  4. The results from these publications filled gaps in knowledge and resulted in recommendations and incentives for conservation. The results and method development have been used in practical conservation work with threatened mussel species and have been implemented and cited in management handbooks. The outcome of the publications has been implemented in large conservation and restoration projects, and in several recent scientific publications.
  5. Specifically, the results from one publication showed that ecological parameters such as mussel and host fish density and population size influenced recruitment of the threatened freshwater pearl mussel. The results from the second publication showed that understanding host–parasite interactions is important for comparing the suitability of host fish strains, and that host fish strains differ in their suitability for mussel infestations. In combination, the articles show that integrating ecological parameters of threatened mussels and their host fish with host–parasite interaction experiments can be an important influence on conservation recommendations, adaptive management and national management programmes for threatened species.

刺激隐核虫与多子小瓜虫免疫学特性比较研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritans)与多子小瓜虫(Ichthyophthirius multifiliis)是影响渔业生产重要寄生虫,本文主要阐述了刺激隐核虫与多子小瓜虫种内和种间的免疫学相似性和差异性,及其两种寄生虫抑动抗原的免疫学特性以及克隆表达研究。为免疫学方法预防两种寄生虫病提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A cross‐sectional study was conducted from November 2017 to March 2018 at Lake Hawassa to determine the prevalence of larval Contracaecum infestation in Nile tilapia, (Oreochromis niloticus), African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Barbus species (Barbus intermedius). Fifty‐two point six per cent (52.6%) previous prevalence and 5% precision were used to estimate the sample size. Accordingly, a total of 383 randomly sampled fish species comprising of 163 (42.6%) C. gariepinus, 159 (41.5%) O. niloticus and 61(15.9%) B. intermedius were examined. The length and weight of each sampled fish were recorded. All the sampled fish were examined for the evidence of Contracaecum parasites in Hawassa University Veterinary Parasitology and Pathology Laboratory. Chi‐square values and comparison of proportions were used to analyse the data. The overall prevalence of Contracaecum parasites of fish population was 31.6%. The distribution of parasite was significantly affected by fish species (p = .000), sexes (p = .018), length (p = .003) and weight classes of fish (p = .026). As a hygienic problem and gutting activity conducted at the sides of the Lake Hawassa and distribution of discarded fish wastes for surrounding piscivorous birds by butchers and other people, the life cycle of Contracaecum parasite was perpetuated. Thus, the parasite is of zoonotic significance. Therefore, awareness creation activities for societies and control of fish parasites should be conducted in the study area.  相似文献   

Abstract The antiparasitic effects of piscidin 2, an antimicrobial polypeptide (AMPP) first isolated from mast cells of hybrid striped bass, were tested against three protistan ectoparasites of marine fish (the ciliates Cryptocaryon irritans and Trichodina sp., and the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum) and one ciliate ectoparasite of freshwater fish (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis). I. multifiliis was the most susceptible parasite, with all theronts killed at 6.3 microg mL(-1) piscidin 2. The most resistant parasite was Trichodina, where a few cells were killed at 12.5 microg mL(-1), but several were still alive even at 100 microg mL(-1). C. irritans was of intermediate sensitivity, with some theronts killed at 12.5 microg mL(-1) and all killed at 25 microg mL(-1). High parasite density apparently exhausted the piscidin 2 before it could attain its maximal effect, but surviving parasites were often visibly damaged. The lower efficacy of piscidin 2 against marine parasites compared with the freshwater ciliate might be related to the inhibitory effects of high sea water cation levels. The tissue concentration of piscidins estimated in healthy hybrid striped bass gill (40 microg mL(-1)) suggests that piscidin 2 is lethal to the parasites tested at physiological concentrations and is thus an important component of innate defence in fish expressing this type of AMPP.  相似文献   

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