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为探索在电脑显示屏上直接观察、记录和测量球虫卵囊的方法,作者采用漂浮法、麦克马斯特氏法、卵囊培养等方法,并应用电脑和配置有彩色数码摄像机的双目光学显微镜设备,对毕节市的122份山羊粪样进行调查,在电脑显示屏上观察、记录和测量球虫卵囊。结果显示,球虫卵囊的感染率为96.72%,OPG值为600~23 400枚,平均70 57枚,鉴别出艾美耳属球虫8种,并对其卵囊的形态学特征进行了详细地描述。本调查调查结果表明在电显示屏上直接观察、记录和测量球虫卵囊的方法比在显微镜下易于观察鉴别,测量也准确、方便和省力。  相似文献   

检测福建省9个地区的29个猪场18周龄仔猪粪便样品2 173份,结果:猪等孢球虫(Isospora suis)阳性场28个,占检测猪场数的96.56%;猪等孢球虫卵囊总阳性率为9.76%(212/2173)。不同猪场间仔猪等孢球虫卵囊阳性率最高为27.78%,阳性猪每克粪便卵囊数(OPG值)在258周龄仔猪粪便样品2 173份,结果:猪等孢球虫(Isospora suis)阳性场28个,占检测猪场数的96.56%;猪等孢球虫卵囊总阳性率为9.76%(212/2173)。不同猪场间仔猪等孢球虫卵囊阳性率最高为27.78%,阳性猪每克粪便卵囊数(OPG值)在25115 100;卵囊阳性率与对数化的OPG值呈显著正相关(R=0.445,P=0.016)。福建省沿海6个地区的平均气温与猪等孢球虫的卵囊阳性率呈显著正相关(R=0.937,P=0.006)。第1至第8周龄仔猪等孢球虫卵囊阳性率2.66%115 100;卵囊阳性率与对数化的OPG值呈显著正相关(R=0.445,P=0.016)。福建省沿海6个地区的平均气温与猪等孢球虫的卵囊阳性率呈显著正相关(R=0.937,P=0.006)。第1至第8周龄仔猪等孢球虫卵囊阳性率2.66%17.46%,其中2周龄仔猪的OPG值经对数化后分析,显著高于其他周龄仔猪(P<0.01)。高床垫料饲养育成猪的等孢球虫阳性率和OPG值均极显著高于漏缝地板饲养的仔猪(P<0.01)。不使用抗球虫药物的猪场与使用其他抗球虫药的猪场仔猪的等孢球虫阳性率、OPG值均显著高于使用百球清的猪场(P<0.01,P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为了筛选有效的球虫消毒剂,本研究将柔嫩艾美耳球虫卵囊分别与16种常用消毒剂和1种高效抗球虫药物溶液(250 mg/L妥曲珠利溶液)混合作用2 h然后在2.5%重铬酸钾溶液中孢子化培养,或混合作用4 h后接种14日龄雏鸡,根据卵囊孢子化率、孢子化抑制率、每克粪便卵囊数量(oocysts per gram of feces,OPG)、病变计分和血便情况评价消毒剂和抗球虫药物抑杀球虫卵囊效果。结果显示,8%氨水对未孢子化卵囊和孢子化卵囊均表现为100%的抑杀效果;250 mg/L妥曲珠利、3%甲醛、4%苯酚、0.5%过氧乙酸、5% NaOH+10% NaCl和5% NaOH对球虫卵囊活性具有一定的抑制作用,孢子化抑制率超过10%,但是对孢子化卵囊抑杀作用不明显;而剩余10种常用消毒剂对球虫卵囊没有明显的抑杀作用。氨水抑杀球虫卵囊条件优化的试验结果显示,1%~8%氨水与未孢子化卵囊作用1 h以上,均可100%抑杀球虫卵囊活性。粪便干扰试验结果显示,粪便不影响2%和4%氨水对球虫卵囊的抑杀效果。本研究结果说明常用消毒剂和抗球虫药物不能有效杀灭球虫卵囊的活性,而氨水是一种高效球虫消毒剂。本研究结果可为开发新型高效球虫消毒剂和球虫病控制提供参考。  相似文献   

镇源县山羊春羔球虫感染调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来镇源县春产羔羊在牧草丰盛的夏秋季生长比较缓慢、死亡率很高,发现在其羔羊粪便中有大量球虫卵囊。为进一步摸清其球虫感染的季节动态和感染种类,为今后我区山羊球虫病的防治奠定基础,故于1995年4至12月对该县黄草岭调研点当年2、3月份春产羔羊球虫感染情况进行了抽样调查。1.材料和方法工.1每月随机选择当年2、3月份产春羔15~29只,每羔直肠取粪5~10g,用斯陶尔氏法进行粪便卵囊计数(OPG),统计出各月OPG平均值。1.2用TB841干湿温度计测量调研点温湿度(早、晚均值,每月30或31天),并求出各月均值。1.3将5月份采集…  相似文献   

江苏泰县山羊球虫种类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对江苏泰县9个乡镇的85只(5岁以下)山羊进行了球虫种类检查。从直肠采集的粪样中共检出山羊球虫卵囊9种,即Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae(58.9%)E.arloingi(62.4%)E.caprina(44.7%),E.christensenic(26.7%),E.hirci(18.8%),E.alijevi(15.3%),E.jolchijevi(10.6%),E.apsheronica(7.1%),E.punctata(1.2%)其中E.punctata为省内新记录。粪中球虫总感染率为72.9%,感染有3—5个种的占77.4%。对卵囊各部位的大小进行了测量,列出了各种球虫孵囊的主要特征,绘制了卵囊形态图,并拍摄了显微照片,对不同年龄山羊球虫的感染情况进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

为了解上海市郊家鸭球虫感染状况,于2008年9~10月,从上海市郊10个鸭场采集了457份粪样,采用饱和盐水漂浮法检查球虫卵囊,并将球虫卵囊置于2.5%重铬酸钾溶液中培养至孢子化,根据形态与结构进行种类鉴定.结果发现,10个鸭场的球虫阳性率为100%,总感染率为61%(278/457).按不同月龄统计,3月龄以内感染率为100%,6,3~6月龄感染率为82%,6~9月龄感染率为70%,9~12月龄感染率为47%,12月龄以上感染率为54%.每克粪便卵囊数(OPG)为300~112 200,平均OPG为4 841.3月龄以内鸭的球虫感染强度最高,平均OPG为37 015.观测了100个孢子化卵囊,鉴定出艾美耳科球虫3属10种,其中艾美耳属(Eimeria)5种(占36%)、温扬属4种(占52%),等孢属1种(占12%).调查表明,上海市郊鸭群普遍感染球虫,3月龄以内鸭的感染率和感染强度最高,是鸭球虫病预防控制的重点;鉴定出的10种球虫中,未检出致病性强的毁灭泰泽球虫(Tyzzeria perniciosa).  相似文献   

纯中草药散剂对鸡球虫病的疗效试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
250只海蓝灰雏鸡,饲养至15日龄,随机分为5组,分别为试验组(1%纯中药散剂组、0.5%纯中药散剂组、0.25%纯中药散剂组)、阳性对照组(只感染球虫卵囊不给药)及药物(三字球虫粉)对照组,每组50只。试验鸡全部经口感染鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫孢子化卵囊,试验组及药物对照组连续给药5 d。在第8 d将鸡全部扑杀剖检。试验期间统计每组鸡的死亡率、增重率、粪便记分、病变记分、病变值、卵囊计数、卵囊比数、卵囊值、鸡抗球虫指数等指标。结果表明:0.5%~1%的纯中药散剂抗球虫指数在160~180之间,为中效抗球虫药。  相似文献   

球虫病是羊重要寄生虫病之一,对羊只危害十分严重。经过对黑龙江省部分地区的绵羊和山羊感染的球虫种类进行调查,结果表明,黑龙江省部分地区绵羊感染球虫5种,山羊3种,分别为阿撒他艾美耳球虫(Eimefia ahsata)、浮氏艾美耳球虫(E.faurei)、巴库艾美耳球虫(E.bakuensis)、小型艾美耳球虫(E.parva)、颗粒艾美耳球虫(E.granulosa,)、艾氏艾美耳球虫(E.alijevi)、山羊艾美耳球虫(E.caprina)和阿氏艾美耳球虫(E.arloingi)。对所感染的球虫卵囊的形态、大小和特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

采用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法对河南省的8个地区、重庆市的云阳县和安徽省的合肥市共1126份山羊粪便样品进行检查,发现1070份球虫阳性样品,总感染率95.03%。对813份阳性样本中的球虫卵囊进行形态学鉴定,共发现12种艾美耳球虫,分别为阿普艾美耳球虫、阿氏艾美耳球虫、艾丽艾美耳球虫、斑点艾美耳球虫、苍白艾美耳球虫、家山羊艾美耳球虫、柯察艾美耳球虫、克氏艾美耳球虫、妮氏艾美耳球虫、山羊艾美耳球虫、羊艾美耳球虫和约奇艾美耳球虫。山羊最多可同时感染9种球虫,多数为2-4种,混合感染率78.7%;6月龄以下、6-12月龄和1岁以上山羊球虫感染率分别为93.3%、97.1%和96-3%,平均OPG值分别为5282.77、3550.71和1507.88;除奶山羊外,不同品种山羊球虫感染无明显差异;舍饲和放牧山羊球虫感染率分别为95.7%和92.8%,平均OPC值分别为3744.35和1028.62。跟踪调查显示,舍饲山羊球虫感染无明显季节性,但夏秋季节球虫感染强度高于冬春季节。  相似文献   

为掌握福建某规模化獭兔场兔球虫病的流行情况,采用麦克马斯特计数法(McMaster's method)和饱和氯化钠溶液漂浮法,对采集的494份獭兔粪便样品中兔球虫感染情况和卵囊种类进行调查分析。结果显示,该獭兔场兔球虫总感染率和平均每克粪便卵囊数(OPG值)分别为87.45%和2.56×104,各日龄段均有感染,其中以40日龄左右兔和65日龄左右兔感染率最高,分别达98.61%和98.95%;30日龄以下哺乳仔兔感染率和OPG值均最低,分别为19.23%和331,且该场兔球虫卵囊的OPG值分布符合负二项分布。本次调查共检出11种兔艾美耳球虫,均为混合感染,感染球虫种类多为3~7种;其中感染比例最高的4种兔球虫依次为穿孔艾美耳球虫(20.15%)、中型艾美耳球虫(16.79%)、小型艾美耳球虫(13.94%)和大型艾美耳球虫(13.48%)。  相似文献   

For two consecutive years, determinations were made of the prevalence and abundance of coccidian oocysts from crossbred beef calves raised on Bahia grass pastures in the coastal plain area of Georgia. Of the 534 fecal samples collected during the survey, 461 (86.3%) contained one or more species of coccidian oocysts. The total mean oocysts per gram of feces (OPG) was significantly different (P less than 0.10) between the two years. Thirteen species of Eimeria were found during both years of the survey. Eimeria bovis was the most prevalent species found in the survey; E. ellipsoidalis, however, had the greatest number of OPG. Eimeria bukidnonensis, E. pellita, and E. brasiliensis were the least prevalent species and also had the lowest numbers of OPG. Only one clinical case of coccidiosis was seen. A nine-month-old calf had E. zuernii coccidiosis; it excreted E. zuernii oocysts in several fecal samples before the clinical disease appeared.  相似文献   

Background: The potential for rabbit production in Kenya is high. However, high morbidity and mortality of domestic rabbits were reported.

Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the pathology, prevalence and the predisposing factors to coccidiosis in domestic rabbits in selected regions in Kenya.

Animals and methods: A total of 61 farms keeping rabbits in six different counties were visited in the survey. A total of 2680 live rabbits were examined and 61 rabbits and 302 fecal samples were randomly collected from the farms and examined for coccidian oocysts by ante-mortem and post-mortem methods. The predisposing factors to coccidiosis were assessed through questionnaires and direct observation. Chi square (χ2) statistics was used with P values < 0.05 considered statistically significant.

Results: Of the 302 fecal samples, 85% (P < 0.001) contained coccidian oocysts and 2% harbored nematode eggs (Passalurus ambiguous). The overall prevalence of Eimeria spp. infestation was 85.1% in the study area and 90.2% in the individual rabbits, while prevalence of intestinal coccidiosis and hepatic coccidiosis was 29.5% and 11.5%, respectively. Higher counts of coccidian oocysts per gram of feces were recovered in weaners than in growers and adults rabbits (P < 0.001), rabbits that were kept in high density group housing (P < 0.05) and housing with more than two tiers.

Conclusion: This study identified group housing of rabbits of different ages and inadequate control of concurrent infections as the major risk factors associated with coccidiosis in domestic rabbits in Kenya.  相似文献   

Faecal specimens collected in the Kruger National Park from 103 African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) up to 1 year old and 283 buffaloes older than 1 year were examined for the presence of coccidian oocysts and nematode eggs. Most specimens from animals older than 1 year had negative coccidian oocyst counts. Positive specimens from younger animals had significantly higher coccidian oocyst counts than those from older animals. No such difference was found for nematode egg counts.  相似文献   

为了解昆明市流浪犬寄生虫感染情况,随机采集25份新鲜粪样进行饱和盐水漂浮法检查;对18只死亡流浪犬进行寄生虫解剖法检查,收集虫体,进行计数和鉴定.结果显示,14份粪样中检出虫卵或卵囊,检出率为56.0%.其中8份检测出球虫卵囊,检出率32.0%;6份检测出犬弓首蛔虫卵,检出率24.0%,2份检测出绦虫卵,检出率8.0%...  相似文献   

Feces from 34 species of ruminants housed at the Lisbon Zoo was examined for Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. Three hundred and eighty-eight samples were analyzed. Three hundred and eighty species-specific group fecal samples were collected monthly, from September 1998 until August 1999, along with eight individual specimens from eight neonates. All samples were examined by four different techniques: microscopic observation of direct and concentrated fecal smears, staining with modified Ziehl-Nielsen, immunofluorescent assay, and immunoenzymatic assay. The prevalence of infection was 3.6%. Five neonates with diarrhea were infected. Cryptosporidial oocysts were shed more frequently during winter months. Some facilities may have permitted oocysts to remain viable, possibly contributing to cryptosporidial transmission between animals.  相似文献   

Copro-diagnostic methods for Toxoplasma gondii infected cats have been traditionally based on the identification of oocysts by light microscopy or by bioassays. The first method is not sensitive and also unable to differentiate between Toxoplasma oocysts from other coccidian parasites in cats, and the second is cumbersome, time consuming and expensive. We have adapted a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to detect T. gondii oocyst DNA in fecal samples. Oocysts were successfully disrupted by freeze thawing coupled with mechanical means, and DNA extraction was subsequently accomplished. The test, based on amplifying a 529 bp repeated sequence, proved sensitive for detecting 1-2 oocysts in 200 microg of stool sample. The test specificity was established by showing that DNA from other cat coccidia tested negative. Specificity was reconfirmed by Southern hybridization of the PCR products with a specific probe. Of 122 stool samples from Jerusalem cats surveyed for the presence of Toxoplasma oocysts, 11 were found positive by PCR while none was detected by microscopy.  相似文献   

Control of Isospora suis-induced coccidiosis on a swine farm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Results of a program designed to control neonatal porcine coccidiosis on a total confinement, farrow-to-finish swine farm are reported. The control program consisted of washing, phenol disinfection, and steam cleaning of farrowing houses and treatment of sows with amprolium HCl before and after farrowing. Before initiation of the control program, 88.9% of the sows examined in the farrowing house were negative for coccidian oocysts, 9.9% were positive for Eimeria spp, and 1.2% were positive for Isospora suis. Most pigs nursing on sows before initiation of the control program had diarrhea at 5 to 10 days of age, which led to dehydration and weight loss. Morbidity was high, and mortality was moderate. Composite fecal samples from these litters were all positive (100%) for I suis. After initiation of the control program, 99.6% of the sows examined in the farrowing house were negative for coccidian oocysts and 0.4% were positive for Eimeria spp. Clinical signs of coccidiosis were rarely present in nursing pigs examined after the control program was initiated; however, I suis was still present in 19.8% of the composite fecal samples from pigs examined. An association between oocyst production in sows and I suis infections in pigs was not found in the present study. Oocysts of Eimeria spp were not found in the feces from the pigs.  相似文献   

为了解陕西省某简阳大耳山羊场球虫种类和感染情况,采集不同年龄段简阳大耳山羊新鲜粪便55份,用形态学方法并结合麦克马斯特虫卵计数法(McMaster's method)对该场简阳大耳山羊球虫进行种类鉴定和感染情况调查。结果表明,大耳山羊球虫总感染率为92.7%,其中3月龄~7月龄、10月龄~12月龄、3岁山羊球虫检出率分别为100%、90%和86.7%,各年龄段平均OPG值为3 300、1 050、854。共鉴定出8种山羊球虫,其中阿氏艾美耳球虫(Eimeria arloingi)、雅氏艾美耳球虫(E.ninakohlyakimovae)和艾氏艾美耳球虫(E.alijevi)为该羊场优势虫种。  相似文献   

安徽省部分地区鸡球虫种类及感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解安徽省五个县(区)鸡球虫种类及感染情况。方法采用群体采样法分别从个调查点采集新鲜鸡粪,检查粪样。阳性粪样采用饱和盐水漂浮和离心沉淀法进行卵囊分离。显微镜下观察卵囊进行虫种鉴定,并统计各调查点的鸡球虫感染率和感染强度等。结果检查172份鸡的新鲜粪样,得出鸡球虫感染率为100%;共检出7种球虫,经鉴定均隶属于艾美耳属,分别为毒害艾关耳球虫(Eimeria necatrix),堆型艾关耳球虫(E.acervulina),巨型艾关耳球虫(E.maxima),柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella),和缓艾美耳球虫(E.mitis),哈氏艾美耳球虫(E.hagani)和早熟艾美耳球虫(E.praecox)。结论鸡球虫在安徽省的这5个县(区)普遍存在,且有的调查点感染强度很高。  相似文献   

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