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为推进全国第八大淡水湖泊——梁子湖自然保护区鸟类资源保护与管理,采用实地调查、文献查阅的方法对湖北梁子湖省级湿地自然保护区鸟类多样性开展系统研究。结果为该保护区共有鸟类16目49科190种,较2001年《保护区科考报告》增加了鸟类7科24种。建议未来通过严格划定核心保护区、加强生物多样性监测和开展科普教育等工作,保护鸟类的繁殖栖息地。  相似文献   

轿子山国家级自然保护区具有丰富的生物多样性。生物多样性监测是自然保护区管理有效性评估的需要,是自然保护区科研工作的主要任务和基础,是自然保护区能力提升的主要途径。根据轿子山国家级自然保护区监测目的和资源状况,主要选择开展对保护区典型植被类型、重点保护的野生植物、兽类、鸟类进行监测,同时开展森林气象和水文要素监测。通过规范持续的生物多样性监测,掌握保护区资源现状,以及物种个体数量的消长情况,探寻影响保护区生物多样性保护的主要因素,为轿子山国家级自然保护区自然资源的持续有效管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

努鲁儿虎山独特的地理位置孕育了丰富的植物多样性.对努鲁儿虎山自然保护区植物区系调查分析结果,该区植物多样性有很高的特有性和过渡带植被特征,是该地区最重要的物种基因库,具有重要的生态价值.通过对保护区的保护管理现状和存在的问题进行分析,提出加强保护区的建设与管理,加强科学研究与监测,加强社区共管等保护对策.  相似文献   

达里诺尔被列为自治区级自然保护区该保护区位于赤峰市克什克腾旗西部,距旗政府所在地经棚镇约90km,素有“天鹅湖”之美称。保护区内有国家一、二级保护鸟类23种,被列入中国生物多样性保护行动计划中鸟类物种多样性保护优先序列的有21种,其中大鸨、大天鹅、白...  相似文献   

指出了保护生物多样性是当今世界一个重要的生态环境主旋律,自然保护区作为保护生物多样性的基石,对生物多样性的保护具有十分重要的意义.自然保护区的建设与管理对于保护特定区域生态系统、丰富和发展生物多样性、平衡区域内经济发展意义重大.根据调查问卷分析、资料收集以及近几年保护区建设管理数据的统计,研究了贵州省自然保护区建设管理...  相似文献   

为摸清中山市长江库区水源林自然保护区野生鸟类的物种分布,探求鸟类分布与植物群落之间的关系,根据《自然保护区陆生野生脊椎动物物种多样性调查与监测技术规范》,结合样方与样线调查法,将保护区划分出15个2 km×2 km样地进行植被群落及鸟类调查.共记录鸟类13目30科80种,其中包含国家二级保护鸟类10种;列入CITES附录II的鸟类有9种,并对调查鸟类进行居留型、区系及季节分布统计;结合样地鸟类多样性与该样地点内的植物群落多样性分析可知,保护区内的鸟类密度和多样性与植物群落多样性存在相关性.  相似文献   

根据实地考察及有关文献资料对广东紫金白溪省级自然保护区鸟类的物种多样性、区系组成进行了研究。结果表明,保护区内有鸟类91种,隶属13目,38科。雀形目鸟类是保护区鸟类群落的主体。白溪自然保护区的鸟类中,国家I级保护动物1种,国家Ⅱ级保护动物14种;列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录II的鸟类14种,列入广东省重点保护鸟类5种。在区系组成上,东洋界鸟类最多,有64种,占总种数的70.33%;古北界鸟类14种,占15.38%;广布种鸟类13种,占14.29%。本次调查对掌握广东紫金白溪省级自然保护区的鸟类种类和分布现状等本底资料具有重要意义,同时也为保护区今后的科研工作及开展野生动物的保护管理和长期监测提供了数据支持和指导。  相似文献   

自然保护区是重要的生物资源基因库,是保护生物多样性的重要基地。本文结合我国自然保护区生态环境评价标准及雷公山保护区的实际情况,对雷公山保护区的自然属性、典型代表性、生物多样性、物种稀有性、面积适宜性、人类胁威及保护价值和森林生态效益进行评价,并提出了保护和管理的对策。  相似文献   

指出了贵定岩下大鲵自然保护区是典型的喀斯特溶洞湿地,对保护生物多样性具有重要意义。调查了保护区的动植物、鸟类资源及人类活动,运用指标法对保护区的生物多样性进行了评价分析。结果表明:贵定岩下大鲵自然保护区的生物多样性水平一般,受人类活动威胁较大。在此基础上,提出了保护区湿地生物多样性的保护建议。  相似文献   

以宜良县竹山总山神自然保护区为研究对象,采用野外调查、资料收集法及应用,分析了该自然保护区动物多样性特征,结果表明:兽类种类较多、数量较少、分布较分散;鸟类物种多样性较丰富、垂直地带性分布不明显;两栖爬行动物在保护区内各种环境中都有出现。基于此,通过构建管理评价模型,对保护区管理工作进行了有效性评价,总结并提出了未来该区资源开发、应用与管理工作中,要注重生物多样发展,实行资源化、资产化管理的建议。  相似文献   

Agroforestry for production and ecosystem health is a centuries-old form of ecosystem management used in many cultures indigenous to Mesoamerica, yet implications of such practices for biodiversity conservation are not well understood. Agroforestry systems were studied using interviews of farmers and field surveys of tree and bird diversity in three communities surrounding the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Campeche, Mexico to examine how differences in forest management practices affect forest biodiversity. Tree diversity and bird species richness were higher in areas surrounding communities that generated a greater variety of forest products and that cultivated “restoration trees,” species planted to aid in regeneration of mature forest. We conclude that traditional ecosystem management methods in areas surrounding natural reserves as practiced by inhabitants who depend on resources in the reserve for survival are compatible with maintaining and perhaps enhancing diversity of bird and tree communities at the site level.  相似文献   

高黎贡山自然保护区森林资源丰富,动植物种类繁多,其物种多样性的丰富程度为国内外罕见。由于周边社区集体森林破坏严重,使保护区受到周围村社的"蚕食",给高黎贡山的森林资源管理和生物多样性保护工作带来了巨大的压力。在对村社集体林地的管理与高黎贡山生物多样性保护相关性论述的基础上,提出加强对乡村集体森林的管理,发展社区林业,实行"以林养林",即以发展集体林来保护国有林、保护区,使社区林业的发展既为当地农户提供日常生产、生活和经济发展所需要的非木材林产品、薪材及木材,又为保护区构筑一道以集体林为主的绿色屏障,以实现自然保护区森林资源管理、生物多样性保护和周围农村经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

Plant and bird diversity in the Indonesian jungle rubber agroforestry system was compared to that in primary forest and rubber plantations by integrating new and existing data from a lowland rain forest area in Sumatra. Jungle rubber gardens are low-input rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) agroforests that structurally resemble secondary forest and in which wild species are tolerated by the farmer. As primary forests have almost completely disappeared from the lowlands of the Sumatra peneplain, our aim was to assess the contribution of jungle rubber as a land use type to the conservation of plant and bird species, especially those that are associated with the forest interior of primary and old secondary forest. Species-accumulation curves were compiled for terrestrial and epiphytic pteridophytes, trees and birds, and for subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds. Comparing jungle rubber and primary forest, groups differed in relative species richness patterns. Species richness in jungle rubber was slightly higher (terrestrial pteridophytes), similar (birds) or lower (epiphytic pteridophytes, trees, vascular plants as a whole) than in primary forest. For subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds, species richness in jungle rubber was lower than in primary forest. For all groups, species richness in jungle rubber was generally higher than in rubber plantations. Although species conservation in jungle rubber is limited by management practices and by a slash-and-burn cycle for replanting of about 40 years, this forest-like land use does support species diversity in an impoverished landscape increasingly dominated by monoculture plantations.  相似文献   

The expansion of industrial oil palm cultivation threatens tropical biodiversity globally, especially in developing countries. Driven by plans to generate economic revenue, large-scale plantations are emerging in Southeast Asia, Africa and Brazilian Amazon. However, the ecological impacts of the sector are poorly studied with respect to oil palm management system, and recommended conservation measures are based on limited data. We studied avifauna in oil palm landscapes in Peninsular Malaysia under different management systems (large plantation estates versus smallholdings) and age classes (uniform age versus mixed-age stands). We sampled 41 large plantation estates and 14 smallholdings, as well as 20 sites in an extensively logged peat swamp forest, the type of natural forest prior to conversion to oil palms. Compared with logged peat swamp forest, our results showed that forest conversion to oil palm cultivation may have eliminated 48-60% of bird species. We also found: (i) plantation estates and smallholdings supported similar bird assemblages but the latter supported significantly more species (P = 0.007); and (ii) despite reduced species richness in oil palm landscapes, we found high abundance of some individual bird species in specific types of stands including some forest, migratory, and wetland species. Conversion of natural forest to oil palm landscapes should not occur in the future through clearing of primary or secondary native forests. To complement conventional conservation approaches (e.g. the establishment of protected areas) in palm oil-producing countries, existing plantation estates and smallholdings should be managed in ways to promote improved conservation outcomes, although oil palm landscapes maintained a fraction of the original forest biodiversity. Managing habitat heterogeneity at both a local and a landscape-level is highly recommended in oil palm landscapes to maintain and/or enhance avian biodiversity.  相似文献   

The extensive removal of competing broadleaved shrubs in forest plantations typically results in structural and compositional simplification of early seral habitat. However, information on the tradeoffs between such intensive forestry practices and biodiversity is scant. Here we assess the magnitude and direction of potential impacts of intensive forest management on populations of early seral-associated breeding birds. Observed population declines of several Neotropical migrant bird species are hypothesized to be linked to the loss of early seral habitat on the breeding grounds. We investigated the association between broadleaved hardwood cover and avian abundance and diversity in intensively managed early seral Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands of the Pacific Northwest. Bird species richness decreased across an elevational gradient, but did not vary as a function of either local vegetation composition or structure. In contrast, bird abundance was strongly associated with hardwood cover at local and landscape scales, especially for foliage-gleaning species. We found strong support for the existence of a threshold in relative bird abundance as a function of hardwood at the stand scale; abundance doubled with an increase from 1% to ∼6% hardwood and then reached a plateau. Though abundance of leaf-gleaners increased even more strongly across a gradient in hardwood cover, evidence for a distinct threshold was less clear. We conclude that when early seral hardwood forest is scarce, even small increases in hardwood may provide substantial conservation benefits. However, for some species (i.e., foliage gleaners), there may be more direct trade-offs in abundance and juvenile recruitment with hardwood management intensity.  相似文献   

Little is known about factors that structure biodiversity on landscape scales, yet current land management protocols, such as forest certification programs, place an increasing emphasis on managing for sustainable biodiversity at landscape scales. We used a replicated landscape study to evaluate relationships between forest structure and avian diversity at both stand and landscape-levels. We used data on bird communities collected under comparable sampling protocols on four managed forests located across the Southeastern US to develop logistic regression models describing relationships between habitat factors and the distribution of overall richness and richness of selected guilds. Landscape models generated for eight of nine guilds showed a strong relationship between richness and both availability and configuration of landscape features. Diversity of topographic features and heterogeneity of forest structure were primary determinants of avian species richness. Forest heterogeneity, in both age and forest type, were strongly and positively associated with overall avian richness and richness for most guilds. Road density was associated positively but weakly with avian richness. Landscape variables dominated all models generated, but no consistent patterns in metrics or scale were evident. Model fit was strong for neotropical migrants and relatively weak for short-distance migrants and resident species. Our models provide a tool that will allow managers to evaluate and demonstrate quantitatively how management practices affect avian diversity on landscapes.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation necessitates not only preservation of single or multiple species but also the habitat as a whole along with its environment. Biological richness (BR) is a cumulative property of an ecological habitat and its surrounding environment, which has emerging implications in terms of management and planning. Six biodiversity attributes (i.e., spatial, phytosociological, social, physical, economical and ecological) were linked together based on their relative importance to qualitatively stratify biological richness of forest vegetation in Subansiri district of Eastern Himalaya using customized software, Bio_CAP. Higher biological richness was assigned to the habitats with (i) high species diversity, (ii) high degree of ecosystem uniqueness (EU), (iii) high economical value, (iv) complex terrain and (v) low disturbance level. This simple idea of integrated ‘three-tier modeling approach’ of (i) utilization of geospatial tools, (ii) limited field survey and (iii) landscape analysis; formed the basis of rapid assessment of biological richness.Satellite image interpretation using hybrid classification approach provided spatial distribution of vegetation types (corresponding to ecological habitats), with 89% accuracy. Landscape analysis was done using various quantitative indices that measured the heterogeneity and evaluated the patch characteristics. A methodology was developed for deriving relative adjacency weights from field data for calculation of juxtaposition of vegetation types. Biotic disturbance buffers (i.e., proximity zones around roads and human settlements) along with landscape parameters were combined to calculate disturbance index (DI), which in turn became an intermediate surrogate for BR assessment. Species diversity patterns along fragmentation and biotic disturbance gradients were adjudged to derive relative weights for DI computation. Species diversity (Shannon's index), ecosystem uniqueness (endemism status) and biodiversity value (BV) (total importance value (TIV)) were enumerated quantitatively that provided relative weights for BR computation. Terrain complexity (TC) was generated by calculating variance of the elevation image. Fifty-nine of total 764 species were found endemic to Eastern Himalaya with over all species endemism of 13 per ha. Shannon's index increased with decrease in fragmentation levels and increase of distance from sources of disturbance. BR index of the district was presented in five qualitative levels. Subtropical forests claim highest degree of biological richness as well as high disturbance index. This methodology has implications for rapid biodiversity assessment. Forest managers can use the DI and BR maps for gap analysis and prioritization of conservation activities viz., introduction of locale-specific species, thus protecting the forest habitats in situ.  相似文献   

The role of land uses outside protected areas in conserving tropical biodiversity remains poorly understood and contested. This paper summarizes the results of plant and bird surveys conducted in three rural landscapes in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania, covering a gradient from Village forest reserves to tree-based and other agricultural land uses. The species richness and occurrence of conservationally important species across the land uses were analyzed. Twelve plots of 0.2 ha, stratified among land use types, were established to survey the large trees, with sub-plots of 1 × 40 m for tree saplings, shrubs and non-woody plants, and 5 × 40 m plots for small trees. Avian richness was measured in the same sites as the plants through mist netting and timed species counts. The village forests had higher plant species richness and more conservationally important plant species compared to other land uses. Agroforest and fallows supported a relatively high number of plant species, but the species composition was largely different to the adjacent village forests. Bird species of conservation importance were recorded across all land uses. Village forest reserves and some of the tree-based agricultural land uses were found to contribute to biodiversity conservation goals in tropical landscape mosaics. There is a need to better integrate them, and address their multiple functions, in village land-use planning and conservation efforts at the landscape level.  相似文献   

澜沧江下游地区竹类种质资源及其保护等级划分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
澜沧江下游地区集中了多种复杂气候和生物群落,被列为中国生物多样性保护“关键地区”之一,竹亚科种质资源极其丰富,是世界上竹种分布最为集中和丰富的地区之一。研究发现,该区共有竹种28属160种,其中珍稀竹类植物有15属33种,天然分布和长期栽培竹种77种。根据竹类种质资源特点,可将该区重要竹种划分为4个保护等级:重点保护、紧急保护、特殊保护和一般保护。系统研究该区域的竹类种质资源及其保护,对于竹亚科分类、竹类多样性保护和合理开发利用等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

指出了人工林林下草本植物生物量的增加、生物多样性的恢复已经成为经营管理人工林的目标之一。以准格尔旗内砒砂岩区的10年生柠条林、沙棘林、山杏林、油松林、山杏柠条混交林5种类型人工林为研究对象,通过采用样线调查法,结合室内数据分析,对6种人工林的林下草本层植被物种组成和多样性指标进行了研究。结果表明:5种不同类型人工林下共有草本植物35种,其中沙棘林草本层的物种数最多,为23种;山杏林下草本植物物种数最少,为15种;5种不同类型人工林下植被均以羊草为优势种。5种人工林下草本层平均盖度、生物量大小变化规律与物种数一致。山杏柠条混交林、沙棘林的物种丰富度指数、多样性指数都高于其他配置类型的人工林结构。  相似文献   

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