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为加快龙头企业建设步伐,丹东市修订了《农业产业化重点龙头企业财政贴息扶持办法》,各县(市)区也分别制订了扶持或奖励政策。农业部门协调财政部门放大了农产品加工企业贷款政府担保资金规模.同时筛选农业产业化和农产品加工企业重点项目60个向银行推荐。到目前为止,金融部门对农产品加工园区、企业重点项目贷款额度已突破5亿元。培育规模以上农产品加工龙头企业297户,全年实现销售收入158亿元。实现利税10亿元。  相似文献   

回良玉:发展农业产业化壮大龙头企业2012年11月27日,中国农业产业化龙头企业协会在人民大会堂举行成立大会。国务院副总理回良玉出席会议。他强调,要深入学习贯彻落实党的十八大精神,深刻认识新形势下发展农业产业化经营的重要意义,牢固树立扶持农业产业化就是扶持农业、扶持龙头企业就是扶持农民的理念,切实加强组织领导,创新体制机制,完善政策措施,大力发展农业产业化,培育壮大龙头企业,加快构建新型农业经  相似文献   

1.政府应当像扶持农业产业化那样扶持农业机械化农业产业化是一项涉及面广、层次多、结构复杂的系统工程。毫无疑问,广大农民是实施这一工程的主体。但是,农业产业化从其孕育的那一天起,就从来没有离开过政府行为的引导和扶持。特别是近几年来,各地在资金、税收、信贷等方面相继出台了许多优惠政策。客观地说,这几年的扶持力度可谓不小,但效果不太理想。我认为,原因之一是没有抓住农机化这个农业产业化的助推器。无论是主导产业,还是龙头企业,都不能只靠一双空手和两条长腿来发展。如果不用先进的机械设备武装起来,就不成其为“…  相似文献   

陆静 《农机具之友》2009,(11):39-41
农业综合开发运用国家财政资金,通过引导和积极扶持具有竞争优势的农业产业化龙头企业及具有特色的优质农产品基地.促进了农业和农村经济结构的战略性调整,提高了农业综合效益。加快了农业产业化的进程。随着我国市场经济改革的深入.农业产业化龙头企业更多的是以股份制或民营经济形式存在,因此,如何运用好农业开发资金对其进行引导、扶持和科技服务的支撑,值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

近几年来.新田县农业综合开发工作,注重对农业产业化经营项目的管理和扶持,通过发展农业产业化企业,推动了农业产业化.带动了农业结构调整,促进了农民增收。通过对农业产业化经营项目发展现状调研、分析,提出了加快产业基地建设、大力发展龙头企业、进一步完善农产品市场体系和强化农业科技工作等对策建议。  相似文献   

明确举办这次农业产业化国家重点龙头企业培训班的主要任务,论述龙头企业在当前应对国际金融危机和国内保增长促增收方面的重要贡献,提出龙头企业要加快转变发展方式,通过加强科技创新、调整优化结构、强化企业社会责任等,增强市场开拓力、企业核心竞争力、农村发展带动力,提升农产品质量安全水平,壮大县域经济,进而实现农业产业化新突破和新发展。指出相关主管部门要加大支持力度,落实好各项扶持政策,认真谋划“十二五”农业产业化发展思路,强化对农业产业化工作的指导和服务,促进农业产业化和龙头企业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

明确举办这次农业产业化国家重点龙头企业培训班的主要任务,论述龙头企业在当前应对国际金融危机和国内保增长促增收方面的重要贡献,提出龙头企业要加快转变发展方式,通过加强科技创新、调整优化结构、强化企业社会责任等,增强市场开拓力、企业核心竞争力、农村发展带动力,提升农产品质量安全水平,壮大县域经济,进而实现农业产业化新突破和新发展.指出相关主管部门要加大支持力度,落实好各项扶持政策,认真谋划"十二五"农业产业化发展思路,强化对农业产业化工作的指导和服务,促进农业产业化和龙头企业又好又快发展.  相似文献   

高倩文  李桂兰 《农业工程》2013,3(5):140-143
在系统研究休闲农业企业融资存在的问题及其原因的基础上,提出了解决休闲农业企业融资问题的政策和建议。从政府层面的政策支持来看,地方政府应积极出台发展休闲农业企业的相关支持政策,全面落实和合理执行休闲农业企业的相关补贴政策,加大政府投入力度,切实加强休闲农业基础设施建设。从金融机构的扶持策略来看,应适当放宽抵押贷款条件,发展多层次农村金融体系,积极完善农村信用担保体系。从休闲农业企业自身来看,巧用银行信贷策略、拓展股份制融资策略和积极探索BOT融资策略,是缓解休闲农业企业融资难的有效策略。   相似文献   

乔巩 《农机具之友》2009,(11):41-42
农业综合开发产业化经营项目的主要任务是通过对农业产业化龙头企业等经营主体的扶持,延长农业产业化链条,推进农业和农村经济结构的战略性调整,提高农业综合效益,增加农民收入。农业综合开发资金扶持农业产业化经营项目以有偿与无偿相结合为主要方式,通过对这种资金扶持方式的利弊分析.提出了保证资金偿还的具体措施。  相似文献   

随着全球粮食需求量的增加和总库存的减少,国际粮价连续暴涨,我国短缺的粮食自给供应能力与国民经济的持续高速发展严重不相协调,从战略角度上已受制于人.因此,政府对国家粮食安全问题越来越重视,对农业的扶持力度也越来越大.发展农业、服务农业、创新农业成为各级政府考虑的重点.  相似文献   

农业企业的信息化建设过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农业从传统生产模式向现代市场经济竞争环境下的企业化模式进行转换,依靠的是科学管理和管理科学;建设电子化、信息化的管理系统,是农业企业在市场环境下得以生存的有力支撑.为此,论述了农业企业的信息化建设过程.  相似文献   

循环农业是实现产业模式生态化,推进乡村绿色发展的重要途径。作为粪污资源化利用的主体,养猪户种养结合模式的采用意愿对循环农业发展具有重要意义。基于山东省烟台市牟平区210份调研数据,运用Logit-ISM模型,确定影响养猪户种养结合意愿的主要因素并分析各影响因素之间的层次关系与作用路径。结果显示:对养猪户种养结合意愿具有显著性影响的因素有养猪户年龄、预期收益、资金支持、配套土地、减少污染、节约资源、促进就业、环保监管压力。其中,养殖户认为种养结合有利于减少污染与预期收益属于直接因素层;养殖户认为种养结合有利于促进就业与节约资源、养殖户是否有足够的资金与土地属于间接因素层;年龄与环保部门监管压力属于底层因素层。并基于以上分析提出建议,以期为政府部门制定相关政策提供参考。  相似文献   

彭绍进 《排灌机械》2005,23(5):38-40
分析了民营泵业企业开展内部审计的必要性.内部审计不仅是强化内部管理,还是增加企业价值、提高企业运行效率的需要.提出了民营企业开展内部审计,首先要对审计理念、审计职能以及审计内容等进行准确定位,其次,要在建立健全审计制度、加强审计管理、提高审计人员素质以及改进审计手段等方面采取切实措施.  相似文献   

为实现农业废弃物(秸秆等)的循环利用,选取秸秆、牛羊、沼气循环模式,秸秆、牛羊、食用菌生产循环模式,秸秆、成型燃料循环模式和秸秆、棚菜生产循环模式这4种最易实现的推广模式,进行原理、特点和综合效益分析,旨在为农业循环经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

作为政府职能的一部分实现联合国千年计划,即到2015年消除饥饿和极度贫困,为了实现经济可持续增长就需要现代化的农业。就这个问题而言,基于食品安全的必要性,在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和加纳,发展的重点正逐步转向农业机械化。如果没有行之有效的农业机械化,加纳的食品和农业部门将无法达到预期的经济影响。该文旨在归纳农业机械化的制约因素,提出适合加纳的有效的机械化途径。主要制约机械化的因素包括缺乏熟练的农机操作人员,农场规模小,不适当的政府政策和农机成本高。在认识到机械化对于国家农业发展中的巨大作用后,就需要制定适合的土地所有制政策框架,鼓励联合经营和定制雇佣机械,向农民传授有关投资知识,鼓励标准服务投入。   相似文献   

The East African region exhibits considerable climatic and topographic variability. Much spatial and temporal variation in the response of different crops to climate change can thus be anticipated. In previous work we showed that a large part of this variation can be explained in terms of temperature and, to a lesser extent, water effects. Here, we summarise simulated yield response in two crops that are widely grown in the region, maize and beans, and investigate how the impacts of climate change might be addressed at two levels: the agricultural system and the household. Regionally, there are substantial between-country and within-system differences in maize and bean production responses projected to 2050. The arid-semiarid mixed crop-livestock systems are projected to see reductions in maize and bean production throughout most of the region to 2050. Yields of these crops in the tropical highland mixed systems are projected to increase, sometimes substantially. The humid-subhumid mixed systems show more varied yield responses through time and across space. Some within-country shifts in cropping away from the arid-semiarid systems to cooler, higher-elevation locations may be possible, but increased regional trade should be able to overcome the country-level production deficits in maize and beans caused by climate change to 2050, all other things being equal. For some places in the tropical highlands, maize and bean yield increases could have beneficial effects on household food security and income levels. In the other mixed systems, moderate yield losses can be expected to be offset by crop breeding and agronomic approaches in the coming decades, while more severe yield losses may necessitate changes in crop types, movement to more livestock-orientated production, or abandonment of cropping altogether. These production responses are indicative only, and their effects will be under-estimated because the methods used here have not accounted for increasing weather variability in the future or changes in the distribution and impacts of biotic and other abiotic stresses. These system-level shifts will take place in a context characterised by high population growth rates; the demand for food is projected to nearly triple by the middle of this century. Systems will have to intensify substantially in response, particularly in the better-endowed mixed systems in the region. For the more marginal areas, the variability in yield response, and the variability in households’ ability to adapt, suggest that, even given the limitations of this analysis, adaptation options need to be assessed at the level of the household and the local community, if research for development is to meet its poverty alleviation and food security targets in the face of global change.  相似文献   

以发动机上的连杆零件为对象进行逆向设计,主要是研究逆向技术如何对连杆进行反求,利用逆向技术实现连杆制造的过程。通过对现有实体模型数据采集、点云处理,然后利用软件在其基础上建立模型,再在模型基础上设计加工程序输入数控机床加工模型,从而实现对现有模型的反求。  相似文献   

基于RBF神经网络的地下水动态预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市金泉工业园区为例,基于园区B248号长观井2001-2008年的地下水埋深资料,首先建立了地下水埋深RBF神经网络预测模型,而后对该模型的模拟结果作误差分析,并将相应值与BP网络模型进行对比。RBF神经网络模型和BP网络模型的最大相对误差分别为9.88%和19.67%,最大绝对误差分别为0.81和1.56,均方误差分别为0.19和0.98。显然,RBF神经网络具有较高的预测精度和较强的非线性映射能力。用上述训练好的RBF神经网络模型对研究区2009-2013年平水年条件下的地下水埋深进行预测,结果表明,研究区已出现地下水位持续下降的趋势。最后,根据地下水资源保护规划方案,在逐时段压缩地下水开采量10%的情况下,研究区2025年即可恢复到2001年的地下水水位值。  相似文献   

The primary objective of an irrigation organization is to provide efficient and effective management of water resources to achieve enhanced agricultural production. Performance assessment studies provide a tool to evaluate and promote this objective. The study examines the existing planning procedures and assesses irrigation performance of four Water User Associations (WUAs) located in Osh Province, Kyrgyzstan. Performance was evaluated using indicators of adequacy, efficiency, dependability and equity. Indicators were calculated for each irrigation season over the period 2003 to 2007. In general, all WUAs were found to be strong in terms of adequacy and efficiency standards. However, performance with respect to dependability and equity was poor. The results suggest that more effort is needed to improve temporal uniformity and equity in water distribution. In order to achieve this, estimations of irrigation requirements by WUA managers needs to be improved and mechanisms developed to request water in quantities, which are needed to maintain equity across the WUA outlets and among water users. The study concludes that the establishment of WUAs in Kyrgyzstan has helped to address the problem of water distribution and allocation among a large number of farmers. However, further training of farmers and managers is required to build their capacity to share water and ensure equity among users particularly during periods of less than optimal water supply. The findings of this research suggest that application of a pre-determined set of indicators can be a useful and cost effective tool to measure the performance of WUAs. This is particularly important for Central Asia where the performance of the recently established and state initiated WUAs to replace former collective farms is now a key element in future sustainable water management. The study identified uncertainties in the estimation of WUA water demands based on previous methods and suggests more attention and care required in calculating water requirements.  相似文献   

We describe a coupled hydrologic-economic spreadsheet model for the Murray-Darling Basin that allows analyses of water allocation and use by different sectors including agriculture and environment under alternative policy scenarios. The model is a simple, lumped optimisation model which includes partitioning of rainfall into runoff and evapotranspiration, a reach by reach water balance of the river system, irrigation demand and revenue generation. Groundwater is not considered because groundwater use is a small part of the overall water use. The model is used to optimize profit, diversions and flows subject to hydrological and economic constraints determined by the policy scenario.We use the model to examine approaches of acquiring water for reallocation to the environment, and their impacts on irrigation water use and regional income from agriculture. We show that the optimal approach for acquisition depends on: economic factors, including the cost of water and the profits generated by its use; institutional factors, such as restrictions to trade between regions; and, hydrological factors, particularly the connectivity of and losses within the river network.The volume of water to be acquired does not, in general, equal the volume to be allocated. For a downstream site, water must be acquired from upstream, and more water must be acquired than is to be allocated: the volume acquired is that to be allocated plus transmission losses between the locations of acquisition and allocation. For upstream sites, it is optimal to acquire some water from downstream, and less water must be acquired than is to be allocated: the volume acquired is that to be allocated, less the transmission losses no longer incurred between the locations of acquisition and allocation.The volumes of water that must be acquired to satisfy an allocation target and maintain flows in the river system are affected by restrictions on trade between sub-catchments.  相似文献   

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