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匍枝委陵菜为多年生匍匐草本,野生于阴湿草地、水泉旁边及疏林下。文章介绍了匍枝委陵菜的主要形态特征,并就其在园林中的应用和日常栽培养护管理方法进行了总结。  相似文献   

试验采用人工践踏法模拟生活中人为践踏对地被植物的影响,以4种不同的践踏程度(对比、轻度、中度和重度)作为试验变量,从形态和生理两方面指标综合评定匍枝委陵菜、紫花地丁、金叶过路黄和垂盆草4种植物的耐践踏能力。研究表明:(1)经盖度变化指标分析,4种植物耐践踏能力为金叶过路黄〉匍枝委陵菜〉紫花地丁〉垂盆草;(2)经叶绿素含量变化指标分析,4种植物耐践踏能力为匍枝委陵菜〉垂盆草〉金叶过路黄〉紫花地丁;(3)经地上生物量变化指标分析,4种植物耐践踏能力为金叶过路黄〉匍枝委陵菜〉紫花地丁〉垂盆草;(4)经丙二醛(MDA)含量变化指标分析,4种植物耐践踏能力为紫花地丁〉匍枝委陵菜〉金叶过路黄〉垂盆草。基于以上结果得出,4种地被植物的耐践踏性排序为:金叶过路黄〉匍枝委陵菜〉紫花地丁〉垂盆草。  相似文献   

匍枝委陵菜的园林应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对泰山野生植物匍枝委陵菜的园林引种、栽培、繁殖及对环境的适应性研究,证明其适应能力强,可在湿地正常生长,也可在旱地条件应用。管理粗放,建制成本较低,具备草坪草的共性及特性。园林应用效果优良,可大面积应用于我国北方园林绿地。  相似文献   

通过对棋盘山4种地被植物进行不同程度遮光处理,测定其生理、形态和光合指标,对其耐阴性进行研究。结果表明:在全光照条件下,鹅绒委陵菜和野罂粟长势最好;在全光照和遮光30%条件下,匍枝委陵菜生长最旺盛;在全光照条件下和60%遮光条件下,剪秋罗生长得最好。  相似文献   

安徽产委陵菜属四种可食用野菜的成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽产委陵菜属(Potentilla L.)4种可食用野菜植物:委陵菜(Potentilla chinenisis L.)、翻白草(Potentilla discolor L.)、朝天委陵菜(Potentilla supina L.)和三叶朝天委陵菜(Potentilla supinavar.ternata L.),对它们进行了粗蛋白、维生素C、水分、灰分及部分矿质元素(Ca、Mg、Zn、Cu、Pb)的测定。结果表明,安徽委陵菜属4种野菜的营养成分较丰富,尤其是Vc含量均较高,每100g鲜样含Vc量在45.99~92.16mg之间,其中,朝天委陵菜中维生素C的含量最高;但四种野菜Pb含量均超标,三叶朝天委陵菜和委陵菜Cu含量超标。  相似文献   

美国柔枝松研究现状及其应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要阐述了柔枝松在美国的研究现状及其在我国引进应用的前景.柔枝松(Pinus flexilis James.)又名五针松、落基山白松,是北美洲西部分布最广泛的松属树种之一.其生境干旱,能够耐干旱、耐寒和耐瘠薄,能适应多种土壤,还能抗强风,适应性很强,也是先锋树种.柔枝松早期苗木生长缓慢,但具优良的生物学特性,遗传多样性较高,不同种源、家系(包括无性系)的柔枝松在树冠特征、根系分布、树高及胸径生长、抗逆性(耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄等)等方面都有很大的差异.该树种也是一种经济价值较高、具有开发前景的优良树种.因此,在我国北方地区,特别是在西北及华北地区引种柔枝松,具有非常广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

考察了开口箭根状茎石油醚提取物(A)、乙酸乙酯提取物(B)和正丁醇提取物(C)对水果致腐真菌(指状青霉、黑曲霉及匍枝根霉)的抑制效果,结果表明:B抑制真菌活性最强.以松香树脂(RAE)为被膜剂,研究了添加A、B、C为抑菌剂的3种保鲜剂AR、BR和CR对椪柑采后贮藏品质的影响,结果表明:A和B为抑菌剂添加在RAE被膜剂中...  相似文献   

野生观赏木本植物大叶胡颓子驯化及开发利用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大叶胡颓子(Elaeagnus macrphylla Thunb)常绿阔叶拱形灌木,是青岛滨海、岛屿优良野生观赏木本植物。作者对其分布及生境进行了调查,研究探索了扦插、播种、分蘖3种繁殖技术及多点栽培试验,进行了子代繁育、栽培,实现了人工栽培驯化成功。经研究,大叶胡颓子抗海风、海雾能力特强。根系发达,耐瘠薄,对土壤要求不严、抗病虫。大叶胡颓子四季常绿,匍枝优美,花芳香宜人,硕果奇特,色泽美观,是叶、枝、花、果俱佳的观赏植物。尤其在北方沿海地区冬季阔叶常绿树种稀少,大叶胡颓子在城镇植物景观建设及沿海防护林营造,荒山裸岩绿化等方面,具有较广的应用前景。  相似文献   

金露梅属于蔷薇科、委陵菜属落叶灌木,是管涔山林区的乡土树种,具有耐干旱、严寒、贫瘠土壤等特性,可作为荒山造林的备选树种.介绍了金露梅生物学特性、播种育苗及苗期管理等技术.  相似文献   

疣枝桦是阿勒泰地区广泛分布的乡土树种,文章简要介绍了疣枝桦在阿勒泰地区的分布、生物学特性以及播种繁殖过程,其中包括采种、种子处理、播种前的整地、播种、苗期管理等。文章阐述了疣枝桦育苗技术措施,在生产实践中具有较强的可操作性。  相似文献   

Invasive plants are one of the greatest threats to endangered insect species and a major threat to Lepidoptera in eastern North America. We investigated the effects of the invasive shrub Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and two methods (mulching or hand-felling) of removing it from riparian forests on butterfly communities and compared them to untreated, heavily invaded control plots and to “desired future condition” forests that never had extensive privet cover. Privet mulching resulted in nearly twice as many butterflies as privet felling and both treatments had more butterflies two years after privet removal than untreated control plots. Butterfly communities on control plots differed from those on the two treatments and the desired future condition forests. A number of forest characteristics were evaluated but only herbaceous plant cover (excluding privet) was positively correlated with butterfly abundance, diversity and evenness. The Carolina satyr, Hermeuptychia sosybius, was the best indicator of forests where privet had never invaded. Removing Chinese privet from riparian forests in the southeastern United States greatly improved forest habitats for butterflies and evidence suggests that butterfly communities in other temperate forests could benefit from removal of extensive shrub layers dominated by a single species.  相似文献   

青年湖公园于20世纪90年代初引种丹麦草(Liriope graminifolia),2007年在园内大面积栽培。经过数年的观察表明,丹麦草耐盐碱、抗寒、抗旱、抗杂草病虫害,绿色期长、繁殖容易、栽培简便、管理粗放,尤其在盐渍化严重的湖坡也能正常生长,实为一种优良地被植物。    相似文献   

草花在园林景观利用的地位越来越来高,草花生产育苗技术是关键环节。蛭石且有可靠的理化性质,是作为草花种子发芽的上好覆盖材料,不同粒径的蛭石对草花的发芽生长有直观影响。试验表明:三级蛭石比二级蛭石作为覆盖基质对柳穿鱼和福禄考种子发芽率有提高,柳穿鱼和福禄考种苗根长、根重有提高。  相似文献   


Competitive effects of dense herbaceous vegetation (ground cover) can inhibit forest restoration on mine sites. Here we review the evidence of ground cover interactions with planted tree seedlings on coal surface mines of the eastern US, discuss recent research into these interactions, and draw conclusions concerning ground cover management when restoring forests on reclaimed coal mines. Reclaimed mine sites have a high potential to support productive forests, however forest establishment is inhibited by reclamation practices that included soil compaction, and the seeding of competitive ground covers. In the first few years after tree planting, a dense ground cover of grass and legume species commonly seeded on mine sites often affect growth and survival negatively. Herbaceous vegetation providing less extensive and competitive ground coverage may either facilitate or inhibit tree establishment, depending on site conditions. The use of quality planting stock promotes the competitive ability of seedlings by improving nutrient status and the ability to capture available resources. Herbaceous species have contrasting functional characteristics, and thus compete differently with trees for available resources. Negative interactions with trees are more frequently reported for non-native cool-season grasses than for native warm-season grasses, while the effects of legumes change over time. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of tree/ground cover interactions. The development of seeding mixes that can control erosion, facilitate survival and growth of planted trees, and allow establishment by unplanted native species would aid forest restoration on eastern US, coal mines.


金娃娃萱草是一种多季开花的地被花卉,通过对其进行引种栽培试验研究,结果表明:金娃娃萱草在兰州地区春季萌芽早,花期长,观赏效果好,抗性强,栽培管理简单,园林绿化效果突出,是一种适合在兰州地区推广应用的优良地被花卉.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the use of forests both by Sámi reindeer herders and for commercial forestry has been a source of increasing conflict in northern Sweden. Forestry disturbs forest ecosystems and thus damages reindeer pastures, especially those rich in ground lichen, for which reindeer forage during the wintertime by digging through the snow. Despite increased communication between the two groups, the Sámi still feel that their interests are not adequately considered by the commercial forestry sector. This paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary study that comprised semi-directed interviews and participant observations. The objective was to understand the Sámi reindeer herders’ extensive ecological knowledge of winter forest pastures, and the characteristics they observe when managing this resource. The study also analysed specific terminology used by the Sámi herders, to describe, analyse and communicate these properties. These terms, as well as Sámi herder knowledge in general, emphasize the importance of snow cover for reindeer grazing in forest pastures, as well as the effects of forest structure and ground vegetation on variations in snow cover during the winter. Whereas the Western use of the word ‘pasture’ is often associated with a specific plant community, the Sámi herders’ understanding of the word also includes the effect of snow on grazing and for this they use a culturally specific word in their language: guohtun. This term conveys the additional notion of whether it is possible for reindeer to access the pasture under the snow. Sámi herder knowledge and know-how allow them to use the mosaic of forest ecosystems to accommodate variability in snow cover during the wintertime, using different forest areas in response to different grazing conditions. Finally, the authors argue that, in order to promote the balanced, multiple use of boreal forest ecosystems, it is necessary to acknowledge and understand Sámi reindeer herders knowledge and thus to fully integrate their needs and aspirations.  相似文献   

The impacts of deforestation and land cover change upon underlying soils were examined on one hillside in central Armenia. Soil characteristics in three land cover areas—forest, coppice, and pasture—were recorded and soil samples were analyzed. Deforestation and land cover change were found to increase erosion rates. From soil horizon and structural characteristics, it can be estimated that 40 cm of soil have been lost in the pasture and 20 cm have been lost in the coppice compared to the forest. Soil organic carbon was also affected by deforestation and land cover change. Compared to the forest (4.7% organic carbon), both the coppice (3.7%) and the pasture (3.4%) had lower values. Phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen content varied and may have been affected by erosion, animal deposition, differing amounts of vegetative residues present, differing organic matter decomposition rates, and differing hydrological processes. Deforestation was also found to change the species composition of seedlings and saplings in the coppice in comparison to the forest, reducing oak numbers and increasing hornbeam recruitment.  相似文献   

华南乡土地被植物特性及其园林配置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华南地区具有丰富的地被植物资源。文章通过对华南现有乡土地被植物资源的调查和资料整理,把乡土地被植物分为蕨类地被植物、草本类地被植物、矮灌类地被植物和藤蔓类地被植物等4类。根据乡土地被植物对环境的适应能力、观赏特性和生长速度等原则。初步筛选已应用或具有应用潜力的35科50属60种地被植物,对其特性和园林配置应用特点进行了介绍。  相似文献   

通过对缅甸森林法律制度主要涵盖的森林物权、森林规划利用、森林开发许可、森林损耗补救和责任追究等方面规定的介绍, 认为缅甸森林法可谓得失利弊共存。其主要优点在于规划利用规定系统严密、特殊林木保护规定得力、森林损耗补救规定切实可行和刑事责任追究规定简明扼要, 主要缺憾则在于私人参与措施相当有限、国际合作协调规定大量缺失和责任追究规定远未完善。缅甸森林法对中国森林法的借鉴启示相当广泛。  相似文献   

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