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Rates of growth were measured in two-year-old (Experiment 1) and nine-month-old (Experiment 2) horses fed high (12 or 14 per cent) or low (6 or 8 per cent) crude protein diets with one of two levels of exercise (0 or 12 km trotting per day at 12 km/h). In the non-exercised horses feed intakes and growth rates were greater on the high than on the low protein diets. Exercise increased feed intakes and growth rates of horses on the low but not the high protein diets, so that in the exercised groups there were no significant differences in feed intakes or growth rates between the horses on the two dietary protein levels. Exercise increased the apparent digestibility of dry matter, energy and crude protein. There were no differences in skeletal characteristics caused by either dietary protein level or exercise. These results suggest that the growing horse, if exercised regularly, may be given a diet of lower protein concentration than currently recommended without significant reduction in growth rate.  相似文献   

Effects of a supplementation of 80 mg L-carnitine per kg diet were studied in broiler chicken at two dietary levels of fat (4 and 8%) and different feeding levels (ad libitum in a growth trial, 95 and 85% of ad libitum in a balance trial). A low-carnitine basal diet adequate in amino acid concentration was used. In the growth trial, each diet was fed to 9 groups of 10 birds each for 16 days from day 5 of live onwards. Growth and feed intake were determined. At the end of the trial, birds were killed and homogenised for subsequent empty body analysis. Accretion of protein and energy was determined using a representative blank group killed at the beginning of the trial. In the balance trial, 8 individual birds were used per treatment. Birds were offered the feed at approximately 85 and 95% of ad libitum intake, which was determined with separate birds for both fat levels. Excreta were quantitatively collected three times daily for 8 consecutive days beginning on day 17 individually for each bird. Supplemented L-carnitine did not significantly affect any response criterion. However, growth and feed conversion tended to be improved by about 5% in the carnitine supplemented diets when fed ad libitum. An interaction between carnitine and fat level occurred with regard to feed conversion, indicating that carnitine had a positive effect at the high fat level, but not at the low fat level. L-carnitine did not positively affect the metabolisability of energy (ME/GE) and the efficiency of energy utilisation (RE/GE or RE/ME). Similarly, no significant carnitine effect was determined with regard to N accretion and the efficiency of utilisation of dietary protein in both trials. It is concluded that endogenous carnitine synthesis is not the limiting factor for energy utilisation in broiler chicken, even at high dietary fat concentration. Occasionally reported positive effects of supplemental carnitine were likewise caused by reasons other than improved energy or protein utilisation. Further studies on amino acid utilisation and catabolism should consider marginal amino acid supply.  相似文献   

Raising the orphan foal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orphan foals are best reared by fostering them onto a brood mare of appropriate size. If no foster mother is available, they can be reared on 2 per cent fat skimmed cow's milk fortified with dextrose at the rate of 20 gm per L. This should be slowly increased from 10 per cent of body weight at 1 day of age to 25 per cent of body weight at 10 days of age. The amount should then be held constant until weaning. Alternatively, foals can be reared on milk replacers. Manufacturers' feeding instructions rarely mimic the milk intake obtained by a foal nursing her dam, and problems have been observed in milk replacer fed foals. It may be better to feed milk replacers at 1- to 2-hour intervals as a 12.5 per cent solution. The volume fed can be slowly increased from 5 per cent of body weight at day 1 to 20 per cent of body weight at day 10. Fresh water, hay, and good-quality creep feed with at least an 18 per cent crude protein should be offered from 2 weeks of age. Foals can be weaned at 8 to 12 weeks of age.  相似文献   

After a three day acclimatization period, six healthy, young (aged 4 to 20 days) orphan foals of mixed breeding were fed 100 per cent of their caloric needs (estimated at 523 kjoules/kg bodyweight [bwt] or 125 kcal/kg bwt/day) as a low residue isotonic feeding solution (LRF) for seven days. The solution provided 4.18 kjoules (1 kcal/ml) and was fortified with minerals and protein to meet estimated foal requirements. The solution was fed through an indwelling 12 French feeding tube. Five of the six foals completed the study; the loss of the sixth foal apparently was unrelated to the feeding protocol. The foals tolerated LRF well. Signs of intolerance were noted in two foals and were limited to flatulence, mild bloat and very mild abdominal pain associated with a decreased interval between two feedings during the first 48 h on 100 per cent LRF. Complete recovery without therapy occurred within 6 h and feedings were resumed. Growth in height and weight were comparable to published data for healthy foals raised with their dams. Feeding tubes were easily maintained with no apparent dysphagia, regurgitation or discomfort to foals. This low residue, calorically dense, isotonic feeding solution may be useful for enteral feeding of selected foals aged at least seven days.  相似文献   

Three experiments have been carried out using broiler‐type birds reared beyond the normal broiler stage to 14 weeks of age. In the first experiment control cockerels were compared with birds injected with either a 15 mg. hexoestrol pellet or a 15 mg. pellet of diethylstilboestrol at 9 weeks of age: at this stage three diets of different nutrient density were offered. As the nutrient density was increased, food utilisation progressively improved and growth rates were raised. Hexoestrol implantation resulted in an increase in voluntary food intake of 23 per cent above the control whereas diethylstilboestrol implantation increased voluntary food intake by only 14 per cent. These increases in food intake were associated with proportional increases in live‐weight gain.

In a second experiment pullets received 15 mg. implants of hexoestrol at 64 days of age, and were then fed diets of different nutrient concentrations to 98 days of age. Live‐weight gain tended to improve as nutrient density was raised, and efficiency of food utilisation was inversely proportional to nutrient density.

In a third experiment male birds were reared from 70 to 119 days of age. Four different implantations with hexoestrol at various ages were compared: only in those receiving two implants was there any difference in performance. Six diets varying in energy level and protein level were offered. Growth rates improved as dietary protein levels were raised progressively from 13.3 to 16.3 per cent, though food utilisation was most efficient at 14.8 and 16.3 per cent crude protein. Growth rate was 7.6 per cent greater when the dietary energy level was raised from 3065 to 3275 kcal. metabolisable energy per kg.  相似文献   

Effects of milk replacer composition and intake on the growth of orphan foals were evaluated. Twenty foals were assigned to four treatments: 1) mare-nursed, 2) commercial foal milk replacer at recommended intakes (standard), 3) commercial foal milk replacer at high intakes (high), and 4) acidified replacer at recommended intakes (acidified). Foals fed milk replacer diets were weaned at 12-24 hours postpartum and fed milk replacer for 50 days. Mare-nursed foals were weaned between 52 and 56 days of age. Foals fed replacer diets gained 12% to 28% less weight than mare-nursed foals up to two weeks of age. However, by four months of age, weights of replacer-fed foals were similar to those of mare-nursed foals and 32 other mare-nursed foals at the farm weaned between three and four months postparium. Foals drank 10 to 12 L/100 kg body weight (BW) in fluid replacer daily over the trial period. During the first week, high intake foals consumed 26% more replacer (p<0.05) than foals fed acidified or standard diets. This higher intake resulted in diarrhea earlier (6-11 days vs 11-22 days) and for a longer time (6.3 days vs 2.5-3.6 days) than in foals fed recommended amounts. Mare-nursed foals developed “foal heat scours” in the second week postpartum. After the first week, foals fed high replacer diet voluntarily consumed the same volume of fluid replacer as foals fed the standard intake. Foals ate less than 1 kg grain mix/100 kg BW daily to one month of age, then increased intake to 1.5-2 kg/ 100 kg BW to weaning. Water intake was 20-40% of daily fluid intake and was correlated (r = 0.85) to dry matter intake. Foals in the high intake group ate less (p<0.05) solid feed and drank less water than foals fed the standard and acidified diets. The foal's stomach capacity appears to limit meal size and thus replacer intake. If recommended feeding intervals are used, replacer intakes by foals are less than 15% BW daily. High volume intakes appeared to prolong diarrhea. Normal growth rates occur when replacer and good-quality feeds are fed concurrently.  相似文献   

Laying pullets which had been fed diets containing 7, 8½, 10, 11½, 13 and 14½ per cent crude protein for 10 weeks were returned to a normal diet containing 14½ per cent crude protein. For birds which had received the lowest protein diet, rate of lay improved from about 30 per cent to over 80 per cent in 4 weeks. Egg weight, body weight and food consumption also increased rapidly. In the period from 3 to 20 weeks after restoring a normal diet the pullets which had previously been fed 7 per cent and 8½ per cent crude protein showed a rate of lay and an average egg weight substantially better than that of control birds which had always received the 14½ per cent crude protein diet.

It is concluded that a period of low protein feeding does not impair the subsequent ability of the laying bird to reach normal levels of output. On the contrary, birds which are denied a normal protein intake for a time tend to compensate when returned to normal feeding by laying more eggs and bigger eggs. However, in this experiment, the compensation was not enough to offset the loss in yield incurred during low protein feeding.  相似文献   

To determine to effect of feeding tall fescue hay infected with endophyte on growth rate, diet digestibility, and serum prolactin, 17 Quarter Horse yearlings were fed a diet of 60% concentrate and 40% tall fescue hay for 5 months. Diets were formulated to meet 1989 NRC recommendations for moderate growth. The dietary treatments included either non-infected (E-, n=9) or infected (E+, n=8) tall fescue hay. Field sampling determined a 52% infection rate of the E+ hay with the endophyte Acremonium coenophialum. Initially and at 29-day intervals, yearlings were weighed and measured for skeletal growth including: (1) height at the withers, (2) length of bone between knee and fetlock, (3) length of bone between hock and fetlock, and (4) the circumference of fore and rear cannon bones. Total fecal collection from the 10 geldings during the last month of the trial permitted the calculation of diet digestibility. Serum samples were taken throughout the trial to determine prolactin response to dietary treatments.The E+ fescue hay did not affect (P>.05) growth rate of yearling horses. Yearlings gained .40 and .38 kg/d when consuming the E− and E+ based diets, respectively. Geldings gained more (P<.05) than fillies. Changes in height at the wither and length and circumference of the fore and rear cannon were positive but did not differ between hay treatments or sexes.E+ fescue hay diets tended to be lower in dry matter, apparent energy, and crude protein digestibility, but values were not statistically different. Fiber digestibility was lower (P<.01) for the diet based on E+ hay. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility averaged 66.2 and 54.4% for E− and E+ diets, respectively.Acid detergent fiber digestibility averaged 78.9 and 64.5% for E− and E+ diets, respectively. Although fiber digestibility of E+ tall fescue hay was lower than E-hay, grain supplementation supportive of a moderate growth rate produced equal growth among yearling horses. Also, no differences in prolactin were apparent between the yearlings fed E− and E+ tall fescue hay.  相似文献   

The effects of 2 liquid formula diets differing in protein source were evaluated in orphan foals. The response of 7 foals fed a diet containing casein as the protein source, and 6 foals fed a diet containing a combination of whey and casein, was compared with the response in a reference group of 8 mare-raised foals. Orphaned foals were fed 150 kcal/kg of body weight/d, divided into 6 equal feedings of 25 kcal/kg. Formula intake was comparable among the experimental groups, and foals fed the liquid formula diet grew as well as mare-raised foals. There was no difference among groups in mean daily body weight gain, wither height, heart girth, body temperature, pulse, respiration rate, capillary refill time, or skin tenting. Insulin and blood glucose concentrations increased in both groups of foals fed formula diets, returning to prefeeding values within 4 hours. Differences among groups were found for serum alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase, cholesterol, creatinine, and glucose values; all other serum chemical values were comparable among groups. Plasma amino acid determinations revealed that arginine and ornithine were significantly lower in foals in both experimental groups than in reference foals, suggesting that arginine may have been the limiting amino acid in these diets. Diarrhea developed in foals in all treatment groups, but in most cases was self-limiting. These results suggest that the protein source of liquid formula diets may be less important in foals than in infants.  相似文献   

Growth and protein status were examined in Thoroughbred foals and yearlings offered pasture supplements with different crude protein contents and amino acid compositions. Both supplements contained 3.0 Mcal/kg DM, 10% corn oil, 1.4% calcium, and three sources of fiber. The control supplement contained 14% CP and 22% soybean meal, whereas the experimental supplement contained 9% CP and 3% soybean meal and was fortified with 0.6% lysine and 0.4% threonine. Mares and foals were fed twice daily (0700 and 1400) and kept on 12.14-hectare pastures (mixed grass and ladino clover) until weaning (6 mo). Weanlings continued on specified supplements and pastures for seven additional months. Physical measurements and blood samples were taken monthly for a period of 14 mo. Measurements included BW, ADG, body condition (BC), wither height, hip height, body length, girth, forearm length, front and hind cannon length, and carpus and fetlock circumference. Blood plasma analysis included total protein, albumin, creatinine, and urea nitrogen. Effect of diet and time were evaluated by analysis of variance with repeated measures. No differences (P > 0.05) were found in physical measurements between the control and Lys/Thr groups (ADG 0.7 +/- 0.02 kg/d, BC 4.9 +/- 0.05) for the observational period. Blood data also showed no difference (P > or = 0.05) for the period (albumin 2.9 +/- 0.03 g/dL, total protein 5.7 +/- 0.10 g/dL, creatinine 1.1 +/- 0.02 mg/dL). Differences in ADG between the control and experimental groups were observed in November (0.73 +/- 0.06 vs 0.91 +/- 0.04 kg/d, P = 0.01) and December (0.56 +/- 0.04 vs 0.67 +/- 0.06 kg/d, P = 0.07) and again in April (0.65 +/- 0.12 vs 0.86 +/- 0.06 kg/d, P = 0.06). These results suggest that the foals offered the Lys/Thr grew at the same or greater rates than foals on the control supplement. When a low-protein diet was fortified with the first two limiting amino acids, the protein was utilized more efficiently for growth and development. This study gives further insight into the role of protein quality during a foal's 1st yr of growth.  相似文献   

An adequate and a low protein starter diet (29 and 20 per cent crude protein respectively) were fed from o to 6 weeks of age. The poults receiving only 20 per cent protein were 17 per cent lighter at 6 weeks than the fully fed group. Turkeys from each treatment were then fed one of five levels of protein from 6 to 10 weeks of age. After 10 weeks all groups were fed adequate levels of protein to allow undernourished poults to exhibit compensatory growth.

The percentage protein required for maximum growth in the 6 to 10‐week stage was similar whether turkeys had been fully fed or undernourished from 0 to 6 weeks. But the “ effective “ percentage of protein required in the 6 to 10‐week stage, defined as the level which subsequently allowed maximum body weight at 20 weeks of age, was less for initially fully fed birds. This was because they had smaller growth deficits at 10 weeks and consequently made faster recovery in the limited time allowed.

Turkeys fed 29 and 17 per cent protein or 20 and 22 per cent protein in starter and grower diets respectively reached the same live‐weight at 20 weeks as fully fed turkeys which received 29 per cent protein from o to 6 weeks and 24 per cent protein from 6 to 10 weeks. The compensating turkeys ate about the same total weight of food as fully fed groups, but had a 10 per cent lower total protein intake.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究低蛋白质饲粮添加载锌蒙脱石(Zn-MMT)对肉鸡生长性能、免疫器官发育和肠道组织形态的影响。随机选择1日龄健康科宝公雏288只,按体重一致原则随机分成6个组,每组6个重复,每个重复8只鸡。对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型低蛋白质基础饲粮,正对照组[硫酸锌(ZnSO 4)组]饲喂低蛋白质基础饲粮+40 mg/kg ZnSO 4,4个试验组分别在低蛋白质基础饲粮中添加20、40、60和80 mg/kg Zn-MMT(均以锌含量计算)。试验鸡自由采食和饮水,试验期为42 d。结果表明:1)与对照组和ZnSO 4组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加60和80 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著降低肉鸡1~21日龄平均日增重(ADG,P<0.05),添加80 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡1~21日龄料重比(F/G,P<0.05);添加Zn-MMT对肉鸡22~42日龄和1~42日龄ADG、平均日采食量和F/G以及1~21日龄ADG无显著影响(P>0.05)。2)与对照组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加Zn-MMT对肉鸡21和42日龄免疫器官指数无显著影响(P>0.05);但与ZnSO 4组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡21日龄胸腺指数和法氏囊指数(P<0.05),且添加80 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡42日龄胸腺指数(P<0.05)。3)与对照组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加20和60 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡42日龄腿比率(P<0.05);与ZnSO 4组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加Zn-MMT对肉鸡屠宰性能无显著影响(P>0.05)。4)与对照组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加40和60 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著降低肉鸡十二指肠隐窝深度(CD,P<0.05),且添加60 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著降低肉鸡空肠CD(P<0.05);添加20 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著降低肉鸡回肠CD(P<0.05),并显著提高肉鸡回肠绒毛高度(VH)/CD(V/C)值(P<0.05);同时,添加80 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著降低肉鸡空肠V/C值(P<0.05)。与ZnSO 4组相比,低蛋白质饲粮添加20 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡回肠V/C值(P<0.05),并显著降低回肠CD(P<0.05);添加40 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡空肠VH(P<0.05),并显著降低肉鸡十二指肠CD(P<0.05);添加20和60 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著降低肉鸡空肠CD(P<0.05);添加20、40和60 mg/kg Zn-MMT显著提高肉鸡空肠V/C值(P<0.05)。综上所述,在低蛋白质饲粮中添加Zn-MMT对肉鸡后期生长性能无显著影响,但与添加ZnSO 4相比,可显著提高肉鸡免疫器官指数,提高小肠VH和V/C值,降低小肠CD,促进肉鸡肠道发育。  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that an improvement in the quality of the dietary protein fed lactating mares would improve the growth of their nursling foals, Thoroughbred mares were fed approximately isonitrogenous diets differing slightly in their amino acid compositions during the last 2 weeks of gestation and the first 7 weeks of lactation. The differences in the diets resulted from the substitution of a portion of the complete pelleted feed with soybean meal (SBM). The crude protein content of mares' milk was significantly increased by SBM substitution during the first 5 weeks of lactation. However, SBM did not prevent the gradual decline in protein content typical of mares' milk during the course of lactation. The relative amino acid composition of mares' milk was not changed by SBM substitution, suggesting that more growth-limiting amino acids were provided to the foals suckling from SBM-supplemented mares. The plasma concentrations of lysine, methionine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine and valine were significantly greater in the foals of SBM-supplemented mares. Those foals grew in withers height about 10% more rapidly during their first 7 weeks of life. These findings indicate that the growth of nursing foals is responsive to the amino acid composition of their dams' diets.  相似文献   

Diets traditionally used in the horse industry are very often imbalanced in mineral composition, mainly in what concerns Ca, P, Mg and Ca/P ratio. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium supplementation of traditional diets, on bone formation and growth in Lusitano breed foals, from weaning to 1 year old. Two homogenous groups of eight colts each received for 140-day iso-energetic and iso-proteic diets, which differed only on Ca, P and Mg levels (respectively, 0.26%, 0.27% and 0.12% vs. 0.56%, 0.43% and 0.18%). Throughout the experiment, blood samples were periodically collected for evaluation of total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, intact parathyroid hormone, bone alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin concentrations. Animals were weighed and measured (wither height, hip height, girth and cannon circumference) for body growth evaluation. No significant differences were observed between treatments, with respect to growth, plasmatic concentrations of analysed minerals or biochemical markers. The linearity of growth in both groups is in agreement with studies reported for other light breeds. The observed results could be explained by the fact that calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels in the base diet were close to supply the animal needs for a moderate growth. Further studies concerning the relationship between bone biochemical markers and mineral nutrition, in the growing horse, should consider the evaluation of bone mineral density and content.  相似文献   

Gastroendoscopic examinations were conducted on 75 Thoroughbred foals aged two to 85 days on seven breeding farms in England and Ireland. The foals showed no signs of gastric disease. There was no significant difference between lesion prevalence in foals in England (16 of 28 foals; 57 per cent) or Ireland (22 of 47 foals; 47 per cent). Neither was there any sex predilection (18 of 36 males; 20 of 39 females). Lesions were most prevalent in foals under 10 days old (8 of 9) and least prevalent in foals older than 70 days (3 of 10). Lesions occurred most frequently in the squamous mucosa immediately adjacent to the margo plicatus along the greater curvature (34 foals), whereas lesions in the squamous fundus, the glandular fundus, and the lesser curvature were observed in 11, six and three foals, respectively. Lesions were not observed in the squamous mucosa surrounding the cardia. Gastric lesions were more prevalent in foals with a previous disorder than in those without (68 vs 43 per cent) and particularly with a history of recent or concurrent diarrhoea (9 of 14).  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of delaying sexual maturity of broiler breeder males on subsequent reproductive performance. Four dietary protein levels (16.0, 12.4, 8.9 and 5.1 per cent) were fed during the growing period. Thereafter, all males were fed a diet containing 17.0 per cent protein.

Sexual maturity was delayed 4 and 8 weeks, respectively, by feeding the 8.9 and 5.1 per cent protein diets, but was not affected by feeding the 12.4 per cent protein diet. Viability was superior for males receiving the diets containing 8.9 or 5.1 per cent protein. The low protein diets had no adverse effects on semen production, fertility or hatchability following recovery from the protein restriction.  相似文献   

Growing pigs were fed freshly milled ergot sclerotia (Claviceps purpurea Fr (Tul)) from North American wheat containing 0-31 per cent of total alkaloids of which 30 per cent was ergotoxine, 30 per cent ergosine, 20 per cent ergotamine and 20 per cent other ergot alkaloids. Pigs were induced to ingest a diet heavily contaminated with ergot (10 per cent w/w). The presence of ergot reduced feed intake and growth of the pigs, but there was no evidence of peripheral necrosis, of internal or external haemorrhage, or of changes in haemotological characteristics. Balance experiments in which the diet was contaminated with 4 per cent (w/w) of ergot showed that 90 per cent of the alkaloids were absorbed by the pigs, but none could be detected in tissues or urine. The ingestion of ergot did not affect the digestibility of the diet, but the urinary excretion of nitrogen was increased and the retention of nitrogen reduced. The presence of ricinoleic acid was shown to be a useful diagnostic feature of ergot contamination of diets, digesta and faeces; it was not found in body tissues.  相似文献   

The changes in the frequency of abomasal slow waves and their propagation, the abomasal spike burst rate and the duodenal spike burst rate were assessed in sheep fed three diets containing either 100 per cent concentrate, 50 per cent concentrate and 50 per cent forage, or 100 per cent forage. The frequency of abomasal slow waves and spike burst frequency were both significantly reduced in sheep fed the diets high in concentrate when compared with animals fed the 100 per cent roughage diet. The velocity of propagation of the slow waves and the duodenal spike burst frequency were not significantly affected by the dietary composition. The sheep consumed significantly less of the 100 per cent concentrate diet in the 45 minutes before recording than of the other two diets, but the amount of feed consumed was not correlated significantly with the changes observed in the myoelectrical activity. These findings are consistent with an inhibitory effect of concentrate on abomasal motility.  相似文献   

Sixteen Quarter Horse yearling fillies were used in a 112-day randomized block experiment to determine the comparative efficacy of alfalfa hay protein to support growth in young horses. The yearlings were divided into two groups of eight and paired according to weight and age, with one yearling from each pair randomly allotted to each diet. Group 1 was fed a diet of coastal Bermuda grass hay and concentrate. The corn-based concentrate was supplemented with soybean meal such that the total diet for group 1 contained approximately 13% CP. Group 2 was fed a diet that also contained approximately 13% CP and consisted of alfalfa hay and a similar concentrate without soybean meal. Yearlings were fed the diets in a 60:40 grain-to-hay ratio, and intakes between members of each pair were equalized. The calculated digestible energy density in both final diets was approximately 2.85 mcal/kg, and the protein:calorie ratio for both diets was approximately 45 gm/Mcal. Body weight, body length, heart girth, wither and hip heights, as well as forearm, gaskin and cannon bone circumferences were measured every 28 days. Rump fat thickness was measured ultrasonically every 28 days. Physical measures of growth were similar for horses eating each diet (P>0.05). Also, blood urea nitrogen was similar for horses eating each diet (P>0.05) and was not reflective of differences in nitrogen metabolism. The fillies fed the SBM-supplemented diet retained more nitrogen more efficiently than did fillies fed the alfalfa diet (P<0.05), and the SBM-fed fillies had higher concentrations of osteocalcin on days 14, 28, 42, and 112. It can be concluded that SBM and alfalfa proteins were equally effective in providing growth to young horses; however, the biological value of absorbed nitrogen appeared to be higher in the fillies fed the SBM-supplemented diet. also, differences in serum osteocalcin concentrations indicate that the SBM-fed fillies were experiencing a greater amount of osteoblastic activity than the alfalfa fed fillies.  相似文献   

The influence of variable zinc content (29.1, 250, 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg of dry weight) in a basic diet containing 7.7 mg of copper/kg on the ability of weanling foals to maintain normal copper balance was investigated. Serum copper and zinc concentrations were monitored, and terminal hepatic copper and zinc contents were measured in 4 weanling foals fed the basic diet containing 29.1 mg of zinc/kg and in 2 foals each fed the higher-zinc diets. Foals fed the lower-zinc diets (29.1 and 250 mg/kg) maintained normal serum copper and zinc concentrations for 14 to 15 weeks, whereas those fed the 2 higher-zinc diets became hypocupremic within 5 to 6 weeks and were lame within 6 weeks, owing to cartilaginous disease characteristic of osteochondritis dissecans. Serum zinc concentration in the foals fed the 2 higher-zinc diets increased to greater than 2 micrograms/ml within 2 weeks. Foals fed the high-zinc diets became lame after serum copper concentration had remained at 0.3 micrograms/ml for greater than 1 week. Serum copper concentration in these arthritic foals was less than or equal to 0.2 micrograms/ml at the end of the study. In lame foals, fractures of the cartilage of the articular and growth physes occurred through the zone of hypertrophic cells, and varied from bilateral to unilateral and from small to large. Free masses and flaps of cartilage attached to one side were numerous.  相似文献   

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