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林木施肥与营养诊断   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:40  
李贻铨 《林业科学》1991,27(4):435-442
70年代以来,林木施肥与营养诊断,在恢复提高人工林林地肥力方面取得了很大进展,合理施肥已成为定向培育短轮伐期工业用材林重要技术措施。开展系统施肥网营养诊断研究是进行合理施肥、提高肥效的前提。土壤分析、植物组织分析与田间试验是主要营养诊断手段,由于诊断方法还存在一些技术问题,故在指导林地施肥方面尚受一定限制。本文对林木施肥研究历史、生产应用趋势和有关问题作了扼要评述。应用综合环境因子来研究营养诊断,开展系统定位试验,制定按树种的合理施肥方案。  相似文献   

林木营养诊断及施肥研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着社会和经济发展对木材需求不断增加,林木施肥成为营造速生丰产人工林的一种必不可少的基础技术措施,林木营养诊断技术以及施肥技术备受林业工作者关注,成为研究的热点。文章介绍了林木营养诊断与施肥研究的应用现状以及发展趋势,旨在为我国推广先进的林木施肥与诊断技术提供理论基础。  相似文献   

中国林木施肥与营养诊断研究现状   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
养分供给是林木生长发育的物质基础,树体营养元素浓度与林木生长量、产量有密切的关系,它是林木施肥与营养诊断的理论基础。植物必须通过合理施肥,使树体营养元素浓度保持适当的水平与比例,才能实现稳产、高产的目标。本文对我国林木施肥方法、施肥时间、主要用材林树种施肥效应与营养诊断研究现状进行了评述,并对此提出了自已的一些观点和建议。  相似文献   

中国林木施肥与营养诊断研究现状   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
养分供给是林木生长发育的物质基础,树体营养元素浓度与林木生长量、产量有密切的关系,它是林木施肥与营养诊断的理论基础。植物必须通过合理施肥,使树体营养元素浓度保持适当的水平与比例,才能实现稳产、高产的目标。本文对我国林木施肥方法、施肥时间、主要用材林树种施肥效应与营养诊断研究现状进行了评述,并对此提出了自已的一些观点和建议。  相似文献   

土壤林木营养诊断与平衡施肥现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
万泉 《福建林业科技》2008,35(1):239-243
简要概述土壤和林木营养诊断的理论基础、技术方法发展动态、应用现状,阐述土壤和林木营养诊断的必要性,并结合福建省的具体情况,提出土壤林木营养诊断与平衡施肥研究的建议与展望,为现代林业经营管理提供参考。  相似文献   

营养诊断施肥是林业现代化技术之一,是培育速生丰产林,缩短林木培育期,提高木材产量和质量不可缺少的技术。为此,近几年我们对落叶松中幼龄人工林进行了营养诊断和诊断施肥研究,通过大量采样分析,取得了判别林地是否需要施肥的土壤和针叶  相似文献   

叶分析法指导林木施肥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了促进林木的速生丰产,制定合理的林木施肥制度,必须加强对林木营养状况的研究,以便合理地供给林木所需要的各种矿质元素。早在50年代,国外就用植物组织分析法研究植物的营养状况。近年来,我国在杉木、桉树、杨树、桦山松等树种作了大量的营养诊断工作,现将我们两年来在落叶松、红松、樟子松营养诊断方面的研究工作  相似文献   

矿质营养与主要用材树种生长的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学施用矿质营养,能促进林木的生长。林木施用矿质营养重要理论——综合营养诊断理论、稳态营养理论、施肥配方理论。林木施用矿质营养的肥效具有阶段性,同一树种在幼林期、中龄期、近熟林期所需的矿质营养种类和数量不同。分别总结了杉木、桉树、马尾松三种主要用材树种在不同阶段施用矿质营养的生长关系,最佳施肥处理。  相似文献   

林木营养遗传和改良研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就林木营养遗传研究进行综合评述,包括林木基因型对施肥反应的遗传差异、林木性状的遗传表达与营养环境、林木营养的遗传控制和变异机制等.鉴于我国现有林地和潜在造林地肥力普遍偏低,土壤缺氮少磷严重,在我国主要用材树种的现有育种程序中必须考虑营养性状的遗传改良.  相似文献   

林木施肥是一项技术性很强的营林措施,合理与否直接影响到林木施肥的效果.不同树种、品种、年龄和生育期有不同的营养要求,立地条件、肥料种类、施肥量与配比、施肥时间与方法等均会影响林木施肥的效果.  相似文献   

施肥对林木生长效应的理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者从林木生长、林分产量、木材质量三方面总结了施肥对林木生长效应的影响,从光合速率、叶绿素含量、养分含量、抗逆性等几方面阐述了施肥对林木活力的影响。同时指出施肥对林木效应理论基础研究的重要性,在定性研究的基础上开展定量研究,探求和制订最佳施肥方案,以指导林木施肥。  相似文献   

The planting environment of Mediterranean areas is highly challenging as summer drought and winter frost jeopardize survival, and soil infertility limits establishment success. We review the potential for seedling nutrient loading to alleviate these post-planting stresses. A growing body of evidence indicates that nitrogen (N) rich seedlings have improved field performance in Mediterranean environments, due to their ability to grow new roots rapidly and out-compete weeds. In addition, frost resistance during hardening is crucial for relatively cold inland nurseries; recent research shows a positive relationship between N and shoot frost resistance though a knowledge gap exists regarding the influence of nutrition on root frost resistance. Some new evidence also implicates phosphorus as an important driver of seedling response in the Mediterranean due to its influence on root growth and physiology. Nutrient status influences other functional attributes critical to survival in Mediterranean areas, such as drought tolerance, root hydraulic conductivity, and mycorrhization. In light of the apparent benefits of high nutrient reserves for seedling performance in Mediterranean areas, we also review techniques for nursery nutrient loading. Exponential fertilization can be applied when species’ growth patterns match this application regime. However, many Mediterranean species exhibit episodic growth indicating that constant or fall fertilization could be more effective in reaching loading. In particular, late-season fertilization has shown good potential to avert nutrient dilution in the fall and increase frost resistance. Several needs for future research are identified, with special emphasis on the necessity to match fertilization regimes to species ecological traits and planting conditions.  相似文献   

我国苗木培育水肥管理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从苗木营养诊断技术方面介绍了当前植株营养分析的进展;同时从苗木生长所需的水分、养分等方面阐述了苗木培育技术的研究进展,为苗木培育水肥管理提供一定思路。  相似文献   

Nutrient loading of nursery seedling stock of species with an indeterminate growth strategy is challenging and poorly understood. Here, we explore the use of two potential techniques for nutrient loading of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) seedlings: (1) exponential fertilization and (2) early shoot growth termination in order to divert assimilated nutrients and carbon to storage rather than to growth. In the first study, aspen seedlings were treated with either exponential or constant fertilization rates, both of which supplied the same amount of nutrients over the growing season. Exponential fertilization resulted in overall poor planting stock form (stunted seedling growth and weak root development) and produced only marginal improvements of nutrient status. As a result, the exponential fertilization regime studied cannot be recommended as a treatment for aspen seedlings. In the second study we treated seedlings with a 2 × 2 factorial combination of fertilization and shoot growth inhibitor (SGI) applications with the fertilizer treatments varying in terms of mid-season fertilizer concentrations. Seedlings with SGI application had much higher tissue nutrient and carbon reserve concentrations than seedlings without a SGI application. In addition, nutrient uptake appeared to be more efficient in SGI treated seedlings, which could potentially result in significant reductions of nutrient application rates during aspen seedling production in nurseries. Overall, early shoot growth termination using a SGI appears to be an effective technique to produce nutrient loaded aspen seedlings.  相似文献   

Fertilization is essential to seedling production in nursery culture, but excessive fertilization can contaminate surface and ground water around the nursery. The optimal fertilization practice is that which maximizes seedling growth and minimizes nutrient loss. We tested three fertilization strategies: (1) constant fertilization (2) a three-stage rate, and (3) exponential fertilization on Liriodendron tulipifera and Larix leptolepis containerized seedlings. Growth performance, nutrient uptake, and nutrient loss in leaching were measured. Height, root collar diameter, and dry weight of both species were not significantly different among treatments even though the nutrient supply of the exponential treatment was half that of the constant and three-stage treatments. Generally, nutrient losses in leached solutions were higher in constant and three-stage than the exponential treatment. Nutrient use efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the nutrient content of the seedlings to the amount of nutrient applied to the containers. The nitrogen use efficiency in the constant, three-stage, and exponential treatments was 63, 61, and 85% for yellow poplar, respectively, and 35, 30, and 53% for larch. Similar results were obtained for phosphorus and potassium. Thus, the exponential treatment had the highest nutrient use efficiency as well as the least nutrient loss. Adjusting fertilization rates can reduce soil and water contamination around the nursery without compromising growth performance, which reduces both producer’s investments and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

红椿和毛红椿是珍贵保护用材树种。红椿在我国零星分布,种群规模小,发展潜力巨大。本文从红椿和毛红椿的种苗繁育,营养特征与施肥技术、造林设计、用材和相关运用、化学和药理等方面综述红椿和毛红椿的研究进展,并对研究利用做出展望。  相似文献   

杨树营养及施肥研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
施肥是杨树速生丰产林建设的关键技术。在阐述杨树养分特性和养分诊断技术的基础上, 分别从施肥效应及其影响因素和施肥技术方面综述了20世纪50年代以来的国内外杨树施肥研究, 并提出3点建议:形成适于不同区域、不同土壤类型和不同品种无性系的施肥技术体系; 注重和加强淋溶、水肥耦合等施肥机理的研究; 借鉴农业先进施肥技术, 摸清杨树与土壤的养分供求关系, 实现林业精准施肥。  相似文献   

苗木晚季施肥研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗木的晚季施肥技术是以克服晚季养分稀释为目的,待苗木顶芽形成后进行的施肥措施。研究发现,晚季施肥可以有效克服养分稀释,提高苗木硬化水平和抗寒能力,促进苗木移栽后生根、苗木生长,提高养分吸收水平和造林成活率,并使移栽苗木提前发芽。前人对于晚季施肥的研究大多以氮素为主,有关晚季施入钾素对苗木抗寒性的影响存在争议,有关晚季施入其他元素的报道相对较少。大部分晚季施肥采用少次施肥,或每次添加相等养分的施肥方式。以稳态养分承载方式进行的晚季施肥被证明可以显著促进苗木晚季养分吸收。  相似文献   

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