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Critical loads are used in international negotiations to reduce acid deposition resulting from emissions of sulphur and nitrogen compounds within Europe. For freshwater ecosystems, the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model is used to generate national maps of critical loads and exceedances for both sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N). In Wales, two survey datasets have been used to calculate critical loads and exceedances; one based on water bodies selected to be "most-sensitive" to acidification within a 10 km grid and the other based on a random selection of standing waters. Both datasets indicate that critical loads were exceeded in 1990 in a significant proportion of Welsh lakes and streams; 36% of sites in the grid-based survey and 31% of sites in the random survey. However, implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol would protect all but 6% of sites in the grid-based survey and all sites in the random survey. Assessment of the relative success of the Gothenburg Protocol in protecting Welsh freshwater ecosystems therefore depends on the site selection strategy employed.  相似文献   

Critical loads for N, S and total acidity, and amounts by which they are exceeded by present atmospheric loads, were derived for coniferous and deciduous forests in Europe using the one-layer steady-state model START. Results indicated that present acid loads exceed critical values in approximately 45% of the forested area i.e. 52% of all coniferous forests and 33% of all deciduous forests. The area exceeding critical loads was nearly equal for N (50%) and S (52%). However, the maximum exceedances were much higher for S (up to 12000 molc ha?1 yr?1 in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Germany) than for N (up to 3500 molc ha?1 yr?1 in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany). Furthermore, the critical N loads derived refer to the risk of increased vegetation changes. Higher values, i.e. lower exceedances, were found for N when it was related to an increased risk in forest vitality decrease. The uncertainty in the area exceeding critical loads was estimated to be about ±50% of the given value. This is mainly due to uncertainties in the chemical criteria that have been used. However, despite the uncertainties involved it is clear that large exceedances in critical N and S loads occur in Western and Central Europe. This coincides with the area where a decrease in forest vitality has been reported.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of N and S on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems causes effects induced by eutrophication and acidification. Effects of eutrophication include forest damage, NO3 pollution of groundwater and vegetation changes in forests, heathlands and surface waters due to an excess of N. Effects of acidification include forest damage, groundwater pollution, and loss of fish populations due to Al mobilization. Critical loads (deposition levels) for N and S on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Netherlands related to these effects have been derived by empirical data and steady-state acidification models. Critical loads of N generally vary between 500 and 1500 mol c ha?1 yr?1 for forests, heathlands and surface waters and between 1500 and 3600 for phreatic groundwaters. Critical loads of total acid (S and N) vary between 300 to 500 mol c ha?1 yr?1 for phreatic groundwaters and surface waters and between 1100 to 1700 mol ha?1 yr?1 for forests. On the basis of the various critical loads a deposition target for total acid of 1400 mol c ha?1 yr?1 has been set in the Netherlands from which the N input should be less than 1000 mol c ha?1 yr?1. This level, to be reached in the year 2010, implies an emission reduction of 80–90% in SO2, NO x and NH3 in the Netherlands and of about 30% in neighboring countries compared to 1980 emissions.  相似文献   

Critical acid loads for Dutch forests were derived using a multi-layer steady-state model that includes canopy interactions, nutrient cycling, mineral weathering and N transformations. Values were calculated for combinations of 12 tree species and 23 soil types for a 10×10 km grid. Critical acid loads thus derived increased with decreasing soil depth. Nearly 90% of the values varied approximately between 1500 and 4000 molc ha?1 yr?1 at 10 cm soil depth and between 750 and 2000 molc ha?1 yr?1 at the bottom of the rootzone. Separate critical loads calculated for N and S at the bottom of the rootzone varied between approximately 300 and 1000 molc ha?1 yr?1 for N and between 150 and 1250 molc ha?1 yr?1 for S. Using deposition data of 1990, a median reduction of the deposition by approximately 75% was calculated to achieve the critical loads at the bottom of the rootzone. The overall uncertainty in this value was estimated to be about 10%, although it can be much larger for specific soil types such as clay and peat soils. For N a larger reduction deposition percentage was calculated than for S, especially for coniferous forests with a high present N input.  相似文献   

The scientific support of negotiations on emission reductions under the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution of the UN Economic Commission for Europe has been based during the last decade on the integrated assessment of sources, including abatement costs, and risks to receptors (e.g. forests, lakes) quantified by critical loads. The shift from a single-pollutant (sulfur) protocol in 1994 to a multi-pollutant protocol in 1999 necessitated an extension of the methods by which critical loads were computed and mapped. Instead of a single critical load for acidification, methods were now developed to assess the risk of acidifying effects of both sulfur and nitrogen deposition as well as the eutrophying effects of nitrogen on sensitive elements of the environment. Collaboration with a scientific network of 24 national institutions ensured a successful implementation of the proposed methodology across countries. This paper summarizes the methodology, describes the latest input data and presents critical load maps on the basis of which about 98% and 78% of European ecosystems would be protected against acidification and eutrophication, respectively, by the year 2010 according to the multi-pollutant multi-effect protocol.  相似文献   

The stress by air pollution at the systematicPan-European 16 × 16 km2 forest (crown) condition monitoring network, is discussed by comparingsite-specific estimates of critical and presentconcentration and deposition levels for S and Ncompounds and ozone. Results indicate that theexceedance of critical levels, related to directabove-ground impacts, decrease going from O3 >SO2 > N compounds. Critical N loads related toeffects on the forest understorey are exceeded atapproximately 25% of the plots, located mainly inWestern and Central Europe. Critical N loads relatedto effects on trees are hardly ever exceeded, but mostlikely, this is an under estimate. Critical aciddeposition levels are exceeded at approximately 30%of the plots with a low base saturation, where acidinputs may release toxic Al. This is especially thecase in Central and Eastern Europe, where presentloads are high and in boreal forest in SouthernScandinavia where critical loads are low. Although theuncertainties in the calculated exceedances is large,the spatial pattern, which is most important for acorrelative study, seems reliable, implying that thecritical load concept is suitable for regional risk assessments.  相似文献   

A critical load data base was developed for Europe and Northern Asia using the latest data bases on soils, vegetation, climate and forest growth. Critical loads for acidity and nutrient nitrogen for terrestrial ecosystems were computed with the Simple Mass Balance model. The resulting critical loads are in accordance with critical loads from previous global empirical studies, but have a much higher spatial resolution. Critical loads of acidity are sensitive to both the chemical criterion and the critical limit chosen. Therefore a sensitivity analysis of critical loads was performed by employing different chemical criteria. A critical limit based on an acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) of zero resulted in critical loads that protect ecosystems against toxic concentrations of aluminium and unfavourable Al/Bc ratios, suggesting that ANC could be an alternative to the commonly used Al/Bc ratio. Critical loads of nutrient nitrogen are sensitive to the specified critical nitrate concentration, especially in areas with a high precipitation surplus. If limits of 3–6 mg N l?1 are used for Western Europe instead of the widely used 0.2 mg N l?1, critical loads double on average. In low precipitation areas, the increase is less than 50%. The strong dependence on precipitation surplus is a consequence of the simple modelling approach. Future models should explore other nitrogen parameters (such as nitrogen availability) instead of leaching as the factor influencing vegetation changes in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Critical loads for nitrogen deposition on forest ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Critical loads for N deposition are derived from an ecosystem's anion and cation balance assuming that the processes determining ecosystem stability are soil acidification and nitrate leaching. Depending on the deposition of S, the parent soil material, and the site quality critical N deposition rates will range between 20 to 200 mmol m?2 yr?1 (3 to 14 kg ha?1 yr?1) on silicate soils and reach 20 to 390 mmol m?2 yr?1 (3 to 48 kg ha?1) on calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Since 1990 the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, acting as National Focal Center, is actively involved in an international research programme aimed at the calculation and mapping of critical loads of acidifying compounds. Following the methodological guidelines elaborated under the leadership of UN/ECE Task Force on Mapping and Coordination Center for Effects, national maps of critical loads and their exceedances for acidity, sulphur and nitrogen have been produced. These maps have already been utilized in derivation of European maps of critical loads of acidity and sulphur submitted to the UN/ECE LRTAP Convention as scientific input to the negotiations on the Second Sulphur Protocol. The lessons learned from the critical loads mapping exercise can be summarized as follow:
–  the majority of Polish territory is covered with forest soils sensitive to acidification at an average Central European level;
–  the exceedances of critical loads, estimated on the basis of national deposition data reveal the tune changes of ecological risks on the territory of Poland as a reflection of economic transition. The significant difference in the scale of those risks (measured by the percentage of the country territory with the maximum exceedances of critical loads) that appear in the period between 1987, representing the period of central planned economy and 1990, representing the early transition phase to a market economy, is particularly notable.

The roles of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) in causing critical loads exceedance across the UK show considerable spatial variability at the present time. Over much of lowland Britain it appears that the environment can only be protected by reducing N deposition, whilst in upland areas (e.g. most of Scotland and Wales) reductions in S deposition are the primary requirement. Using the Hull Acid Rain Model (HARM) the effects of current and possible future emissions control legislation on critical loads exceedance can be explored. Based on HARM output, the implementation of the UNECE Sulphur Protocol (1994) will bring about a substantial reduction in the amount of S being deposited in the UK, especially in central and southern parts of the country. Some areas will remain where additional reductions in S are required. Over most of the country, however, the need to reduce N deposition will become paramount. The changing contributions and significance of non-UK sources can be estimated.  相似文献   

Critical loads of nutrient and acidifying nitrogen, as well as of sulphur and acidity, were derived for various ecosystems in China using the steady state mass balance (SSMB) equations. The weathering rates of major soils necessary for applying SSMB were calculated through the PROFILE model on the basis of mineralogical data from experimental analysis. The growth uptakes of nitrogen and base cations were also derived by multiplying the annual increases in biomass with the element contents of the vegetation. Using a geographical information system (GIS), 1°(latitude)×1°(longitude) critical load maps of China with different percentiles were compiled. Results indicate that low critical loads of S (< 0.5 keq·ha?1·a?1) occurred predominately in southwest and northeast China, and the critical loads of southeast China were intermediate and in the range of 0.5~1.0 keq·ha?1·a?1. In addition, the critical loads of N were very low for desert ecosystems in northwest China and high for agricultural ecosystems in east China. Among the ecosystems with intermediate critical load of N, coniferous forests may be more sensitive to N deposition than broad-leaf forests and temperate steppes.  相似文献   

Critical loads have been computed and mapped in Southeast Asia, comprising China, Korea, Japan, The Philippines, Indo-China, Indonesia and the Indian subcontinent. The methodology involved the Steady-State Mass Balance (SSMB) method, originally developed for Europe. In contrast to Europe, where critical loads were computed for forest soils and surface waters, in Asia critical loads for 31 different vegetation types have been computed. Critical chemical limits as well as soil stability criteria were derived for each of these vegetation types, which include both natural and managed ecosystems. Results show that low critical loads in Asia occur in Bangla-Desh, Indo-China, Indonesia and the southern part of China. Uncertainties of the results are mainly due to uncertainties in base cation deposition. The critical loads are part of the impact module of the Asian version of the Regional Air pollution INformation and Simulation model (RAINS-Asia), a model used to assess abatement strategies for sulfur emissions which are rapidly increasing in this part of the world. The difference in the level of detail between European and Asian critical load maps enables different applications. In Europe, critical loads for sulphur were used in comparison to actual sulphur deposition with the aim of decreasing the excess of sulphur deposition over critical loads through optimal emission abatement. In Asia in general and China in particular the geographical distribution of critical loads of sensitive ecosystems, with some emphasis on crops, is likely to be used as a basis for future emission (re-)allocation.  相似文献   

Critical loads of nitrogen (N) from atmospheric deposition were determined for alpine lake ecosystems in the western US using fossil diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores. Changes in diatom species over the last century were indicative of N enrichment in two areas, the eastern Sierra Nevada, starting between 1960 and 1965, and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, starting in 1980. In contrast, no changes in diatom community structure were apparent in lakes of Glacier National Park. To determine critical N loads that elicited these community changes, we modeled wet nitrogen deposition rates for the period in which diatom shifts first occurred in each area using deposition data spanning from 1980 to 2007. We determined a critical load of 1.4 kg N ha?1 year?1 wet N deposition to elicit key nutrient enrichment effects on diatom communities in both the eastern Sierra Nevada and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  相似文献   

Critical loads of acidity were estimated for upland forests in Eastern Canada using the steady-state Simple Mass Balance (SMB) Model. A consistent methodology was applied to the entire region, although critical loads were estimated separately for the Atlantic provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland), Quebec and Ontario using different data sources. In this project, critical load estimates and steady-state exceedance values did not include the effect of forest fire and forest harvesting, which could have a considerable impact on critical loads in Eastern Canada. The observed soil pH – base saturation relationship for forest soils indicated that the constants used into the calculation of alkalinity leaching should be set to 10 (M/M) for the molar Bc/Al ratio in soil leachate and 109 (mol L?1)2 for the gibbsite dissolution constant. The area-weighted median critical load for each province varied between 519 (Quebec) and 2063 eq ha?1 y?1 (Prince Edward Island), with a median critical load value for Eastern Canada of 559 eq ha?1 y?1. It is estimated that approximately 52% of the mapped area is exceeded in terms of acidity according to the 1994–1998 average total (wet + dry) atmospheric deposition. Greatest exceedances occurred in Ontario and Quebec and in the south of Nova Scotia, due to low critical loads and high loads of acid deposition.  相似文献   

Integrated Assessment Models were successfully used to provide input to the negotiations for the Oslo Protocol on Further Reductions of Sulphur Emissions, finalized within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution in Oslo in June 1994. The techniques developed within this framework will be extended now to the simultaneous analysis of sulphur and nitrogen deposition. In addition to acidification, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen contributes to eutrophication of certain ecosystems, through a nutrient effect, and originates from the long-range transport of emissions of both oxidised and reduced nitrogen (NOx and NH3). Modelling reductions in nitrogen deposition thus introduces a need to establish multi-pollutant multi-effect modelling techniques. This paper investigates the development of a model set up to examine reductions of these pollutants in an economically and environmentally efficient manner. The control of nitrogen deposition encompasses action across several economic sectors, particularly the power, transport and agricultural sectors. Combining sulphur and nitrogen deposition limits on a European scale will require a flexible modelling approach and the issues governing possible approaches are presented.  相似文献   

Critical loads for N and S on Dutch forest ecosystems have been derived in relation to effects induced by eutrophication and acidification, such as changes in forest vegetation, nutrient imbalances, increased susceptibility to diseases, nitrate leaching, and Al toxicity. The criteria that have been used are N contents in needles, nitrate concentrations in groundwater (drinking water), and NH4/K ratios, Ca/Al ratios, and Al concentrations in the soil solution. Assuming an equal contribution of N and S, all effects seem to be prevented at a total deposition level below 600 molc ha?1 yr?1 due to N uptake by stemwood and acid neutralization by base cation weathering. The most serious effects will probably be prevented at total deposition levels between 1500 and 2000 molc ha?1 yr?1. The current average deposition in the Netherlands is 4900 molc ha?1 yr?1.  相似文献   

Critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen are defined to produce effective control strategies over Europe, such as those of the new sulphur protocol. To determine the critical load exceedances on the European scale it is necessary to simplify and generalize. The spatial variation on a scale smaller than the 150 × 150 km EMEP grid squares is considered for critical loads, via a cumulative frequency distribution and the 95 percentile for the grid square is determined. The deposition is assumed to be uniform over the area and the exceedance over the 95 percentile critical load is determined. In reality, the spatial variation is considerable for critical loads as well as for deposition. Calculations based on the frequency of local critical load exceedances have been made for two grid squares in southern Sweden. Local critical loads for acidity are compared to local deposition. Deposition variations due to pollution gradients within the square and to ecosystem structure have been considered. The results are similar for the two squares. The calculations based on local exceedances on 50×50 km grid squares and consideration to landuse variability, indicate that in order to protect 95% of the ecosystems in the square, emission reductions 25% greater than the large-scale European approach are needed. The effect of enhanced deposition at forest edges is of relatively small importance for the total exceedance.  相似文献   

Critical load values are calculated to determine ecosystem responses to deposition in a given area; these values may act as a tool to identify sensitive ecosystems in further need of protection. This overview provides an introduction to nitrogen critical loads for policy makers and parties involved in managing nitrogen deposition including electric utility generators, transportation managers and automobile manufacturers, and large-scale agricultural operators in the United States. It examines the use of the critical loads concept in European nations for establishing policy guidelines, current research on nitrogen critical loads in the U.S., and the development of nitrogen critical loads modeling and mapping.  相似文献   

The International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring (ICP IM) is part of the effects monitoring strategy of the UN/ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. We calculated input-output budgets and trends of N and S compounds, base cations and hydrogen ions for 22 forested ICP IM catchments/plots across Europe. The site-specific trends were calculated for deposition and runoff water fluxes and concentrations using monthly data and non-parametric methods. The reduction in deposition of S and N compounds, caused by the new Gothenburg Protocol of the Convention, was estimated for the year 2010 using atmospheric transfer matrices and official emissions. Statistically significant downward trends of SO4, NO3 and NH4 bulk deposition (fluxes or concentrations) were observed at 50% of the ICP IM sites. Implementation of the new UN/ECE emission reduction protocol will further decrease the deposition of S and N at the ICP IM sites in western and northwestern parts of Europe. Sites with higher N deposition and lower C/N-ratios clearly showed an increased risk of elevated N leaching. Decreasing SO4 and base cation trends in output fluxes and/or concentrations of surface/soil water were commonly observed at the ICP IM sites. At several sites in Nordic countries decreasing NO3 and H+ trends (increasing pH) were also observed. These results partly confirm the effective implementation of emission reduction policy in Europe. However, clear responses were not observed at all sites, showing that recovery at many sensitive sites can be slow and that the response at individual sites may vary greatly.  相似文献   

Many natural and semi-natural vegetation communities are sensitive to eutrophication; most eutrophication is caused by human activities. Critical loads have been developed in Europe to provide an effects-based approach to pollutant abatement including nitrogen deposition. Critical loads to protect ecosystems from eutrophication from excess nitrogen are only specified for very broad habitat types (e.g., ‘dry heaths’) and as a range of values (e.g., between 10 and 20 kg N ha?1 year?1). There may be considerable variation in vegetation communities within a broad habitat and there is a requirement (e.g., from conservation agencies, etc.) for more precise critical loads for more clearly specified receptors (habitats, vegetation communities). This paper demonstrates the use of endorsement theory to rationalise incomplete, qualitative and conflicting information on abiotic parameters (e.g., climate, management) that may influence the vegetation response to nitrogen deposition and hence, the critical loads. The endorsement theory approach is tested for 22 heathland community types in the UK (as described by the National Vegetation Classification of Rodwell, Cambridge University Press, vol. 3, 1991) to determine if the critical load for a community should be nearer the upper or lower limit of the published ranges. The results give a ‘confident’ endorsement for one heath community and a ‘likely’ endorsement for a further 13 communities for a critical load at the lower limit. The endorsements suggest that the critical load for most heaths should be at the lower end of the range meaning that current estimates of the exceeded area calculated using the mid-point of the range is an underestimate.  相似文献   

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