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为了研究大蒜播种时鳞芽朝向对大蒜生长发育的影响,为研究大蒜播种机械提供参考依据,该文以徐州白蒜为供试品种,将鳞芽分为朝上、朝下和随机3种情况种植,观察大蒜生长发育情况.试验结果表明:播种时鳞芽朝下、朝上和随机时,大蒜均能顺利生长.但是,鳞芽朝下和随机时,发芽叶出土缓慢而且细弱,出苗期加长,出苗不整齐.在幼苗期,幼叶长大缓慢,露出土面较晚.大蒜植株较矮,叶面积小.蒜头重量轻,横径小.大蒜地下部分生长姿态与播种时鳞芽的姿态一致.鳞芽朝向随机和朝下时,蒜头在地下生长姿态呈倒立或平躺状.  相似文献   

基于双侧图像识别的大蒜正芽及排种试验台设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对现有大蒜播种机难以满足杂交蒜种"鳞芽朝上、直立栽种"农艺要求的问题,提出了一种基于图像识别的蒜种鳞芽识别与正芽方法,设计了大蒜排种及正芽试验台,实现了蒜种的单粒取种、图像采集、鳞芽方向识别、鳞芽扶正等功能。以杂交大蒜为试验对象,通过试验确定了影响蒜种鳞芽扶正效果的4个主要因素:通道宽度、电动机转速、拍摄距离、识别阈值,建立了蒜种鳞芽扶正率与试验因素之间的回归模型,模型决定系数R2值为0.903 8,分析了各因素对蒜种鳞芽扶正率的影响,各因素对蒜种扶正率影响的显著性顺序从大到小依次为通道宽度、电动机转速、拍摄距离、识别阈值。并对试验因素进行了综合优化。最优工作参数组合为:电动机转速为18 r/min、蒜种通道宽度为38 mm、拍摄距离为8.6 mm、识别阈值为178时,蒜种鳞芽扶正率为90.56%,平均每粒蒜种识别用时0.29 s,满足大蒜播种机播种要求。该文结果可为解决杂交大蒜直立播种问题提供参考。  相似文献   

自动定向大蒜播种机的设计与试验   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
针对现有大蒜播种机难以满足蒜种"鳞芽朝上、直立栽种"农艺要求的问题,该文设计了一种大蒜自动定向播种机。该播种机主要由底盘、机架、种箱、取种装置、蒜种定向装置、插播装置、气动控制系统和镇压轮组成。采用链勺式取种方式完成单粒取种,利用三级锥形料斗实现蒜种鳞芽定向,通过鸭嘴式插播器实现直立栽种。设计了各关键部件结构,通过试验研究探明了影响取种效果和鳞芽定向效果的主要因素,确定了合理工作参数组合。以兰陵大蒜为试验对象,取种试验表明,当播种机行进速度0.10 m/s、振动机构振动作用力15 N、十字轮转速20 r/min时,单粒取种率为93.50%,多粒率为2.30%,漏取率为4.20%,综合取种效果最优;蒜种定向试验表明,当3级料斗尖锥半顶角依次为45°、40°和30°时,料斗安装间距100 mm、料斗打开间隔时间0.4 s时的鳞芽朝上率为94.44%,综合定向效果最优。大蒜播种机田间试验结果表明,上述参数组合下鳞芽朝上率为89.2%,重播率为3.2%,漏播率为2.0%,播种效率为500~650 m~2/h,满足大蒜播种农艺需求。该文研究结果为推动大蒜播种机械化和自动化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

全自动蒜种盒提取投放装置设计与试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
针对目前大蒜播种机械自动化程度低、蒜种鳞芽朝上率低的现状,基于种盒式大蒜播种方式,设计了一种全自动蒜种盒提取投放装置。该装置主要包括机架、地轮、地轮轴、测速编码器、光电传感器、控制箱、输送装置和提取投放装置,能够实现蒜种盒自动给进、准确抓取、平稳输送、精确投放等功能。设计了机械臂和机械手结构,通过理论分析建立了各关键部件参数数学模型,确定了机械臂和机械手工作参数,探明了机组行进速度对各舵机工作参数的影响规律,明确了影响蒜种盒投放间隙的因素。为了测试蒜种盒投放效果影响进行了试验,结果表明当机组行进速度为0.90 km/h,中心舵机、辅助舵机、控距舵机转速分别为26.04、26.04、13.89 r/min时蒜种盒投放后衔接间隙平均值为5.6 mm,投放效果较优,满足大蒜播种要求。该文研究结果可为实现大蒜播种自动化提供参考。  相似文献   

为解决玉米育种激光切片取样机器人设计中玉米种子自动定向问题,该文提出了一种计算机视觉与姿态调整装置相结合的定向方法,并使用此方法做了验证试验。使用MATLAB神经网络模式识别工具箱,以种子的部分特征参数作为神经网络的输入,以预定义的种子形态和姿态为输出,建立模型并对模型进行训练,训练完成的模型用于种子姿态识别,姿态调整装置根据识别结果将种子调整到理想姿态。对497组样本进行训练,得到形态识别准确率97.8%,姿态识别准确率99.8%,识别速度1.3 s/幅,能满足设备的设计要求,验证了姿态识别方法的准确性和姿态调整装置设计的合理性。该方法可为玉米种子自动定向问题提供解决方案,为自动育苗机中自动定向装置的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

针对当前大蒜机械化播种单粒合格率低、漏充率高的问题,该研究设计了一种双充种室大蒜单粒取种装置。通过分析与计算,确定了取种装置关键部件参数,阐述了双充种室结构可降低蒜种漏充的作业机理。采用EDEM软件进行了单因素仿真试验,分析了一级取种勺速度、种层厚度对充种性能及种群规律的影响,得到第二充种室内充入蒜种与被清掉蒜种的速度变化关系,证明了装置设计合理性。运用Box-Behnken中心组合试验方法,以一级取种勺速度、取种速比、种层厚度作为试验因素,以单粒合格率和漏充率作为评价指标,开展了三因素三水平正交试验。利用Design-Export8.0.6数据分析软件,建立各试验因素与评价指标的数学回归模型,并对试验因素进行了参数优化。圆整后一级取种勺速度为0.12 m/s、取种速比为0.75的条件下,种层厚度范围为360~390 mm开展室内验证试验,单粒合格率、漏充率、重播率均值分别为95.38%、1.18%、3.44%,变异系数分别为0.32%、6.11%和4.15%,验证试验结果与模型预测值相对误差小于5%。品种适应性试验试验结果表明取种装置对3类供试大蒜Ⅱ级蒜种适应性较优,蒜种机械损伤率为0.52%,符合标准要求。田间试验结果与优化结果一致,作业效果优于现有爪式循环、勺链式、轮勺式大蒜单粒取种装置,该研究可为解决大蒜播种机取种漏充问题提供指导参考。  相似文献   

为了满足大蒜在栽植过程中保持蒜瓣鳞芽朝上垂直入土且蒜瓣弓背面朝向一致的农艺要求,该文根据蒜瓣的外形特征,设计了一种大蒜播种机种植机构并对该机构进行详细的理论分析,运用Solidworks软件对该机构进行建模并通过3D打印机打印出零件,然后组建试验台对该种植机构进行试验。试验数据显示采用该种植机构不但可以确保大蒜弓背面朝向一致,而且播种机前进速度的变化对蒜瓣垂直度的影响较小。该文为大蒜种植机械种植机构的设计提供了一种设计方法,为研究大蒜播种机和同类机具提供了参考。  相似文献   

大蒜机械化播种的植入环节中,在蒜种-土壤-触土部件强耦合作用下,正头后的蒜种直立度极易变低,如何“保姿植入”成为亟待解决的关键技术。针对此问题,该文以行星轮式大蒜插播机为研究对象,对插播鸭嘴的尖部运动轨迹进行分析,明晰了影响植后蒜种直立度的关键因素为插播鸭嘴的线速度、开启相位角及插播鸭嘴张开角度与凸轮凸起段对应的圆心角之比(开口速比)。运用Box-Benhnken中心组合试验方法对插播鸭嘴的线速度、开启相位角、开口速比进行三因素三水平二次回归试验设计,进行了插播试验,采用Design-expert软件建立响应面数学模型,对影响直立度的关键参数进行了综合优化,求解出最优工作参数组合为插播鸭嘴的线速度200 mm/s,开启相位角20°,开口速比2。大田试验结果表明,最优参数作业的蒜种直立度均值为63.2°,较优化前提高了21.8%,满足大蒜种植的蒜种直立度要求。  相似文献   

蒜种盒机械投放过程运动学分析与参数优化试验   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
针对种盒式大蒜播种方案,为检验倾斜输送带式蒜种盒投放方式的可行性,设计了预植蒜种的可降解蒜种盒和输送带式种盒投放试验台。对蒜种盒投放过程进行了运动学分析,建立了蒜种盒运动速度、输送带倾角与投放后相邻蒜种盒间隙等相关参数间的数学模型,明确了蒜种盒投放间隙的影响因素及变化规律。通过蒜种盒投放过程的受力分析,确定了蒜种盒触地后不与地面产生滑动的条件和方法。为了验证理论分析结果和大蒜播种方案的可行性,进行了输送带倾角、行驶速度等单因素试验和正交试验,结果显示,输送带倾角为30°、试验台运动速度为0.75 km/h,投放效果较好。输送带倾角对前后蒜种盒投放后的间隙影响显著,通过优化蒜种盒长度两端尺寸,可有效消除投放后蒜种盒衔接间隙,保持播种株距稳定。  相似文献   

斜置式甘蔗切割喂入装置设计及试验   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为了提高甘蔗收割机的作业质量,该文设计了一种斜置式甘蔗切割喂入装置,并进行了装置性能的试验和对不同生长状态甘蔗的适应性试验。性能试验结果表明,切割喂入装置在机器前进速度为0.43m/s、刀盘转速为450r/min、刀盘倾角为8°时,甘蔗的破头率为20%、整秆率为60%、喂入率为100%、损失率为12.6%;适应性试验结果表明,甘蔗与双刀盘中心相对位置为-100mm("-"表示沿机器前进方向,甘蔗位于蔗行中心线右侧)、倒伏姿态角为40°、侧偏角为30°和甘蔗与双刀盘中心相对位置为-100mm、倒伏姿态角为60°、侧偏角为0的甘蔗适应性好。  相似文献   

Plant essential oils from 29 plant species were tested for their insecticidal activities against the Japanese termite, Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe, using a fumigation bioassay. Responses varied with plant material, exposure time, and concentration. Good insecticidal activity against the Japanese termite was achived with essential oils of Melaleuca dissitiflora, Melaleuca uncinata, Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus polybractea, Eucalyptus radiata, Eucalyptus dives, Eucalyptus globulus, Orixa japonica, Cinnamomum cassia, Allium cepa, Illicium verum, Evodia officinalis, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Cacalia roborowskii, Juniperus chinensis var. horizontalis, Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka, clove bud, and garlic applied at 7.6 microL/L of air. Over 90% mortality after 3 days was achieved with O. japonica essential oil at 3.5 microL/L of air. E. citriodora, C. cassia, A. cepa, I. verum, S. tenuifolia, C. roborowskii, clove bud, and garlic oils at 3.5 microL/L of air were highly toxic 1 day after treatment. At 2.0 microL/L of air concentration, essential oils of I. verum, C. roborowskik, S. tenuifolia, A. cepa, clove bud, and garlic gave 100% mortality within 2 days of treatment. Clove bud and garlic oils showed the most potent antitermitic activity among the plant essential oils. Garlic and clove bud oils produced 100% mortality at 0.5 microL/L of air, but this decreased to 42 and 67% after 3 days of treatment at 0.25 microL/L of air, respectively. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry led to the identification of three major compounds from garlic oil and two from clove bud oils. These five compounds from two essential oils were tested individually for their insecticidal activities against Japanese termites. Responses varied with compound and dose. Diallyl trisulfide was the most toxic, followed by diallyl disulfide, eugenol, diallyl sulfide, and beta-caryophyllene. The essential oils described herein merit further study as potential fumigants for termite control.  相似文献   

A total of 179 garlic (Allium sativum L.) accessions were collected from various parts of Nepal in 2000. Each accession was planted in each of a plot of 2.25 m2 at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) Horticulture farm (225 m asl) and at the Agriculture Research Station, Dailekh (1400 m asl) of Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) in the first week of November 2000. All accessions were characterized for leaf erectness, leaf color, leaf wax, leaf cross section, bulb regularity, bulb skin color, bulb outer scales number, days to emergence, bulbing period, number of green leaves at 135 days after planting, days to maturity, plant height, bulb weight, bulb diameter, number of cloves per bulb, clove diameter and bulb yield. Data were analyzed by using principal component and cluster analysis procedures to reveal three major clusters. Four principal components were identified explaining more than 86% of total variation. Major characters included in the principal components were bulb weight, diameter, yield, number of cloves per bulb, maturity, plant height, number of green leaves at 135 days after planting, and bulbing period. The level of variation found in the collection showed the great potentiality of improving agronomic characters in garlic.  相似文献   

We determined the changes in the contents of three gamma-glutamyl peptides and four sulfoxides in garlic cloves during storage at -3, 4, and 23 degrees C for 150 days using a validated high-performance liquid chromatography method that we reported recently. When garlic was stored at 4 degrees C for 150 days, marked conversion of the gamma-glutamyl peptides, gamma-L-glutamyl-S-allyl-L-cysteine and gamma-L-glutamyl-S-(trans-1-propenyl)-L-cysteine (GSPC), to sulfoxides, alliin and isoalliin, was observed. Interestingly, however, when garlic was stored at 23 degrees C, a decrease in GSPC and a marked increase in cycloalliin, rather than isoalliin, occurred. To elucidate in detail the mechanism involved, the conversion of isoalliin to cycloalliin in both buffer solutions (pH 4.6, 5.5, and 6.5) and garlic cloves at 25 and 35 degrees C was examined. Decreases in the concentration of isoalliin in both the solutions and the garlic cloves during storage followed first-order kinetics and coincided with the conversion of cycloalliin. Our data indicated that isoalliin produced enzymatically from GSPC is chemically converted to cycloalliin and that the cycloalliin content of garlic cloves increases during storage at higher temperature. These data may be useful for controlling the quality and biological activities of garlic and its preparations.  相似文献   

While green discoloration during garlic processing is of a major concern, this greening is desirable and required for the traditional homemade Chinese "Laba" garlic. To obtain insights into the mechanism of color formation, simulation of the greening of "Laba" garlic was carried out in the laboratory by soaking aged garlic in 5% (v/v, pH 2.33) acetic acid solution. After 2 days, the garlic cloves turned green. Up to 4 days, pigment(s) diffused from garlic cloves to the pickling solution. The solution exhibits two maximal absorbances at approximately 440 and approximately 590 nm, corresponding to yellow and blue species, respectively, the combination of which creates the green coloration. With increasing time from 4 to 25 days, the concentration of both yellow and blue species increases at nearly the same rate, while after 25 days, the concentration of the yellow species increases faster than that of the blue species. Interestingly, most thiosulfinates ( approximately 85%) in garlic cloves were converted within 4 days, suggesting that thiosulfinate conversion is proportional to the formation of the pigments. Consistent with this conclusion, alliinase and acetic acid were required for the color formation. UV-vis spectral measurements and pH results suggest that the color formation occurs by two kinds of processes: one enzymatic and the other nonenzymatic. Low pH (2.0-3.0) favors nonenzymatic reactions, while high pH (6.0 or above) is conducive to enzymatic reactions. Thus, the ideal pH for the entire process of garlic greening is between 4.0 and 5.0, which is a compromise of the optimal pH of both the enzymatic and nonenzymatic reactions.  相似文献   

铁原毓  田洁 《核农学报》2021,35(11):2501-2511
植物果聚糖是一类重要的可溶性碳水化合物,其在植物中的积累可提高植物的抗逆性。为了解大蒜蔗糖:蔗糖1-果糖基转移酶的序列特征和功能,本研究采用TA克隆方法(Original TA Cloning Kit)得到乐都紫皮大蒜As-1-SST基因全长序列,利用BLAST、DNAMAN、ProtParam、SWISS-MODEL、MEGA等生物信息工具分析其序列特征,通过荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析As-1-SST基因在大蒜根、假茎、叶片和鳞芽中的表达差异及其对低温和干旱胁迫的响应情况。结果表明,大蒜As-1-SST基因全长1 872 bp, 编码623个氨基酸,推测蛋白质分子质量为69.76 kDa,理论等电点为5.19,为不稳定亲水性蛋白;亚细胞定位预测结果显示,As-1-SST蛋白主要定位于液泡,该蛋白无信号肽,包含2个特异位点,属于糖苷水解酶32(GH32)家族。在进化关系上,大蒜As-1-SST与百合科的洋葱1-SST亲缘关系最为接近。qRT-PCR分析表明,As-1-SST基因在根中的表达量最高,其次是假茎,在鳞芽和叶片中表达水平较低,具有明显的组织特异性;不同组织As-1-SST对于低温及干旱胁迫的响应差异显著,低温胁迫显著诱导了根、假茎、叶片中As-1-SST的表达,而干旱胁迫只显著提高了鳞芽中As-1-SST的表达量,说明大蒜各组织As-1-SST对逆境信号的响应机制不同。本研究为进一步鉴定大蒜果聚糖合成酶基因的生物信息学功能和表达调控机制提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

连续三年多点研究钾氮配施对大蒜生长及养分吸收利用的影响。结果表明:施用钾肥对大蒜的生长发育有明显的促进作用,三年试验平均,蒜苗、蒜苔和蒜头产量较不施钾的对照分别增长29.8~53.7%、30.4~39.7%和19.8~28.2%,平均增产42.9%、35.5%和24.1%。施用适量的氮钾肥提高了大蒜地上部茎叶含N量,大幅度增加茎叶、蒜苔、蒜头和全株P、K含量,改善大蒜植株的营养状况。两种氮肥水平下,大蒜地上部茎叶、蒜苔、蒜头和全株吸N、吸K及吸P量均随钾肥施用量的加大而提高。钾氮配施可促进磷素和钾素向蒜头的转移,从而提高P和K的再利用程度。  相似文献   

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