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为探讨自制纤维蛋白粘合剂的作用机理,将其应用于犬皮肤切口,并以常规手术缝合切口为对照进行体内粘接效果对比试验。选取健康犬20只,随机分为缝线组与粘合剂组,分别采用丝线和自制纤维蛋白粘合剂闭合皮肤切口,测定皮肤切口中的透明质酸(HA)和羟脯氨酸(HYP)含量。结果表明,愈合过程中,粘合剂组HA含量在术后2d呈一过性升高,HYP含量在术后2d后持续升高,8d含量达到最高值,与缝线组比较差异显著(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

目的 评价医用粘合剂在体表切口的封闭性能。方法 以巴马小型猪为试验动物模型,通过制备体表切口的方法,评价试验样品医用粘合剂用于体表切口封闭的效果。以切口愈合时间、有无开裂及组织病理学观察为评价指标,观察试验样品在体表切口封闭愈合的过程中是否具有安全性及有效性,比较两组伤口感染和愈合时间,并比对病理结果。结果 医用粘合剂用于体表切口粘合时,在表皮粘合效果、愈合成型方面均优于空白组,切口愈合时间及其他指标比较无明显差异;试验样品在病理组织中的瘢痕形成和炎症细胞浸润方面优于空白样品。结论 医用粘合剂体表切口封闭性能良好,可为临床应用提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:研究化学粘合剂应用于兔小肠端端吻合的吻合效果。方法:健康兔随机分为粘合组与缝合组;以不同的方法和材料进行兔的小肠端端吻合术,观察并记录术中吻合用时及肠管局部吻合情况;术后兔整体状态、术后肠管局部状态及组织学状态。结果:粘合组在吻合用时、止血效果及管径缩小程度方面,显著优于缝合组;但术后粘连严重,影响组织愈合,组织学观察可见肠壁结构缺失严重。结论:用化学粘合剂进行兔小肠端端吻合术,操作简便、耗时短,可有效降低术后并发症发生率,但生物相容性差。  相似文献   

为了探索摘除前列腺后膀胱颈与尿道断端吻合的简便安全方法,试验选择6月龄、体重4.0~5.5 kg的健康本地公犬3只,在摘除前列腺后使用Dermafuse组织粘合剂粘合膀胱颈与尿道断端,并依次缝合皮下组织和皮肤。结果表明:3只试验犬无排尿不畅或漏尿现象,粘合效果可靠,尿道无明显狭窄或堵塞;术后3个月剖检试验犬,发现膀胱颈与尿道连接处有较多结缔组织增生,医用胶部分吸收;膀胱颈与尿道断端愈合情况良好,有瘢痕组织和增生,而吻合处黏膜未完全融合。说明医用胶代替缝线应用于犬前列腺摘除术中的尿道断端吻合操作简便,粘接效果牢靠,可避免术后尿漏和梗阻。  相似文献   

本试验采用健康成年山羊2只,家兔6只比较观察ZT—快速医用胶与缝合对山羊、家兔皮肤创临床表现和组织学的愈合过程。结果表明,ZT胶使用方便,组织瞬间粘合,创伤污染少,炎症反应集中,创伤愈合不留瘢痕等优点。  相似文献   

为探讨皮内缝合技术在犬外科手术中应用的效果,自2008年3月-2009年5月,在成都市谐和动物医院进行外科手术的76例病犬,使用可吸收外科线进行了皮内缝合。结果使用该法缝合的伤口愈合良好,该法与传统的结节缝合相比,切口愈合更快,伤口美观,术后不用拆线,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

母猪的膁部卵巢摘除术俗称“大挑花”或“肋制”。经本人多年的临床实践验证,对腹壁切口的方向形状和缝合上所有改进。这种微小的简化和改进,是有一定道理和诸多好处的。改进和简化后的处理方法是:变传统的膁部皮肤的半月状切口为与脊柱垂直的“一”字形切口,切口长约3—4厘米;对腹膜和腹壁肌肉不缝合,仅对术部皮肤进行连续缝合。因为与脊柱垂直切口(母渚站立后术部切口与地面相垂直),术部  相似文献   

氰基丙烯酸酯(Cyanoacrylate)粘合剂,具有快而强的粘合特性,已广泛的应用于人医外科手术。近年来,关于鼠、犬、牛和马应用粘合剂闭合皮肤创已有报道。氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂是一种同系系列的有机单体,对湿润的活组织具有聚合迅速、粘合坚固的特性。氰基丙烯酸酯的许多单体由于聚合作用由液态向固态转化,这一过程是组织表面存在很少数量水分起催化作用而  相似文献   

<正> 由于对虾的摄食特性,对虾配合饵料在水中必须有较好的稳定性,也就是说粘合剂的粘合性能要好。目前国内外鱼虾饵料里的粘合剂有α-淀粉褐藻胶、羧甲基纤维素、面筋、聚丙烯酸钠等,然而这些粘合剂用于对虾配合饵料都不理想。另外,研究粘合剂的粘合性能大多采用观察配合饵料在静水中保形时间及其变化的方法,这种方法对于研究对虾配合饵料里的粘合也有不足之处。为此,我们设计了模拟对虾摄食方式的试验,来研究粘合剂的粘合性能,经对粘合剂C_1的初步试验,结果良好。  相似文献   

犬腹壁疝的治疗,一般采用手术切开、缝合疝轮的方法。我们采用不切开皮肤,用缝合法从体外将疝轮闭合,取得了良好的疗效。本法的优点是不作切口,创伤小,感染的机会少,愈合快,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate whether fibrin glue can be used to close experimentally induced incisions of the teat (mammary papillae) in lactating goats and to compare the healing of the glued with the sutured incisions. Four clinically healthy lactating dairy goats, namely 8 mammary papillae were used. After surgical preparation of the papillae, a 3.5 cm long incision of each papilla was made through skin, muscular layer and mucosa into the papillary sinus. The wounds in the right papillae in all goats were closed with U-shaped uninterrupted 00 chromic catgut sutures. The wounds in the left papillae in all goats were closed, using fibrin glue. One incision was seen to be dehisced and fistulous one day after in fibrin glued teats. The animals were slaughtered 8 days after surgical manipulation. The mammary papillae were removed and examined in the viewpoint on gross and microscopic findings. The healing of wounds was slower and feeble in glued mammary papillary incisions, however faster and stronger in sutured incisions on day 8 after operations. But, available outcomes like less tissue thickness and positive cosmetic results could be obtained byfibrin glue used on mammary papillary incisions, which are very important for teats to be milked by hand and milking machine. Results suggest that it is advisable to use only one or two simple interrupted sutures in teat incisions glued with fibrin to prevent the dehiscence but with a more reliable healing than the sutured incisions.  相似文献   

Wound closure utilizing tension-relieving incisions located in the skin adjacent to the wound of horses was evaluated in three experiments. Healing of lower limb wounds was compared in four treatment groups; wounds sutured under tension, wounds sutured with 7 mm and 10 mm tension relieving incisions, and unsutured controls. The wounds sutured using 10 mm tension relieving incisions healed significantly faster than the other three groups (p > 0.05). The mesh expansion technique was further evaluated in four-week-old granulating wounds. The technique was found to be unsuccessful because the tension relieving incisions that were used were too small and postoperative support was inadequate. The technique was evaluated in two clinical patients, both of which had large metatarsal lacerations. Tension relieving incisions of approximately 15 mm were made and full leg walking bar casts were applied. Both wounds had healed almost completely on removal of the casts four weeks postoperatively.  相似文献   

Paired skin incisions were made in 6 cats and closed intradermally with the copolymer of glycolide, ɛ-caprolacton, and trimethylene-carbonate, or polypropylene suture. The macroscopic and histologic appearance of the incisions was compared. Polypropylene suture compared favorably to glycolide, ɛ-caprolacton, and trimethylene-carbonate suture for closure of skin incisions in cats.  相似文献   

The effects of ambient temperature (13.5 degrees C, 21 degrees C, 30 degrees C) and type of wound on healing of skin wounds were evaluated in common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis). Linear unsutured incisions and circular excisional wounds were evaluated grossly and microscopically in three snakes held at each temperature at each of two, five and ten days after surgery. Linear sutured and unsutured incisions and circular and square excisional wounds were similarly evaluated three and six weeks after wound production in groups of six snakes held at each temperature. The rates of stabilization of wound margins, scab formation, migration and maturation of the regenerating epithelium, resolution of dermal inflammation, and fibroplasia varied directly with temperature. The inflammatory reaction to wounding was similar in character and intensity in snakes held at all three temperatures two days after surgery. Unsutured linear incisions, compared to sutured incisions, tended to have more rapid epithelial maturation and a less intense inflammatory response. Healing of square and circular excisional wounds was similar; contraction of round wounds was slightly more irregular and, at a few observations, dermal maturation was slower and inflammation more widespread. It was concluded that healing of skin wounds can be accelerated by holding reptiles at the upper end of their voluntary temperature range. Wounds, if possible, should be created along the axis of lines of skin tension. Suturing small incisional wounds may not be advantageous.  相似文献   

The formation of hematomas or seromas under skin grafts is reported to be the most common cause of graft failure. Several techniques have been developed to prevent fluid accumulation by increasing drainage, but their effectiveness has not been evaluated. In this study, four full-thickness skin grafting procedures were performed on both sides of the chests of 12 dogs, and the amount of wound drainage was quantitated for the first 10 postoperative days. The techniques evaluated were a sheet graft (control), continuous low level suction, piecrust incisions, and nonexpanded mesh graft. Significantly more drainage fluid was removed by continuous low level suction than the other techniques evaluated. Meshing allowed significantly more drainage than the piecrust or sheet grafts but was not as effective as continuous low level suction. Piecrust incisions had no significant effect on wound drainage.  相似文献   

Effects of teat cistern mural biopsy and full-thickness stab and longitudinal incisional healing were evaluated experimentally on clinically normal teats in 12 lactating dairy cattle. Each teat on each cow was assigned by Latin-square design to 1 of 4 surgical interventions: (I) teatoscopy only; (II) teatoscopy, stab incision, and mural biopsy; (III) longitudinal incision and mural biopsy; and (IV) longitudinal incision, mural biopsy, and tube implantation. Teatoscopy was done with a 4-mm OD arthroscope introduced through the teat canal and attached to a television camera. Teatoscopy was quicker to perform and provided a more detailed videotaped examination of the teat and gland cistern, compared with gross inspection through a longitudinal incision. In intervention-II cows, the Ferris-Smith biopsy instrument jaws introduced through a longitudinal 1-cm midteat stab incision were easy to visualize and manipulate accurately. Stab incisions closed with only 1 or 2 skin sutures healed without complications in all 12 teats. On palpation, stab incisions were significantly (P less than 0.01) less thick than longitudinal incisions at 8 weeks and were microscopically indistinguishable from the normal tissue. However, in 24 teatoscopically examined teats, 9 (38%) had microscopic evidence of teat canal injury and 12 (50%) of the quarters developed mastitis. This was attributed to trauma resulting from introduction of the arthroscope through the teat canal. Intervention III yielded satisfactory results with the least complications. All 12 longitudinal incisions healed by primary intention, and all teats remained patent. Mastitis developed in 4 (33%) quarters. Intervention IV caused considerable complications associated with the tube implant and no improvement in biopsy site healing, compared with interventions II and III. Eleven longitudinal incisions healed by primary intention. One incision dehisced, 2 (17%) tube implants dislodged, 2 (17%) became obstructed proximally, and irritations of the mucous membrane developed in 2 teats proximally and in 6 teats distally. Mastitis developed in 6 (50%) quarters. Longitudinal incisions healed with moderate submucosal fibrosis. All sutured incisions had multifocal microgranulomata in which suture material was in various stages of degradation. At 8 weeks, localized teat wall thickening could be detected at incisional and biopsy sites, but did not obstruct milk flow. Excessive granulation tissue was at the biopsy sites (72 total) at 2 weeks, and at this time, the sites were partially covered by metaplastic squamous epithelium. However, by 8 weeks, 71 (98%) of the areas were replaced by fibrous tissue with minimal protrusion into the teat cistern.  相似文献   

A technique was developed for closure of gastrotomy and enterotomy incisions using disposable skin staples. The technique was used successfully in three dogs with gastrointestinal linear foreign bodies that required a gastrotomy and one or more enterotomies. The method allows for secure closure of gastrointestinal incisions and minimizes the surgical time in patients requiring multiple gastrointestinal incisions.  相似文献   

Comparison was made of the healing of sutured prescrotal urethral incisions (12 dogs) with that of nonsutured incisions (6 dogs). Comparison was also made of the healing of 5-0 polyglactin 910-sutured urethral incisions (6 dogs) with that of 5-0 polydioxanone-sutured incisions (6 dogs). Three dogs from each treatment group were euthanatized 3 weeks and 6 weeks after the surgical procedure. Surgical sites were examined grossly, and urethral circumference measurements were taken at 3 locations (surgical site, 1 cm cranially, and 1 cm caudally). Transverse sections of the surgical sites were prepared and examined by light microscopy. Hemorrhage occurred postoperatively in dogs in which the incisions were not sutured. The surgical sites from the 6 dogs in which incisions healed by second intention had more fibrosis and less inflammation than did those that were sutured. There was little difference between incisions sutured with polyglactin 910 and those sutured with polydioxanone suture material. Postoperative urethral stricture formation did not occur in any of the dogs.  相似文献   

Ocular and periorbital sarcoids and squamous cell carcinoma are common in equine practice. Extensive involvement of periorbital tissues often necessitates removal of the globe if the function of the eyelids can not be maintained with tumor removal alone. This report describes a modification of the standard enucleation or exenteration technique for cases in which there is insufficient skin to achieve primary closure following complete surgical excision. The caudal portion of the dorsal orbital rim is protuberant; partial excision with an osteotome facilitates skin closure by decreasing the size of the wound. Mesh expansion of skin via multiple rows or parallel stab incisions can also be used as an adjunct to facilitate closure. Four horses underwent enucleation or exenteration using the orbital rim resection and mesh skin expansion techniques for extensive periocular tumors that were unresponsive to prior treatments. Follow-up intervals ranged from 6 to 42 months and no horses had tumor regrowth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the histologic appearance of canine skin biopsies collected by use of a scalpel, skin biopsy punch, monopolar electrosurgery, CO2 laser, and radio wave radiosurgery in fully rectified wave form (RWRS). STUDY DESIGN: Experimental, randomized design. ANIMALS: Healthy adult grayhounds (n=4). METHODS: Skin biopsies were collected using 5 techniques. Cut margins of biopsy specimens and adjacent peripheral skin were evaluated using light microscopy to compare penetration of the dermis by tissue carbonization (char). RESULTS: No char occurred in skin specimens collected by biopsy punch and scalpel. Char penetration occurred in all specimens collected by electrosurgery, CO2 laser, and RWRS. Mean char penetration in skin biopsies collected by RWRS (0.158 mm) was significantly less than for monopolar electrosurgery (0.223 mm) and CO2 laser (0.215 mm). Mean char penetration in adjacent peripheral skin surrounding biopsies collected by RWRS (0.171 mm) was significantly less than monopolar electrosurgery (0.255 mm) but not less than CO2 laser (0.215 mm, P<.07). CONCLUSIONS: RWRS (blended waves in cut-coagulate mode) caused less lateral thermal damage to canine skin biopsies than monopolar electrosurgery and CO2 laser and less lateral thermal injury to peripheral skin than monopolar electrosurgery. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Excision of canine skin biopsies with heat-generating devices may not allow reliable histologic interpretation, particularly when assessing margins of small biopsy specimens. RWRS may be less traumatic to canine skin than monopolar electrosurgery and CO2 laser when used to make incisions.  相似文献   

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