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根据试验证明,鲢、鳙、鲤、鯽、罗非鱼都可以完全消化吸收蓝绿色裸甲藻,因此,池中培育蓝绿色裸甲藻的水质是很好的。产生蓝绿色裸甲藻水华的池塘鲢鳙鱼净  相似文献   

无锡市河埒口高产鱼池水质的研究——Ⅱ.浮游生物   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
何志辉  李永函 《水产学报》1983,7(4):287-299
无锡河埒口高产鱼池的浮游植物量多在20-100毫克/升之间,以隐藻门为代表的鞭毛藻类占很大优势,绿球藻类和硅藻类次之,蓝藻极少。浮游动物量平均大约为浮游植物量的114-1/3,以轮虫为主。当地养鱼池的水色,主要由膝口藻、隐藻、裸甲藻和绿球藻的水华颜色决定的。膝口藻水华是渔民最欢迎的“肥水”,隐藻水华和绿球藻类水华为一般“肥水”,裸甲藻水华被称为“转水”。文中对“肥、活、嫩、爽”的生物学内容同浮游生物量及鲢、鳙鱼产量的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

综合养鱼高产池塘的浮游植物   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据对综合养鱼不同养殖结构类型、不同产量水平的高产池塘浮游植物定性定量的连续观测:查明了浮游植物丰度及其季节变化;分析了浮游植物群落组成类型及其季节变化;讨论了各型鱼池浮游植物群落组成上的差异性、共同性及浮游植物水华类型与养鱼水质的生物等级。得出结论:综合养鱼高产池塘里主要是隐藻、膝口藻、蓝裸甲藻、角甲藻、裸藻、空球藻、衣藻、棕鞭藻等鞭毛藻类和硅藻、大型绿球藻等优势属种交替形成水华,它们是滤食性鱼类的充足的优质适口饵料,这10种水华都是一等水质。  相似文献   

一、甲藻 鱼池中的甲藻大量繁殖时,在阳光照耀下呈现红棕色(裸甲藻呈蓝绿色)。幼鱼大量吞食甲藻后,会使鱼类中毒而死。当发现甲藻大量繁殖时,应立即换水。每立方米水体用硫酸铜0.7g全池泼洒,能有效地杀死甲藻。 二、青苔 青苔在大量繁殖时,吸取水中营养,影响鱼类饵  相似文献   

王武 《淡水渔业》1978,(6):22-29
兰绿色裸甲藻属甲藻门、裸甲藻层。该藻在国内尚未定种名,因其载色体呈兰绿色,我们暂且称其为兰绿色裸甲藻。该藻个体比隐藻大2-8倍,夏秋季节在高产成鱼池中大量繁殖,使水百呈兰绿色丝状或块状水华。据文献记载,认为兰绿色的裸甲藻是鱼类不易消化的种类,在其死亡后,  相似文献   

1990年春夏之交,在沁阳市鱼种场的成鱼池中见到一种红褐色(酷似铁锈色)水华。1986年,该场曾用硫酸铜在亲鱼池药杀藻体,造成二百多尾鲢,鳙及草鱼死亡。几年来,这种水华一直威胁着鱼类的生存。为探明这种水华,从当年5月份起对形成这种水华的红褐色裸藻(Euglena sp.)的形态构造,生物学性、水华特征、生态条件、变化规律及其与鱼类的关系等进行了研究,简报如下。  相似文献   

正裸甲藻属于甲藻纲,裸甲藻科,单细胞,球形、椭圆形或卵形,背腹扁平。由于裸甲藻喜高pH值、高温、高光照强度及静水环境,所以在夏季盐碱水质的水体中常有大量繁殖,且易形成红褐色水华,对养殖水生动物造成严重危害。笔者从事水产病防工作多年来,利用微生态制剂调控防治裸甲藻危害取得良好的效果,下面介绍一例典型的裸甲藻调控防治实例仅供参考。1诊治案例1.1基本情况1.1.1时间与地点2017年7月12日上午,天  相似文献   

正为保护太湖生态,通过"以渔控藻",改善水质、修复生态、保护生物多样性,2013年起,江苏省太湖渔业管理委员会太湖鲢鳙鱼控藻项目在无锡竺山湖试点,在不投饵的情况下,60米~2的网箱产出450~700千克鲢鳙鱼一龄苗种。2014年至今连续实施太湖"以渔控藻"项目,大规模放流鲢鳙鱼苗近5亿尾,消耗藻类658万吨,取得良好  相似文献   

采用显微观察方法研究了一种在鱼池中经常形成水华的裸藻(Euglena SP.)的形态特点,包括藻体外形、裸藻红素、鞭毛、眼点、色素体及副淀粉等形态结构,并探讨了这种裸藻的繁殖方式。  相似文献   

长期养殖的池塘,由于水中溶解有机质和营养盐类十分丰富,在池塘水温较高的夏秋季节,常出现水华现象。水华长时间存在,对鱼类生长非常不利,严重时还会发生水质恶化、鱼类中毒、发生鱼病甚至死亡事故。池塘中一旦发现水华现象,一般较难根治,因此,切不可掉以轻心。水华是由某些优势种的浮游藻类过度繁殖引起的,常见的有蓝藻、微囊藻、颤藻、鱼腥藻、绿藻、裸藻、金藻、黄藻等。由优势种微囊藻引起的水华,优势种为铜绿微囊藻和粉  相似文献   

养鳗池中常易引起微囊藻“水华”,国内外一些养鳗技术资料对此藻类的存在和大量繁殖持肯定态度,认为有利于增氧,除氨氮,笔者则认为,微囊藻产生的毒素对鱼类有害,鳗池中培养绿藻(如小球藻等)同样能起到增氧,除氧作用,我国的传统养鱼经验之一,掌握池水的“肥、嫩、爽”也适用于养鳗生产。  相似文献   

Four 20m3 cages stocked with 120 bighead carp x silver carp hybrids per cage were placed in each of four ponds varying in trophic status from mesotrophic to hypereutophic. Fish were cultured, without feeding, from 13 March to 1 Octorber 1987. Fish in the mesotrophic pond survived but lost weight (-0.37 g/fish/d). The mesotrophic pond produced insufficient food to sustain fish growth. Maximum fish growth rate occured in the two eutotrophic ponds (6.61vand 7/04 g/fish/d). Fish growth in the hypereutrophic pond was about one-half (3.64 g/fish/d) that in the two eutrophic ponds. Guy analysis of fish in the hypereutrophic pond revealed consumption of larger quantities (P < 0.05) of colonial blue-green algae that were apparently poorly digested and less (P < 0.05) zooplankton (primarily cladocerans) than was found in fish from the eutrophic ponds.  相似文献   

鲢、鳙作为内陆水域主要的滤食性经济鱼类,通过对浮游生物的摄食行为抑制蓝藻水华的发生,这种干预现象在水域生态学领域称为非经典生物操纵。综述了鲢、鳙非经典生物操纵作用的研究与应用进展。目前关于鲢、鳙非经典生物操纵作用存在2种不同的观点。一种观点认为鲢、鳙大量滤食浮游生物,在控制蓝藻水华的同时还可将水中有机物转化为鱼产品移出,能够有效控制水体富营养化;另一种观点认为,放养鲢、鳙实际加快了水体营养盐的周转速率,在抑制蓝藻水华的同时加快了水体的富营养化进程。针对这2种不同观点开展的实验与调查表明,鲢、鳙放养对于抑制藻类水华的爆发作用明确,但同时导致浮游动植物小型化,浮游生物的数量会由于水体营养盐周转速率的加快而出现大幅波动。综合各方观点作者认为,鲢、鳙对于水体蓝藻水华形成的预防和抑制作用证据较为明确,但对于一定时期内水体营养盐变化的影响存在较大的不确定性,与水文条件、鲢鳙存量、集水区状况等有密切的关联。  相似文献   

鱼蚌混养对池塘水质、藻相结构及三角帆蚌生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2012年4月26日—2012年12月12日通过在鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中放养不同密度的三角帆蚌,研究不同三角帆蚌放养比例对鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中水质、藻相结构及三角帆蚌生长的影响。实验中,鲢鳙放养比例统一为3∶7,总密度为1.5尾/m3。三角帆蚌放养密度则设置4个水平,分别为单养鲢鳙鱼池塘(0只/m3),低密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(0.8只/m3),中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(1.0只/m3)和高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(1.2只/m3)。结果显示,混养三角帆蚌池塘的水化指标(TP、PO4-P、NH3-N、NO2-N和NO3-N)均显著低于单养鱼池塘。中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘除NH3-N和化学需氧量(COD)与低密度三角帆蚌混养池塘无显著差异外,其他各项水化指标均显著低于其他3个池塘,并且极显著低于单养鲢鳙鱼池塘。单养鲢鳙鱼池塘藻类平均密度均极显著高于鱼蚌混养池塘,其中在鱼蚌混养池塘中浮游植物密度与三角帆蚌密度成负相关关系。单养鲢鳙鱼池塘的浮游植物生物量均极显著低于中、高密度鱼蚌混养池塘,并且显著低于低密度混养池塘。浮游植物生物量与三角帆蚌密度成正相关关系,鱼蚌池塘中绿藻和裸藻的生物量在养殖过程中上升显著。低、中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘三角帆蚌存活率均显著高于高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘;低密度混养池塘中蚌湿重、壳长及壳宽相对增长率均为最大,显著高于中、高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘。研究表明,养鱼池塘混养三角帆蚌不仅能改善养殖池塘的水质,还能控制藻类数量,促使绿藻和裸藻等大型藻类的生长,提高养殖水体浮游植物的生物量总量,最终还能有效提高三角帆蚌的存活率及生长率。从改善水质,藻相结构,蚌成活率及生长等指标角度考虑,在鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中,三角帆蚌最佳放养密度为1.0只/m3。  相似文献   

Four 2-m3 cages each stocked with 120 bighead carp ♀ X silver carp ♂ hybrids were placed in each of four ponds varying in trophic status from mesotrophic to hypereutrophic. Fish were cultured, without feeding, from 13 March to 1 October, 1987. All fish survived but lost weight (-0.37 g/fish/day) in the mesotrophic pond. Maximum fish growth rate occured in the two eutrophic ponds (6.61 and 7.04 g/fish/day). Fish growth in the hypereutrophic pond was about one-half (3.64 g/fish/day) that in the two eutrophic ponds until a sudden thermal destratification and dissolved oxygen depletion killed all the fish. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that gross phytoplankton primary productivity accounted for 68% of the variation in fish weight gain (R2 = 0.68; P < 0.0001) in all ponds. When eliminating primary productivity data from the statistical model, number of algal taxa comprising phytoplankton communities explained 49% of the variation in fish growth (R2 = 0.49; P < 0.0001). Conditions of hypereutrophy believed to be detrimental to fish growth were: a decline in cladoceran density; a preponderance of blue-green algae, especially colonial forms with mucilaginous sheaths; a shift from numerous, relatively small plankton algal taxa to fewer but larger forms; degraded water quality.  相似文献   

Growth and survival in the primary rearing phase (42 days) for bighead carp, silver carp, bighead × silver carp (BHC × SC), and silver × bighead carp (SC × BHC) in ponds and concrete tanks stocked at 370 500 fry/ha were studied. Mean survival for fishes in ponds was 93%, that in tanks was 73%. Yields among all fishes averaged 338 kg/ha. The growth rates of fishes in ponds were similar; in tanks, silver carp grew faster than the bighead carp.Growth, survival, and harvestability by seine during the secondary rearing phase (60-day duration) for the same groups of fish were studied. Fingerlings (0.9 g mean weight) were stocked in earthen ponds at 49 400 fish/ha and 98 800 fish/ha. Mean survival of fishes at low stocking rate was 77%, similar to that (71%) for the high stocking rate. Fish yields were similar at the low stocking rate. At the high rate, the BHC × SC yield (846 kg/ha) was greater than the SC × BHC yield (582 kg/ha). The BHC × SC and SC × BHC had greater mean weights at low stocking rate than at high stocking rate. The mean weights for bighead carp were similar at both rates. Bighead carp and the reciprocal hybrids were more easily harvested by seine than silver carp.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that large quantities of ammonia may be released into the water of a fish pond following the collapse of an algal bloom. Some blue-green algae are thought to release toxins. This paper puts forward another explanation for this occurrence. A review of the disease known as Infectious Dropsy of Carp (IDC) based on the findings of this paper shows it to be caused by ammonia. Various methods to counteract this disease are described. Particular emphasis is placed on the policy concerning the addition of fertilizers. It is shown that dense blooms of nitrogen-fixing algae can be controlled by manipulation of the nitrogen: phosphorus balance of ponds. Determination of the aetiology of carp dropsy will probably lead to a better understanding of other diseases of fish which are manifested by similar symptoms. The disease of trout known as Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (VHS) is discussed in this context. For clarification it is proposed that infectious dropsy of carp be renamed Environmental Ammonotelic Syndrome (EAS).  相似文献   

2012年5-10月,在面积为0.19hm2的试验池1中放养体质量160g的松浦镜鲤(Cyprinus carpio Songpu)117,700尾·hm^-2,混养体质量160g的长丰鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)春片、乌子头和鳙(Aristichthys no-bilis)夏花鱼种。在面积为0.19hm2的试验池2中放养体质量149.5g的松浦镜鲤3,450尾·hm^-2,只混养鲢和鳙夏花,采用常规饲养方法。2012年10月2日,试验池1平均每hm2产鱼21,025.5kg,其中松浦镜鲤平均全长34.3cm,体质量1425g,产量18,294.0kg;长丰鲢春片平均体质量674g,平均产量1,816.5kg,长丰鲢夏花平均全长18.6cm,体质量112.4g,平均产量592.5kg;鳙夏花平均全长达12.1cm,体质量39.9g,平均产量322.5kg。试验池2平均每hm2产鱼3,069.0kg,其中松浦镜鲤平均全长35.0cm,体质量1225g,平均产量2,766.0kg;鲢夏花平均全长达11.3cm,体质量24.9g,平均产量130.5kg;鳙夏花平均全长达11.1cm,体质量35.1g,平均产量172.5kg。试验表明,高密度养殖的松浦镜鲤产量显著高于密度低时,长丰鲢夏花的出池体质量是普通鲢的4.5倍,特殊生长率(6.27%·d^-1)是普通鲢(3.5%·d^-1)的1.79倍。文中还讨论了松浦镜鲤养殖池的水质和技术特点。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to 1) evaluate the compatibility of prawns (Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii) with carps, especially the effect of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio); and 2) measure the ability of prawns to utilize the foods available in manured systems. Carps used were the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead (Aristichthys nobilis), grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Four ponds (0.09 to 0.17 ha) were stocked with silver, bighead and grass carps while common carp were stocked in only two ponds. Total fish densities were 8,600/ha where four carps were stocked, but only 6,200/ha when common carp were omitted. Post-larval prawns (wt 0.116 g) were stocked at densities of 17/m2. Swine (approximately 60/ha of pond surface area) were housed on pond dikes so that fresh manure continuously entered each pond. Two lots of swine were fattened during the experimental period and loadings of swine manure were calculated based on hog size and feed consumption. Growth periods were 163 days for fish and 107 and 121 days for separate stockings of prawns. Gains in biomass by prawns averaged 714 kg/ha in ponds without common carp and 364 kg/ha in ponds containing common carp. Gains in biomass for both fish and prawns were 3,619 kg/ha (19.8 kg/ha/day) in ponds with common carp and 2,924 kg/ha (18.0 kg/ha/day) in those without common carp. Prawn survival was higher (X = 84.5% vs X = 72.5%), but final average weight of prawns was lower (2.64 vs 5.86 g) in the presence of common carp due to competition for food between common carp and prawns. Competition from carp is believed to have exerted less influence on prawn survival than predation on small prawns by larger, faster-growing prawns.  相似文献   

鲢鳙在长寿湖水生态系统氮磷循环中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究长寿湖鲢、鳙在水体生态系统氮(N)磷(P)循环中的作用,研究测定了季节性水体总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的变化,进行了原位鲢、鳙排泄率的测定。通过N、P排泄对比分析了鲢、鳙对水体N、P的贡献率。通过长寿湖鲢、鳙鱼体N、P含量测定,估算水体中N、P去除量。结果显示:鲢、鳙N、P排泄率夏季最高,冬季最低,季节性温度变化对其排泄率有一定影响;2016—2017在长寿湖平均水温为19.88℃条件下,鲢的N、P排泄率分别为0.973 1μg L-1d-1和0.242 2μg L-1d-1;鳙的N、P排泄率分别为0.642 5μg L-1d-1和0.174 9μg L-1d-1,鲢、鳙N、P排泄量分别占长寿湖藻类初级生产所需N含量的1.19%和0.79%,P含量的9.57%和6.91%;2016—2017长寿湖通过捕捞鲢、鳙产品带走的N、P含量分别为60.61 t和23.31 t。结果表明,长寿湖开展生态养殖对水体N、P贡献较小,不会引起水体富营养化。  相似文献   

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